Short Brothers: S.23 Empire

Note: This is a sub-section of Short Brothers.
Registration | Name | Operator |
G-ADHL | Canopus | Imperial Airways/BOAC |
G-ADHM | Caledonia | Imperial Airways, later BOAC |
G-ADUT | Centaurus | Imperial Airways, to Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in 1939 (as serial A18-10) |
G-ADUU | Cavalier | Imperial Airways |
G-ADUV | Cambria | Imperial Airways, later BOAC |
G-ADUW | Castor | Imperial Airways, later BOAC |
G-ADUX | Cassiopea | Imperial Airways, later BOAC |
G-ADUY | Capella | Imperial Airways |
G-ADUZ | Cygnus | Imperial Airways |
G-ADVA | Capricornus | Imperial Airways |
G-ADVB | Corsair | Imperial Airways, later BOAC |
G-ADVC | Courtier | Imperial Airways |
G-ADVD | Challenger | Imperial Airways |
G-ADVE | Centurion | Imperial Airways |
G-AETV | Coriolanus | Imperial Airways, later BOAC, to QANTAS in 1942 (as registration VH-ABG) |
G-AETW | Calpurnia | Imperial Airways. |
G-AETX | Ceres | Imperial Airways, later BOAC |
G-AETY | Clio | Imperial Airways, later BOAC, to Royal Air Force (RAF) in 1940 (as AX659) |
G-AETZ | Circe | Imperial Airways, later BOAC |
G-AEUA | Calypso | Imperial Airways, to QANTAS in 1939 not used directly, to RAAF (as serial A18-11) |
G-AEUB | Camilla | Imperial Airways, later BOAC, to QANTAS (as VH-ADU) |
G-AEUC | Corinna | Imperial Airways, later BOAC |
G-AEUD | Cordelia | Imperial Airways, later BOAC, to RAF in 1940 (as AX660), returned to BOAC in 1941 (as G-AEUD) |
G-AEUE | Cameronian | Imperial Airways, later BOAC |
G-AEUF | Corinthian | Imperial Airways, later BOAC |
G-AEUG | Coogee | Imperial Airways, to QANTAS in 1938 (as VH-ABC), to RAAF in 1939 (as A18-12) |
G-AEUH | Corio | Imperial Airways, to QANTAS in 1938 (as VH-ABD), to Imperial Airways in 1939 (as G-AEUH) |
G-AEUI | Coorong | Imperial Airways, to QANTAS in 1938 (as VH-ABE), to Imperial Airways in 1939 (as G-AEUI) |
G-AFBJ | Carpentaria | Imperial Airways not used, to QANTAS in 1937 (as VH-ABA), to BOAC in 1942 (as G-AFBJ) |
G-AFBK | Coolangatta | Imperial Airways not used, to QANTAS in 1937 (as VH-ABB), to RAAF in 1939 (as A18-13) |
G-AFBL | Cooee | Imperial Airways not used, to QANTAS in 1937 (as VH-ABF) to BOAC in 1942 |