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| '''A.
| |
| * [[HMS Aberford|"Aberford"]], Seaward Defence Boat, Yarrow and Co., Ltd., (370)
| |
| * [[Acton Technical College]], Course on Rarer Base Metals, (36)
| |
| * [[T. W. Adam|Adam, T. W.]], Peake Medal Award, (514)
| |
| * [[M. E. Adams|Adams, M. E.]], Appointment, (334)
| |
| * [[Adcock and Shipley|Adcock and Shipley, Ltd.]], Vertical Continuous Milling, 927
| |
| * [[Aerofilms|Aerofilms, Ltd.]], Aerial Photography Library, (226)
| |
| * [[Air Control Installations|Air Control Installations, Ltd.]], Air Filter Demonstrations, (755)
| |
| * [[Alton and Co|Alton and Co., Ltd]], Nechells " B " Power Station, 712
| |
| * [[HMS Albion|"Albion", H.M.S.]], 29
| |
| * [[Alexander Stephen and Sons|Alexander Stephen and Sons, Ltd.]], Refrigerated Motorship " Middlesex," 89; Greek Line Steamship " Olympia," 89
| |
| * [[J. F. Allan|Allan, J. F.]], Ship Trial Performance and the Model Prediction, 680
| |
| * [[Edgar Allen and Co|Allen, Edgar, and Co., Ltd.]], Engineers' Tool Factory, 222
| |
| * [[John Allen and Sons (Oxford)|Allen, John, and Sons (Oxford), Ltd.]], Tractor-Driven Industrial Equipment, 216
| |
| * [[Thomas Allen (1877-1954)|Allen, Thomas]], Obituary, (622)
| |
| * [[W. H. Allen, Sons and Co|Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd.]], Reversing Reduction Epicyclic Gears for Marine Use, 183; P. & O. Liner" Arcadia," 380; Marine Auxiliary and Emergency Gas Turbines, 709
| |
| * [[Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co]]., American Gas Turbines in 1953, 249
| |
| * [[N. V. Almy|Almy, N. V.]], Model Experiments on a Series of 065 Block Coefficient Forms, 724
| |
| * [[Aluminium Wire and Cable Co|Aluminium Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.]], Aluminium Wire and Cable Factory, 564
| |
| * [[American Blower Corporation]], Ness Kearny Power Station, New Jersey, 556
| |
| * [[American Bureau of Shipping]], Annual Meeting, (298)
| |
| * [[American Telephone and Telegraph Co]]., First Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 505
| |
| * [[Ames Crosta Mills and Co|Ames Crosta Mills and Co., Ltd.]], Aerating Cone for Sewage Purification, 475
| |
| * [[Alex Anderson|Anderson, Alex., (Contractors), Ltd.]], Research Station for Short-Circuit Testing of Switch-gear, 488
| |
| * [[Andre Rubber Co|Andre Rubber Company, Ltd.]], floating Hub Wheel, 854
| |
| * [[Anglo-Iranian Oil Co|Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd.]], Llandarcy Refinery, 51; New Oil Tankers, (78); Refinery Throughput, (262); Refinery Control, (370); Continental Refineries, (370); Hamburg Refinery, (730); Aden Refinery, (838), (946)
| |
| * Anglo-Netherland Exchange, Ltd., Miniature Soldering Tools, (622)
| |
| * [[T. C. Angus|Angus, T. C.]], Industrial Hygiene Engineering, 393
| |
| * [[Ansaldo Co]]., Chronicles of a Century, (182)
| |
| * [[Anthony Hoists|Anthony Hoists, Ltd.]], Tractor-Operated Loader, 582
| |
| * "Antietam," U.S.S., Aircraft Carrier, 109
| |
| * [[SS Arcadia|"Arcadia"]] P. & O. Liner, 279, 321, 345, 380
| |
| * Ardeltwerke G.m.b.H., Wilhelmshaven, 6-ton Diesel-Driven Track Laying Crane, 775
| |
| * [[Ariel Motors|Ariel Motors, Ltd.]], Arc Welded Motor-Cycle Frames, 365
| |
| * "Aries," Motor Yacht, (766)
| |
| * Aristoteles Sokratrs Onassis Company, Oil Tanker 'Tina Onassis," 92
| |
| * [[HMS Ark Royal|"Ark Royal ", H.M.S.]], Construction of, 29; (Leading Article, 930)
| |
| * [[Armstrong Whitworth]] Guided Missile Test Vehicle, 16
| |
| * [[William Arrol and Co|Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd.]], Stresses in a Crane Jib, 196; Deptford Creek Bridge, Greenwich, 445
| |
| * [[Harry F. Atkins|Atkins, Harry F. (Machine Tools), Ltd.]], Two Special Machine Tools, 292
| |
| * "Atlantic Baroness," Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 141
| |
| * [[Atlas Diesel Co|Atlas Diesel Co., Ltd.]], Tractor-Driven Industrial Equipment, 216; Portable Air Compressor, 656
| |
| * [[S. J. M. Auld|Auld, S. J. M.]], Elected President, (658)
| |
| * [[Auto Diesels|Auto Diesels, Ltd.]], Generating and Lighting Equipment, 668
| |
| * [[Automotive Products Co|Automotive Products Co., Ltd.]], Two-Stage Fuel Filter, 510
| |
| * [[W. and T. Avery|Avery, W. and T, Ltd.]], 2,500lb Testing Machine, 668
| |
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| '''B
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| * [[B. and A. Engineering Co|B. and A. Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Deadweight Indicator, 905
| |
| * [[Babcock and Wilcox|Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.]], Steam Generation at the Calder Hall Atomic Power Station, 832
| |
| * [[H. R. Backhouse|Backhouse, H. R.]], Obituary, (154)
| |
| * [[F. T. Bagnall|Bagnall, F. T.]], Some Factors Affecting the Wear of Graphite Electrodes in the Electric-Arc Furnace, 849
| |
| * [[Leon Bagrit|Bagrit, L.]], Employment of the Elderly, 614
| |
| * [[S. B. Bailey|Bailey, S. B.]], Nodular Cast Iron, 716
| |
| * [[Baker, Perkins|Baker Perkins, Ltd.]], Works Apprentice School, 251
| |
| * [[Maxwell Ballard|Ballard, Maxwell]], Retirement of, (118)
| |
| * [[J. C. Bamford Excavators (JCB)|Bamford, J. C., Ltd.]], Tractor-Driven Industrial Equipment, 216
| |
| * [[D. C. Barnes|Barnes, D. C.]], Precision X-ray Diffraction Spectrometer Ring, 97
| |
| * [[W. Barr|Barr, W.]], Presidential Address, 84I
| |
| * [[Barron and Shepherd|Barron and Shepherd, Ltd.]], Light-Duty Hand- Operated Fork Truck, 800
| |
| * [[Bryan B. Bateman|Bateman, Bryan B.]], Unified Screw Threads. 715, 859
| |
| * [[J. N. Bathurst|Bathurst, J. N.]], Underwater Television, 611
| |
| * [[Battersea Polytechnic Institute|Battersea Polytechnic]], Extensions at, 481
| |
| * [[J. R. Beard|Beard, J. R.]], British Electrical Power Convention, 888
| |
| * [[Bell Telephone Laboratories]], Experimental Solar Battery, 834
| |
| * [[Belliss and Morcom|Belliss and Morcom, Ltd.]], Improved Range of Air Compressors, 927
| |
| * [[B. E. N. Patents|B.E.N. Patents, Ltd.]], Paint Spray Gun, (406)
| |
| * "Ben Lui," Diesel-Engined Trawler, John Lewis and Sons, Ltd., 141
| |
| * [[William Edwin Benbow|Benbow, W. E., Obituary]], I
| |
| * [[Ernest Benn|Benn, Sir Ernest]], Obituary. I21
| |
| * [[J. H. D. Bennett|Bennett, J. H. D.]], Launching Slipways. 212
| |
| * [[Bethlehem Steel Co]]., Launch of Oil Tanker " World Glory," 229; Highway Bridge Across the Delaware River, 472; American "Mariner" Class Cargo Ships, 759
| |
| * [[Beyer, Peacock and Co|Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd.]], 2-6-2 + 2-6-2 " 14A " class and 2-8-2 I-- 2-8-2 "16A engines for Rhodesia, 33; Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Australia, (154); Centenary of, 323
| |
| * [[Bibby Line|Bibby Line, Ltd.]], Modernised Troopship, (262)
| |
| * [[Joshua Bigwood and Son|Bigwood, Joshua, and Son, Ltd.]], Heavy Duty Plate Bending and Straightening Machine, 602
| |
| * [[A. N. C. Bingley|Bingley, A. N. C.]], First Sea Lord, (586)
| |
| * [[H. A. R. Binney|Binney, H. A. R.]], Unified Screw Threads, 824
| |
| * [[Francis W. Birkett and Sons|Birkett, Francis W., and Sons, Ltd.]], Abrasive Wheel Cutting-off Machine, (406)
| |
| * [[Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co|Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd.]], Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Australia, 361; Multiple-Unit Electric Rolling Stock, 899
| |
| * [[Birmingham Tool and Gauge Co|Birmingham Tool and Gauge Co., Ltd.]], Iced Attachment for Power Presses, 798
| |
| * Bishop, R. E. D., Graphical Solution of Transient Vibration Problems, 157
| |
| * [[Colin C. Black|Black, Colin C.]], Retiring Chairman, 445
| |
| * [[Blackburn and General Aircraft|Blackburn and General Aircraft, Ltd.]], Turhomeca Gas Turbines, 133; Range of Small Gas Turbines, 285; Universal Stretch-Forming Tool. 324
| |
| * Blackman, R. V. B., Naval Construction in 1953, 29, 69, 109
| |
| * [[Robert Arnold Blakeborough|Blakeborough, R. A.]], Obituary. 101
| |
| * [[Blyth Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Co|Blyth Dry Dock and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.]], Fleet Attendant Oil Tankers, (730)
| |
| * [[Bold Pathfinder|"Bold Pathfinder," H.M.S.]], 8
| |
| * [[Borax Consolidated|Borax Consolidated, Ltd.]], Control of Weeds, (476)
| |
| * [[T. Bowers and Co|Bowers, T., and Co., Ltd.]], Adjustable Plug Gauge, 740
| |
| * [[Leslie H. Bowes|Bowes, H. Leslie]], Elected Chairman, (478)
| |
| * [[E. Boydel and Co|Boydel, E., and Co., Ltd.]], High-Lift Mechanical Loader, (442)
| |
| * [[Braithwaite and Co Engineers|Braithwaite and Co. (Engineers), Ltd.]], Tiko, Wharf, British Cameroons, 99
| |
| * [[Isaac Braithwaite and Sons|Braithwaite, Isaac, and Sons Ltd.]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 321
| |
| * [[Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co|Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Aluminium Wire and Cable Factory, 564; Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 827, 867
| |
| * [[Bristol Aeroplane Co|Bristol Aeroplane Company]], Helicopters for Belgian Air Force, (730); Aluminium Buildings, 633
| |
| * [[Royal Yacht Britannia|"Britannia" Royal Yacht]], 69, 568, 619
| |
| * [[British Aluminium Co|British Aluminium Co., Ltd.]], Motor Yacht " Tindor," 59; Fire Fighting Vehicles' Surface Finish, 403; Folding and Sliding Doors for an Aircraft Hangar, 718; Motor Yacht " Aries," (766); Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 827, 867
| |
| * [[BBC|British Broadcasting Corporation]]. Improvement in Home Service Coverage, (38); Isle of Man Television Transmitting Station (38); V.H.F./ U.H.F. Transmitter for Experimental Work, 504 Television Tower at Crystal Palace, (874)
| |
| * British Council, Scholarships, (190); Courses, (262)
| |
| * [[British Electric Transformer Co|British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd.]], Southern Region Change of Frequency Scheme, 311
| |
| * [[British Electricity Authority]], Commissioning of New Power Stations, 24; Lincoln and Mexborough Power Stations, (38); Bulk supply tariff, 41; Marchwood Power Station, 42; Generating plant installed in 1953, 68; Amalgamation of Generation Divisions, 317; British Steam Power Station Efficiencies, 540; 132kV Wood Pole Overhead Power Line, 617; Capital Requirements for Financing B.E.A. Power Projects, 841; British Electricity Conference, 896; Two New Power Stations, (912).
| |
| * "British Flag", Tanker, [[R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co|R. and W. Hawthorn Leslie and Co., Ltd.]], 141
| |
| * [[British Industrial Gases|British Industrial Gases, Ltd.]], Automatic Welding Blowpipe, (330)
| |
| * [[BICC|British Insulated Callender's Cables Ltd.]], 3.210 Impulse Generator at the National Physical Laboratory, 649; Relay Television Cable Link for Eastbourne, (766); Continuous Extrusion Press for Aluminium Sheathing of Cables, 855
| |
| * [[British Insulated Callender's Construction Co|British Insulated Callender's Construction Co., Ltd.]], Tests on Light Welded Radio Masts, 75; 132kV Wood Pole Overhead Power Line, 617; Television Tower at Crystal Palace, (874)
| |
| * [[British Overseas Airways Corporation]]. Grounding of " Comet " Aircraft, 81; Comet Investigations, 145; Resumption of the " Comet " Services, 373; Folding and Sliding Doors foi an Aircraft Hangar, 718
| |
| * [[British Oxygen Co|British Oxygen Co., Ltd.]], Oxygen Cutting Machine, 224
| |
| * [[British Post Office]], First Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 505
| |
| * [[British Productivity Council]], Productivity in the Valve Industry, 157; British Electricity Supply System. 177; Productivity in the Pressed Metal Industry, (730); Productivity in the Fertiliser Industry, (910)
| |
| * "British Soldier", Oil Tanker, Launch, (874)
| |
| * [[British Standard Portland Cement Co|British Standard Portland Cement Co., Ltd.]], Cement Factory at Bamburi, Kenya, 508
| |
| * [[British Straddle Carrier Co|British Straddle Carrier Co., Ltd.]], Straddle Carrier, 905
| |
| * [[British Tabulating Machine Co|British Tabulating Machine Co., Ltd.]], Recording Equipment, 905
| |
| * [[British Tanker Co|British Tanker Co., Ltd.]], Launch of Oil Tanker, (874)
| |
| * [[BTH|British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd.]], Electronically Controlled Paper Making Machine Drive, 65; Whitechapel Substation. 103; Gas Turbine Sets 2,500kW capacity. 133; Diesel- Electric Shunting Locomotives, 259; Southern Region Change of Frequency Scheme, 311; Diesel-Electric Railcars for South America, 422; " Shuntarc " Oil Circuit Breaker During 220kV Line Dropping Tests at Fontenay, France, 434; Russian Icebreakers, (478); Integrating Manometer, 576;. Discharge Lamp Factory, 744; Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 827
| |
| * [[British Timken|British Timken, Ltd.]], Tapered Roller Bearings in Rolling Mills, (478)
| |
| * [[British Transport Commission]], "Popular Carriage " Exhibition, (622); Diesel Railcars for British Railways, 690; Survey of Canals and Inland Waterways, (946)
| |
| * [[British Vacuum Cleaner Co|British Vacuum Cleaner Co., Ltd.]], Pneumatic Swaging Machine, 423
| |
| * British Vacuum Cleaner Industrial Constructions, Ltd., P. & O. Liner " Arcadia." 380
| |
| * [[A. F. Brittin|Brittin, A. F.]], Rapid Starting Technique: Some Significant Tests at Poole Power Station, 755
| |
| * [[J. Brockhouse and Co|Brockhouse, J., and Co., Ltd.]], Slideway Grinding Head, 404
| |
| * [[Bronx Engineering Co|Bronx Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Plate Bending Machine, 365; 90-ton Press Brake, 669
| |
| * [[Brook Motors|Brook Motors, Ltd.]], Mechanised Production of Electric Motor Stators, 815
| |
| * [[Broom and Wade|Broom and Wade, Ltd.]], Light Duty Pneumatic Riveter, 106; Industrial Films, (442)
| |
| * [[Brown, Boveri and Co|Brown Boveri and Co., Ltd.]], Continental Gas Turbines in 1953, 272
| |
| * [[Brown Brothers]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 345; Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[David Brown and Sons|Brown, David, and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd.]], Water Turbine Plant Gear Unit, (262); Commercial Vehicle Synchromesh Gearbox and a Railcar Hypoid Transmission, 280
| |
| * [[David Brown Machine Tools|Brown, David, Machine Tools, Ltd.]], Large Turbine Gear Hobbing Machine. 530; High- Speed Automatic Gear Hobbing Machine, 796
| |
| * Brown, J. and Co., Ltd., I.000kW closed-cycle gas turbine, 87
| |
| * [[John Brown and Co|Brown, John, and Co. (Clydebank), Ltd.]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 279; Launch of Cunard Liner " Saxonia," 301; Maiden Voyage of Saxonia," (442); Her Majesty's Yacht " Britannia," 69, 568; Continental Train Ferry, (586); Launch of Oil Tanker, (874)
| |
| * [[T. W. F. Brown|Brown, T. W. F.]], High Temperature Turbine Machinery for Marine Propulsion. 122, 158, 194
| |
| * [[Vernon Brown|Brown, Air Commodore Sir Vernon]], Safety in the Air, 394
| |
| * Browne, E. H., Developments and Experiments in the Mining Industry, 325
| |
| * [[Edward A. Bruges|Bruges, Edward A.]], Second Law Analysis, 341, 572
| |
| * [[Brush Electrical Engineering Co|Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Doncaster Power Station, 24; Self-Regulating Alternator with " Amplidex " Control, 144; Apprenticeship Handbook, (262); Low Voltage Distribution Switchgear Cubicle, 433
| |
| * [[C. Bryant and Sons|Bryant, C., and Sons, Ltd.]], Nechells " B " Power Station, 712
| |
| * Buckley, A. B., British Standard Specifications, 751
| |
| * Building Research Station, Single Stack Plumbing, (694)
| |
| * [[Bulls Metal and Marine|Bulls Metal and Marine, Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[George Burn|Burn, George, Ltd.]], P.V.C. Covered Steel Tubing, (766)
| |
| * Burningham, M., Retirement, (514)
| |
| * [[Burntisland Shipbuilding Co|Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.]], " Queensbury," 89; Oil Tanker and Bauxite Ore Carrier, 526
| |
| * [[L. C. Burrell|Burrell, L. C.]], Elected Vice-President, (637)
| |
| * [[Butters Brothers and Co|Butters Brothers and Co., Ltd.]], Stresses in a Crane Jib, 196
| |
| |
| '''C
| |
| * [[Cable and Wireless|Cable and Wireless, Ltd.]], Cable Ship " Recorder," (514)
| |
| * [[Cackett, Burns, Dick and Mackellar]], Research Station for Short-Circuit Testing of Switchgear, 488
| |
| * [[Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co|Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Single Screw Motor Cargo Liner " Eumaeus," 89
| |
| * California University, " Bevtron " Particle * Accelerator, 906
| |
| * [[E. J. Callard|Callard, E. J.]], Example of the Plastic Method of Structural Design, 193
| |
| * Caltex Bahrain," Leslie, R. W. Hawthorn and Co., Ltd., 141
| |
| * "Caltex Canberra" Tanker, [[Furness Shipbuilding Co|Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.]], 141
| |
| * [[Camerer Cuss and Co]], Time Interval Meter, 474
| |
| * Campbell, J. I., Woodhead Nev. Tunnel, 418
| |
| * Canadian Overseas Telecommunication Corporation, First Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 505
| |
| * [[Canadian Pacific Railway Co]]., Annual General Meeting, 697
| |
| * [[Candy Filter Co|Candy Filter Co., Ltd.]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 380
| |
| * [[H. J. S. Canham|Canham, H. J. S.]], Ship Trial Performance and the Model Prediction, 680
| |
| * [[Canning, W., and Co|Canning, W., and Co., Ltd.]], Rotary Finishing Barrel, 634
| |
| * [[Cantie Switches|Cantie Switches, Ltd.]], " Minunit " Distribution Switchboard, 434
| |
| * [[Cape Asbestos Co|Cape Asbestos Co., Ltd.]], Rock Wool Factory in Scotland, (406)
| |
| * [[Carbon Dioxide Co|Carbon Dioxide Co., Ltd.]], Carbon Dioxide as a Machine Coolant, 181, 726
| |
| * [[J. J. Cargill|Cargill. J. J.]], Retirement of, (118)
| |
| * [[Carol Beltings|Carol Beltings, Ltd.]], Leather " Vee " Belting, (154)
| |
| * [[Carron Co|Carron Company]], Weathertight Ships' Windows, (478)
| |
| * [[Carter Gears|Carter Gears, Ltd.]], Variable-Speed Drives, 854
| |
| * "Catenac," French Coaster, Augustin Normand, 425
| |
| * [[Celotex|Celotex, Ltd.]], Rum, ay Expansion Joint Filler, 772
| |
| * [[Cementation Co|Cementation Company]], " Cementation," (442) Chamber of Shipping, Annual Report, 320; Annual General Meeting, 377; Laid-Up Shipping, (370)
| |
| * [[Chamberlain Industries|Chamberlain Industries, Ltd.]], High-Speed Automatic Bending Machine 147; De- Rusting Fluid, 365; Lorry-Mounted Crane, 904
| |
| * [[Charrold|Charrold, Ltd.]], Self-Unloading Vehicles, (483) Chatterton, E. E., Compound Diesel Engines for Aircraft, 647
| |
| * [[Chesterfield Tube Co|Chesterfield Tube Co., Ltd.]], Extrusion of Stainless Steel Sections, 797
| |
| * [[Chilton Electric Products|Chilton Electric Products, Ltd.]], Current Balance Circuit Breaker, 457
| |
| * [[Chloride Batteries|Chloride Batteries, Ltd.]], Southern Region Change of Frequency Scheme, 311
| |
| * [[Cinema-Television|Cinema Television Ltd.]], Flying-Spot Microscope, 619
| |
| * [[Edmund Graham Clark|Clark, E. Graham]], Retirement, 301; Obituary, 643; Memorial Service, 751
| |
| * [[Ronald H. Clark|Clark, Ronald H.]], Traction Engines, 284
| |
| * [[Clarke, Chapman and Co|Clarke Chapman and Co., Ltd.]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 354; Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[Clayton Dewandre Co|Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd.]], Exhaust Braking System, 349; Hydraulically Assisted Steering, 351
| |
| * Clements, B. B., Gyroscopic Effects of Rotors on the Whirling of Shafts, 308
| |
| * [[C. A. Clench|Clench, C. A.]], Obituary, (586)
| |
| * [[Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co|Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co. Ltd.]], Deptford Creek Bridge, Greenwich, 445
| |
| * [[Clyde Crane and Engineering Co|Clyde Crane and Engineering Company, Ltd.]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867; Aluminium Crane Jibs at Purfleet, (869)
| |
| * [[George Cohen, Sons and Co|Cohen, George, Sons and Co., Ltd.]], Mobile Crane of 71 Tons, 853
| |
| * Colclough, T. P., Bessemer Gold Medal, 697; Development in the Iron and Steel Industry in Great Britain, 856
| |
| * Cole, E. B., Whirling of a Light Shaft Carrying Two Eccentrically Loaded Discs, 382
| |
| * [[E. K. Cole|Cole, E. K., Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[Colvilles|Colvilles, Ltd.]], 10-ton Self-Propelled Crane, 187 Commer Cars, Ltd., Automotive Opposed-Piston Diesel Engine, 673
| |
| * Commonwealth Aircraft Proprietary, Ltd., Australian Built " Sabre " Jet Fighter, 503
| |
| * Conipania Shell de Venesuelos, Ltd., High-Speed Passenger Launch, 243
| |
| * [[Concrete|Concrete, Ltd.]], Film on Prestressed Concrete, (874)
| |
| * [[HMS Coniston|"Coniston," H.M.S.]], 29
| |
| * Connolly, B. J., French Locomotive Experiences, 393
| |
| * [[Consett Iron Co|Consett Iron Co., Ltd.]], Heavy Steel Works Locomotives, 334
| |
| * [[Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co|Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd.]], Portable Air Compressors, (452)
| |
| * Constantincsco, George, Hundred Years of Development in Mechanical Engineering, 713
| |
| * [[Constructional Engineering Co|Constructional Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Bench Mounting Core Blowing Machine, 757
| |
| * [[Conveyancer Fork Trucks|Conveyancer Fork Trucks, Ltd.]], 2,000lb Fork Lift Truck, 631; Rotating Reel Clamp for Fork Trucks, 476; 4,000 lb Capacity Electric Fork Trucks, 904
| |
| * Conveyors (Ready Built), Ltd., Pneumatic Mobile Conveyor for Grain, 851
| |
| * Conway, H. G., Unified Screw Threads, 788
| |
| * [[Coode and Partners]], Tiko Wharf, British Cameroons, 99
| |
| * Cooke, J. F., Regime Flow in a Silt-carrying Channel, 788
| |
| * [[Cooper-Bessemer Co|Cooper-Bessemer Corporation]], American Gas Turbines in 1953, 249
| |
| * [[William Cory and Son|Cory, Wm. and Son]], Aluminium Crane Jibs at Purfleet, (869)
| |
| * [[Coseley Engineering Co|Coseley Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Aeroplane Hangar for Royal Canadian Mounted Police, (406)
| |
| * [[Costain-John Brown|Costain-John Brown, Ltd.]], Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * Costain (West Africa), Ltd., Tiko Wharf, British Cameroons, 99
| |
| * [[Courtalds|Courtalds, Ltd.]], Rayon Project on Natal South Coast, 506
| |
| * [[Coventry Gauge and Tool Co|Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd.]], "Tr- Roll " Thread Gauge, 740; Optical Twist Drill Gauge, 740; High-Precision Tilting and Rotary Table, 740 .
| |
| * [[E. S. Cox|Cox, E. S.]], Experiences with British Railways Standard Locomotives, 409
| |
| * [[Harold Roxbee Cox|Cox, Sir Harold Roxbee]], Researches for Fuel Conservation, 409
| |
| * [[J. A. Crabtree and Co|Crabtree, J. A., and Co., Ltd.]], Hand-Operated Starters for Fractional Horsepower Motors, 293; " D6 " Hand-Operated Motor Starter, 457
| |
| * [[Crane|Crane, Ltd.]], Re-Designed Gate Valve, 476
| |
| * [[Cranes (Dereham)|Cranes (Dereham), Ltd]], Cable Stringing Trailer, 908
| |
| * [[Craven Brothers|Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd.]], 42ft Boring and Turning Mill, 107; Horizontal Boring, Facing, Milling and Drilling Machine, 687; Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * [[W. Crockatt and Sons|Crockatt, W., and Sons, Ltd.]], P. & O. Liner " Arcadia," 380
| |
| * [[Crofts (Engineers)|Crofts (Engineers), Ltd.]], Geared Motor Unit, 904
| |
| * [[Crompton Parkinson|Crompton Parkinson, Ltd.]], Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Australia, 361; Switchboard Instruments, 434
| |
| * [[Cross Manufacturing Co|Cross Manufacturing Co. (1938), Ltd.]], Wire Thread Inserts, 605
| |
| * Crump, E. S., Torrents of the East and West Lyn, 212
| |
| * [[HMS Cumberland|"Cumberland" H.M.S.]], Trials Cruiser, 8
| |
| * [[Cunard Steam Ship Co|Cunard Steam Ship Co., Ltd.]], Launch of "Saxonia," (154); Maiden Voyage of " Saxonia," (442)
| |
| * [[Curtis-Wright Corporation]], Extrusion of Non- Uniform Sections, 439
| |
| * " [[SS Cymric]]," Refrigerated Cargo Ship, [[Harland and Wolff]], Ltd., 89
| |
| |
| '''D
| |
| * [[Daimler-Benz|Daimler Benz A.G.]], Twenty-Cylinder Mercedes- Benz, 753
| |
| * [[Daimler|Daimler Co., Ltd.]], Saloon Car with Improved Performance, (442)
| |
| * [[Patrick Danielsson|Danielsson, P.]], Obituary, (78)
| |
| * [[Daralum Castings|Daralum Castings, Ltd.]], High-Strength Aluminium Alloy, (298)
| |
| * [[D'Arcy Exploration Co]]., Oil Search in Persian Gulf. (226); Drilling for Natural Gas, (303); Search for Natural Gas, (802); Test Well at Granby, (838)
| |
| * "Dark Hunter" H.M. Patrol Boat, Launch, (478)
| |
| * [[Davey, Paxman and Co|Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd.]], Diesel-Electric Shunting Locomotives, 259; Oil Engine Wall Charts, (514); Diesel-Electric Railcars for South America, 422
| |
| * [[Davy and United Engineering Co|Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 827, 867
| |
| * [[S. S. Dawes|Dawes, Stanley S.]], Re-Elected President, (622)
| |
| * [[Dawson and Downie|Dawson and Downie, Ltd.]], Coryton Oil Re- finery, 747
| |
| * Dawson, G., Manchester-Kirk o' Shotts Television Radio-Relay System, 252
| |
| * De Grasse, Anti-Aircraft Cruiser, 109
| |
| * [[De Havilland Aircraft Co|de Havilland Aircraft Company, Ltd.]], High- Speed Wind Tunnel at Hatfield, 864
| |
| * " De Ruyter," New Netherlands Cruiser, 109
| |
| * [[HMS Decoy|"Decoy," H.M.S.]], 2
| |
| * [[Demag Aktiengesellschaft]], 18-ton Capacity Grab for Iron Ore; Platform Elevator for Relining Steel Converter, 776
| |
| * Denholm, J. C., President Chamber of Shipping, (226)
| |
| * [[William Denny and Brothers|Denny, William and Brothers, Ltd.]], Closed Shelter Deck Cargo Ship, "George," 89; Scottish Ferries, (406); Heysham-Belfast Service, (514)
| |
| * [[Department of Scientific and Industrial Research]], Physical Society Exhibition, 616
| |
| * [[Deritend Precision Castings|Deritend Precision Castings, Ltd.]], Investment Casting Exhibition, 618
| |
| * Derry, L. D., Effect of Auxiliary Fuels on the Smoke-Limited Power Output of Diesel Engines, 94, 115
| |
| * Deutsche Mannesmanrohren Werke A.G., Lattice Tower of Seamless Steel Tubing, 707
| |
| * [[Dexion|Dexion, Ltd.]], General Purpose Slotted Angle, 686
| |
| * " Diana," H.M.S., [[Yarrow and Co|Yarrow and Co., Ltd.]], (370) Dinglerwerke Aktiengesellschaft, Hogard Log Band Saw, 778
| |
| * [[Distillers Co|Distillers Co., Ltd.]], Carbon Dioxide as a Machining Coolant, 181, 726
| |
| * Dobbie, C. H., Sea Wall in Lincolnshire, 2 Dodds, E. M., Effect of Auxiliary Fuels on the Smoke-Limited Power Output of Diesel Engines, 94, 115
| |
| * Dominion Reefs (Klerksdorp), Ltd., Expansion of Union's Uranium Output, 295
| |
| * Doran, W. E., Vermuyden and the Fens, 139
| |
| * [[Dorman, Long and Co|Dorman Long and Co., Ltd.]], New Melting Shop, Lackenby, 27
| |
| * [[Downer and Co|Downer and Co., Ltd.]], Rimutaka Tunnel, New Zealand, 625
| |
| * [[Dowty Auto Units|Dowty Auto Units, Ltd.]], Self-Sealing Pipe Couplings, 224
| |
| * [[Douglas Aircraft Co]]., American Gas Turbines in 1953, 249
| |
| * [[Robert Douglas|Douglas, Robert, Ltd.]], Large Transonic Wind Tunnel, 205
| |
| * [[Dravo Corporation]], Towboat Application of Sinussoidal Vertical Axis Propellers, 368
| |
| * [[Miles Druce and Co|Druce, Miles, and Co., Ltd.]], Slide Rule for Calculating Steel Quantities, 260
| |
| * [[Drysdale and Co|Drysdale and Co., Ltd.]], P. & O. Liner" Arcadia," 345, 380
| |
| * [[Ductile Planetary Mills|Ductile Planetary Mills, Ltd.]], Electrical Drive for a Planetary Rolling Mill, 458
| |
| * "[[SS Duke of York|Duke of York,"]] Reconstruction of Steam Ship, G. W. Tripp, 601
| |
| * [[HMS Dunkerton|"Dunkerton," H.M.S.]], Coastal Minesweeper, (406)
| |
| * [[Louis Vandalle Dunlop|Dunlop, Louis V.]], Obituary, 319
| |
| * [[Francis Maurice Gustavus Du-Plat-Taylor|Du-Plat-Taylor, F. M. G.]], Obituary, 787
| |
| * [[Durastic|Durastic, Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| |
| '''E
| |
| * [[British Railways: Eastern Region|Eastern Region, British Railways]], New Works Programme, (298); Woodhead New Tunnel, P. A. Scott and J. 1. Campbell, 418; Freight Marshalling Yard at Stratford, London, 509; Ipswich Motive Power Depot, (550): Continental Train Ferry, (586); Freight Yard Reorganisation at Peterborough, (658); Railway Lodging Turns, 909
| |
| * [[Eastern Tractors|Eastern Tractors, Ltd.]], Tractor-Driven industrial Equipment, 216
| |
| * "Eddyness," Fleet Attendant Oil Tanker, (730)
| |
| * "Edmund Gardner," Pilot Tender, [[Philip and Son|Philip and Son, Ltd.]], 141
| |
| * [[Laurence Edwards and Co|Edwards, Laurence, and Co.]], Bolt Reconditioning Tool, 605
| |
| * [[W. Edwards and Co|Edwards, W., and Co. (London), Ltd.]], Vacuum Plant Factory, 396; Vacuum Coating Technique, 524
| |
| * [[Electric Boat Co]]., Atomic Submarine, "Sea Wolf," 109
| |
| * [[Electric Construction Co|Electric Construction Co., Ltd.]], Control Cubicle, 457; Power House for Agricultural Show, 821
| |
| * [[Electro Methods|Electro Methods, Ltd.]], Magnetic Amplifier for Educational Use, 292
| |
| * [[Elliott Brothers|Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd.]], Computing Equipment, 577
| |
| * [[B. Elliott and Co|Elliott, B., and Co., Ltd.]], Demonstration Van for Electric Tools, (802)
| |
| * [[George Ellison|Ellison, George, Ltd.]], 11 kV Switchboard, 457
| |
| * Emerson, A., Application of Wave Resistance Calculations to Ship Hull Design, 646
| |
| * [[Engineering Diamonds|Engineering Diamonds, Ltd.]], Radius Dressing Fixture, 831
| |
| * [[English Electric Co|English Electric Co., Ltd.]], Green Ayre Substation, 103; 6,500 H.P. Naval Gas Turbine, 133; 2,400 H.P. Main Line Electric Locomotive for Victoria, 178; Large Transonic Wind Tunnel, 205; Visit to an Oil Engine Works, 218; Southern Region Change of Frequency Scheme, 311; " Superform " Low-Voltage Fuse Switchboard, 455; Electrical Drive for a Planetary Rolling Mill. 458; Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors for the Chemical Industry, 561; Aluminium Wire and Cable Factory, 565; Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Brazil, 582; Improved Form of Buchholz Protective Relay, 641; Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867;
| |
| * [[English Electric Valve Co]]., Improved Television Camera Channel, 762
| |
| * [[English Steel Corporation]], 200-ton Crane Weighing Machine, 721
| |
| * [[A. R. Entwistle|Entwistle. A. R.]], Research Fellowship in Metallurgy, (478)
| |
| * [[Epco|Epco, Ltd.]], Hydraulic Power Kit, (874)
| |
| * [[Erskine, Heap and Co|Erskine Heap and Co., Ltd.]], A.S.T.A. tested h.t. Switchgear, 457
| |
| * [[Esavian|Esavian, Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[Escher, Wyss and Co|Escher Wyss, Ltd.]], Continental Gas Turbines in 1953, 272
| |
| * "Eumaeus" Single-Screw Motor Cargo Liner, [[Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co|Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd.]], 89
| |
| * Evans, E. B. Effect of Auxiliary Fuels on the Smoke-Limited Power Output of Diesel Engines, 94, 115
| |
| * [[Evershed and Vignoles|Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd.]], Two-Channel Quick-Response Recorder, 209; Electronic Control of Crude Oil Distillation, 396; Miniature Recorder, 457; 10,000V Insulation Tester, 525
| |
| * [[Ewbank and Partners|Ewbank and Partners, Ltd.]], Doncaster Power Station, 24
| |
| * [[HMS Explorer|"Explorer," H.M.S.]], [[Vickers-Armstrongs|Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd.]], (370)
| |
| |
| '''F
| |
| * [[Fairbairn Lawson Coombe Barbour|Fairbairn Lawson Coombe Barbour, Ltd.]], Shell Moulding Machines, (730)
| |
| * [[Fairbairn and Partners|Fairbairn and Partners, Ltd.]], Research Station for Short-Circuit Testing of Switchgear, 488
| |
| * [[Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation]], Molecular Bonded Bimetallic Components, 387
| |
| * [[Fairey Aviation Co]]., Experimental Helicopter with Separate Thrust and Lift Propellers, (514)
| |
| * [[Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co|Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd.]], " Simoa," 89; " Atlantic Baroness," 141; Modernised Troopship, (262); Canadian Pacific Liner, (406)
| |
| * [[Fairmile Construction Co|Fairmile Construction Co., Ltd.]], Double-Ended Ferry, 152
| |
| * [[Donovan H. Fallows|Fallows, Donovan H.]], Seat Hardness of Flow-Control Valves, 934
| |
| * [[Farny and Weidman]], 4 H.P. Engine, 753
| |
| * [[William Farren|Farren, Sir William]], Award for, (78)
| |
| * [[Federation of British Industries]], Shortage of Science Teachers, (78)
| |
| * [[Felco Hoists|Felco Hoists, Ltd.]], Lorry Loader, 941
| |
| * [[J. H. Fenner and Co|Fenner, J. H., and Co., Ltd.]], Flexible Coupling, 726
| |
| * [[Ferguson Brothers|Ferguson Brothers (Port Glasgow), Ltd.]], Launch of Dredger " Lenox II," (262)
| |
| * Ferguson, J. M., Model Experiments on a Series of 0.65 Block Coefficient Forms, 724
| |
| * [[Ferguson Pailin|Ferguson Pailin, Ltd.]], 3.3kV, 1,200MVA, Single-Busbar Air Break Switch-Gear, 457
| |
| * [[Ferranti|Ferranti, Ltd.]], Capacitor Control Relay, 245; High-Speed Test Set for Single Phase Meters, 433; 3.2MV Impulse Generator at the National Physical Laboratory, 649
| |
| * [[Fescol|Fescol, Ltd.]], Hydraulic Ram Protection, (370) Field, J. F., Sir Charles Parsons, 931
| |
| * [[Fielding and Platt|Fielding and Platt, Ltd.]], Cast Iron Swarf Briquetting Press, 475
| |
| * [[Finlay Engineering|Finlay Engineering, Ltd.]], Hydraulic Press, 617
| |
| * [[D. Firth|Firth, D.]], Some Model Experiments on Special Control Valves, 207, 257
| |
| * [[Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels|Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels, Ltd.]], Stainless Steel in Power Production, (550)
| |
| * [[Flexello Castors and Wheels|Flexello Castors and Wheels, Ltd.]], Floating Huh Wheel, 854
| |
| * [[Flexible Ducting|Flexible Ducting, Ltd.]], Light Flexible Ventilation Ducting, 93
| |
| * [[Ford |Ford Motor Co., Ltd.]], 3.6-litre Diesel Engine. 351; Mechanised Farming Centre in Essex, 72
| |
| * [[Fords (Finsbury)|Fords (Finsbury), Ltd.]], Torque Limiters. 764
| |
| * "Forestal," aircraft carrier, [[Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co|Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Co]]., 109
| |
| * [[J. S. Forrest|Forrest, J. S.]], Corrosion on Steel-Cored-Aluminium Overhead Line Conductors, 170
| |
| * [[Foster Transformers|Foster Transformers, Ltd.]], Jubilee, (514)
| |
| * [[Foster Wheeler||Foster-Wheeler, Ltd.]], Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * [[Foundry Services|Foundry Services, Ltd.]], Aluminium Information Sheet, (298); Aluminium-Magnesium Alloy, (694)
| |
| * [[Edward John Fox|Fox, E. J.]], Obituary, 175
| |
| * [[Freeman Fox and Partners]], High Speed Test Track for Motor Vehicles, 82
| |
| * [[W. and C. French|French, W. and C., Ltd.]], Folding and Sliding Doors for an Aircraft Hangar, 718
| |
| * [[HMS Frettenham|"Frettenham," H.M.S.]], Inshore Minesweeper, (766)
| |
| * [[Furness Shipbuilding Co|Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.]], Enterprise in Shipbuilding, 1; Tanker" London Splendour," 141; Tanker " Caltex Canberra," 141; Overhaul of a Large Caisson Gate, 476
| |
| * [[W. J. Furze and Co|Furze, W. J., and Co. (London), Ltd.]], Deptford Creek Bridge, Greenwich, 445
| |
| |
| '''G
| |
| * [[Gabriel Wade and English|Gabriel Wade and English, Ltd.]], Wades Tables, (78)
| |
| * [[A. McInnes Gardnerand Partners|Gardner, A. McInnes, and Partners]], P. & O. Liner " Arcadia," 321
| |
| * Garreau, M., Electric Traction Using 50 c/s Current, 726
| |
| * [[Garringtons|Garringtons, Ltd.]], Development, (262)
| |
| * [[Gas Council]], Careers in the Gas Industry, (298); Gas and the Aircraft Industry, 510; Watson, House Centre, (775); Gas Industry's Programme, 895
| |
| * " Gay-Archer," H.M.S., 8
| |
| * [[GEC|General Electric Co., Ltd.]], Doncaster Power Station, 24; Surrey Docks Substation, 103; Rolling Stock for Manchester-Glossop Electric Services, 185; A. C. Slant Haulage Drive with Dynamic Braking, 186; American Gas Turbines in 1953, 249; Southern Region Change of Frequency Scheme, 311; P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 321; Rotation Switches for Conveyor Systems, 350; Photo-Electric Control Equipment for Plasterboard Production Lines, 402; Low-Voltage Weatherproof Rotation Switch, 457; Seam Welder Using Continuous Wire Electrode, 506; Recorder with Two Variables, 577; New Kearny Power Station in New Jersey, 597; Nechells " B " Power Station, 712; 100/175W Power Output Panel for A.C. Mains, 758; High Density Tungsten Alloy, 795; Floor Level Charging Oven, (802); Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867; Hand-Operated Oil Switch, 891; Multiple- Unit Electric Rolling Stock, 899; Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[General Motors|General Motors Corporation]], Plastic Bodies on Chevrolet Cars, 389
| |
| * [[General Post Office]], Telephone Statistics, (298)
| |
| * [[Geometric Designs|Geometric Designs, Ltd.]], Recording Signals from Resistance Strain Gauges, 482
| |
| * "George" Closed Shelter Deck Cargo Ship, William Denny and Brothers, Ltd., 89
| |
| * [[J. Gerrard and Sons|Gerrard, J. and Sons, Ltd.]], Doncaster Power Station, 24
| |
| * [[W. F. Gerrard|Gerrard, W. F.]], Two Marine Water Tube Boilers, (Letter, 140)
| |
| * [[Richard C. Gibbins and Co|Gibbins, Richard C., and Co., Ltd.]], Heavy-Duty Pulley Blocks, (766)
| |
| * [[Gibbons Furnaces|Gibbons Furnaces, Ltd.]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 827
| |
| * [[Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners|Gibb, Sir Alexander and Partners]], Owen Falls Hydro-Electric Scheme, 82
| |
| * [[Giles, Morgan|Giles, Morgan, Ltd.]], Smaller R.N. Fighting Craft, 188
| |
| * [[W. H. Glanville|Glanville, W. H.]], Safety on the Road, 301
| |
| * [[Glenfield and Kennedy|Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd.]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 827
| |
| * [[Globelite Industries|Globelite Industries, Ltd.]], Electrical Equipment Reconditioning Works, (622)
| |
| * [[W. T. Glover and Co|Glover, W. T. and Co., Ltd.]], Cross-Channel Cable, 64
| |
| * [[H. Goldenberg|Goldenberg, H.]], Calculation of Transient Heating in Single-Core Cable Dielectric, 779
| |
| * [[Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Co|Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Co., Ltd.]], Launch of Coastal Minesweeper, (406)
| |
| * [[James Gordon and Co|Gordon, James, and Co., Ltd.]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 380
| |
| * [[J. Goulder and Sons|Goulder, J., and Sons, Ltd.]], Universal Beam Caliper, 740
| |
| * [[Grangemouth Dockyard Co|Grangemouth Dockyard Co., Ltd.]], Oil Tanker " Vacuum Pioneer," 141; Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * [[H. Grattidge|Grattidge, H.]], Retirement of, (38)
| |
| * [[Graviner Manufacturing Co|Graviner Manufacturing Co., Ltd.]], Flexible Element Fire Detector, 720
| |
| * [[Hubert Greenwell|Greenwell, Hubert]], Retirement, (514)
| |
| * [[H. W. Greenwood|Greenwood, H. W.]], Alloy Steels and Powder Metallurgy, 676
| |
| * [[HMS Grey Goose|"Grey Goose," H.M.S.]], 5,400 B.H.P. Compound Gas Turbine for, 13
| |
| * [[Grey and Marten|Grey and Marten, Ltd.]], Leaflets on Soldering and Brazing, (180)
| |
| * [[Grimston Astor|Grimston Astor, Ltd.]], Motor Yacht "Tindor," 59; Demonstration Launch, (874)
| |
| * [[Grundy (Teddington)|Grundy (Teddington) Ltd.]], Insulated Food Container Factory, 244
| |
| * [[Paul Gueterbock|Gueterbock, Sir Paul]], Obituary, 427
| |
| * Gutehoffnungshutte Aktiengesellschaft, Four-Storey Garage in Dusseldorf, 363
| |
| * [[G. W. B. Furnaces|G.W.B. Furnaces, Ltd.]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 564, 867; " Powermaster " Boiler, 668
| |
| * [[Gwynnes Pumps|Gwynnes Pumps, Ltd.]], Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * [[Gyproc Products|Gyproc Products, Ltd.]], Photo-Electric Control Equipment for Plasterboard Production Lines, 402
| |
| |
| '''H
| |
| * [[Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Co|Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd.]], Change of Frequency Scheme on Southern Region, 311
| |
| * [[Haden, G. N., and Sons|Haden, G. N., and Sons, Ltd.]], Air-Condittioning and Power Plant for Civil Defence Centres, 280; Research Station for Short- Circuit Testing of Switchgear, 488
| |
| * [[Sir William Halcrow and Partners|Halcrow, Sir William, and Partners]], Railway Serving the Port of Tema, Gold Coast, 749
| |
| * [[J. and E. Hall|Hall. J. & E., Ltd.]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 321; H.M. Survey Ship " Vidal," 445; Orient Liner Orsova,'' 923
| |
| * Hall, J. S., Rapid Starting Technique: Some Significant Tests at Poole Power Station, 755
| |
| * Hall, L. L., Manchester-Kirk o' Shotts Television Radio-Relay System, 252
| |
| * [[Hallden Co|Hallden Company]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * [[Halmatic|Halmatic, Ltd.]], Plastic Boat Construction, 548
| |
| * Hamilton, A. M., Bolted Connections in Structures, 572
| |
| * [[Hampshire Car Bodies|Hampshire Car Bodies, Ltd.]], Fire Fighting Vehicles' Surface Finish, 403
| |
| * [[Hampton and Sons|Hampton and Sons, Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova,' 923
| |
| * [[William Hanneford-Smith|Hanneford-Smith, W.]], Obituary, 715
| |
| * Hanomag A.G., Four-Cylinder 2.8 litres Tractor Engine, 753
| |
| * [[Harbour and General Works|Harbour and General Works, Ltd.]], High Speed Test Track for Motor Vehicles, 82
| |
| * [[Harland Engineering Co|Harland Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Rotary Plug Valves, 900
| |
| * [[Harland and Wolff|Harland and Wolff, Ltd.]], Refrigerated Cargo Ship " Cymric," 89; Launch of the P. & 0. Liner " Iberia," 157; Gross Tonnage of " Arcadia " and " Iberia," (218); Coastal Minesweeper, (334); Heysham-Belfast Service, (514); Last Voyage of " Llangibby Castle," (550); P. and 0. Liner " Iberia " Maiden Voyage, (586); Coastal Minesweeper, H.M.S. Labeston," (838); Shaw Savill Liner, (946)
| |
| * Harrison, P. W., Interferometric Alignment Set, 670
| |
| * Hartley, A. C., Bi-Centenary of the Royal Society of Arts, 430
| |
| * [[Harold Hartley|Hartley, Sir Harold]], World Production by A.D. 2000, 769
| |
| * [[Harvey Frost and Co|Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd.]], Hydraulic Floor Crane, 260
| |
| * [[G. A. Harvey and Co|Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London), Ltd.]], Large Transonic Wind Tunnel, 205
| |
| * [[Hawker Siddeley|Hawker Siddeley Group]], British Aeronautical Research, 81; Purchase of Aluminium Rolling Mills, (118)
| |
| * [[Douglas Digby Hawley|Hawley, D. D.]], Obituary, (766)
| |
| * [[Hayes Engineers|Hayes Engineers (Leeds), Ltd.]], Hydraulic Copying Equipment, 740
| |
| * [[Head, Wrightson and Co|Head Wrightson and Co., Ltd.]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * [[Head, Wrightson Aluminium|Head, Wrightson Aluminium, Ltd.]], Folding and Sliding Doors for an Aircraft Hangar, 718
| |
| * [[Head, Wrightson Machine Tools|Head, Wrightson Machine Tools, Ltd.]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * [[Heenan and Froude|Heenan and Froude, Ltd.]], Refuse Disposal Plant at Port Glasgow, 281
| |
| * Heid Machine Co., Copying Lathe, 76
| |
| * "Helix," General Purpose Tanker, [[Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson|Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd.]], 141
| |
| * [[W. T. Henleys Telegraph Works Co|Henley's, W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd.]], Fully Impregnated Non-Draining Cables, (38)
| |
| * [[Alfred Herbert (1866-1957)|Herbert, Sir Alfred]], Paper, [[Institution of Production Engineers]], (93)
| |
| * [[Alfred Herbert|Herbert, Alfred, Ltd.]], Threading Machine for Small Components, 293; Machining of Compressor Rotor Discs, 507; Copy Turning Lathe, 578; Magnetic Tape Control of Machine Tools, 935
| |
| * [[Edward G. Herbert|Herbert, Edward G., Ltd.]], Heavy-Duty Hack- sawing Machine, 186
| |
| * [[HMS Hermes|"Hermes" H.M.S.]], Launch of, 29
| |
| * Heselwood, W. C., Some Factors Affecting the Wear of Graphite Electrodes in the Electric-Arc Furnace, 849
| |
| * Hidgson, K. G., Manchester-Kirk o' Shotts Television Radio-Relay System, 252
| |
| * [[Higgs and Hill|Higgs and Hill Ltd.]], Doncaster Power Station, 24
| |
| * [[High Duty Alloys|High Duty Alloys, Ltd.]], Aluminium Sheet and Plate Data, (874)
| |
| * [[Arthur Hill and Son|Hill, Arthur, and Son, Ltd.]], Recording Signals from Resistance Strain Gauges, 482
| |
| * Hill, Walter P., Inc., High Speed Automatic Bending Machine, 147
| |
| * [[Christopher Hinton|Hinton, Sir Christopher]], Nuclear Reactors and Power Production, 357, 374
| |
| * Hoare, E. R., Crop-Spraying Machines, 396
| |
| * [[Jonathan Edward Hodgkin|Hodgkin, J. E.]], Obituary, 1
| |
| * Holman, A. T., Dust Control Systems, 573
| |
| * [[Holman Brothers|Holman Brothers, Ltd.]], Demonstration of Pneumatic Tools, 290; Pneumatic Impact Wrench, 726
| |
| * [[Henry Hope and Sons|Hope, Henry, and Sons, Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * "Horus" Tug, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 141
| |
| * Howaldtswerke Hamburg, A.G., Oil Tanker " Tina Onassis," 92
| |
| * Howard, W. R., Presidential Address, 193
| |
| * Hufford Machine Works, Flexible Jaws for Sheet Stretch-Forming Machines, 256
| |
| * Hughes, G., Friction and Form Resistance in Turbulent Flow, and a Proposed Formulation for Use in Model and Ship Correlation, 723; Model Experiments on a Series of 0.65 Block Coefficient Forms, 724
| |
| * Humphreys, O. W., Electro-Heat and Prosperity, 265
| |
| * [[Hunslet Engine Co|Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd.]], Heavy Steel Works Locomotives, (334); Mines Diesel Locomotive for Light Rails, (586)
| |
| * Hyatt, K. E., Cross River Bridge, Nigeria, 898
| |
| * [[Hymatic Engineering Co|Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd.]], 5.25 c.f.m. Compressor, 423; Emergency Pneumatic Actuators, 511; Graduate School of Thermodynamics and Related Studies, 566
| |
| |
| '''I
| |
| * [[SS Iberia|"Iberia"]], P. & O. Liner, Launch of, [[Harland and Wolff|Harland and Wolff, Ltd.]], 157; Maiden Voyage, (586)
| |
| * [[Igranic Electric Co|Igranic Electric Co., Ltd.]], Deptford Creek Bridge, Greenwich, 445
| |
| * [[ICI|Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.]], Brazing of Aluminium Alloys, (38); Delayed Action Insecticidal Smoke Bomb, 217; Rotation Switches for Conveyor Systems, 350; Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867; Old Ramsbottom Locomotive, (910); Annual Meeting, (945)
| |
| * [[Impregnated Diamond Products|Impregnated Diamond Products, Ltd.]], " Sparctron " Technique, 740
| |
| * Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa, Ltd., Rayon Project on Natal South Coast, 506
| |
| * [[Ingersoll-Rand Co|Ingersoll-Rand Company]], High-Tensile Steel Bolts for Structural Joints, 453
| |
| * Inglesham," H.M.S., 29
| |
| * [[A. and J. Inglis|Inglis, A. and J., Ltd.]], Whalecatcher, "Setter IX," 141
| |
| * [[International Combustion|International Combustion, Ltd.]], Automatic Pulveriser, (188); Nechclls " B " Power I Station, 712; Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * International Harvester Company of Great Britain, Ltd., Tractor-Operated Loader, 582
| |
| * [[International Nickel|International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd.]], Annual Report. (478)
| |
| * Ionides, M. G., Water Pollution, 643
| |
| * [[Irish Sugar Co|Irish Sugar Company]], Tractor for Peat Bog Reclamation, 245
| |
| * [[I. T. D.|I.T.D., Ltd.]], " 60 DH " Heavy-Duty 1 "Stacatruc," 851
| |
| * " Iveston," Launch of H.M.S., (874)
| |
| |
| '''J
| |
| * Jaeger, H. E., Note on Large Trawlers, 610
| |
| * James, E. B., Dust Control Systems, 573
| |
| * Jenbacher Werke, Four-Cylinder Vee Engine Type JW 200 E, 753
| |
| * Jlo Werke G.m.b.H., Petrol Engine Driven Single- Wheel Truck Mover, 777
| |
| * [[C. E. Johansson|Johansson, C. E., Ltd.]], Automatic Measurement and Control Instrument, 221
| |
| * [[Johnson, Drake and Piper]], Highway Bridge Across the Delay. are River, 472
| |
| * [[Johnson, Matthey and Co|Johnson Matthey and Co., Ltd.]], Resistance Welding, (78)
| |
| * [[Johnson and Phillips|Johnson and Philips, Ltd.]], " Trinal TOS " Oil Switch, 457
| |
| * [[William Johnson and Sons|Johnson, William, and Sons, Ltd.]], Merchanised Materials Handling Plant for a Foundry, 223
| |
| * [[A. A. Jones and Shipman|Jones, A. A., and Shipman. Ltd.]], Rotating Centres, 360; Compound Table, 740
| |
| * Jones, P. L., Elected President, (637)
| |
| |
| '''K
| |
| * Kampnagel A.G., 3-ton Level Lulling Harbour Crane, 708
| |
| * [[E. C. and J. Keay|Keay, A. C. and J., Ltd.]], Nechclls " B " Power Station, 712
| |
| * [[Keelavite Rotary Pumps and Motors|Keelavite Rotary Pumps and Motors, Ltd.]], Pump/Motor Units, 905
| |
| * [[Keith Blackman|Keith Blackman, Ltd.]], Propeller Axial Fan, 631
| |
| * [[Kelvin and Hughes|Kelvin and Hughes, Ltd.]], Electrolytic Recorder. 616; Fish-Finding Echo Sounder, 616
| |
| * [[Kelvin and Hughes (Marine)|Kelvin and Hughes (Marine), Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[Kemworthy Jig and Press Tool Co|Kemworthy Jig and Press Tool Co., Ltd.]], " Weld Prober," 740
| |
| * [[W. Kennedy|Kennedy, W., Ltd., Small Power Hacksawing Machine, 631
| |
| * [[William Kenyon and Sons|Kenyon, William, and Sons, Ltd.]], Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * [[Walter Kidde Co|Kidde, Walter, and Co., Ltd.]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * [[C. D. King|King, C. D.]], Steel-Making Processes, 794
| |
| * [[Geoffrey G. King|King, Geoffrey K.]], Unified Screw Threads, 788
| |
| * [[George W. King|King, Geo. W., Ltd.]], Electric-Motor-Driven Pulley Block, 853
| |
| * [[C. N. Kingston|Kingston, C. N.]], Scientists and Technologists in Industry, 535
| |
| * "Kirkliston," Coastal Minesweeper, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., (334)
| |
| * [[Kitchen and Wade|Kitchen and Wade, Ltd.]], Horizontal Drilling, Boring and Milling Machine, 943
| |
| * [[K. and L. Steelfounders and Engineers|K. and L. Steelfounders and Engineers, Ltd.]], Film on Mobile Crane Manufacture. (910)
| |
| * [[KLG Sparking Plugs|K.L.G. Sparking Plugs, Ltd.]], Improved Ceramic Insulating Material, 289
| |
| * [[KLM|K.L.M. Airways]], Statistics, 1953, (334)
| |
| * Klockner-Humboldt Deutz A.G., Vee 90 Deg. Engines, 753
| |
| * [[Kodak|Kodak, Ltd.]], Liquid Developer, (98)
| |
| * Krupp, Fried, Locomotivfabrik, Electric Locomotive for the Brown Coal Industry, 776; 2000 H.P. Diesel-Hydraulic Freight Locomotives, 543
| |
| |
| '''L
| |
| * Laborde, M. E., Possibilities of a Cross-Channel Power Link Between the British and French Supply Systems, 493, 536
| |
| * "La Hancienda," Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 89
| |
| * [[John Laing and Co|Laing, John, and Co., Ltd.]], Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * [[John Laing and Son|Laing, John, and Sons, Ltd.]], Sea Wall on the Norfolk Coast, 2
| |
| * [[John Lamb|Lamb, John]], Cathodic Protection of the Interior of Cargo Compartments in Oil Tankers, 618
| |
| * [[Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto|Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto. Ltd.]], 4-in, Electromagnetic Motor Brake. 424
| |
| * [[Lancashire Dynamo Holdings|Lancashire Dynamo Holdings, Ltd.]], Unit Flush Fitting Switchboard, 456
| |
| * [[F. J. Lane|Lane, F. J.]], Possibilities of a Cross-Channel Power Link Between the British and French Supply Systems, 493, 536
| |
| * [[J. J. Lane and Co|Lane, J. J., and Co., Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[Lansing Bagnall|Lansing Bagnall, Ltd.]], Extension to an Industrial Truck Factory, 170; Fixed Mast Tilting Carriage Truck, 632; Pedestrian Controlled Battery Pallet Truck, 632; Stand-On, Straddle, Fork Reach Truck, 853
| |
| * [[G. H. Latham|Latham, G. H.]], Elected President, British Iron and Steel Federation, I
| |
| * [[J. W. Lawrence|Lawrence, J. W., Ltd.]], Radiator Core Making Plant, 491
| |
| * Lawrie, W. B., Dust Observations, 573
| |
| * Lawton, F. L., Kemano Hydro-Electric Development and Associated Kitimat Aluminium Reduction Works, 468
| |
| * [[Lea Bridge Industries|Lea Bridge Industries, Ltd.]], Delayed Action Insecticidal Smoke Bomb, 217
| |
| * "Leda," Passenger Steamship, Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 56, 89
| |
| * Lee, J. G., Rail Transport Wagon Shunting Machines, 612, 651
| |
| * [[Le Grand, Sutcliffe and Gell|Le Grand, Sutcliffe and Gell, Ltd.]], Soil Boring Machine, 675
| |
| * "Lenox II," Dredger, [[Ferguson Brothers|Ferguson Brothers (Port Glasgow), Ltd.]], (262)
| |
| * [[R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co|Leslie. R. W., Hawthorn and Co., Ltd.]], " Caltexl Bahrain," 141; Tanker " British Flag," 141
| |
| * Lewicki, W., Hydrodynamic Lubrication of Roller Bearings, 920
| |
| * [[Lewis and Duvivier]], Sea Wall on the Norfolk Coast, 2
| |
| * [[Essington Lewis|Lewis, Essington]], Mining and Metallurgy Award, 697
| |
| * [[John Lewis and Sons|Lewis, John, and Sons, Ltd.]], Diesel-Engined Trawler " Ben Lui," 141
| |
| * [[Joseph Lewis (d.1954)|Lewis, Joseph]], Obituary, (298)
| |
| * [[Ley Colbeck and Partners]], Large Transonic Wind Tunnel, 205
| |
| * [[Leyland Motors|Leyland Motors, Ltd.]], Mechanised Materials Handling Plant for a Foundry, 223
| |
| * [[Leytonstone Jig and Tool Co|Leytonstone Jig and Tool Co., Ltd.]], Instrument for Accurate Setting of Dividers, 740
| |
| * [[R. A. Lister and Co|Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd.]], Air-Conditioning and Power Plant for Civil Defence Centres, 280; Power House for Agricultural Show, 820; Power Loaders, 853
| |
| * [[Edward H. Livesay|Livesay, Edward H.]], French Locomotive Experiences, 269, 298, 304, 338, 377, 413, 450, 484, 521. 556, 593, 704, 736, 773, 808, 844
| |
| * "[[Llangibby Castle]]," Last Voyage, (550)
| |
| * [[Richard Lloyd and Co|Lloyd, Richard, Ltd.]], Pneumatic Machine Vice, 740
| |
| * [[Lloyd's Register of Shipping]], Wreck Returns, (38), (694); Special Panel, (262); Shipbuilding Returns, 157, 644; Launch Returns for 1953, 301; Annual Report. 553; Rules and Regula- tions for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships, (838); Election of Chairman, (943)
| |
| * [[Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co|Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., Ltd.]], High- Pressure Hydraulic Pump, 152
| |
| * [[Loewy Construction Co]]., Extrusion of Non- Uniform Sections, 439
| |
| * [[Loewy Engineering Co|Loewy Engineering Company. Ltd.]], Continuous Extrusion Press for Aluminium Sheathing of Cables, 855
| |
| * [[British Railways: London Midland Region|London Midland Region, British Railways]], Reconstruction of a Railway Bridge, 170; Rolling Stock for Manchester-Glossop Electric Services, 185; Television Interference from Lancaster-Morecambe-Heysham Electric Traction System, (262); Collapse of Clinton Hall Tunnel, 373; Wolverton Railway Works' Training School, 517; Co-Co Locomotive for Manchester-Sheffield Electrification Scheme, 604; Standard Class "8" Locomotives, 818; Multiple-Unit Electric Rolling Stock, 899; Doveholes Tunnel, (946)
| |
| * "London Splendour," Tanker, [[Furness Shipbuilding Co|Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.]], 141
| |
| * [[London Transport]], Northern Line Extensions, (298); Experiments with Low-Viscosity Oils, (442)
| |
| * [[William Lorimer (1876-1954)|Lorimer, William]], Obituary, 319
| |
| * [[Archibald Low and Sons|Low, Archibald, and Sons, Ltd.]], P. & O. Liner "Arcadia." 380
| |
| * [[Joseph Lucas|Lucas, Joseph, Ltd.]], Graduate School of Thermodynamics and Related Studies, 566
| |
| * [[Lummus Co|Lummus Co., Ltd.]], Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * Lushey, R. S. D., Stress-Rupture Time Properties of Copper Tube Materials, 811
| |
| * Lyn, W. T., An Experimental Investigation into the Effect of Fuel Addition to Intake Air on the Performance of a Compression Ignition Engine, 94, 115
| |
| * [[R. G. Lyttelton|Lyttelton, R. G.]], Presidential Address, 825
| |
| |
| '''M
| |
| * McAllen, T. W., Retirement, (226)
| |
| * [[Sir Alfred McAlpine and Son|McAlpine, Sir Alfred, and Sons, Ltd.]], Opening of Queen Elizabeth II Oil Dock at Eastham, 135
| |
| * [[R. McAlpine and Sons|McAlpine, Sir Robert, and Sons (Midlands), Ltd.]], Necholls " B " Power Station, 712
| |
| * [[J. K. McCraith|McCraith, J. K.]], Obituary, (226)
| |
| * [[McDonald Furnaces|McDonald Furnaces, Ltd.]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * M'Ewen, Ewen, Scientists and Technologists in Industry, 536
| |
| * [[James McGruer and Co|McGruer, James, and Co., Ltd.]], Smaller R.N. Fighting Craft, 188
| |
| * [[Mackay Industrial Equipment|Mackay Industrial Equipment, Ltd.]], Trench Hoe Attachment, (156)
| |
| * Mackenzie. C. J., Kelvin Medal Award, 769; Presentation, 841
| |
| * McKenzie, S. C., Proper Study of Mankind, 177; Employment of the Elderly, 643
| |
| * McKeown, J., Stress-Rupture Time Properties of Copper Tube Materials, 811
| |
| * [[Mackintosh and Hemphill Co|Mackintosh-Hemphill Company]], Reversing Cold Strip " Y " Mill, 615
| |
| * [[Hugh Maclean and Sons|Maclean, Hugh, and Sons, Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova." 923
| |
| * Maibach Motoren G.m.b.H., Sixteen-Cylinder Engine Type MD 865,870, 753
| |
| * [[HMS Majestic|"Majestic" H.M.S.]], 69
| |
| * [[Tom Makemson|Makemson, Tom]], Obituary, 895
| |
| * [[Frederick S. Mallette|Mallette, Frederick S.]], " A New Frontier: Air Pollution Control," 635; Air Pollution Control in America, 653, 691
| |
| * [[Manchester Ship Canal Co|Manchester Ship Canal Company]], Opening of the Queen Elizabeth 11 Oil Dock at Eastham, 135
| |
| * Manley, H., Ultrasonic Flue Dust Elimination, 291
| |
| * [[Manlove Alliot and Co|Manlove Alliot and Co., Ltd.]], P. & O. Liner " Arcadia," 321
| |
| * Mann, J., Gyroscopic Effect of Rotors on the Whirling of Shafts, 308
| |
| * [[Maple and Co|Maple and Co., Ltd.]], Orient Liner" Orsova." 923
| |
| * [[Alexander Marcar and Co|Marcar, Alexander, and Co.]], Ball Bearing Slewing Rims, (406)
| |
| * [[Marconi International Marine Communication Co|Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd.]], Echo-Sounding Recorder, 799; Radiotelephony and Direction-Finding Equipment for Small Ships, 908; Automatic Alarm Radio Receiver for Marine Usc, 926
| |
| * [[Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co|Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd.]], East African Radio-Telephone Link, 836; Improved Television Camera Channel, 762
| |
| * [[W. H. Marley and Co|Marley, W. H., and Co., Ltd.]], Hydraulic Power Press, 75
| |
| * [[Marshall Richards Machine Co|Marshall Richards Machine Co., Ltd.]], Aluminium Wire and Cable Factory, 564; Tube Drawing Bull Block, 901
| |
| * [[H. H. Martyn|Martyn, H. H., and Co., Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * Maschinenfabrik Augsburg - Nurnberg A.G., * Eight-Cylinder-in-Line Diesel Engine, 753
| |
| * Maslen, A. E. G., Slipping of Locomotives. 320
| |
| * Mason, F. O., Series Breaks in Circuit Breakers, 882
| |
| * [[W. Mason and Son|Mason, W., and Son, Ltd.]], P. & O. Liner " Arcadia," 321
| |
| * [[Massey-Harris-Ferguson|Massey-Harris-Ferguson, Ltd.]], Tractor-Driven Industrial Equipment, 216; Diesel Tractor, 364
| |
| * [[Mather and Platt|Mather and Platt, Ltd.]], P. & O. Liner " Arcadia," 345
| |
| * [[Mathews Brothers]], Front Wheel Drive Bulk Loader, 799
| |
| * [[Matthews and Yates|Matthews and Yates, Ltd.]], Adaptable Paddle Blade Fan, 605
| |
| * Mathias, E. V., Cathodic Protection of the Interior of Cargo Compartments in Oil Tankers. 618
| |
| * [[Mechans|Mechans, Ltd.]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia." 345
| |
| * Meek, M., Model Experiments on a Series of 0.65 Block Coefficient Forms, 724
| |
| * Meers, R. A., Manchester-Kirk o' Shotts Television Radio-Relay Station, 252
| |
| * Menck and Hambrook G.m.b.H., Heavy Shovel for Quarry Work, 777
| |
| * [[Mercury Truck and Tractor Co|Mercury Truck and Tractor Company, Ltd.]], 10-ton Capacity Mercury Towing Tractor, 852
| |
| * [[J. H. H. Merriman|Merriman, J. H. H.]], Manchester-Kirk o' Shotts Television Radio-Relay System, 252
| |
| * [[Mersey Docks and Harbour Board]], Improvement of Langton-Canada Docks, 42
| |
| * [[Merz and McLellan]], Research Station for Short- Circuit Testing of Switchgear, 488
| |
| * [[Metal Box Co|Metal Box Co., Ltd.]], Delayed Action Insecticidal Smoke Bomb, 217
| |
| * [[Metalock|Metalock (Britain), Ltd.]], Film on the Metalock Process, (154)
| |
| * [[Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co|Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd.]], Rolling Stock for Manchester- Glossop Electric Services, 185; Multiple-Unit Electric Rolling Stock, 899
| |
| * [[Metropolitan-Vickers|Metropolitan Vickers Electrical, Ltd.]], 8 MeV Linear Accelerator, 103; 15 MW Gas Turbine Generating Set, 133; Air-Break Mining Contactor Gate-End Box, 150; Diesel Electric Locomotives for Australia, (154); 275kV Air- Blast Circuit Breaker for the British Super Grid, 455; Co-Co Locomotive for Manchester- Sheffield Electrification Scheme, 604; Electronically Excited High-Temperature Fatigue Apparatus, 616; Easter School for Headmasters and Science Masters, (694); Dielectric Heating Equipment, (838); Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[Metropolitan Water Board]]'s Report, 121; Progress and New Works in 1953, 219; Mechanisation of Slow-Sand Filter Bed Cleaning, 813
| |
| * Miag Muhlenbau and Industric G.m.b.H., * Bearing Ring for a Cement Furnace, 708
| |
| * Michic, W. A., Commodore of Oil Tanker Fleet, (874)
| |
| * " Middlesex," Refrigerated Motorship, Alexander Stephen and Sons, Ltd., 89
| |
| * [[Midgley and Sutcliffe|Midgley and Sutcliffe, Ltd.]], Milling Machine, 36
| |
| * [[Midland Dynamo Co|Midland Dynamo Co., Ltd.]], Armature Winding Machine, 799
| |
| * [[James Miller and Sons|Miller, James, and Sons, Ltd.]], Smaller R.N. Fighting Craft, 188
| |
| * [[J. N. Miller and Sons|Miller, J. N., and Sons, Ltd.]], Launch of H.M. Patrol Boat " Dark Hunter," (478)
| |
| * [[N. H. Miller|Miller, N. H.]], Obituary, (262)
| |
| * [[Frederick Mills|Mills, Sir Frederick]], Obituary, (41)
| |
| * [[Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co]]., Investigation of Terrestrial Electrical Fields, 368
| |
| * [[Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day|Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd.]], Launch of " Iveston," (874)
| |
| * [[Mitchell Engineering Co|Mitchell Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Doncaster Power * Station, 24; Nechells " B " Power Station, 712
| |
| * [[Fred Mitchell and Son|Mitchell, Fred, and Son, Ltd.]], Nechells " B " Power Station, 712
| |
| * Modern Engraving and Machinery Company, U.S.A., Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * [[Modern Wheel Drive|Modern Wheel Drive. Ltd.]], Four-Engine Reverse Reduction Gear. 348. 11.M. Survey Ship " Vidal," 445
| |
| * [[Mond Nickel Co|Mond Nickel Co., Ltd.]], S.G. Cast Iron Exhibition, (766); Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron, (802)
| |
| * [[Monometer Manufacturing Co|Monometer Manufacturing Co., Ltd]]., Hydraulic Lifting and Tilting Truck Ladle, 425; Hydraulically Operated Tilting Furnace, 634
| |
| * Montagnon, P. E., Festival Hall Heat Pump, 184
| |
| * [[Monsanto Chemicals|Monsanto Chemicals, Ltd.]], Synthetic Resin Plant, (730); Chemical Plant, (946)
| |
| * [[Moreland, Hayne and Co|Moreland Hayne and Co., Ltd.]], Large Transonic Wind Tunnel, 205
| |
| * [[Morgan Crucible Co|Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd.]], Duplex Grinding Machine, 350; " Uncommon Clay," (442)
| |
| * [[B. O. Morris|Morris, B. O., Ltd.]], Finishing Machine for Carbide Tools, 254
| |
| * [[A. C. Morrison|Morrison, A. C. (Engineers), Ltd.]], 25kVA Diesel-Electric Generating Plant, 188
| |
| * Morrison-Knudsen Company, Rimutaka Tunnel, New Zealand, 625
| |
| * [[M.T.E. Control Gear|M.T.E. Control Gear, Ltd.]], " Vari-drive - Control Panel for Variable-Speed D.C. Motors, 457
| |
| * [[Mullard|Mullard, Ltd.]], Gas Turbine Component Manufacture, 254; Miniature Output Pentode Valve, (298); Xenon-Filled Valve Rectifiers, 395; Stable-Variable-Frequency Oscillator for Centralised Transmitter Drive Units, 404; V.H.F.,'U.H.F. Transmitter for Experimental Work, 504; Transistor Curve Tracer, 576; Gantry-Mounted Linear Accelerator for X- Ray Therapy. 782; Fixed Frequency 1 kW Radio Transmitter, 799
| |
| * [[Multicore Solders|Multicore Solders, Ltd.]], Wire Stripper and Cutter, (544)
| |
| * [[Murad Developments|Murad Developments, Ltd.]], 1-in. Capacity High Speed Capstan Lathe, 633
| |
| * [[Murex Welding Processes|Murex Welding Processes, Ltd.]], " Zirconiated " Tungsten Electrodes for Argon Arc Welding, 618
| |
| * Murray, J. M., Corrugation of Bottom Shell Plating, 645
| |
| |
| '''N
| |
| * [[Napier|Napier, D., and Son, Ltd.]], Deltic Engine, 8; Electro-Thermal De-Icing Equipment, 420; Aeronautical Compound Diesel Engine, 637; Launch of Coastal Minesweeper, (813)
| |
| * National Coal Board, A.C. Slant Haulage Drive with Dynamic Braking, 186; Coal Washery, 603; Annual Report, 801: Colliery Management, 841
| |
| * [[National Physical Laboratory]], Diffraction Gratings in Industry, (370): Extension, 553; 3.2MV Impulse Generator, 649; Interferometric Alignment Set, 670; Open Day, 722
| |
| * [[National Production Advisory Council]], 837
| |
| * [[National Research Development Corporation]], 589
| |
| * [[R. H. Neal and Co|Neal, R. H., and Co., Ltd.]], Film About Mobile Cranes, (442)
| |
| * [[James Neill and Co (Sheffield)|Neill, James, and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd.]], Set for Circular Saws, 686
| |
| * [[R. A. Neill|Neill. R. A.]], Obituary, (550)
| |
| * [[William Neill and Son|Neill, W., and Son (St. Helens), Ltd.]], Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * [[George H. Nelson|Nelson, Sir George H.]], Electrical Engineering in World Trade, 937
| |
| * [[Netherland Dock and Shipbuilding Co]]., 500-ton Electro-Hydraulic Press, 584
| |
| * [[Newalls Insulation Co|Newall's Insulation Co., Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[Newman Industries|Newman Industries, Ltd.]], Copying Lathe, 76
| |
| * [[Charles Nicholson|Nicholson, Charles]]. Obituary. (370)
| |
| * [[Frank Nixon|Nixon, Frank]], Effective Utilisation of Material, 400, 435
| |
| * Nock, O. S., Locomotive Testing at Swindon, (Letter. 139); Improving Modern Locomotive Performance, 202, 236, 284
| |
| * [[C. A. Norgren|Norgren, C. A., Ltd.]], Compressed Air Filters. 800
| |
| * [[Augustin Normand et Cie|Normand, Augustin]], French Coaster " Catenac." 425
| |
| * Norris. A. H., Soaking Pit Practice at The Normanby Park Steelworks of John Lysaght, Ltd., 847
| |
| * [[North American Aviation]], Developments in Titanium Production and Fabrication. 545 North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Jubilee, 1; Diesel-Hydraulic Locomotive for Tasmania. 181; Class " 25 " 4-8-4 Locomotives for South Africa, 275; Apprenticeship Schemes, (370) North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Annual Report, 337; Shin-Caithness Transmission Lines, (946)
| |
| * [[North Thames Gas Board]] Cleaning Equipment for Coal Tar, 424; Watson House Centre, (775) " Northampton," U.S.S., Tactical Command Ship, 109
| |
| * [[Northern Aluminium Co|Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd.]], Corrugated Aluminium Roofing Sheet, 474; Folding and Sliding Doors for an Aircraft Hangar, 718; Corrugated Sheets. (838)
| |
| * [[Sir James Farmer Norton and Co|Norton. Sir James Farmer. and Co., Ltd.]], Aluminium Wire and Cable Factory, 564: Wire Drawing Machine, 632
| |
| * Nottingham Public Libraries, (622)
| |
| * Nowson, W. J. R., Foundation Problem. 265
| |
| * [[C. H. Nunn|Nunn, C. H.]], Obituary. (78))
| |
| |
| '''O
| |
| * [[Oerlikon |Oerlikon Engineering Company]], Continental Gas Turbines in 1953, 272
| |
| * Old Colony Mariner, American " Mariner " Class Cargo Ships, 759
| |
| * [[Jack Olding and Co|Olding, Jack, and Co., Ltd.]], Tractor with Cable Control Unit and 2.7 Cubic. Yard Scraper, 669; Railway Ditching Machine, 891
| |
| * [[SS Olympia|"Olympia"]], Greek Line Steamship, Alexander Stephen and Sons. Ltd., 13, 89
| |
| * [[S. E. Opperman|Opperman, S. E., Ltd.]], Irreversible Gears with Trapezoidal Teeth and Parallel Shafts, 866
| |
| * [[Optical Measuring Tools|Optical Measuring Tools, Ltd.]], Projection "Pantometer." 740
| |
| * Orenstein-Koppel A.G., 2 litre Vec Diesel Engine, 753
| |
| * Organisation for European Economic Cooperation, Conference on Work Study, 675
| |
| * [[Orient Steam Navigation Co|Orient Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[SS Orsova|"Orsova,"]] Orient Liner, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., (442), 923
| |
| * [[Owen Falls Construction Co]]., Owen Falls Hydro-Electric Scheme, 82
| |
| |
| '''P
| |
| * [[W. and C. Pantin|Pantin, W. and C., Ltd.]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * [[Frederick Parker|Parker, Frederick, Ltd.]], Mobile Asphalt Mixing Plant, 640
| |
| * Parker, H. G., Filing Drawings, (Letter, 140)
| |
| * [[Parkwood (Brakes)|Parkwood (Brakes), Ltd.]], Exhaust Braking System, 349
| |
| * [[W. R. Parnall|Parnall, W. R.]], Obituary, 391
| |
| * [[Charles Algernon Parsons|Parsons, Sir Charles]], Centenary, 861
| |
| * [[C. A. Parsons and Co|Parsons. C. A., and Co., Ltd.]], 100 hour test Run on 500 H.P. Exhaust Heated Gas Turbine, 87; Engineering Research and Design Building, 397; Research Station for Short-Circuit Testing of Switchgear, 488; Nechells " B " Power Station, 712; Steam Generation at the Calder Hall Power Station, 832
| |
| * [[John Parsons|Parsons, Sir John]], Honorary Member Illuminating Engineering Society, (442)
| |
| * [[E. Pass and Co|Pass, E., and Co., Ltd.]], Pipeline Drilling Machine, 260
| |
| * [[Paterson Engineering Co|Paterson Engineering Company, Ltd.]], Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * [[Paterson Hughes Engineering Co|Paterson Hughes Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Mechanised Materials Handling Plant for a Foundry, 223
| |
| * [[John Coleridge Patteson|Patteson, J. C.]], Obituary, 101
| |
| * [[E. C. Payter and Co|Payter, E. C., and Co., Ltd.]], Light-Alloy Storage Drums, (703)
| |
| * [[Harold Walker Pearn|Pearn, H. W.]], Obituary, (802)
| |
| * [[Pegson|Pegson, Ltd.]], Small Self-Priming Centrifugal Pumps, 942
| |
| * [[Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co]]., Liners to be Broken Up, (118); Launch of P. & 0. Liner "Iberia," 157; P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 279, 321, 345, 380
| |
| * [[Perkins|Perkins, F., Ltd.]], Diesel Engine Manufacturing Development, (478)
| |
| * [[Petroleum Information Bureau]], Oil Industry Brochure, (854)
| |
| * [[Petters|Petters, Ltd.]], Two Modified Diesel Engine;, 105: School for Service Engineers, (730)
| |
| * [[Philip and Son|Philip and Son, Ltd.]], " Edmund Gardner," Pilot Tender, 141; Launch of Light Vessel, (838); Launch of H.M.S. " Iveston," (874)
| |
| * [[Philips Electrical|Philips Electrical, Ltd.]], Dual Current Rectifier for Welding, 294; Arc Welded Motor-Cycle Frames, 365; Film on Production Improvement, (406); Clarifier for Grinding Machine Coolant, 764
| |
| * [[D. W. Phillips|Phillips, D. W.]], Awarded Douglas Hay Medal, (154)
| |
| * [[Pickerings|Pickerings, Ltd.]], Centenary, (457); Folding and Sliding Doors for an Aircraft Hangar, 718
| |
| * [[H. Pickup|Pickup, H., Ltd.]], Folding and Sliding Doors for an Aircraft Hangar, 718
| |
| * [[Pirelli-General Cable Works|Pirelli-General Cable Works, Ltd.]], Southern Region Change of Frequency Scheme, 311
| |
| * [[Plessey Co|Plessey Co., Ltd.]], Frequency Synthesiser, 525; Pillar Bolster Set, 740
| |
| * [[Pleuger and Co]]., V.O. 5 " Ventimotor " Wind Power Plant, 778
| |
| * [[J. M. Plowman|Plowman, J. M.]], Effectiveness of Vibration of Concrete, 302
| |
| * [[Plus-Gas Co|Plus-Gas Co., Ltd.]], De-Rusting Fluid, 365; Aluminium Brazing and Welding Fluxes, (802)
| |
| * [[Power-Gas Corporation|Power Gas Corporation, Ltd.]], Gas from Oil Plant, 19; Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * [[Pollard Bearings|Pollard Bearings, Ltd.]], Clutch Withdrawal Bearings, 631
| |
| * [[Portslade Gasworks]], 682
| |
| * [[Edward Cecil Poultney|Poultney, E. C.]], Steam Locomotive in America, (Letter, 140)
| |
| * [[Power Jacks|Power Jacks, Ltd.]], Hydraulic Clamping Fixtures, 547
| |
| * [[Power Jets|Power Jets (Research and Development), Ltd.]], Gas Turbine Technology Courses, (478)
| |
| * [[Priestman Brothers|Priestman Brothers, Ltd.]], Works Development Scheme, (334)
| |
| * [[Pritchett and Gold and E. P. S. Co|Pritchett and Gold and E.P.S. Co., Ltd.]], Southern Region Change of Frequency Scheme, 311
| |
| * [[Public Service Electric and Gas Co|Public Service Electric and Gas Company]], New Kearny Power Station in New Jersey, 559, 597
| |
| * [[George Pugsley|Pugsley, George]], Obituary, (874)
| |
| * Pullin, V. E., Standardisation of X-Ray Apparatus, 903
| |
| * [[Pulsometer Engineering Co|Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * [[W. G. Pye and Co|Pye, W. G., and Co., Ltd.]], Miniature pH Meter, 577
| |
| |
| '''Q
| |
| * [[Quasi-Arc Co|Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd.]], Research and Development Laboratories for Welding Electrodes. 541
| |
| * "Queensbury," [[Burntisland Shipbuilding Co|Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.]], 89
| |
| |
| '''R
| |
| * [[Radiovisor Parent|Radiovisor Parent, Ltd.]], B.I.S.R.A. Photo- Electric Dust Concentration Meter. 128
| |
| * [[Robert Rainie|Rainie, R.]], Retirement, (78)
| |
| * "Ramsay," Single-Screw Cargo Ship, [[Smiths Dock Co|Smiths Dock Co., Ltd.]], 89
| |
| * Randfontein Estates Gold Mining Co., Witwatersrand, Ltd., Expansion of Union's Uranium Output, 295
| |
| * [[Ransomes and Rapier|Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd.]], " Super Mobile " Cranes, 905
| |
| * [[Rapid Magnetting Machine Co|Rapid Magnetic Machines, Ltd.]], Magnetic Ore Separator, 474; " Magnapurnp " for Removal of Tramp Iron, " Magnatrap " for Pipelines. 667
| |
| * Ratcliffe, J. A., The Physics of the Ionosphere, 661
| |
| * [[H. Raynar Wilson|Raynar-Wilson, F.]], History of Electrical Equipment in Naval Vessels, 464
| |
| * "Recorder," Cable Ship. Cable and Wireless, Ltd., (514)
| |
| * [[Richard Redmayne|Redmayne, Sir Richard]], Coal in 1953, 72, 113
| |
| * [[Rees Mace Marine|Rees Mace Marine, Ltd.]], Motor Yacht " Aries," (766)
| |
| * [[Rendel, Palmer and Tritton]], Railway Serving the Port of Tema, Gold Coast, 749
| |
| * [[Reynolds Tube Co|Reynolds Tube Co., Ltd.]], Extrusion of Stainless Steel Sections, 797
| |
| * [[A. Reyrolle and Co|Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd.]], Doncaster Power Station, 24; Industrial Switchgear, 457; Research Station for Short-Circuit Testing of Switchgear, 488; Impedance Network Analyser, 539; Fault-Making Load-Breaking Oil Filled Switch, 641; Withdrawable-Element Flush-Fitting Relays, 907
| |
| * Rhodesian Broken Hill Development Company, Refined Cadmium Production in Northern Rhodesia, 295
| |
| * [[G. Tilghman Richards|Richards, G. Tilghman]], Retirement, (78)
| |
| * Richards, J. E., Marine Shafting Alignment, 582
| |
| * [[W. Richards and Sons|Richards, W., and Sons, Ltd.]], Iron and Steel Price Chart. (478)
| |
| * [[John Richmond (Sir)|Richmond, Sir John]], Retirement, 745
| |
| * [[Rio Tinto Co|Rio Tinto Co., Ltd.]], Shunting Locomotives for Spain, 548
| |
| * [[Douglas Ritchie|Ritchie, Sir Douglas]], Elected President, (370)
| |
| * [[Road Research Laboratory]]. Open Days, 661; Soil Boring Machine, 675; Annual Report, 769; Locating Steel Reinforcing Bars in Concrete Slabs, A. C. Whiffin, 887
| |
| * [[Andrew McCance Robb|Robb, A. M.]], Elected President, (622)
| |
| * [[Charles Roberts and Co|Roberts, Charles, and Co., Ltd.]], Railway Coach Construction. 36
| |
| * Robertson, J. M., Metallurgical Aspects of High- Temperature Steam and Gas Turbine Plants, 169
| |
| * [[W. H. A. Robertson and Co|Robertson, W. H. A., and Co., Ltd.]], Electrical Drive for a Planetary Rolling Mill, 458; Aluminium Wire and Cable Factory, 564, 867
| |
| * Robinson, I. V., Presentation, (288)
| |
| * [[John Roby|Roby, John, Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[Rockwell Machine Tool Co|Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd.]], 1,700-ton Capacity Triple-Action Press, 151; Boring and Milling Machine, 424
| |
| * [[Alexander Roger|Roger, Sir Alexander]], Stability in the Engineering Industry, 801
| |
| * [[John Rogers|Rogers, John]], Obituary, 319
| |
| * [[Rolls-Royce|Rolls-Royce, Ltd.]], " R.M. 60 " Marine Gas Turbine, 87; Apprenticeship Training, (550); Jubilee, 625; Flexible Element Fire Detector. 720
| |
| * [[M. W. Ronayne|Ronayne, M. W.]], Obituary, (262)
| |
| * [[Donald Ross and Partners|Ross, Donald, and Partners, Ltd.]], Pipe Flange Welding Jig, 511: Heavy Welding Positioner, 763
| |
| * Ross, K. B., Appointed Director. (677)
| |
| * [[Rotary Hoes|Rotary Hoes, Ltd.]], Single-Pass Soil Stabilisation Plant, 82; Tractor for Peat Bog Reclamation, 245; Demonstration of Soil Stabilisation, 553 Roto-Finish, Ltd., Deburring, Polishing and Radiusing Machine, 633
| |
| * [[Rover|Rover Co., Ltd.]], 60 H.P. Industrial Gas Turbine, 527
| |
| * [[Rowan and Boden|Rowan and Boden, Ltd.]], Orient Liner' Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[William H. Rowand|Rowand, William H.]], Award of the Newcomen Medal, 381
| |
| * [[E. R. Rowbotham|Rowbotham, E. R.]], Design and Construction of the Humming Bird Highway, 898
| |
| * [[F. E. Rowland and Co|Rowland, F. E., and Co., Ltd.]], Duplex Grinding Machine, 350
| |
| * [[Rownson, Drew and Clydesdale|Rownson Drew and Clydesdale, Ltd.]], Siding Clearing Machine, 850; Conveyor Elevator, 906
| |
| * Royle, D., Effect of Auxiliary Fuels on the Smoke-Limited Power Output of Diesel Engines, 94, 115
| |
| * [[Rubery, Owen and Co|Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd.]], Pneumatic Press Brake Guard, 364
| |
| * Ruckley, A. L., Festival Hall Heat Pump, 184
| |
| * [[Rudkin and Riley|Rudkin and Riley, Ltd.]], Aluminium Wire and Cable Factory, 564
| |
| * Russell, A. E., Forty-Second Wilbur Wright Lecture, 769
| |
| * [[Russell Constructions|Russell Constructions, Ltd.]], Cleaning Equipment for Coal Tar, 424
| |
| * [[Ruston and Hornsby|Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.]], Open-Cycle Peat- Fired Gas Turbines, 750kW " TA " Gas Turbine, 87; Narrow-Gauge Diesel Locomotives, 403; Methane Burning Gas Turbine, 832
| |
| * [[Michael P. Rydon|Rydon, Michael P.]], Leverhulme Prize Award, (368)
| |
| |
| '''S
| |
| * [[Saguenay Terminals|Saguenay Terminals, Ltd.]], Oil Tanker and Bauxite Ore Carrier, 526
| |
| * [[Salford Electrical Instruments|Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd.]], Stabilised A.C. Supply for Research and Industry, 182; Radio Altimeter, 526
| |
| * [[HMS Salisbury|"Salisbury," H.M.S.]], 29
| |
| * [[Salisbury Precision Engineering|Salisbury Precision Engineering, Ltd.]], Hand-Operated Hydraulic Lifting Truck, 547
| |
| * [[George Salter and Co|Salter, George, and Co., Ltd.]], 200-ton Crane Weighing Machine, 721
| |
| * Sara, H. J., Second Law Analysis, 535
| |
| * [[Saunders-Roe|Saunders Roe, Ltd.]], Recording Signals from Resistance Strain Gauges, 410, 446; Motor Yacht "Aries," (766)
| |
| * [[Saunders-Roe|Saunders Roe (Anglesey) Co.]], Beaumaris Slip-way, 43; Smaller R.N. Fighting Craft, 188
| |
| * [[RMS Saxonia|"Saxonia"]] Launch, Cunard Steam Ship Co., Ltd., (154). 301, (442)
| |
| * Sayers, D. P., Possibilities of a Cross-Channel Power Link Between the British and French Supply Systems, 493, 536
| |
| * [[Scaife|Scaife Company]], Hot Extrusion of Mortar Shells, 472
| |
| * [[Scammel Lorries|Scammel Lorries, Ltd.]], Heavy Vehicles for Oilfield Use, 547
| |
| * Schenck, Carl, G.m.b.H., Combined Balancing and Drilling Machine, 778
| |
| * [[Scientific Pharmacals|Scientific Pharmacals, Ltd.]], Barrier Creams, (874)
| |
| * Scott, A. W., Shrink-Fit Investigations on Simple Rings and on Full-Scale Crankshaft Webs, 531
| |
| * Scott, P. A., Woodhead New Tunnel, 418
| |
| * [[Hubert Scott-Paine|Scott-Paine, Hubert]], Obituary, 607
| |
| * [[Scottish Machine Tool Corporation|Scottish Machine Tool Corporation, Ltd.]], Splitting Shears and Punch, 630
| |
| * [[Scottish Oils|Scottish Oils, Ltd.]], Grangemouth Refinery, 51
| |
| * [[British Railways: Scottish Region|Scottish Region, British Railways]], Report on "Royal Scott" Derailment, 409
| |
| * "Sea Wolf," Atomic Powered Submarine, 109
| |
| * [[Secondite Co|Secondite Co., Ltd.]], Non-Inflammable Material, 171
| |
| * [[Selson Machine Tool Co|Selson Machine Tool Co., Ltd.]], " Cleveland - Automatics, (38)
| |
| * [[Semtex|Semtex, Ltd.]], Orient Liner" Orsova," 923
| |
| * Senior, D. A., Recording Signals from Resistance Strain Gauges, 410, 446, 482, 536
| |
| * "Setter IX," Whalecatcher, [[A. and J. Inglis|A. and J. Inglis, Ltd.]], 141
| |
| * [[R. T. Sewell|Sewell, R. T.]], Aircraft Hydraulic Test Rigs, 162, 213, 231
| |
| * [[George S. Sharp|Sharp, George S.]], Elected President, (406)
| |
| * [[Sharpies Centrifuges|Sharpies Centrifuges, Ltd.]], Turbine Lubricating Oil Purifier, 294
| |
| * [[Sheepbridge Engineering|Sheepbridge Engineering, Ltd.]], Centrifugal Castings, (10), 583
| |
| * [[Shell-Mex and B. P.|Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd.]], Rust Removal, (586)
| |
| * [[Shell|Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd.]], Heavy Vehicles for Oilfield Use, 547; Oil Exhibition, (586); Oil Facilities in Wet Africa, (634); Oil Platformer for (766); Epikote Resins, (766): Search Under the Sea, Platformer for Shell Haven Refinery, (946)
| |
| * [[Shell Tankers|Shell Tankers, Ltd.]], High-Speed Passenger Launch, 243
| |
| * [[Shelvoke and Drewry|Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd.]], " Freightliner" Fork Lift Truck, 852
| |
| * [[Victor Shepheard|Shepheard, Sir Victor]], Her Majesty's Yacht " Britannia," 568, 619
| |
| * [[Short Brothers and Harland|Short Brothers and Harland, Ltd.]], "Sherpa" Research Aircraft, 53
| |
| * [[Siebe, Gorman and Co|Siebe Gorman and Co., Ltd.]], " Aqualungs " for Underwater Exploration, 739
| |
| * [[Siemens Brothers and Co|Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd.]], First Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 505
| |
| * [[Sigma Instrument Co|Sigma Instrument Co., Ltd.]], Electrical Comparator, 740
| |
| * [[Sigmund Pumps|Sigmund Pumps, Ltd.]], Motor Pump Unit, 187; Gas-Turbine-Driven Fire Pump, 583; Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * [[Silentbloc|Silentbloc, Ltd.]], Quick-Action Fastener, 36
| |
| * "Simoa," Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 89
| |
| * [[Henry Simon|Simon, Henry, Ltd.]], Wagon for the Bulk Delivery of Flour, 901
| |
| * [[Simon-Carves|Simon-Carves, Ltd.]], Coal Washery, 603
| |
| * [[William Simons and Co|Simons, William, and Co., Ltd.]], Hopper Barge, (334)
| |
| * Simpson, C. R. H., Walschaerts Valve Gear, 177
| |
| * [[Charles Singer|Singer, Charles]], The Happy Scholar, 733
| |
| * [[Smart and Brown|Smart and Brown (Machine Tools). Ltd.]], Multi-Purpose Machine, 294
| |
| * [[H. P. Smith|Smith, H. P.]], Obituary, 895
| |
| * [[Sir Harold Smith|Smith, Colonel Sir Harold]], Research and Development Work in the Gas Industry, 220
| |
| * [[Hugh Smith and Co|Smith, Hugh, and Co., (Possil), Ltd.]], 500-tor Electro-Hydraulic Press, 584; Hydraulic Plate Bending Press, 725
| |
| * Smith, R., The Importance of Identification, 391
| |
| * Smith, S. Morgan, Company Rotary Plug Valves, 900
| |
| * [[Thomas Smith and Sons|Smith, Thomas, and Sons (Rodley), Ltd.]], 10-ton Self-Propelled Crane, 187; Lorry-Mounted Crane, 854
| |
| * [[Smiths Dock Co|Smiths Dock Co., Ltd.]], New Dry Dock, 43; Single-Screw Cargo Ship " Ramsay," 89; Dry Dock on Tyneside, 937
| |
| * [[Smiths English Clocks|Smiths English Clocks, Ltd.]], Delayed Action Insecticidal Smoke Bomb, 217
| |
| * [[W. P. Snedden|Snedden, W. P.]], Obituary, (658)
| |
| * [[Solar Aircraft Co]], American Gas Turbines in 1953. 249
| |
| * South African Industrial Cellulose Corporation (Pty.), Ltd., Project for the Production of Dissolving Pulp, 295; Rayon Project on Natal South Coast, 506
| |
| * [[South Eastern Gas Board]], Gas from Oil Plant, 19; Portslade Gasworks. 682
| |
| * [[British Railways: Southern Region|Southern Region. British Railways]], Change of Frequency Scheme, 311; Colour Light Signalling, 467; Report on Guildford Railway Accident, (550); 2,000 H.P. Diesel-Electric Main Line Locomotive, 719; Ten-Car Trains, 913
| |
| * [[Standard Telephones and Cables|Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd.]], Maximum Amplitude Measuring Set, (190); Impulse Frequency Telemetering, 457 Standard-Vacuum Refining Company, Durban Oil Refinery, 497
| |
| * [[Steele and Cowlishaw|Steele and Cowlishaw, Ltd.]], Rejuvenating Stored Paint, (478)
| |
| * [[Steeloid|Steeloid, Ltd.]], 5-cwt. Capacity Pedal Operated Truck, 632
| |
| * [[Steels Engineering Products|Steels Engineering Products, Ltd.]], Lorry- mounted Crane. 851; Battery-Operated Mobile Cranes, 185
| |
| * [[Alexander Stephen and Sons|Stephen. Alexander, and Sons, Ltd.]], Tests Related to Water-Tightness of riveted Aluminium Alloy Joints, 13; P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 380
| |
| * [[Stephens and Carter|Stephens and Carter. Ltd.]], Steel Scaffolding, (550)
| |
| * [[Robert Stephenson and Hawthorns|Stephenson, Robert, and Hawthorns, Ltd.]], Shunting Locomotives for Spain, 548
| |
| * [[Stewarts and Lloyds|Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd.]], Development Programme, 66; " The Tubewright," (542); Coryton Oil Refinery, 747
| |
| * Stihl, Andreas, Air-Cooled Two-Cylinder Engineer, 753
| |
| * Stock, A. R., Presentation, (874)
| |
| * [[J. Stone and Co|Stone, J., and Co. (Charlton). Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[J. Stone and Co|Stone, J., and Co. (Deptford), Ltd.]], Folding and Sliding Doors for an Aircraft Hangar, 718
| |
| * [[Thomas Storey (Engineers)|Storey, Thos., (Engineers), Ltd.]], 240ft Bailey Bridge for Turkish Government. (370)
| |
| * [[Stratford Products Safety Service Co|Stratford Products Safety Service Co., Ltd.]], Gas Welding Goggles, (262)
| |
| * [[Streine Tool and Manufacturing Co|Streine Tool and Manufacturing Company]]. Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * [[Sturtevant Engineering Co|Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Electrostatic Precipitation, (190)
| |
| * [[Submarine Cables|Submarine Cables, Ltd.]], Cable Ship Conversion, (406); First Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 505
| |
| * [[Suez Canal Co]]., Report, 934
| |
| * [[Sulzer Brothers|Sulzer Brothers, Ltd.]], Continental Gas Turbines in 1953, 272; Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Australia, 361; Dynamometers for Switzerland, (442)
| |
| * [[Summers, John, and Sons|Summers, John, and Sons, Ltd.]], Blast Furnace at Hawarden Bridge Steel Works, 27
| |
| * [[Surrey Tool Development Co|Surrey Tool Development Co., Ltd.]], Welding Shop Plant, (711)
| |
| * " Svcrdlov," New Russian Cruiser, 109
| |
| * [[Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson|Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson]], H.M.S. "Albion," 29; Passenger Steamship " Leda," 89; " La Hancienda," 89; " Helix," General Purpose Tanker, 141
| |
| * [[W. E. Sykes|Sykes, W. E., Ltd.]], Four-Engine Reverse- Reduction Gear, 348
| |
| |
| '''T
| |
| * [[Taylor and Challen|Taylor and Challen, Ltd.]], Notching Press, 669
| |
| * [[James Taylor (of Chertsey)|Taylor, James, (Chertsey), Ltd.]], Smaller R.N. Fighting Craft, 188
| |
| * [[Taylor Woodrow|Taylor Woodrow, Ltd.]], Steam Generation at the Calder Hall Power Station, 832
| |
| * [[Taylor Woodrow|Taylor Woodrow (East Africa), Ltd.]], Cement Factory at Bamburi, Kenya, 508
| |
| * [[Taylor Woodrow|Taylor Woodrow (West Africa), Ltd.]], Railway Serving the Port of Tema, Gold Coast, 749
| |
| * [[Taymen|Taymen, Ltd.]], Tractor-Driven Industrial Equipment, 216
| |
| * [[Technograph|Technograph, Ltd.]], Recording Signals from Resistance Strain Gauges. 410, 446
| |
| * [[Teddington Industrial Equipment|Teddington Industrial Equipment, Ltd.]], Three Engine Safety Components. 402; Recording Signals from Resistance Strain Gauges, 446
| |
| * [[Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co|Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd.]], Gammexane in the Tropics, (190); First Transatlantic Telephone Cable, 505
| |
| * [[Tennessee Valley Authority]], Progress, 501
| |
| * [[Tentor Bar Co|Tentor Bar Company]], Deformed Bar for Reinforced Concrete, 379
| |
| * [[Thermotank|Thermotank, Ltd.]], P. & O. Liner " Arcadia." 279, 321; H.M. Survey Ship " Vidal," 445
| |
| * [[Bertram Thomas|Thomas, Bertram, (Engineers), Ltd.]], Southern Region Change of Frequency Scheme, 311
| |
| * [[Miles Thomas|Thomas, Sir Miles]], Brancker Memorial Lecture. 229
| |
| * Thompson, John, [[Water Tube Boilers|Water Tube Boilers, Ltd.]], Burning of Coke Breeze, (578)
| |
| * Thompson, W. B., Locomotive Tests, 392; French Locomotive Experiences, 932 Thomson, A. R., " Astronomy," (658)
| |
| * Thomson, A. S. T., Shrink-Fit Investigations on Simple Rings and on Full-Scale Crankshaft Webs, 531
| |
| * [[Thornycroft|Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd.]], H.M.S. "Coniston," 29; Tug "Horus," 141; " Vigilant," Survey and Fire-Fighting Ship. 141; Smaller R.N. Fighting Craft, 188; Apprenticeship Schemes, (550); Inshore Minesweeper. (694); Launch of Coastal Minesweeper, (813)
| |
| * [[Tiltman Langley Laboratories|Tiltman Langley Laboratories, Ltd.]], Delayed Action Insecticidal Smoke Bomb, 216
| |
| * "Tina Onassis," Oil Tanker, 92
| |
| * "Tindor " Motor Yacht, Grimston Astor. Ltd., 59
| |
| * [[T. I. Aluminium|T. I. Aluminium, Ltd.]], Structural Handbook. (298); Aluminium Alloy Brochure, 836; Aluminium Mill Brochure, (893)
| |
| * [[William Alfred Tookey|Tookey, W. A.]], Obituary, 247
| |
| * " Totem," H.M. Submarine, 8
| |
| * [[Trafalgar Engineering Co|Trafalgar Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Aluminium Wire and Cable Factory, 564
| |
| * Trans Mountain Oil Pipe Line Co., Trans-Mountain Oil Pipeline in Canada, 239
| |
| * Trewby, G. F. A., British Naval Gas Turbines, 688
| |
| * Tripp, G. W., Motor Ships for the Clyde, 200; Reconstruction of Steam Ship " Duke of York." 601
| |
| * Triumph Werke Nurnberg A.G., Air-Cooled Two-stroke Engine, 753
| |
| * [[Trollope and Sons|Trollope and Sons (London), Ltd.]], Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[T. and T. Works|T. & T. Works, Ltd.]], Tractor-Driven Industrial Equipment, 216
| |
| * [[Tubewrights|Tubewrights, Ltd.]], Two Welded Tubular Steel Factory Structures, 83
| |
| * Tuplin, W. A., Improving Modern Locomotive Performance, 284; Sifting a Report, 780
| |
| * [[T. Henry Turner|Turner, T. Henry]], Boiler Water Specifications, 918
| |
| * [[E. V. Twose|Twose, E. V., Ltd.]], Tractor-Driven Industrial Equipment, 216
| |
| |
| '''U
| |
| * [[Ultrasonics|Ultrasonics, Ltd.]], Flow Controller, 800
| |
| * [[Unicum Co|Unicum Company]], Mobile Crane-with Hydraulic Motors, 650
| |
| * United South African Portland Cement Co., Cement Factory in Southern Rhodesia, 908
| |
| * United States Pipe and Foundry Co., Long Centrifugal Castings, 583
| |
| * Union Steel Corporation (of South Africa), Ltd., Industrial Gas Plant, 618
| |
| * [[United Steel Companies|United Steel Companies, Ltd.]], Railway Materials Handbook, (38); Blast-Furnace at Scunthorpe, (442)
| |
| * Upton, H. E., Heat Exchangers for Internal Combustion Engines, 510
| |
| |
| '''V
| |
| * [[Vacuum Oil Co|Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd.]], Coryton Oil Refinery, 747, 805; Petrol Distribution Stations, 151
| |
| * "Vacuum Pioneer," Oil Tanker, Grangemouth Dockyard Co., Ltd., 141
| |
| * Van Doorne's Automobielfabriek N.V., Six- Wheel Drive Artillery Tractor, 831
| |
| * [[Vanderbijl Engineering Corporation|Vanderbijl Engineering Corporation, Ltd.]], Progress of Vecor and Iscor, 295
| |
| * Vickers, Antony, Wages, 177
| |
| * Vickers, G. W., Improving Modern Locomotive Performance, 284
| |
| * [[Vickers-Armstrongs|Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd.]], Current Development Work, 16; H.M.S. " Majestic," 69; Opening of Queen Elizabeth II Oil Dock at Eastham. 135; Tanker " World Enterprise," 141; Launch of Tanker " World Harmony," 301; H.M.S. " Explorer," (370); Orient Liner " Orsova," (442), 923; Aluminium Mill at Falkirk, 867
| |
| * [[HMS Victorious|"Victorious," H.M.S.]], 8
| |
| * "Vidal," H.M. Survey Ship, 69, 445
| |
| * "Vigilant " Survey and Fire-Fighting Ship, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 8, 141
| |
| * [[Vasco Engineering Co|Vasco Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Rotating Self- Cleaning Air Filter, 222
| |
| * [[Vokes|Vokes, Ltd.]], Exhibition of Vokes Products, (766)
| |
| * [[Vosper|Vospers, Ltd.]], Smaller R.N. Fighting Craft, 188; High-Speed Passenger Launch, 243
| |
| * [[Vulcan Foundry|Vulcan Foundry. Ltd.]], Class 4-6-2 Locos for Argentine, 33; 2-8-2 Oil Burning Locos for Iraq, 33
| |
| |
| '''W
| |
| * [[Waights|Waights, Ltd.]], Recording Signals from Resistance Strain Gauges, 482
| |
| * [[Rex Wailes|Wailes, Rex]], Tower Windmills in Lincolnshire, 650
| |
| * Wainwright, C., Precision X-Ray diffraction Spectrometer Ring, 97
| |
| * [[Godfrey Waite|Waite, Godfrey]], Cathodic Protection of the Interior of Cargo Compartments in Oil Tankers, 618
| |
| * [[C. C. Wakefield and Co|Wakefield, C. C., and Co., Ltd.]], Scholarship for Automobile Study, (497)
| |
| * [[Walker Brothers (Wigan)|Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd.]], Double-Drum Steam-Driven Mine Hauling Engine. 529
| |
| * [[Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co|Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd.]], H.M.S. " Albion," 29
| |
| * Ward, J. M., Corrosion on Steel-CoredAluminium Overhead Line Conductors, 171)
| |
| * [[Phillip Trehearne Ward|Ward, Phillip]], Obituary, (694)
| |
| * [[Thomas Ward|Ward, Thos. W., Ltd.]], Anniversary, (487)
| |
| * Wardlaw, W., Elected President, (586)
| |
| * [[Waring and Gillow|Waring and Gillow, Ltd.]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 321; Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[A. Warley|Watley, A.]], Obituary, (226)
| |
| * " Warmingham," H.M.S., Inshore Minesweeper, (694)
| |
| * Water Pollution Research Laboratory, Annual Report, 589
| |
| * " Wave Liberator," Royal Fleet Auxiliary Tanker, 45
| |
| * Waverley Committee, Report, 860
| |
| * [[R. B. Weallens|Weallans, R. B.]], Obituary, (226)
| |
| * [[F. E. Weatherill|Weatherill, F. E., Ltd.]], Hydraulically-Operated Overloader, 584
| |
| * [[G. and J. Weir|Weir, G. & J., Ltd.]], Marine Refrigeration, (262); P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 380
| |
| * [[Welin Maclachlan Davits|Welin Maclachlan Davits, Ltd.]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 345
| |
| * [[Wellman, Smith, Owen, Engineering Co|Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Mobile Forging Manipulators, 828
| |
| * [[Wellworthy|Wellworthy, Ltd.]], Molecular Bonded Bimetallic Components, 387
| |
| * [[British Railways: Western Region|Western Region, British Railways]], British Railways' "Class 3" Standard Tender Engines, 567; Locomotive Men's Strike, 765
| |
| * [[Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co|Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd.]], Truck for Aircraft Starting and Ground Power Supply, 667
| |
| * Westinghouse Electric Corporation, American Gas Turbines 1953, 249
| |
| * [[Charles Weston and Co|Weston, Charles, and Co., Ltd.]], Rotating Shaft Seals, 293
| |
| * [[Whessoe|Whessoe, Ltd.]], Coryton Oil Refinery, 747; Steam Generation at the Calder Hall Atomic Power Station, 832
| |
| * Whiffin, A. C., Locating Steel Reinforcing Bars in Concrete Slabs, 887
| |
| * [[Herbert William Whitlock|Whitlock, Herbert William]], Obituary, (190)
| |
| * [[Thomas Sydney Whitlock|Whitlock, Thomas Sydney]], Obituary, (190)
| |
| * [[Whipp and Bourne|Whipp and Bourne, Ltd.]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 380
| |
| * Whitaker, Sir F. A., Retirement, (334)
| |
| * [[J. Samuel White and Co|White, J. Samuel, and Co., Ltd.]] Tests Related to Water-Tightness of Riveted Aluminium Alloy Joints, 13; Inshore Minesweeper, (766)
| |
| * Whitney, W. B., Retirement, (154)
| |
| * [[D. Wickham and Co|Wickham, D., and Co., Ltd.]], Diesel-Electric Railcars for South America, 422
| |
| * [[Wickman|Wickman, Ltd.]], Two Chucking Automatics, 511; New Offices, (874)
| |
| * [[Henry Wiggin and Co|Wiggin, Henry, and Co., Ltd.]], Nickel for Electronic Valves, 151 Monet Metal Ragbolts (196); Nickel Alloy Spring Materials, (224)
| |
| * [[A. G. Wild and Co|Wild, A. G., and Co., Ltd.]], Hydraulic Puller for Pit Props, (671)
| |
| * [[Wild Barfield Electric Furnaces|Wild Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd.]], 1.5kW Electric Furnace for Melting Gold, 869
| |
| * Wilkinson, L., Application of Radio-Active Isotopes to Steel Foundry Radiography, 383
| |
| * [[Wilkinson Rubber Linatex|Wilkinson Rubber Linatex, Ltd.]], Diaphragm Pumps, 423
| |
| * [[F. A. Willcox|Willcox, F. A.]], Obituary, 715
| |
| * Williams, D., Structural Approach to Aeroelastic Problems, 315
| |
| * [[Gertrude Williams|Williams, Gertrude]], Labour in 1953, I I , 48
| |
| * Wilson, G. R. S., Safety on the Railways, 438
| |
| * [[Wilson, Henry, and Co|Wilson, Henry, and Co., Ltd.]], P. & 0. Liner " Arcadia," 321; Orient Liner " Orsova," 923
| |
| * [[Wilton and Bell|Wilton and Bell, Ltd.]], Sea Wall in Lincoln hire, 2
| |
| * [[Charles Winn and Co|Winn, Charles, and Co., Ltd.]], Diaphragm Valves, (802)
| |
| * [[Winston Electronics|Winston Electronics, Ltd.]], Recording Signals from Resistance Strain Gauges, 482
| |
| * Wolf, P. O., Torrents of the East and West Lyn, 392
| |
| * [[Woodall-Duckham Construction Co|Woodall-Duckham Co.]], Ltd., Portslade Gasworks, 682
| |
| * [[Woodhouse and Mitchell]], Tool Honing Machine, (927)
| |
| * [[Woods of Colchester|Woods of Colchester, Ltd.]], Aerofoil Fan, 456
| |
| * "World Enterprise ' Tanker, Vickers Armstrong, Ltd., 141
| |
| * " World Glory," Launch of Oil Tanker, 229
| |
| * World Harmony, Tanker, Launch, Vickers Armstrongs, Ltd., 101
| |
| * Worms et Cie, French Coaster " Catenac," 425
| |
| * [[Wright, Anderson and Co|Wright Anderson and Co., Ltd.]], Research Station for Short-Circuit Testing of Switchgear, 488
| |
| |
| '''Y
| |
| * [[Yarrow and Co|Yarrow and Co., Ltd.]], " Aberford," Seaward Defence Boat, (370); H.M.S. " Diana," (370)
| |
| * Yellowley, G., Marine Shafting Alignment, 582
| |
| * [[Yorkshire Engine Co|Yorkshire Engine Co., Ltd.]], Diesel-Electric Shunting Locomotives, 259
| |
| * [[Leslie Young|Young, Leslie]] Some Model Experiments on Special Control Valves, 207, 257
| |
| |
| '''Z
| |
| * [[Zerny Engineering Co|Zerny Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Taper Locking Pulley, 656
| |
| |
| == See Also == | | == See Also == |