William Partridge
William Partridge, a dyer, emigrated to the USA from Gloucestershire c.1807, and became a manager or consultant to numerous textile mills.
He was the author of A Practical Treatise on Dying of Woolen, Cotton, and Skein Silk with the Manufacture of Broadcloth and Cassimere, Including the Most Improved Methods in the West of England. Originally published by H. Walker, New York, 1823.
In addition to writing and publishing his Practical Treatise, William Partridge was a textile dyer and seller who also built a business in New York City that imported and extracted pigments from wood sources, which was to become one of the largest of its kind on the East Coast before the Civil War.[1]
When Partridge emigrated to United States he took seeds of Dyer's Greenwood (Genista tinctoria) in 1808, and cultivated it in New Jersey.[2]