William McNaught and Son
of Manchester
Steam engines for mills
1859 Patent. '98. And William McNaught, of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, Engineer, and William McNaught, of Rochdale, in the county of Lancaster, Engineer, have given the like notice in respect of the invention of "improvements in steam engines and in apparatus connected therewith."'[1]
1865 Patent. '281. And John McNaught and William McNaught, Junior, both of Rochdale, in the county of Lancaster, Engineers, have given the like notice in respect of the invention of "improvements in machinery for washing and drying wool and other fibrous materials."'[2]
1874 Patent. '3264. To William McNaught the elder, John McNaught, and William McNaught the younger, all of Rochdale, in the county of Lancaster, Engineers, for the invention of "improvements in steam engines."'[3]