John Partridge and Son
of Darlaston
1848 May 21st. Death of John Partridge, gauge maker, age 59.[1]
1848 Advert: 'MERCHANT IRON GUAGES, Rod Gauges, Patent Slide Wire Gauges, Boat Gauges, Screw Gauges, and all sorts of Roll Turner's Tools, MANUFACTURED BY JOHN PARTRIDGE AND SON, DARLASTON.
GEORGE PARTRIDGE, in consequence of the death of his father, takes this opportunity of expressing his gratitude to the numerous customers of his deceased parent and himself, for the liberal support they have hitherto received, and at the same time to inform them and the public that the above businesses will henceforth be carried on himself alone, under the above firm. G. P. respectfully solicits continuance of favours, and assures all those who may honour him with their orders, that they shall be attended to with the utmost fidelity and dispatch.' [2]