Wellington Tube Works

Wellington Tube Works Ltd. of Great Bridge, Tipton, Staffordshire. Telephone: Tipton 1242 (3 lines). Telegraphic Address: "Vigilantia, Tipton".
Company founded by Joseph Aird (b. 1845; d. unm. 1906). [1]
1861 Tubemaking had started at Great Bridge by 1861.
1872 The first part of the large Wellington Tube Works was opened on the Broadwaters. [2]
1926 At the annual meeting on July 29th, the chairman reported the resignation of Mr W. H. Nock, managing director of the company, after forty-five years continuous service with the company. Mr Douglas W. Turner, the chairman of the company, was elected Managing Director to fill the vacancy.[3]
1937 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Mild Steel and Wrought Iron Tubes and Fittings for Gas, Water, Steam, etc. Coated and Wrapped Tubes. Loose Flanged tubes. Point Rodding and Special Pipework of every description. (Stand No. Ca.400) [4]
1955 Patent - Gilled metal tubes. [5]
1959 Patent - Finned metal tubes. [6]
1960 Wellington Tube Holdings made a bid for Gibbons (Dudley) which was accepted [7].
1962 Subsidiaries of Wellington Tube Holdings were[8]:
- Wellington Tube Works Ltd
- Wellington Engineering Works Ltd
- Gibbons (Dudley) Ltd
- The Stampings Alliance Ltd
- F. J. Ballard and Co Ltd
- Thermic Equipment and Engineering Co Ltd
1967 One of the larger steel companies not subject to nationalisation[9]
1970 Wellington Tube Holdings had sold the tube works and had a substantial balance of cash with which to introduce new ideas[10]