William Henry Latham
c.1877 Born
1902-03 Draughtsman with W. J. Jenkins of Retford
1903 Worked for Dorman Long and Co.
1904-5 Worked for Graham Morton, Leeds
1905-7 Worked for Greenwood and Batley
1908-10 Worked for R. H. Longbotham, Wakefield
1910-11 Worked for Leech Goodall and Co., Leeds
1915 With W. J. Johnson, Leeds
1916-38 Worked for Goodall Clayton, Leeds
Member of Assoc. of Shipbuilding and Eng. Draughtsmen's Assoc.
1939 Senior Draughtsman, Messrs. Goodall Clayton & Co., Pepper Road, Leeds, 10.
Author of "Foundations," Handbook Publish by A.E.S.D., etc.