Theodore Grace
Theodore Grace (c1839-1896) of Smith and Grace
1861 Living at 15 Queen's Square, Bristol: Josiah Grace (age 62 born Bristol), Corn and Flour Merchant. With his wife Mary Grace (age 62 born Hambrook) and their five children; Mary Grace (age 26 born Bristol); John R. Grace (age 25 born Bristol), Manufacturer of Soda Water; Alexander Grace (age 23 born Bristol), Mealman; Theodore Grace (age 22 born Bristol), Draughtsman; Amelia Grace (age 17 born Bristol). Three servants.[1]
1864 Patent. Theodore Grace, Bristol, improvements in hay-making machines'[2]
1871 A lodger at 14 Finsbury Square, London: Theodore Grace (age 32 born Bristol), Civil Engineer.[3]
1896 June 7th. Died. Of 20 Clyde Road, Redland. Insurance Agent. Probate to John Rowlands and William Kenway, Mealmen. 'Old and esteemed member of the (Bristol Chess) Club').[4]