Boston Iron Footbridges
in Boston, Lincs
John Rennie designed four cast iron bridges for Boston. The Town Bridge, built in 1803, carried the main street across the River Witham. The design was partly due to Thomas Wilson (1751-1820) who had played a major part in the construction of the Wearmouth Bridge at Sunderland, who ordered the ironwork from Walker's without gaining Rennie's approval. The resultant cracks in the ironwork led to arguments that continued for many years[1]. This bridge was demolished in 1913.
Three smaller footbridges cross the Maud Foster Drain. Two have survived - Cowbridge bridge and Hospital Lane bridge - while the third, Vauxhall Bridge, was demolished in 1924 and replaced by a road bridge.[2]. The bridges are remarkably slender and elegant, and were cast by the Butterley Co in 1811.
Cowbridge bridge, constructed in 1811, has a span of 61 ft with a rise of just 4 ft.
Geograph entry for Cowbridge footbridge here, and for Hospital Lane footbridge here.