William Wedd Tuxford
William Wedd Tuxford (1782-1871) of William Tuxford and Sons
1782 June 9th. Born in Boston the son of Weston Tuxford (1748-1837) and Mary Wedd (1748-1824)
1804 May 23rd. Married(1) to Ann Shepherd (1772–1835)
1805 Birth of his son Wedd Tuxford
1807 Birth of his son William Tuxford
1808 Birth of his son Joseph Shepherd Tuxford
1810 Birth of his son Weston Tuxford
1836 Married(2) to Dinah Hile (1800–1851)
1838 Birth of his son James George Tuxford
1851 Living at 3 Fredrick Place, Newington, Surrey: Joseph S. Tuxford (age 42 born Boston), an Account to Smiths Office. With his son George Parker Tuxford (age 4 born Shirbook). Also a visitor William Wood Tuxford (age 69 born Boston), a Corn Miller - Widower. Two servants.[1]
1861 Living at Market Place, Boston: William Wedd Tuxford (age 79 born Boston), Engineer, Iron Founder, Miller and Baker employing 212 men and 26 boys - Widower. With his three sons; William Tuxford (age 54 born Boston), (details as above); Weston Tuxford (age 50 born Boston), Engineer (Copartner); and James Geo Tuxford (age 22 born Boston); Engineer's assistant. Also an apprentice Sydney Nesbitt (age 16 born Salisbury), Engineer's Apprentice. Three servants.[2]
1871 Living at 21 Market Place, Boston: William Wedd Tuxford (age 80 born Boston), Iron Founder, Civil Engineer, Millers and bakers. employing 99 men and 30 boys - Widower. With his two sons William Tuxford (age 64 born Boston), copartner and unmarried, and Weston Tuxford (age 60 born Boston), copartner and unmarried. Three servants.[3]
1871 Obituary[4]
The death of Mr. William Wedd Tuxford took place on Friday the 11th of August, in his 90th year.
Mr. Tuxford was the head of the firm of Tuxford and Sons, the agricultural implement makers of Boston. The deceased founded the firm; but he had previously established a scientific reputation as inventor of a process for "reeing" wheat, &c., by machinery. The firm soon acquired a wide-spread notoriety by the introduction of portable steam-engines, combined thrashing-machinery, and other high-class engineering productions.
For many years the Royal Agricultural Society of England awarded their first prizes to Messrs. Tuxford and Sons' portable steam engines, and only a mouth ago it awarded tu e prize to the firm for their novel and improved windlass for steam cultivation, so that it may fairly be said the deceased died in harness, with honours upon him.