William Scott and Co (Dublin)
of 2, Lower Sackville Street, Dublin.
Established in 1864 by the late Wm. Scott. Became Scott & Gilbert from 1867 to 1876; Wm. Scott from 1876 to 1898. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1898.
1914 Directors: John E. Scott (Managing Director), Walter Scott, Richard Wheatley. Founder studied his business in Kinross, Scotland, in 1855. Premises: Occupy the whole house at 2, Lower Sackville Street. Spacious Showrooms, Fitting Rooms, Cutting Rooms, &c. Staff: Total, ninety-six. Branch: 7, Albemarle Street, London, W. Specialities: Hunting Coats and Riding Breeches, Ladies' Riding Habits, General High-class Tailoring for Ladies and Gentlemen.