William Low
William Low (1862-1937), textile machinery engineer.
1937 Obituary [1]
WILLIAM LOW was connected for practically the whole of his career with the Monifieth Foundry of Messrs. James F. Low and Company, Ltd., Dundee. The firm was established by his father and specialized in the production of textile machinery and in both ferrous and brass castings up to 10 tons in weight. Mr. Low was born in 1862 and received his education at St. Marylebone Grammar School, London, and at the University of Edinburgh. From 1880 to 1885 he served his apprenticeship at the Monifieth Foundry. He then entered University College, Dundee, and graduated at St. Andrew's in 1889.
About this time he was engaged on research work in magnetism, under Professor J. A. Ewing, M.I.Mech.E. Subsequently he returned to Monifieth Foundry and held positions of increasing responsibility, and was eventually made chairman of the firm.
Mr. Low was elected a Member of the Institution in 1903 and died on 31st May 1936.