William Albert Radley
William Albert Radley
1939 O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.M. "City and Guilds" Exam, Metallurgy, Iron and Steel, and other sciences. Consultant and Tech. Adviser (I.C.I. Metals, Ltd., Govmt. Depts., New Zealand Arsenal, etc.); Chairman, Laminated Wood Products, Ltd., 109, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Private address: White Cottage, 44 Blackheath Park, London, S.E.3. Career: apprent., by exam.; Royal Ordnance Factories, Woolwich; Lecturer in Metallurgy, Birmingham Tech. Coll.; Manager, King's Norton Metal Co., William Mills, Ltd., Greenwood and Batley, Ltd.; Tech. Adviser, M. of M., 1917-19; Controller of Factories, War Office; Tech. Adviser, Royal Ordnance Factories, Woolwich, until 1931. In King's Birthday Honours List, 1925, for work at War Office and Woolwich.