Muirkirk Iron Works
1789 One of the large ironworks constructed in Scotland about this time
William Cadell, Junior was a founder partner of the Muirkirk Iron Works.
1817 Notice announcing that it was for sale and mentioned a railway weighing 300 tons of iron for conveying the coal from the pits to the yard. Notice gave details of the facilities at the works. [1] [2] [3]
1825 'At Calder iron-works there are four blast furnaces; in Wilsontown, two; in Carron, five; Clyde, two; Shotts, one; Clelland, two; Muirkirk, three; Devon, two. These furnaces make, on an average, thirty-five tons of iron week each, when working.'[4]
1851 "THE Subscribers have ceased to be Partners of The MUIRKIRK IRON COMPANY; — the Subscriber, James Ewing of Strathleven, having retired therefrom as on the 10th of September 1849; and the Subscriber, Robert Napier, Engineer, Glasgow, having retired therefrom on the 6th of March 1845, — both with the consent of their Copartners." Signed JA. EWING, witnesses A. C. DAVIDSON, JAMES E. MATHIESON, and R. NAPIER, witnesses JAMES S. NAPIER, JOHN NAPIER[5]
c.1851 John Wilson (1787-1851) purchased the Muirkirk Works, in Ayrshire, comprising two furnaces and a rolling-mill, which manufactured the rails.
See Also
Sources of Information
- [1] Clydebridge Steel Work history