Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 167,675 pages of information and 247,074 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs: Difference between revisions

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ACCIDENT to Cochin Harbour Board’s Dredger, 171
ACCIDENT to Cochin Harbour Board’s Dredger, 171
Aerial Passenger Cableway to Summit of Table Mountain, Proposed, 117
Aerial Passenger Cableway to Summit of Table Mountain, Proposed, 117
See aleo Associations, Royal Society of Aeronautics
See aleo Associations, Royal Society of Aeronautics
Aerial Transport Cost Compared with Sea, Rail and Road Travel. 689
Aerial Transport Cost Compared with Sea, Rail and Road Travel. 689
Aircraft Apprentices, 500, Wanted by Royal Air Force, 117
Aircraft Apprentices, 500, Wanted by Royal Air Force, 117
Aircraft in Canada, Particulars of. in 1925, 307
Aircraft in Canada, Particulars of. in 1925, 307
Amphibian Flying Boat's Return to Alberta After 6000-7000 Miles* Tour, 637
Amphibian Flying Boat's Return to Alberta After 6000-7000 Miles* Tour, 637
  Aviation Cold Medal, /Award, 397
  Awards to Aircraft Apprentices, 238
Aviation Cold Medal, /Award, 397
Awards to Aircraft Apprentices, 238
Busk Studentship in Aeronautics Award, 143
Busk Studentship in Aeronautics Award, 143
Civil Aviation Mileage and Passenger Statistics, 223
Civil Aviation Mileage and Passenger Statistics, 223
  Dornier Seaplane's Equipment, 171
Dornier Seaplane's Equipment, 171
Europe-South America Airship Projected by German Company. 644
Europe-South America Airship Projected by German Company. 644
Ford Company's Miniature Aeroplane Weighs 350 1b.. 143
Ford Company's Miniature Aeroplane Weighs 350 1b.. 143
Giant Passenger Aeroplanes for Australia, 343
Giant Passenger Aeroplanes for Australia, 343
  Mystery Seaplane at Cromer, 389
Mystery Seaplane at Cromer, 389
Parachute* Brings Down Aeroplane 2500ft. with Engine Stopped, 277
Parachute* Brings Down Aeroplane 2500ft. with Engine Stopped, 277
Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture to be Given by Professor Prandtl, of Gottingen, 609
Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture to be Given by Professor Prandtl, of Gottingen, 609
AIR Compressor Operation and Practical Method of Cleaning Compressor, 249
AIR Compressor Operation and Practical Method of Cleaning Compressor, 249
Aix-la-Chapelle, ('anal to Connect with the Rhine. 223
Aix-la-Chapelle, ('anal to Connect with the Rhine. 223
Algeria, Extensive Public Works Projected, 37
Algeria, Extensive Public Works Projected, 37
Allen-Li versidgc. Ltd.. London Staff Dinner. 526
Allen-Li versidgc. Ltd.. London Staff Dinner. 526
Amber. German Deposits of. the Most Profitable in the World. 342
Amber. German Deposits of. the Most Profitable in the World. 342
Ammonia, Daily Out put of, in the United States. 171
Ammonia, Daily Out put of, in the United States. 171
Ammonia. Synthetic Production of. at New Works nt Oslo. 277
Ammonia. Synthetic Production of. at New Works nt Oslo. 277
Anticosti Island Timber to be Used for Paper Pulp. 47 I
Anticosti Island Timber to be Used for Paper Pulp. 47 I
Antimony, Flotation of Company to Work Large Area in the Murchison Range, 117
Antimony, Flotation of Company to Work Large Area in the Murchison Range, 117
Antimony Production and Many Uses. 553
Antimony Production and Many Uses. 553
Antofagasta Port Enlargement and Improvement. 669
Antofagasta Port Enlargement and Improvement. 669
Archseological Engineering. 593
Archseological Engineering. 593
Argent inc Port Facilities. 350
Argent inc Port Facilities. 350
Argentine Public. Works Programme, I I
Argentine Public. Works Programme, I I
Armour Plate Trials, 605
Armour Plate Trials, 605
Artificial Silk Factory Projected in Quebec, Cost of, 91
Artificial Silk Factory Projected in Quebec, Cost of, 91
Artificial Silk from Wood Pulp of Nova Scotia, 37
Artificial Silk from Wood Pulp of Nova Scotia, 37
Artificial Silk, World Production Immensely Increased in 1926. 581
Artificial Silk, World Production Immensely Increased in 1926. 581
Asbestos Output from Rhodesia, 609
Asbestos Output from Rhodesia, 609
Asbestos in the United States, Statistics of. 223
Asbestos in the United States, Statistics of. 223
Asphalt, Discovery of 40,000,000 Tons of, in the Philippines, 277
Asphalt, Discovery of 40,000,000 Tons of, in the Philippines, 277
Asphalt Roofing Material and Advantage in Use of Electric Heating Units, 249
Asphalt Roofing Material and Advantage in Use of Electric Heating Units, 249
Institute of Chemistry :
Libraries Presented, also Memorial Fund, 533
Libraries Presented, also Memorial Fund, 533
The Chemist in the Non-ferrous Metallurgical Refinery, St reatfield Memorial Lecture, F. C. Robinson, 533
The Chemist in the Non-ferrous Metallurgical Refinery, St reatfield Memorial Lecture, F. C. Robinson, 533
Institute of Marine Engineers :
Marine Engineering Studentship Facilities, 605
Marine Engineering Studentship Facilities, 605
Institute of Metals :
Latest Date for Receipt of Papers for Next Annual Meeting, 431
Latest Date for Receipt of Papers for Next Annual Meeting, 431
    Railwaymen Elected by Ballot, 91
Institute of Transport :
INSTITUTION OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERS : Annual Dinner. 560 Graduates* Prize ami Crompton Medal Award. 415
Railwaymen Elected by Ballot, 91
Institution of Automobile Engineers : Annual Dinner. 560 Graduates* Prize ami Crompton Medal Award. 415
Joint Gatherings with the Royal Aero* nautical Society, 527
Joint Gatherings with the Royal Aero* nautical Society, 527
    Training for Automobile Engineering, 526
Training for Automobile Engineering, 526
    Visit to Royal Naval College, Greenwich. 41
Institution of Chemical Engineers :
    Awards for Papers. 429
Visit to Royal Naval College, Greenwich. 41
“ James Forrest ” Postponed Lecture, New Date for, 431 BIRMINGHAM ASSOCIATION :
Institution of Civil Engineers :
Awards for Papers. 429
“ James Forrest ” Postponed Lecture, New Date for, 431 Birmingham Association :
Visits to Pumping Station at Lichfield and to Reservoir at- Dudley, 557
Visits to Pumping Station at Lichfield and to Reservoir at- Dudley, 557
Institution of Electrical Engineers :
Portraits of Michael Faraday and Lord Kelvin, 581
Portraits of Michael Faraday and Lord Kelvin, 581
Ships, Regulations for Electrical Equipment of. 235
Ships, Regulations for Electrical Equipment of. 235
Students’ Premiums, Awards for Papers, 158
Students’ Premiums, Awards for Papers, 158
Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland :
Programme of Papers for Winter Session, 357
Programme of Papers for Winter Session, 357
Institution of Fuel Economy Engineers :
First President and First Meeting of Winter Session, 1926, 261
First President and First Meeting of Winter Session, 1926, 261
    Prizes Offered, 678, 714
Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers :
    Awards of Medals, &c., 357, 649
Prizes Offered, 678, 714
Institution, Junior, of Engineers :
Awards of Medals, &c., 357, 649
Pyrometer Experiments for Measuring Temperatures Within Cylinders of Small Internal Combustion Engines, C. E. Foster, 663
Pyrometer Experiments for Measuring Temperatures Within Cylinders of Small Internal Combustion Engines, C. E. Foster, 663
Steel Castings in their Relation to Mechanical Engineering, Robert Lowe, 568
Steel Castings in their Relation to Mechanical Engineering, Robert Lowe, 568
Institution of Locomotive Engineers : Manchester Centre :
Visit to the Crewe* Works, L.M.S. Railway, 207
Visit to the Crewe* Works, L.M.S. Railway, 207
Institution of Mechanical Engineers :
Archaeological Engineering. Lecture by Lieut.-Colonel E. Kitson Clark. 593
Archaeological Engineering. Lecture by Lieut.-Colonel E. Kitson Clark. 593
Award* for Papers Read Before Graduates’ Section, 678
Award* for Papers Read Before Graduates’ Section, 678
Institution of Mining Engineers :
Summer ami Autumn Meeting Abandoned Owing to Stoppage, 261
Summer ami Autumn Meeting Abandoned Owing to Stoppage, 261
Institution of Naval Architects :
National Certificates in Naval Architecture, 659
National Certificates in Naval Architecture, 659
    Scholarship Awards, 264
    Scholarships to bo Offered in 1927, 624
Scholarship Awards, 264
    Oil Fuel. Dr. F. Moll wo, 553
Scholarships to bo Offered in 1927, 624
    Research Fund. 455. 527
Institution of Petroleum Technologists :
    Third Annual Dinner. 495
Oil Fuel. Dr. F. Moll wo, 553
Research Fund. 455. 527
Institution of Production Engineers :
Third Annual Dinner. 495
Institution of Railway Signal Engineers :
Ferro-concrete and also Wooden Poles, with Special Fittings for Signal and Telegraph Purposes. 552
Ferro-concrete and also Wooden Poles, with Special Fittings for Signal and Telegraph Purposes. 552
Institution, Royal :
Courses of Lectures in November and December, 455
Courses of Lectures in November and December, 455
General Meeting, Thanks for Valuable Gifts. Election of Members, 649
General Meeting, Thanks for Valuable Gifts. Election of Members, 649
    Juvenile Lectures, 101st Course. 455, 678
Juvenile Lectures, 101st Course. 455, 678
Lecture Arrangements Before Easter, 1927. 678. 697
Lecture Arrangements Before Easter, 1927. 678. 697
Institution of Structural Engineers :
Death Vacancy and New President Appointed. 429
Death Vacancy and New President Appointed. 429
Portland House Scholarship and Other Awards. 264
Portland House Scholarship and Other Awards. 264
Society, Royal, of Aeronautics :
Grant of 5000 Dollars from the Daniel Guggenheim Fund to the Royal Aeronautical Society. 307
Grant of 5000 Dollars from the Daniel Guggenheim Fund to the Royal Aeronautical Society. 307
Joint- Gatherings with the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 527
Joint- Gatherings with the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 527
ATMOSPHERIC Oxygen, Process for Extract- tion of, 117
ATMOSPHERIC Oxygen, Process for Extrnct-tion of, 117
Australian Graduates, Eight Chosen for Special Research Training, 285
Australian Graduates, Eight Chosen for Special Research Training, 285
Australia's Paint Imports, Large Proportion Supplied by Great Britain, 91
Australia's Paint Imports, Large Proportion Supplied by Great Britain, 91
Australia's Trade with the United Kingdom. 307
Australia's Trade with the United Kingdom. 307
Automatic Telephones Being Installed in Dairen, Manchuria, 689
Automatic Telephones Being Installed in Dairen, Manchuria, 689
Automobile Association and Improved Methods of Car Shipment. 527
Automobile Association and Improved Methods of Car Shipment. 527
BANFF, Canada. Calculation of Potential Energy from Hot Springs, 715
BANFF, Canada. Calculation of Potential Energy from Hot Springs, 715
Barbed Wire, History of, 91
Barbed Wire, History of, 91
Barrages Across the Congo. A Big Proposition, 307
Barrages Across the Congo. A Big Proposition, 307
Batavian Production of Resin and Turpentine, 637
Batavian Production of Resin and Turpentine, 637
Bavaria’s Water Power Stations, 609
Bavaria’s Water Power Stations, 609
Beet—see Sugar
Beet—see Sugar
Beira Port, Portuguese East Africa, Sold to
Beira Port, Portuguese East Africa, Sold to
  Company and in Course of Improvement , 277 Belgian State Railways and Government
  Telegraph and Telephone Systems Leased to Companies, Terms of Arrangement, 223 Belt Fastener, A New, Dargue Brothers, Ltd., 704
Company and in Course of Improvement , 277 Belgian State Railways and Government
Telegraph and Telephone Systems Leased to Companies, Terms of Arrangement, 223 Belt Fastener, A New, Dargue Brothers, Ltd., 704
Bengal Irrigation Department to Attack Pest of Water Hyacinth, 11
Bengal Irrigation Department to Attack Pest of Water Hyacinth, 11
Beryllium, Valuable Properties and Probably Increased Use of. 281
Beryllium, Valuable Properties and Probably Increased Use of. 281
Big Peter of York Minister to be Recast. 637 Birmingham University Metallurgical Society.
Big Peter of York Minister to be Recast. 637 Birmingham University Metallurgical Society.
  Retirement and Testimonial to Professor, 106 Bitumen in Large Quantities Found on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, 117 Bituminous Roads in South Australia, Cost per
  Mile, 471
Retirement and Testimonial to Professor, 106 Bitumen in Large Quantities Found on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, 117 Bituminous Roads in South Australia, Cost per
Mile, 471
Blasting Charges, New Form of Primer for. 637 Board of Trade Licence Issued to Research
Blasting Charges, New Form of Primer for. 637 Board of Trade Licence Issued to Research
Association of British Paint Manufacturers, 4 43
Association of British Paint Manufacturers, 4 43
Boiler Explosion, Unusual Typo. 11
Boiler Explosion, Unusual Typo. 11
Boiler Stop Valve Failure at a Colliery. 307
Boiler Stop Valve Failure at a Colliery. 307
Boiler Used on Gold Mino in 1875 Rediscovered in Good Order, 417
Boiler Used on Gold Mino in 1875 Rediscovered in Good Order, 417
Boiler's Groat Output at Yallorn Power House.
Boiler's Groat Output at Yallorn Power House.
  Victoria, 417
Victoria, 417
Bombay Government Appoints Committee to Report on Back Bav Reclamation Scheme. 1 I. 91
Bombay Government Appoints Committee to Report on Back Bav Reclamation Scheme. 1 I. 91
Book Tower in Detroit to be 873ft. Above the
Book Tower in Detroit to be 873ft. Above the
  Ground, Tallest Building in the World, 143
Ground, Tallest Building in the World, 143
Bootle Commercially Considered, 361
Bootle Commercially Considered, 361
Bore-hole in Search for Oil at Orallo, Queensland, 499
Bore-hole in Search for Oil at Orallo, Queensland, 499
Brazilian Proposals for Improvement of Port of Ilheos. State of Bahia, 689
Brazilian Proposals for Improvement of Port of Ilheos. State of Bahia, 689
Bricks at Fiction Brickyards, 16,000,000 per
Bricks at Fiction Brickyards, 16,000,000 per
  Week Output. 219
Week Output. 219
  Bascule Bridge’s Unusual Mishap, 417
Bascule Bridge’s Unusual Mishap, 417
Bridge Over the Danube from Belgrade to Pancevo, Conflicting Opinion, 307
Bridge Over the Danube from Belgrade to Pancevo, Conflicting Opinion, 307
Double-deck Road and Railway Bridge Across the South Saskatchewan River, 663
Double-deck Road and Railway Bridge Across the South Saskatchewan River, 663
Durban to Connect with Durban North by New Bridge, 715
Durban to Connect with Durban North by New Bridge, 715
Floriunopolis Bridge, Brazil, A Record Structure, 715
Floriunopolis Bridge, Brazil, A Record Structure, 715
Haven Bridge at Yarmouth, Reconstruction, 117
Haven Bridge at Yarmouth, Reconstruction, 117
Montreal Bridge under Erection will be Second Only to Sydney Harbour Bridge, 689
Montreal Bridge under Erection will be Second Only to Sydney Harbour Bridge, 689
Narrows, at Atherlev, Ont., Bridge Over the, 117
Narrows, at Atherlev, Ont., Bridge Over the, 117
New Bridge Across the Yare at Yarmouth, 581
New Bridge Across the Yare at Yarmouth, 581
Niagara Falls Memorial Bridge, to Connect Canada and United States. 443
Niagara Falls Memorial Bridge, to Connect Canada und United States. 443
Steel Bridge Projected Across Riviere du Loup, Quebec, 471
Steel Bridge Projected Across Riviere du Loup, Quebec, 471
Suggested New Road and Railway Bridge at Freemantle, West Australia, 581
Suggested New Road and Railway Bridge nt Freemantle, West Australia, 581
Sydney Harbour, Need of Another Bridge Predicted, 171
Sydney Harbour, Need of Another Bridge Predicted, 171
Transporter Bridge near Mouth of Yarra River, Victoria, Proposed Construction. 171
Transporter Bridge near Mouth of Ynrra River, Victoria, Proposed Construction. 171
BRIDGE River Hydro-electric Scheme in British Columbia. .333
BRIDGE River Hydro-electric Scheme in British Columbia. .333
Briquette Works and Superphosphate Plant Projected in South Africa, 417
Briquette Works and Superphosphate Plant Projected in South Africa, 417
    Barytes and Boiled Linseed Oil, 347
Barytes and Boiled Linseed Oil, 347
    Brazing Solder, 291
    Electric Cable Soldering Sockets. 319
Brazing Solder, 291
    Fractional Horse-power Electric Motors. 291
Electric Cable Soldering Sockets. 319
Fractional Horse-power Electric Motors. 291
BRITISH Aluminium Company in Norway. Extension of Works, 417
BRITISH Aluminium Company in Norway. Extension of Works, 417
British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Annual Dinner and Speeches, £60
British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Annual Dinner and Speeches, £60
British Foundry men. Institute, Birmingham, Coventry and West Midlands Branch, Junior Section to be Formed, 478
British Foundry men. Institute, Birmingham, Coventry and West Midlands Branch, Junior Section to be Formed, 478
British Gears’ Success in Spite of High American Tariff. 417
British Gears’ Success in Spite of High American Tariff. 417
British Nationality, Out ward-hound Passenger Traffic from Europe Much Increased. 663
British Nationality, Out ward-hound Passenger Traffic from Europe Much Increased. 663
British Treasury to Guarantee Principal and Interest up to £110,000 to Australasian Paper and Pulp Company for Twelve Years, 689
British Treasury to Guarantee Principal and Interest up to £110,000 to Australasian Paper and Pulp Company for Twelve Years, 689
  Bromley Ironworks Demolition, 499
Bromley Ironworks Demolition, 499
Bronze Runners to Replace Steel in Turbines to Avoid Erosion Troubles, 249
Bronze Runners to Replace Steel in Turbines to Avoid Erosion Troubles, 249
Buenos Aires, Port of, Reconstruction Work Resumed, 361
Buenos Aires, Port of, Reconstruction Work Resumed, 361
CABLE, New, Between England and New York. 307
CABLE, New, Between England and New York. 307
Cable Ship Laving Longest Cable in the World, 342
Cable Ship Laving Longest Cable in the World, 342
£10,000 Cable Tram Equipment Sold for £450, 249
£10,000 Cable Tram Equipment Sold for £450, 249
Cairo apd Alexandria to be Linked by Underground Telephone Cable, 389
Cairo apd Alexandria to be Linked by Underground Telephone Cable, 389
Calcutta Corporation Pumping Plant Extension, 335
Calcutta Corporation Pumping Plant Extension, 335
Calcutta’s New Drainage Scheme and its Cost, 307
Calcutta’s New Drainage Scheme and its Cost, 307
Calcutta Trust Starting Work on Manicktolla Bridge Reconstruction, 335
Calcutta Trust Starting Work on Manicktolla Bridge Reconstruction, 335
Californian Oil Company Planning Drill Hole Down to 10,000ft., Already of Record Depth, 689
Californian Oil Company Planning Drill Hole Down to 10,000ft., Already of Record Depth, 689
Canada, Dominion Water Power and Reclamation Service, Report, 612
Canada, Dominion Water Power and Reclamation Service, Report, 612
Canada's Gold Production Since 1858, Third in the World’s List of Producers, 171
Canada's Gold Production Since 1858, Third in the World’s List of Producers, 171
Canada's Production of Platinium. Palladium, Rhodium, &e., 307
Canada's Production of Platinium. Palladium, Rhodium, &e., 307
  Canadian Canals, Traffic Stat istics. 91
  Canadian Good Roads Association, 389
Canadian Canals, Traffic Stat istics. 91
  Canadian Magnesite Suitability for Bricks. 171
  Cape Town. Dock Improvement Scheme. 122
Canadian Good Roads Association, 389
Canadian Magnesite Suitability for Bricks. 171
Cape Town. Dock Improvement Scheme. 122
Carbon Acid Gas Purification Plant in Montreal. 197
Carbon Acid Gas Purification Plant in Montreal. 197
  Carbon Dioxide, New Process for Making. 443
Carbon Dioxide, New Process for Making. 443
Cement Manufacture in Victoria. New Works. 249
Cement Manufacture in Victoria. New Works. 249
Cement Sales in Australia, 37
Cement Sales in Australia, 37
Chefoo Harbour Improvement Commission. 37
Chefoo Harbour Improvement Commission. 37
Chemicals and Drugs Manufacture. Shanghai Factory, 11
Chemicals and Drugs Manufacture. Shanghai Factory, 11
  Chili, Irrigation Projects in, 223
Chili, Irrigation Projects in, 223
Chilian Iodine Industry, Terrible Waste of Valuable Iodine, 277
Chilian Iodine Industry, Terrible Waste of Valuable Iodine, 277
  China, New Arsenal and Mint Projected, 46
China, New Arsenal and Mint Projected, 46
China’s Population, Analysis of Foreign Proportion. 277
China’s Population, Analysis of Foreign Proportion. 277
Chinese Architects Form Society, 609
Chinese Architects Form Society, 609
Chines© 400 Miles Road, Motor Car Journey Occupies Three Days, 443
Chines© 400 Miles Road, Motor Car Journey Occupies Three Days, 443
  Chittagong Port Development. 37, 277
Chittagong Port Development. 37, 277
Circulating Water at American Power Station, to Prevent Choked Gratings, 197
Circulating Water at American Power Station, to Prevent Choked Gratings, 197
Classes for Firemen and Furnaeemen in Glasgow, and Beneficial Result, 335
Classes for Firemen and Furnaeemen in Glasgow, and Beneficial Result, 335
Cleansing Oil Coolers, Duckham, Alexander, and Co., 291
Cleansing Oil Coolers, Duckham, Alexander, and Co., 291
Accidents, Death rate in Coal Mines of the United States, 443
Accidents, Death rate in Coal Mines of the United States, 443
    Baffin Island Coal, Analysis of, 471
Baffin Island Coal, Analysis of, 471
Barnsley Coal Seam said to be Workable Throughout Lincolnshire, 171
Barnsley Coal Seam said to be Workable Throughout Lincolnshire, 171
Bituminous Coal. International Conference on. at Carnegie Institute, 470
Bituminous Coal. International Conference on. at Carnegie Institute, 470
Bolton Now HOUSCH, Cumberland, New Pit Sinking at. 490
Bolton Now Housch, Cumberland, New Pit Sinking at. 490
Bombay Coal Consumption Halved, 307, 527 Briquetting Brown Coal at Morwell, Victoria, 335
Bombay Coal Consumption Halved, 307, 527 Briquetting Brown Coal at Morwell, Victoria, 335
British Steel Produced by Aid of American Coal, 527
British Steel Produced by Aid of American Coal, 527
Brown Coal Deposits in South Australia, 417
Brown Coal Deposits in South Australia, 417
    Canadian Coal Output in 1925. 143
    Carbonisation of Durham Coal in Continuous
Canadian Coal Output in 1925. 143
        Vertical Retorts, 171
    Carnock Colliery Contract for New Plant, 90
Carbonisation of Durham Coal in Continuous
Vertical Retorts, 171
Carnock Colliery Contract for New Plant, 90
Coal Output, Great Increase of, by Nova Scotia Company, 663
Coal Output, Great Increase of, by Nova Scotia Company, 663
    Coat Products—ner. Exhibit ions
Coat Products—ner. Exhibit ions
Coal Seam Found in the Lower Cwmgorse Valley, 171
Coal Seam Found in the Lower Cwmgorse Valley, 171
Coke Oven Plants to Use Canadian and Nova Scotian Coal, 277
Coke Oven Plants to Use Canadian and Nova Scotian Coal, 277
Czocho-Slovakia. Details of Coal Production. 609
Czocho-Slovakia. Details of Coal Production. 609
Dry-cleaning Coal, Professor Henry Louin, 663
Dry-cleaning Coal, Professor Henry Louin, 663
Dry Coal from Yallourn Utilised by Mixing with Wet. 553
Dry Coal from Yallourn Utilised by Mixing with Wet. 553
Entombed Colliers* Bodies Recovered after Nearly Fifty Years, 249
Entombed Colliers* Bodies Recovered after Nearly Fifty Years, 249
German Coal Hewers* Output, Great Increase on Pre-war Rate of Production. 249 Great Britain's Coal Output for week ending December 4th, 666
German Coal Hewers* Output, Great Increase on Pre-war Rate of Production. 249 Great Britain's Coal Output for week ending December 4th, 666
Hamburg Arrivals of Water-borne Coal Reduced by Quay Labourers' Strike, 527
Hamburg Arrivals of Water-borne Coal Reduced by Quay Labourers' Strike, 527
Hull, Proposed Railway from Goole, and Wharfage, to Cheapen Coal Transport, 609 637
Hull, Proposed Railway from Goole, and Wharfage, to Cheapen Coal Transport, 609 637
Japanese Coal Delivered in Shanghai, Cost of. 689
Japanese Coal Delivered in Shanghai, Cost of. 689
    Leeds, Coal Smoke Nuisance Abatement, 63
Leeds, Coal Smoke Nuisance Abatement, 63
Lisbon, Coal Mines near. Opened Up, but Coal of Poor Quality, 91
Lisbon, Coal Mines near. Opened Up, but Coal of Poor Quality, 91
New South Wales Metallurgical Coke Output, 087
New South Wales Metallurgical Coke Output, 087
Nigeria. Third Coal-carrying Steamer Purchased for. 499
Nigeria. Third Coal-carrying Steamer Purchased for. 499
Oil Distillation from Coal, Satisfactory Tests in China, 11
Oil Distillation from Coal, Satisfactory Tests in China, 11
    Pekin Syndicate Coal Output, 63
Pekin Syndicate Coal Output, 63
Pyritic Oxidation in relation to Spontaneous Combustion of Coal. H. Macpherson and Others. 417
Pyritic Oxidation in relation to Spontaneous Combustion of Coal. H. Macpherson and Others. 417
    Sinking Coal Shaft in South Yorkshire. 499
Sinking Coal Shaft in South Yorkshire. 499
Spitsbergen Collieries Benefit by British Coal Stoppage, 335
Spitsbergen Collieries Benefit by British Coal Stoppage, 335
    Transport of Coal by Aerial Ropeway, 249
Transport of Coal by Aerial Ropeway, 249
Upton Colliery Company's Shaft-sinking Progress, 277
Upton Colliery Company's Shaft-sinking Progress, 277
Woodville near Burton-on-Trent, Seam of Coal Located in a Field near. 63
Woodville near Burton-on-Trent, Seam of Coal Located in a Field near. 63
X-ray Use in Coal Classification, F. J. Harlow, 609
X-ray Use in Coal Classification, F. J. Harlow, 609
COCHIN, First-class Tidal Harbour, Work Begun, 715
COCHIN, First-class Tidal Harbour, Work Begun, 715
Cochin Harbour. Arrival and Work of New Dredger, 91
Cochin Harbour. Arrival and Work of New Dredger, 91
Cold Storage and Ice Factory’ Projected in Perth, 715
Cold Storage and Ice Factory’ Projected in Perth, 715
  Cold Storage Plant for Durban, 417
Cold Storage Plant for Durban, 417
Cold Storage Plant, Very Large, Projected for Western Canada, 443
Cold Storage Plant, Very Large, Projected for Western Canada, 443
Colombia, Reported Projected Construction of Modern Port in Gulf of Uraba, 277
Colombia, Reported Projected Construction of Modern Port in Gulf of Uraba, 277
Commonwealth and New South Wales Floating Dock, Increase in Projected Lifting Capacity, 14 3
Commonwealth and New South Wales Floating Dock, Increase in Projected Lifting Capacity, 14 3
Concrete Controlled in Strength by Ratio of Cement to Water, 91
Concrete Controlled in Strength by Ratio of Cement to Water, 91
Concrete of Extreme Strength for Hall in California, 424
Concrete of Extreme Strength for Hall in California, 424
Concrete-mixing Investigation and Conclusions, 467
Concrete-mixing Investigation and Conclusions, 467
Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Arches of Great Span, Method of Construction by Rib Compensation, Monsieur Freyssinet, 117
Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Arches of Great Span, Method of Construction by Rib Compensation, Monsieur Freyssinet, 117
Concrete, Reinforced, for Signal Posts and Telegraph Poles. 552
Concrete, Reinforced, for Signal Posts and Telegraph Poles. 552
  Concrete Strengthened by Molten Sulphur, 11
  Concrete Tanks for Storage of Animal and
Concrete Strengthened by Molten Sulphur, 11
    Vegetable Oils, 609
  Conveyors, Very Long, in Virginian Mine, 361
Concrete Tanks for Storage of Animal and
  Cooling a Troublesome Bearing, 91
  Copper Discovery in South Africa. 63
Vegetable Oils, 609
  Copper. Electrolytic, Union Minidre to Produce
    Large Quantity Annually, 63
Conveyors, Very Long, in Virginian Mine, 361
Cooling a Troublesome Bearing, 91
Copper Discovery in South Africa. 63
Copper. Electrolytic, Union Minidre to Produce
Large Quantity Annually, 63
Copper Mine in British Columbia, Reputed Largest in the Empire, 499
Copper Mine in British Columbia, Reputed Largest in the Empire, 499
  Copper Ore Discovery in Now Brunswick, 577
  Copper and Silver Output of Canada, 277
Copper Ore Discovery in Now Brunswick, 577
Copper and Silver Output of Canada, 277
Cornish Mining to Seek Government Subsidv. 581
Cornish Mining to Seek Government Subsidv. 581
  Cornwall Works, Birmingham, 212
Cornwall Works, Birmingham, 212
Cotton-picking by Machine, New Invention, 471 Cotton Textile Industry in the Dominion, Seventy Plants Engaged, 171
Cotton-picking by Machine, New Invention, 471 Cotton Textile Industry in the Dominion, Seventy Plants Engaged, 171
  Cracked Circular Saws, Mending, 581
  Crane for Steel Plant in America, Said to be
Cracked Circular Saws, Mending, 581
    Largest of Kind in Existence, 443
Crane for Steel Plant in America, Said to be
Largest of Kind in Existence, 443
Cuban Large Rond Construction Programme, 307
Cuban Large Rond Construction Programme, 307
DAM, Large Storage, Under Const ruction by Gatineau Power Company at Bitobe, Quebec, 117
DAM, Large Storage, Under Const ruction by Gatineau Power Company at Bitobe, Quebec, 117
  Dam, New, on the River Mackinac, 91
Dam, New, on the River Mackinac, 91
Darn in Waranga Basin, Victoria, Question of Strength, 307
Darn in Waranga Basin, Victoria, Question of Strength, 307
  Danzig, Coal Situation at, 37
Detonation of Blasting Explosives, Velocity of- 37 ; Paper on Determination of Velocity, 63
Danzig, Coal Situation at, 37
Detonation of Blasting Explosives, Velocity of-37 ; Paper on Determination of Velocity, 63
Detonation Phenomena in Engines, Monsieur Dumanois, 11
Detonation Phenomena in Engines, Monsieur Dumanois, 11
Detonators in Mines, Additional Precaution, 637
Detonators in Mines, Additional Precaution, 637
Development of Paugan Falls on Gatineau River, Ontario, 552
Development of Paugan Falls on Gatineau River, Ontario, 552
Diamond Discovery Reported in Cape Colony, South of Port Nolloth, 499
Diamond Discovery Reported in Cape Colony, South of Port Nolloth, 499
Diarnondiferous Area of British Guiana, -Accompanied by Heavy Minerals, 277
Diarnondiferous Area of British Guiana, -Accompanied by Heavy Minerals, 277
Diesel-driven Power Station Likely to bo Changed for Local Water Power Scheme, 417 Diesel Engine Power Plant to be Scrapped in Favour of Steam, 471
Diesel-driven Power Station Likely to bo Changed for Local Water Power Scheme, 417 Diesel Engine Power Plant to be Scrapped in Favour of Steam, 471
Differential Separation by Flotation of Lead and Copper from Zinc in Sulphide Oren, 689 Disinfectants for New Zealand, Large Tenders Called for, 389
Differential Separation by Flotation of Lead and Copper from Zinc in Sulphide Oren, 689 Disinfectants for New Zealand, Large Tenders Called for, 389
Diving, Success of Use of Artificial Atmosphere, 553
Diving, Success of Use of Artificial Atmosphere, 553
Dock Scheme. King George’s, at Kidderporo, Progress, 117
Dock Scheme. King George’s, at Kidderporo, Progress, 117
Dock, Wet. at Ayr, Removal of Unused Gates and Sill, 171
Dock, Wet. at Ayr, Removal of Unused Gates and Sill, 171
Drainage and Road-building Operations at •* The Brook Kishon," 307
Drainage and Road-building Operations at •* The Brook Kishon," 307
Drainage Scheme for Karachi, 171
Drainage Scheme for Karachi, 171
Dredger at Bristol Undergoing Overhaul. 581
Dredger at Bristol Undergoing Overhaul. 581
Drilling by Jack-hammers, A Record. 499
Drilling by Jack-hammers, A Record. 499
Dublin's First Automatic Telephone Exchange, 527
Dublin's First Automatic Telephone Exchange, 527
Duke of Northumberland to bo President of Shipping Exhibition at Olympia, 1927, 91
Duke of Northumberland to bo President of Shipping Exhibition at Olympia, 1927, 91
Duralumin and Welding by Oxy •acetylene, 223 Dust- Inhalation in Mines, Paper by P. S. Hay.
Duralumin and Welding by Oxy •acetylene, 223 Dust- Inhalation in Mines, Paper by P. S. Hay.
  I Hi
I Hi
Dust-proof Plants in Boiler Houses Economical as well as Cleanly, 91
Dust-proof Plants in Boiler Houses Economical as well as Cleanly, 91
Dusty Roads, Now Remedy for. Found in Amsterdam, 277
Dusty Roads, Now Remedy for. Found in Amsterdam, 277
Dynamite Factory being Put Up in Alabama, 581
Dynamite Factory being Put Up in Alabama, 581
EFFLUENT Liquor Treatment at Coventry, 581
EFFLUENT Liquor Treatment at Coventry, 581
Armature of Exceptional Size, Special Arrangements for Railway Transport and Construction of Building. 143
Armature of Exceptional Size, Special Arrangements for Railway Transport and Construction of Building. 143
British Columbia Electric Railway. Bridge River Power Development for, 637
British Columbia Electric Railway. Bridge River Power Development for, 637
British Industries Fair at Birmingham. Predominance of Electrical Industries. 689
British Industries Fair at Birmingham. Predominance of Electrical Industries. 689
Characteristics of Single-phase Motors, T. (). Walz, 361
Characteristics of Single-phase Motors, T. (). Walz, 361
Cheapest Supply in the World Generated by Steam Plant, 637
Cheapest Supply in the World Generated by Steam Plant, 637
Competition in Manufacture of Electrical Machinery, Court Judgment at Melbourne, 499
Competition in Manufacture of Electrical Machinery, Court Judgment at Melbourne, 499
Consumption of Current in South African Towns, 91
Consumption of Current in South African Towns, 91
Dover’s Electric Supply Breakdown and Arrangement to Connect Supply with that of Folkestone. 553
Dover’s Electric Supply Breakdown and Arrangement to Connect Supply with that of Folkestone. 553
Durban's Electrical Department Budget, 715
Durban's Electrical Department Budget, 715
Earthing Metal Bodies other than Conductors, 335
Earthing Metal Bodies other than Conductors, 335
  Electric Locomotives for Montreal, 499
  Electrical Trades' Benevolent Institution, 388
Electric Locomotives for Montreal, 499
Electrical Trades' Benevolent Institution, 388
Electrified Ploughshare, Experiments and Result, 499
Electrified Ploughshare, Experiments and Result, 499
Flanged Girder. Electric Arc Welded and Tested to Destruction, 499
Flanged Girder. Electric Arc Welded and Tested to Destruction, 499
  Galle, India. Electric Lighting, 499
  Govan Power House Equipment, 249
Galle, India. Electric Lighting, 499
Govan Power House Equipment, 249
Hardening and Tempering of Steel, Electric Heating for. 143
Hardening and Tempering of Steel, Electric Heating for. 143
High-voltage Electrical Laboratory Built at Stanford University, California, 277
High-voltage Electrical Laboratory Built at Stanford University, California, 277
Industrial Standardisation in the Electrical Field, Percy Good, 389
Industrial Standardisation in the Electrical Field, Percy Good, 389
Insulators, Electrical, Question of Manufacture in Bihar with China Clay Found There, 63
Insulators, Electrical, Question of Manufacture in Bihar with China Clay Found There, 63
Lamps in Subways, Electric, Comparison Between Bare and Shaded Lamps, 63
Lamps in Subways, Electric, Comparison Between Bare and Shaded Lamps, 63
Large Boilers’ Provision in Power House for Quick Change of Coal for Oil Fuel, 143
Large Boilers’ Provision in Power House for Quick Change of Coal for Oil Fuel, 143
Lincoln Private Electric Lighting Increase, 389
Lincoln Private Electric Lighting Increase, 389
Maritime Electric Company, America, Expenditure on Plant and Equipment. 249
Maritime Electric Company, America, Expenditure on Plant and Equipment. 249
Mexico’s New Electrical Code, Demand for Superior Apparatus and Equipment, 361 Power Development in British Malaya with
Mexico’s New Electrical Code, Demand for Superior Apparatus and Equipment, 361 Power Development in British Malaya with
Construction of Hydro-electric Plant on the Purak River, 117
Construction of Hydro-electric Plant on the Purak River, 117
Power Generation from Tides of Passama- quoddy Bay, Canadian Government Authorises Scheme for, 277
  Power Station for Senegal. South Africa, 450
Power Generation from Tides of Passama-quoddy Bay, Canadian Government Authorises Scheme for, 277
Power Station for Senegal. South Africa, 450
Power Transmission Wires Between Canada and Island of Orleans, 11
Power Transmission Wires Between Canada and Island of Orleans, 11
Pre-heating Rolls of Tin-plate Mills by Means of Electrical Resistances, 335
Pre-heating Rolls of Tin-plate Mills by Means of Electrical Resistances, 335
  Rail Mill in /Xmerica, Electrification of, 361
  Sale of Electricity, Rapid Progress of, 471
Rail Mill in /Xmerica, Electrification of, 361
Sale of Electricity, Rapid Progress of, 471
Shanghai, Projected Power Plant of 20,060 Kilowatts, 637
Shanghai, Projected Power Plant of 20,060 Kilowatts, 637
Ships, Regulations for Electrical Equipment of, 235
Ships, Regulations for Electrical Equipment of, 235
Steam Turbo-generator for American Generating Station, 361
Steam Turbo-generator for American Generating Station, 361
Sulphur Mines in Sicily, All Services to be Electrified within Three Years, 63
Sulphur Mines in Sicily, All Services to be Electrified within Three Years, 63
Super-power, Coal Consumption for Generation of Electricity, 389
Super-power, Coal Consumption for Generation of Electricity, 389
Sydney City Council, Proposal to Acquire Mine or Mines for Purposes of Electricity Department, 117
Sydney City Council, Proposal to Acquire Mine or Mines for Purposes of Electricity Department, 117
Tungshun Island, near Amoy, Suggested Rice Mill for, with Electric Plant for Power and City Lighting, 581
Tungshun Island, near Amoy, Suggested Rice Mill for, with Electric Plant for Power and City Lighting, 581
  Turbo-alternators, Four 10,000-Kilowatt, for
    Bombay Suburban Railways, 637
Turbo-alternators, Four 10,000-Kilowatt, for
  Two Million-volt Transformer Set, 143
Bombay Suburban Railways, 637
Two Million-volt Transformer Set, 143
Victorian Electricity Commission and German Recommendations, 417
Victorian Electricity Commission and German Recommendations, 417
Western Australia and Electric Supply to Mines, 37
Western Australia and Electric Supply to Mines, 37
Wolverhampton’s Increased Use of Electricity, 389
Wolverhampton’s Increased Use of Electricity, 389
ELECTROLYTIC Copper, Big Lixiviation Plant foi Union Minidre Katanga, 143
ELECTROLYTIC Copper, Big Lixiviation Plant foi Union Minidre Katanga, 143
Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress to be held in Canada in 1927, 335
Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress to be held in Canada in 1927, 335
Engineers in China, 452
Engineers in China, 452
English and Amateur Mechanic*, 498
English and Amateur Mechanic*, 498
Esquimalt Dry Dock Construction, 389
Esquimalt Dry Dock Construction, 389
Estonian Oil Shale as Railway Fuel, 663
Estonian Oil Shale as Railway Fuel, 663
Ethylene Dichloride as a Solvent for Oils and
Ethylene Dichloride as a Solvent for Oils and
• Fats, 689
• Fats, 689
Agricultural Show and Exhibition of Cottage Industries at Jubbulpore, 499
Agricultural Show and Exhibition of Cottage Industries at Jubbulpore, 499
Belgium, Universal Exhibition Projected for 1930, 197
Belgium, Universal Exhibition Projected for 1930, 197
EXHIBITIONS (continued) :
EXHIBITIONS (continued) :
British Industries Fair in Birmingham : Enlargement of Buildings Called for, 417 British Industries Fair and Misconceptions, 417
British Industries Fair in Birmingham : Enlargement of Buildings Called for, 417 British Industries Fair and Misconceptions, 417
Electric Business Predominance at British Industries Fair in Birmingham, 689
Electric Business Predominance at British Industries Fair in Birmingham, 689
Floor Space at British Industries ^Fair, Greatly Increased Demand, 581, 637
Floor Space at British Industries ^Fair, Greatly Increased Demand, 581, 637
Madras Council Estimate for Participation in British Industries Fair. 471
Madras Council Estimate for Participation in British Industries Fair. 471
Congress of Chemists and Exhibition in London of Apparatus, Chemicals, A’c., 3*
Congress of Chemists and Exhibition in London of Apparatus, Chemicals, A’c., 3*
Industrial Designs Competition, Selection of Work on Exhibition., 143
Industrial Designs Competition, Selection of Work on Exhibition., 143
Ironmongery, Hardware, &c.» Exhibition, 276
Ironmongery, Hardware, &c.» Exhibition, 276
  Leipzig International Industries Fair, 183
Leipzig International Industries Fair, 1927, 624 .11
Leipzig International Industries Fair, 183
Leipzig International Industries Fair, 1927, 624               .11
Model Engineer Exhibition at Horticultural Hall, Westminster, 143, 171
Model Engineer Exhibition at Horticultural Hall, Westminster, 143, 171
  National Coal .Products Exhibition, 495
  Physical Societies’ Exhibition, 649
National Coal .Products Exhibition, 495
Physical Societies’ Exhibition, 649
Prague Sample Fair to Include Mining Section, 18
Prague Sample Fair to Include Mining Section, 18
Royal Agricultural Society Exhibition, 1927, Date and Place, 649
Royal Agricultural Society Exhibition, 1927, Date and Place, 649
Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, Luncheon to Introduce New President, 560
Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, Luncheon to Introduce New President, 560
Society of Chemical Industry, Exhibition in Manchester. 1 1
Society of Chemical Industry, Exhibition in Manchester. 1 1
Textile Industry, First National Exhibition, 37
Textile Industry, First National Exhibition, 37
EXPLOSION of Steam-jacketed Pan, 335
EXPLOSION of Steam-jacketed Pan, 335
Explosive Company’s Plant at Nobel, Ontario, to be Reopened, 715
Explosive Company’s Plant at Nobel, Ontario, to be Reopened, 715
Explosives Factories, Diminution in Number and also of Persons Employed, 63
Explosives Factories, Diminution in Number and also of Persons Employed, 63
FACTORY Proposed in Natal for Manufacture of Canex ” Boards, 117
FACTORY Proposed in Natal for Manufacture of Canex ” Boards, 117
Fairs—see Exhibitions
Fairs—see Exhibitions
Faraday House, Old Students’ Association, Annual Dinner, 400, 511
Faraday House, Old Students’ Association, Annual Dinner, 400, 511
Federated Malay States Insistence on Use of British Materials, 553
Federated Malay States Insistence on Use of British Materials, 553
Felling a Blast-furnace Stack with Dynamite, 91
Felling a Blast-furnace Stack with Dynamite, 91
Fibre Rope, Inventor’s Unsinkable Type, 527
Fibre Rope, Inventor’s Unsinkable Type, 527
Fire Control in a Pulverised Coal Bin, 91
Fire Control in a Pulverised Coal Bin, 91
Fire Losses Due to Electric Irons, 37
Fire Losses Due to Electric Irons, 37
Firedamp in Mines, Measurement by Electric
Firedamp in Mines, Measurement by Electric
  CurrentE. H. Liveing, 389
CurrentE. H. Liveing, 389
Fire-float Beta III., Record Work at Big Fire in East London, 471
Fire-float Beta III., Record Work at Big Fire in East London, 471
Fireproof Paints Factory at Sault Ste. Marie, 499
Fireproof Paints Factory at Sault Ste. Marie, 499
Flax Extensively Planted in Natal, Proposed Production of Alcohol from Waste Pulp of Leaves, 171
Flax Extensively Planted in Natal, Proposed Production of Alcohol from Waste Pulp of Leaves, 171
Fleming, Dr. J. A., Presentation of Portrait to, 499, 527
Fleming, Dr. J. A., Presentation of Portrait to, 499, 527
Floating Dock, Small for Table Bay Harbour,, 471
Floating Dock, Small for Table Bay Harbour,, 471
Floating Dock, 25.000-Ton, for French Government, Launched at Hamburg, 143
Floating Dock, 25.000-Ton, for French Government, Launched at Hamburg, 143
Flood Prevention, Irrigation, and Hydroelectric Enterprise in Mexico, 689
Flood Prevention, Irrigation, and Hydroelectric Enterprise in Mexico, 689
Floor Tested by Four Hours’ Fire, 417
Floor Tested by Four Hours’ Fire, 417
Ford Five-day Week, Divergent Views on, 527
Ford Five-day Week, Divergent Views on, 527
Foreign Building Materials, Greatly Increased Importation of, 361
Foreign Building Materials, Greatly Increased Importation of, 361
Foreign Trade of the Sudan, Considerable Increase in, 663
Foreign Trade of the Sudan, Considerable Increase in, 663
Foundry at Warrington with Area of 3000 Square Yards, 499
Foundry at Warrington with Area of 3000 Square Yards, 499
Free State Flag, First Boat Launched under, Kahanui, for New Zealand, 223
Free State Flag, First Boat Launched under, Kahanui, for New Zealand, 223
Frost Effect in Different Soils, Caution Needed in Pipe Laying, 143
Frost Effect in Different Soils, Caution Needed in Pipe Laying, 143
Fuel Research Board’s Experimental Borgius Process Plant, 361
Fuel Research Board’s Experimental Borgius Process Plant, 361
Fuel from Waste of Palm “ Nuts,” 581
Fuel from Waste of Palm “ Nuts,” 581
GAS Oil for Petrol Engines. 41
GAS Oil for Petrol Engines. 41
Gas, Outbursts of, in Coal Mines, G. Roblings, 663
Gas, Outbursts of, in Coal Mines, G. Roblings, 663
Gasworks Capacity of 1,000,000 Cubic Feet per
Gasworks Capacity of 1,000,000 Cubic Feet per
  Twenty-four Hours, 417
Twenty-four Hours, 417
Gear Grinding, H. F. L. Orcutt, 581
Gear Grinding, H. F. L. Orcutt, 581
G.E.C. Sports, 75
G.E.C. Sports, 75
German Plate-rolling Trade, 287
German Plate-rolling Trade, 287
Gold Nugget Weighing over 100 oz. Unearthed in Western Australia, 689
Gold Nugget Weighing over 100 oz. Unearthed in Western Australia, 689
Gold in Sea Water, Not a Paying Proposition, 37
Gold in Sea Water, Not a Paying Proposition, 37
Gold, World’s Product of, from 1860 to 1924.
Gold, World’s Product of, from 1860 to 1924.
  Estimated Value, J. P. Dunlop, 689
Estimated Value, J. P. Dunlop, 689
Goods Transport by Chinese Junks, 197
Goods Transport by Chinese Junks, 197
Grab Dredging and Excavating Equipment, Numerous Orders for, 197
Grab Dredging and Excavating Equipment, Numerous Orders for, 197
Graphite, Natural, Its Manifold Uses, 715
Graphite, Natural, Its Manifold Uses, 715
Great Britain Self-supporting in Only One Nonferrous Metal, Aluminium, 471
Great Britain Self-supporting in Only One Nonferrous Metal, Aluminium, 471
Great Lakes Power Company, Ontario, Plans to Meet Increasing Power Demands, 335
Great Lakes Power Company, Ontario, Plans to Meet Increasing Power Demands, 335
Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Waterways, Disagreement Between Canadian and U.S.A. Joint Board Engineers, 609
Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Waterways, Disagreement Between Canadian and U.S.A. Joint Board Engineers, 609
Greek Government’s Exclusive Convention with
Greek Government’s Exclusive Convention with
  Eastern Telegraph Company, 91
Eastern Telegraph Company, 91
HAITI Projected Expenditure on Public Works, 471
HAITI Projected Expenditure on Public Works, 471
Hamilton Bridge Works West End Plant Restarted, 91
Hamilton Bridge Works West End Plant Restarted, 91
Harbour Development, Vizagapatam, 468
Harbour Development, Vizagapatam, 468
Heat Generated by Chemical Action of Setting
Heat Generated by Chemical Action of Setting
  Concrete, Unforeseen Result, 715
Concrete, Unforeseen Result, 715
Hematite Discovery in Siorra Leone, 663
Hematite Discovery in Siorra Leone, 663
Highway Engineering for UniversityjDcgree, 663
Highway Engineering for UniversityjDcgree, 663
House Building, Steel v. Brick for, 389
House Building, Steel v. Brick for, 389
House of SABEN, 649
House of SaBeN, 649
Huon Pine Oil for Prevention of Decay in Other
Huon Pine Oil for Prevention of Decay in Other
  Woods, Experiments, 223
Woods, Experiments, 223
Hydrated Lime, Value of, 499
Hydrated Lime, Value of, 499
Hydraulic Cements, Free Limo in, Scientific Experiments, 637
Hydraulic Cements, Free Limo in, Scientific Experiments, 637
Hydro-electric Development of Grand Falk, New Brunswick, 335
Hydro-electric Development of Grand Falk, New Brunswick, 335
Hydro-electric Installations for Eastern Canada, '389
Hydro-electric Installations for Eastern Canada, '389
Hydro-electric Installation to Utilise Water Power of Bidasoa, Navarra, 417
Hydro-electric Installation to Utilise Water Power of Bidasoa, Navarra, 417
Hydro-electric Metallurgic Works, at Corral, Chile. 637
Hydro-electric Metallurgic Works, at Corral, Chile. 637
Hydro-electric Plant, near Concepcion, Chile, *361
Hydro-electric Plant, near Concepcion, Chile, *361
Hydro-electric Plant, Exceptionally Large, Under Construction in U.S.A., 197
Hydro-electric Plant, Exceptionally Large, Under Construction in U.S.A., 197
Hydro-electric Power Plant. Big. and Plant for Magnesium Alloys, to be Erected on the Yalu River, 689
Hydro-electric Power Plant. Big. and Plant for Magnesium Alloys, to be Erected on the Yalu River, 689
Hydro-electric Power Plant at St. Alban, Quebec, 689
Hydro-electric Power Plant at St. Alban, Quebec, 689
Hydro-electric Statiop in Italy will be Largest in Europe, 663
Hydro-electric Statiop in Italy will be Largest in Europe, 663
Hydro-electric Station, Unusual Type for East Switzerland, 361
Hydro-electric Station, Unusual Type for East Switzerland, 361
Hydro-electric Stations in Italy, Statistics Regarding, 499, 553
Hydro-electric Stations in Italy, Statistics Regarding, 499, 553
Hydro-power Development at Alexander’s Landing, Ontario, 63
Hydro-power Development at Alexander’s Landing, Ontario, 63
Hydrous Sidts. Mainly Sodium Sulphate, Deposits in Western Canada, 689
Hydrous Sidts. Mainly Sodium Sulphate, Deposits in Western Canada, 689
ICE Jam, Method*. Adopted for Breaking Up, 715
ICE Jam, Method*. Adopted for Breaking Up, 715
Ignition of Case?, Mixtures of Methane and Air, Comprehensive Research and Report, 117
Ignition of Case?, Mixtures of Methane and Air, Comprehensive Research and Report, 117
Imperial College of Science and Technology, Annual Dinner, 678
Imperial College of Science and Technology, Annual Dinner, 678
Indian Boiler Regulations Amendments, 637
Indian Boiler Regulations Amendments, 637
Indian Railway Board’s Search for Cheap Woods in Indian Forests, 91
Indian Railway Board’s Search for Cheap Woods in Indian Forests, 91
India’s Import Trade, Depression in Machinery, 117
India’s Import Trade, Depression in Machinery, 117
industrial Casualties, Analysis of Causes of, 117
industrial Casualties, Analysis of Causes of, 117
Industrial Fatigue Research Board's Experiments, 11
Industrial Fatigue Research Board's Experiments, 11
Information in Periodicals and Libraries, Special, Association Formed and Directory to bo Compiled, 63
Information in Periodicals and Libraries, Special, Association Formed and Directory to bo Compiled, 63
Insect House Electrically Controlled, 37
Insect House Electrically Controlled, 37
“I. 0. Emmas’ ” Reunion, 26
“I. 0. Emmas’ ” Reunion, 26
Institutes and Institutions—ace Associations
Institutes and Institutions—ace Associations
Insulating Varnishes, Ozonised Air Process in the Baking of, L. U. Spence and P. B. Cochran, 277
Insulating Varnishes, Ozonised Air Process in the Baking of, L. U. Spence and P. B. Cochran, 277
Iodine, Liquid, Large Exports from Java, 553 Irish Free State and the Shannon Scheme, 62
Iodine, Liquid, Large Exports from Java, 553 Irish Free State and the Shannon Scheme, 62
Algoma Steel Works at Sault Ste. Marie, 7 Anvil Casting, Record Weight, 581 Autogenous Welding, Decreasing Use of Cast Iron as Filler, 581
Algoma Steel Works at Sault Ste. Marie, 7 Anvil Casting, Record Weight, 581 Autogenous Welding, Decreasing Use of Cast Iron as Filler, 581
Black Sand of Pacific Islands for Pig Iron, System for Extraction, 609
Black Sand of Pacific Islands for Pig Iron, System for Extraction, 609
  Brazil, Steel Making Equipment, 361
Brazil, Steel Making Equipment, 361
Canadian Pacific Railway a Order for 25,000 Tons of Rails, 335
Canadian Pacific Railway a Order for 25,000 Tons of Rails, 335
Central China Company’s Large Iron Output, 277
Central China Company’s Large Iron Output, 277
Corral, in Chile, Projected Iron and Steel Works, 443
Corral, in Chile, Projected Iron and Steel Works, 443
Cuynna Range, Northern Minnesota, Eflti- mated Huge Deposits of Black Man- ganiferous Iron Ore and Brown Ore, 443
  Drawing Qualities of Thin Sheet Metal, G. G.
Cuynna Range, Northern Minnesota, Eflti-mated Huge Deposits of Black Man-ganiferous Iron Ore and Brown Ore, 443
    Beard, 581
Drawing Qualities of Thin Sheet Metal, G. G.
Beard, 581
Electric Heating in Hardening and Tempering of Steel, 143
Electric Heating in Hardening and Tempering of Steel, 143
  “ F ” Steel Not a New Invention, 11
“ F ” Steel Not a New Invention, 11
Flue Dust Escape from Blast-furnaces, Heavy Resulting Loss, 307
Flue Dust Escape from Blast-furnaces, Heavy Resulting Loss, 307
Heat Treating of Steel, Results of Recent Experiments, C. W. Bryan and C. G. E. Larsson, 715
Heat Treating of Steel, Results of Recent Experiments, C. W. Bryan and C. G. E. Larsson, 715
  High Record for Pig Iron Output, 197
High Record for Pig Iron Output, 197
Ingot, Exceptionally Large, Produced at Sheffield, 335
Ingot, Exceptionally Large, Produced at Sheffield, 335
International Nickel Company’s Increased Plant for Electrolytic Nickel, 171
International Nickel Company’s Increased Plant for Electrolytic Nickel, 171
Iron Ore and Pig Iron Output in the United States, 37
Iron Ore and Pig Iron Output in the United States, 37
Ironworks, New, for Manufacture and Repair of Silk Weaving Machinery Put Up at Hangchow, 689
Ironworks, New, for Manufacture and Repair of Silk Weaving Machinery Put Up at Hangchow, 689
“ Jalcase,” New Steel Product, Advantageous Qualities of, 361
“ Jalcase,” New Steel Product, Advantageous Qualities of, 361
Japan Syndicate of Leading Iron and Steel Concerns, 335
Japan Syndicate of Leading Iron and Steel Concerns, 335
  Large Castings and their Transport, 171
Large Castings and their Transport, 171
Manganese Deposits of Postmasburg District, South Africa, 715
Manganese Deposits of Postmasburg District, South Africa, 715
National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers, Reports :
National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers, Reports :
Furnaces in Blast, Pig Iron Production and Steel Production, Statistics on Eve of the Coal Stoppage, 249 ; in August, 306 ; September, 464 ; in October, 553
Furnaces in Blast, Pig Iron Production and Steel Production, Statistics on Eve of the Coal Stoppage, 249 ; in August, 306 ; September, 464 ; in October, 553
    Statistics to End of November, 715
Statistics to End of November, 715
Nickel Mines Exploitation at Locris and in Bcetia, 499
Nickel Mines Exploitation at Locris and in Bcetia, 499
Nickel Ore, Extensive Deposits Discovered Near Maikop, in the Caucasus, 443
Nickel Ore, Extensive Deposits Discovered Near Maikop, in the Caucasus, 443
Phosphorus and Sulphur Effect on Rivet Steel, 143
Phosphorus and Sulphur Effect on Rivet Steel, 143
Pure Granular Iron Without Use of Coke or Limestone, Experiments, 663
Pure Granular Iron Without Use of Coke or Limestone, Experiments, 663
Refractories for Open-hearth Steel Furnaces, 11
Refractories for Open-hearth Steel Furnaces, 11
Rod Mill in Course of Erection at Newport, 307
Rod Mill in Course of Erection at Newport, 307
“ Safety First ” in Blowing-out Blastfurnaces, 143
“ Safety First ” in Blowing-out Blastfurnaces, 143
Soft Steel ’ and Intercrystalline Corrosion, Experiments and their Result, 171
Soft Steel ’ and Intercrystalline Corrosion, Experiments and their Result, 171
South African Pig Iron, First Steel Rails from, 143
South African Pig Iron, First Steel Rails from, 143
South African Tungsten Minos Plant Approaching Completion, 197
South African Tungsten Minos Plant Approaching Completion, 197
Stainless Steel, Properties and Engineering Uses of, R. Waddell, 609
Stainless Steel, Properties and Engineering Uses of, R. Waddell, 609
Steel, Apparatus for Detection of Defects Not Visible on Surface, 249
Steel, Apparatus for Detection of Defects Not Visible on Surface, 249
  Steel Castings, Robert Lowe, 568
  Swedish Iron Ore Trust Shipments, 335
Steel Castings, Robert Lowe, 568
Swedish Iron Ore Trust Shipments, 335
Welded Steel Tube, Strength Testing Experiments, U.S.A., 11
Welded Steel Tube, Strength Testing Experiments, U.S.A., 11
Wolfram Discovery in Cape Province, Hoped- for Addition of Valuable Tungsten Ore, 11
  IRRIGATION Dam. Proposed, Across the
Wolfram Discovery in Cape Province, Hoped-for Addition of Valuable Tungsten Ore, 11
    Colorado River, 715
  Irrigation Enterprise Completed in Chile, 471
IRRIGATION Dam. Proposed, Across the
  Irrigation Works in Mysore, 037
Colorado River, 715
Irrigation Enterprise Completed in Chile, 471
Irrigation Works in Mysore, 037
  JALALABAD, Afghanistan, Electric Power
JALALABAD, Afghanistan, Electric Power
    Station Projected, 307
Station Projected, 307
KAWASA KI Dockyard. Japan, Increasing Output of Sheet Steel, 443
KAWASA KI Dockyard. Japan, Increasing Output of Sheet Steel, 443
LACQUERS, Cellulose, Elementary Test for Flow, 277
LACQUERS, Cellulose, Elementary Test for Flow, 277
Landslide. Serious, on Tennessee Side of Mississippi, 197
Landslide. Serious, on Tennessee Side of Mississippi, 197
  Lantern Slides for Lectures Offered by :
    Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 486
Lantern Slides for Lectures Offered by :
    Bruce Peebles end Co.. Ltd.. 384
  Lead Aluminate Production, 335
Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 486
  Lectures, Special. 319
  Lighthouse. Lowestoft High, Much Increased
Bruce Peebles end Co.. Ltd.. 384
    Candle-power, 249
  Lighthouse, New, nt Hartlepool. Progress, 660
Lead Aluminate Production, 335
  Lime Addition for Softening Boiler Water,
    Tests for Ensuring Accuracy in Amount, 443
Lectures, Special. 319
  Littlehampton Harbour, 499
  Lithopon. Increased Production of. in the
Lighthouse. Lowestoft High, Much Increased
    United States, 117
  Lithopon Paints, to Remedy Darkening of. 91
Candle-power, 249
Lighthouse, New, nt Hartlepool. Progress, 660
Lime Addition for Softening Boiler Water,
Tests for Ensuring Accuracy in Amount, 443
Littlehampton Harbour, 499
Lithopon. Increased Production of. in the
United States, 117
Lithopon Paints, to Remedy Darkening of. 91
Liverpool to East Lancashire, Government Consent to New Road Construction, 197
Liverpool to East Lancashire, Government Consent to New Road Construction, 197
  Lobnitz Rock Cutter for Sydney Harbour, 143
  Lochalsh and Lochs on Balmacara Estate,
Lobnitz Rock Cutter for Sydney Harbour, 143
    Hydro-electric Schemes. 527
  Long-lived Engines in Scotsmen’s Charge in
Lochalsh and Lochs on Balmacara Estate,
    America, 249
  Loughborough College. 319
Hydro-electric Schemes. 527
  Low Temperature Experimenters* Mistake,
    O. J. Parker, 663
Long-lived Engines in Scotsmen’s Charge in
America, 249
Loughborough College. 319
Low Temperature Experimenters* Mistake,
O. J. Parker, 663
MAGNESIAN Flooring Materials Association, 235
MAGNESIAN Flooring Materials Association, 235
Magneto Works Projected near Olomone, Czecho-Slovakia, 249
Magneto Works Projected near Olomone, Czecho-Slovakia, 249
Manitoba Hydro-electric Transmission System Extended,197
Manitoba Hydro-electric Transmission System Extended,197
Maple Sugar and Syrup in Quebec Province, Almost a Monopoly, 553
Maple Sugar and Syrup in Quebec Province, Almost a Monopoly, 553
Match Industry Development in Bihar and Orissa Province, 11
Match Industry Development in Bihar and Orissa Province, 11
Mazatl&n. Port, on West Coast of Mexico, Construction of Stone Breakwater, Dredging. &c.. Projected, 223
Mazatl&n. Port, on West Coast of Mexico, Construction of Stone Breakwater, Dredging. &c.. Projected, 223
Measuring Rope. Cable, Wire, &c., Portable Machine for, 389
Measuring Rope. Cable, Wire, &c., Portable Machine for, 389
“ Mechanical Policeman ” for Point Duty in Copenhagen, 113
“ Mechanical Policeman ” for Point Duty in Copenhagen, 113
Meductic, Saint John River, Projected Water Power Development, 499
Meductic, Saint John River, Projected Water Power Development, 499
  Melbourne, Sewage and Water Statistics, 171
  Memorial. Frederick S. Spiers. 75
Melbourne, Sewage and Water Statistics, 171
Memorial. Frederick S. Spiers. 75
Menai Tubular Bridge, Robert Stevenson's Experiments on Models, 581
Menai Tubular Bridge, Robert Stevenson's Experiments on Models, 581
Metal Surfacing by Use of Stellite and an Acetylene Blow-pipe, 223
Metal Surfacing by Use of Stellite and an Acetylene Blow-pipe, 223
Metallic Cadmium, Large Production in the United States in 1925, 715
Metallic Cadmium, Large Production in the United States in 1925, 715
  Metallurgical Societies in the Midlands. 397
Meteorological Station. New, nt Pratas (Doong- sha) Shoal, 009
Metallurgical Societies in the Midlands. 397
Meteorological Station. New, nt Pratas (Doong-sha) Shoal, 009
Methane Air Mixture Explosion Flame Projection, Experiments, 499
Methane Air Mixture Explosion Flame Projection, Experiments, 499
  Mica Output and Trade in India, 307
  Mica, Promising Occurrences of, in Natal. 689
Mica Output and Trade in India, 307
  Mildew in Textile Fabrics. Prevention. 637
Mica, Promising Occurrences of, in Natal. 689
Mildew in Textile Fabrics. Prevention. 637
Main Reef Leader of the Rand Exposed. Estimates of Yield, 715
Main Reef Leader of the Rand Exposed. Estimates of Yield, 715
    Mineral Production in British Columbia, I I
Mineral Production in British Columbia, I I
Minerals Discovery, Lepidolite and Others, near Winnipeg, in Manitoba and Ontario, 553
Minerals Discovery, Lepidolite and Others, near Winnipeg, in Manitoba and Ontario, 553
  Mining Incident, Unusual, 471
Mining Incident, Unusual, 471
Mining Machine Electrically Driven, New Type, 335
Mining Machine Electrically Driven, New Type, 335
Mining in New Regions of Ontario, Government- List of Reouiremcnts of Prospectors. 63
Mining in New Regions of Ontario, Government- List of Reouiremcnts of Prospectors. 63
Mining in North-West Australia, Lack of Transport Facilities, 143
Mining in North-West Australia, Lack of Transport Facilities, 143
    Moffatt Tunnel, Fatal Accident in Working. 197
Moffatt Tunnel, Fatal Accident in Working. 197
Moffat Tunnel, Progress of Pioneer Headings, 715
Moffat Tunnel, Progress of Pioneer Headings, 715
Montreal-Ottawa-Georgian Bay Ship Canal, Proposed. 63
Montreal-Ottawa-Georgian Bay Ship Canal, Proposed. 63
Mortar or Concrete Re-tempering, Advantages, 223
Mortar or Concrete Re-tempering, Advantages, 223
    Mosquito Dest ruction by Paris Green. 91
    Motor Cars and Cycles in Kalgan. 11
Mosquito Dest ruction by Paris Green. 91
    Motor Car with New Gear shifting Device, 143
    Motor Omnibuses for Glasgow, First of New
Motor Cars and Cycles in Kalgan. 11
      Fleet. 307
Motor Car with New Gear shifting Device, 143
Motor Omnibuses for Glasgow, First of New
Fleet. 307
Motor Transport Greatly Needed in Spam, Owing to its Mountainous Character, 277
Motor Transport Greatly Needed in Spam, Owing to its Mountainous Character, 277
Mysore and Bombay Hydro electric Projects. 335
Mysore and Bombay Hydro electric Projects. 335
NAPLES and Port of Salerno. Port Canal Projected for, 471
NAPLES and Port of Salerno. Port Canal Projected for, 471
National Certificates in Naval Architecture. 659
National Certificates in Naval Architecture. 659
Natural Gaw, Accidental Discovery in Manitoba, 663
Natural Gaw, Accidental Discovery in Manitoba, 663
Natural Gas at Depth of 600ft. in Transvaal, 117 ...
Natural Gas at Depth of 600ft. in Transvaal, 117 ...
    Natural Gas Production in Ontario, 149. 171
Natural Gas Production in Ontario, 149. 171
Needles Imported by U.S.A, from Great Britain. 63
Needles Imported by U.S.A, from Great Britain. 63
    New South Wales Gold Yield, 37
    New South Wales Increased Imports, 609
New South Wales Gold Yield, 37
New South Wales Increased Imports, 609
New Zealand’s Projected Big Hydro-electric Development, 197
New Zealand’s Projected Big Hydro-electric Development, 197
Newsprint Mill in Ontario. One Day’s Output, 197
Newsprint Mill in Ontario. One Day’s Output, 197
Newsprint Mill, Quebec, Projected Extension. 223
Newsprint Mill, Quebec, Projected Extension. 223
Newsprint Mills in Canada, Increased Production of, 91
Newsprint Mills in Canada, Increased Production of, 91
Newsprint Paper Mill, Quebec, Now Addition, 11
Newsprint Paper Mill, Quebec, Now Addition, 11
Niagara Falls, Erosion of the Crest at the Rate of 7ft. per Annum. Measures to Relieve, 91
Niagara Falls, Erosion of the Crest at the Rate of 7ft. per Annum. Measures to Relieve, 91
Niagara Memorial Bridge Company Applies for Charter, 417
Niagara Memorial Bridge Company Applies for Charter, 417
Nickel—see Iron
Nickel—see Iron
Nitric Acid Production by Arc Process with Use of Iceland Waterfalls, 314
Nitric Acid Production by Arc Process with Use of Iceland Waterfalls, 314
Nitrogen. Vmosphenr. F.vtory for Fixation of, 277
Nitrogen. Vmosphenr. F.vtory for Fixation of, 277
Nitrogen Fixation, Materials of Construction for, J. G. Thompson. 277
Nitrogen Fixation, Materials of Construction for, J. G. Thompson. 277
Nitrogen Fixation Plant in Brazil Projected, 037
Nitrogen Fixation Plant in Brazil Projected, 037
Norwegian Aluminium Industry, 417
Norwegian Aluminium Industry, 417
Norwegian Proposal to Lease Waterfall to Aluminium Corporation of England, 91
Norwegian Proposal to Lease Waterfall to Aluminium Corporation of England, 91
OIL from Coal Process, Professor Doctor Bergius’ Warning, 499
OIL from Coal Process, Professor Doctor Bergius’ Warning, 499
Oil Company’s Plant at Regina, Saskatchewan,
Oil Company’s Plant at Regina, Saskatchewan,
  New Equipment for. 443
New Equipment for. 443
Oil Engine, Swedish, New Type, 701
Oil Engine, Swedish, New Type, 701
Oil Flow, Temperature Test for, 389
Oil Flow, Temperature Test for, 389
Oil, Gross Output in Baku and other Areas, 229
Oil, Gross Output in Baku and other Areas, 229
Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters by Oilcarrying Vessels, 171
Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters by Oilcarrying Vessels, 171
Oil Refinery for Fish and Cotton Seed Oil.
Oil Refinery for Fish and Cotton Seed Oil.
  Projected, in Newfoundland, 171
Projected, in Newfoundland, 171
Oil Shale at Coal Mines in Manchuria, 223
Oil Shale at Coal Mines in Manchuria, 223
Oil Shale Dusts Proved Explosive. Need of
Oil Shale Dusts Proved Explosive. Need of
  Same Precautions as in Coal Mines, 277, 361
Same Precautions as in Coal Mines, 277, 361
Oil in South Africa, Hopeful Prospects from
Oil in South Africa, Hopeful Prospects from
  Boring, 689
Boring, 689
Oil, Trial Bore-hole in Search for Oil, in South Australia, 548
Oil, Trial Bore-hole in Search for Oil, in South Australia, 548
Oil Wells Yield in Oklahoma. Methods of Increasing with Safety Precautions. 553
Oil Wells Yield in Oklahoma. Methods of Increasing with Safety Precautions. 553
Ontario Oilers Financial Assistance in Diamond
Ontario Oilers Financial Assistance in Diamond
  Drilling for Coal or Oil, 637
Drilling for Coal or Oil, 637
Ore Crushers for Chilian Mine, Allis-Chalmers Company, 715
Ore Crushers for Chilian Mine, Allis-Chalmers Company, 715
Oxygen Factory at Fremantle, Australia, 480
Oxygen Factory at Fremantle, Australia, 480
PAINT, Colour and Varnish Industry Research, Now Offices, 197
PAINT, Colour and Varnish Industry Research, Now Offices, 197
  Panama Canal Tolls Increase. 223
Panama Canal Tolls Increase. 223
Paper Mill to be Driven by Power from Outarde Falls, Quebec. 499
Paper Mill to be Driven by Power from Outarde Falls, Quebec. 499
Paper Mill Extension for Newsprint at Quebec, 581
Paper Mill Extension for Newsprint at Quebec, 581
  Paper Mill, Large, Erection in Quebec, 45
Paper Mill, Large, Erection in Quebec, 45
Paper Mill to Use Local l imber in Tasmania, Experiment, 417
Paper Mill to Use Local l imber in Tasmania, Experiment, 417
Paper Pulp Factory Projected for Tasmania, 143
Paper Pulp Factory Projected for Tasmania, 143
  Paper Pulp-making by Keobra Process, 527
Paper Pulp-making by Keobra Process, 527
Paper from Straw, Factory for Manufacture of, 443
Paper from Straw, Factory for Manufacture of, 443
Paraffin Oil. Increased Importation into Hang, chow Harbour, 171
Paraffin Oil. Increased Importation into Hang, chow Harbour, 171
  ParanaguA. Wharf Projected at, 307
ParanaguA. Wharf Projected at, 307
Paste Paints, Zinc Oxide. Enamels, Varnishes, <fcc., Production in America, 609
Paste Paints, Zinc Oxide. Enamels, Varnishes, <fcc., Production in America, 609
  Paving Machine Worked by Petrol Motor, 219
Paving Machine Worked by Petrol Motor, 219
Peat Fuel. Conditions of Economical Manufacture of. in Canada, Committee’s Report. 466
Peat Fuel. Conditions of Economical Manufacture of. in Canada, Committee’s Report. 466
  Pembroke Dockyard, 319
Pembroke Dockyard, 319
Perak River, Hydro-electric Construction Works on Banks of, 637
Perak River, Hydro-electric Construction Works on Banks of, 637
| Permanent Way, A Century of, 649
| Permanent Way, A Century of, 649
Permeability of Natural Stones to Water, Relative Values as Building Material, 249
Permeability of Natural Stones to Water, Relative Values as Building Material, 249
Petroleum Discovery Reported in Chinese Village, 277
Petroleum Discovery Reported in Chinese Village, 277
  Petroleum Products Output in Canada, 307
Petroleum Products Output in Canada, 307
Petroleum Storage and Conveyance, Changes in the Law and Scale *of Licence Feos Payable, 171
Petroleum Storage and Conveyance, Changes in the Law and Scale *of Licence Feos Payable, 171
Petroleum Working, Neglect of Economy and Research. Professor J. F. Thorpe, 389
Petroleum Working, Neglect of Economy and Research. Professor J. F. Thorpe, 389
Phosphate Rock Discovered in Russia to be Converted into Fertiliser, 443
Phosphate Rock Discovered in Russia to be Converted into Fertiliser, 443
  Phosphates in Irish Free State, 63
Phosphates in Irish Free State, 63
Piles Supporting Railroad Bridge, over 13,000, Driven 23ft. Below Low Water. 117
Piles Supporting Railroad Bridge, over 13,000, Driven 23ft. Below Low Water. 117
Pine Lines Used for Conveying Natural Gas, Effect of Change of Temperature. 443
Pine Lines Used for Conveying Natural Gas, Effect of Change of Temperature. 443
Plastint, New Inexpensive Interior Plaster, 117 Platinum “ Dredging ” in Russia. 553
Plastint, New Inexpensive Interior Plaster, 117 Platinum “ Dredging ” in Russia. 553
Pollution of Sea by Oil. Conference of Thirteen Countries’ Representatives, 37
Pollution of Sea by Oil. Conference of Thirteen Countries’ Representatives, 37
Polytechnic Engineering Society, Annual Conversazione, 649
Polytechnic Engineering Society, Annual Conversazione, 649
Port Kembla-Moss Vale Railway ami Port Kembla Ironworks. Agreement. 171
Port Kembla-Moss Vale Railway ami Port Kembla Ironworks. Agreement. 171
  Ports. New, Proposed for Brazil. 663
Ports. New, Proposed for Brazil. 663
Portland Cement Concrete, Permeability of. and Experimental Work, 609
Portland Cement Concrete, Permeability of. and Experimental Work, 609
Portland Cement Industry in 1925, Record Years'’Manufacture, 471
Portland Cement Industry in 1925, Record Years'’Manufacture, 471
Portuguese Schemes for Water Power Development, 499
Portuguese Schemes for Water Power Development, 499
  Potash Discovery in the Ural Mountains, 197
Potash Discovery in the Ural Mountains, 197
Power Alcohol Distillery Projected for Queensland. 417
Power Alcohol Distillery Projected for Queensland. 417
Pow'er Development, Quareau River, Quebec, 499
Pow'er Development, Quareau River, Quebec, 499
Power Lines, 4000 Miles, Authorised in Quebec, 471
Power Lines, 4000 Miles, Authorised in Quebec, 471
Power Plant at Cape Town. Extension of, 499 Pressure Wave Sent Out by an Explosive, W.
Power Plant at Cape Town. Extension of, 499 Pressure Wave Sent Out by an Explosive, W.
      Payman and W. C. F. Shepherd. 641
Payman and W. C. F. Shepherd. 641
Printers’ Compositors’ Work, Illumination Question, 637
Printers’ Compositors’ Work, Illumination Question, 637
Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition in 1927, Offer of Prizes for Papers, 106
Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition in 1927, Offer of Prizes for Papers, 106
Pump Mill, the Second in Northern Manitoba, Survey for, 443
Pump Mill, the Second in Northern Manitoba, Survey for, 443
Pumping Plant of Exceptional Lift at the Simmer and Jack Gold Mine, 553
Pumping Plant of Exceptional Lift at the Simmer and Jack Gold Mine, 553
Pumping Slimes at Rand Gold Mine with Rubber-lined Centrifugal Pump, 443
Pumping Slimes at Rand Gold Mine with Rubber-lined Centrifugal Pump, 443
Pumping Water from Broken Hill Mino, Cost of, 471
Pumping Water from Broken Hill Mino, Cost of, 471
Pumps for Pulverised Coal Conveyance in German Power Station, 527
Pumps for Pulverised Coal Conveyance in German Power Station, 527
QUARRIES of the United States, Trouble and Expense Due to Water Seepage and also Ice. 443
QUARRIES of the United States, Trouble and Expense Due to Water Seepage and also Ice. 443
Quebec Development of Mineral. Water Power and other Resources, 37
Quebec Development of Mineral. Water Power and other Resources, 37
Quebec, Province of, to be Mapped Photographically from Aeroplanes, 91
Quebec, Province of, to be Mapped Photographically from Aeroplanes, 91
Queen's Engineering Works, Past and Present Students’ Annual Dinner. 649
Queen's Engineering Works, Past and Present Students’ Annual Dinner. 649
Queensland State Smelting of Silver-lead Ore, 499
Queensland State Smelting of Silver-lead Ore, 499
  RADIO Apparatus—ftcc Wireless
RADIO Apparatus—ftcc Wireless
    Accidents :
      Accidents of 1925, Annual Report, 335
Accidents :
Accidents of 1925, Annual Report, 335
American Railway Trainmen s Reduced Fatalities. 197
American Railway Trainmen s Reduced Fatalities. 197
Automatic Stop and Fatal Railway Accident, 197
Automatic Stop and Fatal Railway Accident, 197
Automatic Train Control, Effect of its Absence in Serious Collision, 117
Automatic Train Control, Effect of its Absence in Serious Collision, 117
Block Instrument Safeguard Against Accident, 471
Block Instrument Safeguard Against Accident, 471
Breakdown Work on the Waterloo and City Tube Railway. 527
Breakdown Work on the Waterloo and City Tube Railway. 527
Buffer Stop Collision at Brighton, Report, 90. 143
Buffer Stop Collision at Brighton, Report, 90. 143
Buffer Stop Collision with Empty Coaches at Bradford. 361
Buffer Stop Collision with Empty Coaches at Bradford. 361
      Buffer Stop Collision Inquiry, 143. 55'3
Buffer Stop Collision Inquiry, 143. 55'3
Buffer Stop Collision at Sligo, General Immunity from Accident of Irish Railways, 527 : Report on Accident, 637
Buffer Stop Collision at Sligo, General Immunity from Accident of Irish Railways, 527 : Report on Accident, 637
Collision at Bishop’s Stortford During General Strike, Report on, 277
Collision at Bishop’s Stortford During General Strike, Report on, 277
Collision at Brentwood, 63 ; Report by Colonel Sir J. Pringle, 417
Collision at Brentwood, 63 ; Report by Colonel Sir J. Pringle, 417
Collision Between Express and Light Engine Outside Carlisle Station, 361 Collision at Kidderminster, 717 Derailment of Train Due to Abnormal Heat and Other Causes, 249
Collision Between Express and Light Engine Outside Carlisle Station, 361 Collision at Kidderminster, 717 Derailment of Train Due to Abnormal Heat and Other Causes, 249
Derailment, Fatal, of Train in Upper Bavaria. 197
Derailment, Fatal, of Train in Upper Bavaria. 197
      Derailment Near Helpston, 91
Derailment Near Helpston, 91
Derailment by Strikers of Scott ish Express, 37, 91 ; Report on Derailment, 142, 527 Derailment of Train Entering Waterloo Station, 197
Derailment by Strikers of Scott ish Express, 37, 91 ; Report on Derailment, 142, 527 Derailment of Train Entering Waterloo Station, 197
Draw-bars Failures, Sir John Pringle’s Report, 663
Draw-bars Failures, Sir John Pringle’s Report, 663
Driver’s Difficulty in Learning New Section of Road, 663
Driver’s Difficulty in Learning New Section of Road, 663
Fatal Accident to Signal Ganger and Mate and Result of Legal Appeal, 717
Fatal Accident to Signal Ganger and Mate and Result of Legal Appeal, 717
Fatal Collision at Bethlehem, Penn., 389 Fatal Collision During General Strike, Report on, 63
Fatal Collision at Bethlehem, Penn., 389 Fatal Collision During General Strike, Report on, 63
Fatal Collision Between Melun and Montereau, 335, 361
Fatal Collision Between Melun and Montereau, 335, 361
Fatal Collision on Southern Railway, 553 Fatal Collision Between Train and Motor Road Vehicle, 609
Fatal Collision on Southern Railway, 553 Fatal Collision Between Train and Motor Road Vehicle, 609
Fatal Collision and Verdict of Manslaughter, Melbourne Electrified Area, 249, 471
Fatal Collision and Verdict of Manslaughter, Melbourne Electrified Area, 249, 471
Fiftieth Anniversary of Fatal Collision, 689 Fiftieth Anniversaries of Notable Accidents. 117, 171 ; (Letter), 170
Fiftieth Anniversary of Fatal Collision, 689 Fiftieth Anniversaries of Notable Accidents. 117, 171 ; (Letter), 170
Fire in a Passenger Train, hut no Fatalities. 117
Fire in a Passenger Train, hut no Fatalities. 117
First Anniversary of Serious Collision. 249 Flood Damage to Viaduct on Former Furness Rail wav. 553
First Anniversary of Serious Collision. 249 Flood Damage to Viaduct on Former Furness Rail wav. 553
Fog Collision on Tilbury Section of L.M.S. Railway, also Near Finsbury Park Station. 609. 637
Fog Collision on Tilbury Section of L.M.S. Railway, also Near Finsbury Park Station. 609. 637
Forty-fifth Anniversary of Fatal Collision, 417
Forty-fifth Anniversary of Fatal Collision, 417
      French Derailment. Serious. 37
      French Fatal Railway Accident. 499
French Derailment. Serious. 37
French Fatal Railway Accident. 499
Germany and Poland, Train Disaster the Result of Foul Play, 143
Germany and Poland, Train Disaster the Result of Foul Play, 143
German Railway Accidents, New Safety Device, 33
German Railway Accidents, New Safety Device, 33
Inquiries into Accidents to Railway Servants, 37
Inquiries into Accidents to Railway Servants, 37
      Japan, Serious Derailment, 335
Japan, Serious Derailment, 335
Landslide Causes Fatal Derailment of Barcelona-Valencia Train, 277
Landslide Causes Fatal Derailment of Barcelona-Valencia Train, 277
      Level Crossing Accident to Cyclist, 443
Level Crossing Accident to Cyclist, 443
Level Crossing Disaster r.t Naworth, Worst Known in this Country, Inquest and Government Inquiry, 277, 307, 360. 637
Level Crossing Disaster r.t Naworth, Worst Known in this Country, Inquest and Government Inquiry, 277, 307, 360. 637
Night Train from Glasgow Out of Hand end Resulting Damage, 307
Night Train from Glasgow Out of Hand end Resulting Damage, 307
Occupation Crossing Fatality on Liverpool- Southport Line. 179
Occupation Crossing Fatality on Liverpool-Southport Line. 179
Passenger Train Delayed by " Defect ” at Hackney Downs, L. and N.E.R. Station, 223
Passenger Train Delayed by " Defect ” at Hackney Downs, L. and N.E.R. Station, 223
Passenger Train Runs into Light Engine Outside Hol bock, 335
Passenger Train Runs into Light Engine Outside Hol bock, 335
Quarterly Returns of Railway Accidents for 1925, Analysis of, 249
Quarterly Returns of Railway Accidents for 1925, Analysis of, 249
Railwaymen Sentenced for Displacing Rails During Strike near Stafford, 91
Railwaymen Sentenced for Displacing Rails During Strike near Stafford, 91
Rawmarsh Accident Recalls Previous Fatalities, 581
Rawmarsh Accident Recalls Previous Fatalities, 581
Rawmarsh Accident. Inquiry, 609, 637. 663 Report on Accident During General Strike in Edinburgh Tunnel, Escape of Gas and Advantage of Electric Lighting, 223 Report on Collision Near Manors Station, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 499
Rawmarsh Accident. Inquiry, 609, 637. 663 Report on Accident During General Strike in Edinburgh Tunnel, Escape of Gas and Advantage of Electric Lighting, 223 Report on Collision Near Manors Station, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 499
Reports on Accidents to Railway Servants, 609
Reports on Accidents to Railway Servants, 609
Runaway Carriages Derailed Near Sowerby Bridge, 277
Runaway Carriages Derailed Near Sowerby Bridge, 277
Scalded Shunter and Vague Instructions, 307
Scalded Shunter and Vague Instructions, 307
      Signal Difference of Opinion. 601
Signal Difference of Opinion. 601
'Twentieth Anniversary of Fatal Accident to Scottish Express, 335
'Twentieth Anniversary of Fatal Accident to Scottish Express, 335
Twenty-one Deaths by Derailment, Wilfully Caused, in Germany, 249, 307
Twenty-one Deaths by Derailment, Wilfully Caused, in Germany, 249, 307
    RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS (continued):
    Accidents (continued):
Accidents (continued):
Two Accidents, but No Fatalities, on the London and North-Eastern Railway. 689 United States Inter-State Commerce Commission, Accident Bulletin, 11
Two Accidents, but No Fatalities, on the London and North-Eastern Railway. 689 United States Inter-State Commerce Commission, Accident Bulletin, 11
Water Gauges on Tenders to Avoid Risk to Enginemon, 609
Water Gauges on Tenders to Avoid Risk to Enginemon, 609
Air Lines and Railways, Co-operation and Not Competition, 443
Air Lines and Railways, Co-operation and Not Competition, 443
American Railways’ Big Compensation Bill for Personal Injuries, 553
American Railways’ Big Compensation Bill for Personal Injuries, 553
America’s Largo Proportion of Unprotected Crossings. 663
America’s Largo Proportion of Unprotected Crossings. 663
Appointments and Staff Changes, 117, 197 223, 277, 359, 499, 527, 689. 715
Appointments and Staff Changes, 117, 197 223, 277, 359, 499, 527, 689. 715
Asphyxiation in Tunnel and Train Held Un, 425 H
Asphyxiation in Tunnel and Train Held Un, 425                                 H
Automatic Application of Continuous Brakes, Great Value of, Proved. 335
Automatic Application of Continuous Brakes, Great Value of, Proved. 335
Automatic Records of Block Signals, Unheeded Recommendation, 33
Automatic Records of Block Signals, Unheeded Recommendation, 33
Automatic Signals and Train Control on Pennsylvania Railroad, 581
Automatic Signals and Train Control on Pennsylvania Railroad, 581
Baker-street Connections, Thirty Additional Trains. 499
Baker-street Connections, Thirty Additional Trains. 499
Belgium Railways, Like Germany, to Revert from State to Private Ownership, 11 Reduction in Number of Temporary Railway Servants. Regular Men Must Retire on Pension at Sixty Instead of Sixty- Five, 11
Belgium Railways, Like Germany, to Revert from State to Private Ownership, 11 Reduction in Number of Temporary Railway Servants. Regular Men Must Retire on Pension at Sixty Instead of Sixty-Five, 11
Birthday Honours
for Colonial Railwaymen,

Bombay Director of Development Retired, 609
Bombay Director of Development Retired, 609
British Railways. Certain Exceptions to Strictly Private Ownership, 361
British Railways. Certain Exceptions to Strictly Private Ownership, 361
Buenos Aires Provincial Railway Systems, New Branches to be Constructed, 683
Buenos Aires Provincial Railway Systems, New Branches to be Constructed, 683
Cable Tramways in Melbourne. Portion of, to be Converted to Electric Traction. 471
Cable Tramways in Melbourne. Portion of, to be Converted to Electric Traction. 471
Calgary and Southern Railway, Construction of, About to Bogin. 277
Calgary and Southern Railway, Construction of, About to Bogin. 277
Canadian National Railways* Increased Revenue. 171, 527
Canadian National Railways* Increased Revenue. 171, 527
Canadian National Railways* Outlay on Radio Service. 91
Canadian National Railways* Outlay on Radio Service. 91
Census of Railway Employees, Decreased Number. 389. 471
Census of Railway Employees, Decreased Number. 389. 471
    (’heap Fares and Winter Train Service, 249
(’heap Fares and Winter Train Service, 249
Chicago and Illinois Central Railroad Electrification. Rapid Work, 443
Chicago and Illinois Central Railroad Electrification. Rapid Work, 443
    China's First Refrigerator Car. 581
    China’s Projected Provincial Railways, 581
China's First Refrigerator Car. 581
    Chinese Government Railways Finance, 527
    City and South London Railway, Modern
China’s Projected Provincial Railways, 581
      Lift.-rto Replace Old Ones, 91
Chinese Government Railways Finance, 527
City and South London Railway, Modern
Lift.-rto Replace Old Ones, 91
Coal Consumption of Railways During Mines Stoppage, 91
Coal Consumption of Railways During Mines Stoppage, 91
Coal Dispute Effects on Railway Services, 443 Coal Price Increase and Railway Charges, 581 Colliery Lino to Cheapen Coal Transport, 609,
    Colliery Wagon Railway Conversion to Light
Coal Dispute Effects on Railway Services, 443 Coal Price Increase and Railway Charges, 581 Colliery Lino to Cheapen Coal Transport, 609,
      Railway, Order for, 223
Colliery Wagon Railway Conversion to Light
Railway, Order for, 223
Commonwealth Government’s Road Scheme, 143
Commonwealth Government’s Road Scheme, 143
Consumption of Coal per Engine Mile, Comparison between Railways, 143
Consumption of Coal per Engine Mile, Comparison between Railways, 143
Cost of Living Fallen and Reduction of Railwaymen’s Pay, 11
Cost of Living Fallen and Reduction of Railwaymen’s Pay, 11
    Czechoslovakian Railway Electrification.
      Rapid Progress of Work, 307
Czechoslovakian Railway Electrification.
    Death of Mr. George L. Fowler, 143
    Death of Mr. Francis Clarke Gamble, 637
Rapid Progress of Work, 307
    Death of Mr. William Hood, 471
    Death of Mr. H. E. Jones. 11
Death of Mr. George L. Fowler, 143
    Death of Mr. W. H. Oates, 581
    Death of Colonel C. W. P. Ramsey, 361
Death of Mr. Francis Clarke Gamble, 637
    Derwent Valley Railway Ceases Passenger
      Traffic. 171
Death of Mr. William Hood, 471
    Dividends and Depreciation Funds, 717
Death of Mr. H. E. Jones. 11
Death of Mr. W. H. Oates, 581
Death of Colonel C. W. P. Ramsey, 361
Derwent Valley Railway Ceases Passenger
Traffic. 171
Dividends and Depreciation Funds, 717
East Indian Railway Lowers Passenger Fares, 637
East Indian Railway Lowers Passenger Fares, 637
East Indian Railway Trains Equipped with Side Lights. 581
East Indian Railway Trains Equipped with Side Lights. 581
Edgware-road Reconstructed Station Opened, 499
Edgware-road Reconstructed Station Opened, 499
  Great Western Railway :
Egyptian State Railways, Narrow-gauge Portion to bo Converted to Standard Gauge. 471 ; Completion and Results of Conversion, 637
Eightieth Anniversary of Opening of Lancaster and Carlisle Section of Railway, 361
Eightieth Anniversary of Railway Section Opening. 389
Electrical Power Houses on London Railways, .Advance of Wages no Longer Justified, 91
Estonian Oil Shale as Railway Fuel, 663
Exceptional Rates and Power of Companies, .Judge's Decision, 117
Financial and Other Railway Statistics for 1925, 121
Fireman's Accidental Electrocution, 412
First-aid Equipment Carried by Passenger Trains, 7 I 7
First and Third-class Compartments, Com-parison of Numbersand Revenue, 143
Foreign Coal and Railway Difficulties, 663
Great Western Railway :
Cardiff Railway to be Converted to Single Line, 527
Cardiff Railway to be Converted to Single Line, 527
Cblwall Additional Tunnel, Progress, 63 Rennet and Avon Canal, Railway Wishes to Close, 527
Cblwall Additional Tunnel, Progress, 63 Rennet and Avon Canal, Railway Wishes to Close, 527
Oswestry and Question of Railway Works Enlargement, 307
Oswestry and Question of Railway Works Enlargement, 307
Harwich-Zeebruggo Train Ferry. Successful '1'hrough Delivery of Goods between North of England and Italy or France, 335
Harwich-Zeebruggo Train Ferry. Successful '1'hrough Delivery of Goods between North of England and Italy or France, 335
  Horses Used on Railway Work, Census, 63
Horses Used on Railway Work, Census, 63
Indian Railway Board, Annual Report for 1925-6, Statistical Section, 721
Indian Railway Board, Annual Report for 1925-6, Statistical Section, 721
Indian Railways' Marked Improvements of Various Kinds, 471
Indian Railways' Marked Improvements of Various Kinds, 471
Indian State Railways’ Approximate Gross Earnings Compared with Previous Year. 609
Indian State Railways’ Approximate Gross Earnings Compared with Previous Year. 609
Institutes and Institutions, Railway—sec Associations
Institutes and Institutions, Railway—sec Associations
  Irish Railways' Immunity from Accident, 527
Irish Railways' Immunity from Accident, 527
Italian Railway Electrification from Genoa Completed to Spezia, 499
Italian Railway Electrification from Genoa Completed to Spezia, 499
Kent Coalfield Wagon Owners and the Railway Company, 171
Kent Coalfield Wagon Owners and the Railway Company, 171
    Ladies’ Lounge " Smoking Car, 389
  Level Crossing Question, Another Phase, 443
Ladies’ Lounge " Smoking Car, 389
Level Crossing Question, Another Phase, 443
Lisbon to Cuscaes Coast Railway Electrification, 223
Lisbon to Cuscaes Coast Railway Electrification, 223
Litter on Platform* and Track, Underground to Install Baskets for Collection, 689
Litter on Platform* and Track, Underground to Install Baskets for Collection, 689
    Locking Bars, Facing Point, 277
    Locomotive Appearance, American and
Locking Bars, Facing Point, 277
      British, 689
    Locomotives. New Type, for Union Pacific
Locomotive Appearance, American and
      Company, 91
    London Electric Railways
British, 689
  Ixmdon Electric Railways’ Brochure. 389 Morden Extension and Charing Cross and
Locomotives. New Type, for Union Pacific
Company, 91
London Electric Railways
Ixmdon Electric Railways’ Brochure. 389 Morden Extension and Charing Cross and
Kennington Tube, Opening Postponed by Strikes, 91
Kennington Tube, Opening Postponed by Strikes, 91
        Date of Opening. 171
Date of Opening. 171
Morden Extension and New Omnibus Services, 307
Morden Extension and New Omnibus Services, 307
Work in the Streets for Various Mains Delayed Opening of Morden Extension, 663
Work in the Streets for Various Mains Delayed Opening of Morden Extension, 663
    London, Midland and Scottish Railway
London, Midland and Scottish Railway
Burton and Ashby Light Railway Working at a Loss. Application to Cease Operations, 117
Burton and Ashby Light Railway Working at a Loss. Application to Cease Operations, 117
Carriage and Wagon Works nt Stoke-on- Trent to be Closed, 715
Carriage and Wagon Works nt Stoke-on-Trent to be Closed, 715
Crowe Works, Visit by Locomotive Engineers, 207
Crowe Works, Visit by Locomotive Engineers, 207
Glasgow* Sunday Traffic. St. Enoch s Closed on Sundays, 307
Glasgow* Sunday Traffic. St. Enoch s Closed on Sundays, 307
Golders Green Station. Passenger Increase. 581
Golders Green Station. Passenger Increase. 581
Mixed Traffic Locomotives, 100 being Constructed, 249
Mixed Traffic Locomotives, 100 being Constructed, 249
.Shoreditch Station. North London Section.
.Shoreditch Station. North London Section.
Road Widening and Consequent Alterations to Station and Bridges, 249
Road Widening and Consequent Alterations to Station and Bridges, 249
Staveley, Alterations on Former Midland Section, 335
Staveley, Alterations on Former Midland Section, 335
Storm Damage on Central Wtdcs Line, 1 1 •
Storm Damage on Central Wtdcs Line, 1 1 •
Trams Withdrawn to Reduce Expense*.
Trams Withdrawn to Reduce Expense*.
    London and North-Eastern Railway :
London and North-Eastern Railway :
Branch Railway for New Colliery, 443
Branch Railway for New Colliery, 443
Coast Erosion Involves New Line for Walton-on-the-Nazo Branch of Railway, 63
Coast Erosion Involves New Line for Walton-on-the-Nazo Branch of Railway, 63
Cost of Flying Junction at Stratford, 662
Cost of Flying Junction at Stratford, 662
Flushing Boat* to Sail from Harwich Instead of from Folkestone, 715
Flushing Boat* to Sail from Harwich Instead of from Folkestone, 715
Hanging Buffers for Wagons. Disadvantage of, £500 Prize Offered not. yet Won. 9 ; Further Rewards for Dcsigns'Offcred, 91
Hanging Buffers for Wagons. Disadvantage of, £500 Prize Offered not. yet Won. 9 ; Further Rewards for Dcsigns'Offcred, 91
        King’s Cross New Platform, 389
King’s Cross New Platform, 389
King's Cross to York Non-stop Rapid Run, 307
King's Cross to York Non-stop Rapid Run, 307
Lightning and Fire Destruction of Signal Box near Leeds, 117
Lightning and Fire Destruction of Signal Box near Leeds, 117
        No Powers Sought at Present, 663
No Powers Sought at Present, 663
Re-signalling of Cambridge Station, a Correction, 689
Re-signalling of Cambridge Station, a Correction, 689
Signal Boxes, Reduction of. and Resulting Economy, 527
Signal Boxes, Reduction of. and Resulting Economy, 527
Signals, Automatic Three-aspect Day- Colour Light Projected, 249
        Stores Department Reorganised. 143
Signals, Automatic Three-aspect Day-Colour Light Projected, 249
        Trains Withdrawn to Reduce Expenses.
Stores Department Reorganised. 143
Trains Withdrawn to Reduce Expenses.
527 : Plans for Withdrawal Cancelled, 637
527 : Plans for Withdrawal Cancelled, 637
        Welwyn Garden City Station Opened, 389
Welwyn Garden City Station Opened, 389
Lubricating Oil Consumption per Engine Mile, Comparison of Different Main Lines, 223
Lubricating Oil Consumption per Engine Mile, Comparison of Different Main Lines, 223
Melbourne Area Railway Electrification, Results, 389
Melbourne Area Railway Electrification, Results, 389
Melbourne Suburban Railways. Huge Cost of Conversion to Electric Traction, 581
Melbourne Suburban Railways. Huge Cost of Conversion to Electric Traction, 581
      Melbourne Suburban Railways, Increased
        Revenue, 63
Melbourne Suburban Railways, Increased
Revenue, 63
Metropolitan District Railway. Hounslow Brunch, Double Triwked. 663
Metropolitan District Railway. Hounslow Brunch, Double Triwked. 663
Metropolitan Railway Bill fur Tube between Willcsdcn Green and Edgware-road, Passed Committee Stage. 11
Metropolitan Railway Bill fur Tube between Willcsdcn Green and Edgware-road, Passed Committee Stage. 11
      Ministry of Transport
Ministry of Transport
Coal Stoppage mid Serious Results on Railway's, 416
Coal Stoppage mid Serious Results on Railway's, 416
Coal Transport by Railway, Mr. J. H.
Coal Transport by Railway, Mr. J. H.
Thomas Appointed to Committee uf Inquiry. 361, 609
Thomas Appointed to Committee uf Inquiry. 361, 609
London Traffic Inquiry as to South-East London, 197 .
London Traffic Inquiry as to South-East London, 197                     .
Manchester - Middleton Heywood Light Railway Sanctioned, but with Conditions, 248
Manchester - Middleton Heywood Light Railway Sanctioned, but with Conditions, 248
Privately Owned Wagons ami Eithcr-side Brakes. 197
Privately Owned Wagons ami Eithcr-side Brakes. 197
Railway Statistics for February, 1926. 11
Railway Statistics for February, 1926. 11
Railway Statistics for March, 1926, 99
Railway Statistics for March, 1926, 99
Railway Statistics for April, 1926, 143
Railway Statistics for April, 1926, 143
Railway Statistics for May, 1926, 223, 235
Railway Statistics for May, 1926, 223, 235
Railway Statistics for July, 1926. 443 .
Railway Statistics for July, 1926. 443 .
Railway Statistics for August, 1926, 553
Railway Statistics for August, 1926, 553
Railway Statistics for September, 1926, 663
Railway Statistics for September, 1926, 663
Reports to Minister on Travelling Facilities to and from North and North-East London and East London, 637
Reports to Minister on Travelling Facilities to and from North and North-East London and East London, 637
        Tramways and Railway Competition.
Tramways and Railway Competition.
Appeal to the Ministry for Legislation in Favour of Tramways, 11
Appeal to the Ministry for Legislation in Favour of Tramways, 11
Travelling Facilities in North London Reported on. Report on East London Awaited, 63
Travelling Facilities in North London Reported on. Report on East London Awaited, 63
Underground Tunnel to Connect PicciMlilly and City Line Tubes. 335. 117
Underground Tunnel to Connect PicciMlilly and City Line Tubes. 335. 117
      National Union of Railwaymen
Analysis of Members us Guardian*, Conn- ci11ors, Ac.. 63
National Union of Railwaymen
Analysis of Members us Guardian*, Conn-ci11ors, Ac.. 63
Repetition of Railway Ccnlvnary Demonstration, 361
Repetition of Railway Ccnlvnary Demonstration, 361
New South Wales Railways, Progress of Work on Cuttings for Kyogle Railway. 609 New South Wales, Survey for Railway, Moss Vale-Port Kembla, 11
New South Wales Railways, Progress of Work on Cuttings for Kyogle Railway. 609 New South Wales, Survey for Railway, Moss Vale-Port Kembla, 11
New York Central Railroad Celebrates Centenary of Charter for Mohawk and Hudson Railway, 11
New York Central Railroad Celebrates Centenary of Charter for Mohawk and Hudson Railway, 11
New Zealand, Railway Workshops in. 1U3 Paris and Orleans Trains Hauled by Electric
New Zealand, Railway Workshops in. 1U3 Paris and Orleans Trains Hauled by Electric
        Locomotives for First Time, 417
Locomotives for First Time, 417
Parliamentary Notices as to Railway Bills for Next Session, Paucity of, 609
Parliamentary Notices as to Railway Bills for Next Session, Paucity of, 609
Pay and Salary, House of Lords Differentiation, 11
Pay and Salary, House of Lords Differentiation, 11
Peru, Deviation of Central Kailway to Avoid Flood Damage, 335
Peru, Deviation of Central Kailway to Avoid Flood Damage, 335
Piccadilly Road Traffic. Control by Kail way Signals, 443
Piccadilly Road Traffic. Control by Kail way Signals, 443
    Post-office Vehicles in France, 443
Presentation of Veteran Engine-drivers to the King, 417 *
Post-office Vehicles in France, 443
Presentation of Veteran Engine-drivers to the King, 417                     *
Queen of Rtnunania’s Free Travel in the United States, 527
Queen of Rtnunania’s Free Travel in the United States, 527
    Kail Joint, New Type Successful, 527
Kail Joint, New Type Successful, 527
Railway Companies’ Power to Increase Rates, Test Case in Chancery, 63, 117, 527
Railway Companies’ Power to Increase Rates, Test Case in Chancery, 63, 117, 527
Railway Finance and the Industrial Situation Before and After April 1926, to end of July, 171
Railway Finance and the Industrial Situation Before and After April 1926, to end of July, 171
Railway Lines and Widenings, Extensive Additions Authorised, 389
Railway Lines and Widenings, Extensive Additions Authorised, 389
Railway Material Exports Statistics, 117. 171, ‘307. 389. 553
Railway Material Exports Statistics, 117. 171, ‘307. 389. 553
    Railwaymen’s Day, Proposed Pageant, 91
  Railway Rates Tribunal
Railwaymen’s Day, Proposed Pageant, 91
Railway Rates Tribunal
Complaints of New Schedule Kates Regarding Private Wagons of Coalowncrs on Southern Railway. 11
Complaints of New Schedule Kates Regarding Private Wagons of Coalowncrs on Southern Railway. 11
      Rates Raising Permitted by Luu. 689
      Standard Charges Consideration Resumed.
Rates Raising Permitted by Luu. 689
      Test Case in the Court of Appeal, 63. 1 17.
Standard Charges Consideration Resumed.
Test Case in the Court of Appeal, 63. 1 17.
Railway Returns, Miscellaneous Information and Comparisons between Railways, 143
Railway Returns, Miscellaneous Information and Comparisons between Railways, 143
Railway Returns for 1925, Only Five Passenger-carrying Vehicles Built or Bought without Electric Lighting, 443
Railway Returns for 1925, Only Five Passenger-carrying Vehicles Built or Bought without Electric Lighting, 443
Reduction of Staff and the General Strike, Sir Ralph Wedgwood’s View, 443
Reduction of Staff and the General Strike, Sir Ralph Wedgwood’s View, 443
” Retarders ’’for Checking Speed of Wagons, 36
” Retarders ’’for Checking Speed of Wagons, 36
Retirement anti Previous Services of Mr. Thomas Carlton, 37
Retirement anti Previous Services of Mr. Thomas Carlton, 37
Road Motors’ Competition with Railways, Sir Ralph Wedgewood’s Views, 471
Road Motors’ Competition with Railways, Sir Ralph Wedgewood’s Views, 471
Shopmen Question, Probability of Settlement, 63. 663
Shopmen Question, Probability of Settlement, 63. 663
Shopmen Question Settlement Rejected, 277 Signals, Automatic, Three-aspcct Day Colour Light to be Used between Capo Town and Wynborg, 171
Shopmen Question Settlement Rejected, 277 Signals, Automatic, Three-aspect Day Colour Light to be Used between Capo Town und Wynborg, 171
Signals, Day Colour Light to be Used on 800 Miles of an American Railway. 171
Signals, Day Colour Light to be Used on 800 Miles of an American Railway. 171
    Sao Paulo New Station. 499
Sao Paulo New Station. 499
Solway Viaduct and Risk of Railway Accident. 197
Solway Viaduct and Risk of Railway Accident. 197
    South London, Transit Conditions in, 579
Southern India Railway Development. Dis- cushion, 609
South London, Transit Conditions in, 579
  Southern Railway :
Southern India Railway Development. Dis-cushion, 609
Southern Railway :
Bill of Southern Railway Read a Third Time, 11
Bill of Southern Railway Read a Third Time, 11
Cannon-street Station Reopened. Cannonstreet and Charing Cross Platforms Renumbered. 11
Cannon-street Station Reopened. Cannonstreet and Charing Cross Platforms Renumbered. 11
Electrical Equipment on the Southern Railway, Changes to be Made, 171, 581, 609
Electrical Equipment on the Southern Railway, Changes to be Made, 171, 581, 609
Ferry Service at Lyrnington ami Neglected Dredging, 553
Ferry Service at Lyrnington ami Neglected Dredging, 553
Further Electrification on the Southern Railway. 581, 609
Further Electrification on the Southern Railway. 581, 609
Great Eastern Railway’ll Previous Reforms, Comparison between Electric and Steam Services, Mr. R. Bell, 171
Great Eastern Railway’ll Previous Reforms, Comparison between Electric and Steam Services, Mr. R. Bell, 171
Improvements on the Southern Railway, Foggy Weather Arrangements, 47 1
Improvements on the Southern Railway, Foggy Weather Arrangements, 47 1
Leatherhead Junction Towards Guildford, Projected Closing of Present Station, 417 Omnibus Station at. Victoria, Starting Signal Arrangements. 63
Ramsgate and Margate New Lines and Connections. 37
Leatherhead Junction Towards Guildford, Projected Closing of Present Station, 417 Omnibus Station at. Victoria, Starting Signal Arrangements. 63
Ramsgate and Margate New Lincs und Connections. 37
Reopening of Electrical Services on South London Line, 361
Reopening of Electrical Services on South London Line, 361
    Summer Services and Coal Shortage, 37
Summer Services and Coal Shortage, 37
Thames Bridges, Suggested Conversion to Road Bridges and Serious Objections Thereto, 471
Thames Bridges, Suggested Conversion to Road Bridges and Serious Objections Thereto, 471
    Ticket and Change-giving Machines, 581
Track Circuits and Length Requirements. 37 Tramcars on Single Tracks Controlled during
Ticket and Change-giving Machines, 581
      Fogs by Old Wooden Staff System, 277
Trans-Australian Train. Suggestion of Third Rail to Obviate the Difficulty of Difference in Gauge, 91
Track Circuits and Length Requirements. 37 Tramcars on Single Trucks Controlled during
Fogs by Old Wooden Stuff System, 277 Trans-Australiun Train. Suggestion of Third
Rail to Obviate the Difficulty of Difference in Gauge, 91
Travelling Facilities of Certain London Boroughs, Public Inquiry, 277
Travelling Facilities of Certain London Boroughs, Public Inquiry, 277
Trinidad Railways’ Deficit. Select Committee’s Recommendation, 717
Trinidad Railways’ Deficit. Select Committee’s Recommendation, 717
Tube Railways and Electric Lighting Improvements, 63
Tube Railways and Electric Lighting Improvements, 63
Underground. Escalators and Lifts on the. 581
Underground. Escalators and Lifts on the. 581
Underground Expenses Leave 5 per cent, for Dividends and Reserves, 117
Underground Expenses Leave 5 per cent, for Dividends and Reserves, 117
Underground Railway Tunnel to Connect Piccadilly and City Line Tubes, Not for Use of Public. 335, 417
Underground Railway Tunnel to Connect Piccadilly and City Line Tubes, Not for Use of Public. 335, 417
Underground Railways of London. Density of Traffic and Time-saving, 143
Underground Railways of London. Density of Traffic and Time-saving, 143
Underground Suggestion Scheme, Useful Results, 223
Underground Suggestion Scheme, Useful Results, 223
Unemployment and Short Time on the Railways since the General Strike, J. H. Thomas, 443
Unemployment and Short Time on the Railways since the General Strike, J. H. Thomas, 443
United States Centenary of First Railway Opening. 553
United States Centenary of First Railway Opening. 553
Unusual Caso Consequent on Smoko from Fire on Railway Bank. 637
Unusual Caso Consequent on Smoko from Fire on Railway Bank. 637
Wages Boards Exchanged for New Scheme «n U.S.A., 197
Wagon Scarcity Difficult irx. 662
Wages Boards Exchanged for Neu Scheme «n U.S.A., 197
Wagons. Privately Owned, Analysis. 389 Wimbledon Station Reconstruction, 1<> Winter Train Service, Few Changes, 335 Workmen’s Train Grievances and Fares. 249 Rotary Converters, 2000-Kilowatt, for Man
      sion House Underground Sub-station, 223 RAINFALL Beats All Records in Saskatchewan. 171
Wagon Scarcity Difficulties. 662
Wagons. Privately Owned, Analysis. 389 Wimbledon Station Reconstruction, l<» Winter Train Service, Few Changes, 335 Workmen’s Train Grievances und Fares. 249 Rotary Converters, 2000-Kilowatt, for Man
sion House Underground Sub-station, 223 RAINFALL Beats All Records in Saskatchewan. 171
Rainfall Record of Now York Broken, 277
Rainfall Record of Now York Broken, 277
  Rand Mines, Misfire Accidents Increase, 499 Raw Rubber from Native Sources, South
    Africa, 249
Rand Mines, Misfire Accidents Increase, 499 Raw Rubber from Native Sources, South
Reclamation Work on Foreshore at Port Elizabeth. 637
Africa, 249
Reclamation Work on Foreshore ut Port Elizabeth. 637
Refrigerating Apparatus for Household Use, Two New Inventions, 663
Refrigerating Apparatus for Household Use, Two New Inventions, 663
Rc-heat Treatment of Carbon .Steel Gas Cylinders, Recommendation* of Committee, 171
Rc-heat Treatment of Carbon .Steel Gas Cylinders, Recommendation* of Committee, 171
Remarkable Record, 393
Remarkable Record, 393
Resin, Synthetic, with Certain Glass Characteristics, Discovered by Dr. Pollak, 663
Resin, Synthetic, with Certain Glass Characteristics, Discovered by Dr. Pollak, 663
Retort Plant, Tasmania, Result of Weeks* Trial Run, 91
Retort Plant, Tasmania, Result of Weeks* Trial Run, 91
Road Construction in British Columbia, Three Years’ Programme, 609
Road Construction in British Columbia, Three Years’ Programme, 609
Road Traffic of Piccadilly, Colour Light Signals, 91
Road Traffic of Piccadilly, Colour Light Signals, 91
Road Transport in the Future, A. Baker, 307
Road Transport in the Future, A. Baker, 307
Rome, Underground Transport for, Planned by Government , 553
Rome, Underground Transport for, Planned by Government , 553
Roumanian Government, Annual Orders for Rolling Stock at Bukarcst, Works, 277
Roumanian Government, Annual Orders for Rolling Stock at Bukarcst, Works, 277
Royal Metal Trades Pension and Benevolent Society, 207
Royal Metal Trades Pension and Benevolent Society, 207
Rubber Curing. Suggested Use of Paranitro- phunal, 91
Rubber Curing. Suggested Use of Paranitro-phunal, 91
Rubber Manufacture by New Process in America. 499
Rubber Manufacture by New Process in America. 499
Rubber Purchase by Manufacturers for the Current Year. Estimate of. 689
Rubber Purchase by Manufacturers for the Current Year. Estimate of. 689
Rubber Tire Factory for H uge Output Projected for Sydney, Australia, 715
Rubber Tire Factory for H uge Output Projected for Sydney, Australia, 715
Ruling Pens, Care of, 171
Ruling Pens, Care of, 171
SAFETY Measurements for Planks to Support Men at Work, 715
SAFETY Measurements for Planks to Support Men at Work, 715
Safety in Mines Research Board, 103
Safety in Mines Research Board, 103
St. Lawrence. New North Channel, to be Opened During High Water Season, 1927, 249
St. Lawrence. New North Channel, to be Opened During High Water Season, 1927, 249
Salt Wells at McMurray, Alberta, Successful Mining, 37
Salt Wells at McMurray, Alberta, Successful Mining, 37
Sult Works for Sea Water Evaporation Under Construction in Queensland. 171
Sult Works for Sea Water Evaporation Under Construction in Queensland. 171
Sands. Bituminous, Analysis and Experiments on, 581
Sands. Bituminous, Analysis and Experiments on, 581
Sao Paulo Hydraulic Works, 397
Sao Paulo Hydraulic Works, 397
Scholarships, Research, Offer by Rockefeller Institute and Commonwealth Institute, 63 Science Museum, Lecture Tour Arrangements, 649
Scholarships, Research, Offer by Rockefeller Institute and Commonwealth Institute, 63 Science Museum, Lecture Tour Arrangements, 649
Scientific Discovery. Apparatus Used for, and Possibility of Securing for the Nation, 117
Scientific Discovery. Apparatus Used for, and Possibility of Securing for the Nation, 117
Scottish Engineering Works Sold ami Altered for Production of Artificial Silk. 249
Scottish Engineering Works Sold ami Altered for Production of Artificial Silk. 249
Sewage Works, Sludge Beds Covered by Glass, Increased Capacity as Result, 117
Sewage Works, Sludge Beds Covered by Glass, Increased Capacity as Result, 117
Sewerage Scheme at Oruro, Bolivia, and Canal to Connect, with River. Both Contracts Secured by this Country. 689
Sewerage Scheme at Oruro, Bolivia, and Canal to Connect, with River. Both Contracts Secured by this Country. 689
Shale—see also Oil
Shale—see also Oil
Shale Oil in Tasmania. Geological Calculations of Very Large Deposits. 689
Shale Oil in Tasmania. Geological Calculations of Very Large Deposits. 689
Shanghai Arsenal to Become a Limited Company, 443
Shanghai Arsenal to Become a Limited Company, 443
Shanghai, Motor Cars, 55 Per Cent, of American Make, 277
Shanghai, Motor Cars, 55 Per Cent, of American Make, 277
Shanghai, New Plant of Chapei Electricity and Waterworks Company, 443
Shanghai, New Plant of Chapei Electricity and Waterworks Company, 443
Shanghai, Suggested Conversion of Kiangnan Arsenal into a Factory, 91
Shanghai, Suggested Conversion of Kiangnan Arsenal into a Factory, 91
Shawinigan Water anti Power Company’s New Power Station, 527
Shawinigan Water anti Power Company’s New Power Station, 527
Shed, Very Large Area, Proposed Construction on the Mersey, 581
Shed, Very Large Area, Proposed Construction on the Mersey, 581
Sheffield Town Planning, 389
Sheffield Town Planning, 389
  Brit ish Submarine Depot Ship. 31 I
Brit ish Submarine Depot Ship. 31 I
Canadian Pacific Cargo Ships. Tliroo New, 21 Cargo Steamers’ Cost at Greenock. 499 China’s Foreign Trade, Japanese and British
Canadian Pacific Cargo Ships. Tliroo New, 21 Cargo Steamers’ Cost at Greenock. 499 China’s Foreign Trade, Japanese and British
    Ships as Principal Carriers, 315
Ships as Principal Carriers, 315
Cunard Liner Bercngaria Running with Repaired Rudder During Manufacture of New One, 277
Cunard Liner Bercngaria Running with Repaired Rudder During Manufacture of New One, 277
Cunarder Mauretania. 12£ Days* Performance, 223
Cunarder Mauretania. 12£ Days* Performance, 223
Diesel-electric Tugs. Very Large. Used on Panama Canal, 689
Diesel-electric Tugs. Very Large. Used on Panama Canal, 689
Electric Passenger Ship, Largest Commercial Craft Built in U.S.A.. 197
Electric Passenger Ship, Largest Commercial Craft Built in U.S.A.. 197
  Finland's Projected Submarine Flotilla. 307
Finland's Projected Submarine Flotilla. 307
Forty Vessels with Electric Motors Connected to the Screw Shafts. 223
Forty Vessels with Electric Motors Connected to the Screw Shafts. 223
  French Cruiser Tourville Launched, 223
French Cruiser Tourville Launched, 223
German Trade Ship Vatcrland Said to be Largest in the World. 171
German Trade Ship Vatcrland Said to be Largest in the World. 171
Germany's Commercial Fleet, Decline and Rebuilding, 527
Germany's Commercial Fleet, Decline and Rebuilding, 527
H.M.S. Ajax and H.M.S. King George V. to be Broken Up at Rosyth, 689
H.M.S. Ajax and H.M.S. King George V. to be Broken Up at Rosyth, 689
Italian Government's Subsidy Assist once to Shipbuilding, 663
Italian Government's Subsidy Assist once to Shipbuilding, 663
Japanese Steamship in the Scheldt, Failure of Salvage Operations, 37
Japanese Steamship in the Scheldt, Failure of Salvage Operations, 37
Large Electric Passenger Ship, The First Keel Laid at Newport News, Virginia, 223
Large Electric Passenger Ship, The First Keel Laid at Newport News, Virginia, 223
  Largest Fresh Water Cargo Ship, 307
Largest Fresh Water Cargo Ship, 307
Lightship, Very Up-to-date, for Mouth of Rangoon River, 91
Lightship, Very Up-to-date, for Mouth of Rangoon River, 91
  Motor Lifeboat, New, at Plymouth, 62
Motor Lifeboat, New, at Plymouth, 62
Motor Vessel for New Zealand Government, 319
Motor Vessel for New Zealand Government, 319
Navigation Light, Unattended Flashlight, 143
Navigation Light, Unattended Flashlight, 143
  Now Submarine Oberon, Trial of, 335
  Norwegian Mercantile Fleet, 63
Now Submarine Oberon, Trial of, 335
Norwegian Mercantile Fleet, 63
Oil-carrying Vessels, Board of Trade Warnings as to Suitable Precautions, 307
Oil-carrying Vessels, Board of Trade Warnings as to Suitable Precautions, 307
  Poland Start ing a Mercantile Fleet. 527
Poland Start ing a Mercantile Fleet. 527
Raising United States Submarine. Difficulties Overcome by Nozzle Invention, 197
Raising United States Submarine. Difficulties Overcome by Nozzle Invention, 197
Record Ship Coaling at Svdney. Nova Scotia, 91
Record Ship Coaling at Svdney. Nova Scotia, 91
  Regulations for Elect rival Equipment of, 235
Regulations for Elect rival Equipment of, 235
Shifting Cargoes. Special Parking for Zinc Concentrates, 37
Shifting Cargoes. Special Parking for Zinc Concentrates, 37
Shipbuilding Employers and Trade Coions, Meeting, 609
Shipbuilding Employers and Trade Coions, Meeting, 609
Shipping on the Clyde and on the Tyne, Decreased Output, 143
Shipping on the Clyde and on the Tyne, Decreased Output, 143
Ships Guided to Harbour, However Thick the Fog, Special Device Employed, 316
Ships Guided to Harbour, However Thick the Fog, Special Device Employed, 316
Singapore Harbour, Greatly Increased Traffic, 663
Singapore Harbour, Greatly Increased Traffic, 663
Submarines Two Large, Launched, for Australia,,37
Submarines Two Large, Launched, for Australia,,37
The Egypt. Salvage of, Suspended for the Winter, 361
The Egypt. Salvage of, Suspended for the Winter, 361
Train Ferry for Kootenay Luke, British Columbia. 58ft
Train Ferry for Kootenay Luke, British Columbia. 58ft
Wireless Daily Communication Over 11,000 Mi lea by Australian Liner, 521
Wireless Daily Communication Over 11,000 Mi lea by Australian Liner, 521
Yangtze River, Great. Increase in Steam and Motor Navigation on, 715
Yangtze River, Great. Increase in Steam und Motor Navigation on, 715
SILTING Up of Bengal River, 197
SILTING Up of Bengal River, 197
Singapore Naval Base, Satisfactory Progress of Work, 117
Singapore Naval Base, Satisfactory Progress of Work, 117
Slide Rule, Commercial. John Davis and Son, (Derby). Ltd., 577
Slide Rule, Commercial. John Davis and Son, (Derby). Ltd., 577
Slovakia, Eastern, Proposed Electric Supply for, by Hydro-electric Station, 389
Slovakia, Eastern, Proposed Electric Supply for, by Hydro-electric Station, 389
Smoke Abatement Lead, Need of Educative Propaganda. 417
Smoke Abatement Lead, Need of Educative Propaganda. 417
Soap Factory Erection at North Wall, Dublin, 205
Soap Factory Erection at North Wall, Dublin, 205
Soap Works at Irlam, New Section Opened, 171
Soda Recovery Plant at Magadi. East Africa, to be Re-startcd, 249
Soap Works nt Irlam, New Section Opened, 171
Soda Recovery Plant at Magadi, East Africa, to be Re-startcd, 249
Sodium Sulphate Production from Alkaline Lakes in Saskatchewan, 63
Sodium Sulphate Production from Alkaline Lakes in Saskatchewan, 63
Spain and Portugal, Time Limit for Resumption for Negotiat ions as to Harnessing Douro Falls, 197
Spain and Portugal, Time Limit for Resumption for Negotiat ions as to Harnessing Douro Falls, 197
Spare Parts for MaehinesAlrcady Sold, 117
Spare Parts for MaehinesAlrcady Sold, 117
Specialised Information in Great Britain and Ireland, Directory of Sources of. 11
Specialised Information in Great Britain and Ireland, Directory of Sources of. 11
Spiers, Frederick S., Memorial. 75
Spiers, Frederick S., Memorial. 75
Stains from Contact between Marble and Steel
Stains from Contact between Marble and Steel
  Work, Remedy for, 471
Work, Remedy for, 471
Steam Accumulator Storing 1(1,000 lb., 581
Steam Accumulator Storing 1(1,000 lb., 581
Steam Engine and Boiler to Replace Oil Engines in Power Station at Burghersdorp, South Africa. 715
Steam Engine and Boiler to Replace Oil Engines in Power Station at Burghersdorp, South Africa. 715
Steam Pipe. Flexible, Explosion,Official Report, 689
Steam Pipe. Flexible, Explosion,Official Report, 689
Steam Turbine in Trinidad, Special Features of Construction, 143
Steam Turbine in Trinidad, Special Features of Construction, 143
Steamers on Upper Yangtsc River, Great Increase in Number of, 117
Steamers on Upper Yangtsc River, Great Increase in Number of, 117
Steel—ttf'- Iron and Steel
Steel—ttf'- Iron and Steel
Suez Canal Traffic and British Coal Working Stoppage, 527
Suez Canal Traffic and British Coal Working Stoppage, 527
Sugar Beet Factory at Bassano. Alberta. 663
Sugar Beet Factory at Bassano, Alberta. 663
Sugar Beet Factory near Selby, 581
Sugar Beet Factory near Selby, 581
Sugar Beet Factory, Spalding, to Begin Operations. 249
Sugar Beet Factory, Spalding, to Begin Operations. 249
Sugar Beet Factory, near Wellington, Shropshire. Date for Completion, 71 I
Sugar Beet Factory, near Wellington, Shropshire. Date for Completion, 71 I
Sugar Beet in Manitoba, Results from Experimental Growing. 443
Sugar Beet in Manitoba, Results from Experimental Growing. 443
Sugar Cane, Factory at Luabo, 352. 378. 390 (Two-payt. Supplement, October l*d, 1926)
Sugar Cane, Factory at Luabo, 352. 378. 390 (Two-payt. Supplement, October l*d, 1926)
Sugar (Jane, Machine for Harvesting. 581
Sugar (Jane, Machine for Harvesting. 581
Sulphur has no Disadvantages in Diesel Fuel. 417
Sulphur has no Disadvantages in Diesel Fuel. 417
Sulphur Mines in Sicily, Cont nut Signed for Electrification of all Services Connected Therewith. 63
Sulphur Mines in Sicily, Cont nut Signed for Electrification of all Services Connected Therewith. 63
Sulphuric Acid Factory to be Put Up in China. 471
Sulphuric Acid Factory to be Put Up in China. 471
Sunlight Rays under Water. Imitation of, to Check .Anchor Ice Formation, 663
Sunlight Rays under Water. Imitation of, to Check .Anchor Ice Formation, 663
Surface Finishes, New Testing Inspection Machine, 637
Surface Finishes, New Testing Inspection Machine, 637
Survey of India. Complete Reorganisation of. into Five Circles, 277
Survey of India, Complete Reorganisation of. into Five Circles, 277
Swedish Standard Type of Cheap Passenger Motor Cars, 197
Swedish Standard Type of Cheap Passenger Motor Cars, 197
Swedish Trade Reports Shipbuilding Industry Improved but Iron Industry Still Depressed, 361
Swedish Trade Reports Shipbuilding Industry Improved but Iron Industry Still Depressed, 361
Sydney, Australia, and Maitland, New Carrier Wave Telephone Service, 91
Sydney, Australia, and Maitland, New Carrier Wave Telephone Service, 91
Synchronous Condensers, Largest Yet Built for Southern Californian Company. 335
Synchronous Condensers, Largest Yet Built for Southern Californian Company. 335
Synthetic Ammonia Works of Large Capacity Projected in Japan, 417
Synthetic Ammonia Works of Large Capacity Projected in Japan, 417
Synthetic Rubber. Reported Progress in Manufacture of. by German Dye Trust, 343
Synthetic Rubber. Reported Progress in Manufacture of. by German Dye Trust, 343
TANNING Material from Brown Coal. 223
TANNING Material from Brown Coal. 223
Tasmanian Carbide Works, Prospect of Sale to English Group, 1 17
Tasmanian Carbide Works, Prospect of Sale to English Group, 1 17
Taxi-cabs in Peking. Company Formed to Run. 143
Taxi-cabs in Peking. Company Formed to Run. 143
Technical Terms Employed in Branches of Physics ami Physiology Connected with Illumination, 715
Technical Terms Employed in Branches of Physics ami Physiology Connected with Illumination, 715
" Tcknisk Tidskrift." 376
" Tcknisk Tidskrift." 376
Telephone Cable. Subterranean, between Cairo and .Alexandria, 249
Telephone Cable. Subterranean, between Cairo and .Alexandria, 249
Telephone. State, Department of Czechoslovakia to Replace Manual by Marconi Relay Automatic System, J17
Telephone. State, Department of Czechoslovakia to Replace Manual by Marconi Relay Automatic System, J17
Telephone Users of th© World, 14-2 to every 100 People in United States, 2-8 per 100 in Great Britain, 171
Telephone Users of the World. 14-2 to every 100 People in United States, 2-8 per 100 in Great Britain. 171
Tellurium as an Alloy with many Varieties of Metals, 335
Tellurium as an Alloy with many Varieties of Metals, 335
Tenders Invited by Madrid for Various Public Improvements, 277
Tenders Invited by Madrid for Various Public Improvements, 277
Theosophical Society, Australia. Erects Powerful Broadcasting Station, 361
Theosophical Society, Australia. Erects Powerful Broadcasting Station, 361
Thomas, H. Kerr, Debt of the Community to the Automobile, 384
Thomas, H. Kerr, Debt of the Community to t he Automobile, 384
Tidal Power on the Tay, Scheme Put Forward by Professor A. R. Fulton, 689
Tidal Power on the Tay, Scheme Put Forward by Professor A. R. Fulton, 689
Tin-bearing Ores in Cornwall, Successful Exploration Work, 553
Tin-bearing Ores in Cornwall, Successful Exploration Work, 553
Tin Deposits Discovery on King Island. Bans Straits, 219
Tin Deposits Discovery on King Island. Bans Straits, 219
'I’m Mine, Wheal Kitty. St. Agnes, Cornwall.
  Work for Unemployed. 581
'I’m Mine, Wheal Kitty. St. Agnes, Cornwall, Work for Unemployed. 581
Tin. Recovery of Ore Previously Wasted. 471
Tin. Recovery of Ore Previously Wasted. 471
Tin, Rich Lode. Found in Tasmania, 417
Titanite ” as Material for Patternmaking. 527
Tin. Rich Lode. Found in Tasmania, 417
Thanite ” as Material for Patternmaking. 527
Tiverton Town Water Supply, 361
Tiverton Town Water Supply, 361
Tokyo and Yokohama. Reconstruction after Earthquake Very Slow, 443
Tokyo and Yokohama. Reconstruction after Earthquake Very Slow, 443
Tool, New Device, for Removing Tar Coating from Steel Water Main, 443
Tool, New Device, for Removing Tar Coating from Steel Water Main, 443
Toronto Purchase of Ironworks Land for Viaduct and Harbour Development, 249
Toronto Purchase of Ironworks Land for Viaduct and Harbour Development, 249
Torquay Water. Electricity and Harbour Undertakings, Further Powers to be Sought. 637
Torquay Water. Electricity and Harbour Undertakings, Further Powers to be Sought. 637
Toxic Gases Danger, 471
Toxic Gases Danger, 471
Trade Facilities Acts, Treasury Grants for Electrical Supply and Beet Sugar, 553
Trade Facilities Acts, Treasury Grants for Electrical Supply and Beet Sugar, 553
Training for Automobile Engineering, Recommended Course, 526
Training for Automobile Engineering, Recommended Course, 526
Transvaal Platinum Reduction Plant, Output for June, 197
Transvaal Platinum Reduction Plant, Output for June, 197
Triethylamino and Diethylamine, New Process for Manufacture of, 361
Triethylamino and Diethylamine, New Process for Manufacture of, 361
Trolley Omnibus Abandoned for Street Car in Larger American Cities, 249
Trolley Omnibus Abandoned for Street Car in Larger American Cities, 249
Tsingtao Wharves and Harbour Suffering from Wholesale Neglect, 443
Tsingtao Wharves and Harbour Suffering from Wholesale Neglect, 443
Tungting Lake, Yangtze Valley, Projected Survey of, 443
Tungting Lake, Yangtze Valley, Projected Survey of, 443
Tyne Improvement Commissioners, Projected Schemes, 37
Tyne Improvement Commissioners, Projected Schemes, 37
UNITED States Firm Buying Up Canadian Works, 335
UNITED States Firm Buying Up Canadian Works, 335
United States Radium Corporation has Closed its Plant at Orange, N. J., 715
United States Radium Corporation has Closed its Plant at Orange, N. J., 715
University of Bristol, 155
University of Bristol, 155
University of London, University College.
University of London, University College.
    Centenary Appeal and Programme, 593
Centenary Appeal and Programme, 593
Upington. South Africa, Considering Water and Electricity Scheme, 417
Upington. South Africa, Considering Water and Electricity Scheme, 417
VIBRATION Caused by Rolling of Trains,
VIBRATION Caused by Rolling of Trains,
    Effect on Building over the Track, 715
Effect on Building over the Track, 715
Vienna, Ambitious Power Schemes for, Negotiations with American Financiers, 715
Vienna, Ambitious Power Schemes for, Negotiations with American Financiers, 715
Vienna, New Water Power Works Erected in
Vienna, New Water Power Works Erected in
    1925. 715
  WAREHOUSE, Big New. at Montreal, 499
1925. 715
WAREHOUSE, Big New. at Montreal, 499
Watchmaking, Maintenance of Schools giving Technical Instruction in, in Switzerland and France, 527
Watchmaking, Maintenance of Schools giving Technical Instruction in, in Switzerland and France, 527
Water Level Indicator for Gauge Glasses, Effective Type, 429
Water Level Indicator for Gauge Glasses, Effective Type, 429
Water Power Utilisation Research Society in Germany, 335
Water Power Utilisation Research Society in Germany, 335
Water Raising by Egyptian Natives, Conditions of Work, 249
Water Raising by Egyptian Natives, Conditions of Work, 249
  Waterproof Glue, Formula for Preparing, 443
Waterproof Glue, Formula for Preparing, 443
    Brazil, Water System in, 322
Brazil, Water System in, 322
Murray River, Australia, Hume Reservoir Works, Cost and Progress, 553
Murray River, Australia, Hume Reservoir Works, Cost and Progress, 553
Murray Water Conservation Scheme, Additional Weirs Question, 471
Murray Water Conservation Scheme, Additional Weirs Question, 471
Rangoon to Obtain Water Supply by Damming the Salwin, 689
Rangoon to Obtain Water Supply by Damming the Salwin, 689
Sydney and Canberra Water Supply Scheme, 471
Sydney and Canberra Water Supply Scheme, 471
Sydney Water Board’s Expenditure on New Works, 662
Sydney Water Board’s Expenditure on New Works, 662
Victoria, Water Storage Schemes in Progress and Contemplated, 171
Victoria, Water Storage Schemes in Progress and Contemplated, 171
WATER-TUBE Boiler Explosion Caused by Neglect, 471, 617
WATER-TUBE Boiler Explosion Caused by Neglect, 471, 617
  Wave-speed Camera—sec Pressure Wave
  Wax Extract from Flax Plant Tissues, Valuable
Wave-speed Camera—sec Pressure Wave
    Properties of, 197
  Waygood-Otis Club New Sports Ground, 23
Wax Extract from Flax Plant Tissues, Valuable
Properties of, 197
Waygood-Otis Club New Sports Ground, 23
Welded Connections in Steel-framed Building, Comparison with Strength of Rivets, 11
Welded Connections in Steel-framed Building, Comparison with Strength of Rivets, 11
Welding Aluminium, New Process, D. H. K. Bottrill, 663, 689
Welding Aluminium, New Process, D. H. K. Bottrill, 663, 689
  Welding Exhibition at Buffalo, N.Y., 443
Welding Exhibition at Buffalo, N.Y., 443
Wells Drilled for Oil and Gas in the United States, Statistics, 553
Wells Drilled for Oil and Gas in the United States, Statistics, 553
Whale Fishing, Trial of 13reech-loading Gun for, 197
Whale Fishing, Trial of 13reech-loading Gun for, 197
Whale Oil Research Success, 389
Whale Oil Research Success, 389
Wharfage for Deep-draught Vessels at Cairns
Wharfage for Deep-draught Vessels at Cairns
  Harbour, North Queensland, 499
Harbour, North Queensland, 499
Whitworth Society, Fourth Annual Commemoration Dinner, 724
Whitworth Society, Fourth Annual Commemoration Dinner, 724
Whitworth Society, Summer Meeting. 103
Whitworth Society, Summer Meeting. 103
Wind Pressure, Pulsating or Static Effects on Different Structures. 581
Wind Pressure, Pulsating or Static Effects on Different Structures. 581
Windsor-Detroit Tunnel, Construction to bo Started, 609
Windsor-Detroit Tunnel, Construction to bo Started, 609
Wire and. Wire Nail Works of Karahgatch, Turkey, Begin Work, 307
Wire and. Wire Nail Works of Karahgatch, Turkey, Begin Work, 307
Atmospheric Disturbances, Experiments with New Invention, 63
Atmospheric Disturbances, Experiments with New Invention, 63
Bolivia Telegraph and Wireless Services, Contract with Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd., 143
Bolivia Telegraph and Wireless Services, Contract with Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd., 143
Bombay and Calcutta, Projected Well- organised Broadcasting Service, H7
Bombay and Calcutta, Projected Well-organised Broadcasting Service, H7
British Broadcasting to Pass Under Government Control, 63
British Broadcasting to Pass Under Government Control, 63
Broadcasting of Portraits and Piet ures, Monsieur Hermod Petersen, 609, 637
Broadcasting of Portraits and Piet ures, Monsieur Hermod Petersen, 609, 637
  Broadcasting Station in Vienna, 356
Broadcasting Station in Vienna, 356
Crop Production Assisted by Wireless Aerials Near Potsdam, 361
Crop Production Assisted by Wireless Aerials Near Potsdam, 361
Czecho-Slovak Railways and Wireless Receiving Stations in Trains, 389
Czecho-Slovak Railways and Wireless Receiving Stations in Trains, 389
French Postal Tests of Wireless Telegraphic Apparatus, 335
French Postal Tests of Wireless Telegraphic Apparatus, 335
Greece, Wireless Station Projected, 499
Greece, Wireless Station Projected, 499
Hungary's Great Advance in Use of Wireless, 249
Hungary's Great Advance in Use of Wireless, 249
Marconi Marine Communication Company and Radio Communication Company Form Working Agreement, 527
Marconi Marine Communication Company and Radio Communication Company Form Working Agreement, 527
Mexico and Cuba. Telegraph Systems to be Connected by Wireless, 307
Mexico and Cuba. Telegraph Systems to be Connected by Wireless, 307
Radio Apparatus Production in Canada, 174
Radio Apparatus Production in Canada, 174
Radio-electric Mast for Guiding Ships al a
Radio-electric Mast for Guiding Ships al a
    Distance, Value Proved in Fog, 277
Distance, Value Proved in Fog, 277
Reaction on the Aerial, Enforcement of Regulations in Regard to Licences, 63
Reaction on the Aerial, Enforcement of Regulations in Regard to Licences, 63
Seventy Radio Receiving Sets for Isolated Camps in Oregon and California, 403
Seventy Radio Receiving Sets for Isolated Camps in Oregon and California, 403
Ship’s Record Daily Communication with Sydney on Voyage to England, 521
Ship’s Record Daily Communication with Sydney on Voyage to England, 521
Waves of Accurately Known Frequency, Usefulness of Transmission, 223
Waves of Accurately Known Frequency, Usefulness of Transmission, 223
Wireless Apparatus Tested as Possible Substitute for Submarine Cable, 389
Wireless Apparatus Tested as Possible Substitute for Submarine Cable, 389
WOOD Oil Trees. Experimental Plantation of, in Tasmania. 581
WOOD Oil Trees. Experimental Plantation of, in Tasmania. 581
Woolwich Dockyard at Auction, 31
Woolwich Dockyard at Auction, 31
Work on the New Outer Harbour at Macao, 689
Work on the New Outer Harbour at Macao, 689
World’s Largest Motor Liner, 653
World’s Largest Motor Liner, 653
YARRA River Improvement Projected, 471
YARRA River Improvement Projected, 471
ZINC, Pure, Physical Properties and Crystal Structure of, 91
ZINC, Pure, Physical Properties and Crystal Structure of, 91
Zululand Plant for Extracting Tanning Material from Wattle Bark, 471
Zululand Plant for Extracting Tanning Material from Wattle Bark, 471

Revision as of 10:10, 16 June 2020

The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.
The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Paragraphs Index.

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1926 Jul-Dec: Index

View the Volumes that this Index refers to.

A ACCIDENT to Cochin Harbour Board’s Dredger, 171

Aerial Passenger Cableway to Summit of Table Mountain, Proposed, 117

AERONAUTICS See aleo Associations, Royal Society of Aeronautics

Aerial Transport Cost Compared with Sea, Rail and Road Travel. 689

Aircraft Apprentices, 500, Wanted by Royal Air Force, 117

Aircraft in Canada, Particulars of. in 1925, 307

Amphibian Flying Boat's Return to Alberta After 6000-7000 Miles* Tour, 637

Aviation Cold Medal, /Award, 397

Awards to Aircraft Apprentices, 238

Busk Studentship in Aeronautics Award, 143

Civil Aviation Mileage and Passenger Statistics, 223

Dornier Seaplane's Equipment, 171

Europe-South America Airship Projected by German Company. 644

Ford Company's Miniature Aeroplane Weighs 350 1b.. 143

Giant Passenger Aeroplanes for Australia, 343

Mystery Seaplane at Cromer, 389

Parachute* Brings Down Aeroplane 2500ft. with Engine Stopped, 277

Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture to be Given by Professor Prandtl, of Gottingen, 609

AIR Compressor Operation and Practical Method of Cleaning Compressor, 249

Aix-la-Chapelle, ('anal to Connect with the Rhine. 223

Algeria, Extensive Public Works Projected, 37

Allen-Li versidgc. Ltd.. London Staff Dinner. 526

Amber. German Deposits of. the Most Profitable in the World. 342

Ammonia, Daily Out put of, in the United States. 171

Ammonia. Synthetic Production of. at New Works nt Oslo. 277

Anticosti Island Timber to be Used for Paper Pulp. 47 I

Antimony, Flotation of Company to Work Large Area in the Murchison Range, 117

Antimony Production and Many Uses. 553

Antofagasta Port Enlargement and Improvement. 669

Archseological Engineering. 593

Argent inc Port Facilities. 350

Argentine Public. Works Programme, I I

Armour Plate Trials, 605

Artificial Silk Factory Projected in Quebec, Cost of, 91

Artificial Silk from Wood Pulp of Nova Scotia, 37

Artificial Silk, World Production Immensely Increased in 1926. 581

Asbestos Output from Rhodesia, 609

Asbestos in the United States, Statistics of. 223

Asphalt, Discovery of 40,000,000 Tons of, in the Philippines, 277

Asphalt Roofing Material and Advantage in Use of Electric Heating Units, 249


Libraries Presented, also Memorial Fund, 533

The Chemist in the Non-ferrous Metallurgical Refinery, St reatfield Memorial Lecture, F. C. Robinson, 533

Institute of Marine Engineers :

Marine Engineering Studentship Facilities, 605

Institute of Metals :

Latest Date for Receipt of Papers for Next Annual Meeting, 431

Institute of Transport :

Railwaymen Elected by Ballot, 91

Institution of Automobile Engineers : Annual Dinner. 560 Graduates* Prize ami Crompton Medal Award. 415

Joint Gatherings with the Royal Aero* nautical Society, 527

Training for Automobile Engineering, 526


Institution of Chemical Engineers :

Visit to Royal Naval College, Greenwich. 41

Institution of Civil Engineers :

Awards for Papers. 429

“ James Forrest ” Postponed Lecture, New Date for, 431 Birmingham Association :

Visits to Pumping Station at Lichfield and to Reservoir at- Dudley, 557

Institution of Electrical Engineers :

Portraits of Michael Faraday and Lord Kelvin, 581

Ships, Regulations for Electrical Equipment of. 235

Students’ Premiums, Awards for Papers, 158

Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland :

Programme of Papers for Winter Session, 357

Institution of Fuel Economy Engineers :

First President and First Meeting of Winter Session, 1926, 261

Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers :

Prizes Offered, 678, 714

Institution, Junior, of Engineers :

Awards of Medals, &c., 357, 649

Pyrometer Experiments for Measuring Temperatures Within Cylinders of Small Internal Combustion Engines, C. E. Foster, 663

Steel Castings in their Relation to Mechanical Engineering, Robert Lowe, 568

Institution of Locomotive Engineers : Manchester Centre :

Visit to the Crewe* Works, L.M.S. Railway, 207

Institution of Mechanical Engineers :

Archaeological Engineering. Lecture by Lieut.-Colonel E. Kitson Clark. 593

Award* for Papers Read Before Graduates’ Section, 678

Institution of Mining Engineers :

Summer ami Autumn Meeting Abandoned Owing to Stoppage, 261

Institution of Naval Architects :

National Certificates in Naval Architecture, 659

Scholarship Awards, 264

Scholarships to bo Offered in 1927, 624

Institution of Petroleum Technologists :

Oil Fuel. Dr. F. Moll wo, 553

Research Fund. 455. 527

Institution of Production Engineers :

Third Annual Dinner. 495

Institution of Railway Signal Engineers :

Ferro-concrete and also Wooden Poles, with Special Fittings for Signal and Telegraph Purposes. 552

Institution, Royal :

Courses of Lectures in November and December, 455

General Meeting, Thanks for Valuable Gifts. Election of Members, 649

Juvenile Lectures, 101st Course. 455, 678

Lecture Arrangements Before Easter, 1927. 678. 697

Institution of Structural Engineers :

Death Vacancy and New President Appointed. 429

Portland House Scholarship and Other Awards. 264

Society, Royal, of Aeronautics :

Grant of 5000 Dollars from the Daniel Guggenheim Fund to the Royal Aeronautical Society. 307

Joint- Gatherings with the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 527

ATMOSPHERIC Oxygen, Process for Extrnct-tion of, 117

Australian Graduates, Eight Chosen for Special Research Training, 285

Australia's Paint Imports, Large Proportion Supplied by Great Britain, 91

Australia's Trade with the United Kingdom. 307

Automatic Telephones Being Installed in Dairen, Manchuria, 689

Automobile Association and Improved Methods of Car Shipment. 527

B BANFF, Canada. Calculation of Potential Energy from Hot Springs, 715

Barbed Wire, History of, 91

Barrages Across the Congo. A Big Proposition, 307

Batavian Production of Resin and Turpentine, 637

Bavaria’s Water Power Stations, 609

Beet—see Sugar

Beira Port, Portuguese East Africa, Sold to

Company and in Course of Improvement , 277 Belgian State Railways and Government

Telegraph and Telephone Systems Leased to Companies, Terms of Arrangement, 223 Belt Fastener, A New, Dargue Brothers, Ltd., 704

Bengal Irrigation Department to Attack Pest of Water Hyacinth, 11

Beryllium, Valuable Properties and Probably Increased Use of. 281

Big Peter of York Minister to be Recast. 637 Birmingham University Metallurgical Society.

Retirement and Testimonial to Professor, 106 Bitumen in Large Quantities Found on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, 117 Bituminous Roads in South Australia, Cost per

Mile, 471

Blasting Charges, New Form of Primer for. 637 Board of Trade Licence Issued to Research

Association of British Paint Manufacturers, 4 43

Boiler Explosion, Unusual Typo. 11

Boiler Stop Valve Failure at a Colliery. 307

Boiler Used on Gold Mino in 1875 Rediscovered in Good Order, 417

Boiler's Groat Output at Yallorn Power House.

Victoria, 417

Bombay Government Appoints Committee to Report on Back Bav Reclamation Scheme. 1 I. 91

Book Tower in Detroit to be 873ft. Above the

Ground, Tallest Building in the World, 143

Bootle Commercially Considered, 361

Bore-hole in Search for Oil at Orallo, Queensland, 499

Brazilian Proposals for Improvement of Port of Ilheos. State of Bahia, 689

Bricks at Fiction Brickyards, 16,000,000 per

Week Output. 219

BRIDGES: Bascule Bridge’s Unusual Mishap, 417

Bridge Over the Danube from Belgrade to Pancevo, Conflicting Opinion, 307

Double-deck Road and Railway Bridge Across the South Saskatchewan River, 663

Durban to Connect with Durban North by New Bridge, 715

Floriunopolis Bridge, Brazil, A Record Structure, 715

Haven Bridge at Yarmouth, Reconstruction, 117

Montreal Bridge under Erection will be Second Only to Sydney Harbour Bridge, 689

Narrows, at Atherlev, Ont., Bridge Over the, 117

New Bridge Across the Yare at Yarmouth, 581

Niagara Falls Memorial Bridge, to Connect Canada und United States. 443

Steel Bridge Projected Across Riviere du Loup, Quebec, 471

Suggested New Road and Railway Bridge nt Freemantle, West Australia, 581

Sydney Harbour, Need of Another Bridge Predicted, 171

Transporter Bridge near Mouth of Ynrra River, Victoria, Proposed Construction. 171

BRIDGE River Hydro-electric Scheme in British Columbia. .333

Briquette Works and Superphosphate Plant Projected in South Africa, 417


Brazing Solder, 291

Electric Cable Soldering Sockets. 319

Fractional Horse-power Electric Motors. 291

BRITISH Aluminium Company in Norway. Extension of Works, 417

British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Annual Dinner and Speeches, £60

British Foundry men. Institute, Birmingham, Coventry and West Midlands Branch, Junior Section to be Formed, 478

British Gears’ Success in Spite of High American Tariff. 417

British Nationality, Out ward-hound Passenger Traffic from Europe Much Increased. 663

British Treasury to Guarantee Principal and Interest up to £110,000 to Australasian Paper and Pulp Company for Twelve Years, 689

Bromley Ironworks Demolition, 499

Bronze Runners to Replace Steel in Turbines to Avoid Erosion Troubles, 249

Buenos Aires, Port of, Reconstruction Work Resumed, 361

c CABLE, New, Between England and New York. 307

Cable Ship Laving Longest Cable in the World, 342

£10,000 Cable Tram Equipment Sold for £450, 249

Cairo apd Alexandria to be Linked by Underground Telephone Cable, 389

Calcutta Corporation Pumping Plant Extension, 335

Calcutta’s New Drainage Scheme and its Cost, 307

Calcutta Trust Starting Work on Manicktolla Bridge Reconstruction, 335

Californian Oil Company Planning Drill Hole Down to 10,000ft., Already of Record Depth, 689

Canada, Dominion Water Power and Reclamation Service, Report, 612

Canada's Gold Production Since 1858, Third in the World’s List of Producers, 171

Canada's Production of Platinium. Palladium, Rhodium, &e., 307

Canadian Canals, Traffic Stat istics. 91

Canadian Good Roads Association, 389

Canadian Magnesite Suitability for Bricks. 171

Cape Town. Dock Improvement Scheme. 122

Carbon Acid Gas Purification Plant in Montreal. 197

Carbon Dioxide, New Process for Making. 443

Cement Manufacture in Victoria. New Works. 249

Cement Sales in Australia, 37

Chefoo Harbour Improvement Commission. 37

Chemicals and Drugs Manufacture. Shanghai Factory, 11

Chili, Irrigation Projects in, 223

Chilian Iodine Industry, Terrible Waste of Valuable Iodine, 277

China, New Arsenal and Mint Projected, 46

China’s Population, Analysis of Foreign Proportion. 277

Chinese Architects Form Society, 609

Chines© 400 Miles Road, Motor Car Journey Occupies Three Days, 443

Chittagong Port Development. 37, 277

Circulating Water at American Power Station, to Prevent Choked Gratings, 197

Classes for Firemen and Furnaeemen in Glasgow, and Beneficial Result, 335

Cleansing Oil Coolers, Duckham, Alexander, and Co., 291

COAL, COKE AND COLLIERIES Accidents, Death rate in Coal Mines of the United States, 443

Baffin Island Coal, Analysis of, 471

Barnsley Coal Seam said to be Workable Throughout Lincolnshire, 171


Bituminous Coal. International Conference on. at Carnegie Institute, 470

Bolton Now Housch, Cumberland, New Pit Sinking at. 490

Bombay Coal Consumption Halved, 307, 527 Briquetting Brown Coal at Morwell, Victoria, 335

British Steel Produced by Aid of American Coal, 527

Brown Coal Deposits in South Australia, 417

Canadian Coal Output in 1925. 143

Carbonisation of Durham Coal in Continuous

Vertical Retorts, 171

Carnock Colliery Contract for New Plant, 90

Coal Output, Great Increase of, by Nova Scotia Company, 663

Coat Products—ner. Exhibit ions

Coal Seam Found in the Lower Cwmgorse Valley, 171

Coke Oven Plants to Use Canadian and Nova Scotian Coal, 277

Czocho-Slovakia. Details of Coal Production. 609

Dry-cleaning Coal, Professor Henry Louin, 663

Dry Coal from Yallourn Utilised by Mixing with Wet. 553

Entombed Colliers* Bodies Recovered after Nearly Fifty Years, 249

German Coal Hewers* Output, Great Increase on Pre-war Rate of Production. 249 Great Britain's Coal Output for week ending December 4th, 666

Hamburg Arrivals of Water-borne Coal Reduced by Quay Labourers' Strike, 527

Hull, Proposed Railway from Goole, and Wharfage, to Cheapen Coal Transport, 609 637

Japanese Coal Delivered in Shanghai, Cost of. 689

Leeds, Coal Smoke Nuisance Abatement, 63

Lisbon, Coal Mines near. Opened Up, but Coal of Poor Quality, 91

New South Wales Metallurgical Coke Output, 087

Nigeria. Third Coal-carrying Steamer Purchased for. 499

Oil Distillation from Coal, Satisfactory Tests in China, 11

Pekin Syndicate Coal Output, 63

Pyritic Oxidation in relation to Spontaneous Combustion of Coal. H. Macpherson and Others. 417

Sinking Coal Shaft in South Yorkshire. 499

Spitsbergen Collieries Benefit by British Coal Stoppage, 335

Transport of Coal by Aerial Ropeway, 249

Upton Colliery Company's Shaft-sinking Progress, 277

Woodville near Burton-on-Trent, Seam of Coal Located in a Field near. 63

X-ray Use in Coal Classification, F. J. Harlow, 609

COCHIN, First-class Tidal Harbour, Work Begun, 715

Cochin Harbour. Arrival and Work of New Dredger, 91

Cold Storage and Ice Factory’ Projected in Perth, 715

Cold Storage Plant for Durban, 417

Cold Storage Plant, Very Large, Projected for Western Canada, 443

Colombia, Reported Projected Construction of Modern Port in Gulf of Uraba, 277

Commonwealth and New South Wales Floating Dock, Increase in Projected Lifting Capacity, 14 3

Concrete Controlled in Strength by Ratio of Cement to Water, 91

Concrete of Extreme Strength for Hall in California, 424

Concrete-mixing Investigation and Conclusions, 467

Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Arches of Great Span, Method of Construction by Rib Compensation, Monsieur Freyssinet, 117

Concrete, Reinforced, for Signal Posts and Telegraph Poles. 552

Concrete Strengthened by Molten Sulphur, 11

Concrete Tanks for Storage of Animal and

Vegetable Oils, 609

Conveyors, Very Long, in Virginian Mine, 361

Cooling a Troublesome Bearing, 91

Copper Discovery in South Africa. 63

Copper. Electrolytic, Union Minidre to Produce

Large Quantity Annually, 63

Copper Mine in British Columbia, Reputed Largest in the Empire, 499

Copper Ore Discovery in Now Brunswick, 577

Copper and Silver Output of Canada, 277

Cornish Mining to Seek Government Subsidv. 581

Cornwall Works, Birmingham, 212

Cotton-picking by Machine, New Invention, 471 Cotton Textile Industry in the Dominion, Seventy Plants Engaged, 171

Cracked Circular Saws, Mending, 581

Crane for Steel Plant in America, Said to be

Largest of Kind in Existence, 443

Cuban Large Rond Construction Programme, 307

D DAM, Large Storage, Under Const ruction by Gatineau Power Company at Bitobe, Quebec, 117

Dam, New, on the River Mackinac, 91

Darn in Waranga Basin, Victoria, Question of Strength, 307

Danzig, Coal Situation at, 37

Detonation of Blasting Explosives, Velocity of-37 ; Paper on Determination of Velocity, 63

Detonation Phenomena in Engines, Monsieur Dumanois, 11

Detonators in Mines, Additional Precaution, 637

Development of Paugan Falls on Gatineau River, Ontario, 552

Diamond Discovery Reported in Cape Colony, South of Port Nolloth, 499

Diarnondiferous Area of British Guiana, -Accompanied by Heavy Minerals, 277

Diesel-driven Power Station Likely to bo Changed for Local Water Power Scheme, 417 Diesel Engine Power Plant to be Scrapped in Favour of Steam, 471

Differential Separation by Flotation of Lead and Copper from Zinc in Sulphide Oren, 689 Disinfectants for New Zealand, Large Tenders Called for, 389

Diving, Success of Use of Artificial Atmosphere, 553

Dock Scheme. King George’s, at Kidderporo, Progress, 117

Dock, Wet. at Ayr, Removal of Unused Gates and Sill, 171

Drainage and Road-building Operations at •* The Brook Kishon," 307

Drainage Scheme for Karachi, 171

Dredger at Bristol Undergoing Overhaul. 581

Drilling by Jack-hammers, A Record. 499

Dublin's First Automatic Telephone Exchange, 527

Duke of Northumberland to bo President of Shipping Exhibition at Olympia, 1927, 91

Duralumin and Welding by Oxy •acetylene, 223 Dust- Inhalation in Mines, Paper by P. S. Hay.

I Hi

Dust-proof Plants in Boiler Houses Economical as well as Cleanly, 91

Dusty Roads, Now Remedy for. Found in Amsterdam, 277

Dynamite Factory being Put Up in Alabama, 581

E EFFLUENT Liquor Treatment at Coventry, 581

ELECTRICAL MATTERS Armature of Exceptional Size, Special Arrangements for Railway Transport and Construction of Building. 143

British Columbia Electric Railway. Bridge River Power Development for, 637

British Industries Fair at Birmingham. Predominance of Electrical Industries. 689

Characteristics of Single-phase Motors, T. (). Walz, 361

Cheapest Supply in the World Generated by Steam Plant, 637

Competition in Manufacture of Electrical Machinery, Court Judgment at Melbourne, 499

Consumption of Current in South African Towns, 91

Dover’s Electric Supply Breakdown and Arrangement to Connect Supply with that of Folkestone. 553

Durban's Electrical Department Budget, 715

Earthing Metal Bodies other than Conductors, 335

Electric Locomotives for Montreal, 499

Electrical Trades' Benevolent Institution, 388

Electrified Ploughshare, Experiments and Result, 499

Flanged Girder. Electric Arc Welded and Tested to Destruction, 499

Galle, India. Electric Lighting, 499

Govan Power House Equipment, 249

Hardening and Tempering of Steel, Electric Heating for. 143

High-voltage Electrical Laboratory Built at Stanford University, California, 277

Industrial Standardisation in the Electrical Field, Percy Good, 389

Insulators, Electrical, Question of Manufacture in Bihar with China Clay Found There, 63

Lamps in Subways, Electric, Comparison Between Bare and Shaded Lamps, 63

Large Boilers’ Provision in Power House for Quick Change of Coal for Oil Fuel, 143

Lincoln Private Electric Lighting Increase, 389

Maritime Electric Company, America, Expenditure on Plant and Equipment. 249

Mexico’s New Electrical Code, Demand for Superior Apparatus and Equipment, 361 Power Development in British Malaya with

Construction of Hydro-electric Plant on the Purak River, 117

Power Generation from Tides of Passama-quoddy Bay, Canadian Government Authorises Scheme for, 277

Power Station for Senegal. South Africa, 450

Power Transmission Wires Between Canada and Island of Orleans, 11

Pre-heating Rolls of Tin-plate Mills by Means of Electrical Resistances, 335

Rail Mill in /Xmerica, Electrification of, 361

Sale of Electricity, Rapid Progress of, 471

Shanghai, Projected Power Plant of 20,060 Kilowatts, 637

Ships, Regulations for Electrical Equipment of, 235

Steam Turbo-generator for American Generating Station, 361

Sulphur Mines in Sicily, All Services to be Electrified within Three Years, 63

Super-power, Coal Consumption for Generation of Electricity, 389

Sydney City Council, Proposal to Acquire Mine or Mines for Purposes of Electricity Department, 117

Tungshun Island, near Amoy, Suggested Rice Mill for, with Electric Plant for Power and City Lighting, 581

Turbo-alternators, Four 10,000-Kilowatt, for

Bombay Suburban Railways, 637

Two Million-volt Transformer Set, 143

Victorian Electricity Commission and German Recommendations, 417

Western Australia and Electric Supply to Mines, 37

Wolverhampton’s Increased Use of Electricity, 389

ELECTROLYTIC Copper, Big Lixiviation Plant foi Union Minidre Katanga, 143

Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress to be held in Canada in 1927, 335

Engineers in China, 452

English and Amateur Mechanic*, 498

Esquimalt Dry Dock Construction, 389

Estonian Oil Shale as Railway Fuel, 663

Ethylene Dichloride as a Solvent for Oils and

• Fats, 689

EXHIBITIONS Agricultural Show and Exhibition of Cottage Industries at Jubbulpore, 499

Belgium, Universal Exhibition Projected for 1930, 197

EXHIBITIONS (continued) :

British Industries Fair in Birmingham : Enlargement of Buildings Called for, 417 British Industries Fair and Misconceptions, 417

Electric Business Predominance at British Industries Fair in Birmingham, 689

Floor Space at British Industries ^Fair, Greatly Increased Demand, 581, 637

Madras Council Estimate for Participation in British Industries Fair. 471

Congress of Chemists and Exhibition in London of Apparatus, Chemicals, A’c., 3*

Industrial Designs Competition, Selection of Work on Exhibition., 143

Ironmongery, Hardware, &c.» Exhibition, 276

Leipzig International Industries Fair, 183

Leipzig International Industries Fair, 1927, 624 .11

Model Engineer Exhibition at Horticultural Hall, Westminster, 143, 171

National Coal .Products Exhibition, 495

Physical Societies’ Exhibition, 649

Prague Sample Fair to Include Mining Section, 18

Royal Agricultural Society Exhibition, 1927, Date and Place, 649

Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, Luncheon to Introduce New President, 560

Society of Chemical Industry, Exhibition in Manchester. 1 1

Textile Industry, First National Exhibition, 37

EXPLOSION of Steam-jacketed Pan, 335

Explosive Company’s Plant at Nobel, Ontario, to be Reopened, 715

Explosives Factories, Diminution in Number and also of Persons Employed, 63

F FACTORY Proposed in Natal for Manufacture of Canex ” Boards, 117

Fairs—see Exhibitions

Faraday House, Old Students’ Association, Annual Dinner, 400, 511

Federated Malay States Insistence on Use of British Materials, 553

Felling a Blast-furnace Stack with Dynamite, 91

Fibre Rope, Inventor’s Unsinkable Type, 527

Fire Control in a Pulverised Coal Bin, 91

Fire Losses Due to Electric Irons, 37

Firedamp in Mines, Measurement by Electric

CurrentE. H. Liveing, 389

Fire-float Beta III., Record Work at Big Fire in East London, 471

Fireproof Paints Factory at Sault Ste. Marie, 499

Flax Extensively Planted in Natal, Proposed Production of Alcohol from Waste Pulp of Leaves, 171

Fleming, Dr. J. A., Presentation of Portrait to, 499, 527

Floating Dock, Small for Table Bay Harbour,, 471

Floating Dock, 25.000-Ton, for French Government, Launched at Hamburg, 143

Flood Prevention, Irrigation, and Hydroelectric Enterprise in Mexico, 689

Floor Tested by Four Hours’ Fire, 417

Ford Five-day Week, Divergent Views on, 527

Foreign Building Materials, Greatly Increased Importation of, 361

Foreign Trade of the Sudan, Considerable Increase in, 663

Foundry at Warrington with Area of 3000 Square Yards, 499

Free State Flag, First Boat Launched under, Kahanui, for New Zealand, 223

Frost Effect in Different Soils, Caution Needed in Pipe Laying, 143

Fuel Research Board’s Experimental Borgius Process Plant, 361

Fuel from Waste of Palm “ Nuts,” 581

G GAS Oil for Petrol Engines. 41

Gas, Outbursts of, in Coal Mines, G. Roblings, 663

Gasworks Capacity of 1,000,000 Cubic Feet per

Twenty-four Hours, 417

Gear Grinding, H. F. L. Orcutt, 581

G.E.C. Sports, 75

German Plate-rolling Trade, 287

Gold Nugget Weighing over 100 oz. Unearthed in Western Australia, 689

Gold in Sea Water, Not a Paying Proposition, 37

Gold, World’s Product of, from 1860 to 1924.

Estimated Value, J. P. Dunlop, 689

Goods Transport by Chinese Junks, 197

Grab Dredging and Excavating Equipment, Numerous Orders for, 197

Graphite, Natural, Its Manifold Uses, 715

Great Britain Self-supporting in Only One Nonferrous Metal, Aluminium, 471

Great Lakes Power Company, Ontario, Plans to Meet Increasing Power Demands, 335

Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Waterways, Disagreement Between Canadian and U.S.A. Joint Board Engineers, 609

Greek Government’s Exclusive Convention with

Eastern Telegraph Company, 91

H HAITI Projected Expenditure on Public Works, 471

Hamilton Bridge Works West End Plant Restarted, 91

Harbour Development, Vizagapatam, 468

Heat Generated by Chemical Action of Setting

Concrete, Unforeseen Result, 715

Hematite Discovery in Siorra Leone, 663

Highway Engineering for UniversityjDcgree, 663

House Building, Steel v. Brick for, 389

House of SaBeN, 649

Huon Pine Oil for Prevention of Decay in Other

Woods, Experiments, 223

Hydrated Lime, Value of, 499

Hydraulic Cements, Free Limo in, Scientific Experiments, 637

Hydro-electric Development of Grand Falk, New Brunswick, 335

Hydro-electric Installations for Eastern Canada, '389

Hydro-electric Installation to Utilise Water Power of Bidasoa, Navarra, 417

Hydro-electric Metallurgic Works, at Corral, Chile. 637

Hydro-electric Plant, near Concepcion, Chile, *361

Hydro-electric Plant, Exceptionally Large, Under Construction in U.S.A., 197

Hydro-electric Power Plant. Big. and Plant for Magnesium Alloys, to be Erected on the Yalu River, 689

Hydro-electric Power Plant at St. Alban, Quebec, 689

Hydro-electric Statiop in Italy will be Largest in Europe, 663

Hydro-electric Station, Unusual Type for East Switzerland, 361

Hydro-electric Stations in Italy, Statistics Regarding, 499, 553

Hydro-power Development at Alexander’s Landing, Ontario, 63

Hydrous Sidts. Mainly Sodium Sulphate, Deposits in Western Canada, 689

I ICE Jam, Method*. Adopted for Breaking Up, 715

Ignition of Case?, Mixtures of Methane and Air, Comprehensive Research and Report, 117

Imperial College of Science and Technology, Annual Dinner, 678

Indian Boiler Regulations Amendments, 637

Indian Railway Board’s Search for Cheap Woods in Indian Forests, 91

India’s Import Trade, Depression in Machinery, 117

industrial Casualties, Analysis of Causes of, 117

Industrial Fatigue Research Board's Experiments, 11

Information in Periodicals and Libraries, Special, Association Formed and Directory to bo Compiled, 63

Insect House Electrically Controlled, 37

“I. 0. Emmas’ ” Reunion, 26

Institutes and Institutions—ace Associations

Insulating Varnishes, Ozonised Air Process in the Baking of, L. U. Spence and P. B. Cochran, 277

Iodine, Liquid, Large Exports from Java, 553 Irish Free State and the Shannon Scheme, 62

IRON AND STEEL : Algoma Steel Works at Sault Ste. Marie, 7 Anvil Casting, Record Weight, 581 Autogenous Welding, Decreasing Use of Cast Iron as Filler, 581

Black Sand of Pacific Islands for Pig Iron, System for Extraction, 609

Brazil, Steel Making Equipment, 361

Canadian Pacific Railway a Order for 25,000 Tons of Rails, 335

Central China Company’s Large Iron Output, 277

Corral, in Chile, Projected Iron and Steel Works, 443

Cuynna Range, Northern Minnesota, Eflti-mated Huge Deposits of Black Man-ganiferous Iron Ore and Brown Ore, 443

Drawing Qualities of Thin Sheet Metal, G. G.

Beard, 581

Electric Heating in Hardening and Tempering of Steel, 143

“ F ” Steel Not a New Invention, 11

Flue Dust Escape from Blast-furnaces, Heavy Resulting Loss, 307

Heat Treating of Steel, Results of Recent Experiments, C. W. Bryan and C. G. E. Larsson, 715

High Record for Pig Iron Output, 197

Ingot, Exceptionally Large, Produced at Sheffield, 335

International Nickel Company’s Increased Plant for Electrolytic Nickel, 171

Iron Ore and Pig Iron Output in the United States, 37

Ironworks, New, for Manufacture and Repair of Silk Weaving Machinery Put Up at Hangchow, 689

“ Jalcase,” New Steel Product, Advantageous Qualities of, 361

Japan Syndicate of Leading Iron and Steel Concerns, 335

Large Castings and their Transport, 171

Manganese Deposits of Postmasburg District, South Africa, 715

National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers, Reports :

Furnaces in Blast, Pig Iron Production and Steel Production, Statistics on Eve of the Coal Stoppage, 249 ; in August, 306 ; September, 464 ; in October, 553

Statistics to End of November, 715

Nickel Mines Exploitation at Locris and in Bcetia, 499

Nickel Ore, Extensive Deposits Discovered Near Maikop, in the Caucasus, 443

Phosphorus and Sulphur Effect on Rivet Steel, 143

Pure Granular Iron Without Use of Coke or Limestone, Experiments, 663

Refractories for Open-hearth Steel Furnaces, 11

Rod Mill in Course of Erection at Newport, 307

“ Safety First ” in Blowing-out Blastfurnaces, 143

Soft Steel ’ and Intercrystalline Corrosion, Experiments and their Result, 171

South African Pig Iron, First Steel Rails from, 143

South African Tungsten Minos Plant Approaching Completion, 197

Stainless Steel, Properties and Engineering Uses of, R. Waddell, 609

Steel, Apparatus for Detection of Defects Not Visible on Surface, 249

Steel Castings, Robert Lowe, 568

Swedish Iron Ore Trust Shipments, 335

Welded Steel Tube, Strength Testing Experiments, U.S.A., 11

Wolfram Discovery in Cape Province, Hoped-for Addition of Valuable Tungsten Ore, 11

IRRIGATION Dam. Proposed, Across the

Colorado River, 715

Irrigation Enterprise Completed in Chile, 471

Irrigation Works in Mysore, 037

J JALALABAD, Afghanistan, Electric Power

Station Projected, 307

KAWASA KI Dockyard. Japan, Increasing Output of Sheet Steel, 443

L LACQUERS, Cellulose, Elementary Test for Flow, 277

Landslide. Serious, on Tennessee Side of Mississippi, 197

Lantern Slides for Lectures Offered by :

Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 486

Bruce Peebles end Co.. Ltd.. 384

Lead Aluminate Production, 335

Lectures, Special. 319

Lighthouse. Lowestoft High, Much Increased

Candle-power, 249

Lighthouse, New, nt Hartlepool. Progress, 660

Lime Addition for Softening Boiler Water,

Tests for Ensuring Accuracy in Amount, 443

Littlehampton Harbour, 499

Lithopon. Increased Production of. in the

United States, 117

Lithopon Paints, to Remedy Darkening of. 91

Liverpool to East Lancashire, Government Consent to New Road Construction, 197

Lobnitz Rock Cutter for Sydney Harbour, 143

Lochalsh and Lochs on Balmacara Estate,

Hydro-electric Schemes. 527

Long-lived Engines in Scotsmen’s Charge in

America, 249

Loughborough College. 319

Low Temperature Experimenters* Mistake,

O. J. Parker, 663

M MAGNESIAN Flooring Materials Association, 235

Magneto Works Projected near Olomone, Czecho-Slovakia, 249

Manitoba Hydro-electric Transmission System Extended,197

Maple Sugar and Syrup in Quebec Province, Almost a Monopoly, 553

Match Industry Development in Bihar and Orissa Province, 11

Mazatl&n. Port, on West Coast of Mexico, Construction of Stone Breakwater, Dredging. &c.. Projected, 223

Measuring Rope. Cable, Wire, &c., Portable Machine for, 389

“ Mechanical Policeman ” for Point Duty in Copenhagen, 113

Meductic, Saint John River, Projected Water Power Development, 499

Melbourne, Sewage and Water Statistics, 171

Memorial. Frederick S. Spiers. 75

Menai Tubular Bridge, Robert Stevenson's Experiments on Models, 581

Metal Surfacing by Use of Stellite and an Acetylene Blow-pipe, 223

Metallic Cadmium, Large Production in the United States in 1925, 715

Metallurgical Societies in the Midlands. 397

Meteorological Station. New, nt Pratas (Doong-sha) Shoal, 009

Methane Air Mixture Explosion Flame Projection, Experiments, 499

Mica Output and Trade in India, 307

Mica, Promising Occurrences of, in Natal. 689

Mildew in Textile Fabrics. Prevention. 637

Main Reef Leader of the Rand Exposed. Estimates of Yield, 715

Mineral Production in British Columbia, I I

Minerals Discovery, Lepidolite and Others, near Winnipeg, in Manitoba and Ontario, 553


Mining Incident, Unusual, 471

Mining Machine Electrically Driven, New Type, 335

Mining in New Regions of Ontario, Government- List of Reouiremcnts of Prospectors. 63

Mining in North-West Australia, Lack of Transport Facilities, 143

Moffatt Tunnel, Fatal Accident in Working. 197

Moffat Tunnel, Progress of Pioneer Headings, 715

Montreal-Ottawa-Georgian Bay Ship Canal, Proposed. 63

Mortar or Concrete Re-tempering, Advantages, 223

Mosquito Dest ruction by Paris Green. 91

Motor Cars and Cycles in Kalgan. 11

Motor Car with New Gear shifting Device, 143

Motor Omnibuses for Glasgow, First of New

Fleet. 307

Motor Transport Greatly Needed in Spam, Owing to its Mountainous Character, 277

Mysore and Bombay Hydro electric Projects. 335

N NAPLES and Port of Salerno. Port Canal Projected for, 471

National Certificates in Naval Architecture. 659

Natural Gaw, Accidental Discovery in Manitoba, 663

Natural Gas at Depth of 600ft. in Transvaal, 117 ...

Natural Gas Production in Ontario, 149. 171

Needles Imported by U.S.A, from Great Britain. 63

New South Wales Gold Yield, 37

New South Wales Increased Imports, 609

New Zealand’s Projected Big Hydro-electric Development, 197

Newsprint Mill in Ontario. One Day’s Output, 197

Newsprint Mill, Quebec, Projected Extension. 223

Newsprint Mills in Canada, Increased Production of, 91

Newsprint Paper Mill, Quebec, Now Addition, 11

Niagara Falls, Erosion of the Crest at the Rate of 7ft. per Annum. Measures to Relieve, 91

Niagara Memorial Bridge Company Applies for Charter, 417

Nickel—see Iron

Nitric Acid Production by Arc Process with Use of Iceland Waterfalls, 314

Nitrogen. Vmosphenr. F.vtory for Fixation of, 277

Nitrogen Fixation, Materials of Construction for, J. G. Thompson. 277

Nitrogen Fixation Plant in Brazil Projected, 037

Norwegian Aluminium Industry, 417

Norwegian Proposal to Lease Waterfall to Aluminium Corporation of England, 91

o OIL from Coal Process, Professor Doctor Bergius’ Warning, 499

Oil Company’s Plant at Regina, Saskatchewan,

New Equipment for. 443

Oil Engine, Swedish, New Type, 701

Oil Flow, Temperature Test for, 389

Oil, Gross Output in Baku and other Areas, 229

Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters by Oilcarrying Vessels, 171

Oil Refinery for Fish and Cotton Seed Oil.

Projected, in Newfoundland, 171

Oil Shale at Coal Mines in Manchuria, 223

Oil Shale Dusts Proved Explosive. Need of

Same Precautions as in Coal Mines, 277, 361

Oil in South Africa, Hopeful Prospects from

Boring, 689

Oil, Trial Bore-hole in Search for Oil, in South Australia, 548

Oil Wells Yield in Oklahoma. Methods of Increasing with Safety Precautions. 553

Ontario Oilers Financial Assistance in Diamond

Drilling for Coal or Oil, 637

Ore Crushers for Chilian Mine, Allis-Chalmers Company, 715

Oxygen Factory at Fremantle, Australia, 480

p PAINT, Colour and Varnish Industry Research, Now Offices, 197

Panama Canal Tolls Increase. 223

Paper Mill to be Driven by Power from Outarde Falls, Quebec. 499

Paper Mill Extension for Newsprint at Quebec, 581

Paper Mill, Large, Erection in Quebec, 45

Paper Mill to Use Local l imber in Tasmania, Experiment, 417

Paper Pulp Factory Projected for Tasmania, 143

Paper Pulp-making by Keobra Process, 527

Paper from Straw, Factory for Manufacture of, 443

Paraffin Oil. Increased Importation into Hang, chow Harbour, 171

ParanaguA. Wharf Projected at, 307

Paste Paints, Zinc Oxide. Enamels, Varnishes, <fcc., Production in America, 609

Paving Machine Worked by Petrol Motor, 219

Peat Fuel. Conditions of Economical Manufacture of. in Canada, Committee’s Report. 466

Pembroke Dockyard, 319

Perak River, Hydro-electric Construction Works on Banks of, 637

| Permanent Way, A Century of, 649

Permeability of Natural Stones to Water, Relative Values as Building Material, 249

Petroleum Discovery Reported in Chinese Village, 277

Petroleum Products Output in Canada, 307

Petroleum Storage and Conveyance, Changes in the Law and Scale *of Licence Feos Payable, 171

Petroleum Working, Neglect of Economy and Research. Professor J. F. Thorpe, 389

Phosphate Rock Discovered in Russia to be Converted into Fertiliser, 443

Phosphates in Irish Free State, 63

Piles Supporting Railroad Bridge, over 13,000, Driven 23ft. Below Low Water. 117

Pine Lines Used for Conveying Natural Gas, Effect of Change of Temperature. 443

Plastint, New Inexpensive Interior Plaster, 117 Platinum “ Dredging ” in Russia. 553

Pollution of Sea by Oil. Conference of Thirteen Countries’ Representatives, 37

Polytechnic Engineering Society, Annual Conversazione, 649

Port Kembla-Moss Vale Railway ami Port Kembla Ironworks. Agreement. 171

Ports. New, Proposed for Brazil. 663

Portland Cement Concrete, Permeability of. and Experimental Work, 609

Portland Cement Industry in 1925, Record Years'’Manufacture, 471

Portuguese Schemes for Water Power Development, 499

Potash Discovery in the Ural Mountains, 197

Power Alcohol Distillery Projected for Queensland. 417

Pow'er Development, Quareau River, Quebec, 499

Power Lines, 4000 Miles, Authorised in Quebec, 471

Power Plant at Cape Town. Extension of, 499 Pressure Wave Sent Out by an Explosive, W.

Payman and W. C. F. Shepherd. 641

Printers’ Compositors’ Work, Illumination Question, 637

Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition in 1927, Offer of Prizes for Papers, 106

Pump Mill, the Second in Northern Manitoba, Survey for, 443

Pumping Plant of Exceptional Lift at the Simmer and Jack Gold Mine, 553

Pumping Slimes at Rand Gold Mine with Rubber-lined Centrifugal Pump, 443

Pumping Water from Broken Hill Mino, Cost of, 471

Pumps for Pulverised Coal Conveyance in German Power Station, 527

Q QUARRIES of the United States, Trouble and Expense Due to Water Seepage and also Ice. 443

Quebec Development of Mineral. Water Power and other Resources, 37

Quebec, Province of, to be Mapped Photographically from Aeroplanes, 91

Queen's Engineering Works, Past and Present Students’ Annual Dinner. 649

Queensland State Smelting of Silver-lead Ore, 499

R RADIO Apparatus—ftcc Wireless

RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS : Accidents : Accidents of 1925, Annual Report, 335

American Railway Trainmen s Reduced Fatalities. 197

Automatic Stop and Fatal Railway Accident, 197

Automatic Train Control, Effect of its Absence in Serious Collision, 117

Block Instrument Safeguard Against Accident, 471

Breakdown Work on the Waterloo and City Tube Railway. 527

Buffer Stop Collision at Brighton, Report, 90. 143

Buffer Stop Collision with Empty Coaches at Bradford. 361

Buffer Stop Collision Inquiry, 143. 55'3

Buffer Stop Collision at Sligo, General Immunity from Accident of Irish Railways, 527 : Report on Accident, 637

Collision at Bishop’s Stortford During General Strike, Report on, 277

Collision at Brentwood, 63 ; Report by Colonel Sir J. Pringle, 417

Collision Between Express and Light Engine Outside Carlisle Station, 361 Collision at Kidderminster, 717 Derailment of Train Due to Abnormal Heat and Other Causes, 249

Derailment, Fatal, of Train in Upper Bavaria. 197

Derailment Near Helpston, 91

Derailment by Strikers of Scott ish Express, 37, 91 ; Report on Derailment, 142, 527 Derailment of Train Entering Waterloo Station, 197

Draw-bars Failures, Sir John Pringle’s Report, 663

Driver’s Difficulty in Learning New Section of Road, 663

Fatal Accident to Signal Ganger and Mate and Result of Legal Appeal, 717

Fatal Collision at Bethlehem, Penn., 389 Fatal Collision During General Strike, Report on, 63

Fatal Collision Between Melun and Montereau, 335, 361

Fatal Collision on Southern Railway, 553 Fatal Collision Between Train and Motor Road Vehicle, 609

Fatal Collision and Verdict of Manslaughter, Melbourne Electrified Area, 249, 471

Fiftieth Anniversary of Fatal Collision, 689 Fiftieth Anniversaries of Notable Accidents. 117, 171 ; (Letter), 170

Fire in a Passenger Train, hut no Fatalities. 117

First Anniversary of Serious Collision. 249 Flood Damage to Viaduct on Former Furness Rail wav. 553

Fog Collision on Tilbury Section of L.M.S. Railway, also Near Finsbury Park Station. 609. 637

Forty-fifth Anniversary of Fatal Collision, 417

French Derailment. Serious. 37

French Fatal Railway Accident. 499

Germany and Poland, Train Disaster the Result of Foul Play, 143

German Railway Accidents, New Safety Device, 33

Inquiries into Accidents to Railway Servants, 37

Japan, Serious Derailment, 335

Landslide Causes Fatal Derailment of Barcelona-Valencia Train, 277

Level Crossing Accident to Cyclist, 443

Level Crossing Disaster r.t Naworth, Worst Known in this Country, Inquest and Government Inquiry, 277, 307, 360. 637

Night Train from Glasgow Out of Hand end Resulting Damage, 307

Occupation Crossing Fatality on Liverpool-Southport Line. 179

Passenger Train Delayed by " Defect ” at Hackney Downs, L. and N.E.R. Station, 223

Passenger Train Runs into Light Engine Outside Hol bock, 335

Quarterly Returns of Railway Accidents for 1925, Analysis of, 249

Railwaymen Sentenced for Displacing Rails During Strike near Stafford, 91

Rawmarsh Accident Recalls Previous Fatalities, 581

Rawmarsh Accident. Inquiry, 609, 637. 663 Report on Accident During General Strike in Edinburgh Tunnel, Escape of Gas and Advantage of Electric Lighting, 223 Report on Collision Near Manors Station, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 499

Reports on Accidents to Railway Servants, 609

Runaway Carriages Derailed Near Sowerby Bridge, 277

Scalded Shunter and Vague Instructions, 307

Signal Difference of Opinion. 601

'Twentieth Anniversary of Fatal Accident to Scottish Express, 335

Twenty-one Deaths by Derailment, Wilfully Caused, in Germany, 249, 307


Accidents (continued):

Two Accidents, but No Fatalities, on the London and North-Eastern Railway. 689 United States Inter-State Commerce Commission, Accident Bulletin, 11

Water Gauges on Tenders to Avoid Risk to Enginemon, 609

Air Lines and Railways, Co-operation and Not Competition, 443

American Railways’ Big Compensation Bill for Personal Injuries, 553

America’s Largo Proportion of Unprotected Crossings. 663

Appointments and Staff Changes, 117, 197 223, 277, 359, 499, 527, 689. 715

Asphyxiation in Tunnel and Train Held Un, 425 H

Automatic Application of Continuous Brakes, Great Value of, Proved. 335

Automatic Records of Block Signals, Unheeded Recommendation, 33

Automatic Signals and Train Control on Pennsylvania Railroad, 581

Baker-street Connections, Thirty Additional Trains. 499

Belgium Railways, Like Germany, to Revert from State to Private Ownership, 11 Reduction in Number of Temporary Railway Servants. Regular Men Must Retire on Pension at Sixty Instead of Sixty-Five, 11

Birthday Honours


for Colonial Railwaymen,

Bombay Director of Development Retired, 609

British Railways. Certain Exceptions to Strictly Private Ownership, 361

Buenos Aires Provincial Railway Systems, New Branches to be Constructed, 683

Cable Tramways in Melbourne. Portion of, to be Converted to Electric Traction. 471

Calgary and Southern Railway, Construction of, About to Bogin. 277

Canadian National Railways* Increased Revenue. 171, 527

Canadian National Railways* Outlay on Radio Service. 91

Census of Railway Employees, Decreased Number. 389. 471

(’heap Fares and Winter Train Service, 249

Chicago and Illinois Central Railroad Electrification. Rapid Work, 443

China's First Refrigerator Car. 581

China’s Projected Provincial Railways, 581

Chinese Government Railways Finance, 527

City and South London Railway, Modern

Lift.-rto Replace Old Ones, 91

Coal Consumption of Railways During Mines Stoppage, 91

Coal Dispute Effects on Railway Services, 443 Coal Price Increase and Railway Charges, 581 Colliery Lino to Cheapen Coal Transport, 609,

Colliery Wagon Railway Conversion to Light

Railway, Order for, 223

Commonwealth Government’s Road Scheme, 143

Consumption of Coal per Engine Mile, Comparison between Railways, 143

Cost of Living Fallen and Reduction of Railwaymen’s Pay, 11

Czechoslovakian Railway Electrification.

Rapid Progress of Work, 307

Death of Mr. George L. Fowler, 143

Death of Mr. Francis Clarke Gamble, 637

Death of Mr. William Hood, 471

Death of Mr. H. E. Jones. 11

Death of Mr. W. H. Oates, 581

Death of Colonel C. W. P. Ramsey, 361

Derwent Valley Railway Ceases Passenger

Traffic. 171

Dividends and Depreciation Funds, 717

East Indian Railway Lowers Passenger Fares, 637

East Indian Railway Trains Equipped with Side Lights. 581

Edgware-road Reconstructed Station Opened, 499

Egyptian State Railways, Narrow-gauge Portion to bo Converted to Standard Gauge. 471 ; Completion and Results of Conversion, 637

Eightieth Anniversary of Opening of Lancaster and Carlisle Section of Railway, 361

Eightieth Anniversary of Railway Section Opening. 389

Electrical Power Houses on London Railways, .Advance of Wages no Longer Justified, 91

Estonian Oil Shale as Railway Fuel, 663

Exceptional Rates and Power of Companies, .Judge's Decision, 117

Financial and Other Railway Statistics for 1925, 121

Fireman's Accidental Electrocution, 412

First-aid Equipment Carried by Passenger Trains, 7 I 7

First and Third-class Compartments, Com-parison of Numbersand Revenue, 143

Foreign Coal and Railway Difficulties, 663

Great Western Railway :

Cardiff Railway to be Converted to Single Line, 527

Cblwall Additional Tunnel, Progress, 63 Rennet and Avon Canal, Railway Wishes to Close, 527

Oswestry and Question of Railway Works Enlargement, 307

Harwich-Zeebruggo Train Ferry. Successful '1'hrough Delivery of Goods between North of England and Italy or France, 335

Horses Used on Railway Work, Census, 63

Indian Railway Board, Annual Report for 1925-6, Statistical Section, 721

Indian Railways' Marked Improvements of Various Kinds, 471

Indian State Railways’ Approximate Gross Earnings Compared with Previous Year. 609

Institutes and Institutions, Railway—sec Associations

Irish Railways' Immunity from Accident, 527

Italian Railway Electrification from Genoa Completed to Spezia, 499

Kent Coalfield Wagon Owners and the Railway Company, 171

Ladies’ Lounge " Smoking Car, 389

Level Crossing Question, Another Phase, 443


Lisbon to Cuscaes Coast Railway Electrification, 223

Litter on Platform* and Track, Underground to Install Baskets for Collection, 689

Locking Bars, Facing Point, 277

Locomotive Appearance, American and

British, 689

Locomotives. New Type, for Union Pacific

Company, 91

London Electric Railways Ixmdon Electric Railways’ Brochure. 389 Morden Extension and Charing Cross and

Kennington Tube, Opening Postponed by Strikes, 91

Date of Opening. 171

Morden Extension and New Omnibus Services, 307

Work in the Streets for Various Mains Delayed Opening of Morden Extension, 663

London, Midland and Scottish Railway

Burton and Ashby Light Railway Working at a Loss. Application to Cease Operations, 117

Carriage and Wagon Works nt Stoke-on-Trent to be Closed, 715

Crowe Works, Visit by Locomotive Engineers, 207

Glasgow* Sunday Traffic. St. Enoch s Closed on Sundays, 307

Golders Green Station. Passenger Increase. 581

Mixed Traffic Locomotives, 100 being Constructed, 249

.Shoreditch Station. North London Section.

Road Widening and Consequent Alterations to Station and Bridges, 249

Staveley, Alterations on Former Midland Section, 335

Storm Damage on Central Wtdcs Line, 1 1 •

Trams Withdrawn to Reduce Expense*.


London and North-Eastern Railway :

Branch Railway for New Colliery, 443

Coast Erosion Involves New Line for Walton-on-the-Nazo Branch of Railway, 63

Cost of Flying Junction at Stratford, 662

Flushing Boat* to Sail from Harwich Instead of from Folkestone, 715

Hanging Buffers for Wagons. Disadvantage of, £500 Prize Offered not. yet Won. 9 ; Further Rewards for Dcsigns'Offcred, 91

King’s Cross New Platform, 389

King's Cross to York Non-stop Rapid Run, 307

Lightning and Fire Destruction of Signal Box near Leeds, 117

No Powers Sought at Present, 663

Re-signalling of Cambridge Station, a Correction, 689

Signal Boxes, Reduction of. and Resulting Economy, 527

Signals, Automatic Three-aspect Day-Colour Light Projected, 249

Stores Department Reorganised. 143

Trains Withdrawn to Reduce Expenses.

527 : Plans for Withdrawal Cancelled, 637

Welwyn Garden City Station Opened, 389

Lubricating Oil Consumption per Engine Mile, Comparison of Different Main Lines, 223

Melbourne Area Railway Electrification, Results, 389

Melbourne Suburban Railways. Huge Cost of Conversion to Electric Traction, 581

Melbourne Suburban Railways, Increased

Revenue, 63

Metropolitan District Railway. Hounslow Brunch, Double Triwked. 663

Metropolitan Railway Bill fur Tube between Willcsdcn Green and Edgware-road, Passed Committee Stage. 11

Ministry of Transport Coal Stoppage mid Serious Results on Railway's, 416

Coal Transport by Railway, Mr. J. H.

Thomas Appointed to Committee uf Inquiry. 361, 609

London Traffic Inquiry as to South-East London, 197 .

Manchester - Middleton Heywood Light Railway Sanctioned, but with Conditions, 248

Privately Owned Wagons ami Eithcr-side Brakes. 197

Railway Statistics for February, 1926. 11

Railway Statistics for March, 1926, 99

Railway Statistics for April, 1926, 143

Railway Statistics for May, 1926, 223, 235

Railway Statistics for July, 1926. 443 .

Railway Statistics for August, 1926, 553

Railway Statistics for September, 1926, 663

Reports to Minister on Travelling Facilities to and from North and North-East London and East London, 637

Tramways and Railway Competition.

Appeal to the Ministry for Legislation in Favour of Tramways, 11

Travelling Facilities in North London Reported on. Report on East London Awaited, 63

Underground Tunnel to Connect PicciMlilly and City Line Tubes. 335. 117

National Union of Railwaymen Analysis of Members us Guardian*, Conn-ci11ors, Ac.. 63

Repetition of Railway Ccnlvnary Demonstration, 361

New South Wales Railways, Progress of Work on Cuttings for Kyogle Railway. 609 New South Wales, Survey for Railway, Moss Vale-Port Kembla, 11

New York Central Railroad Celebrates Centenary of Charter for Mohawk and Hudson Railway, 11

New Zealand, Railway Workshops in. 1U3 Paris and Orleans Trains Hauled by Electric

Locomotives for First Time, 417

Parliamentary Notices as to Railway Bills for Next Session, Paucity of, 609


Pay and Salary, House of Lords Differentiation, 11

Peru, Deviation of Central Kailway to Avoid Flood Damage, 335

Piccadilly Road Traffic. Control by Kail way Signals, 443

Post-office Vehicles in France, 443

Presentation of Veteran Engine-drivers to the King, 417 *

Queen of Rtnunania’s Free Travel in the United States, 527

Kail Joint, New Type Successful, 527

Railway Companies’ Power to Increase Rates, Test Case in Chancery, 63, 117, 527

Railway Finance and the Industrial Situation Before and After April 1926, to end of July, 171

Railway Lines and Widenings, Extensive Additions Authorised, 389

Railway Material Exports Statistics, 117. 171, ‘307. 389. 553

Railwaymen’s Day, Proposed Pageant, 91

Railway Rates Tribunal Complaints of New Schedule Kates Regarding Private Wagons of Coalowncrs on Southern Railway. 11

Rates Raising Permitted by Luu. 689

Standard Charges Consideration Resumed.


Test Case in the Court of Appeal, 63. 1 17.


Railway Returns, Miscellaneous Information and Comparisons between Railways, 143

Railway Returns for 1925, Only Five Passenger-carrying Vehicles Built or Bought without Electric Lighting, 443

Reduction of Staff and the General Strike, Sir Ralph Wedgwood’s View, 443

” Retarders ’’for Checking Speed of Wagons, 36

Retirement anti Previous Services of Mr. Thomas Carlton, 37

Road Motors’ Competition with Railways, Sir Ralph Wedgewood’s Views, 471

Shopmen Question, Probability of Settlement, 63. 663

Shopmen Question Settlement Rejected, 277 Signals, Automatic, Three-aspect Day Colour Light to be Used between Capo Town und Wynborg, 171

Signals, Day Colour Light to be Used on 800 Miles of an American Railway. 171

Sao Paulo New Station. 499

Solway Viaduct and Risk of Railway Accident. 197

South London, Transit Conditions in, 579

Southern India Railway Development. Dis-cushion, 609

Southern Railway : Bill of Southern Railway Read a Third Time, 11

Cannon-street Station Reopened. Cannonstreet and Charing Cross Platforms Renumbered. 11

Electrical Equipment on the Southern Railway, Changes to be Made, 171, 581, 609

Ferry Service at Lyrnington ami Neglected Dredging, 553

Further Electrification on the Southern Railway. 581, 609

Great Eastern Railway’ll Previous Reforms, Comparison between Electric and Steam Services, Mr. R. Bell, 171

Improvements on the Southern Railway, Foggy Weather Arrangements, 47 1

Leatherhead Junction Towards Guildford, Projected Closing of Present Station, 417 Omnibus Station at. Victoria, Starting Signal Arrangements. 63

Ramsgate and Margate New Lincs und Connections. 37

Reopening of Electrical Services on South London Line, 361

Summer Services and Coal Shortage, 37

Thames Bridges, Suggested Conversion to Road Bridges and Serious Objections Thereto, 471

Ticket and Change-giving Machines, 581

Track Circuits and Length Requirements. 37 Tramcars on Single Trucks Controlled during

Fogs by Old Wooden Stuff System, 277 Trans-Australiun Train. Suggestion of Third

Rail to Obviate the Difficulty of Difference in Gauge, 91

Travelling Facilities of Certain London Boroughs, Public Inquiry, 277

Trinidad Railways’ Deficit. Select Committee’s Recommendation, 717

Tube Railways and Electric Lighting Improvements, 63

Underground. Escalators and Lifts on the. 581

Underground Expenses Leave 5 per cent, for Dividends and Reserves, 117

Underground Railway Tunnel to Connect Piccadilly and City Line Tubes, Not for Use of Public. 335, 417

Underground Railways of London. Density of Traffic and Time-saving, 143

Underground Suggestion Scheme, Useful Results, 223

Unemployment and Short Time on the Railways since the General Strike, J. H. Thomas, 443

United States Centenary of First Railway Opening. 553

Unusual Caso Consequent on Smoko from Fire on Railway Bank. 637

Wages Boards Exchanged for Neu Scheme «n U.S.A., 197

Wagon Scarcity Difficulties. 662

Wagons. Privately Owned, Analysis. 389 Wimbledon Station Reconstruction, l<» Winter Train Service, Few Changes, 335 Workmen’s Train Grievances und Fares. 249 Rotary Converters, 2000-Kilowatt, for Man

sion House Underground Sub-station, 223 RAINFALL Beats All Records in Saskatchewan. 171

Rainfall Record of Now York Broken, 277

Rand Mines, Misfire Accidents Increase, 499 Raw Rubber from Native Sources, South

Africa, 249

Reclamation Work on Foreshore ut Port Elizabeth. 637

Refrigerating Apparatus for Household Use, Two New Inventions, 663

Rc-heat Treatment of Carbon .Steel Gas Cylinders, Recommendation* of Committee, 171

Remarkable Record, 393

Resin, Synthetic, with Certain Glass Characteristics, Discovered by Dr. Pollak, 663

Retort Plant, Tasmania, Result of Weeks* Trial Run, 91

Road Construction in British Columbia, Three Years’ Programme, 609

Road Traffic of Piccadilly, Colour Light Signals, 91

Road Transport in the Future, A. Baker, 307

Rome, Underground Transport for, Planned by Government , 553

Roumanian Government, Annual Orders for Rolling Stock at Bukarcst, Works, 277

Royal Metal Trades Pension and Benevolent Society, 207

Rubber Curing. Suggested Use of Paranitro-phunal, 91

Rubber Manufacture by New Process in America. 499

Rubber Purchase by Manufacturers for the Current Year. Estimate of. 689

Rubber Tire Factory for H uge Output Projected for Sydney, Australia, 715

Ruling Pens, Care of, 171

s SAFETY Measurements for Planks to Support Men at Work, 715

Safety in Mines Research Board, 103

St. Lawrence. New North Channel, to be Opened During High Water Season, 1927, 249

Salt Wells at McMurray, Alberta, Successful Mining, 37

Sult Works for Sea Water Evaporation Under Construction in Queensland. 171

Sands. Bituminous, Analysis and Experiments on, 581

Sao Paulo Hydraulic Works, 397

Scholarships, Research, Offer by Rockefeller Institute and Commonwealth Institute, 63 Science Museum, Lecture Tour Arrangements, 649

Scientific Discovery. Apparatus Used for, and Possibility of Securing for the Nation, 117

Scottish Engineering Works Sold ami Altered for Production of Artificial Silk. 249

Sewage Works, Sludge Beds Covered by Glass, Increased Capacity as Result, 117

Sewerage Scheme at Oruro, Bolivia, and Canal to Connect, with River. Both Contracts Secured by this Country. 689

Shale—see also Oil

Shale Oil in Tasmania. Geological Calculations of Very Large Deposits. 689

Shanghai Arsenal to Become a Limited Company, 443

Shanghai, Motor Cars, 55 Per Cent, of American Make, 277

Shanghai, New Plant of Chapei Electricity and Waterworks Company, 443

Shanghai, Suggested Conversion of Kiangnan Arsenal into a Factory, 91

Shawinigan Water anti Power Company’s New Power Station, 527

Shed, Very Large Area, Proposed Construction on the Mersey, 581

Sheffield Town Planning, 389

SHIPS AND SHIPPING MATTERS Brit ish Submarine Depot Ship. 31 I

Canadian Pacific Cargo Ships. Tliroo New, 21 Cargo Steamers’ Cost at Greenock. 499 China’s Foreign Trade, Japanese and British

Ships as Principal Carriers, 315

Cunard Liner Bercngaria Running with Repaired Rudder During Manufacture of New One, 277

Cunarder Mauretania. 12£ Days* Performance, 223

Diesel-electric Tugs. Very Large. Used on Panama Canal, 689

Electric Passenger Ship, Largest Commercial Craft Built in U.S.A.. 197

Finland's Projected Submarine Flotilla. 307

Forty Vessels with Electric Motors Connected to the Screw Shafts. 223

French Cruiser Tourville Launched, 223

German Trade Ship Vatcrland Said to be Largest in the World. 171

Germany's Commercial Fleet, Decline and Rebuilding, 527

H.M.S. Ajax and H.M.S. King George V. to be Broken Up at Rosyth, 689

Italian Government's Subsidy Assist once to Shipbuilding, 663

Japanese Steamship in the Scheldt, Failure of Salvage Operations, 37

Large Electric Passenger Ship, The First Keel Laid at Newport News, Virginia, 223

Largest Fresh Water Cargo Ship, 307

Lightship, Very Up-to-date, for Mouth of Rangoon River, 91

Motor Lifeboat, New, at Plymouth, 62

Motor Vessel for New Zealand Government, 319

Navigation Light, Unattended Flashlight, 143

Now Submarine Oberon, Trial of, 335

Norwegian Mercantile Fleet, 63

Oil-carrying Vessels, Board of Trade Warnings as to Suitable Precautions, 307

Poland Start ing a Mercantile Fleet. 527

Raising United States Submarine. Difficulties Overcome by Nozzle Invention, 197

Record Ship Coaling at Svdney. Nova Scotia, 91

Regulations for Elect rival Equipment of, 235

Shifting Cargoes. Special Parking for Zinc Concentrates, 37

Shipbuilding Employers and Trade Coions, Meeting, 609

Shipping on the Clyde and on the Tyne, Decreased Output, 143

Ships Guided to Harbour, However Thick the Fog, Special Device Employed, 316

Singapore Harbour, Greatly Increased Traffic, 663

Submarines Two Large, Launched, for Australia,,37

The Egypt. Salvage of, Suspended for the Winter, 361

SHIPS AND SHIPPING MATTERS (continued}: Train Ferry for Kootenay Luke, British Columbia. 58ft

Wireless Daily Communication Over 11,000 Mi lea by Australian Liner, 521

Yangtze River, Great. Increase in Steam und Motor Navigation on, 715

SILTING Up of Bengal River, 197

Singapore Naval Base, Satisfactory Progress of Work, 117

Slide Rule, Commercial. John Davis and Son, (Derby). Ltd., 577

Slovakia, Eastern, Proposed Electric Supply for, by Hydro-electric Station, 389

Smoke Abatement Lead, Need of Educative Propaganda. 417

Soap Factory Erection at North Wall, Dublin, 205

Soap Works nt Irlam, New Section Opened, 171

Soda Recovery Plant at Magadi, East Africa, to be Re-startcd, 249

Sodium Sulphate Production from Alkaline Lakes in Saskatchewan, 63

Spain and Portugal, Time Limit for Resumption for Negotiat ions as to Harnessing Douro Falls, 197

Spare Parts for MaehinesAlrcady Sold, 117

Specialised Information in Great Britain and Ireland, Directory of Sources of. 11

Spiers, Frederick S., Memorial. 75

Stains from Contact between Marble and Steel

Work, Remedy for, 471

Steam Accumulator Storing 1(1,000 lb., 581

Steam Engine and Boiler to Replace Oil Engines in Power Station at Burghersdorp, South Africa. 715

Steam Pipe. Flexible, Explosion,Official Report, 689

Steam Turbine in Trinidad, Special Features of Construction, 143

Steamers on Upper Yangtsc River, Great Increase in Number of, 117

Steel—ttf'- Iron and Steel

Suez Canal Traffic and British Coal Working Stoppage, 527

Sugar Beet Factory at Bassano, Alberta. 663

Sugar Beet Factory near Selby, 581

Sugar Beet Factory, Spalding, to Begin Operations. 249

Sugar Beet Factory, near Wellington, Shropshire. Date for Completion, 71 I

Sugar Beet in Manitoba, Results from Experimental Growing. 443

Sugar Cane, Factory at Luabo, 352. 378. 390 (Two-payt. Supplement, October l*d, 1926)

Sugar (Jane, Machine for Harvesting. 581

Sulphur has no Disadvantages in Diesel Fuel. 417

Sulphur Mines in Sicily, Cont nut Signed for Electrification of all Services Connected Therewith. 63

Sulphuric Acid Factory to be Put Up in China. 471

Sunlight Rays under Water. Imitation of, to Check .Anchor Ice Formation, 663

Surface Finishes, New Testing Inspection Machine, 637

Survey of India, Complete Reorganisation of. into Five Circles, 277

Swedish Standard Type of Cheap Passenger Motor Cars, 197

Swedish Trade Reports Shipbuilding Industry Improved but Iron Industry Still Depressed, 361

Sydney, Australia, and Maitland, New Carrier Wave Telephone Service, 91

Synchronous Condensers, Largest Yet Built for Southern Californian Company. 335

Synthetic Ammonia Works of Large Capacity Projected in Japan, 417

Synthetic Rubber. Reported Progress in Manufacture of. by German Dye Trust, 343

T TANNING Material from Brown Coal. 223

Tasmanian Carbide Works, Prospect of Sale to English Group, 1 17

Taxi-cabs in Peking. Company Formed to Run. 143

Technical Terms Employed in Branches of Physics ami Physiology Connected with Illumination, 715

" Tcknisk Tidskrift." 376

Telephone Cable. Subterranean, between Cairo and .Alexandria, 249

Telephone. State, Department of Czechoslovakia to Replace Manual by Marconi Relay Automatic System, J17

Telephone Users of the World. 14-2 to every 100 People in United States, 2-8 per 100 in Great Britain. 171

Tellurium as an Alloy with many Varieties of Metals, 335

Tenders Invited by Madrid for Various Public Improvements, 277

Theosophical Society, Australia. Erects Powerful Broadcasting Station, 361

Thomas, H. Kerr, Debt of the Community to t he Automobile, 384

Tidal Power on the Tay, Scheme Put Forward by Professor A. R. Fulton, 689

Tin-bearing Ores in Cornwall, Successful Exploration Work, 553

Tin Deposits Discovery on King Island. Bans Straits, 219

'I’m Mine, Wheal Kitty. St. Agnes, Cornwall, Work for Unemployed. 581

Tin. Recovery of Ore Previously Wasted. 471

Tin. Rich Lode. Found in Tasmania, 417

“ Thanite ” as Material for Patternmaking. 527

Tiverton Town Water Supply, 361

Tokyo and Yokohama. Reconstruction after Earthquake Very Slow, 443

Tool, New Device, for Removing Tar Coating from Steel Water Main, 443

Toronto Purchase of Ironworks Land for Viaduct and Harbour Development, 249

Torquay Water. Electricity and Harbour Undertakings, Further Powers to be Sought. 637

Toxic Gases Danger, 471

Trade Facilities Acts, Treasury Grants for Electrical Supply and Beet Sugar, 553

Training for Automobile Engineering, Recommended Course, 526

Transvaal Platinum Reduction Plant, Output for June, 197

Triethylamino and Diethylamine, New Process for Manufacture of, 361

Trolley Omnibus Abandoned for Street Car in Larger American Cities, 249

Tsingtao Wharves and Harbour Suffering from Wholesale Neglect, 443

Tungting Lake, Yangtze Valley, Projected Survey of, 443

Tyne Improvement Commissioners, Projected Schemes, 37

u UNITED States Firm Buying Up Canadian Works, 335

United States Radium Corporation has Closed its Plant at Orange, N. J., 715

University of Bristol, 155

University of London, University College.

Centenary Appeal and Programme, 593

Upington. South Africa, Considering Water and Electricity Scheme, 417

V VIBRATION Caused by Rolling of Trains,

Effect on Building over the Track, 715

Vienna, Ambitious Power Schemes for, Negotiations with American Financiers, 715

Vienna, New Water Power Works Erected in

1925. 715

WAREHOUSE, Big New. at Montreal, 499

Watchmaking, Maintenance of Schools giving Technical Instruction in, in Switzerland and France, 527

Water Level Indicator for Gauge Glasses, Effective Type, 429

Water Power Utilisation Research Society in Germany, 335

Water Raising by Egyptian Natives, Conditions of Work, 249

Waterproof Glue, Formula for Preparing, 443

WATER SUPPLY : Brazil, Water System in, 322

Murray River, Australia, Hume Reservoir Works, Cost and Progress, 553

Murray Water Conservation Scheme, Additional Weirs Question, 471

Rangoon to Obtain Water Supply by Damming the Salwin, 689

Sydney and Canberra Water Supply Scheme, 471

Sydney Water Board’s Expenditure on New Works, 662

Victoria, Water Storage Schemes in Progress and Contemplated, 171

WATER-TUBE Boiler Explosion Caused by Neglect, 471, 617

Wave-speed Camera—sec Pressure Wave

Wax Extract from Flax Plant Tissues, Valuable

Properties of, 197

Waygood-Otis Club New Sports Ground, 23

Welded Connections in Steel-framed Building, Comparison with Strength of Rivets, 11

Welding Aluminium, New Process, D. H. K. Bottrill, 663, 689

Welding Exhibition at Buffalo, N.Y., 443

Wells Drilled for Oil and Gas in the United States, Statistics, 553

Whale Fishing, Trial of 13reech-loading Gun for, 197

Whale Oil Research Success, 389

Wharfage for Deep-draught Vessels at Cairns

Harbour, North Queensland, 499

Whitworth Society, Fourth Annual Commemoration Dinner, 724

Whitworth Society, Summer Meeting. 103

Wind Pressure, Pulsating or Static Effects on Different Structures. 581

Windsor-Detroit Tunnel, Construction to bo Started, 609

Wire and. Wire Nail Works of Karahgatch, Turkey, Begin Work, 307

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY & TELEPHONY : Atmospheric Disturbances, Experiments with New Invention, 63

Bolivia Telegraph and Wireless Services, Contract with Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd., 143

Bombay and Calcutta, Projected Well-organised Broadcasting Service, H7

British Broadcasting to Pass Under Government Control, 63

Broadcasting of Portraits and Piet ures, Monsieur Hermod Petersen, 609, 637

Broadcasting Station in Vienna, 356

Crop Production Assisted by Wireless Aerials Near Potsdam, 361

Czecho-Slovak Railways and Wireless Receiving Stations in Trains, 389

French Postal Tests of Wireless Telegraphic Apparatus, 335

Greece, Wireless Station Projected, 499

Hungary's Great Advance in Use of Wireless, 249

Marconi Marine Communication Company and Radio Communication Company Form Working Agreement, 527

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY & TELEPHONY (continued): Mexico and Cuba. Telegraph Systems to be Connected by Wireless, 307

Radio Apparatus Production in Canada, 174

Radio-electric Mast for Guiding Ships al a

Distance, Value Proved in Fog, 277

Reaction on the Aerial, Enforcement of Regulations in Regard to Licences, 63

Seventy Radio Receiving Sets for Isolated Camps in Oregon and California, 403

Ship’s Record Daily Communication with Sydney on Voyage to England, 521

Waves of Accurately Known Frequency, Usefulness of Transmission, 223

Wireless Apparatus Tested as Possible Substitute for Submarine Cable, 389

WOOD Oil Trees. Experimental Plantation of, in Tasmania. 581

Woolwich Dockyard at Auction, 31

Work on the New Outer Harbour at Macao, 689

World’s Largest Motor Liner, 653

Y YARRA River Improvement Projected, 471

z ZINC, Pure, Physical Properties and Crystal Structure of, 91

Zululand Plant for Extracting Tanning Material from Wattle Bark, 471

See Also


Sources of Information