Seabrook Brothers

of Edmund Place, London
1895 Established - See Henry Herbert Parkes Seabrook, Allan Jackson Seabrook and Percy Benson Harrison Seabrook
1912 October. Details of the 18-20hp (4) car.[1]
1913 April. Advert for headlamps for cars - the 'Solar Lamp'
1913-1917 For a list of the models and prices of R. M. C. see the 1917 Red Book
1913-1917 For a list of the models and prices of Petrol Motor Commercial Vehicles see the 1917 Red Book
1920-22. Produced around forty cars of 10hp
1922 Partners: H. H. P. Seabrook and P. B. H. Seabrook.
1923-28 Produced around 160 cars rated 9/19, 10/20 and 12 hp
1927 Advert Seabrook Accessories Co