William Cramp

Professor William Cramp (1876-1939) of Manchester University
1920 Presented a paper on pneumatic elevators for handling wheat and other bulk materials, at the British Association meeting[1]
1937 Bio Note [2]
CRAMP: Professor William; b. 1876, at Coventry; s. of James Cramp. M.Sc. Tech., 1910; D.Sc., 1914; M.Sc. (Birm.), 1920; M.I.E.E., 1908; Mem. Amer. I.E.E., 1925. Educ.: King Henry VIII School, Coventry, and University of Manchester. Apprentice, 1892-7; Engineer, Ferranti, Ltd., 1897-1901; Lecturer in Electrical Design, Central Technical College, South Kensington, 1901-6; Consulting Engineer, London and Manchester, and University Lecturer at Manchester, 1906-1919; Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Birmingham. from 1919. Chairman N.W. Section I.E.E., 1911; West Midlands Section, 1921; Silver Medal for research on Pneumatic Conveying, 1922, by Royal Society of Arts; twice in Italy under Board of Trade during European War; four times awarded premiums by the I.E.E. for papers on Electrical Subjects; Faraday Lecturer, 1931; Inventor of the Cramp single-phase motor, a self-exciting alternator; and apparatus for production of nitric acid from the air; as. May, d. of Professor M. Hartog, 1902; two d. Publications: "Armature Windings," 1904; "Vectors and Vector Diagrams," 1909 (with C. F. Smith), (translated into German by E. Walz); "Continuous Current Machine Design," 1910; "Faraday and his Contemporaries," 1931; about fifty papers on various electrical subjects, on pneumatic conveying, flour treatment, etc. Recreations: Tennis, golf. Address: The University, Edgbaston, and 174, Hagley Road, Birmingham, 16.
1939 Obituary [3]
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ The Engineer 1920/09/10
- ↑ 1937-8 Birmingham Year Book
- ↑ The Engineer 1939 Jan-Jun: Index