William Longman Watson
William Longman Watson (1882- )
1922 M.I.Mar.E., Engr. and Ship Surveyor, B.O.T.; b. 1882; s. of John Watson, Engr. Ed. Private Sch., and Sch. connected with Hull Municipal Tech. Coll. Training: Hull Municipal Tech. Coll. Hons. Mech. Eng., City and Guilds of London; Hons. Steam, Bd. of Education; Hons. Machine Construction and Drawing, Bd. of Education; Extra 1st Class Engr.'s Certificate, B.O.T. Career: 1912—Chief Engr., s.s. "Charon"; 1913—Asst. Supt. Engr., Blue Funnel Line; June, 1914—Joined B.O.T. as Engr. and Ship Surveyor. During the War:—Dec., 1915— Joined R.N. as Temp. Engr.-Lt.; Jan., 1916—H.M.S. "Collingwood "; Aug., 1917—Promoted Senior Engr.-Lt.; June, 1918—Acting Engr.-Lt. Commander; Jan., 1919—Demobilized, and returned to B.O.T. Address: 47, Endsleigh Gardens, Ilford, London, E.