Midland Holdings
1936 Incorporated as Ismay Cables Ltd[1]
1939 Disposed of its plant and works, becoming a holding company.
1946 January: Sterling Industries sold the company[2]
1946 Intention to list as a public company - a holding company for what was said to be the largest group of electro-platers and anodizers and metal finishing businesses in the country; plants in Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Coventry and Manchester and Newbury; agreed to acquire Coventry Chromium Plating Co; owned J. V. Rushton (Wolverhampton), as well as J. V. Rushton (Birmingham), J. V. Rushton (Coventry), J. V. Rushton (Redditch), LLoyd Chromium Plating Co, Newbury Plating Co, Cardiff Plating Co, Scottish Plating Co[3]. One week later announced was not proceeding with listing at that time[4]