William George Scott Mackay
William George Scott Mackay (1889-1938)
1938 Obituary [1]
WILLIAM GEORGE SCOTT MACKAY, M.B.E., was chief inspector of boilers and factories to the United Provinces, India. He was born in Bombay in 1889 and came to England in 1903 to complete his education.
In the following year he entered the Greenwich works of Messrs. Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., where he served for a year, completing his apprenticeship with three years' training with Messrs. Price, Wills and Reeves, engineers and bridge and dock contractors, London, for whom he was employed on the construction of Alexandra Dock, Bombay. In 1909 he joined the staff of H.M. Mint, Bombay, and became engineer superintendent of various departments.
During the War he was responsible for alterations to the plant to enable munitions to be produced. The M.B.E. was conferred on him in 1919. A year later he was appointed inspector of factories and steam boilers to Bombay Presidency, and in 1922 he was transferred to the United Provinces as a boiler inspector, becoming chief inspector of factories and boilers two years later.
In this capacity he was concerned with the general administration of the Boiler and Factories Act. From 1934 he had his headquarters at Cawnpore, and it was on the Cawnpore-Jhansi road that he was involved in a motor car accident from which he died on 27th September 1937.
He was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1925.