Austin, McGillivray and Co
Austin, McGillivray and Co., Falcon Works, Sheffield.
1891 Company formed by William McGillivray and George Reynolds Austin, to trade as Austin, McGillivray and Co at the Falcon Works, 43-47 Arundel Street, Sheffield. They had previously been in business with Thomas Swift Levick at Albany Works, Leveson Steet, (which he renamed Clarence Works) who continued that business alone. See Swift Levick and Sons [1]
1904 - Relocated to 105-109 Napier Street, retaining the name Falcon Works.
1920 - "NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting between us, the undersigned, George Reynolds Austin and William McGillivray and Eustace Noel Gamble, carrying on business as Steel and File Manufacturers, at Falcon Works, Napier-street, Sheffield, in the county of York, under the style or firm of "AUSTIN, McGILLIVRAY & CO" has been dissolved by mutual consent as on and from the 30th day of October, 1920. All debts due to and from the said firm will be received and paid by the said Eustace Noel Gamble, who will continue to carry on the same business under the old style of "Austin, McGillivray & Co" in partnership with Gilbert Lane Roberts. Dated this 26th day of October, 1920." [2]
1922 - Austin, McGillivray Company Limited registered on 2 Aug 1922 as a private company with capital of £5,000. To acquire and carry on the business of Austin, McGillivray & Co. as “manufacturers of and dealers in iron, steel and all kinds of metals and minerals, cutlery and materials used in the cutlery trade, spoons; forks and hollow-ware made of silver, electroplate or other metals or alloys, files, forgings, hammers, saws, edge tools etc.” E N Gamble is permanent governing director. [3]
1945 - Eustace Noel Gamble, chairman of Austin, McGillivray Co. Ltd., died 25 May 1945 at home in Leckhampton. His shared in the company were left to a nephew (1,500) and stepson (500) [4]