William Charles Easdale
William Charles Easdale (1865- ) of Shenton and Easdale
1922 F.I.S.E., M.S.E., M.R.San.I., Partner in the firm of Shenton and Easdale, Civil Engrs.; b. 1865; s. of Thomas Easdale. Ed. Darlington Grammar School Asst. in Eng. Dept., Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, 1882-9; London Epgr. and Manager to Adams Hydraulics, Ltd., of York, 1889-1909; in private practice, 1909 to date; Cons. Engr. for a large number of sewage disposal, drainage and water supply works, including the complete drainage and sewage disposal works for Catterick Camp, Yorkshire, for 40,000 men; a so similar works for a number of Tuberculosis Sanatoria. Author of "Sewage Disposal Works: Their Design and Construction," "The Practical Management of Sewage Disposal Works." Address: 28, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I.