Thomas Morton (Biggleswade)
of Foundry Lane, Biggleswade
1840 Advert: 'THOMAS MORTON, IRON-FOUNDER, aad Iron-Monger, Biggleswade, in the County of Beds, being about retire from business in favour of his son, George Morton, James McMinnies, the latter of whom has been in his employ for more than ten years; begs leave to express to his friends and the public generally, the high sense he shall ever entertain of the liberal and extensive support and encouragement he has received from them during twenty-five years of active business.
His successors trust that the same prompt discharge of the duties of Business, and readiness to meet and comply with the wishes of those who may honour them with their patronage, will ensure for them that distinction, and approbation acquired by their predecessor, cheerfully and flatteringly accorded by the public.'[1]
Became Morton and Kinman?
Morton & Kinman are credited with manufacturing iron bridges designed by Francis Giles, county surveyor, in 1823 for use on the Ivel Navigation when it was extended from Holme Mills to Shefford. One or two is at Holme Mills, dated 1823. The 1823 bridge in Mill Lane was replaced in the 1970s. [2]
1904 E. D. Fisher, who traded in St Neots, purchased the foundry in 1904.