Stephen Maynard Jenour Williams
Stephen M. J. Williams (1871- )
1922 Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer (Railways), 12, All Saints Road, Clifton, Bristol. b. 1871; s. of the late Rev. S. F. Williams, rector of Cold Norton, Essex; m. Louisa Margaret Bower of Cochin, India. Ed. Uppingham School, the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. Pupil in Cardiff Waterworks. Assistant Engineer on construction, survey and open line on the Bengal-Nagpur Railway, 1895-99; Assistant Engineer on Survey, Madras Railway, 1900; Personal Assistant to the Engineer-in-Chief for construction, Madras Railway, 1901-5; District Engineer, Madras Railway and South Indian Railway, 1905-14. Chief Works: Employed on Cossye bridge (five 100 ft. spans) and Byturnee Bridge (fifteen i so ft. spans) and various other works including much reconstruction on open lines; reconnaissance survey for line from Baliapatam to Mangalore and other railway alignments. War Services.—Quartermaster, Voluntary Aid Detachment, and Private in 2nd Volunteer Battalion Somerset Light Infantry.