William Coles (of Bradford-upon-Avon)

of Bradford Foundry, Bradford-on-Avon
William Coles (c1789-1858) was a millwright and brass founder and maltster. He also took up the lease of the town’s gasworks after they started in 1834. By 1855 he had taken on the Meadow Street Foundry in Bristol, previously run by S. Newman. William Coles died on 8th March 1858, aged 69. The Bradford foundry was taken over c.1860 by George Milsom (c1835-1919).[1]
1846 Advert: 'NEW ROTARY ENGINE.
WILLIAM COLES, Engineer, BRADFORD, respectfully informs the Public that he is prepared to take Orders for STEAM ENGINES on the principle of Messrs. J. F. and W. Lamb Hancock's Patent, at £13 per Horse Power, without Boiler.
The ease with which Engines are fixed will also greatly reduce the cost, and the saving of fuel will be very considerable.
The Engines will warranted to do the work for which they are sold with less Coal than any Engine in existence.'[2]
Lot 1. DWELLING-HOUSE, IRONFOUNDRY, GRIST MILL, MALT-HOUSE, ENGINE-HOUSE, WORKSHOPS, COACH HOUSE, STABLE, YARD, GARDEN, and appurtenances fronting against the Trowbridge-road, for many years occupied by Mr. Coles. The GASOMETER will be included in the Purchase. The Purchaser may take the Steam Engine, and also the Plant at a fair valuation. The Ground comprises about half an acre and is held for the remainder a term determinable on Setember 29th, 1918, at the yearly rent of 10s.
Lot 2. ALL THOSE THREE COTTAGES and GARDENS adjoining lot 1, being about 118 feet in depth and about 61 feet in breadth and occupied by Edwin Venon, Alfred Crisp, and Joseph Bendall.
Lot 3. ALL THAT PLOT OF GARDEN GROUND with the WORKSHOPS lately erected on part thereof adjoining Lot 1, and comprising about 8242 superficial feet. Lots 2 and 3 are held with adjoining Premises for remainder of a term determinable on September 29th, 1918, subject to the yearly rent of £310, to be apportioned.
For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, at Trowbridge, to Mr. J. J. Fisher, Engineer, Frome, or to Mr, MESSITER, Solicitor, Frome, [3]