Barford Agricultural

Barford (Agricultural) Ltd. of Belton, Grantham.
1946 Formed as a subsidiary company of Aveling-Barford Ltd. to take over the manufacture and sale of the dairy, agricultural and horticultural equipment.
Products included steam sterilizing outfits for dairy farm use; boilers; milk bottle washing and filling machines; steam cooking equipment for farm stock food; a drainage machine for cutting trenches for drainage tiles and a ' multi-purpose Horticultural Tractor known as the "Atom"'.[1]
"Atom" Horticultural Tractor First built in 1946, this multi-purpose garden tractor is powered by a 1 1/2 B.H.P. four-stroke petrol engine and fitted with a simplified and extraordinarily efficient transmission gear. The Atom” caters for practically every gardening operation, including light ploughing, cultivating, harrowing, ridging, rough-grass cutting, lawn mowing, hedge trimming, barrowing, log sawing, water pumping, spraying, hay sweeping and snow clearing. Patent quick-release tool holders fitted to the front and rear of the tractor permit quick interchange of all implements and attachments. Apart from the very large number of “Atom” Tractors in use in the British Isles, there is an ever increasing demand for them overseas, and already they have been shipped to over twenty-five different countries.[2]
1956 Order from Russia for Atom-15 multi-purpose horticultural tractor[3]
1958 Advertisement for Barford (Good-win) Mixers, manufactured by Barford Agricultural.
c.1967 Renamed as Barfords of Belton