Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs: Difference between revisions

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View the [[The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec|Volumes]] that this Index refers to.   

ABERDEEN, Robert Gordon’s Colleges, Proposed Courses of Instruction, 555
ABERDEEN, Robert Gordon’s Colleges, Proposed Courses of Instruction, 555
Acoustic Design of Musical Practice Rooms, Changes Needed to Benefit by Sound-proof Walls, 185
Acoustic Design of Musical Practice Rooms, Changes Needed to Benefit by Sound-proof Walls, 185
Aerial Ropeway in Colombia, Preliminary Survey for, and Details of Scheme, 45
Aerial Ropeway in Colombia, Preliminary Survey for, and Details of Scheme, 45
  Air Defence of Great Britain, 525
  Aircraft Apprentices, Vacancies for, 223
Air Defence of Great Britain, 525
Aircraft Apprentices, Vacancies for, 223
Airship, Five Million Cubic Feet, for Egypt and India Service, 75
Airship, Five Million Cubic Feet, for Egypt and India Service, 75
Belfast to Gretna or Carlisle, Daily Aeroplane Service Projected, 265
Belfast to Gretna or Carlisle, Daily Aeroplane
Service Projected, 265
Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 200
Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 200
Circumnavigation of the World by Air, Conclusions to Reckon With, 351
Circumnavigation of the World by Air, Conclusions to Reckon With, 351
Hangar, Aeroplane at Mukden, Largest in Asia, 555
Hangar, Aeroplane at Mukden, Largest in Asia, 555
Helicopter Inventor’s New Record and Prize, 351
Helicopter Inventor’s New Record and Prize, 351
Imperial Airways Monthly Traffic Returns, June and July, 274
Imperial Airways Monthly Traffic Returns, June and July, 274
Light Aeroplane Competitions, Lecture by Major J. S. Buchanan, 555
Light Aeroplane Competitions, Lecture by Major J. S. Buchanan, 555
Napier-Blackburn Torpedo-carrying Aeroplanes, 1000 Horse-power, Launch of the First, 211
Napier-Blackburn Torpedo-carrying Aeroplanes, 1000 Horse-power, Launch of the First, 211
  R 38 Memorial Prize, Award for 1924, 628
R 38 Memorial Prize, Award for 1924, 628
Seaplane for Transport of Fever Patients in British Guiana, 465
Seaplane for Transport of Fever Patients in British Guiana, 465
World’s Gliding Record Broken by Lieutenant Thoret, St. Remy, 265
World’s Gliding Record Broken by Lieutenant Thoret, St. Remy, 265
  World’s Largest Passenger Flying Bout, 585
World’s Largest Passenger Flying Bout, 585
AGRICULTURAL Fortnightly Bulletin to be Broadcasted from London, 185
AGRICULTURAL Fortnightly Bulletin to be Broadcasted from London, 185
Alien-Liversedge, Limited, Staff Dinner, 512
Alien-Liversedge, Limited, Staff Dinner, 512
Alloys Aging Effect and Increased Room Temperature, 525
Alloys Aging Effect and Increased Room Temperature, 525
Aluminium Alloy Road Wheel, Satisfactory
Aluminium Alloy Road Wheel, Satisfactory
  Results of Experiments, 159
Results of Experiments, 159
American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical
American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical
  Engineers, 130th Meeting, 252
American Stone Quarries Workefrs, Shifts and
Engineers, 130th Meeting, 252
  Accident Statistics, 613
American Stone Quarries Workers, Shifts and
Accident Statistics, 613
Anodes for Brine Electrolysis, 437
Anodes for Brine Electrolysis, 437
Apprentice Scholarships, “ D. B. Morison,”
Apprentice Scholarships, “ D. B. Morison,”
  Engineering, 449
Engineering, 449
Asbestos Exports from Canada, 13, 237
Asbestos Exports from Canada, 13, 237
Asbestos Mills, Montreal, Two New, 295
Asbestos Mills, Montreal, Two New, 295
x4sbestos Mine near Barberton, Formation of
  Minerals, 613
Asbestos Mino near Barberton, Formation of
Minerals, 613
Asphalt, Liquid and Solid, Throughout the whole of Cuba, 105
Asphalt, Liquid and Solid, Throughout the whole of Cuba, 105
    Significance of Exhaust .Temperature, P. H.
Association, Diesel Engine Users’ :
      Smith, 408
Significance of Exhaust .Temperature, P. H. Smith, 408
    Gold Medal Awards for Railwaymen’s
      Papers, 381
Institute of Transport :
    Annual Dinner, 593
Gold Medal Awards for Railwaymen’s Papers, 381
    Medal Awards for Papers and Service, 584
    Pneumatic Tires, A. Healey, 669
Institution of Automobile Engineers :
    Self-balancing Centrifugals, Eustace A.
Annual Dinner, 593
      Alliott, 133
Medal Awards for Papers and Service, 584
    Awards for Papers, 396
  Joint Meeting with other Associations : Results of Heat Engine and Boiler Trials,
Pneumatic Tires, A. Healey, 669
    A.M.I.E.E. Examination, 145
Institution of Chemical Engineers :
    Annual Conversazione, 27
    Award of Premiums to Students, 62
Self-balancing Centrifugals, Eustace A. Alliott, 133
Institution of Civil Engineers :
Awards for Papers, 396
Joint Meeting with other Associations :
Results of Heat Engine and Boiler Trials, 625
Institution of Electrical Engineers :
A.M.I.E. E. Examination, 145
Annual Conversazione, 27
Award of Premiums to Students, 62
New Wiring Regulations, F. C. Raphael, 725
New Wiring Regulations, F. C. Raphael, 725
    Sir Oliver Lodge, Honorary Member, 555
Sir Oliver Lodge, Honorary Member, 555
  NORTH WALES (LIVERPOOL) CENTRE : Art of Communication Engineering, Address by H. H. Harrison, 525
North Wales (Liverpool) Centre :
Art of Communication Engineering, Address by H. H. Harrison, 525 Informal Section :
“ Walk Round Pretoria Power Station,” Lecture, G. M. Clark, 697
“ Walk Round Pretoria Power Station,” Lecture, G. M. Clark, 697
    Janies Watt Annual Dinner, 625
Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland :
    Annual Meeting in 1925, 507
Janies Watt Annual Dinner, 625
    Presidential Election, 185
Storage of Silica Refractories, Lecture, W. J, Rees, 13
Institution of Gas Engineers :
Annual Meeting in 1925, 507
Presidential Election , 185
Storage of Silica Refractories, Lecture, W. J. Rees, 13
. Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers :
Awards for Competition to Encourage Education in the Industry, 335
Awards for Competition to Encourage Education in the Industry, 335
Prizes Offered for Papers, 696
Prizes Offered for Papers, 696
Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Apparatus, 640
Institution, Junior, of Engineers : Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and
H.R.H. Prince of Wales to Attend Annual Dinner, 555
Apparatus, 640
    Scholarships Offered for 1925, 612
Institution of Mechanical Engineers :
    Scholarships and Prize Awards, 304, 479
H.R.H. Prince of AV ales to Attend Annual Dinner, 555
    Girders in Ships, J. Foster King, 585
Institution of Naval Architects :
    Award of Institution Scholarship, 605
    Awards of Medals and Scholarships, 479
Scholarships Offered for 1925, 612
Scholarships and Prize Awards, 304, 479
Institution, North-East Coast, of Engineers and Shipbuilders :
Girders in Ships, J. Foster King, 585
1 nstitution of Petroleum Technologists : Award of Institution Scholarship, 605 Awards of Medals and Scholarships, 479
Institution of Production Engineers : Annual Dinner, 322
“Proceedings”; Survey of Indian Signalling,” A. C. Rose, 437
Institution of Railway Signal Engineers :
“Proceedings”; Survey of Indian Signalling,” 2k. C. Rose, 437
Signalling on the London Underground Railways, W. S. Every, 613
Signalling on the London Underground Railways, W. S. Every, 613
Three-position Signalling, 724
Three-position Signalling, 724
Institution, Royal :
Before-Easter Lecture Arrangements, 640, 696
Before-Easter Lecture Arrangements, 640, 696
General Meeting ; Christmas Lectures, &c., 539
General Meeting ; Christinas Lectures, &c., 539
    Annual and List of Papers, 609
Institution of Water Engineers :
    Awards for Papers, 712
Plumbago, Average Annual Export of, from Ceylon, T. G. Hunter, 351
Annual and List of Papers, 609
    Annual General Meeting, 117
Society of Engineers :
    Report, 117
Awards for Papers, 712
    Paper by Mr. G. L. Jennings, 185
Plumbago, A verage Annual Export of, from Ceylon, T. G. Hunter, 351
Society, Faraday :
Annual General Meeting, 117
Report, 117
Society, Illuminating Engineering :
Paper by Mr. G. L. Jennings, 185
Society, Optical :
Extraordinary General Meeting ; Student Members, Rules, 649
Extraordinary General Meeting ; Student Members, Rules, 649
Filpi Picture Production, Optical and Mechanical Problems of, H. Dennis Taylor, 436
Filpi Picture Production, Optical and Mechanical Problems of, H. Dennis Taylor, 436
    Award of Medals for Papers, 62
Society, Royal, of Arts :
Award of Medals for Papers, 62
ASTURIAS Mines and Factories to bo Controlled by Krupps, 641
ASTURIAS Mines and Factories to bo Controlled by Krupps, 641
Atlas Works, Sheffield, 129
Atlas Works, Sheffield, 129
Atomic Energy, Freeing, At Present an Elusive Secret, Dr. Wall’s Quest, 525
Atomic Energy, Freeing, At Present an Elusive Secret, Dr. Wall’s Quest, 525
Auckland (New Zealand), New Works and Improvements by Harbour Board, 725
Auckland (New Zealand), New Works and Improvements by Harbour Board, 725
Australia, Proposed Enlargement of Hume
Australia, Proposed Enlargement of Hume
  Reservoir on the Murray River, 351
Australian Engineers in Government Service,
Reservoir on the Murray River, 351
  Question of Increase of Pay, 45
Australian Engineers in Government Service, Question of Increase of Pay, 45
Australian Imports, Quarter’s Analysis, 105
Australian Imports, Quarter’s Analysis, 105
Australian Sea Carriage of Goods Act, 725
Australian Sea Carriage of Goods Act, 725
Australia’s Rich Radium Deposits, 697
Australia’s Rich Radium Deposits, 697
Avery, W. and T., Limited, Recognition of
Avery, W. and T., Limited, Recognition of
  Long Service, 27
Long Service, 27
Avonmouth Spelter Works, Feared Closing after Heavy Expenditure, 185
Avonmouth Spelter Works, Feared Closing after Heavy Expenditure, 185
Avonmouth Spelter Works, Postponement of Closing Down, 323
Avonmouth Spelter Works, Postponement of Closing Down, 323
BALL Bearings Made of Stainless Steel, Carrying Capacity of, Axel Hultgren, 351
BALL Bearings Made of Stainless Steel, Carrying Capacity of, Axel Hultgren, 351
Barranquilla, Colombia, Contract by London Syndicate for Construction of Streets, Tramways and Waterworks, 669
Barranquilla, Colombia, Contract by London Syndicate for Construction of Streets, Tramways and Waterworks, 669
Bath, Rapid Steam Plant Erection at, 678
Bath, Rapid Steam Plant Erection at, 678
Beet Sugar Factory in Alberta, Proposed, 669
Beet Sugar Factory in Alberta, Proposed, 669
Beet Sugar Factory on the Wissey River, Another Projected, 351
Beet Sugar Factory on the Wissey River, Another Projected, 351
Belgian Congo, Cobalt Ore in Various Places with Manganese, 265
    Valuable Recent Discovery, 409
Belgian Congo, Cobalt Ore in Various Places ' with Manganese, 265
Belgian Congo, List of Recently Discovered Minerals, 211
Birmingham Post Office, Alterations for Accommodation of Automatic Telephone, 725
Valuable Recent Discovery, 409
Belgian Congo, List of Recently Discovered I Minerals, 211
Birmingham Post Office, .Alterations for Accommodation of Automatic Telephone, 725 i
Blast-furnaces—see Iron and Steel
Blast-furnaces—see Iron and Steel
Blue Finish to Handles of Pliers, &c., New
  Method for Applying, 323
Blue Finish to Handles of Pliers, &c., New
Method for Applying, 323                 ,
Boiler Explosion in Small Steamer, Some Peculiar Features, 641
Boiler Explosion in Small Steamer, Some Peculiar Features, 641
Boiler Explosions, Report for 1923, 525
Boiler Explosions, Report for 1923, 525
Bombay, Back Bay Reclamation Progress, 437
Bradford Engineering Society, Programme of
Bombay, Back Bay Reclamation Progress, 437 I
  Lectures, 365
Bradford Engineering Society, Programme of I
Lectures, 365
Bradshaw, Eighty-fifth Anniversary of, 469
Bradshaw, Eighty-fifth Anniversary of, 469
Brazilian Government Outlay on Port Improvements, 351
Brazilian Government Outlay on Port Improvements, 351
Bridge Across the Tees at Newport, Scheme Opposed, 323
Bridge Across the Tees at Newport, Scheme Opposed, 323
Bridge,* Hooghly, Proposed New, at Howrah, Committee Suggestions, 697
Bridge,Hooghly, Proposed New, at Howrah, Committee Suggestions, 697
Bridge, Newcastle and Gateshead, Tender Accepted, 725
Bridge, Newcastle and Gateshead, Tender Accepted, 725
Bridge Over the Ouse at Boothferry, 75
Bridge Over the Ouse at Boothferry, 75
Bridge Over Richmond River, New South Wales, 697
Bridge Over Richmond River, New South Wales, 697
Bridge Span Too Much Expanded by Sun to be Reclosed, 409
Bridge Span Too Much Expanded by Sun to be Reclosed, 409
British and American Mining Departments, Exchange of Information, Tests of British Explosives, 555
British and American Mining Departments, Exchange of Information, Tests of British Explosives, 555
British Columbia, The Third Industrial Province in Canada, 237
British Columbia, The Third Industrial Province in Canada, 237
British Engineering Standards Association :
Acceptance of Invitation from German Standards Committee, 641
Acceptance of Invitation from German Standards Committee, 641
  Automobile Steels, Publications on, 99
Automobile Steels, Publications on, 99
Coal Mining and Industrial Standardisation, Address to be Given in Four Centres by Secretary of the Association, 418
Coal Mining and Industrial Standardisation, Address to be Given in Four Centres by Secretary of the Association, 418
  Glossary of Electrical Engineering Terms, 117
  Standard Keys, Keyways and Keybars,
Glossary of Electrical Engineering Terms, 117
    Publication Regarding, 709
  Standard Specifications :
Standard Keys, Keyways and Keybars, Publication Regarding, 709
    Cast Iron Piston Rings, 479
Standard Specifications :
Cast Iron Piston Rings, 479
Conductors for Overhead Power Transmission, 609
Conductors for Overhead Power Transmission, 609
Copper, Raw, Five Specifications Issued, 310
Copper, Raw, Five Specifications Issued, 310
Fuel Oils, Four Grades, 572
Fuel Oils, Four Grades, 572
Magnetos for Internal Combustion Engines, 105
Magnetos for Internal Combustion Engines, 105
Metallic Resistance Materials, 507
Metallic Resistance Materials, 507
Metallic Resistance Materials Specification Revision, 613
Metallic Resistance Materials Specification Revision, 613
Solders, Silver, Tin-lead and Brazing; Brasses, Special, for Ingots for Castings, for Actual Castings, 89
Solders, Silver, Tin-lead and Brazing; Brasses, Special, for Ingots for Castings, for Actual Castings, 89
Spanners, Dimensions of, 593
Spanners, Dimensions of, 593
  Birmingham Branch :
British Foundrymen, Institution of :
Birmingham Branch :
Lecture on “ The Iron Age,” Presidential, 555
Lecture on “ The Iron Age,” Presidential, 555
Pure Aluminium Unsuitable for Castings, C. Dickens’ Lecture, 641
Pure Aluminium Unsuitable for Castings, C. Dickens’ Lecture, 641
  Scottish Branch :
Bulk Electricity Supply, Schemes in connection with Foundry Operations, James Affleck, 461
Scottish Branch :
Bulk Electricity Supply, Schemes in connection with Foundry Operations, James A Week, 461
CADMIUM, Inhalation of Fumes and Resulting Accident, 45
CADMIUM, Inhalation of Fumes and Resulting Accident, 45
Canada, Crude Petroleum Production Statistics, 465
Canada, Crude Petroleum Production Statistics, 465
Canada, Reclamation of Waterless and Waterlogged Areas in, 494
Canada, Reclamation of Waterless and Waterlogged Areas in, 494
Canada’s Sulphide Ores Abundance and Variety, 437
Canada’s Sulphide Ores Abundance and Variety, 437
Canada and the United States, New Railway Bridge at Niagara Falls, 555
Canada and the United States, New Railway
Bridge at Niagara Falls, 555
Canadian Copper Output for 1922 and 1923, 323
Canadian Copper Output for 1922 and 1923, 323
Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto,
Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto,
World’s Record Building for Cost and Size, 409
World’s Record Building for Cost and Size, 409
Canadian Natural Gas Light, Heat and Power
Canadian Natural Gas Light, Heat and Power
  Company, Big Well’s Output, 211
Company, Big Well’s Output, 211
Canadian Patent Law, New, 533
Canadian Patent Law, New, 533
Canadian Trent Canal, Completion Urged on the Government, 105
Canadian Trent Canal, Completion Urged on the Government, 105
Capo Copper Smelting Works in. South Wales Bought, 381
Carbon Black, Its Manifold Uses, 21 L
Cape Copper Smelting Works in South Wales Bought, 381
Carbon Black, Its Manifold Uses, 21 I.
Carbon Dioxide as Remedy for Carbon Monoxide Gas Poisoning, 725
Carbon Dioxide as Remedy for Carbon Monoxide Gas Poisoning, 725
Carmichael, The House of, 132
(Carmichael, The House of, 132
Casablanca Port, Morocco, Approaching Completion, 323
Casablanca Port, Morocco, Approaching Completion, 323
Caustic Soda and Chlorine, Production by Electrolysis, 641
Caustic Soda and Chlorine, Production by Electrolysis, 641
Cement Gun for Stone Dusting, Experiments in a Colliery, 295
Cement Gun for Stone Dusting, Experiments in a Colliery, 295
Cements Manufactured from Sea Mud Lime, French Experiments, 75
Cements Manufactured from Sea Mud l-iine, French Experiments, 75
Chapeltown, Sheffield, Gas Lighting Scheme, 237
Chapeltown, Sheffield, Gas Lighting Scheme, 237
Chemical Industries, Tenth Exposition of, 249
Chemical Industries, Tenth Exposition of, 249
Chilean Improvements at Port of Lebu, 211
Chilean Improvements at Port of Lebu, 211
China, Thirty Mining Areas Staked Out, 75
China, Thirty Mining Areas Staked Out, 75
China, Two of Four Projected Trunk Highways Now Completed, 351
Chinese Registration of Trade Marks Bureau, 13.
China, Two of Four Projected Trunk Highways Now Completed, 351             s '
Chlorine Gas, Correct Method of Detection of Leakage, 381
Civic Steam-heating Plant at Winnipeg Opened,
Chinese Registration of Trade Marks Bureau, 13
CWorme Gas Correct Method of Detection of •i>eaRage, 381
Ci vicSteam-heating Plant at Winnipeg Opened,
Clyde Dredging to be Started, 323
Clyde Dredging to be Started, 323
Clyde Tunnel or Bridge, Question for Glasgow, 323
| ° 30® Tunnel or Bridge, Question for Glasgow,
Argentina, Coal Importations from Great Britain and Elsewhere, 723
Australian Brown Coal from Morwell, Analysis of Grading, 381
Argentina, Coal Importations from Great -Britain and Elsewhere, 723
Barnsley Seam at Thorne Colliery, Progress, 71
Barnsley Bed of Coal Reached by Shaft Started in 1909, 211
Australian Brown Coal ‘from Morwell, Analysis of Grading, 381
Binder from Seaweed for Coal Briquettes, New Industry in Orkney, 211
Barnsley Seam at Thorne Colliery, Progress,
Barnsley Bed of Coal Reached by Shaft Started in 1909, 211             J
Binder from Seaweed for Coal Briquettes, New Industry in Orkney, 21]
Brown Coal Briquetting Plant Capacity, Victorian Electricity Commission, 45
Brown Coal Briquetting Plant Capacity, Victorian Electricity Commission, 45
Coal Discovery Reported Under a Staffordshire Farm, 409
Coal Discovery Reported Under a Staffordshire Farm, 409
  Coalfield, Rich, Discovered near Madrid, 525
Coal Treated by Modern Scientific Methods, Immense Possibilities Suggested by Mr. F. Hodges, 437
Coalfield, Rich, Discovered near Madrid, 525 Coal Treated by Modern Scientific Methods.
Coal Working Under Sheffield, Application, 13
Colliery Shafts to be Sunk by Freezing Process, 697
Immense Possibilities Suggested by Mr. F Hodges, 437
Coal Working Under Sheffield, Application,
Colliery Shafts to be Sunk bv Freezing Process, 697                   ‘          °
Consett Iron Company’s Estate Development, Coal Discoveries, 75
Consett Iron Company’s Estate Development, Coal Discoveries, 75
Decontrolling the Coal Trade in Czechoslovakia, Possibility under Consideration, 105
  Franco-Belgian Frontier, Coal Discovery, 105
Decontrolling the Coal Trade in Czecho-1/8^a<ia’ P°ssibility under Consideration, 105
French Undertaking for Economic Utilisation and Conservation of Coal, 495
Franco-Belgian Frontier, Coal Discovery, 105 rrench Undertaking for Economic Utilisation and Conservation of Coal, 495
Great Britain’s Coal Output, Comparative Statistics, 295, 613, 725
Great Britain’s Coal Output, Comparative Statistics, 295, 613, 725
Hatfield Moor, Doncaster, Coal Discovery, New Pit to be Sunk, 475
Hatfield Moor, Doncaster, Coal Discovery, New Pit to be Sunk, 475
  Increased Use of Coal-cutting Machines, 465
Interesting Week-end Work at Marehay Colliery, 323
Increased Use of Coal-cutting Machines, 465
Manchuria Coal Mines Financed by Russia, 437
  Natal Coal Mines, July Output, 437
Interesting Week-end Work at Marehay
Northern Ireland, 200,000,000 Tons Coalfield near Coalisland, 211
Colliery, 323                             J
Manchuria Coal Mines Financed by Russia,
Natal Coal Mines, July Output, 437
Northern Ireland, 200,000,000 Tons Coal-field near Coalisland, 211
Nova Scotia’s New and Excellent Coal Seam at Maccan, 75
Nova Scotia’s New and Excellent Coal Seam at Maccan, 75
  Nova Scotia’s Undersea Colliery, 75
Pulverised Coal for Birmingham Electric Supply Boilers, 105
Nova Scotia’s Undersea Colliery, 75
, Pulverised Coal for Birmingham Electric Supply Boilers, 105
Pulverised Coal in Industrial Plants, Effect Similar to Coal Dust in Mines, 185
Pulverised Coal in Industrial Plants, Effect Similar to Coal Dust in Mines, 185
South Australian Brown Coal for Producer Gas Plant, Experiments, 641
South Australian Brown Coal for Producer Gas Plant, Experiments, 641
Spanish Coal Problem, Proposed Grouping of Mines, 585
Spanish Coal Problem, Proposed Grouping of Mines, 585
Transvaal Coal and Oil Company’s Valuable Coal, 585
Transvaal Coal and Oil Company’s Valuable Coal, 585
Ulster Collieries, New, at Coalisland, Co. Tyrone, 105
Ulster Collieries, New, at Coalisland, Co Tyrone, 105
United States, Production of Bituminous Coal and Anthracite, 620
United States, Production of Bituminous Coal and Anthracite, 620
Unwatering Coal Mines, Investigation of Explosion Hazards, 585
Unwatering Coal Mines, Investigation of Explosion Hazards, 585
Wellington, New Zealand, Important Coal Discovery, 237
Wellington, New Zealand, Important Coal Discovery, 237
COAST Erosion, Question in the House of Commons, 45
Cobalt in Belgian Congo, 265 ; Valuable Recent Discovery, 409
COAST Erosion, Question in the House of
Cobalt, Canadian Smelter Output of, Statistics, 465
Commons, 45                             I
Cobalt in Belgian Congo, 265 ; Valuable
Recent Discovery, 409
Cobalt, Canadian Smelter Output of, Statistics 465                                             ’
Cobalt Silver Mines Twenty Years’ Record, 691
Cobalt Silver Mines Twenty Years’ Record, 691
Colombia, Projected Expenditure on Public Works, 211
Colombo Harbour Berths, Four, Sufficient for Present Use, 613
Colombia, Projected Expenditure on Public
Complimentary Dinner, Yorkshire Electric Power Company, 734
Concrete Bridge Span Bodily Lifted and Replaced, 133
Works, 211
Colombo Harbour Berths, Four, Sufficient for
Present Use, 613
Complimentary Dinner, Yorkshire
Power Company, 734
Concrete Bridge Span Bodily Lifted placed, 133
Concrete Impregnated with Molten Sulphur, Great Increase in Strength Thereby, 409
Concrete Impregnated with Molten Sulphur, Great Increase in Strength Thereby, 409
Concrete, Liability to Heat and Advisable Precautionary Measures, 211
Concrete, Liability to Heat and Advisable
< Precautionary Measures, 211
Concrete Mixing with Impure Water, 237
Concrete Mixing with Impure Water, 237
Concrete Work, Material for Filling Expansion Joints, 381
Concrete Work, Material for Filling Expansion
Joints, 381               ox
Copper Coins in China, Depreciation of, 137
Copper Coins in China, Depreciation of, 137
Copper Company, Leading Producer in the World, 555
Copper Company, Leading Producer in the
World, 555
Copper Cost in Germany, Search for Alloys, 323
Copper Cost in Germany, Search for Alloys, 323
Copper Ore Treatment Financed by Western Australian Government, 265
Copper Ore Treatment Financed by Western
Australian Government, 265
Copper, Pure, Effect of Gradual Heating and
Copper, Pure, Effect of Gradual Heating and
  Cooling in an Electric Furnace, 525
Cooling in an Electric Furnace, 525
Cottages, Steel, Lord Weir’s Type, 421
Cottages, Steel, Lord Weir’s Type, 421
Crude Oil from Shale, Extracted by Retort at Burma Pavilion, British Empire Exhibition, 265
Crystal Palaeo School of Engineering, Distribution of Certificates, 709
Crude Oil from Shale, Extracted by Retort at
Burma Pavilion, British Empire Exhibition 265
Crystal Palace School of Engineering, Distribution of Certificates, 709
Cutler, New Master and Mistress, 409
Cutler, New Master and Mistress, 409
and Re-
DAIREN’S Chinese-owned Engineering Works, 495
DAIREN’S Chinese-owned Engineering Works,
Dam Across the St. Lawrence Adovcated, 45
Dam Across the St. Lawrence Adovcated, 45
Dam Construction in Orange Free State, 437
Dam Construction in Orange Free State, 437
Dams, Two Gigantic, in Province of Quebec, Progress, 437
De-aoration of Boiler Feed Water in Special Circumstances, Remarkable Process, 237
Dams, Two Gigantic, in Province of Quebec Progress, 437
Death of Herr Carl Fridolf Carlson, 495
De-aoration of Boiler Feed Water in Special
Circumstances, Remarkable Process, 237
Death of Herr Carl Fridolf Carlson, 495
Delaware River Bridge, Suspension Cables for, 381
Delaware River Bridge, Suspension Cables for, 381
  First Report on Heat Insulators,‘555
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research :
  Offers to Undertake Tests on Plant of Low
    Temperature Carbonisation, 265
First Report on Heat Insulators,‘555
Diesel Engine, Double-acting, Now Type, Completed in New York, 351
Offers to Undertake Tests on Plant of Low Temperature Carbonisation, 265
Diesel Engine, Double-acting, New Type, Completed in New York, 351
Diesel Engine, 15,000 B.H.P. Stationary, Ordered by Hamburg Electric Light Company, 265
Diesel Engine, 15,000 B.H.P. Stationary, Ordered by Hamburg Electric Light Company, 265
Dock, Appleton, at Melbourne, Details of Projected Construction, 351
Dock, Appleton, at Melbourne, Details of Projected Construction, 351
Docks Delays Investigation Result, Responsibility Divided, 237
Docks Delays Investigation Result, Responsibility Divided, 237
Drought and Salt Water Influx Resulting in Teredo Destruction on Pacific Coast of America, 613
Drought and Salt Water Influx Resulting in Teredo Destruction on Pacific Coast- of America, 613
Dry Dock being Constructed in Calcutta, Will be Largest of its Kind in the World, 585
Dry Dock being Constructed in Calcutta, Will be Largest of its Kind in the World, 585
Dublin Dockyard Opened by Vickers (Ireland), Limited, 409
Dublin Dockyard Opened by Vickers (Ireland), Limited, 409
Dudley Erecting Steel Houses, 613
Dudley Erecting Steel Houses, 613
Dunston and Teams Bridge, Cost of Reconstruction, 105
Dunston and Teams Bridge, Cost of Reconstruction, 105
Durban Large Graving Dock Opening, 669
Durban Large Graving Dock Opening, 669
Durban’s Projected Costly Public Works Programme, 295
Durban’s Projected Costly Public Works Programme, 295
Air Behaviour in High Voltage Transmission, 585
Air Behaviour in High Voltage Transmission, 585
All-electric New Colliery, 495
All-electric New Colliery, 495
Australia, Revised Electrical Wiring Rules. 133
Australia, Revised Electrical Wiring Rules, 133
Belgium, New Coal Pits Being Electrically Equipped, 525
Belgium, New Coal Pits Being Electrically Equipped, 525
Birmingham Schools Electric Lighting and the Unemployed, 525
Birmingham Schools Electric Lighting and the Unemployed, 525
Brundall and District Electricity Supply, Negotiations for, 211
Brundall and District Electricity Supply, Negotiations for, 211
Bursting of New Pipe Line Under Test for Welsh Power Station, 669
Bursting of New Pipe Line Under Test for Welsh Power Station, 669
Canada’s Export of Electric Power to the United States, 54
Canada’s Export of Electric Power to the United States, 54
Cape Province, Tenders Called for for Power Station Plant, 335
Cape Province, Tenders Called for for Power Station Plant, 335
Cape Town Projected Power Station for Suburban Railways, Details of, 697
Cape Town Projected Power Station for Suburban Railways, Details of, 697
Cardiff, All-electric Exhibition at, 465
Cardiff, All-electric Exhibition at, 465
Chicago, Oldest Electric Truck in Active Service, 525
Chicago, Oldest Electric Truck in Active Service, 525
Chili Climate and Problems for Transmission Line Engineers, 13
Chili Climate and Problems for Transmission Line Engineers, 13
Chinese Power Station Equipment with British Engines, 381
Chinese Power Station Equipment with British Engines, 381
Conference Internationale des Grands Re- seaux Electriques, &c., Third Session, 185 Current and Voltage, Determination of Characteristic Curves for Loosely-touching Steel Spheres, Fraulein Szekely’s Experiments, 159
Conference Internationale des Grands Re-seaux Electriques, &c., Third Session, 185
Current and Voltage, Determination of Characteristic Curves for Loosely-touching Steel Spheres, Fraulein Sz6kely’s Experiments, 159
Direction Finder in Foggy Weather, Great Value of, 525
Direction Finder in Foggy Weather, Great Value of, 525
Distributing System for Current Supply in Italy, 641
Distributing System for Current Supply in Italy, 641
Dominion Electric Installation Equipment in Canada, Code of Standardised Rules, to be Prepared and Adopted, 44
Dominion Electric Installation Equipment in Canada, Code of Standardised Rules, to be Prepared and Adopted, 44
Electric Boilers as Load Equalisers, Poplar's Record for Low-priced Electric Power in London, 363
Electric Boilers as Load Equalisers, Poplar's Record for Low-priced Electric Power in London, 363
Electrical Transmission in Australia, Need of Research, 525
Electrical Transmission in Australia, Need of Research, 525
Electricity at Mines, Regulations as to Installation and Use of, New Edition, 409
Electricity at Mines, Regulations as to Installation and Use of, New Edition, 409
Electrolytic Corrosion Test, Accelerated, Results, 380
Electrolytic Corrosion Test, Accelerated, Results, 380
Greenock Corporation’s Proposed Application to Electricity Commissioners for Extension of Supply Area, 133
Greenock Corporation’s Proposed Application to Electricity Commissioners for Extension of Supply Area, 133
Hackney Borough Council and Orders for Electric Vehicles, 525
Hackney Borough Council and Orders for Electric Vehicles, 525
Haulage, Electric, on French Canals, 465
Haulage, Electric, on French Canals, 465
High-tension Switchgear and Transformers, 250 Million Pounds’ Order, 697
High-tension Switchgear and Transformers, 250 Million Pounds’ Order, 697
High-voltage Corona and Protection Against Lightning, J. B. Whitehead’s Views, 495
High-voltage Corona and Protection Against Lightning, J. B. Whitehead’s Views, 495
Imports and Exports of Electrical Apparatus, The Hague Report, 74
Imports and Exports of Electrical Apparatus, The Hague Report, 74
Inductor Cylinder Dynamo, Development of, W. Brooks Sayers, 159
Inductor Cylinder Dynamo, Development of, W. Brooks Sayers, 159
Industrial Use of Electric Power Extended in Auckland, 525
Industrial Use of Electric Power Extended in Auckland, 525
Instrument Current Transformer with Automatic Compensation Device, 613
Instrument Current Transformer with Automatic Compensation Device, 613
Insulator, New Type, for High-pressure Systems, Professor H. B. Smith, 211
Insulator, New Type, for High-pressure Systems, Professor H. B. Smith, 211
Johannesburg’s Future Supply of Electricity, Commissioners’ Second Report, 409 Johannesburg Power Station Installation, 45 Johannesburg Projected High-tension Underground Cable to Supply Light to Oaklands District, 437
Johannesburg’s Future Supply of Electricity, Commissioners’ Second Report, 409 Johannesburg Power Station Installation, 45 Johannesburg Projected High-tension Underground Cable to Supply Light to Oaklands District, 437
King William’s Town, South Africa, New Up-to-date Power Station for, 437
King William’s Town, South Africa, New Up-to-date Power Station for, 437
Knaresborough Electricity Undertaking, 613 Leek Electricity Works, Prosperous Growth of Trade, 465
Margahao Electric Power Plant, Largest Generating Station in New Zealand, 525
Knaresborough Electricity Undertaking, 613 Leek Electricity Works, Prosperous Growth of Trade, 465
Margahao Electric Power Plant, Largest-Generating Station in New Zealand, 525
Mines Using Electricity, Loss of Life Due to, 555, 641
Mines Using Electricity, Loss of Life Due to, 555, 641
Motor-driven Air Compressor and Variation of Torque, 133
Motor-driven Air Compressor and Variation of Torque, 133
New York Edison Company, New Power Station, 185
New York Edison Company, New Power Station, 185
Newton Abbott Electric Output, Application for Extension of Station, 725
Newton Abbott Electric Output, Application for Extension of Station, 725
Oil Circuit Breakers and Explosion Pots, Dr. Garrard, 13
Oil Circuit Breakers and Explosion Pots, Dr. Garrard, 13
Omnibuses, Electric, Question of Use in Sweden, 725
Omnibuses, Electric, Question of Use in Sweden, 725
Ottawa River Power Company Progress, 613 Perfect Lighting near Chicago, 465
Ottawa River Power Company Progress, 613
Perfect Lighting near Chicago, 465
Plant Propagation, Forced Growth, by Use of Electric Lamps, 725
Plant Propagation, Forced Growth, by Use of Electric Lamps, 725
Portable Electric Plant for Use in Gaseous Mines, 159
Portable Electric Plant for Use in Gaseous Mines, 159
Power-house Chimneys, Necholls, Gritcatching Apparatus for, 725
Power-house Chimneys, Nechells, Gritcatching Apparatus for, 725
“ Power Factor ” Booklet, Electrical Apparatus, Limited, 569
“ Power Factor ” Booklet, Electrical Apparatus, Limited, 569
Power Station Worked by Steam Projected in Ohio, 697
Power Station Worked by Steam Projected in Ohio, 697
Queenston-Chippewa Power Plant at Niagara Falls, Progress, 323
Queenston-Chippewa Power Plant at Niagara Falls, Progress, 323
Quinze River Power Plant, Growth of, 613
Quinze River Power Plant, Growth of, 613
Relay Development in America, Special Features of. 133
Rural Electrification in France, Congress at Lyons, 265
Relay Development in America, Special Features of, 133
Rural Electrification in France, Congress al Lyons, 265
Russian Electric Undertakings, Financing of, 381
Russian Electric Undertakings, Financing of, 381
Safeguarding Linesmen on Transmission Circuit Work, 495
Safeguarding Linesmen on Transmission Circuit Work, 495
St. Maurice Power Company’s Hydro-electric Development, 555
St. Maurice Power Company’s Hydro-electric Development, 555
Salt River, near Cape Town, Large Electric Power Station Projected, 13, 45
Salt River, near Cape Town, Large Electric Power Station Projected, 13, 45
  Sheffield Electricity Works Statistics, 211
Shock, Electric, Necessary Precautions after Apparent Resuscitation, 725
Sheffield Electricity Works Statistics, 211
Shock, Electric, Necessary Precautions after
Apparent Resuscitation, 725
South Africa, Union of, Great Growth of Electrical Power in, 613
South Africa, Union of, Great Growth of Electrical Power in, 613
Spalding Rural Council and Electricity Supply, 697
Spalding Rural Council and Electricity Supply, 697
Spanish Electrical System Unification Question, 641
Spanish Electrical System Unification Question, 641
Static Condenser, Details of New Typo Developed by American General Electric Company, 74
Static Condenser, Details of New Typo Developed by American General Electric Company, 74
Storage Batteries, Large, New System of Supporting Cells, 465
Storage Batteries, Large, New System of Supporting Cells, 465
Storage Battery Locomotive, Largest Yet Built in the United States, 295
Storage Battery Locomotive, Largest Yet Built in the United States, 295
Storms, Distant, Detection Equipment Less Expensive than Supposed, 585
Storms, Distant, Detection Equipment Less Expensive than Supposed, 585
Suspension Type Insulator, New Type, Professor H. B. Smith, 13
Suspension Type Insulator, New Type, Professor H. B. Smith, ] 3
Sydney, N.S.W., Overhead Transmission Lines to be Replaced by Underground Cables at Cost of £5,000,000, 437
Sydney, N.S.W., Overhead Transmission Lines to be Replaced by Underground Cables at Cost of £5,000,000, 437
Tokyo Electric Light Company’s Earthquake Damage Cost, 185
Tokyo Electric Light Company’s Earthquake Damage Cost, 185
Transforming Alternating Current and Losses in Energy, 159
Transforming Alternating Current and Losses in Energy, 159
Walsall to Supply Electricity in Bulk to Lichfield, 669
Walsall to Supply Electricity in Bulk to Lichfield, 669
West Wiltshire Electricity Scheme, 697
Weymouth Generating Station of Boston Company, Progress Towards Operation, 585
West Wiltshire Electricity Scheme, 697
Weymouth Generating Station of Boston Company, Progress Towards Operation, 585
Witbank Power Station of Victoria Falls Company, Capacity and Details of Scheme, 45
Witbank Power Station of Victoria Falls Company, Capacity and Details of Scheme, 45
Wolverhampton’s Electricity Department, Profit, 75
Wolverhampton’s Electricity Department, Profit, 75
ELECTPvOLYTIC Corrosion Test, Accelerated, Results, 380
ELECTPvOLYTIC Corrosion Test, Accelerated, Results, 380
Elevators for South Africa, in Favour with Farmers, 437
Elevators for South Africa, in Favour with
Farmers, 437
Engineering Standards—see British
Engineering Standards—see British
Engineers’ Club for Birmingham, 409
Engineers’ Club for Birmingham, 409
England and Bombay, Comparison Between Mean Dampness and Mean Temperature of the Two Climates, 185
England and Bombay, Comparison Between
Mean Dampness and Mean Temperature of the Two Climates, 185
American Inventions Exhibition in New York, 105
American Inventions Exhibition in New York, 105
Birmingham International Foundry Trades Exhibition, 295
Birmingham International Foundry Trades Exhibition, 295
British Empire Exhibition, Conference on Illumination, 142
British Empire Exhibition, Conference on Illumination, 142
British Industries Fair, Birmingham, in 1925, 525
British Industries Fair, Birmingham, in 1925, 525
Cardiff, All-electric Exhibition at, 465
Cardiff, All-electric Exhibition at, 465
Engineering Exhibition at Cardiff, 585
Engineering Exhibition at Cardiff, 585
German Projected Exhibition of Railway
German Projected Exhibition of Railway
    Material near Berlin, 295
  Grenoble Forthcoming Exhibition, 625, 668
Material near Berlin, 295
  Lyons Fair, 625
Mining Industries Exhibition, Lima, Peru, 13 New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, 641 Scientific Instruments and Apparatus, Exhibition, 640, 684
Grenoble Forthcoming Exhibition, 625, 668
Lyons Fair, 625
Mining Industries Exhibition, Lima, Peru, 13
New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, 641
Scientific Instruments and Apparatus, Exhibition, 640, 684
Third Machine Tool and Engineering Exhibition, Board of Trade Announcement, 13
Third Machine Tool and Engineering Exhibition, Board of Trade Announcement, 13
Wireless Exhibition in the Albert Hall, 75
Wireless Exhibition in the Albert Hall, 75
EXPLOSION in a Dairy Steam-jacketed Pan, 585
EXPLOSION in a Dairy Steam-jacketed Pan, 585
Explosion, Unusual, in an Economiser, 555
Explosion, Unusual, in an Economiser, 555
Explosives Factory for Industrial Purposes
Explosives Factory for Industrial Purposes
  Projected at Shantung, 295
Projected at Shantung, 295
FARADAY House Old Students’ Association, Annual Dinner, 449, 539
FARADAY House Old Students’ Association, Annual Dinner, 449, 539
Ferrantians, The, Proposed Reunion, 449, 648
Ferrantians, The, Proposed Reunion, 449, 648
Fire-damp Detection Invention in Germany, 613
Fire-damp Detection Invention in Germanv, 613
Fire Engine, 160 Years’ Old, Still Used, 211
Fire Engine, 160 Years’ Old, Still Used, 211
Fitting-up Bolts, T. L. E. Haug, 62
Fitting-up Bolts, T. L. E. Haug, 62
Flame Lamps being Succeeded by Electric Lamps in American and British Mines, 159
Flame Lamps being Succeeded by Electric
Lamps in American and British Mines, 159
Flax Yarn Production by New Process, Experiments, 697
Flax Yarn Production by New Process, Experiments, 697
Floating Dock Sunk on Entry of German Vessel at Dartmouth, Refloated after much Difficulty, 409
Floating Dock Sunk on Entry of German Vessel at Dartmouth, Refloated after much Difficulty, 409
Floating Roadway for Goods Traffic at Sea- combe Ferry, 323
Floating Roadway for Goods Traffic at Sea-combe Ferry, 323
Flood Dangers in China, New Works Proposed, 641
Flood Dangers in China, New Works Proposed, 641
Fluorspar Deposits Discovery in the Transvaa 1 613
Fluorspar Deposits Discovery in the Transvaal 613
Folkestone Road Improvement Scheme, 185
Folkestone Road Improvement Scheme, 185
Food Cost and Rail Carriage, 563
Food Cost and Rail Carriage, 563
Food Investigation Board, Engineering Committee’s Report, 704
Food Investigation Board, Engineering Committee’s Report, 704
French Government Law Pronounced a Snare, 585
French Government Law Pronounced a Snare, 585
Fuel Research Board, Third Report on British Coal Seams, 495
Fuel Research Board, Third Report on British Coal Seams, 495
Fuel Research, French Company Formed for Carrying Out, 133
Fuel Research, French Company Formed for Carrying Out, 133
Fuels for Heavy Oil Engines, 572
Fuels for Heavy Oil Engines, 572
GARAGE for 10,000 Cars, 105
GARAGE for 10,000 Cars, 105
Garcke’s Manual of Electrical Undertakings, 647
Gas Holder, Brick Disused, to be Converted into Garage in Berlin, 75
Garcke’s Manual of Electrical Undertakings,
Gas Holder, Brick Disused, to he Converted into Garage in Berlin, 75
Gas, Natural, Large Flow Discovered in Ontario, 295
Gas, Natural, Large Flow Discovered in Ontario, 295
Gas Sold in Sheffield, Statistics for 1923, 323
Gas Sold in Sheffield, Statistics for 1923, 323
Gas Undertakings of Great Britain, Nominal Capital, 669
Gas Undertakings of Groat Britain, Nominal
Capital, 669
Gauge Testing, National Physical Laboratory’s
Gauge Testing, National Physical Laboratory’s
  Pamphlet, 709
Pamphlet, 709
Gelatine and Glue, Characteristics, 641
Gelatine and Glue, Characteristics, 641
Germany’s Prices, Fall in, 13
Germany’s Prices, Fall in, 13
Gladstone Dock, New Construction, Mersey
Gladstone Dock, New Construction, Mersey
  Docks and Harbour Board’s Plans, 351
Docks and Harbour Board’s Plans, 351
Glasgow New Motor Omnibus Service, 669
Glasgow New Motor Omnibus Service, 669
Glass-making, A Century of, Chance Brothers and Co., Limited, 148
Glass, Substitute for,[in New Substance, 323
Glassware, Scientific, Millilitre to Supplant Cubic Centimetre, 295
Glycerine Water Solutions as Quenching
Medium, Investigation, 237
Gold Mine on the Rand, New Plant for, 13
Gold Mines of the Rand, Number of White Employees, 641
Gold Mining Congress and Exhibition Suggested for Johannesburg, 697
Goldfields, Transvaal, Output and Other
Records, 323
Gold Output of Ontario, 669
Government and Railway-owned Canal, 113
Grain Elevator with Capacity of 2,000,000
Bushels for Edmonton, Alberta, 105
Grain Growth in Metal, Lecture, Francis S. Dodd, 669
Graphite Deposit, Reported Discovery in Mexico, 323
Great Lakes Water Diversion for Chicago, Strong Protest Against, 697
Greenock Harbour Trust to Proceed with
Scheme for Extension of Graving Dock, 133
Grindstone Bursting, Factories Inspector’s Report, 45
Gypsum, High-grade, Discovery of Undeveloped Deposit in Nova Scotia, 585

HAILSTONES on Christmas Day of Record Size and Weight, 409
HAILSTONES on Christmas Day of Record Size and Weight, 409
Hankow, Tramway and also Railless Trains Services Projected, 265
Hankow, Tramway and also Railless Trams Services Projected, 265
Harbour Improvement at Kingston, Ontario, 105
Harbour Improvement at Kingston, Ontario, 105
Harland and Wolff, Limited, 142
Harland and Wolff, Limited, 142
Harwich-Zeebrugge Train Ferry Service, Its Value for Heavy Machinery Transport, 555
Harwich-Zeebrugge Train Ferry Service, Its Value for Heavy Machinery Transport, 555
Heat Transmission Research in Canada, 237
Heat Transmission Research in Canada, 237
Henderson, Mr. A., Factory Bill Changes of Definition, 437
Henderson, Mr. A., Factory Bill Changes of Definition, 437
Hotel-building Within Temporary Wooden Shell to Protect Workmen from Extreme Cold, 697
Hotel-building Within Temporary Wooden Shell to Protect Workmen from Extreme Cold, 697
Houses, Concrete, Dutch System, for Liverpool, 550
Houses, Concrete, Dutch System, for Liverpool, 550
Houses, Proposed New Type of, 295
Hull Corporation and London and North- Eastern Railway, Suggested Pontoon and New Pier Construction, 409
Houses, Proposed New Typo of, 295
Hull Corporation and London and North-Eastern Railway, Suggested Pontoon and New Pier Construction, 409
Hull and Lincolnshire Traffic, New Pier and Pontoon Scheme, 13
Hull and Lincolnshire Traffic, New Pier and Pontoon Scheme, 13
Hydro-electric Generator, Tests of Hydraulic Efficiency, 555
Hydro-electric Generator, Tests of Hydraulic Efficiency, 555
Hydro-electric Plants in Norway, Results of Survey of, 381
Hydro-electric Plants in Norway, Results of Survey of, 381
Hydro-electric Power in Sweden, 112
Hydro-electric Power in Sweden, 112
Hydro-electric Station near Foot of Lake Windermere, 409
Hydro-electric Station near Foot of Lake Windermere, 409
Hydro-electric Works Duplication in New Zealand, Tenders to be Called for, 641
Hydro-electric Works Duplication in New Zealand, Tenders to be Called for, 641
INDIAN Imports and Exports, Statistics, 499,
INDIAN Importsand Exports, Statistics, 499,
Indian Mines, Report of Coal Dust Committee, 437
Indian Mines, Report of Coal Dust Committee, 437
Industry and Trade, Meeting of Committee, 495
Industry and Trade, Meeting of Committee, 495
Information Bureaux and Special Libraries, 113
Information Bureaux and Special Libraries, 113
Institutes and Institutions—see Associations
Institutes and Institutions—see Associations
International Roads Congress, 521
International Roads Congress, 521
Iron Oxide Reduction by Carbon Monoxide, Experimental Work, 45
Iron Oxide Reduction by Carbon Monoxide, Experimental Work, 45
  Automobile Steels, Publications on, 99
Automobile Steels, Publications on, 99
Barberton District of South Africa, Discovery of Nickel Ore, 211
Barberton District of South Africa, Discovery of Nickel Ore, 211
Blast-furnace in Canada, Record Output, 105
Blast-furnace in Canada, Record Output, 105
Blast-furnace Using Coke for Fuel, 13
Blast-furnace Using Coke for Fuel, 13
    Annual Meeting, 625
Cast Iron Research Association :
    Development, 105, 133
    Laboratories Taken Over, 133
Annual Meeting, 625
Development, 105, 133
Laboratories Taken Over, 133
Moulding Sands Investigation Arranged for, 351
Moulding Sands Investigation Arranged for, 351
Cleveland Blast-furnace Practice Defended, 585
Cleveland Blast-furnace Practice Defended, 585
Dudley, Iron Works at, Hope of Trade Revival and Re-starting, 295
Dudley, Iron Works at, Hope of Trade Revival and Re-starting, 295
Electrolytic Iron, Company Formed in Milan for Manufacture of, 133
Electrolytic Iron, Company Formed in Milan for Manufacture of, 133
Experimental Iron Blast-furnace at Minneapolis, 163
Experimental Iron Blast-furnace at Minneapolis, 163
Explosions of Cast Iron Hot-plates, 381
Explosions of Cast Iron Hot-plates, 381
Hanyang, China, Large Ironworks Financial Difficulties, 641
Hanyang, China, Large Ironworks Financial Difficulties, 641
Hot-water Tanks, Steel, in America, Reduction in Number of Sizes Made, 13
Hot-water Tanks, Steel, in America, Reduction in Number of Sizes Made, 13
Iron Ore, Compressive Strength of, Extensive Tests, 323
Iron Ore, Compressive Strength of, Extensive Tests, 323
Manganese Deposits at Insuta, West Africa, Yearly Increase of Output, 613
Manganese Deposits at Insuta, West Africa, Yearly Increase of Output, 613
“ Mechanically Perfect Electrolytic Nickel,” Charles P. Masden, 105
“ Mechanically Perfect Electrolytic Nickel,” Charles P. Masden, 105
National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers :
Pig Iron and Steel Production in June, 105
Pig Iron and Steel Production in June, 105
Pig Iron and Steel Production in July, 237
Pig Iron and Steel Production in July, 237
Pig Iron and Steel Production in August, 351
Pig Iron and Steel Production in August, 351
Pig Iron and Steel Production in September, 437
Pig Iron and Steel Production in September, 437
Pig Iron and Steel Production in October, 585, 613
Pig Iron and Steel Production in October, 585, 613
Pig Iron and Steel Production in November, 697
Pig Iron and Steel Production in November, 697
New Steel, H. Rossell and Co., Limited, 512
New* Steel, H. Rossell and Co., Limited, 512
Pig Iron Output of Canada, 608
Pig Iron Output of Canada, 608
Pig Iron in the United States, Reduced Output, 295
Pig Iron in the United States, Reduced Output, 295
Redshortness in Wrought Ferrous Metals, 697
Redshortness in Wrought Ferrous Metals, 697
Richborough, New Blast-furnace, 613
Richborough, New Blast-furnace, 613
Seamless Steel Tubing, Manufacture of, W. C. Chancellor, 381
Seamless Steel Tubing, Manufacture of, W. C. Chancellor, 381
“ Stabrite Silver Steel,” Thos. Firth and Sons, 38 L
“ Stabrite Silver Steel,” Thos. Firth and Sons, 381
Stainless Steel Ball Bearings, Tests Results, 465
Stainless Steel Ball Bearings, Tests Results, 465
IRON AND STEEL (continued) :
Steel Cables for Delaware Bridge, 25,100 Miles of Wire Needed, 697
IRON AND STEEL {continued):
Steel Cables for Delaware Bridge, 25,100
Miles of Wire Needed, 697
Steel Houses for Glasgow, Lord Weir’s Offer Accepted, 381
Steel Houses for Glasgow, Lord Weir’s Offer Accepted, 381
Steel Industry in India, Government Bounty Proposed, 641
Steel Industry in India, Government Bounty Proposed, 641
Steel, Medium Carbon, with High Manganese Content, Report, J. A. Jones, 437
Steel, Medium Carbon, with High Manganese Content, Report, J. A. Jones, 437
Steel Production, New Method Reducing Cost by Half, Invented by Swede, 525
Steel Production, New Method Reducing Cost by Half, Invented by Swede, 525
Synthetic Cast Iron Making, Tests, 45
Synthetic Cast Iron Making, Tests, 45
Tasmanian Ironworks Projected at Burnie, 105
Tasmanian Ironworks Projected at Burnie, 105
Weatherproof Iron, Samuel Osborn and Co., Limited, 27
Weatherproof Iron, Samuel Osborn and Co., Limited, 27
IRRIGATION Association, Western Canada, Annual Convention, 45
IRRIGATION Association, Western Canada, Annual Convention, 45
Italian Hydro-electric Companies, Prosperity of, in 1923, 381
Italian Hydro-electric Companies, Prosperity of, in 1923, 381
JAPAN, Completion of Orito Tunnel and Its Result, 13
JAPAN, Completion of Orito Tunnel and Its Result, 13
Japanese Development at Hakata, Big American Contract Signed for Harbour, Docks, and other Works, 381
Japanese Development at Hakata, Big American Contract Signed for Harbour, Docks, and other Works, 381
KINGSTON (Ontario), Reported Plans for
KINGSTON (Ontario), Reported Plans for
  Very Large New Dry Dock, 211, 265
Very Large New Dry Dock, 211, 265
LADLES, Bottom-Pour, New Design of Nozzle for, 105
LADLES, Bottom-Pour, New Design of Nozzle for, 105
Lanarkshire, Collapse of Old Bridge, 323
Lanarkshire, Collapse of Old Bridge, 323
Lantern Slides, Offers of, for Lectures, Ed.
Lantern Slides, Offers of, for Lectures, Ed.
  Bennis and Co., Limited, 554
Bennis and Co., Limited, 554
Lead Mines in Derbyshire, Work Re-started at, 409
Lead Mines in Derbyshire, Work Re-started at, 409
Lever Brothers’ Projected Dock at Bromborough, 265
Lever Brothers’ Projected Dock at Bromborough, 265
Light Lorry, Type Required under Subsidy by War Department, 105
Light Lorry, Typo Required under Subsidy by War Department, 105
Lightning, Possibilities and Probabilities of Stroke, 495
Lightning, Possibilities and Probabilities of Stroke, 495
Locomotive, Storage Battery, Largest Yet
  Built in the United States, 295
Locomotive, Storage Battery, Largest Yet Built in the United States, 295
Locusts in Argentina, Protection Against by Galvanised Steel Sheets, 721
Locusts in Argentina, Protection Against by Galvanised Steel Sheets, 721
Los Angeles Harbour Improvement, 585
Los Angeles Harbour Improvement, 585
Los Angeles Harbour, Improvements in Shipyards, 159
Los Angeles Harbour, Improvements in Shipyards, 159
Low-temperature Distillation, H. Nielsen, 555
Low-temperature Distillation, H. Nielsen, 555
Lysaght, John, Limited, and Dominion Sheet Metal Company, 437
Lysaght, John, Limited, and Dominion Sheet
Metal Company, 437
MAGNET Causes Noises to Issue from a Loud Speaker, 669
MAGNET Causes Noises to Issue from a Loud Speaker, 669
Manchester Geological and Mining Society, 17
Manchester Geological and Mining Society, 17
Manchester Ship Canal Receipts, Decrease, 105
Manchester Ship Canal Receipts, Decrease, 105
Manganese—see Iron and Steel
Manganese—see Iron and Steel
Manitoba Province, All the Pulp Wood Area for Sale by Dominion Government, 669
Manitoba Province, All the Pulp Wood Area for Sale by Dominion Government, 669
Mars under Observation to Settle Question as to Existence of Life on the Planet, 211
Mars under Observation to Settle Question as to Existence of Life on the Planet, 211
“ Mavor and Coulson,” Travelling Post-graduate Scholarship, 449
“ Mavor and Coulson,” Travelling Post-graduate Scholarship, 449
Melbourne Tramways Question, 75
Melbourne Tramways Question, 75
Melbourne, Widening of Victoria Dock, 381
Melbourne, Widening of Victoria Dock, 381
Mercury Vapour Turbine, Further Development, 105
Mercury Vapour Turbine, Further Development, 105
Mersey Dock for Lever Brothers, Predicted Cost, 437
Mersey Dock for Lever Brothers, Predicted Cost, 437
Metal Moulding Trade in New South Wales, Conditions of Apprenticeship, 75
Metal Moulding Trade in New South Wales, Conditions of Apprenticeship, 75
Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Limited, Important Contract, 504
Metropolitan-Vickers   Electrical Company,
Limited, Important Contract, 504
Mexican Government’s Concession for Large Irrigation Dam and other Works, 351
Mexican Government’s Concession for Large Irrigation Dam and other Works, 351
Mica, Its Great Utility, India’s Large Production and Excessive Waste, 495
Mica, Its Great Utility, India’s Large Production and Excessive Waste, 495
Mineral Production of Australia for 1922, 351
Mineral Production of Australia for 1922, 351
Mineral Resources of Canada, Dr. C. V. Corless, 211
Mineral Resources of Canada, Dr. C. V. Corless, 211
Miners’ Flame Safety Lamps, Wire Gauze Experiments, 295
Miners’ Flame Safety Lamps, Wire Gauze Experiments, 295
Mines Breathing Apparatus, German-made, has Passed Official Tests for British Use, 133
Mines Breathing Apparatus, German-made, has Passed Official Tests for British Use, 133
Mines Safety Research Board Report, 237
Mines Safety Research Board Report, 237
Mining Subsidence Damage in North Staffordshire, 725
Mining Subsidence Damage in North Staffordshire, 725
Mining Subsidence, Royal Commission’s Inspection, 323
Mining Subsidence, Royal Commission’s Inspection, 323
Minneapolis Methodist Church Displayed by Flood Lights at Night, 185
Minneapolis Methodist Church Displayed by Flood Lights at Night, 185
Montreal, New South Shore Bridge Across the St. Lawrence, 669
Montreal, New South Shore Bridge Across the St. Lawrence, 669
Motor Road Building Projects in China, 585
Motor Road Building Projects in China, 585
Motor Spirit, Important Now Discovery, 465
Motor Spirit, Important Now Discovery, 465
Motor Vehicles, Shock Absorber, Prize Competition for, 465
Motor Vehicles, Shock Absorber, Prize Competition for, 465
Museum of Engineering Industry, Projected for New York, 105
Museum of Engineering Industry, Projected for New York, 105
Mussoorie Improvement, Important Projects for, 555
Mussoorie Improvement, Important Projects for, 555
Mysore Government Projects for Exploitation of State’s Natural Resources, 669
Mysore Government Projects for Exploitation of State’s Natural Resources, 669
Mysore Survey for Utilising the Gairsoppa Falls, 613
Mysore Survey for Utilising the Gairsoppa Falls, 613
NAPLES, 200 Million Lire Allotted for Port Enlargement, 185
NAPLES, 200 Million Lire Allotted for Port Enlargement, 185
Natural Gas in Canada, 697
Natural Gas in Canada, 697
Netherlands East Indies, Deep Sea Harbour at Semarang, 641
Netherlands East Indies, Deep Sea Harbour at Semarang, 641
Now Brunswick Surveys for Hydro Development Requirements at Grand Falls, 381
Now Brunswick Surveys for Hydro Development Requirements at Grand Falls, 381
Newcastle, Bridge Strengthening to Cope with
Newcastle, Bridge Strengthening to Cope with
Increased Weight of Traffic, 335
Increased Weight of Traffic, 335
Newcastle and Gateshead, Progress of New Bridge Across the Tyne, 265
Newcastle and Gateshead, Progress of New Bridge Across the Tyne, 265
Newcomen Fire-grate Relic, 697
Newcomen Fire-grate Relic, 697
New Guinea Copper Mines Plans, 13
New Guinea Copper Mines Plans, 13
New South Wales, Details of Proposed Bridge
  Across the George’s River, 323
New South Wales, Details of Proposed Bridge Across the George’s River, 323
New South Wales New Cement-making Plant, 555
New South Wales New Cement-making Plant, 555
New South Wales and New Zealand, Tenders t Asked for for Metal Work for Bridges, 304
New South Wales and New Zealand, Tenders Asked for for Metal Work for Bridges, 304
New Zealand, Arapuni Hvdro-electric Scheme, 351
New Zealand, Arapuni Hvdro-electric Scheme, 351
New Zealand, Hydro-electric Power and Projected Increase, 495
New Zealand, Hydro-electric Power and Projected Increase, 495
New Zealand, Proposed Harbour Works at Gisborne, 323
New Zealand, Proposed Harbour Works at Gisborne, 323
Niagara Falls Illumination by Night, Projected Joint Scheme, 555
Niagara Falls Illumination by Night, Projected Joint Scheme, 555
Niagara Falls, Model to Demonstrate Scenic Effect, 105
Niagara Falls, Model to Demonstrate Scenic Effect, 105
Norway’s Solution of Unemplovment Trouble, 525
Norway’s Solution of Unemployment Trouble, 525
Nottingham as a Port, 295
Nottingham as a Port, 295
OILFIELDS in Argentina, Campbell M. Hunter, 585
OILFIELDS in Argentina, Campbell M. Hunter, 585
Oil-hardening Factories in Norway, 237
Oil-hardening Factories in Norway, 237
Oil Shale in Fushun, Concession Secured by South Manchuria Railway, 265
Oil Shale in Fushun, Concession Secured by South Manchuria Railway, 265
Oil Still Explosion, Official Report, 585
Oil Still Explosion, Official Report, 585
Oil Well Drilling, Comparison Between Rotary Drilling and Cable Tool Drilling, 323
Oil Well Drilling, Comparison Between Rotary Drilling and Cable Tool Drilling, 323
Oil Wells Sinking in Angola and Near Loanda, 381
Oil Wells Sinking in Angola and Near Loanda, 381
Old Tools Replace Binders in Harvesting After Bad Weather, 444
Old Tools Replace Binders in Harvesting After Bad Weather, 444
Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission, Differences of Opinion, 725
  Increased Capacity of Nipigon Plant, 323
Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission,
Differences of Opinion, 725
Increased Capacity of Nipigon Plant, 323
Increasing Capacity of Cameron Falls Plant, 55
Increasing Capacity of Cameron Falls Plant, 55
Proposal for Diversion of Waters from Two Rivers, 323
Proposal for Diversion of Waters from Two Rivers, 323
Ore Discovery, Valuable, in Johore, 211
Ore Discovery, Valuable, in Johore, 211
Ore Transport in Mines, Cost and Efficiency of Different Methods. 403
Orc Transport in Mines, Cost and Efficiency of Different Methods, 403
Overhead Equipment, W. Nairn at Congress of Tramways and Light Railways Association, 75
Overhead Equipment, W. Nairn at Congress of Tramways and Light Railways Association, 75
Oxidation Test on Lubricating Oils, 75
Oxidation Test on Lubricating Oils, 75
PAINT, Weather-proof, 105
PAINT, Weather-proof, 105
Panama Canal Cargo, United States Ships’
  Carrying Share More than Double the English,
Panama Canal Cargo, United States Ships’ Carrying Share More than Double the English, 13
Paper Making in Quebec, Tremendous Progress, 237
Paper Making in Quebec, Tremendous Progress, 237
Paper Mill, Greatest in the World, at Quebec, 585
Paper Mill, Greatest in the World, at Quebec, 585
Paraffin Removal from Oil Wells by Use of Sodium Peroxide, Successful Use also for Cleansing Wells and Increasing Output, 409 Parker Hardened Drive Screws, Charles Churchill and Co.. Limited, 62
Paraffin Removal from Oil Wells by Use of Sodium Peroxide, Successful Use also for Cleansing Wells and Increasing Output, 409 Parker Hardened Drive Screws, Charles
Churchill and Co., Limited, 62
Permanent Paint, Reputed Many Virtues, 105 Petrol Imported to the Clyde, Products Store, 323
Permanent Paint, Reputed Many Virtues, 105 Petrol Imported to the Clyde, Products Store, 323
Petroleum Discovered in Department of Herault, 381
Petroleum Discovered in Department of Heravdt, 381
Platinising, New Process to Prevent Weather Affection of Metals, 525
Platinising, New Process to Prevent Weather Affection of Metals, 525
Platinum, Alluvial, Discoveries in the Transvaal, 697
Platinum, Alluvial, Discoveries in the Transvaal, 697
Platinum Deposits in Waterberg District of the Transvaal, 585
Platinum Deposits in Waterberg District of the Transvaal, 585
Platinum Exports from Colombia, 45
Platinum Exports from Colombia, 45
Platinum Mining in the Transvaal, 613
Platinum Mining in the Transvaal, 613
Platinum Output from Colombia, 409
Platinum Output from Colombia, 409
Poplar, Great Demand for Electrolytic Fluid, 75 Port Construction and Equipment, Contracts
Poplar, Great Demand for Electrolytic Fluid, 75 Port Construction and Equipment, Contracts
  Between Russia and Franco-Polish Group, 75 Portland Cement, Inspection of, J. R. Dwyer and Roy N. Young, 523
Between Russia and Franco-Polish Group, 75 Portland Cement, Inspection of, J. R. Dwyer and Roy N. Young, 523
Portland Cement, Its Widespread Empire Manufacture, 265
Portland Cement, Its Widespread Empire Manufacture, 265
Portugal and South Africa, Agreement as to Lorenzo Marques, 48
Portugal and South Africa, Agreement as to Lorenzo Marques, 48
Post Office Tube Railway Orders, 479
Post Office Tube Railway Orders, 479
Power Alcohol from Beet, Committee to Deal with the Question, 409
Power Alcohol from Beet, Committee to Deal with the Question, 409
Premier Diamond Mine, Statistics of Work and Value Realised, 641
Premier Diamond Mine, Statistics of Work and Value Realised, 641
Professor Risler’s Experiments with Gas-filled Tubes at the Sorbonne Laboratory, 669
Professor Risler’s Experiments with Gas-fdled Tubes at the Sorbonne Laboratory, 669
Pulp and Paper Industry in Canada, Analysis of Use of Water Power in, 159
Pulp and Paper Industry in Canada, Analysis of Use of Water Power in, 159
Pulverised Fuel Utilisation, Quigley Process Rights Purchased, 159
Pulverised Fuel Utilisation, Quigley Process Rights Purchased, 159
QUARRIES in Great Britain and the Isle of Man, List of, 295
QUARRIES in Great Britain and the Isle of Man, List of, 295
Quayside Work, Record Large Wooden Dummy or Fonder for Holding off Leviathan, 295
Quayside Work, Record Largo Wooden Dummy or Fender for Holding off Leviathan, 295
Quebec Development Company, Progress of Damming Work, 75
Quebec Development Company, Progress of Damming Work, 75
Quebec Harbour Improvement, Federal Government Loan, 159, 211
Quebec Harbour Improvement, Federal Government Loan, 159, 211
Queensland Government’s Projected Wharves on the Brisbane River, 555
Queensland Government’s Projected Wharves on the Brisbane River, 555
  Accidents :
Accidents :
Accident at Lime-street Station, Liverpool, 495
Accident at Lime-street Station, Liverpool, 495
Broken Coupling Rod, 237
Broken Coupling Rod, 237
Buffer Stop Collision at London-road Station, Manchester, 351
Buffer Stop Collision at London-road Station, Manchester, 351
Collision near St. Helens, and Report, 159
Collision near St. Helens, and Report, 159
Collision at Stalybridge, 517
Collision at Stalybridge, 517
Collision, Unusual, on Great Central Section, London and North-Eastern Line, 265
Collision, Unusual, on Great Central Section, London and North-Eastern Line, 265
Derailment Caused by Cloudburst, 159
Derailment Caused by Cloudburst, 159
Derailment of East Coast Express Coaches, 13
Derailment of East Coast Express Coaches, 13
  Accidents (continued):
Accidents {continued):
Derailment on the London, Midland and Scottish Line, Lieut.-Colonel Mount’s Report, 555
Derailment on the London, Midland and Scottish Line, Lieut.-Colonel Mount’s Report, 555
Derailment of Night Express at Buddon, Report, No Definite Cause Discovered, 525
Derailment of Night Express at Buddon, Report, No Definite Cause Discovered, 525
  Engine Tire Failure near Weedon, 437
Escape of Express Passenger Train, near Aycliffe, 613
Engine Tire Failure near Weedon, 437
Escape of Express Passenger Train, near Ay cliff e, 613
Fatal Accident at Haymarket Station, Edinburgh, 133, 211
Fatal Accident at Haymarket Station, Edinburgh, 133, 211
  Fatal Collision Outside Preston, 641
Fatal Collision Outside Preston, 64!
Gravesend Accident, Workmen’s Ticket Accident Liabilities, 669
Gravesend Accident, Workmen’s Ticket Accident Liabilities, 669
Inquiries into Railway Accidents and their Results, 265
Inquiries into Railway Accidents and their Results, 265
Level Crossing Accident, but Crossing Owner’s Risk, 697
Level Crossing Accident, but Crossing Owner’s Risk, 697
Lime-street Station, Liverpool, Slight Collision, 133
Lime-street Station, Liverpool, Slight Collision, 133
Lytham Disaster, Adjournment of Inquest, 585 ; Inquest Verdict, Accidental Death, 613
Lytham Disaster, Adjournment of Inquest, 585 ; Inquest Verdict, Accidental Death, 613
  Ministry of Transport Inquiries, 45, 351
Ministry of Transport Inquiries, 45, 351
Minor Collision Causes Closing of Charing Cross Station, 323
Minor Collision Causes Closing of Charing Cross Station, 323
Minor Mishaps on the London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 241
Minor Mishaps on the London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 241
Montgomery-North-Western Railway of India, Ninety-five Passengers Killed in Collision, 265 ; Increase in Death Roll, 295
Montgomery-North-Western Railway of India, Ninety-five Passengers Killed in Collision, 265 ; Increase in Death Roll, 295
Previous Accidents Recalled, 105, 159, 185, 323
Previous Accidents Recalled, 105, 159, 185, 323
  Report on Collision at Eastwood, 133
Report on Collision, at New-street Station, Birmingham, 381
Report on Collision at Eastwood, 1 33
Report on Collision at New-street Station, Birmingham, 381
Report on Fatal Collision Outside Euston Station, 295
Report on Fatal Collision Outside Euston Station, 295
  Reports on Throe Accidents, 668
Reports on Throe Accidents, 668
September’s Bad Record for Railway Accidents, 323
September’s Bad Record for Railway Accidents, 323
Signalman’s Temporary Aberration of Mind Cause of Collision at Stoke Works Junction, 381
Signalman’s Temporary Aberration of Mind Cause of Collision at Stoke Works Junction, 381
United States Accident Returns for 1923, 725
United States Accident Returns for 1923, 725
American Railway Centennial Invitation, 697 American Railway Labour in 1914 and 1924, Result of Investigation of Wages, Hours, &c., 237
American Railway Centennial Invitation, 697
American Railway Labour in 1914 and 1924,
Result of Investigation of Wages, Hours, &c., 237
Annual Railway Reports, Statistics, of Ballast, Fencing, Rails and Sleepers, Used in 1923, 555
Annual Railway Reports, Statistics, of Ballast, Fencing, Rails and Sleepers, Used in 1923, 555
Appointments and Staff Changes, 45, 105, 185, 211, 465, 585, 669
Appointments and Staff Changes, 45, 105, 185, 211, 465, 585, 669
Associated Society and the Railway Companies, 13
Associated Society and the Railway Companies, 13
Australia, Northern and Southern Railway to be Built, 555
Australia, Northern and Southern Railway to be Built, 555
Australian Commonwealth Parliament, Bill for Construction of Ky ogle-South Brisbane Railway, 641
Australian Commonwealth Parliament, Bill for Construction of Ky ogle-South Brisbane Railway, 641
Australian Commonwealth’s Proposed Construction of Three Goods Lines, 265
Australian Commonwealth’s Proposed Construction of Three Goods Lines, 265
Australian New Railway Schemes to be Presented to Federal Parliament, 409
Australian New Railway Schemes to be Presented to Federal Parliament, 409
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Centenary, 207 Belgian Congo Railway Electrification, 725 Bombay’s Proposed Underground Railway and Suburban Railway Electrification, 105
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Centenary, 207 Belgian Congo Railway Electrification, 725 Bombay’s Proposed Underground Railway and Suburban Railway Electrification, 105
Bradshaw, New, Certain Changes Made, 133 British Columbia Electric Railway, Big Power Tunnel for, 409
Bradshaw, New, Certain Changes Made, 133
British Columbia Electric Railway, Big
Power Tunnel for, 409
British Empire Exhibition and Increased Traffic, 211
British Empire Exhibition and Increased Traffic, 211
British Tender Accepted for British Tramways, though Dearest of Three Offers, 133
British Tender Accepted for British Tramways, though Dearest of Three Offers, 133
Brussels, Metropolitan Railway’s New Planning, 323
Brussels, Metropolitan Railway’s New Planning, 323
Cairo-Suez Standard Gauge Electric Railway, Proposed, 237
Cairo-Suez Standard Gauge Electric Railway, Proposed, 237
Canada, Northern Railway Situation and Future Policy, 45
Canada, Northern Railway Situation and Future Policy, 45
' Canadian National Railways, Programme, Rejected Bills, 159
' Canadian National Railways, Programme, Rejected Bills, 159
C.P.R., New Branch Line, 105
C.P.R., New Branch Line, 105
Canal Schemes under Consideration, 113, 185
Canal Schemes under Consideration, 113, 185
Capetown—Simonstown Suburban Line Electrification, 641, 697
Capetown-Simonstown Suburban Line Electrification, 641, 697
Cargo Boats, Two New, for Weymouth and Channel Islands Service, 495
Cargo Boats, Two New, for Weymouth and Channel Islands Service, 495
Central London Railway, Alteration of Signals and Additional Trains, 105
Central London Railway, Alteration of Signals and Additional Trains, 105
Chelsea Chamber of Commerce, Request for Tube Railway between South Kensington and South of Thames, 133
Chelsea Chamber of Commerce, Request for Tube Railway between South Kensington and South of Thames, 133
Chesterfield to Scrap Electric Tramways and Replace with Trackless Car Service, 669
Chesterfield to Scrap Electric Tramways and Replace with Trackless Car Service, 669
City Railway, Reopened Section and First Train, 641
City Railway, Reopened Section and First Train, 641
City and South London Railway, Reconstruction Approaching Completion, 585
City and South London Railway, Reconstruction Approaching Completion, 585
Colombian Government’s Consent to Projected Funicular Railway, 323
Colombian Government’s Consent to Projected Funicular Railway, 323
Convention of Railway Engineers in Berlin, 279
Convention of Railway Engineers in Berlin, 279
Cost of Living Higher, but no Change in Wages, 437
Cost of Living Higher, but no Change in Wages, 437
Crow’s Nest Pass Railway Rates in Canada, 351
Crow’s Nest Pass Railway Rates in Canada, 351
Death of Sir Arthur Anderson, 381
Death of Sir Arthur Anderson, 381
Death of Mr. August Belmont, 725
Death of Mr. August Belmont, 725
Death of Brigadier-General Sir Hugh Drummond, 159
Death of Brigadier-General Sir Hugh Drummond, 159
Death of Mr. W. Garstang, 437
Death of Mr. W. Garstang, 437
Death of Mr. F. E. Gobey, 409
Death of Mr. F. E. Gobey, 409
Death of Mr. Richard Johnson, 323
Death of Mr. Richard Johnson, 323
Death of Mr. W. L. Meredith, 185
Death of Mr. W. L. Meredith, 185
Death of Mr. W. Parker, 45
Death of Mr. W. Parker, 45
Death of Colonel H. M. Sinclair, 75
Death of Colonel H. M. Sinclair, 75
Death of Mr. W. H. Stanier, 45
Death of Mr. W. H. Stanier, 45
Death of Mr. H. K. Woodward, 409
Death of Mr. H. K. Woodward, 409
Deputation Ask as Work for Unemployed the Building of a Railway between Abergavenny and Talyllin, 133
Deputation Ask as Work for Unemployed the Building of a Railway between Abergavenny and Talyllin, 133
Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad, First Electric Locomotive for, 45, 105
Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad, First Electric Locomotive for, 45, 105
District Railway’s New Cars, Great Improvements, 185
District Railway’s New Cars, Great Improvements, 185
East Indian and Great Indian Peninsula Railways, Their Future, 13
East Indian and Great Indian Peninsula Railways, Their Future, 13
East Indian Railway Transferred to the State at End of Current Year, 437
East Indian Railway Transferred to the State at End of Current Year, 437
East London Railway, Bill for its Acquisition Deposited by the Southern Railway, 641 Electrical Apparatus, Successful Test on the
  South African Railways, 585
East London Railway, Bill for its Acquisition Deposited by the Southern Railway, 641
Electrical Apparatus, Successful Test on the South African Railways, 585
Electrification of Lines Between Manchester (Victoria), through Oldham, to Shaw, 585 Engine Tire Failures not Uncommon, 437 Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, Royal Engineers, Territorial Army, New Commander, 697
Electrification of Lines Between Manchester (Victoria), through Oldham, to Shaw, 585
Engine Tire Failures not Uncommon, 437
Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, Royal
Engineers, Territorial Army, New Commander, 697
Enginemen’s Mileage Increase, Companies Offer, 641
Enginemen’s Mileage Increase, Companies Offer, 641
Escalators at Shepherd’s Bush Station, Central London Railway, 525
Escalators at Shepherd’s Bush Station, Central London Railway, 525
Excursion Fares, Pre-war, and Present Time, 211, 351
Excursion Fares, Pre-war, and Present Time, 211, 351
Export Trade Depression Ascribed to Railway Charges, 465
Export Trade Depression Ascribed to Railway Charges, 465
Facing-points Operation by Low-voltage Electrical Mechanism, 585
Facing-points Operation by Low-voltage Electrical Mechanism, 585
Fish by Train Ferry, Scotland to Genoa, 555 Footbridges and Level Crossings, 13 French Colonies Development Scheme, 697 German New Railway Board and the Dawes
Fish by Train Ferry, Scotland to Genoa, 555
Footbridges and Level Crossings, 13
French Colonies Development Scheme, 697
German New Railway Board and the Dawes
Report, Names of Four Foreign Members, 409
Report, Names of Four Foreign Members, 409
  Glasgow Subway Improvements, 437
Great Eastern Train Ferries, Chairman’s Hopeful Outlook, 295
Glasgow Subway Improvements, 437
G.I.P. Railway Electrification, Rapid Progress, 409, 641
Great Eastern ' Train Ferries, Chairman’s
Hopeful Outlook, 295
G.I.P Railway Electrification, Rapid Progress, 409, 641
Great Indian Peninsula’s Successful Half Year, 45
Great Indian Peninsula’s Successful Half Year, 45
Great Southern (Ireland) Railway Company as Amalgamation of all the Wholly Free State Railways, 725
Great Southern (Ireland) Railway Company as Amalgamation of all the Wholly Free State Railways, 725
Great Western Railway:
Great Western Railway :
Birmingham District, New Trains for Suburban Traffic, 555
Birmingham District, New Trains for Suburban Traffic, 555
Caerphilly Castle, from the Exhibition, Back to Work, 585
Caerphilly Castle, from the Exhibition, Back to Work, 585
Contracts, Important Constructional, for Sheds at Stourbridge and Evesham, 211 Decrease in Traffic in Coal, Diminished Receipts and Much-increased Wages Bill, 641
Contracts, Important Constructional, for
Sheds at Stourbridge and Evesham, 211 Decrease in Traffic in Coal, Diminished
Receipts and Much-increased Wages Bill, 641
Devon and Cornwall Sections, Reconstruction Schemes, 697
Devon and Cornwall Sections, Reconstruction Schemes, 697
Fast Timing on the Great Western, 495 Great Bear Re-named, 437
Fast Timing on the Great Western, 495
Great Bear Re-named, 437
Great Bear Engine, Repair and Reconstruction, 105
Great Bear Engine, Repair and Reconstruction, 105
    Iver, New Station Opened, 641
Iver, New Station Opened, 641
Railway Servants, Low Average of Accidents to, 237
Railway Servants, Low Average of Accidents to, 237
Record Speed by Mauretania Special to Paddington, 725
Record Speed by Mauretania Special to Paddington, 725
Saltney, near Chester, Projected Alterations at, 237
Saltney, near Chester, Projected Alterations at, 237
South Wales, Bad Trade Conditions and Effect on Railwaymen, 669
South Wales, Bad Trade Conditions and Effect on Railwaymen, 669
Swindon to Paddington Quick Run, 405 Unemployment Relief Work, 211
Swindon to Paddington Quick Run, 405 Unemployment Relief Work, 211
Wagons, Further Fifty, for Coal, Delivered, 409
Wagons, Further Fifty, for Coal, Delivered, 409
Windsor Castle, with the King as Driver, Commemoration Plate, 585
Windsor Castle, with the King as Driver, Commemoration Plate, 585
  Grouping, and Closing of Works, 13
Hull Corporation Train ways Rails, British, though Highest, Tender Accepted, 133
Grouping, and Closing of Works, 13
Hull Purchase of Tram Rails from Germanv, A Saving of £3000, 211
Hull Corporation Tramways Rails, British, though Highest, Tender Accepted, 133
Hull Purchase of Tram Rails from Germany, A Saving of £3000, 211
India, Railway Board, Conference on Standardisation, 613
India, Railway Board, Conference on Standardisation, 613
Indian Railways, A Serious Situation, 323 ; Compromise Arrived at, 351
Indian Railways, A Serious Situation, 323 ;
Compromise Arrived at, 351
Institutes and Institutions, Railway and Transport—see Associations
Institutes and Institutions, Railway and Transport—see Associations
Interim Dividends and their Signification, 133 International Railway Congress in 1925, 381 Inter-State Commerce Commission Orders for Automatic Train Control, 265
Interim Dividends and their Signification, 133
International Railway Congress in 1925, 381
Inter-State Commerce Commission Orders for Automatic Train Control, 265
Irish Free State, Railway Tribunal Members, 409
Irish Free State, Railway Tribunal Members, 409
Irish Free State Railway Unification Difficulties, 237, 265 ; New Appointment, 409
Irish Free State Railway Unification Difficulties, 237, 265 ; New Appointment, 409
Irish Port for America, Blacksod or Galway, Distances to Dublin and Belfast, 377
Irish Port for America, Blacksod or Galway, Distances to Dublin and Belfast, 377
Irish Railway Tribunal, Free State, Enforced Reduction of Rates for Passengers and Goods, 495
Irish Railway Tribunal, Free State, Enforced Reduction of Rates for Passengers and Goods, 495
Irish Railways Amalgamation, The Great Southern Railway (Ireland), 613
Irish Railways Amalgamation, The Great Southern Railway (Ireland), 613
Irish Trade Union Strike Ended, 323
Irish Trade Union Strike Ended, 323
Japanese Mount Fujiyama, Proposed Cable Railway for, 381
Japanese Mount Fujiyama, Proposed Cable Railway for, 381
Level Railway Crossings, Proposed Abolition of Some, 185
Level Railway Crossings, Proposed Abolition of Some, 185
Light Railway Orders—see Ministry of Transport
Light Railway Orders—see Ministry of Transport
Light, A Third, for Railway Signals, Investigation by National Physical Laboratory, 264
Light, A Third, for Railway Signals, Investigation by National Physical Laboratory, 264
Listowel and Ballybunion Railway Closed, 437
Listowel and Ballybunion Railway Closed, 437
Living Link, The Only, with the World’s First Railway Engine, 75
Living Link, The Only, with the World’s First Railway Engine, 75
Locomotive Construction in Russia, Soviet Programme, 351
Locomotive Construction in Russia, Soviet Programme, 351
Locomotive, Electric, First Built in Spain, 465
Locomotive, Electric, First Built in Spain, 465
Locomotive Enginemen’s Threatened Strike, 613
Locomotive Enginemen’s Threatened Strike, 613
Locomotive Repairs on British Railways in 1923, 525
Locomotive Repairs on British Railways in 1923, 525
Locomotives for China, Order Given to British Firm, 363
Locomotives for China, Order Given to British Firm, 363
Locomotives of this Country, Their Coal and Oil Consumption in 1923, 525
Locomotives of this Country, Their Coal and Oil Consumption in 1923, 525
Locomotives for Egypt, 649
Locomotives for Egypt, 649
  London Electric Railways:
Hendon to Edgware Extension, 133, 159, 237, 409
London Electric Railways :
Hendon to Edgware Extension, 133, 159, 237,409
Improvements During the Past Year, 465 New Under-the-River Connection, Four Shafts Sunk, 323
Improvements During the Past Year, 465 New Under-the-River Connection, Four Shafts Sunk, 323
  London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
Ballycastle Railway to be Taken Over by the Northern Counties System, 159
London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
Bally castle Railway to be Taken Over by the Northern Counties System, 159
Caledonian Section, Strathaven and Darvel Branch, Question of Closing, 45
Caledonian Section, Strathaven and Darvel Branch, Question of Closing, 45
Census of Employees on the London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 409
Census of Employees on the London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 409
Cinematograph Lectures for Instruction of Railwaymen, 585
Cinematograph Lectures for Instruction of Railwaymen, 585
Cost of Living and Superannuitants, 75 Crewe Railwaymen’s War Memorials, 613 Destructive Fire at Stoke-on-Trent Works, 105
Cost of Living and Superannuitants, 75
Crewe Railwaymen’s War Memorials, 613 Destructive Fire at Stoke-on-Trent Works, 105
London, Midland and Scottish Railway (continued) :
London, Midland and Scottish Railway (continued) :
“ Engine-drivers’ Hotel,” Camden Town Hostel, 697
“ Engine-drivers’ Hotel,” Camden Town Hostel, 697
Girders, Huge, Successfully Transported from Reddish to Chesterfield, 377
Girders, Huge, Successfully Transported from Reddish to Chesterfield, 377
Glasgow Underground Electrification Question, 140
Glasgow Underground Electrification Question, 140
Government and Railway-owned Canal, 113, 185
Government and Railway-owned Canal, 113, 185
Inverness Railway Shops, No Reduction at Present, 381
Inverness Railway Shops, No Reduction at Present, 381
Kitchen Cars, Independent, New Type, Provided, 265
Kitchen Cars, Independent, New Type, Provided, 265
Long Service and Unbroken Records, 344
Long Service and Unbroken Records, 344
Lytham Accident and Grouping Changes, 622
Lytham Accident and Grouping Changes, 622
Overcrow’ding on Trains Between Glasgow and London, 133
    “ Prevention Better than Cure,” 159
Overcrowding on Trains Between Glasgow and London, 133
“ Prevention Better than Cure,” 159
Removal of Knott Spit Promontory to Improve Navigation of Fleetwood Boats, 261
Removal of Knott Spit Promontory to Improve Navigation of Fleetwood Boats, 261
St. Pancras and Nottingham, Fast Nonstop Train, 351
St. Pancras and Nottingham, Fast Nonstop Train, 351
    Signalling Changes on the Line, 381
Signalling Changes on the Line, 381
Single Line Loop and Bridge Projected to Connect with Colliery, 295
Single Line Loop and Bridge Projected to Connect with Colliery, 295
Sleeping Car Train for Stranraer Starting from Euston Instead of St. Pancras, 356 Staff Changes, 211
Sleeping Car Train for Stranraer Starting from Euston Instead of St. Pancras, 356 Staff Changes, 211
Steel and Jarrah Non-inflammable Timber, Projected Use of, for Passenger Cars, 390
Track Circuits on London and North- Western Section, 390
Steel and Jarrah Non-inflammable Timber, Projected Use of, for Passenger Cars, 390 Track Circuits on London and North-Western Section, 390
Turbine Steamer Order for the Clyde, 185 Wolverton and Wagon Repair, 75
Turbine Steamer Order for the Clyde, 185 Wolverton and Wagon Repair, 75
  London and North-Eastern Railway :
London and North-Eastern Railway :
Coaling and Sanding Electric Automatic Plant for Locomotives at Doncaster, 437 Eight Largest Locomotives to Test a Bridge, 613
Coaling and Sanding Electric Automatic Plant for Locomotives at Doncaster, 437 Eight Largest Locomotives to Test a Bridge, 613
Falling Reserves, Trade Depression and Weak Partners, 159
Falling Reserves, Trade Depression and Weak Partners, 159
Hull and Barnsley’s Springhead Works to Close and Locomotive Work to Concentrate at Darlington, 13, 237
Hull and Barnsley’s Springhead Works to Close and Locomotive Work to Concentrate at Darlington, 13, 237
Locomotion No. I., 1825, and Flying Scotsman Exhibited at York, 613
Locomotion No. I., 1825, and Flying Scotsman Exhibited at York, 613
    Series of Appointments, 185, 669
Series of Appointments, 185, 669
Sheffield Pullman to Sleep at Sheffield Instead of in London, 13
Sheffield Pullman to Sleep at Sheffield Instead of in London, 13
Sir Ralph Wedgwood’s Appeal for Coal Economy, 159
Sir Ralph Wedgwood’s Appeal for Coal Economy, 159
Six-mile New Line and Nine New Bridges Required, 669
Six-mile New Line and Nine New Bridges Required, 669
Standardisation of Equipment Used by Men, 525
Standardisation of Equipment Used by Men, 525
Stockton and Darlington Railwaymen Still Living, Names Wanted, 641
Stockton and Darlington Railwaymen Still Living, Names Wanted, 641
Terminal Changes Consequent on Grouping, 528
Terminal Changes Consequent on Grouping, 528
Timber to be Replaced by Girder Bridge, 13
Timber to be Replaced by Girder Bridge, 13
  London to Peking in Sixteen Days, 669
London to Peking in Sixteen Days, 669
London Underground Railway, Extension of Hampstead and Highgate Line from Hendon to Edgware, 158
London Underground Railway, Extension of Hampstead and Highgate Line from Hendon to Edgware, 158
Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway, New Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Shops at Perambur, 237
Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway, New Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Shops at Perarnbur, 237
Melbourne Goods Yard of the Victorian Government, 105
Melbourne Goods Yard of the Victorian Government, 105
  Melbourne’s New Railway Lines, 555
Melbourne’s New Railway Lines, 555
Metropolitan District Railway New Rolling Stock, 647
Metropolitan District Railway New Rolling Stock, 647
Metropolitan District Railway Time-saving by Faster Train Running, 265
Metropolitan District Railway Time-saving by Faster Train Running, 265
Metropolitan Junction, London Bridge, Collision Resulting from Misread Signal, 351
Metropolitan Junction, London Bridge, Collision Resulting from Misread Signal, 351
Metropolitan Railway Bonus of 10 Per Cent, to Men of all Grades for Extra Work due to British Empire Exhibition, 39
Metropolitan Railway Bonus of 10 Per Cent, to Men of all Grades for Extra Work due to British Empire Exhibition, 39
Metropolitan Railway Rolling Stock, Lettering of Vehicles, 105
Metropolitan Railway Rolling Stock, Lettering of Vehicles, 105
Ministry of Transport:
Ministry of Transport:
Ashover Light Railway Extension, &c., Inquiry, 105 ; Ministry Order Made, 265
    Census of Railway Employees, 409
Ashover Light Railway Extension, &c., Inquiry, 105 ; Ministry Order Made, 265 Census of Railway Employees, 409
Facing Points Distance from Signal-boxes, Ministry’s Regulations, 495
Facing Points Distance from Signal-boxes, Ministry’s Regulations, 495
Kingston Down (near Calstock) Light Railway Order, 185
Kingston Down (near Calstock) Light Railway Order, 185
Lancashire and Yorkshire Loop Line Order, Time Limit Extension Sought, 258
Lancashire and Yorkshire Loop Line Order, Time Limit Extension Sought, 258
    Statistics for April, 1924, 133
Statistics for April, 1924, 133
Statistics for June, Passenger and Freight, 211, 350, 381
Statistics for June, Passenger and Freight, 211, 350, 381
    Statistics for July, 474
    Statistics for August, 697
Statistics for July, 474
    Statistics for September, 725
  Mornington-crescent Station Reopened, 45
Statistics for August, 697
Statistics for September, 725
Mornington-crescent Station Reopened, 45
Motor-rail Cars on Country Railway Lines in Australia, Successful Running and Introduction to be Tried in New Zealand, 351
Motor-rail Cars on Country Railway Lines in Australia, Successful Running and Introduction to be Tried in New Zealand, 351
National Union of Railwaymen :
Demands Placed in the Hands of the Railway Companies, 725
Demands Placed in the Hands of the Railway Companies, 725
Forty-eight Hours’ Week ; Washington Convention Resolution, 75
Forty-eight Hours’ Week ; Washington Convention Resolution, 75
    Nationalisation of Railways, 75
Nationalisation of Railways, 75
Netherlands East Indies, New Electrification Schemes, 669
Netherlands East Indies, New Electrification Schemes, 669
New South Wales, Proposed Railway Extension and Electrification, 105
New South Wales, Proposed Railway Extension and Electrification, 105
New South Wales Railways, Report by Sir Sam Fay and Sir Vincent Raven, 437
New’ Zealand, Projected Railway Improvement Scheme, 409
New South Wales Railways, Report by Sir Sain Fay and Sir Vincent Raven, 437
New Zealand, Projected Railway Improvement Scheme, 409
New Zealand Railways’ Inquiry About to be Made, 265
New Zealand Railways’ Inquiry About to be Made, 265
Nidd Valley Light Railway, Proposed Electrification Economically Impracticable, 669
Nidd Valley Light Railway, Proposed Electrification Economically Impracticable, 669
Night Expresses to Scotland, Recent Addition, 105
Night Expresses to Scotland, Recent Addition, 105
Nord-Sud Trains in Paris, Loud Speakers Installed to Announce Stations, 105
Nord-Sud Trains in Paris, Loud Speakers Installed to Announce Stations, 105
North-South Transcontinental Railway, Australian Opinion Divided, 75
North-South Transcontinental Railway, Australian Opinion Divided, 75
North of Spain Railway Electrification, 585
North of Spain Railway Electrification, 585
Old Pneumatic Tube Railway, Projected Utilisation for Underground Trunk Telephone Cables, 525
  One Man Tramcar, 578
Old Pneumatic Tube Railway, Projected
  Overcrowding in Long-distance Trains, 75
Utilisation for Underground Trunk Telephone Cables, 525
One Man Tramcar, 578
Overcrowding in Long-distance Trains, 75
Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean Line, Contemplated New Line Shortening Journey between Paris and Marseilles, 669
Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean Line, Contemplated New Line Shortening Journey between Paris and Marseilles, 669
Passengers and Mileage in July, 465
Passengers and Mileage in July, 465
Pietermaritzburg, First Electric Locomotive Leaves for Glencoe Junction, 295
Pietermaritzburg, First Electric Locomotive Leaves for Glencoe Junction, 295
Pilfering, Railway, Action by the Men’s Unions, 233
Pilfering, Railway, Action by the Men’s Unions, 233
Polish Rail wav Schemes, Large Electrical, 211
  Post Office Tube Railway, Orders, 479
Polish Railway Schemes, Large Electrical, 211
Post Office Tube Railway, Orders, 479
Power Signalling Apparatus and Tracks Alterations, Central Argentine Railway, Buenos Aires, 725
Power Signalling Apparatus and Tracks Alterations, Central Argentine Railway, Buenos Aires, 725
Rail Car for Paris Suburban Line, New Arrangement of Machinery, 437
Rail Car for Paris Suburban Line, New Arrangement of Machinery, 437
  Railroad Priority in America, 555
Railroad Priority in America, 555
Railway Bills Deposited for Next Session by Various Lines, 641
Railway Bills Deposited for Next Session by Various Lines, 641
Railway Centenary in September, 1925, Railway Companies’ Association’s Invitation to International Railway Congress, 13, 237
Railway Centenary in September, 1925, Railway Companies’ Association’s Invitation to International Railway Congress, 13, 237
Railway Material Exports Statistics, 56, 236, 295, 437, 525, 669
Railway Material Exports Statistics, 56, 236, 295, 437, 525, 669
Railwaymen in New Parliament, List of Names, 525
Railwaymen in New Parliament, List of Names, 525
Railwaymen’s Unions, Size and Wealth, 45
Railwaymen’s Unions, Size and Wealth, 45
Railwaymen’s Wages, 465
Railwaymen’s Wages, 465
Railway Rates Tribunal, Standard Charges Question, 13, 185
Railway Rates Tribunal, Standard Charges Question, 13, 185
  Railway Returns for 1923, 189
  Railway Servants Rating Figures, 45
Railway Returns for 1923, 189
Railway Servants Rating Figures, 45
Rolling Stock, British Railway, Analysis for 1923, 555
Rolling Stock, British Railway, Analysis for 1923, 555
Rope-hauled Trains and the Regulations, 465 Santander and Calatayud, Railway Projected Betw’een, 45
Rope-hauled Trains and the Regulations, 465
Santander and Calatayud, Railway Projected Between, 45
Seven Electric Locomotives, New Type, Ordered in America, 585
Seven Electric Locomotives, New Type, Ordered in America, 585
Shanghai-Nanking Railway, Increase in Passengers, 585
Shanghai-Nanking Railway, Increase in Passengers, 585
Shortened Funnels for Running on the North British System, 725
Shortened Funnels for Running on the North British System, 725
Shunting, Gravitational, German and American Devices, 665
Shunting, Gravitational, German and American Devices, 665
Signal and Telegraph Branch of the Victorian Government Railways, 613
Signal and Telegraph Branch of the Victorian Government Railways, 613
  Signalling, Three-position, 724
  Signalmen’s New Union, 105
Signalling, Three-position, 724
Signalmen’s New Union, 105
South Africa Rolling Stock Order to Go Abroad, 193
South Africa Rolling Stock Order to Go Abroad, 193
South Africa, Union of, Minister of Railways Commission on Railway Workshops Question, 465
South Africa, Union of, Minister of Railways Commission on Railway Workshops Question, 465
South Africa, Union of, Over 400 Miles of New Lines to be Opened Shortly, 295
South Africa, Union of, Over 400 Miles of New Lines to be Opened Shortly, 295
South Australian Government Proposes Electrification in Adelaide Area, 351
South Australian Government Proposes Electrification in Adelaide Area, 351
  Southern Railway :
Southern Railway :
Basingstoke and Alton Branch Line Reopened, 185
Basingstoke and Alton Branch Line Reopened, 185
Brighton Section Electrification Progress ; also South-Eastern from Victoria to Orpington, 585
Brighton Section Electrification Progress ; also South-Eastern from Victoria to Orpington, 585
Brighton Section Vehicles Fitted with Vacuum Brake, 437
Brighton Section Vehicles Fitted with Vacuum Brake, 437
Cross-Channel Steamer, Company’s New, 585
Cross-Channel Steamer, Company’s New, 585
Eastbourne Complaints and Company’s Promise, 585
Eastbourne Complaints and Company’s Promise, 585
Route of Trains from Waterloo to Portsmouth, 13
Route of Trains from Waterloo to Portsmouth, 13
Sir Herbert Walker on Work of Staff and on Improved Revenue, 169
Sir Herbert Walker on Work of Staff and on Improved Revenue, 169
Ventnor, Projected Funicular Railway, 585
Ventnor, Projected Funicular Railway, 585
Spanish New Railway Policy, New Rolling Stock Orders, 495
Spanish New Railway Policy, New Rolling Stock Orders, 495
Spanish Railway Electrification, Tenders Called for, 295
Spanish Railway Electrification, Tenders Called for, 295
Steam and Electric Trains in Manchester Area, Comparison in Timing, 323
Steam and Electric Trains in Manchester Area, Comparison in Timing, 323
  Strikes and Government’s Powers, ] 3
Strikes and Government’s Powers, 13
Suggested Land Purchase for Stone Quarry Extension, 669
Suggested Land Purchase for Stone Quarry Extension, 669
  Summer Train Services, 75
Summer Train Services, 75
Sunderland Docks, Projected Railway Sidings Adjoining, 725
Sunderland Docks, Projected Railway Sidings Adjoining, 725
Sunderland Replaces Tramways by Motor Omnibuses, 465
Sunderland Replaces Tramways by Motor Omnibuses, 465
Sweden, North, Rapid Railway Development, 295
Sweden, North, Rapid Railway Development, 295
Swedish State Railways’ Budget Demands. 351
Swedish State Railways’ Budget Demands, 351
Swiss Federal Railways Prohibit the Use of Gas-lighted Vehicles, 211
Swiss Federal Railways Prohibit the Use of Gas-lighted Vehicles, 211
Swiss Railway Electrification, Locomotive Mechanical Parts, 17
Swiss Railway Electrification, Locomotive Mechanical Parts, 17
Tasmanian Railways’ New Appointment, 159
Tasmanian Railways’ New Appointment, 159
Tattenham Corner Signal-box Completely Destroyed by Fire, 105
Tattenham Corner Signal-box Completely Destroyed by Fire, 105
Timber Railway Viaducts Disappearing, 613
Timber Railway Viaducts Disappearing, 613
Toronto, Railway Viaduct and Union Termini Completion Projected, 101
Toronto, Railway Viaduct and Union Termini Completion Projected, 101
Toronto’s Street Railway System, 706
Toronto’s Street Railway System, 706
Trackless Trams on Rotherham System, 697
Trackless Trams on Rotherham System, 697
Traffic Receipts of Four Grouped Companies, Decrease Due to Strikes, 45
Traffic Receipts of Four Grouped Companies, Decrease Due to Strikes, 45
Trams, Electric, Proposed Substitution of Trolley Omnibuses 697
Trams, Electric, Proposed Substitution of Trolley Omnibuses 697
Tube Railways, Doors of New Rolling Stock, 133
Tube Railways, Doors of New Rolling Stock, 133
Tubes, Suggested New, but Unprofitable, 725
Tubes, Suggested New, but Unprofitable, 725
Turbo-condensing Locomotive’s Record Journey, 159
Turbo-condensing Locomotive’s Record Journey, 159
United States Defective Percentage of Rolling Stock and Violations of Safety Appliance Acts, 351
United States Defective Percentage of Rolling Stock and Violations of Safety Appliance Acts, 351
United States Representation at the International Railway Congress, 555
United States Representation at the International Railway Congress, 555
Victoria Railways, Proposed Change of Sites for Certain Works, 725
Victoria Railways, Proposed Change of Sites for Certain Works, 725
Wagons, Railway-owned, Annual Reports, 525
Wagons, Railway-owned, Annual Reports, 525
War-time Railways by British Engineers in France, Order for Preservation for Public Use, 437
War-time Railways by British Engineers in France, Order for Preservation for Public Use, 437
Watford New Line, Remodelling of Station Yard of Metropolitan and London and North-Eastern Joint Railways, 495
Watford New Line, Remodelling of Station Yard of Metropolitan and London and North-Eastern Joint Railways, 495
Welsh Highland Railway and Passenger Traffic, 677
Welsh Highland Railway and Passenger Traffic, 677
West Hartlepool Light Railways Orders, 697
West Hartlepool Light Railways Orders, 697
West Somerset Mineral Railway Sold by Auction, 185
West Somerset Mineral Railway Sold by Auction, 185
Wireless Telegraphy, Experiments in its Applications to Railways, 45
Wireless Telegraphy, Experiments in its Applications to Railways, 45
Woolwich Locomotives, Twenty Sold to Southern Railway, 465
Woolwich Locomotives, Twenty Sold to Southern Railway, 465
RAND Record for Shaft-sinking, 555
RAND Record for Shaft-sinking, 555
Remington Typewriter Company Starting Plant in Toronto, 697
Remington Typewriter Company Starting Plant in Toronto, 697
Resin from Oporto, Crude Distillation Methods, 265
Resin from Oporto, Crude Distillation Methods, 265
Rhodesia, Mulungushi Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 585
Rhodesia, Mulungushi Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 585
Rhodesian Museum, Bulawayo, Government
Rhodesian Museum, Bulawayo, Government
  Grant for Geologist, 585
Grant for Geologist, 585
Rio de Janeiro Docks Improvement, Further Contracts for, 159
Rio de Janeiro Docks Improvement, Further Contracts for, 159
Road Congestion at Westminster, 495
Road Congestion at Westminster, 495
Road Surfaces, Complaints of Slipperiness and Investigation, 295
Road Surfaces, Complaints of Slipperiness and
Investigation, 295
Roads Bill, New, Introduced, 105
Roads Bill, New, Introduced, 105
Roads in Quebec, Steady Improvement Reported, 237
Roads in Quebec, Steady Improvement Reported, 237
Roumanian Market for British Goods, 13
Roumanian Market for British Goods, 13
Royal Technical College, Glasgow, Amalgamation of Departments, 62
Royal Technical College, Glasgow, Amalgamation of Departments, 62
Royal Technical College, Glasgow, Electrical
Royal Technical College, Glasgow, Electrical
  Engineering Equipment, 363
Engineering Equipment, 363
Rubber Latex, Results of Tests on, 265
Rubber Latex, Results of Tests on, 265
Rubber in Liquid Form, Increased Shipments of, to America, 409
Rubber in Liquid Form, Increased Shipments of, to America, 409
Russian Geological Committee Reports Coal Discoveries in Petchora Region, 697
Russian Geological Committee Reports Coal Discoveries in Petchora Region, 697
Russia’s First Steam Turbine Since the Revolution, 13
Russia’s First Steam Turbine Since the Revolution, 13
ST. LAWRENCE Waterways Project, Proposed Treaty between Canada and United States, 295
.ST. LAWRENCE Waterways Project, Proposed Treaty between Canada and United States, 295
Sandalwood Oil Refineries at Bangalore and Mysore City, Prosperous Pioneer Industry, 211
Sandalwood Oil Refineries at Bangalore and Mysore City, Prosperous Pioneer Industry, 211
San Francisco, Projected Water Front Extension, 295
San Francisco, Projected Water Front Extension, 295
Santa Fe, Reported New Dock Project at, 555 Sault St. Marie, Combined Traffic in Various
  Canal Systems at, 409
Santa Fe, Reported New Dock Project at, 555
Scholarship, Entrance, University College, 220 Scholarships, “ D. B. Morison ” Engineering Apprentice, 449
Scholarships in Engineering, Awards by “ Beama,” 600
Sault St. Marie, Combined Traffic in Various Canal Systems at, 409
Scholarship, Entrance, University College, 220
Scholarships, “ D. B. Morison ” Engineering Apprentice, 449
Scholarships in Engineering, Awards by “ Beams,” 600
Scholarships, “ Mavor and Coulson ” Travelling Post-graduate, 449
Scholarships, “ Mavor and Coulson ” Travelling Post-graduate, 449
Screws, Drive, Parker Hardened, Charles Churchill and Co., Limited, 62
Screws, Drive, Parker Hardened, Charles Churchill and Co., Limited, 62
Severn Barrage Scheme, Private Report, 75 Sewage Pump, Electrically Driven, for Calcutta, Tenders Invited, 641
Severn Barrage Scheme, Private Report, 75
Sewage Pump, Electrically Driven, for Calcutta, Tenders Invited, 641
Shanghai Automatic Telephones on Trial in View of Further Installations, 323
Shanghai Automatic Telephones on Trial in View of Further Installations, 323
Sheffield’s Unemployment Relief, Projected Expenditure, 351
Sheffield’s Unemployment Relief, Projected Expenditure, 351
Allentown, 8000-Ton Tanker, Conversion from Steam to Diesel-electric Propulsion, 159
Allentown, 8000-Ton Tanker, Conversion from Steam to Diesel-electric Propulsion, 159
Anchor Liner Ordered for Indian Service, 185 Australia’s Two New Cruisers, Plans for
  Floating Dock and Building Cruisers in England, 133 ; Tenders to be Called for from England and Australia, 295, 381 British Submarine’s Record Voyage, 185 Cable Ship, New, The Cable, for Eastern
Anchor Liner Ordered for Indian Service, ] 85 Australia’s Two New Cruisers, Plans for Floating Dock and Building Cruisers in England, 133 ; Tenders to be Called for from England and Australia, 295, 381
    Extension Telegraph Company, 495
British Submarine’s Record Voyage, 185
Cable Ship, New, The Cable, for Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, 495
Clyde Tonnage Launched in August, and for Eight Months of Current Year, 265
Clyde Tonnage Launched in August, and for Eight Months of Current Year, 265
Cruiser, New, Keel Laid, Vickers Limited, 464 Cruisers, First of the Five New, Started, 409 Cunard Liner Franconia’s Mishap, 133 Egremont Castle, Successful Salving of, After
    Fire and Explosion, 45
Cruiser, New, Keel Laid, Vickers Limited, 464
Cruisers, First of the Five New, Started, 409
Cunard Liner Franconia’s Mishap, 133
Egremont Castle, Successful Salving of, After Fire and Explosion, 45
Electric Passenger Ship, Reputed Largest in the World, Under Construction, 105, 159 Gyro-compass Position on New Canadian Pacific Steamers, 465
Electric Passenger Ship, Reputed Largest in the World, Under Construction, 105, 159 Gyro-compass Position on New Canadian Pacific Steamers, 465
  H.M.S. Lion Broken Up, 555
  Isle of Wight, Motor Lifeboat for, 542
H.M.S. Lion Broken Up, 555
Itchen, Ship and Yacht Building Yard at, 127 Largest Turbine-electrically Propelled Seagoing Liner, Projected Construction, 105, 159
  Laurentic’s Gold Salving Progress, 237
Isle of Wight, Motor Lifeboat for, 542
  Mauretania’s Record Speed, 75
Itchen, Ship and Yacht Building Yard at, 127
Largest Turbine-electrically Propelled Seagoing Liner, Projected Construction, 105, 159
Laurentic’s Gold Salving Progress, 237
Mauretania’s Record Speed, 75
Mauretania’s Speed Record Beaten by Herself, 211
Mauretania’s Speed Record Beaten by Herself, 211
Notable Ship Reconstruction by Swedish Company, 323
Notable Ship Reconstruction by Swedish Company, 323
  Oil Tanker for New Zealand, 381
Oil Tanker for New Zealand, 381
Orient Liner Oronsay Fitted with Duct Keel, 237
Orient Liner Oronsay Fitted with Duct Keel, 237
Rio Dorado’s Construction, Exceptional, Details, 13
Rio Dorado’s Construction, Exceptional, Details, 13
Scapa Flow Sunken German Vessels, Progress of Salving, 237, 265, 295, 381, 437
Scapa Flow Sunken German Vessels, Progress of Salving, 237, 265, 295, 381, 437
Steam Trawler Fatal Accident Due to Stop Valve Failure, 555
Steam Trawler Fatal Accident Due to Stop Valve Failure, 555
Submarine L 53 to be Commissioned for Service, 669
Submarine L 53 to be Commissioned for Service, 669
  Tees Much Increased Shipbuilding, 725
  Thames Proposed Passenger Fleet, Sir George
Tees Much Increased Shipbuilding, 725
    Hulme’s Views, 323
  Thornycroft Motor Boat, 551
Thames Proposed Passenger Fleet, Sir George Hulme’s Views, 323
Thorny croft Motor Boat, 551
United States Naval Programme for Ships and Aircraft, 613
United States Naval Programme for Ships and Aircraft, 613
White Star Liner Arabic, Change of Service, 133
White Star Liner Arabic, Change of Service, 133
Wooden War-time Ships, American, to be Burnt at Sea, 351
Wooden War-time Ships, American, to be Burnt at Sea, 351
Yarrow’s Designs for Dutch Destroyers Accepted, 265
Yarrow’s Designs for Dutch Destroyers Accepted, 265
SISAL Hemp Production in the Empire, 21
SISAL Hemp Production in the Empire, 21
Slag Sand Used for Concrete, 409
Slag Sand Used for Concrete, 409
Smoke Abatement Bill Deferred, 6 9
Smoke Abatement Bill Deferred, 6 9
Societies—see Associations
Societies—see Associations
Standards—see British
Standards—see British
Steam Pipe, Copper, Fatal Failure of, 211
Steam Pipe, Copper, Fatal Failure of, 211
Steam Retort for Experimental Purposes, New Features, 323
Steam Retort for Experimental Purposes, New Features, 323
Steam Turbines, Proposed Maximum Sizes, 75 Storage Dams on Quebec Rivers, Plans now under Review, 105
Steam Turbines, Proposed Maximum Sizes, 75
Storage Dams on Quebec Rivers, Plans now under Review, 105
Subsidy Type Light Lorries, War Department Specification, 89
Subsidy Type Light Lorries, War Department Specification, 89
Subsoil Water Rising, Preventive Means, 697 Subway in Brussels, Surveys Started for, 525 Sugar Mill, Large, for Jamaica, Duncan
  Stewart and Co., 347
Subsoil Water Rising, Preventive Means, 697
Subway in Brussels, Surveys Started for, 525
Sugar Mill, Large, for Jamaica, Duncan
Stewart and Co., 347
Sugar and Motor Spirit Factory in Mysore, 697 Sulphur Content of Organic Substances, Method of Estimation of, 45
Sugar and Motor Spirit Factory in Mysore, 697 Sulphur Content of Organic Substances, Method of Estimation of, 45
Sulphur Production Increase in Japan, 10 Sulphuric and Hydrochloric Acids, Commercial, Simultaneous Production of. Differing Processes Suggested, 265
Sweden’s Hydro-electric Power but Continued Need for Fuel, 1 33
Sulphur Production Increase in Japan, 10
Sulphuric and Hydrochloric Acids, Commercial, Simultaneous Production of, Differing Processes Suggested, 265
Sweden’s Hydro-electric Power but Continued Need for Fuel, 133
Swedish Immense Hydro-electric Resources, Possibilities of Much Increased Use, 495
Swedish Immense Hydro-electric Resources, Possibilities of Much Increased Use, 495
Swedish Telegraphs and Broadcasting, 237 Sydney, Two Automatic Telephone Exchanges for, 105
Swedish Telegraphs and Broadcasting, 237
Sydney, Two Automatic Telephone Exchanges for, 105
TANGANYIKA Mines, Copper Production, Great Expectations, 409
TANGANYIKA Mines, Copper Production, Great Expectations, 409
Tasmanian Proposed Canal at Ralph’s Bay Neck, 75
Tasmanian Proposed Canal at Ralph’s Bay Neck, 75
Telegram Despatch from Unattended Public Call Boxes in Birmingham, 265
Telegram Despatch from Unattended Public Call Boxes in Birmingham, 265
Telephone Exchange, Automatic, for Berne, 185
Telephone Exchange, Automatic, for Berne, 185
Telephone Exchanges under Construction and
Telephone Exchanges under Construction and
  Projected, 295
Projected, 295
Telephone Exchanges in India, Statistics of, 185
Telephone Exchanges in India, Statistics of, 185
Telephone Subscribers in Paris, Administration’s Lesson in Patience, 159
Telephone Subscribers in Paris, Administration’s Lesson in Patience, 159
Telephones in Durban, Conversion to Automatic Working, 159
Telephones in Durban, Conversion to Automatic Working, 159
Telephones in Italy, Cession to Private Industry, 381
Telephones in Italy, Cession to Private Industry, 381
Terrestrial Magnetism Department of the Carnegie Institution, Washington, Report of Work Done, 53
Terrestrial Magnetism Department of the Carnegie Institution, Washington, Report of Work Done, 53
Testing Work by United States Bureau of Standards, 237
Testing Work by United States Bureau of Standards, 237
Thames Longitudinal Bridge Scheme Rejected, 669
Thames Longitudinal Bridge Scheme Rejected, 669
Thames-Severn Canal, Projected Abandonment, 75
Thames-Severn Canal, Projected Abandonment, 75
Tibet Seeks Engineering Instruction from England, 237
Tibet Seeks Engineering Instruction from England, 237
Tinfoil Manufacture in Chekiang, China, 465
Tinfoil Manufacture in Chekiang, China, 465
Tokyo, Projected Construction of Subways, 265
Tokyo, Projected Construction of Subways, 265
Town Hall, New, for Nottingham, 641
Town Hall, New, for Nottingham, 641
Train Ferry at Grafton, Clarence River, New South Wales, 641
Train Ferry at Grafton, Clarence River, New South Wales, 641
Train Ferry Service Between Harwich and Zeebrugge, Question of Winter Service, 133
Train Ferry Service Between Harwich and Zeebrugge, Question of Winter Service, 133
Tramway from Southend to Eltham, Proposed to Apply for Authority for Construction, 133
Tramway from Southend to Eltham, Proposed to Apply for Authority for Construction, 133
Trelleborg, Sweden, Harbour Extension, 613
Trelleborg, Sweden, Harbour Extension, 613
Tunnel, Pedestrian, Under the Liffey, 13
Tunnel, Pedestrian, Under the Liffey, 13
Tunnel, Shandaken, for New York Water Supply, Longest in the World and Quickest Excavated, 265
Tunnel, Shandaken, for New York Water Supply, Longest in the World and Quickest Excavated, 265
Turbine, Critical Vibrations and Speeds, 351
Turbine, Critical Vibrations and Speeds, 351
ULTRA-VIOLET Rays Effect on Polished Metal, 211
ULTRA-VIOLET Rays Effect on Polished Metal, 211
Unemployment, Great Increase in, 133
Unemployment, Great Increase in, 133
United States Company’s Loan for Buenos
United States Company’s Loan for Buenos
  Aires Rebuilding and Development, 237
Aires Rebuilding and Development, 237
United States Metal Mining Industry Statistics, 669
United States Metal Mining Industry Statistics, 669
University College Entrance Scholarship, 220
University College Entrance Scholarship, 220
VALVES, Steam or Water, Controlled by Electric Motors, 75
VALVES, Steam or Water, Controlled by Electric Motors, 75
Vancouver, Port of, Shipping in and out of, Statistics, 45
Vancouver, Port of, Shipping in and out of, Statistics, 45
Ventilating Fan for Gold Mines, South Africa, Largest in the World, 613
Ventilating Fan for Gold Mines, South Africa, Largest in the World, 613
Vermilion Manufacture and Trade in Hong Kong, 295
Vermilion Manufacture and Trade in Hong Kong, 295
Victoria Quay, Fremantle, W.A., Construction of, 327
Victoria Quay, Fremantle, W.A., Construction of, 327
WAGON and other Wheels, Gears, &o., Con- | structed by Stroh Process, 75
WAGON and other Wheels, Gears, &c., Constructed by Stroh Process, 75
War Department Subsidy Type Light Lorries ; Scheme, Enrolment of Vehicles, 185
War Department Subsidy Type Light Lorries Scheme, Enrolment of Vehicles, 185
Water Gauges for Marine Boiler Testing, Causes of Rise and Fall of Water in the Glass, 437
Water Gauges for Marine Boiler Testing, Causes of Rise and Fall of Water in the Glass, 437
  Edmonton Supply from Pigeon Lake, 45
  Lead Mine Furnishes Pure Water Supply, 525
Edmonton Supply from Pigeon Lake, 45
  New South Wales Water Supply Scheme, 613
New York Water Supply, New Tunnel of Record Length and Speed in Excavation. 265
Lead Mine Furnishes Pure Water Supply, 525
  New Zealand, Proposals for Auckland Water I
    Supply, 495 I
New South Wales Water Supply Scheme, 613
New York Water Supply, New Tunnel of Record Length and Speed in Excavation, 265
New Zealand, Proposals for Auckland Water Supply, 495
Pumping Station Below Ground Level to Increase Water Supply in Chicago, 409
Pumping Station Below Ground Level to Increase Water Supply in Chicago, 409
  Rand Water Board’s Supply Scheme, 13
Rand Water Board’s Supply Scheme, 13
South Africa’s Various Schemes for Water Supply, 697
South Africa’s Various Schemes for Water Supply, 697
Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Company’s Undertaking Sold, 13
Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Company’s Undertaking Sold, 13
  Surface Water Supply of Canada, 380
Surface Water Supply of Canada, 380
Vernon Hooper Dam for Durban Water Supply, 45
Vernon Hooper Dam for Durban Water Supply, 45
WATER SUPPLY (continued) :
Victorian Rivers and Water Supply Commission, Great Storage Increase. 697
WATER SUPPLY {continued) :
  Worthing Proposes New Waterworks. 669 WATER-TUBE Boiler Explosion, Comparison of American and British-made Tubes. 641
Water-tube Boiler Explosion. Report, 697 Water Wheel Used Since 1847 Replaced by
Victorian Rivers and Water Supply Commission. Great Storage Increase. 697
  Turbine, 725
Waygood-Otis Club, Annual Sports, 89
Worthing Proposes New Waterworks. 669 WATER-TUBE Boiler Explosion. Comparison of American and British-made Tubes. 641 Water-tube Boiler Explosion. Report, 697 Water Wheel Used Since 1847 Replaced by
Turbine, 725
Waygood-Otis Club. Annual Sports, 89
Weathering Properties of Building Stone, Tests and Results, 185
Weathering Properties of Building Stone, Tests and Results, 185
Well Sinking in China. Government Rewards Offered for, 555
Well Sinking in China. Government Rewards Offered for, 555
Wembley Excursion from Prescot, Lancashire, 421
Western Australia, Mining Statistics of, 492 Westminster Bridge Deflection, Experiments,
Wembley Excursion from Presoot, Lancashire, 421
Western Australia, Mining Statistics of. 492 Westminster Bridge Deflection, Experiments, 211
Wharf to be Constructed Beside Cannonstreet Station, 351
Wharf to be Constructed Beside Cannonstreet Station, 351
  ^ft237S and Earthing Precautions,
Amateur Experimental Work, Need for Guidance, 185
Aerials and Lightning, Earthing Precautions, 237
Amateur Experimental Work, Need for Guidance, 1$5
Amplification of Received Wireless Signals, 245
Amplification of Received Wireless Signals, 245
Bombay, Butcher Island, Projected Direction Finder Installation for Ships, 555
Bombay, Butcher Island, Projected Direction Finder Installation for Ships, 555
British Broadcasting Company’s Chelmsford
    Station Heard on a Crystal at Algiers, 185
British Broadcasting Company’s Chelmsford Station Heard on a Crystal at Algiers, 185
Broadcasting in England and America Compared, 555
Broadcasting in England and America Compared, 555
Broadcasting at Sea, Specially Designed Apparatus for, 465
Broadcasting at Sea, Specially Designed Apparatus for, 465
Crystal Set Experiments, Parts of Human Body Possible to Replace Crystal, 159
Crystal Set Experiments, Parts of Human Body Possible to Replace Crystal, 159
Farmer’s Home-made Wireless and an Electric Power Company, New Point in Law. 495
  Greece, Wireless Telephony in, 465
Farmer’s Home-made Wireless and an Electric Power Company, New Point in Law, 495
Greece, Wireless Telephony in, 465
High-tension Wireless Batteries, Hart Accumulator Company, Limited, 194
High-tension Wireless Batteries, Hart Accumulator Company, Limited, 194
Johannesburg, Tests from New Broadcasting Station, 159
Johannesburg, Tests from New Broadcasting Station, 159
Lectures on Radio Telephony and Broadcasting, 465
Lectures on Radio Telephony and Broadcasting, 465
Life-saving in Mines, Experiments in Progress, 133
Life-saving in Mines, Experiments in Progress, 133
Lighthouses, British Wireless Transmitting Apparatus for, 323
Lighthouses, British Wireless Transmitting Apparatus for, 323
Marconi, Senatore, Return to London After
    Development of New Beam System, 525
Marconi, Senatore, Return to London After Development of New Beam System, 525 Peking and Tientsin, Tientsin and Shanghai, German Wish to Install Wireless Telephones Between, 437
Peking and Tientsin, Tientsin and Shanghai, German Wish to Install Wireless Telephones Between, 437
Post. Office and Radio Society of Great Britain, Difference of Opinion, 495
Post. Office and Radio Society of Great Britain, Difference of Opinion, 495
Post and Telegraph Department, South Africa, Rapid Growth of Telephones and Broadcasting, 613
Post and Telegraph Department, South Africa, Rapid Growth of Telephones and Broadcasting, 613
Radio Bearings of Transmitting Stations, Observations of. 641
Radio Bearings of Transmitting Stations, Observations of. 641
Radio Club for Poland. The First to be Founded. 641
Radio-telephonic Communication for Mersey Lightships. 725
Radio Club for Poland, The First to be Founded, 641
Radio Transmission Important Results, Claimed from New Development, Dr. J. H. Hammond, jun.. 133
  Railways and Wireless, Experiments, 45
Radio-telephonic Communication for Mersey Lightships, 725
  Regeneration by Inductive Feedback. C. B.
    Jollife and Miss J. A. Rodman. 245
Radio Transmission Important Results, Claimed from New Development, Dr. J. H. Hammond, jun., 133
Railways and Wireless, Experiments. 45
Regeneration by Inductive Feedback. C. B.
Jollife and Miss J. A. Rodman, 245
Seven Big Wireless Stations for Great Britain and the Continent for Direction of Aircraft Navigation, Reported Scheme for. 295
Seven Big Wireless Stations for Great Britain and the Continent for Direction of Aircraft Navigation, Reported Scheme for. 295
Ships’ Lifeboats’ Wireless Set, Successful Tests off Melbourne, 409
Ships’ Lifeboats’ Wireless Set, Successful Tests off Melbourne, 409
Transmitter Experiments Between Vienna and British Broadcasting Stations. 13
Transmitter Experiments Between Vienna and British Broadcasting Stations. 13
Wireless Frame Aerial. Reputed Largest in the World. Erected in Aldwych for United States Shipping Board. 75
Wireless Frame Aerial. Reputed Largest in the World. Erected in Aldwych for United States Shipping Board. 75
Wireless Installation, Very Effective, for New Zeppelin, 159
Wireless Installation, Very Effective, for New Zeppelin, 159
WOOD Distillation in India, Modern Plant, 566
WOOD Distillation in India. Modern Plant, 566
Wood Distillation Plant of Ford Motor Company, 613
Wood Distillation Plant of Ford Motor Company, 613
Wood Pulp Industry, Large, for North-West Tasmania, 323
Wood Pulp Industry, Large, for North-West Tasmania, 323
Wreckage Two and Half Centuries Old Dredged Up, 409
Wreckage Two and Half Centuries Old Dredged Up, 409
X-RAYS in Industry, .1. F. Driver, 381
X-RAYS in Industry, J. F. Driver, 381
YALU Timber Company, New Mill Projected, 13
YALU Timber Company, New Mill Projected, 13
Yokohama Harbour, Further Enlargement Projected, 75
Yokohama Harbour, Further Enlargement Projected, 75
ZINC Mine in British Columbia, Said to bo World’s Largest, 641
ZINC Mine in British Columbia, Said to bo World’s Largest, 641

Revision as of 09:31, 16 June 2020

The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1924 Jul-Dec: Index

View the Volumes that this Index refers to.

ABERDEEN, Robert Gordon’s Colleges, Proposed Courses of Instruction, 555

Acoustic Design of Musical Practice Rooms, Changes Needed to Benefit by Sound-proof Walls, 185

Aerial Ropeway in Colombia, Preliminary Survey for, and Details of Scheme, 45


Air Defence of Great Britain, 525

Aircraft Apprentices, Vacancies for, 223

Airship, Five Million Cubic Feet, for Egypt and India Service, 75

Belfast to Gretna or Carlisle, Daily Aeroplane

Service Projected, 265

Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 200

Circumnavigation of the World by Air, Conclusions to Reckon With, 351

Hangar, Aeroplane at Mukden, Largest in Asia, 555

Helicopter Inventor’s New Record and Prize, 351

Imperial Airways Monthly Traffic Returns, June and July, 274

Light Aeroplane Competitions, Lecture by Major J. S. Buchanan, 555

Napier-Blackburn Torpedo-carrying Aeroplanes, 1000 Horse-power, Launch of the First, 211

R 38 Memorial Prize, Award for 1924, 628

Seaplane for Transport of Fever Patients in British Guiana, 465

World’s Gliding Record Broken by Lieutenant Thoret, St. Remy, 265

World’s Largest Passenger Flying Bout, 585

AGRICULTURAL Fortnightly Bulletin to be Broadcasted from London, 185

Alien-Liversedge, Limited, Staff Dinner, 512

Alloys Aging Effect and Increased Room Temperature, 525

Aluminium Alloy Road Wheel, Satisfactory

Results of Experiments, 159

American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical

Engineers, 130th Meeting, 252

American Stone Quarries Workers, Shifts and

Accident Statistics, 613

Anodes for Brine Electrolysis, 437

Apprentice Scholarships, “ D. B. Morison,”

Engineering, 449

Asbestos Exports from Canada, 13, 237

Asbestos Mills, Montreal, Two New, 295

Asbestos Mino near Barberton, Formation of

Minerals, 613

Asphalt, Liquid and Solid, Throughout the whole of Cuba, 105


Association, Diesel Engine Users’ :

Significance of Exhaust .Temperature, P. H. Smith, 408

Institute of Transport :

Gold Medal Awards for Railwaymen’s Papers, 381

Institution of Automobile Engineers :

Annual Dinner, 593

Medal Awards for Papers and Service, 584

Pneumatic Tires, A. Healey, 669

Institution of Chemical Engineers :

Self-balancing Centrifugals, Eustace A. Alliott, 133

Institution of Civil Engineers :

Awards for Papers, 396

Joint Meeting with other Associations :

Results of Heat Engine and Boiler Trials, 625

Institution of Electrical Engineers :

A.M.I.E. E. Examination, 145

Annual Conversazione, 27

Award of Premiums to Students, 62

New Wiring Regulations, F. C. Raphael, 725

Sir Oliver Lodge, Honorary Member, 555


North Wales (Liverpool) Centre :

Art of Communication Engineering, Address by H. H. Harrison, 525 Informal Section :

“ Walk Round Pretoria Power Station,” Lecture, G. M. Clark, 697

Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland :

Janies Watt Annual Dinner, 625

Institution of Gas Engineers :

Annual Meeting in 1925, 507

Presidential Election , 185

Storage of Silica Refractories, Lecture, W. J. Rees, 13

. Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers :

Awards for Competition to Encourage Education in the Industry, 335

Prizes Offered for Papers, 696

Institution, Junior, of Engineers : Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and

Apparatus, 640

Institution of Mechanical Engineers :

H.R.H. Prince of AV ales to Attend Annual Dinner, 555

Institution of Naval Architects :

Scholarships Offered for 1925, 612

Scholarships and Prize Awards, 304, 479

Institution, North-East Coast, of Engineers and Shipbuilders :

Girders in Ships, J. Foster King, 585

1 nstitution of Petroleum Technologists : Award of Institution Scholarship, 605 Awards of Medals and Scholarships, 479

Institution of Production Engineers : Annual Dinner, 322


Institution of Railway Signal Engineers :

“Proceedings”; Survey of Indian Signalling,” 2k. C. Rose, 437

Signalling on the London Underground Railways, W. S. Every, 613

Three-position Signalling, 724

Institution, Royal :

Before-Easter Lecture Arrangements, 640, 696

General Meeting ; Christinas Lectures, &c., 539

Institution of Water Engineers :

Annual and List of Papers, 609

Society of Engineers :

Awards for Papers, 712

Plumbago, A verage Annual Export of, from Ceylon, T. G. Hunter, 351

Society, Faraday :

Annual General Meeting, 117

Report, 117

Society, Illuminating Engineering :

Paper by Mr. G. L. Jennings, 185

Society, Optical :

Extraordinary General Meeting ; Student Members, Rules, 649

Filpi Picture Production, Optical and Mechanical Problems of, H. Dennis Taylor, 436

Society, Royal, of Arts :

Award of Medals for Papers, 62

ASTURIAS Mines and Factories to bo Controlled by Krupps, 641

Atlas Works, Sheffield, 129

Atomic Energy, Freeing, At Present an Elusive Secret, Dr. Wall’s Quest, 525

Auckland (New Zealand), New Works and Improvements by Harbour Board, 725

Australia, Proposed Enlargement of Hume

Reservoir on the Murray River, 351

Australian Engineers in Government Service, Question of Increase of Pay, 45

Australian Imports, Quarter’s Analysis, 105

Australian Sea Carriage of Goods Act, 725

Australia’s Rich Radium Deposits, 697

Avery, W. and T., Limited, Recognition of

Long Service, 27

Avonmouth Spelter Works, Feared Closing after Heavy Expenditure, 185

Avonmouth Spelter Works, Postponement of Closing Down, 323 ■

B BALL Bearings Made of Stainless Steel, Carrying Capacity of, Axel Hultgren, 351

Barranquilla, Colombia, Contract by London Syndicate for Construction of Streets, Tramways and Waterworks, 669

Bath, Rapid Steam Plant Erection at, 678

Beet Sugar Factory in Alberta, Proposed, 669

Beet Sugar Factory on the Wissey River, Another Projected, 351

Belgian Congo, Cobalt Ore in Various Places ' with Manganese, 265

Valuable Recent Discovery, 409

Belgian Congo, List of Recently Discovered I Minerals, 211

Birmingham Post Office, .Alterations for Accommodation of Automatic Telephone, 725 i

Blast-furnaces—see Iron and Steel

Blue Finish to Handles of Pliers, &c., New ’

Method for Applying, 323 ,

Boiler Explosion in Small Steamer, Some Peculiar Features, 641

Boiler Explosions, Report for 1923, 525

Bombay, Back Bay Reclamation Progress, 437 I

Bradford Engineering Society, Programme of I

Lectures, 365

Bradshaw, Eighty-fifth Anniversary of, 469

Brazilian Government Outlay on Port Improvements, 351

Bridge Across the Tees at Newport, Scheme Opposed, 323

Bridge,’ Hooghly, Proposed New, at Howrah, Committee Suggestions, 697

Bridge, Newcastle and Gateshead, Tender Accepted, 725

Bridge Over the Ouse at Boothferry, 75

Bridge Over Richmond River, New South Wales, 697

Bridge Span Too Much Expanded by Sun to be Reclosed, 409

British and American Mining Departments, Exchange of Information, Tests of British Explosives, 555

British Columbia, The Third Industrial Province in Canada, 237

British Engineering Standards Association :

Acceptance of Invitation from German Standards Committee, 641

Automobile Steels, Publications on, 99

Coal Mining and Industrial Standardisation, Address to be Given in Four Centres by Secretary of the Association, 418

Glossary of Electrical Engineering Terms, 117

Standard Keys, Keyways and Keybars, Publication Regarding, 709

Standard Specifications :

Cast Iron Piston Rings, 479

Conductors for Overhead Power Transmission, 609

Copper, Raw, Five Specifications Issued, 310

Fuel Oils, Four Grades, 572

Magnetos for Internal Combustion Engines, 105

Metallic Resistance Materials, 507

Metallic Resistance Materials Specification Revision, 613

Solders, Silver, Tin-lead and Brazing; Brasses, Special, for Ingots for Castings, for Actual Castings, 89

Spanners, Dimensions of, 593

British Foundrymen, Institution of :

Birmingham Branch :

Lecture on “ The Iron Age,” Presidential, 555

Pure Aluminium Unsuitable for Castings, C. Dickens’ Lecture, 641

Scottish Branch :

Bulk Electricity Supply, Schemes in connection with Foundry Operations, James A Week, 461

c CADMIUM, Inhalation of Fumes and Resulting Accident, 45

Canada, Crude Petroleum Production Statistics, 465

Canada, Reclamation of Waterless and Waterlogged Areas in, 494

Canada’s Sulphide Ores Abundance and Variety, 437

Canada and the United States, New Railway

Bridge at Niagara Falls, 555

Canadian Copper Output for 1922 and 1923, 323

Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto,

World’s Record Building for Cost and Size, 409

Canadian Natural Gas Light, Heat and Power

Company, Big Well’s Output, 211

Canadian Patent Law, New, 533

Canadian Trent Canal, Completion Urged on the Government, 105

Cape Copper Smelting Works in South Wales Bought, 381

Carbon Black, Its Manifold Uses, 21 I.

Carbon Dioxide as Remedy for Carbon Monoxide Gas Poisoning, 725

(Carmichael, The House of, 132

Casablanca Port, Morocco, Approaching Completion, 323

Caustic Soda and Chlorine, Production by Electrolysis, 641

Cement Gun for Stone Dusting, Experiments in a Colliery, 295

Cements Manufactured from Sea Mud l-iine, French Experiments, 75

Chapeltown, Sheffield, Gas Lighting Scheme, 237

Chemical Industries, Tenth Exposition of, 249

Chilean Improvements at Port of Lebu, 211

China, Thirty Mining Areas Staked Out, 75

China, Two of Four Projected Trunk Highways Now Completed, 351 s '

Chinese Registration of Trade Marks Bureau, 13

CWorme Gas Correct Method of Detection of •i>eaRage, 381

Ci vicSteam-heating Plant at Winnipeg Opened,

Clyde Dredging to be Started, 323

| ° 30® Tunnel or Bridge, Question for Glasgow,


Argentina, Coal Importations from Great -Britain and Elsewhere, 723

Australian Brown Coal ‘from Morwell, Analysis of Grading, 381

Barnsley Seam at Thorne Colliery, Progress,

Barnsley Bed of Coal Reached by Shaft Started in 1909, 211 J

Binder from Seaweed for Coal Briquettes, New Industry in Orkney, 21]

Brown Coal Briquetting Plant Capacity, Victorian Electricity Commission, 45

Coal Discovery Reported Under a Staffordshire Farm, 409

Coalfield, Rich, Discovered near Madrid, 525 Coal Treated by Modern Scientific Methods.

Immense Possibilities Suggested by Mr. F Hodges, 437

Coal Working Under Sheffield, Application,

Colliery Shafts to be Sunk bv Freezing Process, 697 ‘ °

Consett Iron Company’s Estate Development, Coal Discoveries, 75

Decontrolling the Coal Trade in Czecho-1/8^a<ia’ P°ssibility under Consideration, 105

Franco-Belgian Frontier, Coal Discovery, 105 rrench Undertaking for Economic Utilisation and Conservation of Coal, 495

Great Britain’s Coal Output, Comparative Statistics, 295, 613, 725

Hatfield Moor, Doncaster, Coal Discovery, New Pit to be Sunk, 475

Increased Use of Coal-cutting Machines, 465

Interesting Week-end Work at Marehay

Colliery, 323 J

Manchuria Coal Mines Financed by Russia,

Natal Coal Mines, July Output, 437

Northern Ireland, 200,000,000 Tons Coal-field near Coalisland, 211

Nova Scotia’s New and Excellent Coal Seam at Maccan, 75

Nova Scotia’s Undersea Colliery, 75

, Pulverised Coal for Birmingham Electric Supply Boilers, 105

Pulverised Coal in Industrial Plants, Effect Similar to Coal Dust in Mines, 185

South Australian Brown Coal for Producer Gas Plant, Experiments, 641

Spanish Coal Problem, Proposed Grouping of Mines, 585

Transvaal Coal and Oil Company’s Valuable Coal, 585

Ulster Collieries, New, at Coalisland, Co Tyrone, 105

United States, Production of Bituminous Coal and Anthracite, 620

Unwatering Coal Mines, Investigation of Explosion Hazards, 585

Wellington, New Zealand, Important Coal Discovery, 237

COAST Erosion, Question in the House of

Commons, 45 I

Cobalt in Belgian Congo, 265 ; Valuable

Recent Discovery, 409

Cobalt, Canadian Smelter Output of, Statistics 465 ’

Cobalt Silver Mines Twenty Years’ Record, 691

Colombia, Projected Expenditure on Public

Works, 211

Colombo Harbour Berths, Four, Sufficient for

Present Use, 613

Complimentary Dinner, Yorkshire

Power Company, 734

Concrete Bridge Span Bodily Lifted placed, 133

Concrete Impregnated with Molten Sulphur, Great Increase in Strength Thereby, 409

Concrete, Liability to Heat and Advisable

< Precautionary Measures, 211

Concrete Mixing with Impure Water, 237

Concrete Work, Material for Filling Expansion

Joints, 381 ox

Copper Coins in China, Depreciation of, 137

Copper Company, Leading Producer in the

World, 555

Copper Cost in Germany, Search for Alloys, 323

Copper Ore Treatment Financed by Western

Australian Government, 265

Copper, Pure, Effect of Gradual Heating and

Cooling in an Electric Furnace, 525

Cottages, Steel, Lord Weir’s Type, 421

Crude Oil from Shale, Extracted by Retort at

Burma Pavilion, British Empire Exhibition 265

Crystal Palace School of Engineering, Distribution of Certificates, 709

Cutler, New Master and Mistress, 409


and Re-

D DAIREN’S Chinese-owned Engineering Works,

Dam Across the St. Lawrence Adovcated, 45

Dam Construction in Orange Free State, 437

Dams, Two Gigantic, in Province of Quebec Progress, 437

De-aoration of Boiler Feed Water in Special

Circumstances, Remarkable Process, 237

Death of Herr Carl Fridolf Carlson, 495 ’

Delaware River Bridge, Suspension Cables for, 381

Department of Scientific and Industrial Research :

First Report on Heat Insulators,‘555

Offers to Undertake Tests on Plant of Low Temperature Carbonisation, 265

Diesel Engine, Double-acting, New Type, Completed in New York, 351

Diesel Engine, 15,000 B.H.P. Stationary, Ordered by Hamburg Electric Light Company, 265

Dock, Appleton, at Melbourne, Details of Projected Construction, 351

Docks Delays Investigation Result, Responsibility Divided, 237

Drought and Salt Water Influx Resulting in Teredo Destruction on Pacific Coast- of America, 613

Dry Dock being Constructed in Calcutta, Will be Largest of its Kind in the World, 585

Dublin Dockyard Opened by Vickers (Ireland), Limited, 409

Dudley Erecting Steel Houses, 613

Dunston and Teams Bridge, Cost of Reconstruction, 105

Durban Large Graving Dock Opening, 669

Durban’s Projected Costly Public Works Programme, 295


Air Behaviour in High Voltage Transmission, 585

All-electric New Colliery, 495

Australia, Revised Electrical Wiring Rules, 133

Belgium, New Coal Pits Being Electrically Equipped, 525

Birmingham Schools Electric Lighting and the Unemployed, 525

Brundall and District Electricity Supply, Negotiations for, 211

Bursting of New Pipe Line Under Test for Welsh Power Station, 669

Canada’s Export of Electric Power to the United States, 54

Cape Province, Tenders Called for for Power Station Plant, 335

Cape Town Projected Power Station for Suburban Railways, Details of, 697

Cardiff, All-electric Exhibition at, 465

Chicago, Oldest Electric Truck in Active Service, 525

Chili Climate and Problems for Transmission Line Engineers, 13

Chinese Power Station Equipment with British Engines, 381

Conference Internationale des Grands Re-seaux Electriques, &c., Third Session, 185

Current and Voltage, Determination of Characteristic Curves for Loosely-touching Steel Spheres, Fraulein Sz6kely’s Experiments, 159

Direction Finder in Foggy Weather, Great Value of, 525

Distributing System for Current Supply in Italy, 641

Dominion Electric Installation Equipment in Canada, Code of Standardised Rules, to be Prepared and Adopted, 44

Electric Boilers as Load Equalisers, Poplar's Record for Low-priced Electric Power in London, 363

Electrical Transmission in Australia, Need of Research, 525

Electricity at Mines, Regulations as to Installation and Use of, New Edition, 409

Electrolytic Corrosion Test, Accelerated, Results, 380

Greenock Corporation’s Proposed Application to Electricity Commissioners for Extension of Supply Area, 133

Hackney Borough Council and Orders for Electric Vehicles, 525

Haulage, Electric, on French Canals, 465

High-tension Switchgear and Transformers, 250 Million Pounds’ Order, 697

High-voltage Corona and Protection Against Lightning, J. B. Whitehead’s Views, 495

Imports and Exports of Electrical Apparatus, The Hague Report, 74

Inductor Cylinder Dynamo, Development of, W. Brooks Sayers, 159

Industrial Use of Electric Power Extended in Auckland, 525

Instrument Current Transformer with Automatic Compensation Device, 613

Insulator, New Type, for High-pressure Systems, Professor H. B. Smith, 211

Johannesburg’s Future Supply of Electricity, Commissioners’ Second Report, 409 Johannesburg Power Station Installation, 45 Johannesburg Projected High-tension Underground Cable to Supply Light to Oaklands District, 437

King William’s Town, South Africa, New Up-to-date Power Station for, 437

Knaresborough Electricity Undertaking, 613 Leek Electricity Works, Prosperous Growth of Trade, 465

Margahao Electric Power Plant, Largest-Generating Station in New Zealand, 525

Mines Using Electricity, Loss of Life Due to, 555, 641

Motor-driven Air Compressor and Variation of Torque, 133

New York Edison Company, New Power Station, 185

Newton Abbott Electric Output, Application for Extension of Station, 725

Oil Circuit Breakers and Explosion Pots, Dr. Garrard, 13

Omnibuses, Electric, Question of Use in Sweden, 725

Ottawa River Power Company Progress, 613

Perfect Lighting near Chicago, 465

Plant Propagation, Forced Growth, by Use of Electric Lamps, 725

Portable Electric Plant for Use in Gaseous Mines, 159

Power-house Chimneys, Nechells, Gritcatching Apparatus for, 725

“ Power Factor ” Booklet, Electrical Apparatus, Limited, 569

Power Station Worked by Steam Projected in Ohio, 697

Queenston-Chippewa Power Plant at Niagara Falls, Progress, 323

Quinze River Power Plant, Growth of, 613

Relay Development in America, Special Features of, 133

Rural Electrification in France, Congress al Lyons, 265

Russian Electric Undertakings, Financing of, 381

Safeguarding Linesmen on Transmission Circuit Work, 495


St. Maurice Power Company’s Hydro-electric Development, 555

Salt River, near Cape Town, Large Electric Power Station Projected, 13, 45

Sheffield Electricity Works Statistics, 211

Shock, Electric, Necessary Precautions after

Apparent Resuscitation, 725

South Africa, Union of, Great Growth of Electrical Power in, 613

Spalding Rural Council and Electricity Supply, 697

Spanish Electrical System Unification Question, 641

Static Condenser, Details of New Typo Developed by American General Electric Company, 74

Storage Batteries, Large, New System of Supporting Cells, 465

Storage Battery Locomotive, Largest Yet Built in the United States, 295

Storms, Distant, Detection Equipment Less Expensive than Supposed, 585

Suspension Type Insulator, New Type, Professor H. B. Smith, ] 3

Sydney, N.S.W., Overhead Transmission Lines to be Replaced by Underground Cables at Cost of £5,000,000, 437

Tokyo Electric Light Company’s Earthquake Damage Cost, 185

Transforming Alternating Current and Losses in Energy, 159

Walsall to Supply Electricity in Bulk to Lichfield, 669

West Wiltshire Electricity Scheme, 697

Weymouth Generating Station of Boston Company, Progress Towards Operation, 585

Witbank Power Station of Victoria Falls Company, Capacity and Details of Scheme, 45

Wolverhampton’s Electricity Department, Profit, 75

ELECTPvOLYTIC Corrosion Test, Accelerated, Results, 380

Elevators for South Africa, in Favour with

Farmers, 437

Engineering Standards—see British

Engineers’ Club for Birmingham, 409

England and Bombay, Comparison Between

Mean Dampness and Mean Temperature of the Two Climates, 185


American Inventions Exhibition in New York, 105

Birmingham International Foundry Trades Exhibition, 295

British Empire Exhibition, Conference on Illumination, 142

British Industries Fair, Birmingham, in 1925, 525

Cardiff, All-electric Exhibition at, 465

Engineering Exhibition at Cardiff, 585

German Projected Exhibition of Railway

Material near Berlin, 295

Grenoble Forthcoming Exhibition, 625, 668

Lyons Fair, 625

Mining Industries Exhibition, Lima, Peru, 13

New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition, 641

Scientific Instruments and Apparatus, Exhibition, 640, 684

Third Machine Tool and Engineering Exhibition, Board of Trade Announcement, 13

Wireless Exhibition in the Albert Hall, 75

EXPLOSION in a Dairy Steam-jacketed Pan, 585

Explosion, Unusual, in an Economiser, 555

Explosives Factory for Industrial Purposes

Projected at Shantung, 295

F FARADAY House Old Students’ Association, Annual Dinner, 449, 539

Ferrantians, The, Proposed Reunion, 449, 648

Fire-damp Detection Invention in Germanv, 613

Fire Engine, 160 Years’ Old, Still Used, 211

Fitting-up Bolts, T. L. E. Haug, 62

Flame Lamps being Succeeded by Electric

Lamps in American and British Mines, 159

Flax Yarn Production by New Process, Experiments, 697

Floating Dock Sunk on Entry of German Vessel at Dartmouth, Refloated after much Difficulty, 409

Floating Roadway for Goods Traffic at Sea-combe Ferry, 323

Flood Dangers in China, New Works Proposed, 641

Fluorspar Deposits Discovery in the Transvaal 613

Folkestone Road Improvement Scheme, 185

Food Cost and Rail Carriage, 563

Food Investigation Board, Engineering Committee’s Report, 704

French Government Law Pronounced a Snare, 585

Fuel Research Board, Third Report on British Coal Seams, 495

Fuel Research, French Company Formed for Carrying Out, 133

Fuels for Heavy Oil Engines, 572

GARAGE for 10,000 Cars, 105

Garcke’s Manual of Electrical Undertakings,

Gas Holder, Brick Disused, to he Converted into Garage in Berlin, 75

Gas, Natural, Large Flow Discovered in Ontario, 295

Gas Sold in Sheffield, Statistics for 1923, 323

Gas Undertakings of Groat Britain, Nominal

Capital, 669

Gauge Testing, National Physical Laboratory’s

Pamphlet, 709

Gelatine and Glue, Characteristics, 641

Germany’s Prices, Fall in, 13

Gladstone Dock, New Construction, Mersey

Docks and Harbour Board’s Plans, 351

Glasgow New Motor Omnibus Service, 669

Glass-making, A Century of, Chance Brothers and Co., Limited, 148

Glass, Substitute for,[in New Substance, 323

Glassware, Scientific, Millilitre to Supplant Cubic Centimetre, 295

Glycerine Water Solutions as Quenching

Medium, Investigation, 237

Gold Mine on the Rand, New Plant for, 13

Gold Mines of the Rand, Number of White Employees, 641

Gold Mining Congress and Exhibition Suggested for Johannesburg, 697

Goldfields, Transvaal, Output and Other

Records, 323

Gold Output of Ontario, 669

Government and Railway-owned Canal, 113

Grain Elevator with Capacity of 2,000,000

Bushels for Edmonton, Alberta, 105

Grain Growth in Metal, Lecture, Francis S. Dodd, 669

Graphite Deposit, Reported Discovery in Mexico, 323

Great Lakes Water Diversion for Chicago, Strong Protest Against, 697

Greenock Harbour Trust to Proceed with

Scheme for Extension of Graving Dock, 133

Grindstone Bursting, Factories Inspector’s Report, 45

Gypsum, High-grade, Discovery of Undeveloped Deposit in Nova Scotia, 585

H HAILSTONES on Christmas Day of Record Size and Weight, 409

Hankow, Tramway and also Railless Trams Services Projected, 265

Harbour Improvement at Kingston, Ontario, 105

Harland and Wolff, Limited, 142

Harwich-Zeebrugge Train Ferry Service, Its Value for Heavy Machinery Transport, 555

Heat Transmission Research in Canada, 237

Henderson, Mr. A., Factory Bill Changes of Definition, 437

Hotel-building Within Temporary Wooden Shell to Protect Workmen from Extreme Cold, 697

Houses, Concrete, Dutch System, for Liverpool, 550

Houses, Proposed New Typo of, 295

Hull Corporation and London and North-Eastern Railway, Suggested Pontoon and New Pier Construction, 409

Hull and Lincolnshire Traffic, New Pier and Pontoon Scheme, 13

Hydro-electric Generator, Tests of Hydraulic Efficiency, 555

Hydro-electric Plants in Norway, Results of Survey of, 381

Hydro-electric Power in Sweden, 112

Hydro-electric Station near Foot of Lake Windermere, 409

Hydro-electric Works Duplication in New Zealand, Tenders to be Called for, 641

INDIAN Importsand Exports, Statistics, 499,

Indian Mines, Report of Coal Dust Committee, 437

Industry and Trade, Meeting of Committee, 495

Information Bureaux and Special Libraries, 113

Institutes and Institutions—see Associations

International Roads Congress, 521

Iron Oxide Reduction by Carbon Monoxide, Experimental Work, 45


Automobile Steels, Publications on, 99

Barberton District of South Africa, Discovery of Nickel Ore, 211

Blast-furnace in Canada, Record Output, 105

Blast-furnace Using Coke for Fuel, 13

Cast Iron Research Association :

Annual Meeting, 625

Development, 105, 133

Laboratories Taken Over, 133

Moulding Sands Investigation Arranged for, 351

Cleveland Blast-furnace Practice Defended, 585

Dudley, Iron Works at, Hope of Trade Revival and Re-starting, 295

Electrolytic Iron, Company Formed in Milan for Manufacture of, 133

Experimental Iron Blast-furnace at Minneapolis, 163

Explosions of Cast Iron Hot-plates, 381

Hanyang, China, Large Ironworks Financial Difficulties, 641

Hot-water Tanks, Steel, in America, Reduction in Number of Sizes Made, 13

Iron Ore, Compressive Strength of, Extensive Tests, 323

Manganese Deposits at Insuta, West Africa, Yearly Increase of Output, 613

“ Mechanically Perfect Electrolytic Nickel,” Charles P. Masden, 105

National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers :

Pig Iron and Steel Production in June, 105

Pig Iron and Steel Production in July, 237

Pig Iron and Steel Production in August, 351

Pig Iron and Steel Production in September, 437

Pig Iron and Steel Production in October, 585, 613

Pig Iron and Steel Production in November, 697

New* Steel, H. Rossell and Co., Limited, 512

Pig Iron Output of Canada, 608

Pig Iron in the United States, Reduced Output, 295

Redshortness in Wrought Ferrous Metals, 697

Richborough, New Blast-furnace, 613

Seamless Steel Tubing, Manufacture of, W. C. Chancellor, 381

“ Stabrite Silver Steel,” Thos. Firth and Sons, 381

Stainless Steel Ball Bearings, Tests Results, 465

IRON AND STEEL {continued):

Steel Cables for Delaware Bridge, 25,100

Miles of Wire Needed, 697

Steel Houses for Glasgow, Lord Weir’s Offer Accepted, 381

Steel Industry in India, Government Bounty Proposed, 641

Steel, Medium Carbon, with High Manganese Content, Report, J. A. Jones, 437

Steel Production, New Method Reducing Cost by Half, Invented by Swede, 525

Synthetic Cast Iron Making, Tests, 45

Tasmanian Ironworks Projected at Burnie, 105

Weatherproof Iron, Samuel Osborn and Co., Limited, 27

IRRIGATION Association, Western Canada, Annual Convention, 45

Italian Hydro-electric Companies, Prosperity of, in 1923, 381

J JAPAN, Completion of Orito Tunnel and Its Result, 13

Japanese Development at Hakata, Big American Contract Signed for Harbour, Docks, and other Works, 381

KINGSTON (Ontario), Reported Plans for

Very Large New Dry Dock, 211, 265

L LADLES, Bottom-Pour, New Design of Nozzle for, 105

Lanarkshire, Collapse of Old Bridge, 323

Lantern Slides, Offers of, for Lectures, Ed.

Bennis and Co., Limited, 554

Lead Mines in Derbyshire, Work Re-started at, 409

Lever Brothers’ Projected Dock at Bromborough, 265

Light Lorry, Typo Required under Subsidy by War Department, 105

Lightning, Possibilities and Probabilities of Stroke, 495

Locomotive, Storage Battery, Largest Yet Built in the United States, 295

Locusts in Argentina, Protection Against by Galvanised Steel Sheets, 721

Los Angeles Harbour Improvement, 585

Los Angeles Harbour, Improvements in Shipyards, 159

Low-temperature Distillation, H. Nielsen, 555

Lysaght, John, Limited, and Dominion Sheet

Metal Company, 437

M MAGNET Causes Noises to Issue from a Loud Speaker, 669

Manchester Geological and Mining Society, 17

Manchester Ship Canal Receipts, Decrease, 105

Manganese—see Iron and Steel

Manitoba Province, All the Pulp Wood Area for Sale by Dominion Government, 669

Mars under Observation to Settle Question as to Existence of Life on the Planet, 211

“ Mavor and Coulson,” Travelling Post-graduate Scholarship, 449

Melbourne Tramways Question, 75

Melbourne, Widening of Victoria Dock, 381

Mercury Vapour Turbine, Further Development, 105

Mersey Dock for Lever Brothers, Predicted Cost, 437

Metal Moulding Trade in New South Wales, Conditions of Apprenticeship, 75

Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company,

Limited, Important Contract, 504

Mexican Government’s Concession for Large Irrigation Dam and other Works, 351

Mica, Its Great Utility, India’s Large Production and Excessive Waste, 495

Mineral Production of Australia for 1922, 351

Mineral Resources of Canada, Dr. C. V. Corless, 211

Miners’ Flame Safety Lamps, Wire Gauze Experiments, 295

Mines Breathing Apparatus, German-made, has Passed Official Tests for British Use, 133

Mines Safety Research Board Report, 237

Mining Subsidence Damage in North Staffordshire, 725

Mining Subsidence, Royal Commission’s Inspection, 323

Minneapolis Methodist Church Displayed by Flood Lights at Night, 185

Montreal, New South Shore Bridge Across the St. Lawrence, 669

Motor Road Building Projects in China, 585

Motor Spirit, Important Now Discovery, 465

Motor Vehicles, Shock Absorber, Prize Competition for, 465

Museum of Engineering Industry, Projected for New York, 105

Mussoorie Improvement, Important Projects for, 555

Mysore Government Projects for Exploitation of State’s Natural Resources, 669

Mysore Survey for Utilising the Gairsoppa Falls, 613

N NAPLES, 200 Million Lire Allotted for Port Enlargement, 185

Natural Gas in Canada, 697

Netherlands East Indies, Deep Sea Harbour at Semarang, 641

Now Brunswick Surveys for Hydro Development Requirements at Grand Falls, 381

Newcastle, Bridge Strengthening to Cope with

Increased Weight of Traffic, 335

Newcastle and Gateshead, Progress of New Bridge Across the Tyne, 265

Newcomen Fire-grate Relic, 697

New Guinea Copper Mines Plans, 13

New South Wales, Details of Proposed Bridge Across the George’s River, 323

New South Wales New Cement-making Plant, 555

New South Wales and New Zealand, Tenders Asked for for Metal Work for Bridges, 304

New Zealand, Arapuni Hvdro-electric Scheme, 351

New Zealand, Hydro-electric Power and Projected Increase, 495

New Zealand, Proposed Harbour Works at Gisborne, 323

Niagara Falls Illumination by Night, Projected Joint Scheme, 555

Niagara Falls, Model to Demonstrate Scenic Effect, 105

Norway’s Solution of Unemployment Trouble, 525

Nottingham as a Port, 295

o OILFIELDS in Argentina, Campbell M. Hunter, 585

Oil-hardening Factories in Norway, 237

Oil Shale in Fushun, Concession Secured by South Manchuria Railway, 265

Oil Still Explosion, Official Report, 585

Oil Well Drilling, Comparison Between Rotary Drilling and Cable Tool Drilling, 323

Oil Wells Sinking in Angola and Near Loanda, 381

Old Tools Replace Binders in Harvesting After Bad Weather, 444

Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission,

Differences of Opinion, 725

Increased Capacity of Nipigon Plant, 323

Increasing Capacity of Cameron Falls Plant, 55

Proposal for Diversion of Waters from Two Rivers, 323

Ore Discovery, Valuable, in Johore, 211

Orc Transport in Mines, Cost and Efficiency of Different Methods, 403

Overhead Equipment, W. Nairn at Congress of Tramways and Light Railways Association, 75

Oxidation Test on Lubricating Oils, 75

p PAINT, Weather-proof, 105

Panama Canal Cargo, United States Ships’ Carrying Share More than Double the English, 13

Paper Making in Quebec, Tremendous Progress, 237

Paper Mill, Greatest in the World, at Quebec, 585

Paraffin Removal from Oil Wells by Use of Sodium Peroxide, Successful Use also for Cleansing Wells and Increasing Output, 409 Parker Hardened Drive Screws, Charles

Churchill and Co., Limited, 62

Permanent Paint, Reputed Many Virtues, 105 Petrol Imported to the Clyde, Products Store, 323

Petroleum Discovered in Department of Heravdt, 381

Platinising, New Process to Prevent Weather Affection of Metals, 525

Platinum, Alluvial, Discoveries in the Transvaal, 697

Platinum Deposits in Waterberg District of the Transvaal, 585

Platinum Exports from Colombia, 45

Platinum Mining in the Transvaal, 613

Platinum Output from Colombia, 409

Poplar, Great Demand for Electrolytic Fluid, 75 Port Construction and Equipment, Contracts

Between Russia and Franco-Polish Group, 75 Portland Cement, Inspection of, J. R. Dwyer and Roy N. Young, 523

Portland Cement, Its Widespread Empire Manufacture, 265

Portugal and South Africa, Agreement as to Lorenzo Marques, 48

Post Office Tube Railway Orders, 479

Power Alcohol from Beet, Committee to Deal with the Question, 409

Premier Diamond Mine, Statistics of Work and Value Realised, 641

Professor Risler’s Experiments with Gas-fdled Tubes at the Sorbonne Laboratory, 669

Pulp and Paper Industry in Canada, Analysis of Use of Water Power in, 159

Pulverised Fuel Utilisation, Quigley Process Rights Purchased, 159

Q QUARRIES in Great Britain and the Isle of Man, List of, 295

Quayside Work, Record Largo Wooden Dummy or Fender for Holding off Leviathan, 295

Quebec Development Company, Progress of Damming Work, 75

Quebec Harbour Improvement, Federal Government Loan, 159, 211

Queensland Government’s Projected Wharves on the Brisbane River, 555


Accidents :

Accident at Lime-street Station, Liverpool, 495

Broken Coupling Rod, 237

Buffer Stop Collision at London-road Station, Manchester, 351

Collision near St. Helens, and Report, 159

Collision at Stalybridge, 517

Collision, Unusual, on Great Central Section, London and North-Eastern Line, 265

Derailment Caused by Cloudburst, 159

Derailment of East Coast Express Coaches, 13


Accidents {continued):

Derailment on the London, Midland and Scottish Line, Lieut.-Colonel Mount’s Report, 555

Derailment of Night Express at Buddon, Report, No Definite Cause Discovered, 525

Engine Tire Failure near Weedon, 437

Escape of Express Passenger Train, near Ay cliff e, 613

Fatal Accident at Haymarket Station, Edinburgh, 133, 211

Fatal Collision Outside Preston, 64!

Gravesend Accident, Workmen’s Ticket Accident Liabilities, 669

Inquiries into Railway Accidents and their Results, 265

Level Crossing Accident, but Crossing Owner’s Risk, 697

Lime-street Station, Liverpool, Slight Collision, 133

Lytham Disaster, Adjournment of Inquest, 585 ; Inquest Verdict, Accidental Death, 613

Ministry of Transport Inquiries, 45, 351

Minor Collision Causes Closing of Charing Cross Station, 323

Minor Mishaps on the London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 241

Montgomery-North-Western Railway of India, Ninety-five Passengers Killed in Collision, 265 ; Increase in Death Roll, 295

Previous Accidents Recalled, 105, 159, 185, 323

Report on Collision at Eastwood, 1 33

Report on Collision at New-street Station, Birmingham, 381

Report on Fatal Collision Outside Euston Station, 295

Reports on Throe Accidents, 668

September’s Bad Record for Railway Accidents, 323

Signalman’s Temporary Aberration of Mind Cause of Collision at Stoke Works Junction, 381

United States Accident Returns for 1923, 725

American Railway Centennial Invitation, 697

American Railway Labour in 1914 and 1924,

Result of Investigation of Wages, Hours, &c., 237

Annual Railway Reports, Statistics, of Ballast, Fencing, Rails and Sleepers, Used in 1923, 555

Appointments and Staff Changes, 45, 105, 185, 211, 465, 585, 669

Associated Society and the Railway Companies, 13

Australia, Northern and Southern Railway to be Built, 555

Australian Commonwealth Parliament, Bill for Construction of Ky ogle-South Brisbane Railway, 641

Australian Commonwealth’s Proposed Construction of Three Goods Lines, 265

Australian New Railway Schemes to be Presented to Federal Parliament, 409

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Centenary, 207 Belgian Congo Railway Electrification, 725 Bombay’s Proposed Underground Railway and Suburban Railway Electrification, 105

Bradshaw, New, Certain Changes Made, 133

British Columbia Electric Railway, Big

Power Tunnel for, 409

British Empire Exhibition and Increased Traffic, 211

British Tender Accepted for British Tramways, though Dearest of Three Offers, 133

Brussels, Metropolitan Railway’s New Planning, 323

Cairo-Suez Standard Gauge Electric Railway, Proposed, 237

Canada, Northern Railway Situation and Future Policy, 45

' Canadian National Railways, Programme, Rejected Bills, 159

C.P.R., New Branch Line, 105

Canal Schemes under Consideration, 113, 185

Capetown-Simonstown Suburban Line Electrification, 641, 697

Cargo Boats, Two New, for Weymouth and Channel Islands Service, 495

Central London Railway, Alteration of Signals and Additional Trains, 105

Chelsea Chamber of Commerce, Request for Tube Railway between South Kensington and South of Thames, 133

Chesterfield to Scrap Electric Tramways and Replace with Trackless Car Service, 669

City Railway, Reopened Section and First Train, 641

City and South London Railway, Reconstruction Approaching Completion, 585

Colombian Government’s Consent to Projected Funicular Railway, 323

Convention of Railway Engineers in Berlin, 279

Cost of Living Higher, but no Change in Wages, 437

Crow’s Nest Pass Railway Rates in Canada, 351

Death of Sir Arthur Anderson, 381

Death of Mr. August Belmont, 725

Death of Brigadier-General Sir Hugh Drummond, 159

Death of Mr. W. Garstang, 437

Death of Mr. F. E. Gobey, 409

Death of Mr. Richard Johnson, 323

Death of Mr. W. L. Meredith, 185

Death of Mr. W. Parker, 45

Death of Colonel H. M. Sinclair, 75

Death of Mr. W. H. Stanier, 45

Death of Mr. H. K. Woodward, 409

Deputation Ask as Work for Unemployed the Building of a Railway between Abergavenny and Talyllin, 133

Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad, First Electric Locomotive for, 45, 105

District Railway’s New Cars, Great Improvements, 185

East Indian and Great Indian Peninsula Railways, Their Future, 13

East Indian Railway Transferred to the State at End of Current Year, 437

East London Railway, Bill for its Acquisition Deposited by the Southern Railway, 641

Electrical Apparatus, Successful Test on the South African Railways, 585


Electrification of Lines Between Manchester (Victoria), through Oldham, to Shaw, 585

Engine Tire Failures not Uncommon, 437

Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, Royal

Engineers, Territorial Army, New Commander, 697

Enginemen’s Mileage Increase, Companies Offer, 641

Escalators at Shepherd’s Bush Station, Central London Railway, 525

Excursion Fares, Pre-war, and Present Time, 211, 351

Export Trade Depression Ascribed to Railway Charges, 465

Facing-points Operation by Low-voltage Electrical Mechanism, 585

Fish by Train Ferry, Scotland to Genoa, 555

Footbridges and Level Crossings, 13

French Colonies Development Scheme, 697

German New Railway Board and the Dawes

Report, Names of Four Foreign Members, 409

Glasgow Subway Improvements, 437

Great Eastern ' Train Ferries, Chairman’s

Hopeful Outlook, 295

G.I.P Railway Electrification, Rapid Progress, 409, 641

Great Indian Peninsula’s Successful Half Year, 45

Great Southern (Ireland) Railway Company as Amalgamation of all the Wholly Free State Railways, 725

Great Western Railway :

Birmingham District, New Trains for Suburban Traffic, 555

Caerphilly Castle, from the Exhibition, Back to Work, 585

Contracts, Important Constructional, for

Sheds at Stourbridge and Evesham, 211 Decrease in Traffic in Coal, Diminished

Receipts and Much-increased Wages Bill, 641

Devon and Cornwall Sections, Reconstruction Schemes, 697

Fast Timing on the Great Western, 495

Great Bear Re-named, 437

Great Bear Engine, Repair and Reconstruction, 105

Iver, New Station Opened, 641

Railway Servants, Low Average of Accidents to, 237

Record Speed by Mauretania Special to Paddington, 725

Saltney, near Chester, Projected Alterations at, 237

South Wales, Bad Trade Conditions and Effect on Railwaymen, 669

Swindon to Paddington Quick Run, 405 Unemployment Relief Work, 211

Wagons, Further Fifty, for Coal, Delivered, 409

Windsor Castle, with the King as Driver, Commemoration Plate, 585

Grouping, and Closing of Works, 13

Hull Corporation Tramways Rails, British, though Highest, Tender Accepted, 133

Hull Purchase of Tram Rails from Germany, A Saving of £3000, 211

India, Railway Board, Conference on Standardisation, 613

Indian Railways, A Serious Situation, 323 ;

Compromise Arrived at, 351

Institutes and Institutions, Railway and Transport—see Associations

Interim Dividends and their Signification, 133

International Railway Congress in 1925, 381

Inter-State Commerce Commission Orders for Automatic Train Control, 265

Irish Free State, Railway Tribunal Members, 409

Irish Free State Railway Unification Difficulties, 237, 265 ; New Appointment, 409

Irish Port for America, Blacksod or Galway, Distances to Dublin and Belfast, 377

Irish Railway Tribunal, Free State, Enforced Reduction of Rates for Passengers and Goods, 495

Irish Railways Amalgamation, The Great Southern Railway (Ireland), 613

Irish Trade Union Strike Ended, 323

Japanese Mount Fujiyama, Proposed Cable Railway for, 381

Level Railway Crossings, Proposed Abolition of Some, 185

Light Railway Orders—see Ministry of Transport

Light, A Third, for Railway Signals, Investigation by National Physical Laboratory, 264

Listowel and Ballybunion Railway Closed, 437

Living Link, The Only, with the World’s First Railway Engine, 75

Locomotive Construction in Russia, Soviet Programme, 351

Locomotive, Electric, First Built in Spain, 465

Locomotive Enginemen’s Threatened Strike, 613

Locomotive Repairs on British Railways in 1923, 525

Locomotives for China, Order Given to British Firm, 363

Locomotives of this Country, Their Coal and Oil Consumption in 1923, 525

Locomotives for Egypt, 649

London Electric Railways :

Hendon to Edgware Extension, 133, 159, 237,409

Improvements During the Past Year, 465 New Under-the-River Connection, Four Shafts Sunk, 323

London, Midland and Scottish Railway :

Bally castle Railway to be Taken Over by the Northern Counties System, 159

Caledonian Section, Strathaven and Darvel Branch, Question of Closing, 45

Census of Employees on the London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 409

Cinematograph Lectures for Instruction of Railwaymen, 585

Cost of Living and Superannuitants, 75

Crewe Railwaymen’s War Memorials, 613 Destructive Fire at Stoke-on-Trent Works, 105


London, Midland and Scottish Railway (continued) :

“ Engine-drivers’ Hotel,” Camden Town Hostel, 697

Girders, Huge, Successfully Transported from Reddish to Chesterfield, 377

Glasgow Underground Electrification Question, 140

Government and Railway-owned Canal, 113, 185

Inverness Railway Shops, No Reduction at Present, 381

Kitchen Cars, Independent, New Type, Provided, 265

Long Service and Unbroken Records, 344

Lytham Accident and Grouping Changes, 622

Overcrowding on Trains Between Glasgow and London, 133

“ Prevention Better than Cure,” 159

Removal of Knott Spit Promontory to Improve Navigation of Fleetwood Boats, 261

St. Pancras and Nottingham, Fast Nonstop Train, 351

Signalling Changes on the Line, 381

Single Line Loop and Bridge Projected to Connect with Colliery, 295

Sleeping Car Train for Stranraer Starting from Euston Instead of St. Pancras, 356 Staff Changes, 211

Steel and Jarrah Non-inflammable Timber, Projected Use of, for Passenger Cars, 390 Track Circuits on London and North-Western Section, 390

Turbine Steamer Order for the Clyde, 185 Wolverton and Wagon Repair, 75

London and North-Eastern Railway :

Coaling and Sanding Electric Automatic Plant for Locomotives at Doncaster, 437 Eight Largest Locomotives to Test a Bridge, 613

Falling Reserves, Trade Depression and Weak Partners, 159

Hull and Barnsley’s Springhead Works to Close and Locomotive Work to Concentrate at Darlington, 13, 237

Locomotion No. I., 1825, and Flying Scotsman Exhibited at York, 613

Series of Appointments, 185, 669

Sheffield Pullman to Sleep at Sheffield Instead of in London, 13

Sir Ralph Wedgwood’s Appeal for Coal Economy, 159

Six-mile New Line and Nine New Bridges Required, 669

Standardisation of Equipment Used by Men, 525

Stockton and Darlington Railwaymen Still Living, Names Wanted, 641

Terminal Changes Consequent on Grouping, 528

Timber to be Replaced by Girder Bridge, 13

London to Peking in Sixteen Days, 669

London Underground Railway, Extension of Hampstead and Highgate Line from Hendon to Edgware, 158

Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway, New Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Shops at Perarnbur, 237

Melbourne Goods Yard of the Victorian Government, 105

Melbourne’s New Railway Lines, 555

Metropolitan District Railway New Rolling Stock, 647

Metropolitan District Railway Time-saving by Faster Train Running, 265

Metropolitan Junction, London Bridge, Collision Resulting from Misread Signal, 351

Metropolitan Railway Bonus of 10 Per Cent, to Men of all Grades for Extra Work due to British Empire Exhibition, 39

Metropolitan Railway Rolling Stock, Lettering of Vehicles, 105

Ministry of Transport:

Ashover Light Railway Extension, &c., Inquiry, 105 ; Ministry Order Made, 265 Census of Railway Employees, 409

Facing Points Distance from Signal-boxes, Ministry’s Regulations, 495

Kingston Down (near Calstock) Light Railway Order, 185

Lancashire and Yorkshire Loop Line Order, Time Limit Extension Sought, 258

Statistics for April, 1924, 133

Statistics for June, Passenger and Freight, 211, 350, 381

Statistics for July, 474

Statistics for August, 697

Statistics for September, 725

Mornington-crescent Station Reopened, 45

Motor-rail Cars on Country Railway Lines in Australia, Successful Running and Introduction to be Tried in New Zealand, 351

National Union of Railwaymen :

Demands Placed in the Hands of the Railway Companies, 725

Forty-eight Hours’ Week ; Washington Convention Resolution, 75

Nationalisation of Railways, 75

Netherlands East Indies, New Electrification Schemes, 669

New South Wales, Proposed Railway Extension and Electrification, 105

New South Wales Railways, Report by Sir Sain Fay and Sir Vincent Raven, 437

New Zealand, Projected Railway Improvement Scheme, 409

New Zealand Railways’ Inquiry About to be Made, 265

Nidd Valley Light Railway, Proposed Electrification Economically Impracticable, 669

Night Expresses to Scotland, Recent Addition, 105

Nord-Sud Trains in Paris, Loud Speakers Installed to Announce Stations, 105

North-South Transcontinental Railway, Australian Opinion Divided, 75

North of Spain Railway Electrification, 585

Old Pneumatic Tube Railway, Projected

Utilisation for Underground Trunk Telephone Cables, 525

One Man Tramcar, 578

Overcrowding in Long-distance Trains, 75


Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean Line, Contemplated New Line Shortening Journey between Paris and Marseilles, 669

Passengers and Mileage in July, 465

Pietermaritzburg, First Electric Locomotive Leaves for Glencoe Junction, 295

Pilfering, Railway, Action by the Men’s Unions, 233

Polish Railway Schemes, Large Electrical, 211

Post Office Tube Railway, Orders, 479

Power Signalling Apparatus and Tracks Alterations, Central Argentine Railway, Buenos Aires, 725

Rail Car for Paris Suburban Line, New Arrangement of Machinery, 437

Railroad Priority in America, 555

Railway Bills Deposited for Next Session by Various Lines, 641

Railway Centenary in September, 1925, Railway Companies’ Association’s Invitation to International Railway Congress, 13, 237

Railway Material Exports Statistics, 56, 236, 295, 437, 525, 669

Railwaymen in New Parliament, List of Names, 525

Railwaymen’s Unions, Size and Wealth, 45

Railwaymen’s Wages, 465

Railway Rates Tribunal, Standard Charges Question, 13, 185

Railway Returns for 1923, 189

Railway Servants Rating Figures, 45

Rolling Stock, British Railway, Analysis for 1923, 555

Rope-hauled Trains and the Regulations, 465

Santander and Calatayud, Railway Projected Between, 45

Seven Electric Locomotives, New Type, Ordered in America, 585

Shanghai-Nanking Railway, Increase in Passengers, 585

Shortened Funnels for Running on the North British System, 725

Shunting, Gravitational, German and American Devices, 665

Signal and Telegraph Branch of the Victorian Government Railways, 613

Signalling, Three-position, 724

Signalmen’s New Union, 105

South Africa Rolling Stock Order to Go Abroad, 193

South Africa, Union of, Minister of Railways Commission on Railway Workshops Question, 465

South Africa, Union of, Over 400 Miles of New Lines to be Opened Shortly, 295

South Australian Government Proposes Electrification in Adelaide Area, 351

Southern Railway :

Basingstoke and Alton Branch Line Reopened, 185

Brighton Section Electrification Progress ; also South-Eastern from Victoria to Orpington, 585

Brighton Section Vehicles Fitted with Vacuum Brake, 437

Cross-Channel Steamer, Company’s New, 585

Eastbourne Complaints and Company’s Promise, 585

Route of Trains from Waterloo to Portsmouth, 13

Sir Herbert Walker on Work of Staff and on Improved Revenue, 169

Ventnor, Projected Funicular Railway, 585

Spanish New Railway Policy, New Rolling Stock Orders, 495

Spanish Railway Electrification, Tenders Called for, 295

Steam and Electric Trains in Manchester Area, Comparison in Timing, 323

Strikes and Government’s Powers, 13

Suggested Land Purchase for Stone Quarry Extension, 669

Summer Train Services, 75

Sunderland Docks, Projected Railway Sidings Adjoining, 725

Sunderland Replaces Tramways by Motor Omnibuses, 465

Sweden, North, Rapid Railway Development, 295

Swedish State Railways’ Budget Demands, 351

Swiss Federal Railways Prohibit the Use of Gas-lighted Vehicles, 211

Swiss Railway Electrification, Locomotive Mechanical Parts, 17

Tasmanian Railways’ New Appointment, 159

Tattenham Corner Signal-box Completely Destroyed by Fire, 105

Timber Railway Viaducts Disappearing, 613

Toronto, Railway Viaduct and Union Termini Completion Projected, 101

Toronto’s Street Railway System, 706

Trackless Trams on Rotherham System, 697

Traffic Receipts of Four Grouped Companies, Decrease Due to Strikes, 45

Trams, Electric, Proposed Substitution of Trolley Omnibuses 697

Tube Railways, Doors of New Rolling Stock, 133

Tubes, Suggested New, but Unprofitable, 725

Turbo-condensing Locomotive’s Record Journey, 159

United States Defective Percentage of Rolling Stock and Violations of Safety Appliance Acts, 351

United States Representation at the International Railway Congress, 555

Victoria Railways, Proposed Change of Sites for Certain Works, 725

Wagons, Railway-owned, Annual Reports, 525

War-time Railways by British Engineers in France, Order for Preservation for Public Use, 437

Watford New Line, Remodelling of Station Yard of Metropolitan and London and North-Eastern Joint Railways, 495

Welsh Highland Railway and Passenger Traffic, 677

West Hartlepool Light Railways Orders, 697

West Somerset Mineral Railway Sold by Auction, 185

Wireless Telegraphy, Experiments in its Applications to Railways, 45

Woolwich Locomotives, Twenty Sold to Southern Railway, 465

RAND Record for Shaft-sinking, 555

Remington Typewriter Company Starting Plant in Toronto, 697

Resin from Oporto, Crude Distillation Methods, 265

Rhodesia, Mulungushi Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 585

Rhodesian Museum, Bulawayo, Government

Grant for Geologist, 585

Rio de Janeiro Docks Improvement, Further Contracts for, 159

Road Congestion at Westminster, 495

Road Surfaces, Complaints of Slipperiness and

Investigation, 295

Roads Bill, New, Introduced, 105

Roads in Quebec, Steady Improvement Reported, 237

Roumanian Market for British Goods, 13

Royal Technical College, Glasgow, Amalgamation of Departments, 62

Royal Technical College, Glasgow, Electrical

Engineering Equipment, 363

Rubber Latex, Results of Tests on, 265

Rubber in Liquid Form, Increased Shipments of, to America, 409

Russian Geological Committee Reports Coal Discoveries in Petchora Region, 697

Russia’s First Steam Turbine Since the Revolution, 13

s .ST. LAWRENCE Waterways Project, Proposed Treaty between Canada and United States, 295

Sandalwood Oil Refineries at Bangalore and Mysore City, Prosperous Pioneer Industry, 211

San Francisco, Projected Water Front Extension, 295

Santa Fe, Reported New Dock Project at, 555

Sault St. Marie, Combined Traffic in Various Canal Systems at, 409

Scholarship, Entrance, University College, 220

Scholarships, “ D. B. Morison ” Engineering Apprentice, 449

Scholarships in Engineering, Awards by “ Beams,” 600

Scholarships, “ Mavor and Coulson ” Travelling Post-graduate, 449

Screws, Drive, Parker Hardened, Charles Churchill and Co., Limited, 62

Severn Barrage Scheme, Private Report, 75

Sewage Pump, Electrically Driven, for Calcutta, Tenders Invited, 641

Shanghai Automatic Telephones on Trial in View of Further Installations, 323

Sheffield’s Unemployment Relief, Projected Expenditure, 351


Allentown, 8000-Ton Tanker, Conversion from Steam to Diesel-electric Propulsion, 159

Anchor Liner Ordered for Indian Service, ] 85 Australia’s Two New Cruisers, Plans for Floating Dock and Building Cruisers in England, 133 ; Tenders to be Called for from England and Australia, 295, 381

British Submarine’s Record Voyage, 185

Cable Ship, New, The Cable, for Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, 495

Clyde Tonnage Launched in August, and for Eight Months of Current Year, 265

Cruiser, New, Keel Laid, Vickers Limited, 464

Cruisers, First of the Five New, Started, 409

Cunard Liner Franconia’s Mishap, 133

Egremont Castle, Successful Salving of, After Fire and Explosion, 45

Electric Passenger Ship, Reputed Largest in the World, Under Construction, 105, 159 Gyro-compass Position on New Canadian Pacific Steamers, 465

H.M.S. Lion Broken Up, 555

Isle of Wight, Motor Lifeboat for, 542

Itchen, Ship and Yacht Building Yard at, 127

Largest Turbine-electrically Propelled Seagoing Liner, Projected Construction, 105, 159

Laurentic’s Gold Salving Progress, 237

Mauretania’s Record Speed, 75

Mauretania’s Speed Record Beaten by Herself, 211

Notable Ship Reconstruction by Swedish Company, 323

Oil Tanker for New Zealand, 381

Orient Liner Oronsay Fitted with Duct Keel, 237

Rio Dorado’s Construction, Exceptional, Details, 13

Scapa Flow Sunken German Vessels, Progress of Salving, 237, 265, 295, 381, 437

Steam Trawler Fatal Accident Due to Stop Valve Failure, 555

Submarine L 53 to be Commissioned for Service, 669

Tees Much Increased Shipbuilding, 725

Thames Proposed Passenger Fleet, Sir George Hulme’s Views, 323

Thorny croft Motor Boat, 551

United States Naval Programme for Ships and Aircraft, 613

White Star Liner Arabic, Change of Service, 133

Wooden War-time Ships, American, to be Burnt at Sea, 351

Yarrow’s Designs for Dutch Destroyers Accepted, 265

SISAL Hemp Production in the Empire, 21

Slag Sand Used for Concrete, 409

Smoke Abatement Bill Deferred, 6 9

Societies—see Associations

Standards—see British

Steam Pipe, Copper, Fatal Failure of, 211

Steam Retort for Experimental Purposes, New Features, 323

Steam Turbines, Proposed Maximum Sizes, 75

Storage Dams on Quebec Rivers, Plans now under Review, 105

Subsidy Type Light Lorries, War Department Specification, 89

Subsoil Water Rising, Preventive Means, 697

Subway in Brussels, Surveys Started for, 525

Sugar Mill, Large, for Jamaica, Duncan

Stewart and Co., 347

Sugar and Motor Spirit Factory in Mysore, 697 Sulphur Content of Organic Substances, Method of Estimation of, 45

Sulphur Production Increase in Japan, 10

Sulphuric and Hydrochloric Acids, Commercial, Simultaneous Production of, Differing Processes Suggested, 265

Sweden’s Hydro-electric Power but Continued Need for Fuel, 133

Swedish Immense Hydro-electric Resources, Possibilities of Much Increased Use, 495

Swedish Telegraphs and Broadcasting, 237

Sydney, Two Automatic Telephone Exchanges for, 105

TANGANYIKA Mines, Copper Production, Great Expectations, 409

Tasmanian Proposed Canal at Ralph’s Bay Neck, 75

Telegram Despatch from Unattended Public Call Boxes in Birmingham, 265

Telephone Exchange, Automatic, for Berne, 185

Telephone Exchanges under Construction and

Projected, 295

Telephone Exchanges in India, Statistics of, 185

Telephone Subscribers in Paris, Administration’s Lesson in Patience, 159

Telephones in Durban, Conversion to Automatic Working, 159

Telephones in Italy, Cession to Private Industry, 381

Terrestrial Magnetism Department of the Carnegie Institution, Washington, Report of Work Done, 53

Testing Work by United States Bureau of Standards, 237

Thames Longitudinal Bridge Scheme Rejected, 669

Thames-Severn Canal, Projected Abandonment, 75

Tibet Seeks Engineering Instruction from England, 237

Tinfoil Manufacture in Chekiang, China, 465

Tokyo, Projected Construction of Subways, 265

Town Hall, New, for Nottingham, 641

Train Ferry at Grafton, Clarence River, New South Wales, 641

Train Ferry Service Between Harwich and Zeebrugge, Question of Winter Service, 133

Tramway from Southend to Eltham, Proposed to Apply for Authority for Construction, 133

Trelleborg, Sweden, Harbour Extension, 613

Tunnel, Pedestrian, Under the Liffey, 13

Tunnel, Shandaken, for New York Water Supply, Longest in the World and Quickest Excavated, 265

Turbine, Critical Vibrations and Speeds, 351

u ULTRA-VIOLET Rays Effect on Polished Metal, 211

Unemployment, Great Increase in, 133

United States Company’s Loan for Buenos

Aires Rebuilding and Development, 237

United States Metal Mining Industry Statistics, 669

University College Entrance Scholarship, 220

V VALVES, Steam or Water, Controlled by Electric Motors, 75

Vancouver, Port of, Shipping in and out of, Statistics, 45

Ventilating Fan for Gold Mines, South Africa, Largest in the World, 613

Vermilion Manufacture and Trade in Hong Kong, 295

Victoria Quay, Fremantle, W.A., Construction of, 327

w WAGON and other Wheels, Gears, &c., Constructed by Stroh Process, 75

War Department Subsidy Type Light Lorries Scheme, Enrolment of Vehicles, 185

Water Gauges for Marine Boiler Testing, Causes of Rise and Fall of Water in the Glass, 437


Edmonton Supply from Pigeon Lake, 45

Lead Mine Furnishes Pure Water Supply, 525

New South Wales Water Supply Scheme, 613

New York Water Supply, New Tunnel of Record Length and Speed in Excavation, 265

New Zealand, Proposals for Auckland Water Supply, 495

Pumping Station Below Ground Level to Increase Water Supply in Chicago, 409

Rand Water Board’s Supply Scheme, 13

South Africa’s Various Schemes for Water Supply, 697

Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Company’s Undertaking Sold, 13

Surface Water Supply of Canada, 380

Vernon Hooper Dam for Durban Water Supply, 45

WATER SUPPLY {continued) :

Victorian Rivers and Water Supply Commission. Great Storage Increase. 697

Worthing Proposes New Waterworks. 669 WATER-TUBE Boiler Explosion. Comparison of American and British-made Tubes. 641 Water-tube Boiler Explosion. Report, 697 Water Wheel Used Since 1847 Replaced by

Turbine, 725

Waygood-Otis Club. Annual Sports, 89

Weathering Properties of Building Stone, Tests and Results, 185

Well Sinking in China. Government Rewards Offered for, 555

Wembley Excursion from Presoot, Lancashire, 421

Western Australia, Mining Statistics of. 492 Westminster Bridge Deflection, Experiments, 211

Wharf to be Constructed Beside Cannonstreet Station, 351


Aerials and Lightning, Earthing Precautions, 237

Amateur Experimental Work, Need for Guidance, 1$5

Amplification of Received Wireless Signals, 245

Bombay, Butcher Island, Projected Direction Finder Installation for Ships, 555

British Broadcasting Company’s Chelmsford Station Heard on a Crystal at Algiers, 185

Broadcasting in England and America Compared, 555

Broadcasting at Sea, Specially Designed Apparatus for, 465

Crystal Set Experiments, Parts of Human Body Possible to Replace Crystal, 159

Farmer’s Home-made Wireless and an Electric Power Company, New Point in Law, 495

Greece, Wireless Telephony in, 465

High-tension Wireless Batteries, Hart Accumulator Company, Limited, 194

Johannesburg, Tests from New Broadcasting Station, 159

Lectures on Radio Telephony and Broadcasting, 465

Life-saving in Mines, Experiments in Progress, 133

Lighthouses, British Wireless Transmitting Apparatus for, 323

Marconi, Senatore, Return to London After Development of New Beam System, 525 Peking and Tientsin, Tientsin and Shanghai, German Wish to Install Wireless Telephones Between, 437

Post. Office and Radio Society of Great Britain, Difference of Opinion, 495


Post and Telegraph Department, South Africa, Rapid Growth of Telephones and Broadcasting, 613

Radio Bearings of Transmitting Stations, Observations of. 641

Radio Club for Poland, The First to be Founded, 641

Radio-telephonic Communication for Mersey Lightships, 725

Radio Transmission Important Results, Claimed from New Development, Dr. J. H. Hammond, jun., 133

Railways and Wireless, Experiments. 45

Regeneration by Inductive Feedback. C. B.

Jollife and Miss J. A. Rodman, 245

Seven Big Wireless Stations for Great Britain and the Continent for Direction of Aircraft Navigation, Reported Scheme for. 295

Ships’ Lifeboats’ Wireless Set, Successful Tests off Melbourne, 409

Transmitter Experiments Between Vienna and British Broadcasting Stations. 13

Wireless Frame Aerial. Reputed Largest in the World. Erected in Aldwych for United States Shipping Board. 75

Wireless Installation, Very Effective, for New Zeppelin, 159

WOOD Distillation in India. Modern Plant, 566

Wood Distillation Plant of Ford Motor Company, 613

Wood Pulp Industry, Large, for North-West Tasmania, 323

Wreckage Two and Half Centuries Old Dredged Up, 409

X-RAYS in Industry, J. F. Driver, 381

YALU Timber Company, New Mill Projected, 13

Yokohama Harbour, Further Enlargement Projected, 75


ZINC Mine in British Columbia, Said to bo World’s Largest, 641

See Also


Sources of Information