William Beardmore and Co: Railways

Note: This is a sub-section of William Beardmore and Co
1913 Supplying tires to railways was a substantial part of the business, as was supply of castings which had declined in the past year[1]
1919 The Dalmuir and Parkhead premises were converted for the building of locomotives. Within the Beardmore company all parts could be made.
1920 First railway locomotives made. Order for 90 locomotives for the London, North-Western Railway[2]
1922 Built a six-cylinder diesel engine for rail cars developing 500 bhp at 1,200 rpm.
1927 Acquired sole license for manufacture and sale of Caprotti Valve Gear in the U.K. [3].
1930 Beardmore's had played a prominent part in the development of Caprotti Valve gear for both marine and railway use; 125 sets had been supplied for locomotives in England and other parts of the world [4].
1931 Nearly 400 locomotives had been built with 220 for the home market.
1933 A reorganization of the basis of the relationship with Caprotti Valve Gears was implemented at this time but details not published [5].
1935 The provision of adequate facilities for manufacture of Caprotti valve gear at Dalmuir was receiving active attention [6].
1936 56 sets of Caprotti Valve gear on order for export orders. Alternative arrangements for manufacture of Caprotti valve gear were under discussion with Caprotti Valve Gears Ltd due to the recent announcement of its interest with Associated Locomotive Equipment who were owners of the competitor Lentz poppet valve. [7].