William Jackson and Co

of Sheaf Island Works, Sheffield
Tool and cutlery makers. Products were branded 'Wm. Jackson & Sons' and 'R. Vernon & Sons'.
1855 Exhibited edge tools
The 1903 O.S. map[1] shows the 'Sheaf Island Works' as a group of small buildings at the northern end of Sheffield Midland Station. The site was bounded on the north by Pond Hill and on the east by Sheaf Street. The River Sheaf made a brief appearance in the north east corner of the site, with a weir, which was presumably why the works was established here. The site was approx 100 yards long, and approx 40 yards wide. However, immediately west, and separated only by a narrow passage was a group of buildings marked 'Cutlery Works', which may also have been part of Jackson's. Access to here was from Pond Hill or River Lane.