Yorkshire Brush Electric Light and Power Co
of 1 East Parade, Leeds
1882 Petition for winding up the company[1]
1883 Works at West Marsh, Middlesbrough at the centre of a quadrant bounded by the Tees, on which were situated about a dozen iron works, &c. The works had a 16 hp portable engine, by John Fowler and Co, and a Brush 40-light dynamo machine, with a second in reserve; the company had laid about six and a half miles of main cables, supported on poles on its own land, and in the works that it illuminates. The company was about to put down further plant.[2]
1884 Belonged to the Hammond Electric Light and Power Supply Co; company liquidated[3]
1884 One of a number of companies which had been wound up and held their final meetings at the offices of the Hammond Electric Light and Power Supply Co in Finsbury[4]