Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs: Difference between revisions

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ABERDEEN University Engineering Department, Construction and Equipment, 299
ABERDEEN University Engineering Department, Construction and Equipment, 299
Acid Tanks, Ingredients Used in Coating Interiors, 625
Acid Tanks, Ingredients Used in Coating Interiors, 625
  Aerial Surveys in Canada, 133
Aerial Surveys in Canada, 133
Aerodrome with Aviation School for Capital of Shansi Province, China, 709
Aerodrome with Aviation School for Capital of Shansi Province, China, 709
Air Service Proposed between Kisumu, on Lake Victoria Nyanza and Khartum, 435
Air Service Proposed between Kisumu, on Lake Victoria Nyanza and Khartum, 435
Airship Service to India, Base at Ismailia, 105
Airship Service to India, Base at Ismailia, 105
Aviation : Its Commercial Value by Timesaving, 299
Aviation : Its Commercial Value by Timesaving, 299
Flying Boat for Mr. H. Vanderbilt, 681
Flying Boat for Mr. H. Vanderbilt, 681
Light Planes, Design of, and Engine Limits,
Light Planes, Design of, and Engine Limits, 435
Navigraph, Apparatus for Steering, 573
R 36, 200ft. Mooring Mast for, at Ismailia, 517
Recorders for Aeroplanes, British and American Practice, 489
Recorders for Aeroplanes, British and American Practice, 489
  Royal Air Force Display, 473
Scholarship and Prize Awards bv Air Ministry, 215
Royal Air Force Display, 473
Scholarship and Prize Awards by Air Ministry, 215
Seaplanes for Dutch Government, Napier Lion Engines, 105
Seaplanes for Dutch Government, Napier Lion Engines, 105
Six and a-Half Days’ Airship Service between England and New Zealand, Commander Burney’s View, 489
Six and a-Half Days’ Airship Service between England and New Zealand, Commander Burney’s View, 489
  Sweden, Manufacture of Aeroplanes in, 47
Sweden, Manufacture of Aeroplanes in, 47
Two New Air Routes between Belfast and Great Britain, 133
Two New Air Routes between Belfast and Great Britain, 133
Two Problems in Aeroplane Design, 299
Two Problems in Aeroplane Design, 299
United States Naval Seaplane Flight, Endurance Record, 517
United States Naval Seaplane Flight, Endurance Record, 517
Wright Aeroplane to Remain at Washington,
ALBERTA Main Highways Rapid Increase,
Wright Aeroplane to Remain at Washington, 653
All-metal Roofs and Immunity from Lightning,
ALBERTA Main Highways Rapid Increase, 133
All-metal Roofs and Immunity from Lightning, 47
Alloy of Copper and Silicon, Resistance to Corrosion, 407
Alloy of Copper and Silicon, Resistance to Corrosion, 407
Alloys, Pyrophoric, Production of, Dr. M. F.
  Bugden, 47
Alloys, Pyrophoric, Production of, Dr. M. F. Bugden, 47
Alluvial Platinum Fields Worked by Dredging, 461
Alluvial Platinum Fields Worked by Dredging, 461
Aluminium Alloys, Two New, 573
Aluminium Alloys, Two New, 573
Aluminium Obtained by Hoope Electrolvtical Process, 625
Aluminium as Protection of Metals Against
Aluminium Obtained by Hoope Electrolytical Process, 625
  High Temperature, 517
Aluminium as Protection of Metals Against High Temperature, 517
American Lead Pencils, 381
American Lead Pencils, 381
Ammonia, Synthetic, Plant for Manufacture by Claude Process, 161
Ammonia, Synthetic, Plant for Manufacture by Claude Process, 161
Antimony and Bismuth, Imperial Institute Monographs, 189
Antimony and Bismuth, Imperial Institute Monographs, 189
Apprentices, Scholarships for, 523
Apprentices, Scholarships for, 523
Arsenic Output in Southern Rhodesia, 461
Arsenic Output in Southern Rhodesia, 461
Asphalt Discovery in Manitoba, 133
Asphalt Discovery in Manitoba, 133
    Annual Meeting, Date and Presidents, 585
Association, British :
Annual Meeting, Date and Presidents, 585
Association, British Acetylene and Welding :
Fluxes, Need for Scientific Examination and Price Reduction, Professor Darling, 133
Fluxes, Need for Scientific Examination and Price Reduction, Professor Darling, 133
ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS, MANCHESTER : New Process for Mild Stainless Steel Production, H. S. Primrose, 15
Association of Engineers, Manchester : New Process for Mild Stainless Steel Production, H. S. Primrose, 15
    North of England Branch :
      Pole-mounted Outdoor Sub-stations, A.
Association of Mining Electrical Engineers :
        Bannister, 327
North of England Branch :
    Three Lectures, Miss M. Partridge, 309
Pole-mounted Outdoor Sub-stations, A. Bannister, 327
    Annual Meeting and Dinner, 145, 447 ;
    Programme, 447
Association, Women’s Electrical :
    Autumn Meeting, 145
Three Lectures, Miss M. Partridge, 309
    Fuel Economy, E. W. L. Nicol, 299
    Student Graduate Examination Passes, 143
Institute, Iron and Steel :
Journal of Institute, Lectures and Papers, 169 1
Annual Meeting and Dinner, 145, 447 ;
Programme, 447
Autumn Meeting, 145
Institute of Marine Engineers :
Fuel Economy, E. W. L. Nicol, 299
Student Graduate Examination Passes, 143
Institute of Metals :
Journal of Institute, Lectures and Papers, 169
Numerous Elections of Members and Students, 47
Numerous Elections of Members and Students, 47
Annual General Meeting, Annual Report Elections of Officers, 625
Institute of Physics :
    President and Vice-presidents Elected, 105
Annual General Meeting, Annual Report, Elections of Officers, 625
    Annual Meeting at Leeds, 595
Institution of Automobile Engineers :
    Industrial Water Supply and Stream
      Pollution, Symposium on, 595
President and Vice-presidents Elected, 105
Institution of Chemical Engineers :
Annual Meeting at Leeds, 595
Industrial Water Supply and Stream
Pollution, Symposium on, 595
Library Being Formed for the Institution, 685
Library Being Formed for the Institution, 685
Institution of Civil Engineers :
Annual General Meeting, Election of Council, 585
Annual General Meeting, Election of Council, 585
Awards for Papers, 529
Awards for Papers, 529
Association of London Students :
Association of London Students :
      Forty-fourth Annual Dinner, 365
Forty-fourth Annual Dinner, 365
    Annual Dinner, 227
    Awards of Premiums for Papers, 557
Institution of Electrical Engineers :
    Awards of Students’ Premiums, 696
Annual Dinner, 227
Awards of Premiums for Papers, 557
Awards of Students’ Premiums, 696
Engraved Plate for Production of Presidential Certificate, Present from Institution of Gas Engineers, 133
Engraved Plate for Production of Presidential Certificate, Present from Institution of Gas Engineers, 133
Examination for Associate Membership, 69, 256
Examination for Associate Membership, 69, 256
Faraday Medal Award, 145; and Presentation, 309, 353
International Conference on Extra High- tension Supply Systems, 327
Faraday Medal Award, 145; and Presentation, 309,353
International Conference on Extra High-tension Supply Systems, 327
Model Form of General Conditions of Contract (Export), 724
Model Form of General Conditions of Contract (Export), 724
Permanent Magnets in Theory and Practice, S. Evershed, 309
Permanent Magnets in Theory and Practice, S. Evershed, 309
War Memorial Book, 501
War Memorial Book, 501
Institution of Gas Engineers :
Election of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and also of the Lord Mayor of Manchester as Honorary Members, 227
Election of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and also of the Lord Mayor of Manchester as Honorary Members, 227
  Summer Meetings, 696 ; Programme, 696 INSTITUTION, JUNIOR, OF ENGINEERS :
Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers :
Summer Meetings, 696 ; Programme, 696 Institution, Junior, of Engineers :
Acceleration of Work, Speed versus Haste, Dr. Russell, 215
Acceleration of Work, Speed versus Haste, Dr. Russell, 215
    Annual Dinner, 541
Annual Dinner, 541
    North-Western Branch :
      Annual Dinner, 365
Institution of Mechanical Engineers :
North-Western Branch :
Annual Dinner, 365
Institution of Mining Engineers :
Scholarship in Mining, Mavor and Coulson, Award, 337
Scholarship in Mining, Mavor and Coulson, Award, 337
  Awards of Medal, Premium and Prizes, 473 INSTITUTION OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS :
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy :
Awards of Medal, Premium and Prizes, 473 Institution of Naval Architects :
Annual Meetings, Annual Dinner, Offers of Medal and Premium for Papers, 170
Annual Meetings, Annual Dinner, Offers of Medal and Premium for Papers, 170
    Awards of Gold Medal and Premium, 155
Awards of Gold Medal and Premium, 155
Institution, North-East Coast, of Engineers and Shipbuilders :
Limiting Possibilities in Steam Plants, Professors A. L. Mellanby and William Kerr, 327
Limiting Possibilities in Steam Plants, Professors A. L. Mellanby and William Kerr, 327
INSTITUTION OF PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGISTS : Election of President and Vice-presidents, 221
Institution of Petroleum Technologists : Election of President and Vice-presidents, 221
Institution, Royal :
Annual Meeting, Reports, Election of Officers, 532
Annual Meeting, Reports, Election of Officers, 532
Benzene Centenary Celebration, “ Faraday as a Chemist,” 668
Benzene Centenary Celebration, “ Faraday as a Chemist,” 668
General Meetings and Elections, 170, 283, 447, 557, 668
General Meetings and Elections, 170, 283, 447, 557, 668
Programme of Lectures, 557
Programme of Lectures, 557
Sir Humphry Davy’s Letters, Valuable Gift to Association, Legacy, 447
Sir Humphry Davy’s Letters, Valuable Gift to Association, Legacy, 447
INSTITUTION OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS : Formation of Sectional Committees of the Science Committee, 227
    Officers and Council for Session, 668
Institution of Structural Engineers : Formation of Sectional Committees of the
    Birmingham and Midland Section :
Science Committee, 227
Officers and Council for Session, 668
Society of Chemical Industry :
Birmingham and Midland Section :
Iron in Antiquity, by Dr. J. Newton Friend, 215
Iron in Antiquity, by Dr. J. Newton Friend, 215
    London Section :
London Section :
Tar Distillation, Breaking-up Pitch by Novel Method, C. O. Condrup, 215
Tar Distillation, Breaking-up Pitch by Novel Method, C. O. Condrup, 215
Society, Faraday :
General Discussion at Oxford, Photochemical Reactions in Liquids and Gases, 693
General Discussion at Oxford, Photochemical Reactions in Liquids and Gases, 693
          Meeting, Symposium and Discussion,
    Physical Chemistry of Steel-making Pro-
Joint Meeting, Symposium and Discussion, 579
  ’ cesses, 579
Physical Chemistry of Steel-making Processes, 579
    Fothergill Prize for Essay, 557
    Joint Meeting :
Society, Royal, of Arts :
Fothergill Prize for Essay, 557
Joint Meeting :
Non-stop Flight to the Netherlands East Indies, Mr. T. a Thuessink van der Hoop, 517
Non-stop Flight to the Netherlands East Indies, Mr. T. a Thuessink van der Hoop, 517
A PAL ANTA, Ltd., Works Run Entirely by Women, 681
AT AL ANT A, Ltd., Works Run Entirely by Women, 681
Atmospheric Conditions, Effect on Workers, Experiments, 269
Atmospheric Conditions, Effect on Workers, Experiments, 269
Australian Eucalyptus Timber and Paper Manufacture, 681
Australian Eucalyptus Timber and Paper Manufacture, 681
Australia s Deficiency in Underground Water, Fresh and Salt Water from Neighbouring Bores, 545
Australia’s Deficiency in Underground Water, Fresh and Salt Water from Neighbouring Bores, 545
Automobile Club, The Royal, Demonstration of Anti-dazzle Headlamps and Devices, 215
Automobile Club, The Royal, Demonstration of Anti-dazzle Headlamps and Devices, 215

BEET Sugar Factory at Wellington, Farmers' Undertaking to Grow Beet, 489
BEET Sugar Factory at Wellington, Farmers' Undertaking to Grow Beet, 489
Beet Sugar Factory near Yeovil to Work on Next Year’s Crop, 133
Beet Sugar Factory near Yeovil to Work on Next Year’s Crop, 133
Beet Sugar Factories, ^Estimated Cost and
Proportion Expended in this Country, 709
Beet Sugar Factories, ^Estimated Cost and Proportion Expended in this Country, 709
Beet Sugar Filtered with Bone Charcoal, No such Plant yet Available in Britain, 133
Beet Sugar Filtered with Bone Charcoal, No such Plant yet Available in Britain, 133
Belfast Association of Engineers, 554
Belfast Association of Engineers, 554
Bell, 10 Tons in Weight, Fourth Largest in the
Bell, 10 Tons in Weight, Fourth Largest in the
  Country, at Bristol University, 461
Country, at Bristol University, 461
Bentonite, Canadian, for Soap-making, 381
Bentonite, Canadian, for Soap-making, 381
Bentonite Used in Wet Grinding of Asphalt, 77 Bideford Fourteenth Century Bridge Reopened,
Bentonite Used in Wet Grinding of Asphalt 77
Bideford Fourteenth Century Bridge Reopened, 653
Bihar and Orissa, Attempt to Force Back River to its Old Channel, 407
Bihar and Orissa, Attempt to Force Back River to its Old Channel, 407
Birmingham Fire Brigade New Equipment for Emergencies affecting Breathing, 15
Birmingham Fire Brigade New Equipment for Emergencies affecting Breathing, 15
Birmingham to the Sea Canal Scheme, Parliamentary Assistance Question, 653
Birmingham to the Sea Canal Scheme, Parliamentary Assistance Question, 653
Birmingham University Establishing School of Sugar, 133
Birmingham University Establishing School of Sugar, 133
Birmingham University New Buildings, 77
Birmingham University New Buildings, 77
Black Country Reminiscences, Duncan J.
  Shedden, 353
Black Country Reminiscences, Duncan J. Shedden, 353
Black Country Waste Dumps, Proposals for Utilisation, 133
Black Country Waste Dumps, Proposals for Utilisation, 133
Boiler Accident, Unusual, on Dredger, 545
Boiler Accident, Unusual, on Dredger, 545
Boiler Ashes in a Wet State, Test of Water Consumed in Handling, 161
Boiler Ashes in a Wet State, Test of Water
Consumed in Handling, 161
Boiler Explosion, Cause of Failure, 77
Boiler Explosion, Cause of Failure, 77
Boiler Explosion and Danger of Replacing Rivets by Bolts. 545
Boiler Explosion and Danger of Replacing
Rivets by Bolts, 545
Boiler Explosion, Formal Investigation, 709
Boiler Explosion, Formal Investigation, 709
Boiler Water Gauges, Board of Trade Notice, 299
Boiler Water Gauges, Board of Trade Notice, 299
Bomb, Live German, Retrieved from Thames Mud at Waterloo Bridge, 573
Bomb, Live German, Retrieved from Thames
Mud at Waterloo Bridge, 573
Brassfounders in China, Their Poor Pay, 709
Brassfounders in China, Their Poor Pay, 709
Brick Walls, Relative Strength Tests with Different Mortars, 407
Brick Walls, Relative Strength Tests with
Different Mortars, 407
Bridge at Boothferry Over the Ouse, Cost of, 133
Bridge at Boothferry Over the Ouse, Cost of, 133
Bridge-building Rivets, Unsatisfactory, and the Remedy, 469
Bridge-building Rivets, Unsatisfactory, and the Remedy, 469
Bridge to Connect Montreal with South Shore, 573
Bridge to Connect Montreal with South Shore, 573
Bridge, Damoodar River, near Telmucho, Opened for Traffic, 77
Bridge, Damoodar River, near Telmueho, Opened for Traffic, 77
Bridge, Highway, Over Copenhagen Harbour, 335
Bridge, Highway, Over Copenhagen Harbour, 335
Bridge, New, Over the Derwent at Baslow Opened, 545
Bridge, New, Over the Derwent at Baslow
Opened, 545
Bridge Over the Dee at Q.ueensferry, 105
Bridge Over the Dee at Q.ueensferry, 105
Bridge Over the Hudson at Castleton, New York, 545
Bridge Over the White Nile at Khartum, 1 89
Bridge Over the Hudson at Castleton, New
York, 545
Bridge Over the White Nile at Khartum, 189
Bridge Renewal at Hampton Court, 653
Bridge Renewal at Hampton Court, 653
Bridge Replacement at Sunderland, 189
Bridge Replacement at Sunderland, 189
Bridges, Two, to Connect Staten Island with New Jersey, 47
Bridges, Two, to Connect Staten Island with
New Jersey, 47
Brighton Sewers Board Loan, 573
Brighton Sewers Board Loan, 573
Brinell Hardness Numbers, Table of, 309
Brinell Hardness Numbers, Table of, 309
British Chemical Standards, Non-ferrous Standard Samples, 614
British Columbia, Second Narrows of BurrarcJ Inlet, Road and Railway Bridge under Construction for, 435
British Chemical Standards, Non-ferrous
Standard Samples, 614
British Columbia, Second Narrows of Burrard
Inlet, Road and Railway Bridge under Construction for, 435
B.E.A.M.A. Scholarships, 567
B.E.A.M.A. Scholarships, 567
British Embassy at Tokyo to Replace that Damaged by Earthquake, 599
British Embassy at Tokyo to Replace that Damaged by Earthquake, 599
Building Materials, Sectional Committee and Sub-committees to be Appointed, 240
British Engineering Standards Association :         \
  Election of Officers and Members, 573
  Standard Specifications:
Building Materials, Sectional Committee and
    Bus-bars and Connections, 473, 681
    Marine Flanges, 61
Sub-committees to be Appointed, 240
Non-ferrous Locomotive Material, Revision of Specifications for, 309
Election of Officers and Members, 573
Standard Specifications:
Bus-bars and Connections, 473, 681
Marine Flanges, 61
Non-ferrous Locomotive Material, Re
vision of Specifications for, 309
British Foundrymen, Institution of :
Birmingham Branch :
Pyrometric Control of Annealing Temperatures, D. Wilkinson, 104
Pyrometric Control of Annealing Temperatures, D. Wilkinson, 104
      Lancashire Branch :
  John Wilkinson Medal Examination, 468
Lancashire Branch :
Sheffield and District and East Midland Branches:
  Visit to Yorkshire Ironworks, 337
John Wilkinson Medal Examination, 468
Sheffield and District and East Midland Branches :
Visit to Yorkshire Ironworks, 337
Broadcasting—see Wireless
Broadcasting—see Wireless
Building Material, “ Celotex ” Manufactured from Sugar Cane Residue, 47
Building Material, “ Celotex ” Manufactured from Sugar Cane Residue, 47
Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 473
Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 473

CABLE Ploughing Tackle, British versus German in France, 133
Cables, Four New Rapid-transmission Transoceanic, Projected, 599
Calcutta Canal Bridges Replacement to Carry Heavier Traffic, 407
Cambridge University Engineering Department, Conversazione, 360
Canada, Proposed Hydro-electric Power Plant, 435
Canada, Water Power Resources of, 240
Canadian Roads and Federal Aid System, 407
Carbide Lamps or Candles Underground, Carbon
Dioxide Dangers, 407
Carbon Black Manufacture from Oils by Electrical Process, 133
Carillon, Largest in the World, 517
Cars, Pleasure and Commercial, Increased
Export from the United States, 269
Catalogues for Palestine, 611
Causeway to Cost 12 Million Dollars near New
Orleans, 189
Cauvery Dam (Krishnarajasagara), Grant from Mysore Government, 241
Cauvery Dam, Revised Estimates for Works Sanctioned, 545
Cement Factory to be Built near Cambridge, 299
Cement Factory Erection at Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 77
Cement Factory near Northfleet, Proposed
Largest in the Country, 201, 241
Central Heating Experiments in Berlin, 241
Central Heating for Institutional Buildings in Canada, 133
Chefoo Harbour All-steel Cargo Sheds, 517
Chemical Work? on the Tyne, Projected, 105
ChTCa¥°’STAbS^aCti.?n of Wafcer Great rvi Loss Entailed, 299
Scheme,G^ernment        Construction

Chicago’s Abstraction of Water from Great Lakes, Loss Entailed, 299
Chilean Government Bridge Construction Scheme, 551
Chimney Collapse, Fatal, near Leipzig, 709
Chimney Collapse, Fatal, near Leipzig, 709
Chimney, Reinforced Concrete, 300ft. High, in Australia, 189
Chimney’s Resistance to Demolition by Dynamite, 653
Chimney, Reinforced Concrete, 300ft. High in
China, Official Estimate of Population, 15 China’s Two Largest Zinc Mines, 625 Chinese Cities, Widening of Streets, 327
Australia, 189                         ®
Chimney’s Resistance to Demolition by Dynamite, 653                           J J
China, Official Estimate of Population, 15
China s Two Largest Zinc Mines, 625
Chinese Cities, Widening of Streets, 327
Accidental Coal Discovery at Ilkeston, 105 Alberta’s Coal Production, 327
Accidental Coal Discovery at Ilkeston, 105 Alberta s Coal Production, 327
Anthracite Coal, Excellent Seam Struck in New Glanamman Colliery, 381
Anthracite Coal, Excellent Seam Struck in New Glanamman Colliery, 381
Argada Colliery, First Opened on Karanpura Coalfield, India, 687
Argada Colliery, First Opened on Karanpura Coalfield, India, 687
Bengal Coal Quality and Quantity, Increasing Importations, 15
Bengal Coal Quality and Quantity, Increasing Importations, 15
Bentley Colliery Starting New Seam Below Barnsley Bed, 133
Bentley Colliery Starting New Seam Below Barnsley Bed, 133
Bly th, New Coaling Staithes Equipment, 435
Boring Operations at Sutton, South of Doncaster, 299
Bly th, New Coaling Staithes Equipment, 435 Boring Operations at Sutton, South of Doncaster, 299
  British India Coal Output Statistics, 161
British India Coal Output Statistics, 161
Brodsworth Colliery, New Third Shaft Working, 189
Brodsworth Colliery, New Third Shaft Working, 189
Carboscope for Estimation of Ash Content in Coal, 15
Carboscope for Estimation of Ash Content in Coal, 15
China, Coal Seam Discovery Near Suiyuan, 709
Coal Dust in Mines, Methods of Control, 189
C1?09 C°al Seam Discovery Near Suiyuan,
Coal Getting, The Best Method, Mavor and Coulson’s View, 709
  Coal-handling Plant at Port Sudan, 133
Coal Dust in Mines, Methods of Control, 189 Coal Getting, The Best Method, Mavor and
Coal Mine Fire Ended by a Year’s Labour, 353
Coulson’s View, 709
Coal-handling Plant at Port Sudan, 133
Coal Mme Fire Ended by a Year’s Labour, 353
Coal in New South Wales, New Discoveries, 407
Coal in New South Wales, New Discoveries, 407
Coal Output of the United Kingdom in 1924, Steadily Diminishing Quantity, 189 Output*of Coal, Further Big Decrease, 709
Coal Output of the United Kingdom in 1924, Steadily Diminishing Quantity, 189 Out put-of Coal, Further Big Decrease, 709
Coatbridge Sewer Excavation and Coal Seam Discovery, 189
Coatbridge Sewer Excavation and Coal Seam Discovery, 189
  Coal Prospects at Winslow, Bucks., 681
  Coal Shipping at Rapid Rate, 709
Coal Prospects at Winslow, Bucks., 681
Coal Shipping at Rapid Rate, 709
Coke Competition with View to Improving Gas Coke, 215, 573
Coke Competition with View to Improving Gas Coke, 215, 573
Coke Production Recommended at Fernie, British Columbia, 381
Coke Production Recommended at Fernie British Columbia, 381
Coke Samples Pulverisation, Various Methods, 461
Coke Samples Pulverisation, Various Methods, 461
Daily Output of Coal in Some Canadian Mines, 625
  Discovery of Coal near Worksop, 545
Daily Output of Coal in Some Canadian Mmes, 625
Durban Navigation Collieries, New Coalbearing Ground Acquired, 381
Emergency Speed of Hoisting from Mines, 77 Garforth Colliery at Barnbow, Steady Progress with Construction, 105
Discovery of Coal near Worksop, 545
  German Coal Industry Crisis, 269
Durban Navigation Collieries, New Coal-bearing Ground Acquired, 381
Emergency Speed of Hoisting from Mines, 77
Garforth Colliery at Barnbow, Steady Progress with Construction, 105
German Coal Industry Crisis, 269
Kamasamndram, South India, Coal Discovery, 299
Kamasamndram, South India, Coal Discovery, 299
Kent Collieries, Suggested Deep-water Port for Shipping Coal, 133
Kent Collieries, Suggested Deep-water Port for Shipping Coal, 133
Lamps for Coal Miners, Electric, Replacing Flame Lamps in America, 241
Lamps for Coal Miners, Electric, Replacing Flame Lamps in America, 241
Low Temperature Carbonisation, Result of Coal Tests, 269
Low Temperature Carbonisation, Result of Coal Tests, 269
Plant to Carbonise 1000 Tons of Coal Daily, 573
Plant to Carbonise 1000 Tons of Coal Daily, 573
Mysore Government’s Important Coal Discovery, 381,573
Mysore Government’s Important Coal Dis-covery, 381, 573
New Pits and Colliery Villages Projected at Awkley and Micklebring, 461
New Pits and Colliery Villages Projected at Awkley and Micklebring, 461
Powdered Coal Objected to as being an Explosive, 653
Powdered Coal Objected to as being an Explosive, 653
Pulverised Coal-fired Boilers, Favourable Test Against Mechanical Stokers, 241
Pulverised Coal-fired Boilers, Favourable
Test Against Mechanical Stokers, 241
Richmond Main Colliery, Australia, Record Output, 15
Richmond Main Colliery, Australia, Record Output, 15
Seven Lines Cable, New, to Link Up Yorkshire Collieries, 161
Seven Lines Cable, New, to Link Up Yorkshire Collieries, 161
Ship Coaling Record in New South Wales, Harbour, 241
  South African Coal,Output for March, 625
Ship Coaling Record in New South Wales Harbour, 241
South Australian Government Investigating Possibilities of Utilising Brown Coal, 625
South African Coal,Output for March, 625
South Australian Government Investigating
Possibilities of Utilising Brown Coal, 625
South Wales Coalfield, Support of Underground Workings, 105
South Wales Coalfield, Support of Underground Workings, 105
Spitzbergen Coal Production, Anticipations for this Season’s Output, 545
Spitzbergen Coal Production, Anticipations for this Season’s Output, 545
Stone Dusting in Coal Mines, Best Materials for, 189
Stone Dusting in Coal Mines, Best Materials for, 189
United States Collieries, Fatality Rate Statistics, 15
United States Collieries, Fatality Rate Statistics, 15
Valuable New Seam of Coal in the Ere wash Valley, 105
Victorian State Coal Mine at Wonthaggi, Estimate of Coal Still in Mine, 625
Valuable New Seam of Coal in the Erewash Valley, 105
Winslow, Possibility of Coal Mining Near, 517 World’s Record for a Day’s Coal Output, 161 World’s Record Broken, 327
Yorkshire Collieries, Meeting Underground of Two Sets of Workers, 299
Victorian State Coal Mine at Wonthaggi,
“ COA4.LITE ” as Motor Fuel Tested and Triumph over Imported Spirit, 353
Estimate of Coal Still in Mine, 625
Winslow, Possibility of Coal Mining Near, 517
World’s Record for a Day’s Coal Output,161
World’s Record Broken, 327
Yorkshire Collieries, Meeting Underground
of Two Sets of Workers, 299
COALITE ” as Motor Fuel Tested and Triumph over Imported Spirit, 353
Cochin Harbour Development Loan, 189
Cochin Harbour Development Loan, 189
Commercial Developments in Europe, Ten Lectures at City of London College, 27
Commercial Developments in Europe, Ten Lectures at City of London College, 27
Commercial Motor Vehicles Parade, Thorny- croft Successes, 435, 447
Commercial Motor Vehicles Parade, Thornv-croft Successes, 435, 447
Company Registered as Limited by Guarantee and Not Having a Capital, 517
Company Registered as Limited by Guarantee and Not Having a Capital, 517
Compressed Air Explosions, 189
Compressed Air Explosions, 189
Concrete Houses and .Cement Factory, 201
Concrete Houses and .Cement Factory, 201
Concrete Vessels Rendered Impervious to Acid by German Process, 77
Concrete Vessels Rendered Impervious to Acid by German Process, 77
Consulting Engineers, Association of, Annual Dinner, 393
Consulting Engineers, Association of, Annual Dinner, 393
Copper, Conductivity of Crystallised Form of, Compared with that of Pure Electrolytic Copper, 241
Copper, Conductivity of Crystallised Form of, Compared with that of Pure Electrolytic Copper, 241                             J
Copper Discovery in Newfoundland, 15
Copper Discovery in Newfoundland, 15
Copper Mines, Congo-Rhodesia Borderland, Predictions as to Value, 105
Copper Mines, Congo-Rhodesia Borderland, Predictions as to Value, 105
Copper Ore Prospecting in Algeria, 15
Copper Ore Prospecting in Algeria, 15
Copper Ores from the Belgian Congo, Electrolytic Treatment, 381
Copper Ores from the Belgian Congo, Electrolytic Treatment, 381
Copper Output Increased from Katanga, Congo, 15
Copper-Steel Alloy as Possible Non-corrosive Transmission Line Pole, 461
Copper Output Increased from Katanga, Congo, 15                             °
Copper-Steel Alloy as Possible Non-corrosive Iransmission Line Pole, 461
Corrosion Institute in America, 517
Corrosion Institute in America, 517
Corrosion, Nature and Prevention of, 117
Corrosion, Nature and Prevention of, 117
Corrosion Ravages, Effort to Check, by Formation of New American Institute, 489
Corrosion Ravages, Effort to Check, by Formation of New American Institute, 489

Crane, 80-Ton Floating, for Lyttle ton, N.Z., Harbour Board, 545
Creosoting Plant in Alberta, Output of, 47
Crystal Palace Old Students’ Society :
Annual Dinner, 557
Cyanide in Mysore, Electrical Plant for Production, 105

DAM, Experimental Arch, in Southern California, 625
DAM, Experimental Arch, in Southern California, 625
Dar-es-Salaam Wharf Facilities to be Improved, 15
Dar-es-Salaam Wharf Facilities to be Improved, 15
Death of Mr. W. W. Bradfield, 353
Death of Mr. W. W. Bradfield, 353
Death of Professor Henry M. Lamb, 461
Death of Professor Henry M. Lamb, 461
Delco-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., Staff Dinner, 473
Delco-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., Staff Dinner, 473
  Fuel Research Board :
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research :
Fuel Research Board :
Technical Paper No. 10 Continues Report on Carbonisation of Coal, &c., 47
Technical Paper No. 10 Continues Report on Carbonisation of Coal, &c., 47
Technical Paper No. 12, Heating of Rooms, 709
Technical Paper No. 12, Heating of Rooms, 709
Third Memorandum, 653
Third Memorandum, 653
Dictionaries, Illustrated Technical, British Office Opened for Schlomann—Oldenbourg Series, 230
Dictionaries, Illustrated Technical, British Office Opened for Schlomann-Oldenbourg Series, 230
Distilling Plant for Treating Shale in Tasmania, 241
Distilling Plant for Treating Shale in Tasmania, 241
Dock, New Graving, at Durban, 189
Dock, New Graving, at Durban, 189
Docks, Graving and Floating, at Vancouver Island, 545
Docks, Graving and Floating, at Vancouver Island, 545
Doncaster Corporation Allotments for Numerous Schemes, 545
Doncaster Corporation Allotments for Numerous Schemes, 545
Douglas Motor Cycle’s Climbing Feat, 381
Douglas Motor Cycle’s Climbing Feat, 381
Dredging Fleet on the St. Lawrence River, 681
Dredging Fleet on the St. Lawrence River, 681
Drop-stamped Railway Wheels, 557
Drop-stamped Railway Wheels, 557
Dry Dock, Large New Proposed, at Launceston, Tasmania, 77
Dry Dock, Large New Proposed, at Launceston, Tasmania, 77
Duralumin, Die-stamping, H. A. Whiteley, 189
Duralumin, Die-stamping, H. A. Whiteley, 189
Durban Harbour Entrance Improvement, Recommendations, 545
Durban Harbour Entrance Improvement, Recommendations, 545
Dust Removal in Briquetting Plants, Electrical Compared with Water Cleaning, 407
Dust Removal in Briquetting Plants, Electrical Compared with Water Cleaning, 407
Dust Removal from Potters’ Shops, 573
Dust Removal from Potters’ Shops, 573
EBBW VALE Ironstone Mines, Reopening, 215
EBBW VALE Ironstone Mines, Reopening, 215
Alternating Currents in Sheathed Cables, Losses Involved in Distribution, 489
Alternating Currents in Sheathed Cables, Losses Involved in Distribution, 489
Automatic Rotary Converter Sub-station, Third Completed in Durban, 545
Automatic Rotary Converter Sub-station, Third Completed in Durban, 545
Berlin, Proposed New Electric Power Station, 681
Berlin, Proposed New Electric Power Station, 681
Birmingham’s Profit on Electric Supply, 653
Birmingham’s Profit on Electric Supply, 653
Botany, N.S. Wales, Suggested as Site for New Power-house, 625
Botany, N.S. Wales, Suggested as Site for New Power-house, 625
Buenos Aires Projected Big Electric Power Installation, 709
Buenos Aires Projected Big Electric Power Installation, 709
Cable between Vancouver and Fiji to be Doubled, 161
Cable between Vancouver and Fiji to be Doubled, 161
Canada, Big New Power Plant and Transmission Line to Winnipeg, 15
Canada, Big New Power Plant and Transmission Line to Winnipeg, 15
Canadian Montmorency Power Company, Projected 6000 H.P. Development, 407
Capetown, New Generating Station for, 625 Chinese Government, Shansi Province, to Erect Steam-electric Power Plants, 709
Canadian Montmorency Power Company,
Projected 6000 H.P. Development, 407
Capetown, New Generating Station for, 625
Chinese Government, Shansi Province, to Erect Steam-electric Power Plants, 709
Darlington Electricity Undertaking, Output and Working Cost, 105
Darlington Electricity Undertaking, Output and Working Cost, 105
Earth Connection, American Method of Making, 241
Earth Connection, American Method of Making, 241
Electrical Industry and Prices in Prussia, Poor Trade, 105
Electrical Industry and Prices in Prussia, Poor Trade, 105
Electric Main Underground Haulage, 517
Electric Main Underground Haulage, 517
Electricity Production by Public Utility Power Plants in 1924, 709
Electricity Production by Public Utility Power Plants in 1924, 709
Explosions in Electrical Conduits and Sodium Salt, 517
Explosions in Electrical Conduits and Sodium Salt, 517
Farms’ Need of Electric Power and Excessive
Farms’ Need of Electric Power and Excessive
    Cost of Application, 545
Cost of Application, 545
Fireproofing Medium for Protection of Switchboard Wire, 625
Fireproofing Medium for Protection of Switchboard Wire, 625
Halifax and Huddersfield Electricity Undertakings, Linking-up Scheme Proposed, 435
Halifax and Huddersfield Electricity Undertakings, Linking-up Scheme Proposed, 435
Huddersfield and Halifax Corporation Power Plants, 461
Huddersfield and Halifax Corporation Power Plants, 461
Insulated Electric Wire, Flame-proofing by Selenium, 299
Insulated Electric Wire, Flame-proofing by Selenium, 299
Insulating Varnish for Prevention of Flashovers, 489
Insulating Varnish for Prevention of Flashovers, 489
International Conference in Paris, on Extra
    High-tension Systems, 327
International Conference in Paris, on Extra High-tension Systems, 327
Johannesburg Power Station Cooling Towers, 85
Johannesburg Power Station Cooling Towers, 85
Measuring Tape and Live Circuits, Protective Apparatus, 161
Measuring Tape and Live Circuits, Protective Apparatus, 161
Million-Volt Arc, 326
Million-Volt Arc, 326
Motors, Large, for Rolling Mill Drive, 461
Motors, Large, for Rolling Mill Drive, 461
Mysore, Generation of Power from Gersoppa Falls, 15
Mysore, Generation of Power from Gersoppa Falls, 15
New Electric Lighting Plant at Agra, 681
New Electric Lighting Plant at Agra, 681
New York Edison Company’s Projected 700,000-K.W. Generating Station, 625, 653
New York Edison Company’s Projected 700,000-K.W. Generating Station, 625, 653
Plympton, Divided Opinion as to Erection of Power-house, 599
Plympton, Divided Opinion as to Erection of Power-house, 599
Power-house Extension at Bendigo, Victoria, 133
Power-house Extension at Bendigo, Victoria, 133
Power Line Interference with Radio Broadcast Reception, 241
Power Line Interference with Radio Broadcast Reception, 241
Power Plant, Large, for Alaskan-Canadian Border, 435
Power Plant, Large, for Alaskan-Canadian Border, 435
Power Plants Used in Danish Agriculture, 686
Power Plants Used in Danish Agriculture, 686
  Power Supply for Siddick Colliery, 517
  Power Transmission, 100,000-Volt, to be
Power Supply for Siddick Colliery, 517
Power Transmission, 100,000-Volt, to be
Brought Across the Narrows, Puget Sound, 381
Brought Across the Narrows, Puget Sound, 381
Prague and Kolin, Laying Long-distance Cable, 161
Prague and Kolin, Laying Long-distance Cable, 161
Rural Electrification in Michigan, 381
Rural Electrification in Michigan, 381
Shawinigan Company’s Power Development on Batiscan River, Quebec, 77
Shawinigan Company’s Power Development on Batiscan River, Quebec, 77
Snake River, Idaho, Survey with View to Power Development, 381
Snake River, Idaho, Survey with View to Power Development, 381
South Africa and Electricity Supply, Interruptions by Lightning, 681
South Africa and Electricity Supply, Interruptions by Lightning, 681
Steam-driven Large Power Station to Replace Tokyo Stations Destroyed by Earthquake, 269
Steam-driven Large Power Station to Replace Tokyo Stations Destroyed by Earthquake, 269

and Tn-
Tafjord Power Development Scheme in Norway, 161
Traffic Control by Spot-lighting Apparatus, Experiment in Leicester, 435
rr?x1r.SMOr“iei’ Load» Device for Indicating, While m Motion, 545                b
Trichinopoly, Small Electrical Power Supply for, 133                                    1 J
Trolley Omnibuses to Supersede Electric Trams in Singapore, 105
Trucks, Electric, Charging Facilities for, 327 lunne! under Ben Nevis to Carry "Water for New Power-house, 269
Turbo-alternator, 5000-K.W., Metropolitan-Vickers, for Durban, 681
Turbo-generator, 7500-K.W. Set for Wolverhampton, 489
Walsall Electric Supply, Charges Reduced in Consequence of Low Cost, 299
Warwick Electricity for Coventry, 133
Water-tube Boilers, Vickers-Spearing, for Bloemfontein Power Station, 407
West Bromwich Electricity Department, New Showrooms and Stores, 461
Worksop Electric Power Plant Extension, 653 70()W ^lver Fower Development
Engine, Double-acting Marine Oil
Built in Great Britain, 461
Engineering Standards—see British
Engineers in Canada, Overcrowded experienced Profession, 241
Engineers and Chemists, Status of, 89
Esquimalt Dry Dock, 447
Augsburg, Germany, Historical Model Ex-hibition in Water Power and Pumping, 625
Basle, 1925 International Exhibition, 89 Basle, 1926 International Exhibition, 169 Birmingham and Midland Building and
n Allied,Trades’ Exhibition, 517 btiraday’s Discovery of Benzene, Exhibition
to Commemorate Centenary, 709
Grenoble, International Exhibition at, 461 Institute of Patentees, Third Exhibition, 112, 133
International Trade Exhibition at New Orleans, 573
Manchester Ironmongery Exhibition, 435
Marine and Small Craft Exhibition and Congress, 201
Model Railway Club Exhibition, 461
Radio Apparatus Exhibition at Zurich, 681
Radio Exhibition in Oslo, 653
Turin, National Exhibition of Chemistry 293
Turning in Wood and Metal, Specimens,
I 1 hirty-eighth Exhibition, 461
Wembley Exhibition, Palace of Engineering, Housing, Display of Methods and Materials, 9^lriS> Transport, Years’ Progress,
EXPLOSION, Unusual, of Tar Heater, 269 Explosion, Very Unusual, of Steam Receiver,
Explosion, Very Violent, in American Mine, Night Shift of Thirty-four Men Killed, 435
Explosion of Water-tube Boiler, 653

FACTORY near Melbourne to Produce 50
  Tons,of Fibre Weekly from Bark, 105
FACTORY near Melbourne to Produce 50 , Tons, of Fibre Weekly from Bark, 105
Failure of Hillside Reservoir in Ayshire, 461
Faraday House, Annual Scholarship Examinations, 176, 447
Failure of Hillside Reservoir in Ayshire, 461 Faraday House, Annual Scholarship Examinations, 176, 447
Old Students’ Association, Annual Smoking Concert, 440, 529
Old Students’ Association, Annual Smoking Concert, 440, 529
  Scholarship and Prize Awards, 447
Scholarship and Prize Awards, 447
Faraday Society—see Associations
Faraday Society—see Associations
Faroe Islands, Seven New Harbours in Course of Construction, 189
Faroe Islands, Seven New Harbours in Course of Construction, 189
Fatalities Due to Carbon Monoxide from Want of Proper Care with Gas, 299
Fatalities Due to Carbon Monoxide from Want of Proper Care with Gas, 299
Federation of British Industries and Others Ask
Federation of British Industries and Others Ask
  Railway Companies for Reduction, 443
Railway Companies for Reduction, 443
Fighting Fogs and Smoke, 143
Fighting Fogs and Smoke, 143
Fire-fighting Appliances in Japan, 173
Fire-fighting Appliances in Japan, 173
Fire Float for Hong Kong Government, 435
Fire Resistance of Concrete Columns, Tests of, 653
Fire Float for Hong Kong Government, 435 lure Resistance of Concrete Columns, Tests of 653                                             ’
Fish Canning Factory Suggested for Tasmania, 47
Fish Canning Factory Suggested for Tasmania,
Fish Escalator for Salmon and Trout Spawning, Experimental, 161
Fish Escalator for Salmon and Trout Spawning, Experimental, 161
Floating Islands, Four French, as Bases for Aerial Transport, 461
Floating Islands, Four French, as Bases for Aerial Transport, 461
Floors with Joists Embedded in Concrete, Great Superiority of, 133
Floors with Joists Embedded in Concrete, Great Superiority of, 133
Floors Settlement Detection by Ingenious Device, 15
Folkestone Harbour Steamboat Piers Roofed, 77
Floors Settlement Detection by Ingenious Device, 15                         &
Foochow Company’s Projected Hydro-electric Power Plant on the Min River, 599
Folkestone Harbour Steamboat Piers Roofed,
Foochow Company’s Projected Hydro-electric
Power Plant on the Min River, 599
Forest Planting in Victoria, 15
Forest Planting in Victoria, 15
Forging Machine Dies, Steel for, E. R. Frost, 189
Forging Machine Dies, Steel for, E. R. Frost, 189
Frozen Meat for Spain, 105
Frozen Meat for Spain, 105
Fuel in Central Canada, Developing Coke Industry, 653
Fuel in Central Canada, Developing Coke Industry, 653
Fuel Economies, Various Ways of Saving Coal, 599
Fuel Economies, Various Ways of Saving Coal,
Fuel Research—see Department
Fuel Research—see Department
GAS Engine Breakdowns and Connecting-rod Bolts, 105
GAS Engine Breakdowns and Connecting-rod
Bolts, 105                           °
Gas Used at Wembley, Enormous Amount, 709
Gas Used at Wembley, Enormous Amount, 709
Gas versus Electrical Undertakings, Gas Shareholders’ Troubles, 269
Gas versus Electrical Undertakings, Gas Share
holders’ Troubles, 269
Gas versus Electricity in Stepney, 709
Gas versus Electricity in Stepney, 709
Genoa’s Commercial Importance Rivalling that of Marseilles, 269
Genoa’s Commercial Importance Rivalling that of Marseilles, 269
Geological Museum Moved to Secure Safety in Foundations, 353
Geological Museum Moved to Secure Safety in Foundations, 353
German Machine Tool Convention Renewed, 353
German Machine Tool Convention Renewed, 353
German Machinery Works, New, in China, 15 German Tube Trade Syndicate, 573
German Machinery Works, New, in China, 15
German Tube Trade Syndicate, 573
Glasgow Technical College Benefactions, 241
Glasgow Technical College Benefactions, 241
Glass Factory, Large New, in Pas-de-Calais, 269
Glass Factory, Large New, in Pas-de-Calais, 269
Glue “ Pearls ” Manufacture, 161
Glue “ Pearls ” Manufacture, 161
Gold Mine, Regina, in Canada, Projected Reopening, 381
Gold Mine, Regina, in Canada, Projected Reopening, 381
Gold Mines, Cost of Winding Ore, 15
Gold Mines, Cost of Winding Ore, 15
Gold Production from Mercury, Experiments, 599
Gold Production from Mercury, Experiments, 599
Gold from Witwatersrand, Total Output, 299
Gold from Witwatersrand, Total Output, 299
Grain Elevator, Another Million-bushel, for
Grain Elevator, Another Million-bushel, for
  Canada, 517
Grain-handling Wharves, Manchester Ship
Canada, 517
  Canal, 100
Grain-handling Wharves, Manchester Ship Canal, 100
Grand Falls Project in New Brunswick, 545
Grand Falls Project in New Brunswick, 545
Grangemouth Six Dock Gates, Repaired and Replaced, 653
Grangemouth Six Dock Gates, Repaired and
Replaced, 653
Great Britain’s One and a-half Men and Public
Great Britain’s One and a-half Men and Public
  Ownership, 140
Ownership, 140
Great Lakes Water Levels, Serious Lowering, 625
Great Lakes Water Levels, Serious Lowering, 625
Great North Road Improvement, 133
Great North Road Improvement, 133
Greenock Harbour and Garvel Graving Dock, 15
Greenock Harbour and Garvel Graving Dock, 15
Gum Swamp Products, Projected Utilisation of, 327
Gum Swamp Products, Projected Utilisation of, 327
Gutta-percha Estate Development in Sumatra,
Gutta-percha Estate Development in Sumatra,
HEAD Lamps, Motor Car, Reduced Size to Avoid Glare, 407
HEAD Lamps, Motor Car, Reduced Size to Avoid Glare, 407
Heating Paper Machine Rolls, Electric Steam Generators for, 659
Heating Paper Machine Rolls, Electric Steam Generators for, 659
Helium-oxygen Mixtures and Decompression for Divers and other Workers, 299
Helium-oxygen Mixtures and Decompression for Divers and other Workers, 299
Holiday Pay Plan at Fort Dunlop, 189
Holiday Pay Plan at Fort Dunlop, 189
Holyhead Development as a Herring Port, 681
Holyhead Development as a Herring Port, 681
Hungarian Customs Tariff on Imports,.47
Huxley Lecture, Professor E. B. Poult on,
Hungarian Customs Tariff on Imports, 47
  Huxley Centenary Celebrations, 447
Huxley Lecture, Professor E. B. Poulton,
Huxley Centenary Celebrations, 447
Hydraulic Turbines of Niagara Falls Power
Hydraulic Turbines of Niagara Falls Power
  Company, Accident to, 15
Company, Accident to, 15
Hydro-electric.Development in Canada, 77
Hydro-electric.Development in Canada, 77
Hydro-electric Plant, Novel Type, for China, 653
Hydro-electric Plant, Novel Type, for China, 653
Hydro-electric Plant, Reported Largest in South America, 653
Hydro-electric Plant, Reported Largest in South America, 653
Hydro-electric Power, Control of Export, by Canadian Government, 709
Hydro-electric Power, Control of Export, by Canadian Government, 709
Hydro-electric Power in Ontario, Needed
Hydro-electric Power in Ontario, Needed
  Expenditure for New Plant, 299
Expenditure for New Plant, 299
ICE Cover to Protect from Ice, 161
ICE Cover to Protect from Ice, 161
India and Millwall Docks Improvement, 517
India and Millwall Docks Improvement, 517
Indicating Instruments in Boiler-rooms, Method of Keeping them Clean, 215
Indicating Instruments in Boiler-rooms, Method of Keeping them Clean, 215
Institutes and Institutions—see Associations
Institutes and Institutions—see Associations
Insulating Material, “ Poured-in-place-on-the- Job,” 709
Insulating Material, “ Poured-in-place-on-the-Job,” 709
Irish Free State Investigation of Question of Crude Alcohol Production for Power Purposes, 461
Irish Free State Investigation of Question of Crude Alcohol Production for Power Purposes, 461
Blast-furnace About 1748, Halfpenny Token Portrait of Ironmaster, 77
Blast-furnace About 1748, Halfpenny Token Portrait of Ironmaster, 77
Blast-furnace Output Affected by Shape of Hearth, 353
Blast-furnace Output Affected by Shape of Hearth, 353
China, New Loan Required for Largest Ironworks, 599
China, New Loan Required for Largest Ironworks, 599
Commercial Carbon and Alloy Steels, Temperature Changes, 299
Commercial Carbon and Alloy Steels, Temperature Changes, 299
Egryn Manganese Ore Mines near Barmouth Reopened, 47
Egryn Manganese Ore Mines near Barmouth Reopened, 47
Extrusion Process for Iron and Steel, R. Genders, 47
Extrusion Process for Iron and Steel, R. Genders, 47
German Steel Works and Rolling Mills, Projected Erection in Bochum, 47
German Steel Works and Rolling Mills, Projected Erection in Bochum, 47
  Hacksaw Blades and Tungsten Steel, 47
Heavy Cast Iron Fly-wheels Cut up by Acetylene Blow-pipe, 545
Hacksaw Blades and Tungsten Steel, 47
Heavy Cast Iron Fly-wheels Cut up by
Acetylene Blow-pipe, 545
Iron in Antiquity, Dr. J. Newton Friend, 215
Iron in Antiquity, Dr. J. Newton Friend, 215
Iron Mines in Italy, War-time Feat, 327
Iron Mines in Italy, War-time Feat, 327
Iron Trades Employers’ Insurance Association, 573
Iron Trades Employers’ Insurance Association, 573
  Manganese Investigations in Banffshire, 681
Manganese Investigations in Banffshire, 681
National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers :
Pig Iron and Steel Production in December, 105
Pig Iron and Steel Production in December, 105
Pig Iron and Steel Production in January,
Pig Iron and Steel Production in February, 353
Pig Iron and Steel Production in January, 215                                  J
Pig Iron and Steel Production in February, 353                                 J
Pig Iron and Steel Production in March, 489
Pig Iron and Steel Production in March, 489
Pig Iron and Steel Production in April, 569
Pig Iron and Steel Production in April, 569
Pig Iron and Steel Production in May, 681
Pig Iron and Steel Production in May, 681
New Zealand Customs Decision Regarding British Possessions Iron and Steel, 161
New Zealand Customs Decision Regarding British Possessions Iron and Steel, 161
Ontario, Large Steel Works, but no Iron Ore Mining, 517
Ontario, Large Steel Works, but no Iron Ore Mining, 517
Pig Iron at Sabar&, Brazil, Increased Output, 299
Polono-Upper Silesian Iron and Steel Cartel!, 435
Pig Iron at Sabara, Brazil, Increased Output, 299                                   1
Polono-Upper Silesian Iron and Steel Cartell, 435
Record Blast-furnace Output at South Manchurian Works, 407
Record Blast-furnace Output at South Manchurian Works, 407
  Record Rolling of Steel Rails in Canada, 521
  Rhodesia as Leading Producer in the World of
Record Rolling of Steel Rails in Canada, 521
    Chrome Iron Ore, 625
Rhodesia as Leading Producer in the World of
Chrome Iron Ore, 625
Seamless Hollow Steel Balls for Bearings, 133
Seamless Hollow Steel Balls for Bearings, 133
South Africa, Large Percentage of Iron in Ore Deposits, 77
South Africa, Large Percentage of Iron in Ore Deposits, 77
Sponge Iron Experiments by United States Bureau of Mines, 215
Sponge Iron Experiments by United States Bureau of Mines, 215
Sponge Iron Production in Utah, U.S.A., 517
Sponge Iron Production in Utah, U.S.A., 517
Stainless Steel, Mild, New Process for Production, H. S. Primrose, 15
Stainless Steel, Mild, New Process for Production, H. S. Primrose, 15
Steel Manufacturing Plant Transfer from Kobe to South Manchuria, 133
Steel Manufacturing Plant Transfer from Kobe to South Manchuria, 133
Steel Production Direct from Iron Ore, Two Experimental Methods, 215
Steel Production Direct from Iron Ore, Two Experimental Methods, 215
Sydney Steel Plant, Nova Scotia, Record Output, 381
Sydney Steel Plant, Nova Scotia, Record Output, 381
Tasmania, Electric Smelting of Iron and Steel, Company Formed for, 653
Tasmania, Electric Smelting of Iron and Steel, Company Formed for, 653
Welded Steel Pipe Factory Opened at Williamstown, Victoria, 133
W elded Steel Pipe Factory Opened at Williamstown, Victoria, 133
Wellingborough Urban Council Reduces Royalties on Ironstone to Prevent Stoppage . pf Blast-furnaces, 709
Wellingborough Urban Council Reduces Royalties on Ironstone to Prevent Stoppage . pf Blast-furnaces, 709
IRON AND STEEL (continued):
Working Stress for Structural Steel, American Engineer’s Recommendation, 189
IRRIGATION Project in Malabar, 681
Italy, and International Telephone Installations, 407
JAPAN’S Synthetic Ammonia Capacity by Casale Process, 517
Journal of the Royal Technical College, Glasgow, 419
KHYBER, 19 Miles Ropeway to be Sold, 709
Kovno, Russia, Tenders Invited for Locomotive
Spare Parts, 599
Krupps, Contradicted Report of Factory near Dublin, 599
LAMP, Combination Oil and Safety, 327
Lamps, Factory Turning Out 2000 Daily, 77
Lantern Slides Illustrating Stothert and Pitt’s
Cranes, Winches, Pumps, &c., for Loan, 249
Lead Mines in Flintshire to be Reopened, 653
Lead Mines of Upper Teesdale, New Company for Working, 599
Leicester Street-cleansing Proposals, 379
Leith Dock Extension, Government Assistance, 77
Libraries, Special, and Information Bureaux, Financial Support for, 489
Lift and Crane Makers’ Association, General Meeting, 256
Lignite Carboniser, Hopeful Results Expected from its Use, 15
Lignite Industry in Germany, Dust Removal in Briquetting Plants, 599
Lime-burning and Slaking, 517
Liquid Fuel, Investigation of New Method of Obtaining, 573
Liquid Fuel and Scottish Shale Oil, Dr. C. H. Lander, 489
Locomotive for Underground Haulage, Electric, Official Tests for, Prize Offered, 489
L.C.C. and Lambeth Bridge Design, 599
Lopulco Pulverised Fuel Plant, Largest in the
Empire, 672
Loughborough College, Annual Presentation Day, 585
Low-temperature Carbonisation—see Coal
McGILL University, Montreal, Engineering Curriculum Improvement Sought, 599
McGILL University, Montreal, Engineering
Curriculum Improvement Sought, 599
Machine Tool Trades’ Association Dinner, 311
Machine Tool Trades’ Association Dinner, 311
Madras Harbour, New Shipping Berths, 77
Madras Harbour, New Shipping Berths, 77
Magnesite, Cartel Formed of Works to Control
Magnesite, Cartel Formed of Works to Control
  99 per Cent, of European Output, 299
99 per Cent, of European Output, 299
Magnesium Oxychloride for Binding Woody or Fibrous Material, Excels as Flooring and Very Inexpensive, 625
Magnesium Oxychloride for Binding Woody or Fibrous Material, Excels as Flooring and Very Inexpensive, 625
Manchester Steam Users’ Association, Seventieth Annual Report, 337
Manchester Steam Users’ Association, Seventieth Annual Report, 337
Manganese—see Iron and Steel
Manganese—see Iron and Steel
Marine Flanges—see British-Engineering
Marine Flanges—see British'Engineering
Maw, Dr. W. H., Publication of Biography of,
Maw, Dr. W. H., Publication of Biography of,
Metallic Sodium and Red Phosphorus, Projected Manufacture in Norway, 105
Metallic Sodium and Red Phosphorus, Projected Manufacture in Norway, 105
Metric System Established in Netherlands East Indies, 262
Metric System Established in Netherlands East Indies, 262
Middlesbrough’s Application for Loan for Petrol-electric Trolley Vehicles, 381
Middlesbrough’s Application for Loan for
Petrol-electric Trolley Vehicles, 381
Mineral Deposits in Anatolia and Branch Line of the Baghdad Railway, 299
Mineral Deposits in Anatolia and Branch Line of the Baghdad Railway, 299
Mines, Devices to Prevent Over-winding, W. L. Grassham, 435
Mines, Devices to Prevent Over-winding, W. L.
Grassham, 435
Mines Explosives, British, Tested by American Official Tests, 133
Mines Explosives, British, Tested by American Official Tests, 133
Mines, Fire-damp and Electric Cutting in, Accident Prevention Suggestions, 386
Mines, Fire-damp and Electric Cutting in, Accident Prevention Suggestions, 386
Mine Rescue Oxygen Breathing Apparatus, Training of Miners, 327
Mine Rescue Oxygen Breathing Apparatus, Training of Miners, 327
Mint, Royal, Coinage Statistics, 47
Mint, Royal, Coinage Statistics, 47
Monasite Sand Discovery in Tasmania, 133
Monasite Sand Discovery in Tasmania, 133
Montreal New Dry Dock Projected, 407
Montreal New Dry Dock Projected, 407
Motor Car Importation into India, 653
Motor Car Importation into India, 653
Motor Cycle Efficiency Due to Scientific Research, 353
Motor Cycle Efficiency Due to Scientific Research, 353
Motor Fuels, Problems of Supply, Professor J. S. S. Brame, 545
Motor Fuels, Problems of Supply, Professor J. S. S. Brame, 545
Motor Manufacturers’ and Traders’ Society, Meeting and Elections, 721
Motor Manufacturers’ and Traders’ Society,
Meeting and Elections, 721
Motor Omnibus Popularity in Shanghai, 15
Motor Omnibus Popularity in Shanghai, 15
Moving Three-storey House, 653
Moving Three-storey House, 653
NAILS, Holding Power of, Its Importance in Wood Construction, 241
^AI^S, Holding Power of, Its Importance in Wood Construction, 241
National Physical Laboratory and Weights Verification, 517
National Physical Laboratory and Weights Verification, 517
National Screw Thread Commission (America), Report Revision, 545
Natural Gas in Canada, Greatly Increased Value of Production, 113, 517
National Screw Thread Commission (America) Report Revision, 545
Natural Gas Transmission Systems, Efficiency Investigation, 353
Natural Gas in Canada, Greatly Increased value of Production, 113, 517
Natural Gas Transmission Systems, Efficiency Investigation, 353                         J
Newcastle Quay, Additional Berths, 133
Newcastle Quay, Additional Berths, 133
New Caledonia Exports, 1924, 625
New Caledonia Exports, 1924, 625
Newfoundland Public Works, Reconditioning,
Newfoundland Public Works, Reconditioning,
New South Wales Increase in Factories and Plant, also in Value of Land and Buildings 564 °
New South Wales Increase in Factories and 564nt’ alS° in ^alue of Land and Buildings,
New South Wales, 25,000 H.P. Plant at Junction of Two Rivers, 215
New South Wales, 25,000 H.P. Plant at Junction of Two Rivers, 215
New South Wales, Proposed Floating Dock, 435
NeW) South Wales Water Conservation Schemes,
New South Wales, Proposed Floating Dock, 435 New South Wales Water Conservation Schemes,
  ^Ga^anc^s Additional Irrigation Schemes, 545 .> ’
New Zealand’s Additional Irrigation Schemes,
New Zealand, Arapuni Hydro-electric Scheme, 161
New Zealand, Arapuni Hydro-electric Scheme, 161
Niagara River, Details of New Bridge Over, 607
Niagara River, Details of New Bridge Over, 607
Nickel Welding, Possible in Certain Conditions, 77 . . '
Nickel Welding, Possible in Certain Conditions, 77
Nitro-glycerine the Only Suitable Explosive for Shooting Oil Wells, 15
Nitro-glycerine the Only Suitable Explosive for Shooting Oil Wells, 15
Nitro-glycerine, Possible Substitute for, 15
Nitro-glycerine, Possible Substitute for, 15
Norton and Gregory Engineering Scholarships, 541
Norton and Gregory Engineering Scholarships, 541
Norway as Aluminium Producer, 381
Norway as Aluminium Producer, 381
Norway, Carbide Factory Furnace for Cyanamide Manufacture, 517
Norway, Carbide Factory Furnace for Cyanamide Manufacture, 517
Nottingham’s Projected New Bridge Over the Trent, 381
Nottingham’s Projected New Bridge Over the Trent, 381
OIL Burner Soot, Danger from Salts Content, 47
OIL Burner Soot, Danger from Salts Content, 47
Oil Cracking Plant at Baku, 517
Oil Cracking Plant at Baku, 517
Oil Distillery at La Plata being Rapidly Completed, 709
Oil Distillery at La Plata being Rapidly Completed, 709
Oilfield Emulsions, Method Used for Dehydration, D. B. Dow, 681
Oilfield Emulsions, Method Used for Dehydration, D. B. Dow, 681
Oil-fired Boilers and Oil Temperature, 198
Oil-fired Boilers and Oil Temperature, 198
Oil Found near Chittagong, 653
Oil Found near Chittagong, 653
Oil as Fuel, Disadvantages of Any Water Content, 573
Oil as Fuel, Disadvantages of Any Water Content, 573
Oil Pipe Line, Acetylene Welded, Highly Successful on Test, 189
Oil Pipe Line, Acetylene Welded, Highly Successful on Test, 189
Oil from Shale, Refineries to be Established at Shansi, China, 709
Oil from Shale, Refineries to be Established at Shansi, China, 709
Oil Shale, Valuable, Overlaying Colliery Main Seam in Manchuria, 15
Oil Shale, Valuable, Overlaying Colliery Main Seam in Manchuria, 15
Oil Storage Plant at Toronto for Fuel Supply to Vessels on the Great Lakes, 133
Oil Storage Plant at Toronto for Fuel Supply to Vessels on the Great Lakes, 133
“ Old Crompt onians ” Association Dinner, 579
“ Old Cromptonians ” Association Dinner, 579
Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission, New Power Development Scheme, 327
Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission, New Power Development Scheme, 327
Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission— see also St. Lawrence River
Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission— see also St. Lawrence River
Ontario Hydro-electric Scheme for Diverting Waters of the Albany River, 105
Ontario Hydro-electric Scheme for Diverting Waters of the Albany River, 105
Ontario Power Shortage Feared, Steam Plant Called for, 299
Ontario Power Shortage Feared, Steam Plant Called for, 299
Oyster Shells for Manufacture of Portland Cement, 15
Oyster Shells for Manufacture of Portland Cement, 15
Oxy-acetylene Cut, Heat Effect of, 625
Oxy-acetylene Cut, Heat Effect of, 625
PARKING Motor Cars Beneath Hyde Park Sydney, N.S.W., 57
PARKING Motor Cars Beneath Hyde Park Sydney, N.S.W., 57
Patent Applications Decrease, 15
Patent Applications Decrease, 15
Patent Rights Applications, 681
Patent Rights Applications, 681
Patentees, Institute of, Third Annual Exhibition, 112,133
Patentees, Institute of, Third Annual Exhibition, 112,133
Petrol in Starting Gas Engines, Necessary Precautions in Use, 599
Petrol in Starting Gas Engines, Necessary Precautions in Use, 599
Petroleum Production of Venezuela, 47
Petroleum Production of Venezuela, 47
Petroleum, World’s Supply and its Waste, 327
Petroleum, World’s Supply and its Waste, 327
Photo-chemical Reactions in Liquids and Gases, 693
Photo-chemical Reactions in Liquids and Gases, 693
Pile Deterioration, Unusual Case, 681
Pile Deterioration, Unusual Case, 681
Plantation Destruction, Midland Reafforesting Association Wound Up, 653
Plantation Destruction, Midland Reafforesting
Association Wound Up, 653
Plaster on Metal Lath for Fire Protection of Structural Steel Work, 517
Plaster on Metal Lath for Fire Protection of Structural Steel Work, 517
Platinum and Allied Metals, British Empire and Foreign Countries, Production, 681
Platinum and Allied Metals, British Empire and Foreign Countries, Production, 681
Platinum Discovery in the Rustenburg District, South Africa, 299
Platinum Discovery in the Rustenburg District, South Africa, 299
Platinum Reef Discovery in the Transvaal, 573
Platinum Reef Discovery in the Transvaal, 573
Platinum Trust, Ural, Refining Works Progress and Expectations, 241
Platinum Trust, Ural, Refining Works Progress and Expectations, 241
Plumbago Trade of Ceylon and Madagascar, 327
Plumbago Trade of Ceylon and Madagascar, 327
Portland Cement Production in New South Wales, 517
Portland Cement Production in New South Wales, 517
Portuguese Chamber’s Exemption of Certain Material from Customs Duty, 353
Portuguese Chamber’s Exemption of Certain Material from Customs Duty, 353
Portuguese Colonies General Agency at Lisbon, 407
Portuguese Colonies General Agency at Lisbon, 407
Pressure, Horizontal, Effect of Experiments, 241
Pressure, Horizontal, Effect of Experiments, 241
Pulp and Paper Mill Projected near Quebec, 47
Pupin, Dr. Michael I., Scientific Appointment, 161
Pulp and Paper Mill Projected near Quebec, 47 Pupin, Dr. Michael I., Scientific Appointment,
Pyrites Depdsit in Sweden, Probable Formation of Company to Work, 435
Pyrites Depdsit in Sweden, Probable Formation of Company to Work, 435
QUEBEC Development Company, Hydroelectric Plant Starting Work, 77
QUEBEC Development Company, Hydroelectric Plant Starting Work, 77
Quebec, Prize Award for New Bridge, 407
Qaiebec, Prize Award for New Bridge, 407
Queensland Bridge Wrecked for the Third Time, 435
Queensland Bridge Wrecked for the Third Time, 435
RADIUM Research Laboratory in Washington,
RADIUM Research Laboratory in Washington,
  Accidents :
    Accidents in 1924, Statistics, 77
Accidents :
Accidents in 1924, Statistics, 77
Bordeaux to Paris Express, Fatal Derailment, 381
Bordeaux to Paris Express, Fatal Derailment, 381
    Broken Tire on an Express, 77
Buffer Stop Collision at Glasgow, Severe, 133, 161, 517
Broken Tire on an Express, 77
Canada, Train Accident Statistics, 1924, 461
Buffer Stop Collision at Glasgow, Severe. 133, 161, 517
Canada, Train Accident Statistics, 1924 461
Charing Cross Loop Accident, Motorman Not to Blame, 489
Charing Cross Loop Accident, Motorman Not to Blame, 489
Collision of Engines After Bridge Testing, Goole and Selby Line, 352, 517
Collision of Engines After Bridge Testing, Goole and Selby Line, 352, 517
Criterion of Safety, the Number of Accidents Rather than of Fatalities, 709
Criterion of Safety, the Number of Accidents Rather than of Fatalities, 709
    Derailment at Lytham, Another Fatality,
    Derailments and Collisions Compared, 709
Derailment at Lytham, Another Fatality, 105
Derailments and Collisions Compared, 709
Disastrous Derailment of Special Train near Rockport, U.S.A., 709
Disastrous Derailment of Special Train near Rockport, U.S.A., 709
    Engine Equipment Failures, 189
    Fatal Accident from Broken Coupling, 483
Engine Equipment Failures, 189
Fatal Derailment on Rhymney Section, Great Western Railway, 47, 407
    Fog Causes Death of Driver, 105
Fatal Accident from Broken Coupling, 483
I atal Derailment on Rhymney Section, Great Western Railway, 47, 407
Fog Causes Death of Driver, 105
  Accidents {continue I):
Goods Train Fatal Buffer Stop Collision at Luddendenfoot, 381
Accidents {continue i):
Haymarket, Edinburgh, Accident Trial, Driver Acquitted, 161, 241
    Konisberg-Berlin Express Disaster, 545
Goods Train Fatal Buffer Stop Collision at Luddendenfoot, 381             .
Haymarket, Edinburgh, Accident Inal, Driver Acquitted, 161, 241
Konisberg-Berlin Express Disaster, 545
Letterkenny and Burtonport Railway, Owencarrow, Fatal Accident due to Wind, 161 ; Inquest Result, 189 ; Report, 333
Letterkenny and Burtonport Railway, Owencarrow, Fatal Accident due to Wind, 161 ; Inquest Result, 189 ; Report, 333
    Light Engine Collision in a Fog, 105
    Passenger Train Wholly Derailed, 299
Light Engine Collision in a log, 10a
Passenger Train Wholly Derailed, 299
Preston Station Fatal Accident Report, 241
Preston Station Fatal Accident Report, 241
Previous Accidents Recalled, 573
Previous Accidents Pvecalled, 573
Prosecution for Attempted Entry of Train in Motion, 215
Prosecution for Attempted Entry of Train in Motion, 215
Report on Collision at Cogan, Great Western Railway, 653
Report on Collision at Cogan, Great Western Railway, 653
Roof-repairing Accident, Fatal, at Manchester, Report on, 653
Roof-repairing Accident, Fatal, at Manchester, Report on, 653
Safety First and Accident Reductions, 215
Safety First and Accident Reductions, 215
Train, Whole of, Leaves Rails at Lostock Junction, 47, 439
Train, Whole of, Leaves Rails at Lostock Junction, 47, 439
    Trains Overthrown by Gales, 215
Trains Overthrown by Gales, 2 la
United States Accident Statistics, Comparatively Satisfactory Figures, 625
United States Accident Statistics, Comparatively Satisfactory Figures, 625
Workman’s Ticket, Accident Liability, 189
Workman’s Ticket, Accident Liability, 189
  Algeria, New Railway, 327
Appointments and Staff Changes, 15, 77, 105, 133, 215, 224, 327, 339, 435, 545, 709
Algeria, New Railway, 327
Arbitration, Compulsory, Decision Against; 189
Automatic Signalling, Economy of, 15
Appointments and Staff Changes, 15, 77 10a, 133, 215, 224, 327, 339, 43a, 545, 709
Automatic Signalling a Pronounced Success, H. A. Watson, 189
Arbitration, Compulsory, Decision Against;
Automatic Signalling, Economy of, la
Automatic Signalling a Pronounced Success,
H. A. Watson, 189
Automatic Train Control Apparatus, Organised Sales of, 105
Automatic Train Control Apparatus, Organised Sales of, 105
Automatic Train Control, Difference of
Automatic Train Control, Difference of
    Opinion, 241
  Ballycastle Railway Transference, 15
Opinion, 241
Barcelona and Electric Railways, Level Crossings and Street Railway Traffic Suppressed, 443
  Belgian Congo Railway Electrification, 161
Ballycastle Railway Transference, la
  Board of Trade Requirements, New List, 265
  Bolivar, Department of (Colombia), Central
Barcelona and Electric Railways, Level
    Railway Construction Projected, 381
Crossings and Street Railway Traffic Suppressed, 443
Belgian Congo Railway Electrification, 161
Board of Trade Requirements, New List, 2ba
Bolivar, Department of (Colombia), Central
Railway Construction Projected, 381
Bombay Harbour Electrical Service Opened, G.I.P. Railway, 161, 189
Bombay Harbour Electrical Service Opened, G.I.P. Railway, 161, 189
Brazil, State of Sergipe, Embarking on Railway and Canal Construction, 77
Brazil, State of Sergipe, Embarking on Railway and Canal Construction, 77
Bridge, Memorial, Across the Hudson River, 105 . .
Bridge, Memorial, Across the Hudson River, 105
Bridge, New, at Niagara Falls, Michigan Central Railway, 299
Bridge, New, at Niagara Falls, Michigan Central Railway, 299
Canadian National Railways, Branch Line Construction from Macanik to Rouyn, 353, 517
Canadian National Railways, Branch Line Construction from Macanik to Rouyn, 353, 517                               T •
Canadian National Railways, Branch Lines, 299
Canadian National Railways, Branch Lines, 299
Canadian National Railways, List of ^ew Lines Decided Upon, 599
Canadian National Railways, List of <New
Lines Decided Upon, 599
Canadian National Railways’ Report, 517
Canadian National Railways’ Report, 517
  Canadian Pacific Railway, Lining Tunnel
    5 Miles in Length, 517
Canadian Pacific Railway, Lining Tunnel
Canadian Railways, Demand for Abolition of Costly Duplication, 545
5 Miles in Length, 517
Canadian Railways, Demand for Abolition of
Costly Duplication, 545
Canal Legislation Not Contemplated, 435
Canal Legislation Not Contemplated, 435
Canals (Continuation of Charging Powers), Bill, 15
Canals (Continuation of Charging Powers)^ Bill, 15
Capital and Revenue, Which Should Pay Cost of Betterment, 407
Capital and Revenue, Which Should Pay Cost of Betterment, 407
Cattle and Sheep Conveyance by Road and Railway, 517
Cattle and Sheep Conveyance by Road and Railway, 517
Central London and City (South London) Railways, Completion of Bank Station Alterations, 573
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, Bankruptcy of, 381
Central London and City (South London)
Railways, Completion of Bank Station Alterations, 573
Chicago, Milwaukee and Sb. Paul Railway, Bankruptcy of, 381
China, Szepingkai-Taonan Railway, 77
China, Szepingkai-Taonan Railway, 77
Chinese Railway Extension in Honan Province, 709
Chinese Railway Extension in Honan Province, 709
City and South London Extension Sections, Accuracy of Measurements, 405
City and South London Extension Sections, Accuracy of Measurements, 405
City and South London Railway, Pneumatically Opened Doors, 215
City and South London Railway, Pneumatically Opened Doors, 215
Clapham-Tooting Section of Morden Extension, Underground Company, 105
Clapham-Tooting Section of Morden Extension, Underground Company, 105
Code Words for Correspondence as well as Telegraphy on Certain Railways, 387
Code Words for Correspondence as well as
Telegraphy on Certain Railways, 387
Coppernob Locomotive as Exhibit, 545
Coppernob Locomotive as Exhibit, 545
Cost of Living and Increased Pay for Railwaymen, 15
Cost of Living and Increased Pay for Railwaymen, 15
Cost of Some Railway Projects in and near London, 461
Cost of Some Railway Projects in and near London, 461
Death of Mr. J. E. Charnley, 241
Death of Mr. J. E. Charnley, 241
  Death of Mr. John Davies, 435
  Death of Mr. James Holden, 625
Death of Mr. John Davies, 435
  Death of Mr. Logan McPherson, 435
Death of Mr. James Holden, 625
Death of Mr. Logan McPherson, 435
Delaware and Hudson Railway Car Shops, Ijnmunity from Accident to Employees, 407
Delaware and Hudson Railway Car Shops, Ijnmunity from Accident to Employees, 407
Divisional or Departmental Railway Control, 58!
Divisional or Departmental Railway Control, 581                                            -    .
Dukeries Proposed Railways, Great Opposition, 241, 299
Dukeries Proposed Railways, Great Opposition, 241, 299
Dutch Railways, Petrol-driven Motor Carriages for Certain Lines, 489
Dutch Railways, Petrol-driven Motor Carriages for Certain Lines, 489
Ecuadorian Government, New Railway, 435
Ecuadorian Government, New Railway, 435
Egyptian State Railway Freight Wagons Order, 517
Egyptian State Railway Freight Wagons Order, 517
Egyptian State Railways Inviting Tenders for Steel Coaches and Bridge, 545, 625
Egyptian State Railways Inviting Tenders for Steel Coaches and Bridge, 545, 625
Egyptian State Railways, New River Steamer Required, 407
Egyptian State Railways, New River Steamer Required, 407
Egyptian State Railways, Tenders Invited, 15
Egyptian State Railways, Tenders Invited, 15
Egyptian State Railways, Tenders for 400 Goods Trucks Wanted, 299
Electric Locomotives, New Typo Becoming Popular in America, 625
Egyptian State Railways, Tenders for 400
Goods Trucks Wanted, 299
Electric Locomotives, New Type Becoming Popular in America, 625
Electric Tramway to Connect San Lorenzo and El Libano, Colombia, 105
Electric Tramway to Connect San Lorenzo and El Libano, Colombia, 105
Electrification of Railways, Doubtful Advantage of, 189
Electrification of Railways, Doubtful Advantage of, 189
Engine Exchange between Two Railways for Testing Purposes, 407
Engine Exchange between Two Railways for Testing Purposes, 407
Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, Men’s Misconceptions, 133
Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, Men’s Misconceptions, 133
? Freeland, Major-General Sir Harry, Retirement, 653
Freeland, Major-General Sir Harry, Retirement, 653
George Stephenson Locomotive of 1823 Sent to Take Part in Railway Centenary Celebrations, 681
George Stephenson Locomotive of 1823 Sent to Take Part in Railway Centenary Celebrations, 681
German Railways’ Administrative Board, Appointment, 625
German Railways and Competition with River Shipping Companies, 489
. German Railways’ Administrative Board, Appointment, 625
German Railways and Competition with River Shipping Companies. 489
  German Train Telephonic Service, 406
German Train Telephonic Service, 406
Glasgow Tramway Material from United States, 489
Glasgow Tramway Material from United States, 489
  Goldfields Traffic in Canada, 353, 517
Goldfields Traffic in Canada, 353, 517
Government Surplus Locomotives Bought by Several Railways, 653
Government Surplus Locomotives Bought by Several Railways, 653
  Great Western Railway :
Great Western Railway :
Agreement Arrangements with Regard to Reduction of Staff, 681
Agreement Arrangements with Regard to Reduction of Staff, 681
Automatic Control System, 241
Automatic Control System, 241
Branch Lines, Non-paying and Possible Closing, 299
Branch Lines, Non-paying and Possible Closing, 299
Coal Trade, Export, Serious Effect of its Condition on the Railway, 704
Coal Trade, Export, Serious Effect of its Condition on the Railway, 704
    Electric Lighting on the Railway, 299
Gross Receipts and Decreased Rates, Increased Wages Percentage of Expenditure, 269
Electric Lighting on the Railway, 299
Gross Receipts and Decreased Rates, Increased Wages Percentage of Expenditure, 269                       r
National Union of Railwaymen and Reduction of South Wales Staff, 545
National Union of Railwaymen and Reduction of South Wales Staff, 545
Oxley and Kingswinsford New Line Opened, 573
Oxley and Kingswinsford New Line Opened, 573
Paddington - Plymouth Fast Afternoon Trains to be Restored, 214
Paddington Plymouth Fast Afternoon Trains to be Restored, 214
Safety First on the Great Western, 215
Safety First on the Great Western, 215
Signals, Battery-operated, 600 Installed,
Signals, Battery-operated, 600 Installed, 215
Summer Train Service, Opening Antedated, 625
Summer Train Service, Opening Antedated, 625
'Fime-saving by Through Running of Engines, 105
Time-saving by Through Running of Engines, 105
Torquay and Paignton Station Platforms, Arrangement, 215
Torquay and Paignton Station Platforms, Arrangement, 215
Guard’s Look-out Window on Passenger Trains, 278
Guard’s Look-out Window on Passenger Trains, 278
  Halwill-Torrington Railway Opening, 461
Halwill-Torrington Railway Opening, 461
Headlamps of Locomotives and Road Vehicles, 407
Headlamps of Locomotives and Road Vehicles, 407
Holyhead Inner Harbour Deepening Completed, 299
Holyhead Inner Harbour Deepening Completed, 299
Indian Government Railway Department, Change in Bridge Rules, 77
Indian Government Railway Department, Change in Bridge Rules, 77
  Indian Railway Accident Statistics, 407
Indian Railway Accident Statistics, 407
Indian Railway Budget, Proposed Capital Expenditure, 327
Indian Railway Budget, Proposed Capital Expenditure, 327
  Irish Free State Railway Combination, 353
Irish Free State Railway Combination, 353
Ishover Light Railway Opened for Public Traffic, 435
Ishover Light Railway Opened for Public Traffic, 435
Italian Railwaymen’s Offering to British Railwaymen at Centenary Celebrations, 431
Italian Railwaymen’s Offering to British Railwaymen at Centenary Celebrations, 431
  Jubilee of Newark Brake Trials, 625
Jubilee of Newark Brake Trials, 625
Khyber Railway, India, Construction and Progress, 573
Khyber Railway, India, Construction and Progress, 573
Labour Leaders’ Joint Conference, Agreement Doubtful, Mr. J. H. Thomas’ Views, 653
Labour Leaders’ Joint Conference, Agreement Doubtful, Mr. J. H. Thomas’ Views, 653
  Listowel Mono-railway, Dismantling, 105
Listowel Mono-railway, Dismantling, 105
Locomotive Manufacturers’ Association, Condition of Industry Pronounced Desperate, 681
Locomotive Manufacturers’ Association, Condition of Industry Pronounced Desperate, 681
  Locomotives, Cluj, 122
  London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
Locomotives, Cluj, 122
London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
Appointment of President, 517
Appointment of President, 517
Closed Stations, Demand for Reopening, 133
Closed Stations, Demand for Reopening, 133
Coal Tips at Garston Docks, Increase of Capacity, 545
Coal Tips at Gars ton Docks, Increase of Capacity, 545
Cranes, Two 50-Ton Overhead Travelling, for Horwich Ordered. 77
Cranes, Two 50-Ton Overhead Travelling, for Horwich Ordered. 77
Crewe Locomotive Works, Important Alterations and Additions, 381
Crewe Locomotive Works, Important Alterations and Additions, 381
Derby and Wolverton Works, Rapid Work in Assembling Rolling Stock, 269
Derby and Wolverton Works, Rapid Work in Assembling Rolling Stock, 269
Electrification Schemes, New Department, 327
Electrification Schemes, New Department, 327
Engines and Rolling Stock Ordered from Five Firms, 77
Engines and Rolling Stock Ordered from Five Firms, 77
Euston to Glasgow Night Express Divided to Travel to Different Stations, 681
Euston to Glasgow Night Express Divided to Travel to Different Stations, 681
Excursion Trains with Restaurant at Inclusive Fares, 632
Excursion Trains with Restaurant at Inclusive Fares, 632
Fleetwood Boat Train Alteration, 241
Fleetwood Boat Train Alteration, 241
Goods Stations Booklet with Map Issued, 133
Goods Stations Booklet with Map Issued, 133
Horwich Locomotive Works Busy, 133 10,000 Locomotives Renumbered, 161, 241
Horwich Locomotive Works Busy, 133 10,000 Locomotives Renumbered, 161.
Permanent^ Way Diversion on to New Bridge, Leeds-Holbeck, 489
Permanent^ Way Diversion on to New Bridge, Leeds-Holbeck, 489
Rivalry with London and North-Eastern, 353
Rivalry with London and North-Eastern, 353
St. Pancras and Bradford Express, 215
St. Pancras and Bradford Express, 215
Sherwood Forest, Railway Proposal Withdrawn, Joint Railway Projected, 353, 435 Sir Guy Granet’s Remarks, 327
    Turbine Steamer, Glen Sannox, 507
Sherwood Forest, Railway Proposal Withdrawn, Joint Railway Projected, 353, 435
  London and North-Eastern Railway :
Bill for Proposed Railway from Nottingham to Retford, 381 ; Scheme Withdrawn and Joint Railway Projected, 435 Cambridge Railway Station, Extensive Alterations Started, 133
Sir Guy Granet’s Remarks, 327
    Escalators at Liverpool-street, 599
Turbine Steamer, Glen Sannox, 507
London and North-Eastern Railway :
Bill for Proposed Railway from Nottingham to Retford, 381 ; Scheme Withdrawn and Joint Railway Projected, 435 Cambridge Railway Station, Extensive Alterations Started, 133
Escalators at Liverpool-street, 599
Great Northern Section Suburban Lines Electrification Question, 489
Great Northern Section Suburban Lines Electrification Question, 489
Harwich Boat Expresses, Coach Improvements, 461 ? z
Harrogate Pullman’s Change of Route, 545 Hull, Level Crossings Abolition, 653
Harwich Boat Expresses, Coach Improvements, 461       ■  ,
Harrogate Pullman’s Change of Route, 545 Hull, Level Crossings Abolition, 653
Hull Corporation and Level Crossings, Scheme Agreed Upon, 599
Hull Corporation and Level Crossings, Scheme Agreed Upon, 599
    King’s Cross and Bradford Express, 215
Parliamentary Fight Probable with London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 353 Presentation of Relics of Early Railway to L. and N.E. Museum, 353
King’s Cross and Bradford Express, 215
Parliamentary Fight Probable with London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 353 Presentation of Relics of Early Railway to L. and N.E. Museum, 353
Punctuality Shown by Train Run Records, 599
Punctuality Shown by Train Run Records, 599
Railway in the Dukeries, Rival Bills, 241 “ Sheffield Pullman’s ” Change of Route, 353
Railway in the Dukeries, Rival Bills, 241 “ Sheffield Pullman’s ” Change of Route.
Sunday Travel, Chairman’s Views on Public Demand, 635
Sunday Travel, Chairman’s Views on Public Demand, 635
London Underground Railways, New Electrical Equipment Programme, 327
London Underground Railways, New Electrical Equipment Programme, 327
London Underground Railways, New Escalators, 492
London Underground Railways, New Escalators, 492
Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway, Financial Trouble, 573
Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway, Financial Trouble, 573
Madras Suburbs’ Railway Lines Improvement, 517
Madras Suburbs’ Railway Lincs Improvement, 517
Madrid, Proposed Central Railway Station, 299
Madrid, Proposed Central Railway Station, 299
  Madrid, Proposed Further Facilities. 435
Madrid, Proposed Further Facilities. 435
Madrid Railway and Station Construction, 461
Madrid Railway and Station Construction, 461
Manchester, Victoria and Exchange Stations Alterations, 573
Manchester, Victoria and Exchange Stations
Alterations, 573
Maritzburg-Glencoe Section of Natal Main Line Electrification Cost, 299
Maritzburg-Glencoe Section of Natal Main Line Electrification Cost, 299
Metropolitan and Great Central Joint Line Automatic Signals, 46
Metropolitan and Great Central Joint Line Automatic Signals, 46
  Metropolitan Railway Dividend, 189
  Ministry of Transport:
Metropolitan Railway Dividend, 189
Ministry of Transport:
Application for Power to Construct New Line made by London Electric Railways Company, 269
Application for Power to Construct New Line made by London Electric Railways Company, 269
Automatic Train Control, Experts Examining the Question, Accident Inspectors’ Recommendations, 269
Automatic Train Control, Experts Examining the Question, Accident Inspectors’ Recommendations, 269
Bridges, Difficulty for Highway Authorities, 47
Bridges, Difficulty for Highway Authorities, 47
Debate on the Vote for the Ministry, Differing Views as to Progress of Electrification, 625
Debate on the Vote for the Ministry, Differing Views as to Progress of Electrification, 625
Light Railway Order for Liverpool, 681
Light Railway Order for Liverpool, 681
Live Wire or Live Rail in Railway Electrification, 461
Live Wire or Live Rail in Railway Electrification, 461
Ministry’s Railway Statistics for September, 1924, 15 ; for October, 133 ; for December, 353
Ministry’s Railway Statistics for September, 1924, 15 ; for October, 133 ; for December, 353
Preliminary Statement, 435
Preliminary Statement, 435
    Railway Returns for 1924, Passenger and
      Freight Statistics, 133
Railway Returns for 1924, Passenger and
    Railway Results for January, 1925, 488
    Railway Results for February, 1925, 653
Freight Statistics, 133
    Railway Results for March, 1925, 709
Railway Results for January, 1925, 488
Railway Results for February, 1925, 653
Railway Results for March, 1925, 709
Pneumatically Operated Doors on London Tube Railways, 461
Pneumatically Operated Doors on London Tube Railways, 461
South-East London and Railway Facilities, Minister’s Reply to Deputations, 269
South-East London and Railway Facilities, Minister’s Reply to Deputations, 269
Motor Omnibuses to Replace Tramways in America Reported, 709
Motor Omnibuses to Replace Tramways in America Reported, 709
  National Union of Railwaymen :
National Union of Railwaymen :
All-grades Programme and the Companies, 327, 573
All-grades Programme and the Companies, 327, 573
Coal Trade of South Wales, Necessity of Reduction in Wages Bill, Proposals to Men, 489, 545
Coal Trade of South Wales, Necessity of Reduction in Wages Bill, Proposals to Men, 489, 545
    National Union and Craft Unions, 573
National Union and Craft Unions, 573
National Union of Railwaymen, Fatuous Ideas of Ex-President, 381
National Union of Railwaymen, Fatuous Ideas of Ex-President, 381
National Wages Board and Sunday Work Claims, 133
National Wages Board and Sunday Work Claims, 133
  New South Wales Railways, Fay-Raven
. Report, 241
New South Wales Railways, Fay-Raven Report, 241
  New Year Honours for Railwaymen, 47
New Year Honours for Railwaymen, 47
New Zealand Railways’ Administration, Commissioners’ Recommendations, 15
New Zealand Railways’ Administration, Commissioners’ Recommendations, 15
Niagara River, Proposed New Railway Bridge Over, 435
Niagara River, Proposed New Railway Bridge Over, 435
North Swedish Coast, Progress of Railway, 461
North Swedish Coast, Progress of Railway, 461
North-Western Quebec, New Railways to Tap Rich Gold Area, 353 ; Refusal of Right of Way, 517
North-Western Quebec, New Railways to Tap Rich Gold Area, 353 ; Refusal of Right of Way, 517
Northern Parliament Powers and the Bally- castle Railway, 15
Northern Parliament Powers and the Bally-castle Railway, 15
Nova Scotia, Automatic Control, New Invention, Company Formed, 353
Nova Scotia, Automatic Control, New Invention, Company Formed, 353
  P.L.M., New Line in Algeria, 47
P.L.M., New Line in Algeria, 47
Peace River Country, Alberta, Settlement, Railway Prospects, 161
Peace River Country, Alberta, Settlement, Railway Prospects, 161
  Pekin Tramcar Company’s Third Route, 435
Pekin Tramcar Company’s Third Route, 435
Persian Concession for New Line from Teheran to Tabriz, 132
Persian Concession for New Line from Teheran to Tabriz, 132
Piccadilly-circus New Station and Subways, 215
Piccadilly-circus New Station and Subways, 215
Platform Automatic Indicators, New Installations, 407
Platform Automatic Indicators, New Installations, 407
Poland and Yugo-slavia, Direct Railway Conference, 435
Poland and Yugo-slavia, Direct Railway Conference, 435
Polish Coal Mining District, Long-distance Electric Tramway Construction, 269
Polish Coal Mining District, Long-distance Electric Tramway Construction, 269
Power Brakes and Appliances, American Investigation, 215
Power Brakes and Appliances, American Investigation, 215
Quebec, North-Western, Undeveloped Area to be Opened up by New Railway, 15, 47
Quebec, North-Western, Undeveloped Area to be Opened up by New Railway, 15, 47
Rail-testing on Boston Elevated Railroad, Results, 161
Rail-testing on Boston Elevated Railroad, Results, 161
Railway Material Exports Statistics, 161, 269, 327, 435, 573, 681
Railway Material Exports Statistics, 161, 269, 327, 435, 573, 681
  Railwaymen’s Unions and Demands, 133, 327
  Railway Rates Tribunal:
Railwaymen’s Unions and Demands, 133, 327
Railway Rates Tribunal :
Capital Works, Extravagance of Competitive Schemes, 681
Capital Works, Extravagance of Competitive Schemes, 681
    Economies in Railway Working, 649
Schedules of Standard Charges, Speeding- up Settlement, 489
Economies in Railway Working, 649
Schedules of Standard Charges, Speeding-up Settlement, 489
Standard Charges Settlement, 189
Standard Charges Settlement, 189
Standard Revenue, Basis of Agreement, 517
Standard Revenue, Basis of Agreement, 517
Bailway Trestles in Time of Floods, F. M. Holmquist, 327
Railway Trestles in Time of Floods, F. M. Holmquist, 327
Railways Act, 1921, Its Benefits to Railway Companies, 545
Railways Act, 1921, Its Benefits to Railway Companies, 545
  Rainfall, Abnormal, and Railway Damage, 47
Rainfall, Abnormal, and Railway Damage, 47
Rating of Railways, Complications of the Question, 653
Rating of Railways, Complications of the Question, 653
St. Paul’s Safety Measures Sub-committee, Railway Engineers as Members, 381
St. Paul’s Safety Measures Sub-committee, Railway Engineers as Members, 381
Sao Paulo Government and Railway Concessions, 47
Sao Paulo Government and Railway Concessions, 47
Sleeping Accommodation, Letters to The Times, 681
Sleeping Accommodation, Letters to The Times, 681
South African Railways, Day Colour Light Signals, 77
South African Railways, Day Colour Light Signals, 77
South African Railways, Good Results Shown by Statistics, 47
South African Railways, Good Results Shown by Statistics, 47
  Southern Railway :
      Bridge Strengthening and Rebuilding, 573
Southern Railway :
Bridge Strengthening and Rebuilding, 573
Brighton Section, Electrical Services Extended, 381
Brighton Section, Electrical Services Extended, 381
Brighton Station, Passenger Statistics for 1924, 346
Brighton Station, Passenger Statistics for 1924, 346
“ Chatham ” Station at Victoria, Improvements, 77
“ Chatham ” Station at Victoria, Improvements, 77
Conversion of Certain Lines, Difficulties Removed by Grouping, 599
Conversion of Certain Lines, Difficulties Removed by Grouping, 599
Cross-over Junctions to Facilitate Independence of Electrical and Main Lines, 599
Cross-over Junctions to Facilitate Independence of Electrical and Main Lines, 599
Exeter, Queen-street Station Improvement, 709
Exeter, Queen-street Station Improvement, 709
Hastings and St. Leonards Tunnels, Projected Widening, 299
Hastings and St. Leonards Tunnels, Projected Widening, 299
Indicators for Railway Platforms, New Type, 517
Indicators for Railway Platforms, New Type, 517
  Southern Railway (continued):
Southern Railway (continued):
“ King Arthur ” Class Locomotive, New Bridge to Carry it, 599
“ King Arthur ” Class Locomotive, New Bridge to Carry it, 599
Mis-sent Train and the Upshot, 461
Mis-sent Train and the Upshot, 461
Naming of New Engines, 299
Naming of New Engines, 299
Portsmouth Railway Stations, New Proposals, 327
Portsmouth Railway Stations, New Proposals, 327
    Punctuality of Railway, Statement, 435
Punctuality of Railway, Statement, 435
Signals, Projected Day Colour Light Automatic, for Portion of London Area, 77, 215
Signals, Projected Day Colour Light Automatic, for Portion of London Area, 77, 215
Station’s Name Illumination at Horsham, 709
Station’s Name Illumination at Horsham, 709
Vehicles being Prepared for Electrification, 15
Vehicles being Prepared for Electrification, 15
  Spanish Railway Engines and Cars to be '? Home-made, 15
Spanish Railway Engines and Cars to be Home-made, 15
Statistics, South African and United States, 47
Statistics, South African and United States, 47
Steel Construction of Railway Vehicles, Pros and Cons, 105
Steel Construction of Railway Vehicles, Pros and Cons, 105
Steel Signal Arms Bent by Wind, 105
Stockholm-Gothenburg Electrification, 299
Steel Signal Arms Bent by Wind, 105
Subway Car, Improved Type for America, 461 “ Sunny South Special ” and Vacuum Brake, 599
Stockholm-Gothenburg Electrification, 299
Subway Car, Improved Type for America, 461 “ Sunny South Special ” and Vacuum Brake, 599
Sweden, Projected Railway and State Loan, 77
Sweden, Projected Railway and State Loan, 77
Swiss States Subsidy for Completion of Furka Railway, 350
Swiss States Subsidy for Completion of Furka Railway, 350
Tasmanian Engineers to Supervise Railway Construction in Spain, 77
Tasmanian Engineers to Supervise Railway Construction in Spain, 77
Tests of New Roads and Connections to Eliminate any Possibility of Mistakes, 545 Tourist Traffic to Ireland and Kingstown Pier Accommodation, 189
Tests of New Roads and Connections to Eliminate any Possibility of Mistakes, 545
Tourist Traffic to Ireland and Kingstown Pier Accommodation, 189
Tramway Renewal, A Night’s Work in Glasgow, 189
Tramway Renewal, A Night’s Work in Glasgow, 189
Tramway Route, New, in Edinburgh, 489
Tramway Route, New, in Edinburgh, 489
Underground Poster, Analysis of Receipts and Expenditure, 299
Underground Poster, Analysis of Receipts and Expenditure, 299
Unemployment Alleviation Methods, 15
Unemployment Alleviation Methods, 15
Venezuela and Colombia, Junction under Construction to Unite Railways in, 77
Venezuela and Colombia, Junction under Construction to Unite Railways in, 77
Viaduct, First Example of its Kind in the World, Great Northern (of Ireland) Railway, 269
Viaduct, First Example of its Kind in the World, Great Northern (of Ireland) Railway, 269
Victoria Government Railway, Electrifying Part of, 653
Victoria Government Railway, Electrifying Part of, 653
Victoria Railway, Experiments with New Rail Motor, 709
Victoria Railway, Experiments with New Rail Motor, 709
Wagons for Mineral Traffic, Profits on Letting Out for Hire, 625
Wagons for Mineral Traffic, Profits on Letting Out for Hire, 625
Walsall Tramway’s Increased Profits, 638
Walsall Tramway’s Increased Profits, 638
Warsaw, Projected 28 Miles Long Electric Tramway, 517
Warsaw, Projected 28 Miles Long Electric Tramway, 517
Water Power in Austria, Development, and Railway Electrification, 461
Water Power in Austria, Development, and Railway Electrification, 461
Welsh Local Authorities’ Request for Doubling of Single Lines, 709
Welsh Local Authorities’ Request for Doubling of Single Lines, 709
Western Canada, Railway Goods Charges in, 353
Western Canada, Railway Goods Charges in, 353
RECLAMATION Work in Italy, 269
RECLAMATION Work in Italy, 269
Ribble River, Preston, Training Walls to be Constructed, 709
Ribble River, Preston, Training Walls to be Constructed, 709
Rock-fill Dam, Kentuckv, Largest in the World, 461
Rock-fill Dam, Kentucky, Largest in the World, 461
Roofing Material Pyropruf, Testing, 489
Roofing Material Pyropruf, Testing, 489
Roving Steamer for Extraction of Bromine from Sea Water, 461
Roving Steamer for Extraction of Bromine from Sea Water, 461
Rubber Research Institution in Malaya, 105
Rubber Research Institution in Malaya, 105
Russian Agriculture and Electric Ploughs, 435
Russian Agriculture and Electric Ploughs, 435
Russian Great Waterway Projected, 320
Russian Great Waterway Projected, 320
Russian Soviet Government’s Agreement with British Firm for Erection of Oil Cracking Factory, 625
Russian Soviet Government’s Agreement with
British Firm for Erection of Oil Cracking Factory, 625
Russian Visitors to America for Works Inspection and Equipment Orders, 215
Russian Visitors to America for Works Inspection and Equipment Orders, 215
“ SAFETY First ” Device by Model Van, J.
“SAFETY First” Device by Model Van, J.
  Lyons and Co., 517
Lyons and Co., 517
St. Lawrence River Power Development, 215
St. Lawrence River Power Development, 215
San Joaquin River Water Diverted by Tunnel, 545
San Joaquin River Water Diverted by Tunnel, 545
Sawdust Roads, Experiments with View to Making, 599
Sawdust Roads, Experiments with View to Making, 599
Scholarships for Apprentices, 523
Scholarships for Apprentices, 523
Scholarships, B.E.A.M.A., 567
Scholarships, B.E.A.M.A., 567
Scholarships. Engineering, Norton and Gregory, 541
Scholarships. Engineering, Norton and Gregory, 541
Science Museum at South Kensington, Stationary Engine Exhibits Catalogue, 256
Science Museum at South Kensington, Stationary Engine Exhibits Catalogue, 256
Scientific and Industrial Research, New Members of Advisory Council, 215
Scientific and Industrial Research, New Members of Advisory Council, 215
Seismograph Station, A Sixth Established in Quebec, 625
Seismograph Station, A Sixth Established in Quebec, 625
Sewerage Scheme, Extensive, for Knutsford, 653
Sewerage Scheme, Extensive, for Knutsford, 653
Shanghai, Single-deck Motor Omnibus Statistics, 517
Shanghai, Single-deck Motor Omnibus Statistics, 517
Shannon Power Scheme Report, Dr. H. H.
Shannon Power Scheme Report, Dr. H. H.
  Jeffcott, 653
Jeffcott, 653
American Ships, Conversion of Fourteen Steamers to Motor Ships, 489
American Ships, Conversion of Fourteen Steamers to Motor Ships, 489
Barrow and New York Steamer Service to Cease, 133
Barrow and New York Steamer Service to Cease, 133
Bulkheads and Water-tight Subdivision of Passenger Steamships, Board of Trade Report, 241
Bulkheads and Water-tight Subdivision of Passenger Steamships, Board of Trade Report, 241
Chauncy Maples Steamer on Lake Nyassa, Thirty Years Old and Still Valuable, 105
Chauncy Maples Steamer on Lake Nyassa, Thirty Years Old and Still Valuable, 105
Commonwealth Lighthouse Service, Launch of Two Steamers for, 133
Commonwealth Lighthouse Service, Launch of Two Steamers for, 133
Conciliation Machinery for Shipbuilding Federations, 299
Conciliation Machinery for Shipbuilding Federations, 299
Corrugated-sided Ships, Greater Efficiency of, 599
Corrugated-sided Ships, Greater Efficiency of, 599
Cunarder Saxonia Sold for Breaking-up, 299
Cunarder Saxonia Sold for Breaking-up, 299
Deck Equipment of the Discovery, Pacific Exploration Vessel, 709
Deck Equipment of the Discovery, Pacific Exploration Vessel, 709
Diesel-electric Tanker, New Arrangement of Engine-room, 215
Diesel-electric Tanker, New Arrangement of Engine-room, 215
Fifty Years of Yacht Designing, G. L. Watson and Co., 544
Fifty Years of Yacht Designing, G. L. Watson and Co., 544
Flettner Rotor Ship, Report of Another, 599
Flettner Rotor Ship, Report of Another, 599
Flettner Rotor Ships, Two New, Ordered, 105
Flettner Rotor Ships, Two New, Ordered, 105
Funnel Markings of Destroyer Flotillas, 545
Funnel Markings of Destroyer Flotillas, 545
German Naval Administration, First Large Rotor Ship, 517
German Naval Administration, First Large Rotor Ship, 517
Glatton, Monitor, Wreck of, to be Removed from Harbour, 15
Glatton, Monitor, Wreck of, to be Removed from Harbour, 15
  Grain Cargo-loading Record, 327
Grain Cargo-loading Record, 327
Japanese, Large, Ship Taken up River to Shanghai, 517
Japanese, Large, Ship Taken up River to Shanghai, 517
L.M.S. Turbine Steamer Glen Sannox, Official Trials, 625
L.M.S. Turbine Steamer Glen Sannox, Official Trials, 625
  Majestic, Reported Crack Discovery, 15
  Montrose Liner, Quick Overhaul, 489
Majestic, Reported Crack Discovery, 15 Montrose Liner, Quick Overhaul, 489
  Motor Boat, Fast, Races on the Thames, 545
  Motor Lifeboat Construction Progress, 77
Motor Boat, Fast, Races on the Thames, 545
Motor Lifeboat Construction Progress, 77
Motor Vessel Production Increasing, Chiefly on the Continent, 381
Motor Vessel Production Increasing, Chiefly on the Continent, 381
Ocean Towing, Record Long Distance, 435 Railway-owned Vessels—see Railways Rotor Ship, Arrival of the Flettner/ 227 Scapa Flow Salving of German Destroyers,
    Progress, 407, 517, 573, 709
Ocean Towing, Record Long Distance, 435 Railway-owned Vessels—see Railways Rotor Ship, Arrival of the Plettner," 227 Scapa Flow Salving of German Destroyers,
  Shipbuilding Trades’ Investigation, 637
  Signal by Combined Visible and Whistle
Progress, 407, 517, 573, 709
    Device for Motor Ships, 269
  Tees Shipbuilding Order, 573
Shipbuilding Trades’ Investigation, 637
  Tyne Shipbuilding Output Statistics, 15
United States Steam Ship to Motor Ship, Conversion. 415
Signal by Combined Visible and Whistle
Device for Motor Ships, 269
Tees Shipbuilding Order, 573
Tyne Shipbuilding Output Statistics, 15
United Stales Steam Ship to Motor Ship, Conversion. 415
Vancouver Harbour Ship Traffic Statistics, 161
Vancouver Harbour Ship Traffic Statistics, 161
Wellfield, Steamer, Little Damaged by Dockflooding, 489
Wellfield, Steamer, Little Damaged by Dockflooding, 489
SIDMOUTH, Estimated Cost of Breakwater, 599
SIDMOUTH, Estimated Cost of Breakwater, 599
Silkworm Cocoon Chrysalis as Food, 215
Silkworm Cocoon Chrysalis as Food, 215
Slag Accumulations in Cement Kilns Dislodged by Shooting, 461
Slag Accumulations in Cement Kilns Dislodged by Shooting, 461
Slide Rules, Constructional Improvement in, J. Davis and Son (Derby), Ltd., 309
Slide Rules, Constructional Improvement in, J. Davis and Son (Derby), Ltd., 309
Snow in the Streets, New Svstem of Disposal, 269
Snow in the Streets, New System of Disposal,
Soapstone Discovery in Calcutta District, 241 Solid Silver, Effort to Increase Use in America 269
Soapstone Discovery in Calcutta District, 241 Solid Silver, Effort to Increase Use in America 269
South African Irrigation, 122
South African'Irrigation, 122
South African’s Production of Base Metals, 681
South African’s Production of Base Metals, 681
South African Year Book, 473
South African Year Book, 473
Southampton University College, Open Engineering Exhibitions Offered, 422
Southampton University College, Open Engineering Exhibitions Offered, 422
Soviet Government and White Lead Paints, 161
Soviet Government and White Lead Paints, 161
Standards—see British
Standards—see British
Steel—see Iron
Steel—see Iron
Stone for Sharpening Tools Discovered near Orbost, Australia, 599
Stone for Sharpening Tools Discovered near Orbost, Australia, 599
Straw Packing Without Purity Certificate, Dominion Government Insists on Return of Important Goods, 435
Straw Packing Without Purity Certificate, Dominion Government Insists on Return of Important Goods, 435
Subways in St. Louis, 189
Subways in St. Louis, 189
Suez Canal Annual Statistics, 489
Suez Canal Annual Statistics, 489
Sugar Growers’ Association’s Suggestion of United Reference to Expert Opinion, 625
Sugar Growers’ Association’s Suggestion of United Reference to Expert Opinion, 625
Sulphur Ores Roasting and a New Alloy, J.
Sulphur Ores Roasting and a New Alloy, J.
  Harris, 435
Harris, 435
Super-power Systems of the United States, Growth of, 606
Super-power Systems of the United States, Growth of, 606
Suspension Bridge Across the Firth of Forth at Queensferry, Projected, 161
Suspension Bridge Across the Firth of Forth at Queensferry, Projected, 161
Sydney Harbour Bridge, £16,000 Tool for Testing Cableways, 573
Sydney Harbour Bridge, £16,000 Tool for Testing Cableways, 573
TANK Failure in Boston, U.S.A., Six Years’ Litigation to Decide on the Cause, 189
TANK Failure in Boston, U.S.A., Six Years’
Litigation to Decide on the Cause, 189
Tansa Pipe Line Progress, 47
Tansa Pipe Line Progress, 47
Tariffs and their Object in Latin-America,
Tariffs and their Object in Latin-America,
  A. C. Rouse, 189
A. C. Rouse, 189
Technical College and Polytechnic Times, First Issue, 133
Technical College and Polytechnic Times, First Issue, 133
Technical Institute at Coventry, Generous Gifts of Machinery, 489
Technical Institute at Coventry, Generous Gifts of Machinery, 489
Telephone Damage by Snowstorm at Falkirk,
Telephone Damage by Snowstorm at Falkirk,
  Underground System Advantages, 407
Underground System Advantages, 407
Telephone Diaphragm, New Type, 161
Telephone Diaphragm, New Type, 161
Telephone Exchange tor Cairo, 299
Telephone Exchange tor Cairo, 299
Telephone Industry’s Effect in Stimulation of
Telephone Industry’s Effect in Stimulation of
Numerous Other Industries Involved in Manufacture, 269
Numerous ' Othei’ Industries Involved in Manufacture, 269
Telephone Kiosk, New Prize Design by Sir Gilbert Scott, 381
Telephone Kiosk, New Prize Design by Sir Gilbert Scott, 381
Telephonic, Through, Connection Established between Bombay and Delhi, 381
Telephonic, Through, Connection Established between Bombay and Delhi, 381
Tests of Flow of Water through Long Concrete
Tests of Flow of Water through Long Concrete
  Pipes, Formulae Values, 681
Pipes, Formulae Values, 681
Thermo-electric Pyrometers, Use of Platinum, 461
Thermo-electric Pyrometers, Use of Platinum, 461
Thin-lead Coloured Pencils, Alpco Pencils, Ltd., 554
Thin-lead Coloured Pencils, Alpco Pencils, Ltd., 554
Titanium Industry Suggested for Eastern Canada, 461
Titanium Industry Suggested for Eastern Canada, 461
Tornado Effect on Big Railway Span, 407
Tornado Effect on Big Railway Span, 407
Toronto, Association of Professional Engineers, Progress, 219
Toronto’s Rate of Building Twenty-one * Storeys, 709
Toronto, Association of "
neers, Progress, 219
Toronto's Rate of ~
Storeys, 709
Trade Unions, Statistics of Membership and Funds, 47
Trade Unions, Statistics of Membership and Funds, 47
Transit Sheds at Trafford Wharf, Two, for £300,000, 105
Transit Sheds at Trafford Wharf, Two, for £300,000, 105
Transport, Goods and Passenger, Increasing Use of Roads in United Kingdom, 489
Treasury Guarantees under the Trade Facilities Act, 545
Transport, Goods and Passenger, Increasing
Use of Roads in United Kingdom, 489
Treasury Guarantees under the Trade Facilities
Act, 545
Tunnel under the Mersey, Government Grants, 189
Tunnel under the Mersey, Government Grants, 189
Tunnel Under the Thames, Postponement of Consideration of Scheme, 709
Tunnel Under the Thames, Postponement of Consideration of Scheme, 709
Turbo-generator, Experimental, in California to Test Use of Natural Steam, 435
Tyne Commissioners Report Decrease in Output of Ships and of Coal Shipments, 353
Turbo-generator, Experimental, in California
to Test Use of Natural Steam, 435
Tyne Commissioners Report Decrease in Out
put of Ships and of Coal Shipments, 353
Tyne Pollution Inquiry, 599
Tyne Pollution Inquiry, 599
Professional Engi-Building Twenty-one ‘
UGANDA Oil Expectations, 15
UGANDA Oil Expectations, 15
Underpinning Concrete Columns of High
Underpinning Concrete Columns of High
  Building, 189
Building, 189
University of London :
University of London :
  Four Advanced Lectures in Mining, 227
Four Advanced Lectures in Mining, 227
Four Advanced Lectures on Chemical Combination in Metallic Alloys and its Nature, Professor C. A. Edwards, 245
Four Advanced Lectures on Chemical Combination in Metallic Alloys and its Nature, Professor C. A. Edwards, 245
University of Pittsburgh, Project for New 52-Storey Building, 161
University of Pittsburgh, Project for New 52-Storey Building, 161

VANADIUM Extraction from Iron Ore in Sweden, £>17
VANADIUM Extraction from Iron Ore in Sweden, 317
Vanadium from Swedish Phosphorus-bearing Ores, 435
Vanadium from Swedish Phosphorus-bearing Ores, 435
Vancouver’s Largest Grain Elevator, Rapid Construction of, 554
Vancouver’s Largest Grain Elevator, Rapid Construction of, 554
Vancouver New Canadian Pacific Pier, 545
Vancouver New Canadian Pacific Pier, 545
Venezuela Petroleum Production, 47
Venezuela Petroleum Production, 47
V.D.I. Meetings in Augsburg, 422
V.D.I. Meetings in Augsburg, 422
Vickers Westminster Amateur Operatic Society, 554
Vickers Westminster Amateur Operatic Society, 554
WAR Department Motor Van, 342
WAR Department Motor Van, 342
Washington, National Museum of Engineering, 299
Washington, National Museum of Engineering, 299
Water Energy, Potential, of the World, Estimate, 489
Water Energy, Potential, of the World, Estimate, 489
Water Power Plant Completed at Elko, British Columbia, 545
Water Power Plant Completed at Elko, British Columbia, 545
Bacteria in Wrater at Different Depths, 407 Barnsley Supply Increase, New Pumps, 489 Batley Corporation’s New Reservoir, 599
  Birmingham New Reservoir and Pumping
Bacteria in Water at Different Depths, 407 j Barnsley Supply Increase, New Pumps, 489 Batley Corporation’s New Reservoir, 599 Birmingham New Reservoir and Pumping
    Engines, Work Started, 625
Birmingham Water Committee’s New Pipe Line, 407
Engines, Work Started, 625
Birmingham Water Committee's New Pipe Line, 407
Buenos Aires, Neighbouring Districts of, Extensive Government Scheme for Water Supply and Drainage, 709
Buenos Aires, Neighbouring Districts of, Extensive Government Scheme for Water Supply and Drainage, 709
  California, New Supply for East Bay Cities,
WATER SUPPLY (continued):
California, New Supply for East Bay Cities, 15
  Esthonia, Up-to-date Waterworks for, 241
WATER SUPPLY {continued}:
Esthonia, Up-to-date Waterworks for, 241
Fourth Pipe Line from Thirlmere to Manchester, 517
Fourth Pipe Line from Thirlmere to Manchester, 517
  Karachi New Water Supply, 105
  Madras Supply, Measures for Increasing, 189
Karachi New Water Supply, 105
Madras Supply, Measures for Increasing, 189
Manchester Supply, Another Lake Requisitioned, 189
Manchester Supply, Another Lake Requisitioned, 189
Melbourne Water Supply, the Maroondah Dam, 188
Melbourne Water Supply, the Maroondah Dani, 188
New South Wales, Wollongong and Port Kembla, Additional Supply, 215
New South Wales, Wollongong and Port Kembla, Additional Supply, 215
Port Sudan Supply, Completion of Pipe Line, 489
Port Sudan Supply, Completion of Pipe Line, 489
Quebec, Storage Reservoir at Lake Metis, 189
Quebec, Storage Reservoir at Lake Metis, 189
Sheffield, Additional Water Supply Scheme, 77
Sheffield, Additional Water Supply Scheme, 77
Sydney, N.S.W., Scheme-to Supplement Supply, 545
Sydney, N.S.W., Scheme-to Supplement Supply, 545
Toronto, Supplementary Waterworks System, 47, 105
Toronto, Supplementary Waterworks System, 47, 105
Tsingtao Waterworks, Predicted End of German Plant and Japanese Pumps, 15
Tsingtao Waterworks, Predicted End of German Plant and Japanese Pumps, 15
Vancouver Waterworks System Extension, 592
Vancouver Waterworks System Extension, 592
  Water Consumption in Sydney, N.S.W., 189
Water Consumption in Sydney, N.S.W., 189
Water Waste in America, Uncharted Discharges, 353
Water Waste in America, Uncharted Discharges, 353
  Wooden Water Main Laid in 1874, 15
Wooden Water Main Laid in 1874, 15
WELDING Aluminium, New German Process, 189
WELDING Aluminium, New German Process, 189
Welland Canal, Big Contract for Canadian Company, 15, 545
Welland Canal, Big Contract for Canadian Company, 15, 545
West Australian Oil Hunt Pronounced Hopeless, 15
West Australian Oil Hunt Pronounced Hopeless, 15
Western Australia, Engineers Wanted, 461
Western Australia, Engineers Wanted, 461
Whitworth Society, Annual Dinner, 27
Whitworth Society, Annual Dinner, 27
Windmill, 200 Years’ Old, near Hastings,
  Collapse of, 709
I Windmill, 200 Years’ Old, near Hastings, Collapse of, 709
Wire Rope Vibration Dangers, G. H. Griffiths, 299
Wire Rope Vibration Dangers, G. H. Griffiths, 299
Wire Rope Works, New, at Newcastle, N.S.W., 407
Wire Rope Works, New, at Newcastle, N.S.W., 407
Wire Weaving Loom, Largest in the World, 269
Wire Weaving Loom, Largest in the World, 269
American and Swedish Wireless Amateurs’ Two-hour Test, 161
American and Swedish Wireless Amateurs’ Two-hour Test, 161
Austrian Broadcasting Developing, 327
Austrian Broadcasting Developing, 327
Belgium’s One Broadcasting Station. 681
Big Ben Broadcasting Microphone, 681
Belgium’s One Broadcasting Station, 681
Broadcast Transmitting Apparatus at Marconi House Re-established, 681
Big Ben Broadcasting Microphone, 681 Broadcast Transmitting Apparatus at Marconi House Re-established, 681
Broadcasting Conference of European Authorities, 373
Broadcasting Conference of European Authorities, 373
Broadcasting and Interference, Northolt Station Accused, 105
Broadcasting and Interference, Northolt Station Accused, 105
Broadcasting Receiving Apparatus, Lecture, G. E. Jones, 353
Broadcasting Receiving Apparatus, Lecture, G. E. Jones, 353
Canada, North-Western Section of North- West Territories, Completion of Wireless System, 435
Canada, North-Western Section of North-West Territories, Completion of Wireless System, 435
China and Amateur Radio Work, 327
China and Amateur Radio Work, 327
Colombo, Modern High-power Broadcasting Station, 461
Colombo, Modern High-power Broadcasting Station, 461
Greenland’s New Wireless System, 161
Greenland’s New Wireless System, 161
Indian Radio Telegraph Company, Prospectus and Objects, 353
Indian Radio Telegraph Company, Prospectus and Objects, 353
Indian Station for Commercial Service with I United Kingdom, 327
Indian Station for Commercial Service with United Kingdom, 327
Institute of Patentees’ Assistance Sought by B.B. Company, 435
Institute of Patentees’ Assistance Sought by B.B. Company, 435
Japan and San Francisco, Wireless Communication Over 4500 Miles, 77
Japan and San Francisco, Wireless Communication Over 4500 Miles, 77
Japanese and American Wireless Schemes, 407
Japanese and American Wireless Schemes, 407
Listening-in, Near and Distant Reception.
Listening-in, Near and Distant Reception, 403
Marconi Clifden Station, Ireland, to be Dismantled, 709
Marconi Clifden Station, Ireland, to be Dismantled, 709
Marconi House, Change-over of Aerial to Oxford-street, 456
Marconi House, Change-over of Aerial to Oxford-street, 456
  Miners and Signals by Wireless, 47
  North-West Territories and Yukon Wireless
Miners and Signals by Wireless, 47
    System, Most Northerly Main Station, 625
  Oscillating Receiver Disturbance Tests, 407
North-West Territories and Yukon Wireless
  Radio Apparatus Exhibition at Zurich, 681
  Radio Direction Finding Stations for Indian
System, Most Northerly Main Station, 625
    Ports, Experimental Receivers, 435
Oscillating Receiver Disturbance Tests, 407
Radio Apparatus Exhibition at Zurich, 681
Radio Direction Finding Stations for Indian
Ports, Experimental Receivers, 435
Rating of Storage Batteries for Wireless Service, 189
Rating of Storage Batteries for Wireless Service, 189
Rugby High-power Wireless Station Progress, 353, 517
Rugby High-power Wireless Station Progress, 353, 517
Russian Wireless Development and Exhibition at Moscow, 599
Russian Wireless Development and Exhibition at Moscow, 599
Tracking Criminals by Wireless, Police Vans Equipped, 105
Tracking Criminals by Wireless, Police Vans Equipped, 105
Transmission of Wireless Messages, Reported Valuable Invention, 105
Transmission of Wireless Messages, Reported Valuable Invention, 105
Wireless Bill, Strong Objections to its New Provisions, 269
Wireless Bill, Strong Objections to its New Provisions, 269
WOLVERHAMPTON Local Sewage Plant Extension, 709
WOLVERHAMPTON Local Sewage Plant Extension, 709
Woman Member, The First, of Society of Engineers (Incorporated), 269
Woman Member, The First, of Society of Engi-neers (Incorporated), 269
Woolwich Research Report on “ Gun-wire,” Imperfect Elasticity, 77
Woolwich Research Report on “ Gun-wire,” Imperfect Elasticity, 77
ZINC Ore Smelted in Retorts, Residues from, 353
Zinc, Pure, for Alloy Purposes, Belgian Works Largely Increased Production, 269
Zoological Gardens, Casualties Among Tropical Birds in London, 241

== See Also ==
== See Also ==

Revision as of 09:51, 16 June 2020

The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Paragraphs Index.

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Index

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ABERDEEN University Engineering Department, Construction and Equipment, 299

Acid Tanks, Ingredients Used in Coating Interiors, 625


Aerial Surveys in Canada, 133

Aerodrome with Aviation School for Capital of Shansi Province, China, 709

Air Service Proposed between Kisumu, on Lake Victoria Nyanza and Khartum, 435

Airship Service to India, Base at Ismailia, 105

Aviation : Its Commercial Value by Timesaving, 299

Flying Boat for Mr. H. Vanderbilt, 681

Light Planes, Design of, and Engine Limits, 435

Navigraph, Apparatus for Steering, 573

R 36, 200ft. Mooring Mast for, at Ismailia, 517

Recorders for Aeroplanes, British and American Practice, 489

Royal Air Force Display, 473

Scholarship and Prize Awards by Air Ministry, 215

Seaplanes for Dutch Government, Napier Lion Engines, 105

Six and a-Half Days’ Airship Service between England and New Zealand, Commander Burney’s View, 489

Sweden, Manufacture of Aeroplanes in, 47

Two New Air Routes between Belfast and Great Britain, 133

Two Problems in Aeroplane Design, 299

United States Naval Seaplane Flight, Endurance Record, 517

Wright Aeroplane to Remain at Washington, 653

ALBERTA Main Highways Rapid Increase, 133

All-metal Roofs and Immunity from Lightning, 47

Alloy of Copper and Silicon, Resistance to Corrosion, 407

Alloys, Pyrophoric, Production of, Dr. M. F. Bugden, 47

Alluvial Platinum Fields Worked by Dredging, 461

Aluminium Alloys, Two New, 573

Aluminium Obtained by Hoope Electrolytical Process, 625

Aluminium as Protection of Metals Against High Temperature, 517

American Lead Pencils, 381

Ammonia, Synthetic, Plant for Manufacture by Claude Process, 161

Antimony and Bismuth, Imperial Institute Monographs, 189

Apprentices, Scholarships for, 523

Arsenic Output in Southern Rhodesia, 461

Asphalt Discovery in Manitoba, 133


Association, British :

Annual Meeting, Date and Presidents, 585

Association, British Acetylene and Welding :

Fluxes, Need for Scientific Examination and Price Reduction, Professor Darling, 133

Association of Engineers, Manchester : New Process for Mild Stainless Steel Production, H. S. Primrose, 15

Association of Mining Electrical Engineers :

North of England Branch :

Pole-mounted Outdoor Sub-stations, A. Bannister, 327

Association, Women’s Electrical :

Three Lectures, Miss M. Partridge, 309

Institute, Iron and Steel :

Annual Meeting and Dinner, 145, 447 ;

Programme, 447

Autumn Meeting, 145

Institute of Marine Engineers :

Fuel Economy, E. W. L. Nicol, 299

Student Graduate Examination Passes, 143

Institute of Metals :

Journal of Institute, Lectures and Papers, 169

Numerous Elections of Members and Students, 47

Institute of Physics :

Annual General Meeting, Annual Report, Elections of Officers, 625

Institution of Automobile Engineers :

President and Vice-presidents Elected, 105

Institution of Chemical Engineers :

Annual Meeting at Leeds, 595

Industrial Water Supply and Stream

Pollution, Symposium on, 595

Library Being Formed for the Institution, 685


Institution of Civil Engineers :

Annual General Meeting, Election of Council, 585

Awards for Papers, 529

Association of London Students :

Forty-fourth Annual Dinner, 365

Institution of Electrical Engineers :

Annual Dinner, 227

Awards of Premiums for Papers, 557

Awards of Students’ Premiums, 696

Engraved Plate for Production of Presidential Certificate, Present from Institution of Gas Engineers, 133

Examination for Associate Membership, 69, 256

Faraday Medal Award, 145; and Presentation, 309,353

International Conference on Extra High-tension Supply Systems, 327

Model Form of General Conditions of Contract (Export), 724

Permanent Magnets in Theory and Practice, S. Evershed, 309

War Memorial Book, 501

Institution of Gas Engineers :

Election of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and also of the Lord Mayor of Manchester as Honorary Members, 227

Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers :

Summer Meetings, 696 ; Programme, 696 Institution, Junior, of Engineers :

Acceleration of Work, Speed versus Haste, Dr. Russell, 215

Annual Dinner, 541

Institution of Mechanical Engineers :

North-Western Branch :

Annual Dinner, 365

Institution of Mining Engineers :

Scholarship in Mining, Mavor and Coulson, Award, 337

Institution of Mining and Metallurgy :

Awards of Medal, Premium and Prizes, 473 Institution of Naval Architects :

Annual Meetings, Annual Dinner, Offers of Medal and Premium for Papers, 170

Awards of Gold Medal and Premium, 155

Institution, North-East Coast, of Engineers and Shipbuilders :

Limiting Possibilities in Steam Plants, Professors A. L. Mellanby and William Kerr, 327


Institution of Petroleum Technologists : Election of President and Vice-presidents, 221

Institution, Royal :

Annual Meeting, Reports, Election of Officers, 532

Benzene Centenary Celebration, “ Faraday as a Chemist,” 668

General Meetings and Elections, 170, 283, 447, 557, 668

Programme of Lectures, 557

Sir Humphry Davy’s Letters, Valuable Gift to Association, Legacy, 447

Institution of Structural Engineers : Formation of Sectional Committees of the

Science Committee, 227

Officers and Council for Session, 668

Society of Chemical Industry :

Birmingham and Midland Section :

Iron in Antiquity, by Dr. J. Newton Friend, 215

London Section :

Tar Distillation, Breaking-up Pitch by Novel Method, C. O. Condrup, 215

Society, Faraday :

General Discussion at Oxford, Photochemical Reactions in Liquids and Gases, 693

Joint Meeting, Symposium and Discussion, 579

Physical Chemistry of Steel-making Processes, 579

Society, Royal, of Arts :

Fothergill Prize for Essay, 557

Joint Meeting :

Non-stop Flight to the Netherlands East Indies, Mr. T. a Thuessink van der Hoop, 517

AT AL ANT A, Ltd., Works Run Entirely by Women, 681

Atmospheric Conditions, Effect on Workers, Experiments, 269

Australian Eucalyptus Timber and Paper Manufacture, 681

Australia’s Deficiency in Underground Water, Fresh and Salt Water from Neighbouring Bores, 545

Automobile Club, The Royal, Demonstration of Anti-dazzle Headlamps and Devices, 215

BEET Sugar Factory at Wellington, Farmers' Undertaking to Grow Beet, 489

Beet Sugar Factory near Yeovil to Work on Next Year’s Crop, 133

Beet Sugar Factories, ^Estimated Cost and Proportion Expended in this Country, 709

Beet Sugar Filtered with Bone Charcoal, No such Plant yet Available in Britain, 133

Belfast Association of Engineers, 554

Bell, 10 Tons in Weight, Fourth Largest in the

Country, at Bristol University, 461

Bentonite, Canadian, for Soap-making, 381

Bentonite Used in Wet Grinding of Asphalt 77

Bideford Fourteenth Century Bridge Reopened, 653

Bihar and Orissa, Attempt to Force Back River to its Old Channel, 407

Birmingham Fire Brigade New Equipment for Emergencies affecting Breathing, 15

Birmingham to the Sea Canal Scheme, Parliamentary Assistance Question, 653

Birmingham University Establishing School of Sugar, 133

Birmingham University New Buildings, 77

Black Country Reminiscences, Duncan J. Shedden, 353

Black Country Waste Dumps, Proposals for Utilisation, 133

Boiler Accident, Unusual, on Dredger, 545

Boiler Ashes in a Wet State, Test of Water

Consumed in Handling, 161

Boiler Explosion, Cause of Failure, 77

Boiler Explosion and Danger of Replacing

Rivets by Bolts, 545

Boiler Explosion, Formal Investigation, 709

Boiler Water Gauges, Board of Trade Notice, 299

Bomb, Live German, Retrieved from Thames

Mud at Waterloo Bridge, 573

Brassfounders in China, Their Poor Pay, 709

Brick Walls, Relative Strength Tests with

Different Mortars, 407

Bridge at Boothferry Over the Ouse, Cost of, 133

Bridge-building Rivets, Unsatisfactory, and the Remedy, 469

Bridge to Connect Montreal with South Shore, 573

Bridge, Damoodar River, near Telmueho, Opened for Traffic, 77

Bridge, Highway, Over Copenhagen Harbour, 335

Bridge, New, Over the Derwent at Baslow

Opened, 545

Bridge Over the Dee at Q.ueensferry, 105

Bridge Over the Hudson at Castleton, New

York, 545

Bridge Over the White Nile at Khartum, 189

Bridge Renewal at Hampton Court, 653

Bridge Replacement at Sunderland, 189

Bridges, Two, to Connect Staten Island with

New Jersey, 47

Brighton Sewers Board Loan, 573

Brinell Hardness Numbers, Table of, 309

British Chemical Standards, Non-ferrous

Standard Samples, 614

British Columbia, Second Narrows of Burrard

Inlet, Road and Railway Bridge under Construction for, 435

B.E.A.M.A. Scholarships, 567

British Embassy at Tokyo to Replace that Damaged by Earthquake, 599

British Engineering Standards Association : \

Building Materials, Sectional Committee and

Sub-committees to be Appointed, 240

Election of Officers and Members, 573

Standard Specifications:

Bus-bars and Connections, 473, 681

Marine Flanges, 61

Non-ferrous Locomotive Material, Re

vision of Specifications for, 309

British Foundrymen, Institution of :

Birmingham Branch :

Pyrometric Control of Annealing Temperatures, D. Wilkinson, 104

Lancashire Branch :

John Wilkinson Medal Examination, 468

Sheffield and District and East Midland Branches :

Visit to Yorkshire Ironworks, 337

Broadcasting—see Wireless

Building Material, “ Celotex ” Manufactured from Sugar Cane Residue, 47

Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, 473

c CABLE Ploughing Tackle, British versus German in France, 133

Cables, Four New Rapid-transmission Transoceanic, Projected, 599

Calcutta Canal Bridges Replacement to Carry Heavier Traffic, 407

Cambridge University Engineering Department, Conversazione, 360

Canada, Proposed Hydro-electric Power Plant, 435

Canada, Water Power Resources of, 240

Canadian Roads and Federal Aid System, 407

Carbide Lamps or Candles Underground, Carbon

Dioxide Dangers, 407

Carbon Black Manufacture from Oils by Electrical Process, 133

Carillon, Largest in the World, 517

Cars, Pleasure and Commercial, Increased

Export from the United States, 269

Catalogues for Palestine, 611

Causeway to Cost 12 Million Dollars near New

Orleans, 189

Cauvery Dam (Krishnarajasagara), Grant from Mysore Government, 241

Cauvery Dam, Revised Estimates for Works Sanctioned, 545

Cement Factory to be Built near Cambridge, 299

Cement Factory Erection at Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 77

Cement Factory near Northfleet, Proposed

Largest in the Country, 201, 241

Central Heating Experiments in Berlin, 241

Central Heating for Institutional Buildings in Canada, 133

Chefoo Harbour All-steel Cargo Sheds, 517

Chemical Work? on the Tyne, Projected, 105

ChTCa¥°’STAbS^aCti.?n of Wafcer Great rvi Loss Entailed, 299

Scheme,G^ernment Construction

Chimney Collapse, Fatal, near Leipzig, 709

Chimney, Reinforced Concrete, 300ft. High in

Australia, 189 ®

Chimney’s Resistance to Demolition by Dynamite, 653 J J

China, Official Estimate of Population, 15

China s Two Largest Zinc Mines, 625

Chinese Cities, Widening of Streets, 327


Accidental Coal Discovery at Ilkeston, 105 Alberta s Coal Production, 327

Anthracite Coal, Excellent Seam Struck in New Glanamman Colliery, 381

Argada Colliery, First Opened on Karanpura Coalfield, India, 687

Bengal Coal Quality and Quantity, Increasing Importations, 15

Bentley Colliery Starting New Seam Below Barnsley Bed, 133

Bly th, New Coaling Staithes Equipment, 435 Boring Operations at Sutton, South of Doncaster, 299

British India Coal Output Statistics, 161

Brodsworth Colliery, New Third Shaft Working, 189

Carboscope for Estimation of Ash Content in Coal, 15

C1?09 C°al Seam Discovery Near Suiyuan,

Coal Dust in Mines, Methods of Control, 189 Coal Getting, The Best Method, Mavor and

Coulson’s View, 709

Coal-handling Plant at Port Sudan, 133

Coal Mme Fire Ended by a Year’s Labour, 353

Coal in New South Wales, New Discoveries, 407

Coal Output of the United Kingdom in 1924, Steadily Diminishing Quantity, 189 Out put-of Coal, Further Big Decrease, 709

Coatbridge Sewer Excavation and Coal Seam Discovery, 189

Coal Prospects at Winslow, Bucks., 681

Coal Shipping at Rapid Rate, 709

Coke Competition with View to Improving Gas Coke, 215, 573

Coke Production Recommended at Fernie British Columbia, 381

Coke Samples Pulverisation, Various Methods, 461

Daily Output of Coal in Some Canadian Mmes, 625

Discovery of Coal near Worksop, 545

Durban Navigation Collieries, New Coal-bearing Ground Acquired, 381

Emergency Speed of Hoisting from Mines, 77

Garforth Colliery at Barnbow, Steady Progress with Construction, 105

German Coal Industry Crisis, 269

Kamasamndram, South India, Coal Discovery, 299

Kent Collieries, Suggested Deep-water Port for Shipping Coal, 133

Lamps for Coal Miners, Electric, Replacing Flame Lamps in America, 241

Low Temperature Carbonisation, Result of Coal Tests, 269

Plant to Carbonise 1000 Tons of Coal Daily, 573

Mysore Government’s Important Coal Dis-covery, 381, 573

New Pits and Colliery Villages Projected at Awkley and Micklebring, 461

Powdered Coal Objected to as being an Explosive, 653

Pulverised Coal-fired Boilers, Favourable

Test Against Mechanical Stokers, 241

Richmond Main Colliery, Australia, Record Output, 15

Seven Lines Cable, New, to Link Up Yorkshire Collieries, 161

Ship Coaling Record in New South Wales Harbour, 241

South African Coal,Output for March, 625

South Australian Government Investigating

Possibilities of Utilising Brown Coal, 625

South Wales Coalfield, Support of Underground Workings, 105

Spitzbergen Coal Production, Anticipations for this Season’s Output, 545

Stone Dusting in Coal Mines, Best Materials for, 189

United States Collieries, Fatality Rate Statistics, 15

Valuable New Seam of Coal in the Erewash Valley, 105

Victorian State Coal Mine at Wonthaggi,

Estimate of Coal Still in Mine, 625

Winslow, Possibility of Coal Mining Near, 517

World’s Record for a Day’s Coal Output,’ 161

World’s Record Broken, 327

Yorkshire Collieries, Meeting Underground

of Two Sets of Workers, 299

COALITE ” as Motor Fuel Tested and Triumph over Imported Spirit, 353

Cochin Harbour Development Loan, 189

Commercial Developments in Europe, Ten Lectures at City of London College, 27

Commercial Motor Vehicles Parade, Thornv-croft Successes, 435, 447

Company Registered as Limited by Guarantee and Not Having a Capital, 517

Compressed Air Explosions, 189

Concrete Houses and .Cement Factory, 201

Concrete Vessels Rendered Impervious to Acid by German Process, 77

Consulting Engineers, Association of, Annual Dinner, 393

Copper, Conductivity of Crystallised Form of, Compared with that of Pure Electrolytic Copper, 241 J

Copper Discovery in Newfoundland, 15

Copper Mines, Congo-Rhodesia Borderland, Predictions as to Value, 105

Copper Ore Prospecting in Algeria, 15

Copper Ores from the Belgian Congo, Electrolytic Treatment, 381

Copper Output Increased from Katanga, Congo, 15 °

Copper-Steel Alloy as Possible Non-corrosive Iransmission Line Pole, 461

Corrosion Institute in America, 517

Corrosion, Nature and Prevention of, 117

Corrosion Ravages, Effort to Check, by Formation of New American Institute, 489

Crane, 80-Ton Floating, for Lyttle ton, N.Z., Harbour Board, 545

Creosoting Plant in Alberta, Output of, 47

Crystal Palace Old Students’ Society :

Annual Dinner, 557

Cyanide in Mysore, Electrical Plant for Production, 105


DAM, Experimental Arch, in Southern California, 625

Dar-es-Salaam Wharf Facilities to be Improved, 15

Death of Mr. W. W. Bradfield, 353

Death of Professor Henry M. Lamb, 461

Delco-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., Staff Dinner, 473

Department of Scientific and Industrial Research :

Fuel Research Board :

Technical Paper No. 10 Continues Report on Carbonisation of Coal, &c., 47

Technical Paper No. 12, Heating of Rooms, 709

Third Memorandum, 653

Dictionaries, Illustrated Technical, British Office Opened for Schlomann-Oldenbourg Series, 230

Distilling Plant for Treating Shale in Tasmania, 241

Dock, New Graving, at Durban, 189

Docks, Graving and Floating, at Vancouver Island, 545

Doncaster Corporation Allotments for Numerous Schemes, 545

Douglas Motor Cycle’s Climbing Feat, 381

Dredging Fleet on the St. Lawrence River, 681

Drop-stamped Railway Wheels, 557

Dry Dock, Large New Proposed, at Launceston, Tasmania, 77

Duralumin, Die-stamping, H. A. Whiteley, 189

Durban Harbour Entrance Improvement, Recommendations, 545

Dust Removal in Briquetting Plants, Electrical Compared with Water Cleaning, 407

Dust Removal from Potters’ Shops, 573


EBBW VALE Ironstone Mines, Reopening, 215


Alternating Currents in Sheathed Cables, Losses Involved in Distribution, 489

Automatic Rotary Converter Sub-station, Third Completed in Durban, 545

Berlin, Proposed New Electric Power Station, 681

Birmingham’s Profit on Electric Supply, 653

Botany, N.S. Wales, Suggested as Site for New Power-house, 625

Buenos Aires Projected Big Electric Power Installation, 709

Cable between Vancouver and Fiji to be Doubled, 161

Canada, Big New Power Plant and Transmission Line to Winnipeg, 15

Canadian Montmorency Power Company,

Projected 6000 H.P. Development, 407

Capetown, New Generating Station for, 625

Chinese Government, Shansi Province, to Erect Steam-electric Power Plants, 709

Darlington Electricity Undertaking, Output and Working Cost, 105

Earth Connection, American Method of Making, 241

Electrical Industry and Prices in Prussia, Poor Trade, 105

Electric Main Underground Haulage, 517

Electricity Production by Public Utility Power Plants in 1924, 709

Explosions in Electrical Conduits and Sodium Salt, 517

Farms’ Need of Electric Power and Excessive

Cost of Application, 545

Fireproofing Medium for Protection of Switchboard Wire, 625

Halifax and Huddersfield Electricity Undertakings, Linking-up Scheme Proposed, 435

Huddersfield and Halifax Corporation Power Plants, 461

Insulated Electric Wire, Flame-proofing by Selenium, 299

Insulating Varnish for Prevention of Flashovers, 489

International Conference in Paris, on Extra High-tension Systems, 327

Johannesburg Power Station Cooling Towers, 85

Measuring Tape and Live Circuits, Protective Apparatus, 161

Million-Volt Arc, 326

Motors, Large, for Rolling Mill Drive, 461

Mysore, Generation of Power from Gersoppa Falls, 15

New Electric Lighting Plant at Agra, 681

New York Edison Company’s Projected 700,000-K.W. Generating Station, 625, 653

Plympton, Divided Opinion as to Erection of Power-house, 599

Power-house Extension at Bendigo, Victoria, 133

Power Line Interference with Radio Broadcast Reception, 241

Power Plant, Large, for Alaskan-Canadian Border, 435

Power Plants Used in Danish Agriculture, 686

Power Supply for Siddick Colliery, 517

Power Transmission, 100,000-Volt, to be

Brought Across the Narrows, Puget Sound, 381

Prague and Kolin, Laying Long-distance Cable, 161

Rural Electrification in Michigan, 381

Shawinigan Company’s Power Development on Batiscan River, Quebec, 77

Snake River, Idaho, Survey with View to Power Development, 381

South Africa and Electricity Supply, Interruptions by Lightning, 681

Steam-driven Large Power Station to Replace Tokyo Stations Destroyed by Earthquake, 269



and Tn-


Tafjord Power Development Scheme in Norway, 161

Traffic Control by Spot-lighting Apparatus, Experiment in Leicester, 435

rr?x1r.SMOr“iei’ Load» Device for Indicating, While m Motion, 545 b

Trichinopoly, Small Electrical Power Supply for, 133 1 J

Trolley Omnibuses to Supersede Electric Trams in Singapore, 105

Trucks, Electric, Charging Facilities for, 327 lunne! under Ben Nevis to Carry "Water for New Power-house, 269

Turbo-alternator, 5000-K.W., Metropolitan-Vickers, for Durban, 681

Turbo-generator, 7500-K.W. Set for Wolverhampton, 489

Walsall Electric Supply, Charges Reduced in Consequence of Low Cost, 299

Warwick Electricity for Coventry, 133

Water-tube Boilers, Vickers-Spearing, for Bloemfontein Power Station, 407

West Bromwich Electricity Department, New Showrooms and Stores, 461

Worksop Electric Power Plant Extension, 653 70()W ^lver Fower Development


Engine, Double-acting Marine Oil

Built in Great Britain, 461

Engineering Standards—see British

Engineers in Canada, Overcrowded experienced Profession, 241

Engineers and Chemists, Status of, 89

Esquimalt Dry Dock, 447


Augsburg, Germany, Historical Model Ex-hibition in Water Power and Pumping, 625

Basle, 1925 International Exhibition, 89 Basle, 1926 International Exhibition, 169 Birmingham and Midland Building and

n Allied,Trades’ Exhibition, 517 btiraday’s Discovery of Benzene, Exhibition

to Commemorate Centenary, 709

Grenoble, International Exhibition at, 461 Institute of Patentees, Third Exhibition, 112, 133

International Trade Exhibition at New Orleans, 573

Manchester Ironmongery Exhibition, 435

Marine and Small Craft Exhibition and Congress, 201

Model Railway Club Exhibition, 461

Radio Apparatus Exhibition at Zurich, 681

Radio Exhibition in Oslo, 653

Turin, National Exhibition of Chemistry 293

Turning in Wood and Metal, Specimens,

I 1 hirty-eighth Exhibition, 461

Wembley Exhibition, Palace of Engineering, Housing, Display of Methods and Materials, 9^lriS> Transport, Years’ Progress,

EXPLOSION, Unusual, of Tar Heater, 269 Explosion, Very Unusual, of Steam Receiver,

Explosion, Very Violent, in American Mine, Night Shift of Thirty-four Men Killed, 435

Explosion of Water-tube Boiler, 653


FACTORY near Melbourne to Produce 50 , Tons, of Fibre Weekly from Bark, 105

Failure of Hillside Reservoir in Ayshire, 461 Faraday House, Annual Scholarship Examinations, 176, 447

Old Students’ Association, Annual Smoking Concert, 440, 529

Scholarship and Prize Awards, 447

Faraday Society—see Associations

Faroe Islands, Seven New Harbours in Course of Construction, 189

Fatalities Due to Carbon Monoxide from Want of Proper Care with Gas, 299

Federation of British Industries and Others Ask

Railway Companies for Reduction, 443

Fighting Fogs and Smoke, 143

Fire-fighting Appliances in Japan, 173

Fire Float for Hong Kong Government, 435 lure Resistance of Concrete Columns, Tests of 653 ’

Fish Canning Factory Suggested for Tasmania,

Fish Escalator for Salmon and Trout Spawning, Experimental, 161

Floating Islands, Four French, as Bases for Aerial Transport, 461

Floors with Joists Embedded in Concrete, Great Superiority of, 133

Floors Settlement Detection by Ingenious Device, 15 &

Folkestone Harbour Steamboat Piers Roofed,

Foochow Company’s Projected Hydro-electric

Power Plant on the Min River, 599

Forest Planting in Victoria, 15

Forging Machine Dies, Steel for, E. R. Frost, 189

Frozen Meat for Spain, 105

Fuel in Central Canada, Developing Coke Industry, 653

Fuel Economies, Various Ways of Saving Coal,

Fuel Research—see Department


GAS Engine Breakdowns and Connecting-rod

Bolts, 105 °

Gas Used at Wembley, Enormous Amount, 709

Gas versus Electrical Undertakings, Gas Share

holders’ Troubles, 269

Gas versus Electricity in Stepney, 709

Genoa’s Commercial Importance Rivalling that of Marseilles, 269

Geological Museum Moved to Secure Safety in Foundations, 353

German Machine Tool Convention Renewed, 353

German Machinery Works, New, in China, 15

German Tube Trade Syndicate, 573

Glasgow Technical College Benefactions, 241

Glass Factory, Large New, in Pas-de-Calais, 269

Glue “ Pearls ” Manufacture, 161

Gold Mine, Regina, in Canada, Projected Reopening, 381

Gold Mines, Cost of Winding Ore, 15

Gold Production from Mercury, Experiments, 599

Gold from Witwatersrand, Total Output, 299

Grain Elevator, Another Million-bushel, for

Canada, 517

Grain-handling Wharves, Manchester Ship Canal, 100

Grand Falls Project in New Brunswick, 545

Grangemouth Six Dock Gates, Repaired and

Replaced, 653

Great Britain’s One and a-half Men and Public

Ownership, 140

Great Lakes Water Levels, Serious Lowering, 625

Great North Road Improvement, 133

Greenock Harbour and Garvel Graving Dock, 15

Gum Swamp Products, Projected Utilisation of, 327

Gutta-percha Estate Development in Sumatra,



HEAD Lamps, Motor Car, Reduced Size to Avoid Glare, 407

Heating Paper Machine Rolls, Electric Steam Generators for, 659

Helium-oxygen Mixtures and Decompression for Divers and other Workers, 299

Holiday Pay Plan at Fort Dunlop, 189

Holyhead Development as a Herring Port, 681

Hungarian Customs Tariff on Imports, 47

Huxley Lecture, Professor E. B. Poulton,

Huxley Centenary Celebrations, 447

Hydraulic Turbines of Niagara Falls Power

Company, Accident to, 15

Hydro-electric.Development in Canada, 77

Hydro-electric Plant, Novel Type, for China, 653

Hydro-electric Plant, Reported Largest in South America, 653

Hydro-electric Power, Control of Export, by Canadian Government, 709

Hydro-electric Power in Ontario, Needed

Expenditure for New Plant, 299

ICE Cover to Protect from Ice, 161

India and Millwall Docks Improvement, 517

Indicating Instruments in Boiler-rooms, Method of Keeping them Clean, 215

Institutes and Institutions—see Associations

Insulating Material, “ Poured-in-place-on-the-Job,” 709

Irish Free State Investigation of Question of Crude Alcohol Production for Power Purposes, 461


Blast-furnace About 1748, Halfpenny Token Portrait of Ironmaster, 77

Blast-furnace Output Affected by Shape of Hearth, 353

China, New Loan Required for Largest Ironworks, 599

Commercial Carbon and Alloy Steels, Temperature Changes, 299

Egryn Manganese Ore Mines near Barmouth Reopened, 47

Extrusion Process for Iron and Steel, R. Genders, 47

German Steel Works and Rolling Mills, Projected Erection in Bochum, 47

Hacksaw Blades and Tungsten Steel, 47

Heavy Cast Iron Fly-wheels Cut up by

Acetylene Blow-pipe, 545

Iron in Antiquity, Dr. J. Newton Friend, 215

Iron Mines in Italy, War-time Feat, 327

Iron Trades Employers’ Insurance Association, 573

Manganese Investigations in Banffshire, 681

National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers :

Pig Iron and Steel Production in December, 105

Pig Iron and Steel Production in January, 215 J

Pig Iron and Steel Production in February, 353 J

Pig Iron and Steel Production in March, 489

Pig Iron and Steel Production in April, 569

Pig Iron and Steel Production in May, 681

New Zealand Customs Decision Regarding British Possessions Iron and Steel, 161

Ontario, Large Steel Works, but no Iron Ore Mining, 517

Pig Iron at Sabara, Brazil, Increased Output, 299 1

Polono-Upper Silesian Iron and Steel Cartell, 435

Record Blast-furnace Output at South Manchurian Works, 407

Record Rolling of Steel Rails in Canada, 521

Rhodesia as Leading Producer in the World of

Chrome Iron Ore, 625

Seamless Hollow Steel Balls for Bearings, 133

South Africa, Large Percentage of Iron in Ore Deposits, 77

Sponge Iron Experiments by United States Bureau of Mines, 215

Sponge Iron Production in Utah, U.S.A., 517

Stainless Steel, Mild, New Process for Production, H. S. Primrose, 15

Steel Manufacturing Plant Transfer from Kobe to South Manchuria, 133

Steel Production Direct from Iron Ore, Two Experimental Methods, 215

Sydney Steel Plant, Nova Scotia, Record Output, 381

Tasmania, Electric Smelting of Iron and Steel, Company Formed for, 653

W elded Steel Pipe Factory Opened at Williamstown, Victoria, 133

Wellingborough Urban Council Reduces Royalties on Ironstone to Prevent Stoppage . pf Blast-furnaces, 709

IRON AND STEEL (continued):

Working Stress for Structural Steel, American Engineer’s Recommendation, 189

IRRIGATION Project in Malabar, 681

Italy, and International Telephone Installations, 407

JAPAN’S Synthetic Ammonia Capacity by Casale Process, 517

Journal of the Royal Technical College, Glasgow, 419


KHYBER, 19 Miles Ropeway to be Sold, 709

Kovno, Russia, Tenders Invited for Locomotive

Spare Parts, 599

Krupps, Contradicted Report of Factory near Dublin, 599


LAMP, Combination Oil and Safety, 327

Lamps, Factory Turning Out 2000 Daily, 77

Lantern Slides Illustrating Stothert and Pitt’s

Cranes, Winches, Pumps, &c., for Loan, 249

Lead Mines in Flintshire to be Reopened, 653

Lead Mines of Upper Teesdale, New Company for Working, 599

Leicester Street-cleansing Proposals, 379

Leith Dock Extension, Government Assistance, 77

Libraries, Special, and Information Bureaux, Financial Support for, 489

Lift and Crane Makers’ Association, General Meeting, 256

Lignite Carboniser, Hopeful Results Expected from its Use, 15

Lignite Industry in Germany, Dust Removal in Briquetting Plants, 599

Lime-burning and Slaking, 517

Liquid Fuel, Investigation of New Method of Obtaining, 573

Liquid Fuel and Scottish Shale Oil, Dr. C. H. Lander, 489

Locomotive for Underground Haulage, Electric, Official Tests for, Prize Offered, 489

L.C.C. and Lambeth Bridge Design, 599

Lopulco Pulverised Fuel Plant, Largest in the

Empire, 672

Loughborough College, Annual Presentation Day, 585

Low-temperature Carbonisation—see Coal


McGILL University, Montreal, Engineering

Curriculum Improvement Sought, 599

Machine Tool Trades’ Association Dinner, 311

Madras Harbour, New Shipping Berths, 77

Magnesite, Cartel Formed of Works to Control

99 per Cent, of European Output, 299

Magnesium Oxychloride for Binding Woody or Fibrous Material, Excels as Flooring and Very Inexpensive, 625

Manchester Steam Users’ Association, Seventieth Annual Report, 337

Manganese—see Iron and Steel

Marine Flanges—see British'Engineering

Maw, Dr. W. H., Publication of Biography of,

Metallic Sodium and Red Phosphorus, Projected Manufacture in Norway, 105

Metric System Established in Netherlands East Indies, 262

Middlesbrough’s Application for Loan for

Petrol-electric Trolley Vehicles, 381

Mineral Deposits in Anatolia and Branch Line of the Baghdad Railway, 299

Mines, Devices to Prevent Over-winding, W. L.

Grassham, 435

Mines Explosives, British, Tested by American Official Tests, 133

Mines, Fire-damp and Electric Cutting in, Accident Prevention Suggestions, 386

Mine Rescue Oxygen Breathing Apparatus, Training of Miners, 327

Mint, Royal, Coinage Statistics, 47

Monasite Sand Discovery in Tasmania, 133

Montreal New Dry Dock Projected, 407

Motor Car Importation into India, 653

Motor Cycle Efficiency Due to Scientific Research, 353

Motor Fuels, Problems of Supply, Professor J. S. S. Brame, 545

Motor Manufacturers’ and Traders’ Society,

Meeting and Elections, 721

Motor Omnibus Popularity in Shanghai, 15

Moving Three-storey House, 653


^AI^S, Holding Power of, Its Importance in Wood Construction, 241

National Physical Laboratory and Weights Verification, 517

National Screw Thread Commission (America) Report Revision, 545

Natural Gas in Canada, Greatly Increased value of Production, 113, 517

Natural Gas Transmission Systems, Efficiency Investigation, 353 J

Newcastle Quay, Additional Berths, 133

New Caledonia Exports, 1924, 625

Newfoundland Public Works, Reconditioning,

New South Wales Increase in Factories and 564nt’ alS° in ^alue of Land and Buildings,

New South Wales, 25,000 H.P. Plant at Junction of Two Rivers, 215

New South Wales, Proposed Floating Dock, 435 New South Wales Water Conservation Schemes,

New Zealand’s Additional Irrigation Schemes,

New Zealand, Arapuni Hydro-electric Scheme, 161

Niagara River, Details of New Bridge Over, 607

Nickel Welding, Possible in Certain Conditions, 77

Nitro-glycerine the Only Suitable Explosive for Shooting Oil Wells, 15

Nitro-glycerine, Possible Substitute for, 15

Norton and Gregory Engineering Scholarships, 541

Norway as Aluminium Producer, 381

Norway, Carbide Factory Furnace for Cyanamide Manufacture, 517

Nottingham’s Projected New Bridge Over the Trent, 381

o OIL Burner Soot, Danger from Salts Content, 47

Oil Cracking Plant at Baku, 517

Oil Distillery at La Plata being Rapidly Completed, 709

Oilfield Emulsions, Method Used for Dehydration, D. B. Dow, 681

Oil-fired Boilers and Oil Temperature, 198

Oil Found near Chittagong, 653

Oil as Fuel, Disadvantages of Any Water Content, 573

Oil Pipe Line, Acetylene Welded, Highly Successful on Test, 189

Oil from Shale, Refineries to be Established at Shansi, China, 709

Oil Shale, Valuable, Overlaying Colliery Main Seam in Manchuria, 15

Oil Storage Plant at Toronto for Fuel Supply to Vessels on the Great Lakes, 133

“ Old Cromptonians ” Association Dinner, 579

Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission, New Power Development Scheme, 327

Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission— see also St. Lawrence River

Ontario Hydro-electric Scheme for Diverting Waters of the Albany River, 105

Ontario Power Shortage Feared, Steam Plant Called for, 299

Oyster Shells for Manufacture of Portland Cement, 15

Oxy-acetylene Cut, Heat Effect of, 625


PARKING Motor Cars Beneath Hyde Park Sydney, N.S.W., 57

Patent Applications Decrease, 15

Patent Rights Applications, 681

Patentees, Institute of, Third Annual Exhibition, 112,133

Petrol in Starting Gas Engines, Necessary Precautions in Use, 599

Petroleum Production of Venezuela, 47

Petroleum, World’s Supply and its Waste, 327

Photo-chemical Reactions in Liquids and Gases, 693

Pile Deterioration, Unusual Case, 681

Plantation Destruction, Midland Reafforesting

Association Wound Up, 653

Plaster on Metal Lath for Fire Protection of Structural Steel Work, 517

Platinum and Allied Metals, British Empire and Foreign Countries, Production, 681

Platinum Discovery in the Rustenburg District, South Africa, 299

Platinum Reef Discovery in the Transvaal, 573

Platinum Trust, Ural, Refining Works Progress and Expectations, 241

Plumbago Trade of Ceylon and Madagascar, 327

Portland Cement Production in New South Wales, 517

Portuguese Chamber’s Exemption of Certain Material from Customs Duty, 353

Portuguese Colonies General Agency at Lisbon, 407

Pressure, Horizontal, Effect of Experiments, 241

Pulp and Paper Mill Projected near Quebec, 47 Pupin, Dr. Michael I., Scientific Appointment,

Pyrites Depdsit in Sweden, Probable Formation of Company to Work, 435


QUEBEC Development Company, Hydroelectric Plant Starting Work, 77

Qaiebec, Prize Award for New Bridge, 407

Queensland Bridge Wrecked for the Third Time, 435


RADIUM Research Laboratory in Washington,


Accidents :

Accidents in 1924, Statistics, 77

Bordeaux to Paris Express, Fatal Derailment, 381

Broken Tire on an Express, 77

Buffer Stop Collision at Glasgow, Severe. 133, 161, 517

Canada, Train Accident Statistics, 1924 461

Charing Cross Loop Accident, Motorman Not to Blame, 489

Collision of Engines After Bridge Testing, Goole and Selby Line, 352, 517

Criterion of Safety, the Number of Accidents Rather than of Fatalities, 709

Derailment at Lytham, Another Fatality, 105

Derailments and Collisions Compared, 709

Disastrous Derailment of Special Train near Rockport, U.S.A., 709

Engine Equipment Failures, 189

Fatal Accident from Broken Coupling, 483

I atal Derailment on Rhymney Section, Great Western Railway, 47, 407

Fog Causes Death of Driver, 105


Accidents {continue i):

Goods Train Fatal Buffer Stop Collision at Luddendenfoot, 381 .

Haymarket, Edinburgh, Accident Inal, Driver Acquitted, 161, 241

Konisberg-Berlin Express Disaster, 545

Letterkenny and Burtonport Railway, Owencarrow, Fatal Accident due to Wind, 161 ; Inquest Result, 189 ; Report, 333

Light Engine Collision in a log, 10a

Passenger Train Wholly Derailed, 299

Preston Station Fatal Accident Report, 241

Previous Accidents Pvecalled, 573

Prosecution for Attempted Entry of Train in Motion, 215

Report on Collision at Cogan, Great Western Railway, 653

Roof-repairing Accident, Fatal, at Manchester, Report on, 653

Safety First and Accident Reductions, 215

Train, Whole of, Leaves Rails at Lostock Junction, 47, 439

Trains Overthrown by Gales, 2 la

United States Accident Statistics, Comparatively Satisfactory Figures, 625

Workman’s Ticket, Accident Liability, 189

Algeria, New Railway, 327

Appointments and Staff Changes, 15, 77 10a, 133, 215, 224, 327, 339, 43a, 545, 709

Arbitration, Compulsory, Decision Against;

Automatic Signalling, Economy of, la

Automatic Signalling a Pronounced Success,

H. A. Watson, 189

Automatic Train Control Apparatus, Organised Sales of, 105

Automatic Train Control, Difference of

Opinion, 241

Ballycastle Railway Transference, la

Barcelona and Electric Railways, Level

Crossings and Street Railway Traffic Suppressed, 443

Belgian Congo Railway Electrification, 161

Board of Trade Requirements, New List, 2ba

Bolivar, Department of (Colombia), Central

Railway Construction Projected, 381

Bombay Harbour Electrical Service Opened, G.I.P. Railway, 161, 189

Brazil, State of Sergipe, Embarking on Railway and Canal Construction, 77

Bridge, Memorial, Across the Hudson River, 105

Bridge, New, at Niagara Falls, Michigan Central Railway, 299

Canadian National Railways, Branch Line Construction from Macanik to Rouyn, 353, 517 T •

Canadian National Railways, Branch Lines, 299

Canadian National Railways, List of <New

Lines Decided Upon, 599

Canadian National Railways’ Report, 517

Canadian Pacific Railway, Lining Tunnel

5 Miles in Length, 517

Canadian Railways, Demand for Abolition of

Costly Duplication, 545

Canal Legislation Not Contemplated, 435

Canals (Continuation of Charging Powers)^ Bill, 15

Capital and Revenue, Which Should Pay Cost of Betterment, 407

Cattle and Sheep Conveyance by Road and Railway, 517

Central London and City (South London)

Railways, Completion of Bank Station Alterations, 573

Chicago, Milwaukee and Sb. Paul Railway, Bankruptcy of, 381

China, Szepingkai-Taonan Railway, 77

Chinese Railway Extension in Honan Province, 709

City and South London Extension Sections, Accuracy of Measurements, 405

City and South London Railway, Pneumatically Opened Doors, 215

Clapham-Tooting Section of Morden Extension, Underground Company, 105

Code Words for Correspondence as well as

Telegraphy on Certain Railways, 387

Coppernob Locomotive as Exhibit, 545

Cost of Living and Increased Pay for Railwaymen, 15

Cost of Some Railway Projects in and near London, 461

Death of Mr. J. E. Charnley, 241

Death of Mr. John Davies, 435

Death of Mr. James Holden, 625

Death of Mr. Logan McPherson, 435

Delaware and Hudson Railway Car Shops, Ijnmunity from Accident to Employees, 407

Divisional or Departmental Railway Control, 581 - .

Dukeries Proposed Railways, Great Opposition, 241, 299

Dutch Railways, Petrol-driven Motor Carriages for Certain Lines, 489

Ecuadorian Government, New Railway, 435

Egyptian State Railway Freight Wagons Order, 517

Egyptian State Railways Inviting Tenders for Steel Coaches and Bridge, 545, 625

Egyptian State Railways, New River Steamer Required, 407

Egyptian State Railways, Tenders Invited, 15

Egyptian State Railways, Tenders for 400

Goods Trucks Wanted, 299

Electric Locomotives, New Type Becoming Popular in America, 625

Electric Tramway to Connect San Lorenzo and El Libano, Colombia, 105

Electrification of Railways, Doubtful Advantage of, 189

Engine Exchange between Two Railways for Testing Purposes, 407

Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, Men’s Misconceptions, 133

• Freeland, Major-General Sir Harry, Retirement, 653

George Stephenson Locomotive of 1823 Sent to Take Part in Railway Centenary Celebrations, 681

. German Railways’ Administrative Board, Appointment, 625

German Railways and Competition with River Shipping Companies. 489


German Train Telephonic Service, 406

Glasgow Tramway Material from United States, 489

Goldfields Traffic in Canada, 353, 517

Government Surplus Locomotives Bought by Several Railways, 653

Great Western Railway :

Agreement Arrangements with Regard to Reduction of Staff, 681

Automatic Control System, 241

Branch Lines, Non-paying and Possible Closing, 299

Coal Trade, Export, Serious Effect of its Condition on the Railway, 704

Electric Lighting on the Railway, 299

Gross Receipts and Decreased Rates, Increased Wages Percentage of Expenditure, 269 r

National Union of Railwaymen and Reduction of South Wales Staff, 545

Oxley and Kingswinsford New Line Opened, 573

Paddington — Plymouth Fast Afternoon Trains to be Restored, 214

Safety First on the Great Western, 215

Signals, Battery-operated, 600 Installed, 215

Summer Train Service, Opening Antedated, 625

Time-saving by Through Running of Engines, 105

Torquay and Paignton Station Platforms, Arrangement, 215

Guard’s Look-out Window on Passenger Trains, 278

Halwill-Torrington Railway Opening, 461

Headlamps of Locomotives and Road Vehicles, 407

Holyhead Inner Harbour Deepening Completed, 299

Indian Government Railway Department, Change in Bridge Rules, 77

Indian Railway Accident Statistics, 407

Indian Railway Budget, Proposed Capital Expenditure, 327

Irish Free State Railway Combination, 353

Ishover Light Railway Opened for Public Traffic, 435

Italian Railwaymen’s Offering to British Railwaymen at Centenary Celebrations, 431

Jubilee of Newark Brake Trials, 625

Khyber Railway, India, Construction and Progress, 573

Labour Leaders’ Joint Conference, Agreement Doubtful, Mr. J. H. Thomas’ Views, 653

Listowel Mono-railway, Dismantling, 105

Locomotive Manufacturers’ Association, Condition of Industry Pronounced Desperate, 681

Locomotives, Cluj, 122

London, Midland and Scottish Railway :

Appointment of President, 517

Closed Stations, Demand for Reopening, 133

Coal Tips at Gars ton Docks, Increase of Capacity, 545

Cranes, Two 50-Ton Overhead Travelling, for Horwich Ordered. 77

Crewe Locomotive Works, Important Alterations and Additions, 381

Derby and Wolverton Works, Rapid Work in Assembling Rolling Stock, 269

Electrification Schemes, New Department, 327

Engines and Rolling Stock Ordered from Five Firms, 77

Euston to Glasgow Night Express Divided to Travel to Different Stations, 681

Excursion Trains with Restaurant at Inclusive Fares, 632

Fleetwood Boat Train Alteration, 241

Goods Stations Booklet with Map Issued, 133

Horwich Locomotive Works Busy, 133 10,000 Locomotives Renumbered, 161.


Permanent^ Way Diversion on to New Bridge, Leeds-Holbeck, 489

Rivalry with London and North-Eastern, 353

St. Pancras and Bradford Express, 215

Sherwood Forest, Railway Proposal Withdrawn, Joint Railway Projected, 353, 435

Sir Guy Granet’s Remarks, 327

Turbine Steamer, Glen Sannox, 507

London and North-Eastern Railway :

Bill for Proposed Railway from Nottingham to Retford, 381 ; Scheme Withdrawn and Joint Railway Projected, 435 Cambridge Railway Station, Extensive Alterations Started, 133

Escalators at Liverpool-street, 599

Great Northern Section Suburban Lines Electrification Question, 489

Harwich Boat Expresses, Coach Improvements, 461 ■ ,

Harrogate Pullman’s Change of Route, 545 Hull, Level Crossings Abolition, 653

Hull Corporation and Level Crossings, Scheme Agreed Upon, 599

King’s Cross and Bradford Express, 215

Parliamentary Fight Probable with London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 353 Presentation of Relics of Early Railway to L. and N.E. Museum, 353

Punctuality Shown by Train Run Records, 599

Railway in the Dukeries, Rival Bills, 241 “ Sheffield Pullman’s ” Change of Route.


Sunday Travel, Chairman’s Views on Public Demand, 635

London Underground Railways, New Electrical Equipment Programme, 327

London Underground Railways, New Escalators, 492

Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway, Financial Trouble, 573

Madras Suburbs’ Railway Lincs Improvement, 517

Madrid, Proposed Central Railway Station, 299

Madrid, Proposed Further Facilities. 435


Madrid Railway and Station Construction, 461

Manchester, Victoria and Exchange Stations

Alterations, 573

Maritzburg-Glencoe Section of Natal Main Line Electrification Cost, 299

Metropolitan and Great Central Joint Line Automatic Signals, 46

Metropolitan Railway Dividend, 189

Ministry of Transport:

Application for Power to Construct New Line made by London Electric Railways Company, 269

Automatic Train Control, Experts Examining the Question, Accident Inspectors’ Recommendations, 269

Bridges, Difficulty for Highway Authorities, 47

Debate on the Vote for the Ministry, Differing Views as to Progress of Electrification, 625

Light Railway Order for Liverpool, 681

Live Wire or Live Rail in Railway Electrification, 461

Ministry’s Railway Statistics for September, 1924, 15 ; for October, 133 ; for December, 353

Preliminary Statement, 435

Railway Returns for 1924, Passenger and

Freight Statistics, 133

Railway Results for January, 1925, 488

Railway Results for February, 1925, 653

Railway Results for March, 1925, 709

Pneumatically Operated Doors on London Tube Railways, 461

South-East London and Railway Facilities, Minister’s Reply to Deputations, 269

Motor Omnibuses to Replace Tramways in America Reported, 709

National Union of Railwaymen :

All-grades Programme and the Companies, 327, 573

Coal Trade of South Wales, Necessity of Reduction in Wages Bill, Proposals to Men, 489, 545

National Union and Craft Unions, 573

National Union of Railwaymen, Fatuous Ideas of Ex-President, 381

National Wages Board and Sunday Work Claims, 133

New South Wales Railways, Fay-Raven Report, 241

New Year Honours for Railwaymen, 47

New Zealand Railways’ Administration, Commissioners’ Recommendations, 15

Niagara River, Proposed New Railway Bridge Over, 435

North Swedish Coast, Progress of Railway, 461

North-Western Quebec, New Railways to Tap Rich Gold Area, 353 ; Refusal of Right of Way, 517

Northern Parliament Powers and the Bally-castle Railway, 15

Nova Scotia, Automatic Control, New Invention, Company Formed, 353

P.L.M., New Line in Algeria, 47

Peace River Country, Alberta, Settlement, Railway Prospects, 161

Pekin Tramcar Company’s Third Route, 435

Persian Concession for New Line from Teheran to Tabriz, 132

Piccadilly-circus New Station and Subways, 215

Platform Automatic Indicators, New Installations, 407

Poland and Yugo-slavia, Direct Railway Conference, 435

Polish Coal Mining District, Long-distance Electric Tramway Construction, 269

Power Brakes and Appliances, American Investigation, 215

Quebec, North-Western, Undeveloped Area to be Opened up by New Railway, 15, 47

Rail-testing on Boston Elevated Railroad, Results, 161

Railway Material Exports Statistics, 161, 269, 327, 435, 573, 681

Railwaymen’s Unions and Demands, 133, 327

Railway Rates Tribunal :

Capital Works, Extravagance of Competitive Schemes, 681

Economies in Railway Working, 649

Schedules of Standard Charges, Speeding-up Settlement, 489

Standard Charges Settlement, 189

Standard Revenue, Basis of Agreement, 517

Railway Trestles in Time of Floods, F. M. Holmquist, 327

Railways Act, 1921, Its Benefits to Railway Companies, 545

Rainfall, Abnormal, and Railway Damage, 47

Rating of Railways, Complications of the Question, 653

St. Paul’s Safety Measures Sub-committee, Railway Engineers as Members, 381

Sao Paulo Government and Railway Concessions, 47

Sleeping Accommodation, Letters to The Times, 681

South African Railways, Day Colour Light Signals, 77

South African Railways, Good Results Shown by Statistics, 47

Southern Railway :

Bridge Strengthening and Rebuilding, 573

Brighton Section, Electrical Services Extended, 381

Brighton Station, Passenger Statistics for 1924, 346

“ Chatham ” Station at Victoria, Improvements, 77

Conversion of Certain Lines, Difficulties Removed by Grouping, 599

Cross-over Junctions to Facilitate Independence of Electrical and Main Lines, 599

Exeter, Queen-street Station Improvement, 709

Hastings and St. Leonards Tunnels, Projected Widening, 299

Indicators for Railway Platforms, New Type, 517


Southern Railway (continued):

“ King Arthur ” Class Locomotive, New Bridge to Carry it, 599

Mis-sent Train and the Upshot, 461

Naming of New Engines, 299

Portsmouth Railway Stations, New Proposals, 327

Punctuality of Railway, Statement, 435

Signals, Projected Day Colour Light Automatic, for Portion of London Area, 77, 215

Station’s Name Illumination at Horsham, 709

Vehicles being Prepared for Electrification, 15

Spanish Railway Engines and Cars to be Home-made, 15

Statistics, South African and United States, 47

Steel Construction of Railway Vehicles, Pros and Cons, 105

Steel Signal Arms Bent by Wind, 105

Stockholm-Gothenburg Electrification, 299

Subway Car, Improved Type for America, 461 “ Sunny South Special ” and Vacuum Brake, 599

Sweden, Projected Railway and State Loan, 77

Swiss States Subsidy for Completion of Furka Railway, 350

Tasmanian Engineers to Supervise Railway Construction in Spain, 77

Tests of New Roads and Connections to Eliminate any Possibility of Mistakes, 545

Tourist Traffic to Ireland and Kingstown Pier Accommodation, 189

Tramway Renewal, A Night’s Work in Glasgow, 189

Tramway Route, New, in Edinburgh, 489

Underground Poster, Analysis of Receipts and Expenditure, 299

Unemployment Alleviation Methods, 15

Venezuela and Colombia, Junction under Construction to Unite Railways in, 77

Viaduct, First Example of its Kind in the World, Great Northern (of Ireland) Railway, 269

Victoria Government Railway, Electrifying Part of, 653

Victoria Railway, Experiments with New Rail Motor, 709

Wagons for Mineral Traffic, Profits on Letting Out for Hire, 625

Walsall Tramway’s Increased Profits, 638

Warsaw, Projected 28 Miles Long Electric Tramway, 517

Water Power in Austria, Development, and Railway Electrification, 461

Welsh Local Authorities’ Request for Doubling of Single Lines, 709

Western Canada, Railway Goods Charges in, 353

RECLAMATION Work in Italy, 269

Ribble River, Preston, Training Walls to be Constructed, 709

Rock-fill Dam, Kentucky, Largest in the World, 461

Roofing Material Pyropruf, Testing, 489

Roving Steamer for Extraction of Bromine from Sea Water, 461

Rubber Research Institution in Malaya, 105

Russian Agriculture and Electric Ploughs, 435

Russian Great Waterway Projected, 320

Russian Soviet Government’s Agreement with

British Firm for Erection of Oil Cracking Factory, 625

Russian Visitors to America for Works Inspection and Equipment Orders, 215

s “SAFETY First” Device by Model Van, J.

Lyons and Co., 517

St. Lawrence River Power Development, 215

San Joaquin River Water Diverted by Tunnel, 545

Sawdust Roads, Experiments with View to Making, 599

Scholarships for Apprentices, 523

Scholarships, B.E.A.M.A., 567

Scholarships. Engineering, Norton and Gregory, 541

Science Museum at South Kensington, Stationary Engine Exhibits Catalogue, 256

Scientific and Industrial Research, New Members of Advisory Council, 215

Seismograph Station, A Sixth Established in Quebec, 625

Sewerage Scheme, Extensive, for Knutsford, 653

Shanghai, Single-deck Motor Omnibus Statistics, 517

Shannon Power Scheme Report, Dr. H. H.

Jeffcott, 653


American Ships, Conversion of Fourteen Steamers to Motor Ships, 489

Barrow and New York Steamer Service to Cease, 133

Bulkheads and Water-tight Subdivision of Passenger Steamships, Board of Trade Report, 241

Chauncy Maples Steamer on Lake Nyassa, Thirty Years Old and Still Valuable, 105

Commonwealth Lighthouse Service, Launch of Two Steamers for, 133

Conciliation Machinery for Shipbuilding Federations, 299

Corrugated-sided Ships, Greater Efficiency of, 599

Cunarder Saxonia Sold for Breaking-up, 299

Deck Equipment of the Discovery, Pacific Exploration Vessel, 709

Diesel-electric Tanker, New Arrangement of Engine-room, 215

Fifty Years of Yacht Designing, G. L. Watson and Co., 544

Flettner Rotor Ship, Report of Another, 599

Flettner Rotor Ships, Two New, Ordered, 105

Funnel Markings of Destroyer Flotillas, 545

German Naval Administration, First Large Rotor Ship, 517

Glatton, Monitor, Wreck of, to be Removed from Harbour, 15


Grain Cargo-loading Record, 327

Japanese, Large, Ship Taken up River to Shanghai, 517

L.M.S. Turbine Steamer Glen Sannox, Official Trials, 625

Majestic, Reported Crack Discovery, 15 Montrose Liner, Quick Overhaul, 489

Motor Boat, Fast, Races on the Thames, 545

Motor Lifeboat Construction Progress, 77

Motor Vessel Production Increasing, Chiefly on the Continent, 381

Ocean Towing, Record Long Distance, 435 Railway-owned Vessels—see Railways Rotor Ship, Arrival of the Plettner," 227 Scapa Flow Salving of German Destroyers,

Progress, 407, 517, 573, 709

Shipbuilding Trades’ Investigation, 637

Signal by Combined Visible and Whistle

Device for Motor Ships, 269

Tees Shipbuilding Order, 573

Tyne Shipbuilding Output Statistics, 15

United Stales Steam Ship to Motor Ship, Conversion. 415

Vancouver Harbour Ship Traffic Statistics, 161

Wellfield, Steamer, Little Damaged by Dockflooding, 489

SIDMOUTH, Estimated Cost of Breakwater, 599

Silkworm Cocoon Chrysalis as Food, 215

Slag Accumulations in Cement Kilns Dislodged by Shooting, 461

Slide Rules, Constructional Improvement in, J. Davis and Son (Derby), Ltd., 309

Snow in the Streets, New System of Disposal,

1 269

Soapstone Discovery in Calcutta District, 241 Solid Silver, Effort to Increase Use in America 269

South African'Irrigation, 122

South African’s Production of Base Metals, 681

South African Year Book, 473

Southampton University College, Open Engineering Exhibitions Offered, 422

Soviet Government and White Lead Paints, 161

Standards—see British

Steel—see Iron

Stone for Sharpening Tools Discovered near Orbost, Australia, 599

Straw Packing Without Purity Certificate, Dominion Government Insists on Return of Important Goods, 435

Subways in St. Louis, 189

Suez Canal Annual Statistics, 489

Sugar Growers’ Association’s Suggestion of United Reference to Expert Opinion, 625

Sulphur Ores Roasting and a New Alloy, J.

Harris, 435

Super-power Systems of the United States, Growth of, 606

Suspension Bridge Across the Firth of Forth at Queensferry, Projected, 161

Sydney Harbour Bridge, £16,000 Tool for Testing Cableways, 573

TANK Failure in Boston, U.S.A., Six Years’

Litigation to Decide on the Cause, 189

Tansa Pipe Line Progress, 47

Tariffs and their Object in Latin-America,

A. C. Rouse, 189

Technical College and Polytechnic Times, First Issue, 133

Technical Institute at Coventry, Generous Gifts of Machinery, 489

Telephone Damage by Snowstorm at Falkirk,

Underground System Advantages, 407

Telephone Diaphragm, New Type, 161

Telephone Exchange tor Cairo, 299

Telephone Industry’s Effect in Stimulation of

Numerous ' Othei’ Industries Involved in Manufacture, 269

Telephone Kiosk, New Prize Design by Sir Gilbert Scott, 381

Telephonic, Through, Connection Established between Bombay and Delhi, 381

Tests of Flow of Water through Long Concrete

Pipes, Formulae Values, 681

Thermo-electric Pyrometers, Use of Platinum, 461

Thin-lead Coloured Pencils, Alpco Pencils, Ltd., 554

Titanium Industry Suggested for Eastern Canada, 461

Tornado Effect on Big Railway Span, 407

Toronto, Association of "

neers, Progress, 219

Toronto's Rate of ~

Storeys, 709

Trade Unions, Statistics of Membership and Funds, 47

Transit Sheds at Trafford Wharf, Two, for £300,000, 105

Transport, Goods and Passenger, Increasing

Use of Roads in United Kingdom, 489

Treasury Guarantees under the Trade Facilities

Act, 545

Tunnel under the Mersey, Government Grants, 189

Tunnel Under the Thames, Postponement of Consideration of Scheme, 709

Turbo-generator, Experimental, in California

to Test Use of Natural Steam, 435

Tyne Commissioners Report Decrease in Out

put of Ships and of Coal Shipments, 353

Tyne Pollution Inquiry, 599

Professional Engi-Building Twenty-one ‘

UGANDA Oil Expectations, 15

Underpinning Concrete Columns of High

Building, 189

University of London :

Four Advanced Lectures in Mining, 227

Four Advanced Lectures on Chemical Combination in Metallic Alloys and its Nature, Professor C. A. Edwards, 245

University of Pittsburgh, Project for New 52-Storey Building, 161

VANADIUM Extraction from Iron Ore in Sweden, £>17

Vanadium from Swedish Phosphorus-bearing Ores, 435

Vancouver’s Largest Grain Elevator, Rapid Construction of, 554

Vancouver New Canadian Pacific Pier, 545

Venezuela Petroleum Production, 47

V.D.I. Meetings in Augsburg, 422

Vickers Westminster Amateur Operatic Society, 554

w WAR Department Motor Van, 342

Washington, National Museum of Engineering, 299

Water Energy, Potential, of the World, Estimate, 489

Water Power Plant Completed at Elko, British Columbia, 545


Bacteria in Water at Different Depths, 407 j Barnsley Supply Increase, New Pumps, 489 Batley Corporation’s New Reservoir, 599 Birmingham New Reservoir and Pumping

Engines, Work Started, 625

Birmingham Water Committee's New Pipe Line, 407

Buenos Aires, Neighbouring Districts of, Extensive Government Scheme for Water Supply and Drainage, 709

California, New Supply for East Bay Cities, 15

WATER SUPPLY {continued}:

Esthonia, Up-to-date Waterworks for, 241

Fourth Pipe Line from Thirlmere to Manchester, 517

Karachi New Water Supply, 105

Madras Supply, Measures for Increasing, 189

Manchester Supply, Another Lake Requisitioned, 189

Melbourne Water Supply, the Maroondah Dani, 188

New South Wales, Wollongong and Port Kembla, Additional Supply, 215

Port Sudan Supply, Completion of Pipe Line, 489

Quebec, Storage Reservoir at Lake Metis, 189

Sheffield, Additional Water Supply Scheme, 77

Sydney, N.S.W., Scheme-to Supplement Supply, 545

Toronto, Supplementary Waterworks System, 47, 105

Tsingtao Waterworks, Predicted End of German Plant and Japanese Pumps, 15

Vancouver Waterworks System Extension, 592

Water Consumption in Sydney, N.S.W., 189

Water Waste in America, Uncharted Discharges, 353

Wooden Water Main Laid in 1874, 15

WELDING Aluminium, New German Process, 189

Welland Canal, Big Contract for Canadian Company, 15, 545

West Australian Oil Hunt Pronounced Hopeless, 15

Western Australia, Engineers Wanted, 461

Whitworth Society, Annual Dinner, 27

I Windmill, 200 Years’ Old, near Hastings, Collapse of, 709

Wire Rope Vibration Dangers, G. H. Griffiths, 299

Wire Rope Works, New, at Newcastle, N.S.W., 407

Wire Weaving Loom, Largest in the World, 269


American and Swedish Wireless Amateurs’ Two-hour Test, 161

Austrian Broadcasting Developing, 327

Belgium’s One Broadcasting Station, 681

Big Ben Broadcasting Microphone, 681 Broadcast Transmitting Apparatus at Marconi House Re-established, 681

Broadcasting Conference of European Authorities, 373

Broadcasting and Interference, Northolt Station Accused, 105

Broadcasting Receiving Apparatus, Lecture, G. E. Jones, 353

Canada, North-Western Section of North-West Territories, Completion of Wireless System, 435

China and Amateur Radio Work, 327

Colombo, Modern High-power Broadcasting Station, 461

Greenland’s New Wireless System, 161

Indian Radio Telegraph Company, Prospectus and Objects, 353

Indian Station for Commercial Service with United Kingdom, 327

Institute of Patentees’ Assistance Sought by B.B. Company, 435

Japan and San Francisco, Wireless Communication Over 4500 Miles, 77

Japanese and American Wireless Schemes, 407

Listening-in, Near and Distant Reception, 403

Marconi Clifden Station, Ireland, to be Dismantled, 709


Marconi House, Change-over of Aerial to Oxford-street, 456

Miners and Signals by Wireless, 47

North-West Territories and Yukon Wireless

System, Most Northerly Main Station, 625

Oscillating Receiver Disturbance Tests, 407

Radio Apparatus Exhibition at Zurich, 681

Radio Direction Finding Stations for Indian

Ports, Experimental Receivers, 435

Rating of Storage Batteries for Wireless Service, 189

Rugby High-power Wireless Station Progress, 353, 517

Russian Wireless Development and Exhibition at Moscow, 599

Tracking Criminals by Wireless, Police Vans Equipped, 105

Transmission of Wireless Messages, Reported Valuable Invention, 105

Wireless Bill, Strong Objections to its New Provisions, 269

WOLVERHAMPTON Local Sewage Plant Extension, 709

Woman Member, The First, of Society of Engi-neers (Incorporated), 269

Woolwich Research Report on “ Gun-wire,” Imperfect Elasticity, 77

z ZINC Ore Smelted in Retorts, Residues from, 353

Zinc, Pure, for Alloy Purposes, Belgian Works Largely Increased Production, 269

Zoological Gardens, Casualties Among Tropical Birds in London, 241

See Also


Sources of Information