Yates, Haywood and Co

1823 James Yates, of Carr House and Oakwood House, took over what was left of the Walker's Foundry at Rotherham and went into partnership with Charles Samuel Roberts Sandford of Northfield House, at the Phoenix Works
1833 The partners took over the Rotherham Foundry.
1838 The partnership of Sandford, Owen and Yates was dissolved; Sandford and Owen took the Phoenix Works while James Yates took the Rotherham Foundry which specialised in stove grate work. He also acquired the premises of the Masbrough Flax Works upon which site the Effingham Works was later erected.
1846 Yates remained working on his own until 1846 when George Haywood, of South Villa, and John Drabble, of Clifton Bank, were taken into partnership and the Company took the name Yates, Haywood and Co.
1851 Gained a prize for stove grates at the 1851 Great Exhibition[1]
Presumably sometime in the 1860s established an offshoot in London as Yates, Haywood and Drabble
1869 Drabble asked to retire. A new partnership was then formed between James Yates, George Haywood, Robert Bentley Shaw (Yates's son-in-law) and George Harris Haywood. One of George Haywood's daughters later married William Oxley, the steel manufacturer.
1871 George Haywood was head of the firm[2]
1874 Iron founders, stove, grate and fender manufacturers under the firm of Yates, Haywood, and Company, and the Rotherham Foundry Company, at the Effingham Works, of Rotherham Foundry, Masbrough, Rotherham. After the death of Robert Bentley Shaw-Yates, the partnership was continued by George Haywood and George Harris Haywood as Yates, Haywood and Co[3]
1879 A new company was incorporated under the title Yates, Haywood and Co and The Rotherham Foundry Co Limited.
The old company name was resurrected by new owners after 1911.
1911 The works and working patterns were acquired by O'Brien, Thomas and Co of London, who continued to operate the businesses under their old names.
1922 "NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore carried on by us, the undersigned, Henry O'Brien and Henry William O'Brien, as Iron Founders, Iron Merchants and Dealers, at 17, Upper Thames-street, in the city of London, and the Effingham Works, Rotherham, in the county of York, under the style or firm of "O'BRIEN, THOMAS & CO.," "YATES, HAYWOOD & CO." and "SKELTON, CORBITT & CO.," has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the 31st day of December, 1921, and such business will continue to be carried on as from the 1st day of January, 1922, by the said Henry O'Brien and Henry William O'Brien, in co-partnership with Terence O'Brien, Edwin Henry Howard and Arthur Percy Harrop, at 17, Upper Thames-street, and the Effingham Works, Rotherham aforesaid, under the same style as heretofore. Dated this tenth day of July, 1922"[4]
1927 Was one of the main companies making stove-grates[5]
1951 Listed as Yates, Haywood and Co.
1952 the link with O'Brien, Thomas and Co was severed and a new limited company, Yates, Haywood and Co. Ltd, was formed.
1967 The company was taken over by William Heaton, Holdings Ltd.
1970 The company closed down.