Bristol's 'M Shed'

Princes Wharf, Wapping Road, Bristol, BS1 4RN.
The 'M Shed' has replaced .
There are many items on display relating to aspects of Bristol's people and the city's history.
Bristol had a proud industrial heritage, and it might be thought that the authorities would be keen to commemorate it with pride. They did once, in the former Bristol Industrial Museum which previously occupied this site, but today's visitors will find relatively few local industrial artefacts in the open displays. The large aerospace display in the former Industrial Museum had provided a fitting tribute to the area's skills, but this was discarded, and all that is on offer now is a confusing jumble of artefacts in a glass tank.
Fortunately, the Industrial Museum had acquired an important collection of local industrial artefacts, and numerous items are stored on site in the reserve collection. Excellent 'Behind the Scenes' tours are available at certain times, currently five days a week. See relevant web page for details [1]