William Ashton and Son
1869. Advertisement. 'W. ASHTON, Boston-road, Horncastle, Agricultural Implement Maker, has taken at various Shows in different parts of England upwards of 44 Prizes (32 of them being first) during the last six years for his new celebrated IMPLEMENTS, manufacturer of the CHAMPION DRAG and CULTIVATOR, to which he would draw special attention, maker of Harrows (light and heavy), Turnip Hoes, Grubbers, Joint Harrows, Chiseltooth ditto (for which he has received a special prize of for improvements therein), improved Lever Carriage Jack, Stock Mover, &c, dealer Bar and Sheet Iron, agent for Chart Cutters, Turnip Cutters, and Cake Breakers, &c....'[1]
1878. News. '...William Ashton, agricultural implement maker, has again been a successful exhibitor at the Long Sutton show last week....'[2]