William Alfred Vincent
William Alfred Vincent (1867-1929)
Born at Blandford the son of Alfred Vincent, a Dairyman, and his wife Amelia Eliza Martin
1894 Went to the USA for six months.[1].
1895 'The Puncture Proof Tyre Co. have secured the services of W. A. Vincent, the late manager of Gamage's cycling department, and will soon be in a better position to contend with growing business.'[2]
1897 Married at Streatham to Edith Kate Bargery. (W. A. Vincent of 21 Oval Road, Regent's Park and of Blandford).
1902 October. Letter concerning the Red Star motorcycle. Writes from A. W. Gamage.[3]
1909 Director and Manager of the Motor Department of A. W. Gamage and of the Gamage Motor Cab Co.[4]
1930 Gifted a small amount in the Will of A. W. Gamage.[5]