1891 Cotton Mills in Ramsbottom
Ramsbotton (p173)
Hepburn & Co., Limited (bleachers and finishers), The Square Works ; Manchester office-Bridgewater Buildings, Albert square. Accounts paid last day of each month, from the works, by cheque
Knowles Samuel & Co., Redisher Bleach Works, Holcombe brook
Ashworth William & Co., Railway Mill, Railway street ; 3,000 spindles ; 84 looms, waste twills
Barnes Richard, Crow Works ; 3,000 spindles; 130 looms, honeycomb towels, twills and plain cloths
Duckworth Brothers, Grove Mill ; 67 looms, towels, twills and fancy cloths
Dugdale Stephen & Co., Ltd., Cobden Mill; 659 looms, printings, shirtings and jacconettes ; Manchester warehouse-15, Dickinson street. Chas. Hunter, manager ; William Nutter, secretary
Eccles William, Hazelhurst Mill; 80 looms, plain and fancy towels
Harrison Samuel, Waterside and Peel Bridge Mills ; 767 looms, printing cloths
Hitchon & Shepherd, Springwood Mill; 3,700 spindles, 3'/811; 40 looms, waste twills, plains and sheetings
Hutchinson Sidney, New York and Bank Mills, Hol- combe brook; 600 looms, printers, madapollams, shirtings, jacconettes and mulls
Nuttall Manufacturing Co., Limited, Nuttall Mill; 600 looms, India and China shirtings, printing and bleaching cloths, &c. James Scholes, manager
Rose Manufacturing Co., Limited, Rose Mills ; 911 looms, India shirtings. Pay day last Tuesday. John Dale, manager Rostron H. & Sons, Bolton Street Mill; 4,200 spindles, 4"/81; 190 looms, waste twills, plains and sheetings
Rothwell John & Edmund, Meadow Mill; 5,300 spindles, 18/68 rove or condensed yarn in cop or bundle ; 125 looms, waste twills and plains ; Manchester warehouse-8, Marble street
Rumney William & Co., Ramsbottom Mills ; 33,000 spindles, 58/508; 600 looms, printers, cretonnes, &c.; and Alexandra Mills, Bury; Manchester warehouse-53, Portland street. Pay day first Tuesday at Manchester, and first Wed. at the mills
Schofield James & Co., Kenyon Street Mill; 1,970 spindles ; 72 looms, cotton blankets, sheets and cardcloth; Manchester warehouse-8,Charlottest.
Stead John & James, Orchard Mill; 8,000 spindles, 308/528 weft. Pay day second Tuesday, at 34, Charlotte street, and 39, Faulkner street, Manchester
Stead Lawrence & Brother, Hope Mills, Nuttall lane; Irwell Bridge, Garden and Railway Mills ; 2,000 looms. Pay day second Tuesday, at Manchester warehouses-34, Charlotte st., and 39, Faulkner street. Telegrams, " Dates, Manchester " ; " Steads, Ramsbottom." Telephone Nos.-Manchester, 588; Ramsbottom, Garden Mill, 6
Victoria Cotton Mill Co., Limited, Victoria Mill, Stubbins lane ; 486 looms, shirtings, dhooties, jacconettes and mulls. Pay day Friday, in Manchester
Edenfield. 2 miles N.E. from Ramsbottom (p175)
Alty George, Hope Mill; 92 looms, fancy towels
Barlow Alexander, Bridge Mills ; 439 looms, printers. Pay days Tuesday and Friday, at Manchester Exchange
Clegg George, Dearden Clough Mill; 5,000 spindles, 48/108 single and double yarns; 130 looms, cotton and waste twills and plains
EWOOD BRIDGE MILL CO., LIMITED, Ewood Bridge; 12,000 spindles, 310 looms. Pay day every Monday by cheque. Telegrams, "Ewood, Edenfield."
DYERS Manchester Cop Dyeing Co., Limited, Lumb Dye Works ; Manchester office-2, St. Ann's place
Rostron Jordan (felts, carpets, baizes, &c.), Hardsough Mill ; Manchester warehouse-12, Meal street, Mosley street
Shuttleworth. 1 mile E. from Ramsbottom (p175)
Rumney William & Co., Cross Bank Bleach Works, Shuttleworth; Stubbins Print Works, nr. Ramsbottom ; and Blackford Bridge, near Bury
Hitchon H., Lower Mill ; 2,000 spindles, 11/6' twist and weft. Telegrams, "Hitchon, Shuttleworth, Ramsbottom."
Nuttall Richard, Turn Mill; 5,000 spindles, 40'/504 weft ; 175 looms, cloth 16 by 15
Ramsbottom James & Sons, Lodge Mill; 9,600 spindles, 41/14". Pay day Tuesday and Friday in Manchester
Stubbins. 1 mile N. from Ramsbottom (p175)
Rumney William & Co., Stubbins Print Works, near Ramsbottom; Blackford Bridge, near Bury; and Cross Bank Bleach Works, Shuttleworth
Stark Thomas Greig (calico printer), Rose Bank Print Works
PORRITT BROTHER & AUSTIN (woollen, linen and cotton cloths for machinery), Stubbins Vale Mills. Telegrams, "Porritts, Ramsbottom." Telephone No., 101.-See advertisement
Ramsbottom Spinning & Manufacturing Co., Limited, Union Works ; 31,680 spindles, 30' twist and weft ; 746 looms, India madapollams and shirtings. Pay day last Wednesday in each month after delivery. G. R. Stott, manager and sec.
Ratcliffe Charles, Edenwood Mill ; 300 looms, jeanettes, drills, satteens and denims
Sources of Information
Directory 1891 Worrall's Cotton Spinners
Note: This information was scanned and therefore there may be errors due to that process