William Lawrence Charles Somers
William Lawrence Charles Somers (c1900-1940)
1939 B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Research Engr., Bristol Aeroplane Co, Ltd., Filton, Bristol. Private Address: 64 Kenmore Crescent, Northville, Bristol, 7, Somerset. Age: 38. Career: St. Paul's Sch., 1914-17; City and Guilds, 1917722; training, Aster Eng. Co., 1922-24; Research Asst., Ricardo & Co., Ltd., 1925-28; Tech. Lecturer, Shell-Mex, Ltd., 1928-31; Apprent. Supervisor, Riley Coventry, Ltd., 1932-36; present post, 1936. War service, 1918, Hydrophone Operator, R.N.V.R.
1941 Obituary [1]
WILLIAM LAWRENCE CHARLES SOMERS was educated at St. Paul's School and the City and Guilds Engineering College, graduating B.Sc. (Eng.) at London University in 1922. After serving his apprenticeship in the metallurgical laboratory of Messrs. Riley and Harbord, Ltd., in London, from 1917 to 1918, and with Messrs. Mark Webber, Ltd., of Guildford, and the Aster Engineering Company, Ltd., of Wembley, from 1922 to 1926, he was appointed assistant research engineer to Messrs. Ricardo and Company, Ltd., at Shoreham, and was engaged on tests on carburation and engine lubrication.
He was employed as a technical lecturer on oil production and engine performance by Messrs. Shell-Mex, Ltd., from 1928 to 1931. In the following year he was appointed apprentice supervisor at the automobile works of Messrs. Riley, Ltd., Coventry, and was responsible to the works manager for the apprentice training scheme. On vacating this appointment in 1936, he became a research engineer in the aero-engine department of the Bristol Aeroplane Company, Ltd.
Mr. Somers, whose death at the early age of 40 occurred on 27th September 1940, was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1936.