The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1925 Jan-Jun: Index
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ADAMSON, Daniel, and Co., Ltd., Automatic
Petrol Power Plant, 582 - 1
Ahrons, E. L., British Steam Railway Locomo-tive from 1825-1924, 2, 34, 66, 94. ]24, 150, 178, 206, 232, 258, 288, 316, 344, 370, 398, J 424, 452, 478, 506, 534, 562, 590, 616, 642, ] 670, 698 ; (Letters), 155, 240, 516
Albion Motor Workshop Wagon, 496 '
American Railways, 22,000-Volt Motor Generator Locomotives for, 334
Annaghkilly Viaduct, G.N. Railway, Ireland, 139
Aorangi, Union Steamship Company’s Motor ■ Liner, 16, 23, 42, 48, 71, 72, 106, 110, 111 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925), {Two-page Supplement, January \6th, 1925)
Arapeti Dam and Storage Area, 266, 270
jArrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., Switchback
Railway at the Paris Exhibition, 525
Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., Waterloo Temporary Bridge, 686, 701 {Two-page Sup- ( plement, June 26th, 1925)
Ashworth and Parker, 200 K.W. Steam-extraction Generator Set, 630
Aston Chain and Hook Company, Ltd., Jack ’ Chain and Knotted Chain Making Machines, 292
Ateliers de Constructions Mecaniques de Vevey, Hydraulic Turbine, New Type of, 220
Atlantic Transport Company, Twin - screw Liner Minnetonka, 22 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
.Atmos High-pressure Boiler, J. V. Blomquist, 249
Austin Motor, Constant Current, 440
Australia, Irrigation Works in, 462, 465
I Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Mechanism of Weighing Machine, 238
BAGNALL, W. G., Ltd., Fireless Engine Unique, 11
i Barclay, Andrew, Sons and Co., Ltd., Narrow Gauge Engine for Assam, 168
i Barking Power Station, County of London Electric Supply Company, 568
Beardmore Two-seater Wee Bee I. Monoplane, 19 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Beardmore, W., and Co., Ltd., Latvian Icebreaker Krisjanis Valdemars, 686
iBeldis, Motor Ship, with a Cargo of Locomotives, 86
Beiliss and Morcom, Air Compressor for Clyde Dock, 332, 333 ; (Letters), 434, 468
Bever, Peacock and Co., Ltd., Locomotives, 11, 715, 716
Biles, Sir John, on Steam Engines v. Oil Engines, for Passenger Ships, 388
Birmingham Corporation, Nechells Power Station, 654, 660
Blackburn “ Cubaroo ” Torpedo-plane, 21 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Blackstone and Co., 55 B.H.P. Oil Engine and Fuel Injection Arrangement, 238
Blomquist, J. V., Atmos High-pressure Boiler, 249
Bow Power Station, Reconstruction and Equipment, 542, 546
Brackett, F. W., and Co., Ltd., Fixing Circulating Water Screening Plant, 224
Bradley and Turton, Ltd., Inclinable Presses with Double Roll Feed ; also with Friction Feed and Friction-driven Screw Press, 239, 240
Bradley and Turton, Ltd., Rotary Shears, 239
Brigitta Bridge, Vienna, Shifting, 428
British Area Regulators, Ltd., Automatic Regulators, 351
British Aviator, Motor Tanker, Palmer’s Shipbuilding Company, 5, 6 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
British Industries Fair, 222, 238
British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd., Collieries Electric Lighting System, 496
British Steam Railway Locomotive from 1825 to 1924, E. L. Ahrons, 2, 34, 66, 94, 124, 150, 178, 206, 232, 258, 288, 316, 344, 370, 398, 424, 452, 478, 506, 534, 562, 590, 616, 642, 670, 698 ; (Letters), 155, 240, 516—For Loco- j motives Illustrated, see Subjects Index, Loco- | motives
British Thomson-Houston Company’s Works at Rugby, Part of, 679
Broadcasting Company’s Equipment at New London Station, 306
Brooke, J. W. and Co., Ltd., Centrifugal Pump ’ Driven by 4 B.H.P. Petrol Motor, 280
Brookhirst Switchgear Ltd., “Midget” Type Motor Starting Panels, 142
Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Twin-screw geared-turbine Orient Liner Oronsay, 185, 190, 212, 213
Brunler Submerged Flame Boiler, 184
Bucyrus Company, Mechanical Shovel for Subway Work, 633
Burgerhout-Nobel Engine 900 B.H.P., 6
Burma Railways, Garratt Locomotive, Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., 11
Burmeister and Wain, Four-cycle Marine Oil
Engine, and 6750 S.H.P. Double-acting Engine and Crank Shaft, 246, 247
Burnt Oak Automatic Sub-station, 39 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Butler, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Travelling Steam Crane, 443
c CAMBRIDGE Instrument Company’s Photoelectric Cell ; Record Measuring Machine ; Recording Accelerometer ; Thread Recorder and Dodder Machine, 52
Chains (Jewellers), Ltd., Curb and Trace Chainmaking Machines, 239, 276
Chancy—Pougny Hydro-electric Power Station, 321,328
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, Mallet Simple Locomotive, 14
Chorlton on Medlock Sub-station, 40
City of Venice, Single-screw Steamship, Workman, Clark and Co., Ltd., 22, 23,
Clayton Wagons, Ltd., Railway Steam Car for New Zealand, 570
Clothier, II. W., Design of Electrical Plant Control Gear, &c., 268
Clyde, New Dock Equipment on the, 233, 242, 274, 304, 332 ; (Letters), 434, 468
CockerillGas Engine, 7150 B.H.P., 166, 168
Coker, Professor E. G., Action of Cutting Tools, 318
Constructional Engineering Company, Ltd., A Handy Foundry Ladle, 469
Cox and Danks, Ltd., Salvage Gear at Scapa Flow, 23 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Gas and Oil Engines at the British Industries Fair, 222
Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Oil-driven Pumping Plant at Chipstead, 626, 632
Cunard Twin-screw Liner Aurania, 22 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Cunliffe and Croom, Ltd., Locomotive Wheel Quartering Machine, 250
DAHLERUS, J. B., Anti-friction Bearings for Heavy Duty, 181, 197 ; (Letters), 295, 434
Darnall Works New Iron Foundry, Davy Brothers, Ltd., 374, 382
Dawson, Sir Philip, and Professor S. Parker Smith, on Main Line Railway Electrification, Scandinavia, 98, 156 ; (Letters), 240, 295, 595 ; Germany, 620, 650—For details, see Subjects Index, Railway
Deschamps, J., Influence of Pulsations on Combustion, 152
Deutsches Museum, Munich, 644
Dolius, Motor Ship, Scott’s Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 5, 7 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Doxford, William, and Sons, Ltd., New Type Three-cylinder 1760 B.H.P. Engine, 6
EAST Ferry-road Engineering Works Company, Ltd., Grain Elevators for the Port of London, 296,297,300
East India Railway, Six-coupled Passenger Engine, Kitson and Co., Ltd., 12, 13
Electrical Apparatus Company, Machine Tool Switchgear, 362
Ellesmere Port, Water Softening Plant at, Wollaston Gas Producers, Ltd., 386
English Electric Company, Motor and Control Gear for Large Colliery Winder, 404, 408
Escher Wyss-Zoelly Steam Turbine Locomotive, 9, 10 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
■ Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Traction Recorder, 53
! Exe Engineering Company, Ltd., Screw-cutting
I Lathe, 239
FAIRFIELD Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Limited, Motor Liner Aorangi, 16, 23, 42, 48, 71, 72, 106, 110, 111 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925), (Two-page Supplement, January 16th, 1925)
Ferranti, Ltd., Large Transformers, 680
Ferranti, Ltd., Million-volt Testing Equipments, 412
Flettner Rotor Ship Buckau, 23 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
French Battleship Liberte, Salving the, 487
GARSTIN, Sir William Edmund (Portrait), 82 Gee, W. W. Haldane, Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, Joule’s First Measurements, 426 ; (Letter), 516
General Electric Company, Single-phase Equipment for the Southern Railway, 486
General Electric Company’s Works at Witton, Part of, 678
German Federal Railways—Electric Locomotives, 623, 650
Germany, Diesel Locomotive Design in, 578
Gloucestershire “Gannet” Biplane, 19 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Glover, M., and Co., Circular Saw Guard, 223
Gold Coast Railway, Eight-coupled Goods Engine, Vulcan Foundry Company, Ltd., 13
Great Western Railway Goods Tank Engine, 11 Great Western Railway 4-6-0 Passenger Engine
Viscount Churchill, 11 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Grenoble Exhibition, 690
Grice, William, and Sons, Ltd., Chain Link Making Machine, 469
Guillemard Railway Bridge over the Kelantan River, 593
Gwynnes Engineering Company, Ltd., Light Motor Fire Engine, 554
Gwynnes “ Invincible ” Pumping Units, 76
HAM WORTHY Engineering Company’s Automatic Air Compressor, 170
Hancock and Sons, Oxygas Metal-cutting Plant, 238
Handley Page Biplane “ Hamilton,” 21 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Harling, W. H., Adjustable Parabolic Curve, 580
Harrow and Rickmansworth Line, Automatic Signalling, 466
Harvey, William, Saint Paul’s Cathedral, Its Structure, Defects and Repair, 129
Hawker Cygnet II. Biplane, 21 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Henley’s Telegraph Works Company's Low-tension Laboratory and Cable-testing Department, 26
Herbert Chuck under Test, 662
Heywood, S. H., and Co.,,Ltd., 20-Ton Goliath Crane, 658
Hindmarsh, R. E., New Coal Staith at Whitehall Point, on the Tyne, 134, 141
Hulse and Co., Ltd., Machine for Re-trueing Railway Tires, 414
Hunslet Engine Company, Locomotive for Chilian Mining Line, 13 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Hunt, L. J., Self-synchronising Alternator, 526
Hurst-Ball System of Casting Large Diameter Pipes, 416
IGRANIC Rotor Control Gear and Low-tension Switchboard, 275
Igranic Electric Company, Ltd., Variable Grid Leak, Variometers, High-resistance Potentiometer, “ Unitune ” Fixed Coupler, 53
Industrial Waste Eliminators, Ltd., Oil
Separator, 239, 240
International Combustion, Ltd., and Vickers-
Spearing’ Boiler Company, Ltd., Coal-pulverising Plant and Boilers, 660
Italian Double-ended Diesel-electric Locomotive, 358
Italian Locomotives at Grenoble Exhibition, 690
Italian Scouts, The Leone, Tigre, Pantera, 456, 600, 604
KANGO Company, Ltd., Electric Hammer, 718
Karrier Motors, Ltd., Combined Road Sweeper,
Sprinkler and .Dust Collector, 441 ; (Correction), 504
Kent-Hodgson Turbine Steam Meter, 684
Krupp-Zoelly Steam Turbine Locomotive, 9, 10
{Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
LATVIAN Icebreaker Krisjanis Valdemars, W. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 686
Leafield Coupled Arc, 634
Leafield Wireless Station, Primary Inductance and Variable Coupler, 27 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Ling Pneumatic Motor and Drilling Head, 442
Liptack Furnace Arches, Ltd., Suspended Furnace Arch, 361
Littleton (Queen Mary) Reservoir and Works, 672, 682, 705, 710 {Two-page Supplement, June 19th, 1925)
Lloyd Sabando Liner Conte Biancamano, Wm. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 497
Lomonossoff Diesel-electric Locomotive, 9, 10 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
London Broadcasting Station, New, 306
London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Baltic
Tank Engine, 10 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
London, Midland and Scottish Railway 0-6-0 Goods Engine, 10
London and North-Eastern Railway Garratt Locomotive, Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., 715, 716
London and North-Eastern Railway Mikado Locomotive, Mr. H. N. Gresley’s Design, 715, 717
Longbridge Mercury Arc Rectifier Sub-station, Birmingham, 678
MANGAHAO Hydro-electric Scheme, River, Reservoir, Power Station, Dams and Electrical Equipment, &c., 266, 270
'Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company, 50-Watt Wireless Transmitter, Power Amplifier, 54
Massip Steam Trap, E. Lassen and Co., 608
Mather and Platt, Ltd., Rotary Converters in Liverpool Sub-stations, 391
Metropolitan Asylums Board Motor Ambulance and Ambulance Reconditioning Works, 209, 216
Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, 481
Molesworth, Sir Guilford Lindsey (Portrait), 137
Moore, G. E., Stroboscopic Determination of
Speeds and Frequencies, Apparatus and Methods Used, 209
Morison, Donald Barns (Portrait), 521
Morris Engines (Coventry), Ltd., Works, Hardening and Carburising Plant, 387
Morris, J., on Vibration in Engine Test Gear, 484
Muir, Win., and Co., Ltd., Plano-milling Machine for Profile Work, 308
Mullard Radio Valve Company, Transmitting Valve, 53, 54
NATIONAL Gas Engine Company, 3|-Kilowatt Lighting Set and 66 B.H.P. Heavy Oil Engine, 223, 224
New Conveyor Company, Foundry Sand Recovery Plant, 572
New Zealand, Manawatu Road Reconstruction, 552, 553
Niagara, Bridges Over, 490, 492
Nbrte Railway 3000-Volt D.C. Electric Locomotive, 78, 84
North British Locomotive for Western Australian Railways, 13 ; and Geared Steam Turbine Condensing Locomotive, 9 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, Ltd., Engines of the Raby Castle, 458, 459
o i ONGAR and Brentwood Wireless Stations, 596,
I 597
Orient Liner Oronsay, John Brown and Co., Ltd., 185, 190, 212, 213
Orient Twin-screw Liner Orama, 22 (Supplement,. January 2nd, 1925)
PARIS Exhibition, Switchback Railway at, Sir William Arrol and Co., 525
Parnail Pixie III. Monoplane, 21 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Parsons Three-cylinder Marine Motor for Lifeboat, 160 ; (Letter), 188
Patchell, W. H., Super-power Stations in
America, 264
Physical and Optical Societies’ Exhibition, 52
Pickles and Hall Pitting Gauge, 554
Pickles, John, and Son, Ltd., Mortising, Boring and Gaining Machine, 359
Poldhu Experimental Short Wave Wireless
Station (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Pollock, Walter, Increasing the Efficiency of the Screw Propeller, 402, 444
Poultney, E. C., Fifty Per Cent. Cut-off Locomotives, 510, 550
Precision Photo Printing Plant, Ltd., Blue
Print Washing and Drying Machine, 523
RABY Castle, Single-screw Motor Ship, Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., 458
Rainham Sewage Works, Tanks, 25 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Record Electrical Company, Improved Instruments, 279
Rees Propeller Jet Propulsion Device, 494
Reyrollo Contactor Panels and High-tension Switchgear, 275
Rhodes, Brydon and Youatt, Ltd., Combined Electric Motor and Pump, 662
Roberts, Charles, and Co., Ltd., 15-Ton Sidetipping Wagons, 85
Robertson, W. H. A., and Co., Ltd., Wire Flattening Rolling Mills, Roller Bearings, Edging Rolls, Coiling Stands, &c., 193
Robey and Co., Ltd., Large Geared Colliery Winder, 404, 408
Robinson, Thomas, and Sons, Ltd., New Woodworking Machines, 522
Rohrbach Metal Aeroplane Company, Flying Boat, 350, 354
Rosenhain, Dr. W., and Mr. A. C. Sturney, Report to Cutting Tools Research Committee, 126, 127
Rugby Station Aerial, 26, 27
Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 110 B.H.P. Oil Engine, 222, 223
s SAINT Paul’s Cathedral, Its Structure, Defects, and Repair, William Harvey, 129
Sennar Dam, 101 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Sentinel Wagon Works, Ltd., Geared Shunting Locomotive, 432, 433, 436
Siemens Wireless Equipment for Motor Lifeboat, 160 ; (Letter), 178
Simla Water Supply, High-head Pumping Plant for, 162, 167 (Two-page Supplement, February 6th, 1925)
Smith, Dempster, and Arthur Leigh on Lathe Tools and Fine Cuts, 319
Soldo Company’s New Tinning Compound, 413
South Wales, Steep Ropeways in, R. White and Sons, 514, 518
Southampton Floating Dock, 37 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Southern Railway, Single-phase Equipment for, General Electric Company, 486
Stanton, Dr. T. E., Friction of Pistons and Piston Rings, 70
Stanton, Dr. T. E., and Mr. J. H. Hyde, Report to Cutting Tools Research Committee, 126, 127 ; (Letter), 155
Stockton and Darlington Railway Locomotive The Magnet, as Reconstructed, Timothy Hackworth, 440
Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., Nipple Expander, 362 ; (Letter), 406
Swanley Motor Ship, Barclay, Curie and Co., Ltd., 5, 7 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Swansea Dry Dock, 37 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925) y
Swedish Destroyers Nils Ehrenskbld and O. H. Nordenskjold, 685
Swiss Federal Railways Motor Coach with Oil Transmission Gear, 308
TAILOR, H. W., Three-wire Direct-current Distribution Networks, 75
Taylor, Major A. M., on High-pressure Cables, 115
Thom, A., and J. Small, Velocity of Wind in Conical Ducts, 262
Thomas, H. A., on Measurement of Mechanical Vibrations, 102
Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., Twin-screw
Ferry Boat Kathleen, 662
Tilling-Stevens and Foamite Fire-foam, Ltd .
Motor Foam Fire-fighting Engine, 467
Towler, C. O Steam Regeneration : Its Possibilities, 592
Tracey, A. 1., on Super-tension Cable Dielectrics, 580
^nt Navigation Improvement, Holme Lock, 37 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Triumph, H.M.S., and Her Cylinder Liner, Engineer-Captain Edgar C. Smith, 498
u UNION Steamship Company’s Motor Liner Aorangi, 16, 23, 42, 48, 71, 72, 106, 110, 111 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925) (Two-paga Supplement, January Ifyh, 1925) r
United States Cruiser Marblebead, 358
Upper Reno Power Project, 608
VEYRIER, Commandant J., Proposed Submarine Tubular Railway, 245
Vickers Ltd., Eight-cylinder 2700 B.H.P. Solid Injection Engine, 6
Vickers-Petters Four-cylinder Hot-bulb Engines, 76
Vickers “ Vulture ” Amphibian Biplane, 21
Virginian Railway, Electrification of, and
Triple Electric Locomotive for, 606
Vulcan Motor and Engineering Company (1906), Ltd., War Office Subsidy 2-Ton Chassis, 378, 379
Vulcan Roadless Half-track Vehicle, 572, 574
w WATERLOO Temporary Bridge, Sir W. Arrol and Co., Ltd., 686, 701 (Two-page Supplement, June 26th, 1925)
Wells, A. C., and Co., Spraying Plant foi Laminated Core Stampings, 58
Western Electric Company, Seven-valve Supersonic Wireless Receiver, 470
Westland Widgeon Monoplane and Westland Wood Pigeon Biplane, 21 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
White, R., and Sons, Steep Colliery Ropeways in South Wales, 514, 518 (Two-page Supplement, May 8th, 1925)
Wightman, J., Miniature Radial Drilling Machine, 497
Wordingham, Charles Henry (Portrait), 164
Worthington-Simpson Pumping Machinery, Boilers, &c., for the Littleton—Queen Mary Reservoir and Works, 672, 682, 705, 710 (Tzvo-page Supplement, June 19th, 1925)
YORKSHIRE Engine Company, Ltd., Eight-coupled Engine for Bengal-Nagpur Railway and Tank Locomotive for Nitrate Railways, 13, 14
ADJUSTABLE Parabolic Curve, W. H. Harling, 580
Aeroplanes of 1924, 18 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)—For Names of Machines see Names Index ; see also Aeronautics, Miscellaneous Index
Flying Boat, All-metal, Rohrbach Metal Aeroplan Company, 350, 354
AIR Compressor, Automatic, Ham worthy Engineering Company, Ltd., 170
Air Compressor for Clyde Dock, Beiliss and Morcom, Ltd., 332, 333 ; (Letters), 434, 468 Alchemist’s Laboratory of the Middle Ages, 646 Anti-friction Bearings for Heavy Duty, J. B.
Dahlerus, 181, 197 ; (Letters), 295, 434
Arch, Suspended Furnace, Liptak Furnace Arches, Ltd., 361
BLUE Print Washing and Drying Machine, Precision Photo Printing Plant, Ltd., 523
Boiler, Atmos High-pressure, J. V. Blomquist,
Boiler, Internal Combustion, Oscar Brunler, 184
Boiler-house and Equipment for Bow Power
Station, 542, 546
Boiler-house (Trenton Channel), 264
Drum, Partly Forged, for 12001b. Boiler (Weymouth), 265
Drum, Completed Steam, for 12001b. Boiler, (Weymouth), 265
Boilers, Yarrow High-pressure, Howden Combined Cylindrical and Water-tube High-pressure, Sir John Biles, 388
Bridge, Brigitta, Vienna, Shifting, 428
Bridge,. Guillemard Railway, Over the Kelantan River, 593
Bridge, Waterloo Temporary, Sir W. Arrol and Co., Ltd., 686, 701 (Two-page Supplement, June 26th, 1925)
Bridges Over the River Niagara, 490, 492
c CABLES—see Electrical Matters
Calorimeter for Testing Fuel Oil, 593
Cathedral, Saint Paul’s, Its Structure, Defects and Repair, William Harvey, 129
Centrifugal Casting of Large Diameter Pipes, Hurst-Ball System, 416
Chain Link Making Machine, William Grice and Sons, Ltd., 469
Chain Making—see also Wire Chain
Chassis, War-office Subsidy 2-Ton, Vulcan Motor and Engineering Company, Ltd., 378, 379
Chuck under Test, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 662
Circular Saw Guard, M. Glover and Co., 223
Circulating Water Screening Plant, Fixing,
F. W. Brackett and Co., Ltd., 224
Coal-pulverising Plant and Boilers, International Combustion, Ltd., and Vickers-Spearing Boiler Company, Ltd., 660
Coal S tai th, New, at Whitehall Point, QU the Tyne, R, E. Uiudnwsh* 134, 141
Crane, 20-Ton Goliath, S. H. Heywood and Co., Ltd., 658
Crane, Travelling Steam, Samuel Butler and Co., Ltd., 443
Cutting Tools—see Machine Tools
DAM, Sennar, 101 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Dielectrics, Super-tension Cable, A. I. Tracey, 580
Dock Equipment on the Clyde, New, 233, 242, 274, 304, 332 ; (Letter), 434
De-watering Plants for Graving Docks 1 and 3, 233, 242
No. 3 Graving Dock Pumps, 274
Hydraulic Power Services for Prince’s Dock and the Graving Docks, 304 ; (Letters), 434, 468
Pneumatic and Electric Services, Prince’s and Graving Docks, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, 332 Docks, Southampton and Swansea, 37 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Drills—see Machine Tools
Aorangi, Electrical Equipment for—see Ships Barking Power Station, 40,000 K.W. Parsons Turbo-generator set, Yarrow Boiler, 568
Bow Power Station Reconstruction, 1000-K.W. Turoo-generator, &c., 542, 546
Chancy - Pougny Hydro - electric Power Station, 321, 328
Change Coil Multi-range Test Set, “ Cirscale ” Alternating-current Ammeter, Record Electrical Company, 279
Chorlton on Medlock Sub-station, 40
Clyde New Dock Equipment, Electrical, 233, 242, 274, 304, 332
Collieries’ Electric Lighting System, British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd., 496
Constant Current Motors, Gilbert Austin, 440 Design of Electrical Plant Control Gear, &c., H. W. Clothier, 268
High-pressure Cables, Major A. M. Taylor, H5
Institution of Electrical Engineers, Various Works Visited, 654, 660, 679
Laboratory, High-voltage Testing, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, 481
Laboratory, Low-tension and Cable-testing Department, Henley’s Telegraph Works Company, 26
Leafield Arc Room, 634
Leafield Wireless Station, Primary Inductance and Variable Coupler, 27 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Lighting and Power-generating Set, 60 B.H.P.
Auxiliary for Grain Elevators, 298 Locomotives, Electric—see Locomotives Machine Tool Switchgear, Electrical Apparatus Company, 362
Mangahao Hydro-electric Scheme, Power Station and Equipment, 266, 270
“ Midget ” Type Motor Starting Panels, Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., 142
Million-Volt Testing Equipment, Ferranti, Ltd., 412
Nechells Electric Power Station, Birmingham, 654, 660
Raby Castle, Allen Direct-current Generators for, 459
Relay, A New, 498
Rotary Converters, 1500-K.W. Self-synchronising, Mather and Platt, Ltd., 391
Rugby Station Aerial, 26, 27
Self-synchronising Alternator, L. J. Hunt, 526 Single-phase Equipment for the Southern Railway, 486
Super-power stations in America, W. H. Patchell, 264
Switches, Electro-pneumatic High-voltage Unit and Electro-pneumatic Cam-operated, for Norte Railway Locomotive, 84
Synchronous Motors for Mining Work, Major E. I. David, 248
Three-wire Direct-current Distribution Networks, H. W. Taylor, 75
Transformer, 500,000-Volt and Variablespeed Motor Generator Sets, 481
Transformers, Large, Ferranti, Ltd., 680
Transverter, 2000-K.W., 26 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Winder, Colliery, Motor and Control Gear for, English Electric Company, 404, 408
Aorangi, Quadruple-screw Motor Liner, Engines and Auxiliaries, 16, 23, 42, 48, 71, 72 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925) (Two-page Supplement, January \§th, 1925)
Blast-furnace Gas Engine, 7150 B.H.P., Soc.
Anon. John Cockerill, 166, 168
Burgerhout-Nobel Engine, 900 B.H.P., 6
Crossley Gas Engine, 12| B.H.P., 222
Crossley Oil Engine, 14 B.H.P., 222
Double-acting, 6750 S.H.P. Engine and Crank Shaft for M.otor Liner Gripsholm, Burmeister and Wain, 247
Eagle IX. Engines for All-metal Flying Boat, 350, 354
Four-cylinder Hot-bulb Engines for Driving Centrifugal Pumps, Vickers-Petters, Ltd., 76
Gas Engine for Small Lighting Set, and 66 B.H.P. Heavy Oil Engine, National Gas Engine Company, 223, 224
Lifeboat, Three-cylinder Marine Motor for, Parsons Motor Company, Ltd., 160 (Letter), 188
Marine Oil Engine Trials, Indicator Drive Thermal Circuits, 346
New Type Three-cylinder 1760 B.H.P. Engine, William Doxford and Sons, Ltd., 6
Oil Engine, 55 B.H.P. and Fuel Injection Arrangement, Blackstone and Co., 238
Oil Engines, Four-cycle Marine, Burmeister and Wain, 246, 247
Oronsay, Engine-room—see Ships
Solid Injection Engine, Eight-cylinder 2700 B.H.P., Vickers Ltd., 6
Steam Engines v. Oil Engines for Passenger Ships, Sjr Jqhn Riles, 388
200-K.W. Steam-extraction Generator Set, Ashworth and Parker, 630
Two-cylinder Oil Engine, 110 Ruston
and Hornsby, Ltd., 222, 223
Uniflow Engines, 770 B.H.P., for Pumping Station at Littleton, Worthington-Simpson, Ltd., 672, 682, 705, 710 (Two-page Supplement, June \Qth, 1925)
EXHAUSTERS for Grain Elevators, 297
British Industries Fair, 222, 238
Paris Exhibition, Switchback Railway at, 525
Physical and Optical Societies’ Exhibition, 52
EXTENSOMETERS and Recording Mechanism, 102
FAIRS—see Exhibitions
Fire-engine, Light Motor, G Wynnes Engineering Company, Ltd., 554
Fire-fighting Engine, Moto* Foam, 467
Floating Winch Gear for Raising German Destroyers at Scapa Flow, 23 {Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Flying Boat—see Aeronautics
Foundry Ladle, Constructional Engineering Company, Ltd., 469
Foundry Sand Recovery Plant, New Conveyor Company, 572
GAS Engines—see Engines
Grain Elevators for the Port of London, East Ferry Road Engineering Works Company, Ltd., 296, 297, 300
HAMMER, Electric, Kango Company, Ltd., 718
Hydraulic Equipment for Docks on the Clyde, 233, 242, 274, 304
Hydraulic Turbine, New Type, Ateliers de Constructions Mecaniques de Vevey, 220
Hydro-electric Power Station, Chancy-Pougny, 321, 328
Hydro-electric Scheme, Mangahao, 266, 270
ICEBREAKER Krisjanis Valdemars, W.
Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 686
Influence of Pulsations on Combustion, J. Deschamps, 152 A
Instruments, Various, Recorders, Photo-electric Cell, Dodder Machine, Cambridge Instrument Company, 52, 53
Instruments: Variometers, Variable Grid Leak, High-resistance Potentiometer, “ Uni-tune ” Fixed Coupler, Igranic Electric Company, Ltd., 53
Ironfoundry, Darnall Works, Sheffield, Davy Brothers, Ltd., 374, 382
Irrigation Works in Australia, 462, 465
LABORATORY, Alchemist s, in the Middle Ages, 646
Laboratory—see also Electrical Matters
Lathes—see Machine Tools
Lock Gates, New, on the River Lea, 542
Bengal-Nagpur Railway, Eight-coupled Engine, 13, 14
British Steam Railway Locomotive from 1825-1924, E. L. Ahrons, 2, 34, 66, 94, 124, 150, 178, 206, 232, 258, 288, 316, 344, 370, 398, 424. 452, 478, 506, 534, 562, 590, 616, 642, 670, 698; (Letters), 155, 240, 516
Period 1825-1827, 2
Period 1828-1831, 34
Period 1830-1837, 66, 94
Period 1837-1841, 124, 150
Period 1841-1848, 178, 206
Locomotive Performance to 1845. 232
Period 184&-1849, 258, 288
Period 1849-1855, 316, 344, 370, 398
Period 1855-1859, 424, 452
Period 1860-1865, 534, 562, 590
Period 1866-1869, 616, 642
Period 1870-1875, 670, 698
Locomotives Illustrated :
Adams’, W., Tank Engine, 1865, 563
Allan’s “ Crewe ” Type Engine, 1845, 179 Armstrong’s Express Locomotive, 1866-1869, 616
Banking Engine, Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, 1844, 206
Beattie’s Tank Engine, 1863, 562
Beyer, Peacock and Co.’s Goods Engine,
1857. 454
Beyer-Peacock Locomotive, 1862, 535
Beyer, Peacock and Co.’s Tank Engine,
1858, 453
Beyer-Peacock’s Tank Engine, 1861, 562 Bodmer’s Balanced Engine, 206
Bolton and Leigh “ Lancashire Witch,” 1828, 34
Bristol and Birmingham Engine, Vulcan Foundry, 180
Bristol and Exeter Railway, 399
Bury’s 0-4-0 Engine “ Liverpool,” 1830, 66
Bury’s 2-2-0 Passenger Engine, Sections of, 1837, 124
Caledonian Engine, 1868, 617
Caledonian Locomotive, 1858-1864, 425
Caledonian Tank Engine, 1873-4, 700
LOCOMOTIVES {continued} :
British Steam Railway Locomotive (cont.):
Locomotives Illustrated (continued):
Chester and Birkenhead Railway. R.
Stephenson, 1853, 346
Connor’s Locomotive, 1859, Rebuilt, 534
“Cornwall,” The, London and North-
Western Railway, Rebuilt, 1858, 259 Crampton Engine, 1848, 259
“ Crampton ” Engine, Inside Cylinder 1849, 316
Crampton Engine, London and North-Western Railway, 1847, 259
Crampton Engine, London and North-Western Railway, 1848, 259
Crampton Engine* for Midland Railway, 1848, 259 J
Cylinders of Compound Locomotive, 1852, 317
Cylinders and Valves, 67
Dewrance s Liverpool and Manchester Engine, 1841, 179
Dublin and Kingstown Railway Engine “ Vauxhall,” 1834, 94
Dundee and Newtyle Railway Engine “ Earl of Airlie,” 1833, 94
Edinburgh and Glasgow Engine, 1856, 424 2—2—0 Engine Exhaust Pipe, 68
Engine for the London, Chatham and Dover Railway, 1861-2, 536
2-2-0 Engine “ Pioneer,” 1832, 67
Fire-box, Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway, 370
Fossick and Hackworth’s Goods Engine, 1864, 564
Foster and Rastrick’s “ Stourbridge Lion,” 1829, 34
Gooch’s Bogie, 1849, 258
Gooch’s, D., Tank Engine, 1862, 562
Gooch’s “ Great Western,” 1846, 258 0—4—0 Goods Engine, 1831, 67
Goods Engine, Glasgow and South-Western Railway, 1864, 564
Glasgow and South-Western Engine, 1857, 425
Glasgow and South-Western Locomotive, 1873-7, 698
Goods Engine by Sharp, Stewart and Co., 1861-1862, 564
Gray’s Hull and Selby Engine, 1842—44, 178
Great Eastern Express Engine, 1862, 534
Great Northern Engine, 1861, 535
Great Northern Engine, 1867, 617
Great Western Engine “ Iron Duke,” 1847, 258
Great Western Locomotive, 1855, 424
Great Western Locomotive “ Centaur,” Elevations and Section, 151
Great Western Locomotive “Leo,” 1841, 152
Great Western Locomotive “ Tityos,” 1842, 152
Great Western Railway “ North Star,” Broad Gauge, 150
Great Western Tank Engine, 1874-1878, 699
Hackworth’s 0-6-0 Engine, 1838, 124
Hackworth’s, T., “ Sanspareil,” 1849, 288
Hawthorn Engine, Great Northern Railway, 1852,344
Hawthorn’s Spring Gear, 344
Hawthorn’s 0-4-2 Steam Dryer Locomotive, 150
Hawthorn’s “ Swift,” 1836, 94
Hawthorn Type 2-2-2 Engine, 125 Highland Locomotive, 1874, 699 “ Jenny Lind,” E. B. Wilson, 1847, 288 Kirtley’s Express Locomotive, Midland
Railway, 800 Class Re-built, 670
Kirtley’s Express Locomotive, Midland Railway, 890 Class, 1871, 671
Kitching’s Stockton and Darlington Engine, 1848, 206
Kitson and Co.’s Engine, 1848, 289
Kitson’s Leeds and Thirsk Engine, 1849, 289
Lancashire and Yorkshire Tank Engine, 1860, 453
“ Locomotion No. 1,” Stockton and Darlington Railway, 2
London, Brighton and South Coast Tank Engine, 1859, 452
London, Brighton and South Coast Tank Engine, 1873-1887, 699
London, Chatham and Dover Railway, Locomotive for, 1862, 316
London, Chatham and Dover Railway Tank Engine, 1866, 563
London and North-Western Engine, R. Stephenson and Co., 1847, 180
London and North-Western Goods Engine, 1859-1872, 453
London and North-Western Railway Engine, 1859, 534
London and North-Western Railway Engine, 1861, 534
London and North-Western Railway, McConnell, 1852-4, 345
London and North-Western Railway, McConnell “ Bloomer,” 1853, 345
London and North-Western Railway, McConnell’s Goods Engine, 1854-1863, 371
London and North-Western Railway, Rebuilt “ Bloomer,” 344
London and North-Western Side-tank Engine, 1856, 452
London and South-Western Locomotive, 1855, 424
London and South-Western Locomotive, 1859, 425
London and South-Western Railway, Joseph Beattie, 1851—55, 346
London and South-Western Railway, Joseph Beattie, 1855, 346
McConnell’s London and North-Western Engine, 1849, 288
McConnell’s Tank Engine, 1862, 562
Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire
Railway, Goods Engine, 1852-4, 370
Mather, Dixon Type 2-2-2 Engine, 125
Metropolitan Tank Engine, 1864, 563 Metropolitan Tank Engine, 1868, 618* Midland Engine, 1865, 535
Midland Engine, 1866-68, 616
Midland Engine, 1867, Beyer, Peacock, 616
Midland Goods Engine, 1858, 454
LOCOMOTIVES (continued):
British Steam Railway Locomotive (cont.) :
Locomotives Illustrated (continued):
Midland Locomotive. No. 1, 1859, 424
Midland Tank Engine, 1875—6, 700
Monmouthshire Railway, Sharp Brothers’
Tank Engine, 1849, 371
Monmouthshire Railway, Stothert and Slaughter’s Engine, 1854, 372
Neilson and Co.’s Tank Engine, 1862, 318
Neilson’s Single-cylinder Engine, 1857, 454
North-Eastern Back Tank Engine, 1874, 700
North-Eastern (Stockton and Darlington) Locomotive, 1872—4, 699
North-Eastern (Stockton and Darlington) Locomotive, 1875-6, 698
North-Eastern Locomotive, 1864-5, 536
North London Tank Engine, 1868, 617
Northumbrian, Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1830, 36
“ Novelty,” The, 1829, 36
Pearson’s Engine for the Bristol and Exeter Railway, 1853, 398
Pearson’s Engine for the Bristol and Exeter Railway, 1868, 398
Ramsbottom’s Engine, 1866-1873, 616
Rennie’s 0-4-2 Outside Cylinder Engine, 150 •
Rocket, The, Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1829, 35
Rothwell Type 2-2-2 Engine, 125
“ Royal George,” Stockton and Darlington Railway, 2
Saddle Tank Engine, 1849, 258
Saddle Tank Engine, London and North-Western Railway, 1854-1857, 318
“ Sanspareil,” The, 1829, 35
Sharp Brothers’ Engine, 1848-1854, 370
Sharp Brothers’ Manchester^ Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Engine, 1849, 289
Sharp Roberts Type 2-2-2 Engine, 125
Sharp, Stewart and Co.’s Side Tank Engine, 1851-2, 371
Sharp, Stewart and Co.’s Tank Engine, 1866-8, 618
Shrewsbury and Chester Railway, Vulcan Engine, 1853, 370
Sinclair’s Tank Engine, 1864, 563
South-Eastern Locomotive, 1859-1875, 425
South-Eastern Railway, Cudworth, 356
South-Eastern Tank Engine, 1866, 617
Spring Gear, Bristol and Exeter Railway, 398
Stephenson’s 0-4-2 Engine, 1833, 94
Stephenson’s 2-2-2 Engine of 1837, 67
Stephenson’s 2-4r-0 Engine, 1837, 150
Stephenson Engine, Midland Railway, 1852,344
Stephenson’s Engine for the Stockton and Darlington Railway, 1860, 535
Stephenson’s Engine for the Stockton and Darlington Railway, 1862, 535
Stephenson’s Goods Engine, 1843, 206
Stephenson’s “ Long Boiler ” Passenger Engine, 1841, 179
Stephenson’s Outside Cylinder Long Boiler Engine, 180
Stephenson’s “ Planet,” Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1830, 66
Stephenson, R., and Co.’s Tank Engine, 1855,452
Stephenson Type 2-2-2 Engine, 124
Stirling’s Engine for the Glasgow and South-Western Railway, 1855, 316
Stirling’s 2-2-2 Outside Cylinder Engine, 150
P. Stirling’s Express Locomotive, Great Northern Railway, 1870, 670
Stockton and Darlington Engine, 1866, 618
Stockton and Darlington Engine “ Commerce,” 1847, 206
Stockton and Darlington Engine “ Meteor,”
1850, 178
Stockton and Darlington Locomotive, 1845-6, 178
Stockton and Darlington Railway Engine “ Sunbeam,” 1837, 94
Stockton and Darlington Railway— “ Wilberforce,” 1831, 94
Stroudley’s Express Locomotive, London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, 1874, 670
Stroudley’s Express Locomotive, London,
Brighton and South Coast Railway, 1872-5,671
Sturrock’s Engine Rebuilt, 616
S. W. Johnson’s Engine, 1867, 616
Tank Engine by the Avon side Company, 1864-6, 564
Tank Engine, Eastern Counties Railway,
1851, 317
Tank Engine, Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, 1850, 317
Tank Engine by W. Fairbairn and Sons, 1850,317
Tayleur’s Bogie Locomotive, 1833, 94
Tayleur Type 2—2—2 Engine, 125
Valve Gear, 1846-1852, 399
Vulcan Engine for Waterford and Kilkenny Railway, 1846, 290
Vulcan Locomotive, 1848, 316
Vulcan Locomotive, Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway, 1853, 345
Webb’s Charles Dickens, 1882, 698
Webb’s Precursor,” 1874, 698
White Raven, 1863, 562
William the Fourth, 1830, 36
York, Newcastle and Berwick Engine, R. Stephenson and Co., 1848, 180
Locomotives Built for Abroad:
East India Railway, Locomotive for, 1856, 507
Ghat Engine, G.I.P. Railway, 1862, 644
Giovi Incline, Engine for, 506
Hawthorn’s Engine for South America, 506
Kitson’s Engine for Chile, 1858, 506
Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway Engine, 1865, 644
Stephenson’s Engine for Belgium, 506
Stephenson’s Engine for Egypt, 1859, 506
Stephenson’s Engine for New South Wales, 1854, 507
Tudela and Bilbao Railway Engine, 1862, 644
Vulcan Engine for India, 1852, 507
LOCOMOTIVES (continued):
Locomotives for Ireland :
Beyer, Peacock Engine for the Ulster Railway, 1866, 643
Dublin and Belfast Junction Railway Engine, 1866, 643
G. S. and W. Railway Express Engine, 1858-1803, 642, 643'
McDonnell’s Back Tank Engine, G.S. and
W. Railway, 1869, 643
Addendum, Dewrance’s Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1841-5, 507
Addenda, 372
Locomotive Performances, 1845-1849, 478
Details :
Axle-boxes, Wheels, Tires, &c., 454 Beattie’s Feed-water Heating Apparatus,
Bouch’s Blast Pipe, 642
Caillet’s Movable Axle, 590
Cast Iron Fire-bars, 454
Coke-burning Fire-boxes, 479
Coupling-rods, J. Beattie, 454 ; W. Fairbairn and Sons, 454
Dewrance’s Fire-box, 1845, 479
Hawthorn’s Link Motion, 1851, 399
Hawthorn’s, ,R. and W., Steam Dome, 399
Midland Brick Arch, 1859, 480
Madland Fire-door, 480
Miscellaneous Details, 1846 to 1855, 399
Naylor’s Safety Valve, 642
Radial and Other Axle-boxes, 590 Sand-box, D. Gooch, 1849, 400 Valve Gears and Motion, 454
W. Bridge Adams’ Radial Axle, 590
DIESEL Locomotive Design in Germany, 578
Electric Locomotive, 3000-Volt D.C. for the Norte Railway, Spain, 78, 84
Electric Locomotives for Main Lines, Scandinavia, 156
Escher Wyss-Zoelly Steam Turbine Locomotive, 9, 10 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Fifty Per Cent. Cut-off, Pennsylvania Railroad System, E. C. Poultney, Part I., 509, 550
Fifty Per cent. Cut-off Engine in Service, 551
“ Decapod ” Engine, Heavy Goods, 510
Light-weight Piston Valve, Cylinder and Valve Chest, Valve Gear, 550
Slide Bars and Crosshead, 551
“ Mikado ” Type, Goods, 510
Water Rates at Various Cut-offs for the 2-10-0 and 2-8-2 Engines, 511
Fireless Engine, Unique, W. G. Bagnall, Ltd., 11
Garratt Locomotive for Burma Railways, 11
Geared Shunting Locomotive, Sentinel Wagon Works, Ltd., 432, 433, 436
Geared Steam Turbine Condensing Locomotive, North British Locomotive Company, Ltd., 9 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
German Federal Railways, Electric Locomotives, 623, 650
Gold Coast Railway, Eight-coupled Goods Engine, Vulcan Foundry Company, Ltd., 13
Goods Engine, 0-6-0, London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 10
Goods Tank Engine, 5600 Class, Great Western Railway, 11
Great Western Railway Passenger Engine Viscount Churchill, 11 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Hunslet Engine Company, 2-8-0 Engine for Chilian Mining Railway, 13 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Italian Double-ended Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 358
Italian Locomotives at Grenoble Exhibition, 6 90
Italian Westinghouse Company’s Electric Locomotive, New Type of Link Work on, 690
Krupp-Zoelly Steam Turbine Locomotive, 9, 10 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Locomotives for the London and North-Eastern Railway, Garratt, Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., 715, 716; “ Mikado,” Mr.
H. N. Gresley’s Design, 715, 717
Lomonossoff Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 9, 10 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
London, Midland and Scottish Railway, “ Baltic ” Tank Locomotive, 10 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Magnet, Old Stockton and Darlington Railway Locomotive, as Reconstructed, Timothy Hackworth, 440
“ Mallet ” Simple Locomotive, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, 14
Motor Generator Locomotives, 22,000-Volt, American Railways, 334
Narrow-gauge Engine for Assam, Andrew Barclay, Sons and Co., Ltd., 168
Nitrate Railways Tank Engine, 13, 14
North British Locomotive Company’s 3ft. 6in. Gauge Engine for the Western Australian Railways, 13 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Reid-MacLeod Turbine Locomotive, North British Locomotive Company, Ltd., 9 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Six-coupled Passenger Engine, East India Railway, Kitson and Co., Ltd., 12, 13
Virginian Railway, Triple Electric Locomotive for, 607
Cutting Tools Research Committee, Reports to
Action of Cutting Tools, Professor E. G. Coker, 318
Flow and Rupture during Cutting, Dr. W.
Rosenhain and Mr. A. C. Sturney, 126
Forces on a Cutting Tool, Dr. T. E. Stanton and Mr. J. H. Hyde, 126 ; (Letter), 155
Lathe Tools, Experiments with, &c., Dempster Smith and Arthur Leigh, 318
MACHINE TOOLS {continued):
Lathe, Screw-cutting, Exe Engineering Coin-pany, Ltd., 239
Locomotive Wheel Quartering Machine, Cunliffe and Croom, Ltd., 250
Plano-milling Machine for Profile Work, Wm. Muir and Co., Ltd., 308
Pneumatic Drill, E. M. Ling Engineering Company, Ltd.. 412
Presses, Inclinable, with Double Roll Feed, also with Friction Feed, also Friction-driven Screw Press, Bradley and Turton. 239, 240
Radial Drilling Machine, Miniature, J. Wightman, 497
Re-trueing Railway Tir§s, Machine for, Hulse and Co., Ltd., 414
Rotary Shears, Bradley and Turton, Ltd . 239
Switchgear, Machine Tool, Electrical Apparatus Company, 362
Germany, Showing Electrified Railways, 620 Bavarian Electrified Railways, 621 Magdeburg-Leipzig-Halle Railway, 621 Silesian Mountain Electrified Railways, 620
Scandinavia, Showing Electrified Railways,
MARINE Engines—see Engines
Measurement of Mechanical Vibrations, H. A.
Thomas, 102
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, Joule’s First Measurements, W. W. Haldane Gee, 426 • (Letter), 516
Mechanical Shovel for Subway Work, Bucyrus Company, 633
Milling Machines—see Machine Tools
Mortising, Boring and Gaining Machine, John Pickles and Son, Ltd., 359
Motor Ambulance and Reconditioning Works of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, '209, 216
Motor Coach with Oil Transmission Gear, Swiss Federal Railways, 308
Museum, Deutsches, at Munich, 644
OIL-DRIVEN Pumping Plant at Chipstead, Crossley Brothers, Ltd., 626, 632
Oil Engines—see Engines
Oil Separator, Industrial Waste Eliminators, Ltd., 239, 240
Oil-tight Bushing, 543
Oxygas Metal Cutting Plant, Hancock and Sons, 238
PETROL Power Plant, Automatic, Daniel Adamson and Co., Ltd., 582
Pipe Nipple, Double Expanded, J. Stone and Co., Ltd., 362 ; (Letter), 406
Pipe, Wood Stave, 400
Pipes, Large Diameter, Centrifugal Casting of, Hurst-Ball System, 416
Pistons and Piston Rings, Friction of, Dr. T. E. Stanton, 70
Pitting Gauge, Pickles and Hall, 554 Pneumatic Power—see Dock Equipment Portrait, Sir William Edmund Garstin. 82 Portrait, Sir Guilford Lindsey Molesworth, 137 Portrait, Donald Barns Morison, 521
Portrait, Charles Henry Wordingham, 164 Power Project, The Upper Reno, 608 Presses—see Machine Tools
Pulsator for Use with Gas Producers, 153
Centrifugal Pump driven by 4 B.H.P. Petrol Motor, J. W. Brooke and Co., Ltd., 280
Clyde, New Pumping Equipment for Prince’s Dock and Graving Docks, 233, 242, 274, 304
Graving Dock No. 3 De-watering Pump and Pump House, 274, 275
Invincible ” Pumps, Gwynne’s Engineering Company, Ltd., 76
“ Mopump ” Rhodes, Brydon and Youatt, Ltd., 662
Motor-driven Centrifugal Pumps, 234, 242
Oil-driven Pumping Plant at Chipstead, Crossley Brothers, Ltd., 626, 632
Queen Mary Reservoir at Littleton, Pumping Station at, 672, 682, 705, 710 {Two-page Supplement, June Wth, 1925)
Simla Water Supply, High Head Pumping Plant for, 162, 167 {Two-page Supplement, February 6 th, 1925)
RAILWAY, Main-line, Electrification, Sir Philip Dawson and Professor S. Parker Smith, 98, 156, 620, 650
Scandinavia :
Riksgransen Railway and Electric Locomotives, 156, 157
Stockholm—Gothenburg Railway and Electric Locomotives, Mineral, Express and Goods, 158
Kristiania-Drammen Railway and Passenger and Freight Locomotives, 159 Germany :
620, 650
Electric Locomotives 623, 650
Railway, Proposed Submarine Tubular, Commandant J. Veyrier, 245
Railway Steam Car for New Zealand, Clayton Wagons, Ltd., 570
Railway Viaduct, New, at Annaghkilly, Ireland, 139
Railway, Virginian, Electrification of, 606
Recorders—see Instruments and Traction
Regulators, Pressure, Humidity, &c., British
Area Regulators, Ltd,., 351
Reservoir, Queen Mary, at Littleton, 672, 682, 705, 710 {Two-page Supplement, June l$th, 1925)
Road Reconstruction in New Zealand, 552, 553
Road Sweeper, Sprinkler and Dust Collector, Combined, Harrier Motors, Ltd., 441; (Correction), 504
Roadless Half-track Vehicle, Vulcan Motor and Engineering Company, Ltd., 572, 574
Ropeways, Steep Colliery, in South Wales, R. White and Sons, 514, 518 (Two-page Supplement, May 8th, 1925)
SALVING—see Ships
Sewage Storage Tanks, Rainham, 25 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Shears—see Machine Tools
Shifting a Bridge in Vienna, 428
Cylinder Liner of H.M.S. Triumph, 498
Propeller-jet Marine Propulsion, Edmund S. G. Rees, 494
Screw Propeller, Increasing the Efficiency of, Walter Pollock, 402, 444 ; (Letter), 468
Foreign Navies :
French Battleship Liberte, Salving the, 487
High-speed Cruiser Marblehead, United States, 358
Italian Scouts, The Leone, Tigre and Pantera, * 456, 600, 604
Swedish ’Destroyers Nils Ehrenskold and O. H. Nordenskjold, 685
Miscellaneous Vessels :
Aorangi, Union Steamship Company’s Motor Liner, Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., 6, 16, 23, 42, 48, 71, 72, 106, 110, 111 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925) (Two-page Supplement, January \8th, 1925)
Aurania, Cunard Twin-screw Liner, 22 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Beldis, Motor Ship, with a Cargo of Locomotives, 86
British Aviator, Motor Tanker, 5, 6 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
City of Venice, Single-screw Steamship, Workman, Clark and Co., Ltd., 22, 23
Dolius, Motor Ship, Scott’s Shipbuilding Companv, Ltd., 5, 7 (Supplement, January 2nd. 1925)
Miscsllaneous Vessels (continued):
Flettner Rotor Ship Buckau, 23 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Italian Liner Conte Biancamono, Wm. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 497
Minnetonka, Twin-screw Liner, Atlantic Transport Company, 22- (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Orama, Orient Twin-screw Liner, 22 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Oronsay, Orient Twin-screw Geared Turbine Liner, John Brown and Co., Ltd., 185, 190, 212, 213, 214
Raby Castle, Lancashire Shipping Company, Ltd., 458
Ship’s Motor Lifeboat with Wireless Equipment, 160 ; (Letter), 188
Swarrtey Motor Ship, Barclay, Curie and Co., Ltd., 5, 7 (Supplement, January 2nd, 1925)
Twin-screw Ferry Boat Kathleen, John I.
Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 662
SIGNALLING, Automatic, on the Harrow and j Rickmansworth Line, 466
Spraying Plant for Laminated Core Stampings,
A. C. Wells and Co., 58
Steam Engines—see Engines
Steam Meter, Turbine, Kent-Hodgson, 684
Steam Nozzles Research, Report, Thin and
Thick Plate Nozzles, and Setting of Nozzleboxes in the Tester, 536, 565
Steam Regeneration : Its Possibilities, C. O. Towler, 592
Steam Trap, A Simple, E. Lassen and Co., 608
Steel Hardening and Carburising Plant at
Coventry, August’s Muffle Furnaces, Ltd., 387
Stroboscopic Determination of Speeds and Frequencies, Apparatus and Methods Employed, G. E. Moore, 209
Switchback Railway at the Paris Exhibition.
Sir William Arrol and Co., Ld., 525
Switchgear, H. W. Clothier, 268—see also Electrical Matters
TINNING Compound, New, Soldo Company, Traction Recorder, Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd.,
Turbine Equipment for Power Station, 321
Turbine and Gearing for Orient Liner Oronsay, John Brown and Co., Ltd., 185, 190, 212, 213, 214
Turbine, 1200 lb., Half-casing for (Weymouth), 264
Turbine—see also Hydraulic
UNIFLOW Engines—see Engines
VALVE, Transmitting, Milliard Radio Valve Company, 53, 54
Variometers—see Instrumen ts
Velocity of Wind in Conical Ducts, A. Thom and J. Small, 262
Viaduct—see Railway
Vibration in Engine Test Gear, J. Morris, 484
w WAGON, Motor Workshop, Albion Motor Car Company, Ltd., 496
Wagons, 15-Ton Side-tipping Wagons, Charles Roberts and Co., Ltd., 85
Water-softening Plant at Ellesmere Port, Wollaston Gas Producers, Ltd., 386
Weighing Machine Mechanisms, W. and T. Avery, Ltd., 238
Winder, Geared Colliery Electric, English Electric Company, Ltd., and Robev and Co., Ltd., 404, 408
Wire Chain Making, 239, 276, 292
Wire Flattening Rolling Mills, Various, Roller Bearings, Coiling Stands, Edging Rolls, &c., W. H. A. Robertson and Co., Ltd., 193
London Broadcasting Station, New, 306
Wireless Equipment for Motor Lifeboat, Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., 160; (Letter), 188
Wireless Receiver, Seven-valve Supersonic, Western Electric Company, 470
Wireless Stations, Ongar and Brentwood, 596, 597
Wireless Transmitter. 50-Watt, Power Amplifier, Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company, 54
WOOD Stave Pipe, 400
Wood-working Machines, Thomas Robinson and Son, Ltd., Examples of Work, 522; Universal Wood Worker, 522 ; Woodmortising Machine, 522 ; Wood-moulding Machine, 523
See Also
Sources of Information