Peach and Son
formerly Falconer and Peach
1850 Mentioned. George Peach, Union Foundry, Derby.[1]
1851 'Peach and Son, Union Foundry, City Road, Derby.'[2]
1851 Employing 42 men.[3]
1853 'George Peach, Union Foundry, Derby.'[4]
1854 'W. Peach and Son, Union Foundry, Derby.'[5]
1858 Business transferred. 'THE UNION FOUNDRY, CITY ROAD, DERBY. MESSRS. WILLIAM PEACH and SON beg to express their grateful sense of the favour conferred upon them during the whole time of their carrying on Business at the above-mentioned Foundry, and at the same time to inform their Friends and The Public that they have, as from the 1st day of January instant, DISPOSED of the PREMISES and BUSINESS to Messrs. FOX, BROTHERS, whom they can confidentially recommend as their Successors.'[6]