William Parnall and Co

of Bristol, makers of industrial and commercial balances
Not connected with Parnall and Sons of Bristol - see 1900 entry below
1834 Advertisement for Furnishing Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware, Copper, Tin, Wrought-Iron, Japan and Britannia-Metal Wares. William Parnall and Co of 1 Dolphin Street. Wholesale warehouse next to Pithay Chapel and manufactory at 9 Castle Mill Street.[1]
1884 Advertisement. Tricycles and Bicycles. William Parnall and Co, 108, Victoria Street, Bristol.[2]
1899 Company closed. 'In the Matter of William Parnall and Company, Limited........That it has been proved to the satisfaction of this Meeting that the Company cannot, by reason of its liabilities continue its business and that it is decided to wind up the same....'[3]
1900 Bankruptcy court. 'William Parnall, formerly managing director of William Parnall and Co., Limited, scale makers (This firm is not connected with Parnall and Sons, Limited, of Narrow Wine Street)....'[4]
1893 The Society of Inspectors of Weights and Measures visited W. Parnall and Co, Victoria Street, Bristol[5]