The Engineer 1919 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1919 Jan-Jun: Index
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- ACID Hearth—see Iron and Steel
- Adjustable Ganges, M. Woldgaard, 529
- - See also Annual Articles
- - Aerial Photography, 367
- - Aero-dynamical Considerations, Captain G. P. Thomson, 252
- - Aero-engine, 270 H.P. Basse-Selve, 246
- - Aero-engine Component- see Jigs, Tools, andc.
- - AERONAUTICAL NOTES, 489, 54 2, 590
- -- American Airships, 590
- -- American Production of Aeroplanes during the War, 542
- -- B.A.T. Passenger Biplane, 489
- -- Fastest Aeroplane in the World, 590
- -- Fiat Transatlantic Machine, 542, 590
- -- First Commercial Flight, 489
- -- New British Airships, 489
- -- Tarrant Triplane Disaster, 542, 591
- - Aeroplane Erecting Shop and Doping Boom, Austin Motor Company’s Works, 600, 608
- - Aeroplane Factory, Heaton Chapel, Manchester, Crossley Motors, Limited, 422, 430 ; (Corrections), 468, 496 (Two-page Supplement, May 2nd, 1919)
- - Aircraft Production at Lincoln, Ruston and | Hornsby, Limited, 391
- - Atlantic. Flight, 610
- - Blackburn “Kangaroo” Aeroplane, Blackburn Aeroplane and Motor Company, 579, 584
- - “Boulton-Paul” Transatlantic Aeroplane, Boulton and Paul, Limited, 435
- - Britain’s Air Effort during the War, 461
- - British Rigid Airship R 33, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Limited, 255
- - Commercial Airships, 84
- - Commercial Aviation, 38
- - Development of Airship Const ruction, C. I. R. Campbell, 384, 397, 420
- - D.H. 10 Bombing Biplane, Aircraft Manufacturing Company, 68
- - Education in the Royal Air Force, 128
- - Fiat 12-Cylinder 400 H.P. Aero-engine, 411
- - Fixed Radial Aero-engines, Cosmos Engineering Company (Brazil, Straker and Co.), 530
- - Halberstadt Two-seater Biplane, 158
- - Hydrogen Barges for Royal Air Force, 219, 226
- - Magnesium and its Alloys : Its Use for Aeroengines and Motor Cars, 402
- - Manufacture of Rafwires and their Fittings, Woodside Engineering Company, Limited, 167 (Two-page Supplement, February 21st, 1919)
- - Military and Commercial Aircraft, 610
- - Multiple-engined Aeroplanes, 305
- - Pfalz Single-seater Fighting Aeroplane, 95
- - Phoenix Cork Flying Boat, Phoenix Dynamo Manufacturing Company, Limited, 194
- - R 34, Long Voyage by, 590
- - Seaplane and Towing Lighters, 169
- - Standardisation of Aircraft Materials and Parts, 391
- - Tarrant Six-engined 3000 H.P. Triplane, 452, 453, 456, 542, 591
- - Technical Training in the Air Force, 110
- - Trend of German Aeroplane Design, 25
- - “Vickers-Vimy” Transatlantic and Commercial Aeroplanes, 555, 560
- - Wirelessly Directed Aircraft, 357
- - Zeitlin Aero-engine, 408
- AGE-LONG Engineering Works of China, Professor Middleton Smith, 72
- Agricultural Engineering in France, 457
- Agricultural Machines at Cardiff Show, 627, 630
- Agricultural Machines, Ruston and Hornsby, Limited, 630
- Air Compressor Design, Improvements, Reavell and Co., Limited, 534, 538
- Air Compressor, Petrol-driven, Portable, Lacy- Hulbert and Co., Limited, 165
- Air Compressor Valve—see. Valve
- Air Receiver, Frank Richards, 562, 573
- Air, Storing, in the Earth, 575
- Alloys—see Copper, Aluminium, Magnesium, Metals, andc.
- Almanacs and Diaries, 23, 46, 93, 118, 164, 442
- Aluminium and its Alloys, Micrography of. D. Hanson and S. L. Archbutt, 322
- Ambulance Trains—see Railways
- - American Railway Equipment in France, 152
- - American Steam Power Developments, 152
- - Brick Chimney, 585ft. High, 152
- AMERICAN Factory, Handling Material at, 341
- American Steel—see Iron and Steel
- Anchadura, 644
- Andrew, J. H., and G. W. Green, on the Manufacture and Working of High-speed Steel, 503, 553
- Annealing -- see Furnace
- - AERONAUTICS, 1914-1918, 18
- -- Aero-engines, 18
- -- Commercial Flying, 18
- -- Cost of Aeroplaning, 18
- -- Passenger Aeroplanes, 18
- -- Iron and Steel Centres, 3
- -- Iron, Steel, and Coal Prices, 2
- -- Labour and Wages, 3
- -- Miscellaneous, 4
- -- Shipyards, In the, 3
- - Locomotives of the Year, 5, 12
ANNUAL ARTICLES (continued):
- - NAVAL PROGRESS, FOUR YEARS OP, 14 (Two- page Supplement, January 3rd, 1919)
- -- Battleships and Battle-cruisers, 14
- -- Destroyers, 15
- -- Engineers, The, 15
- -- Light Cruisers, 15
- -- Naval Guns, 15
- -- Private Yards, 15
- -- Submarines and Special Vessels, 15
- - Railways, British in 1918, 8
- - SHIPPING IN 1918, 16
- -- Emigration and the Emigration Law, 17
- -- Freedom of the Seas, 17
- -- German Merchant Marine, Penalising the, 17
- -- Government Control of Shipping, 16
- -- Legislation for Shipping, 16
- -- National Treatment, of Shipping, 17
- -- Shipbuilding Effort, 16
- -- Shipbuilding, Our Capacity for, 16
- -- Submarine Warfare Against Shipping, 16
- -- Value of Shipping in the Future, 17
- APPRENTICES, State Aid for, 468
- Arc Welding—see Electric Welding
- Armitage, Herbert C., on Jigs, Tools, andc., for Production of Standardised Parts, 299, 309, 324
- Armoured Concrete Cooling Tower, Harald Nielsen, 526
- Armoured Trains for Coast Defence, 150
- Armour-piercing Shells, 18in. High Velocity, Hadfield’s Steel Foundry Company’s, 231
- Army Supply Stores at Brooklyn, U.S.A., 340
- Art in Engineering, The Sense of, 406, 443
- Asbestos, Rowell and Allen. 547
- Association of Engineers, Manchester:
- - Electric Power Supply, S. L. Pearce, 104
- Association, Incorporated Municipal Electrical:
- - Annual Convention, The Twenty-fourth, 623
- - Electric Power Transmission Considerations, S. L. Pearce, 624
- - Presidential Address, F. Ayrton, 623
- - Programme for Twenty-fourth Annual Convention, 570
- - Valuing Electrical Undertakings, andc., Bailie W. B. Smith, 624
- - Visits to Works, 624
- - Whitley Report ; Joint Industrial Councils ; Research Work, Aiderman Walker, 624
- Association, Technical Inspection:
- - Formation, 411
- Institute, Iron and Steel:
- - Acid Hearth and Slag, J. H. Whiteley, 503
- - Andrew Carnegie Research Fund, Grants , from, 502
- - Annual Banquet ; Presidential Address, Monsieur Eugene Schneider, 458
- - Annual Meeting, 343, 458, 474, 502, 553
- - Belgian Iron and Steel Industry during the War, Leon Greiner, 474, 476
- - Bessemer Medal Award to Professor Giolitti and Presentation of Replica of Previously Awarded Medal to Son of Mr. A. Greiner, 474
- - Developments in Electric Iron and Steel Furnaces, J. Bibby, 475, 513
- - Electric Furnaces in the United Kingdom, 1918, R. G. Mercer, 475, 490
- - Improvements in the Case Hardening Process, D. Hanson and J. E. Hurst, 503
- - Joint Meeting of the Institute and the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Discussion of Papers on Electric Furnaces in Iron and Steel Works. List of Papers Booth :- Hall Electric Furnace, W. K. Booth ; Electric Furnaces in the United Kingdom, 1918, R. G. Mercer ; New Type of Electric Furnace, A. Sahlin ; Largo Electric Steel Melting Furnaces, V. Stobie ; Developments in Electric Iron and Steel Furnaces, J. Bibby : Application of Electric Energy in Melting of Metals, H. A. Greaves ; 475, 490, 513
- - Jubilee of the Institute, 458
- - Macro-etching and Macro-printing, J. C. W. Humphrey, 503
- - Manufacture and Working of High-speed Steel, J. H. Andrew and G. W. Green. 503, 553
- - Modern Steel Metallurgy, C. H. F. Bagley, 503
- - Some Points in the Manufacture of Files, G. Taylor, 503, 604, 606, 626
- - Use of Powdered Coal, L. C. Harvey, 474
- - Work of the Engineering Division of the National Research Council of America, Professor H. M. Howe, 502
- Institute of Metals:
- - Annual General Meeting, 300, 301, 322
- - Corrosion Committee, Fourth Report, G. D. Bengough and O. F. Hudson, 300, 301
- - Effect of Work on Metals and Allo vs, O. W. Ellis, 322
- - Influence of Cold Rolling on the Mechanical Properties of Oxygen-free Copper, F. Johnson, 322
- - Metallurgical Information Required by Engineers, Lieut.-Col. C. F. Jenkin, 322, 325
- - Micrography of Aluminium and its Alloys, D. Hanson and S. L. Archbutt, 322
- - Properties of Some Copper Alloys, Dr. Rosen- hain and D. Hanson. 322
- - Relationship Between the Laboratory and the Workshop, W. R. Barclay, 322
- Institute of Metals (continued):
- - Science and Industry in Relation to Nonferrous Metals, Dr. W. Rosenhain, 322, 527
- - Scope of the Works Laboratory, F. C. A. H. Lantsberry, 322
- Institution of Civil Engineers :
- - Council of the Civils (Letters), 463, 489
- - Limit Gauges, Conference by the British Engineering Standards Association, 511
- - October Examinations, 1918: Pass List, 390
- Institution of Electrical Engineers:
- - Committee’s Recommendations on Power Supply, 92
- - Determination of the Efficiency of the Turboalternator, S. F. Barclay and S. P. Smith, 290
- - Divisional Engineers of the Royal Naval Division, 341
- - Joint Meeting of the Institution and the Iron and Steel Institute for Discussion of Six Papers on Electric Furnaces in Iron and Steel Works, 475, 490, 513—for List of Papers, see Iron and Steel Institute
- - Testing Transformer Oils, Arnold Philip, 47
- - The Fullerphone, Major A. C. Fuller, 435
- - War Memorial, Electrical Engineers’, 101
- - Wireless Telegraphy, Formation of Committees in connection with Electrical Engineering, 315
- Institution, Junior, of Engineers:
- - What the War has Done for Engineers and the Part Engineers have to Play in Reconstruction, Colonel R. E. B. Crompton, 41
- Institution of Locomotive Engineers :
- - Three-cylinder Locomotives, H. Holcroft, 485
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers:
- - Annual General Meeting, Award of Premiums, Suggested Formation of an Indian Society of Engineers, Patent Law Amendment, 193
- - Development of the Oxy-acetylene Welding and Cutting Industry in the United States, H. Cave, 109, 193
- - Electric Welding, Thomas T. Heaton, 101, 108, 127, 193
- - Jigs, Tools, andc., for Production of Standardised Parts, Herbert C. Armitage, 299, 309
- - Mechanical Properties of Steel with Consideration of Question of Brittleness, Dr. Hatfield, 447, 458, 552
- - Oxy-acetylene Welding. Papers by H. Cave, J. H. Davies, and F. Hazeidine, 108, 193
- - Proposed Visit to France (Paragraphs), 516, 619
- - Manchester, Engineers' Club, Repetition of Papers read in London on Electric and Oxy-acetylene Welding, 133
- - Manchester, Engineers’ Club, Repetition of Paper read in London on Jigs, Tools and Special Machines, andc., by H. C. Armitage, 324
- - Manchester, Engineers’ Club, Repetition of Paper read in London on the Mechanical Properties of Steel, andc., bv Dr. Hatfield, 484
- Institution of Naval Architects:
- - Annual Conference, 350. '358, 374, 384, 396, 420
- - Annual Dinner, 351
- - Concrete Shipbuilding in the United States, W. L. Scott, 397
- - Development of Airship Construction, C. I. R. Campbell, 384, 397, 420
- - Developments towards Simplification of Merchant Ship Construction, Sir E. d’Eyncourt and Mr. T. Graham, 396
- - Experiments on Full Cargo Ship Models, James Semple, 421
- - Investigations into the Causes of Corrosion or Erosion of Propellers, Hon. Sir C. A. Parsons and Stanley S. Cook, 427
- - Italian Two-floodable Compartment Cargo Steamers built during the War, Signor S. Orlando, 396
- - Model Experiments on the Effect of Beam on Resistance of Mercantile Ship Forms, J. L. Kent, 421
- - Naval Construction Corps of the United States Navy, Constructor-Commander S. V. Goodall, 374
- - Naval Construction during the War. Sir E. H. Tennyson d’Eyncourt, 351, 358 (Four- page Supplement, April 11th, 1919)
- - Presidential Address, Lord Bristol, 350
- - Ships of the British Navy on August 4th, 1914, and Some Matters of Interest in connection with their Production, Sir Philip Watts, 351, 447 (Two-page Supplement, May 9th, 1919)
- - Some Experiments with Electric Welding in Warships, W. H. Gard, 420
- - Tonnage of Modern Steamships, A. T Wall 421
- - Women Associates, 420
- -Work of the British Marine Engineering Design and Construction Committee, A. E. Seaton, 374, 411
- Institution, North-East Coast, of Engineers and Shipbuilders:
- - Machine Tools, Sir Alfred Herbert, 254, 283
- - Summer Meeting in July, Programme, 591
- Institution of Petroleum Technologists :
- - Oil from Cannel Coal and Colliery Refuse, 310
- - Purifying Paraffin Wax, R. S. Dickie, 165
- Institution, Royal:
- - Dynamics of Flight, Captain G. P. Thomson, 252
- Society, Ceramic :
- - Refractory Materials Section ; Conference at Middlesbrough : Sir William Jones’ Account of Work during the War, 510
- Society of Chemical Industry:
- - Chemical Engineering Group, Formation of, 306
- - Testing Transformer Oils, Arnold Philip, 47
- Societies, Rontgen and Faraday :
- - Elementary Principles of Rad io-metallography , Professor Bragg, 432
- - Examination of Metals by X-rays, General Discussion, Various Papers, 432
- Society, Royal:
- - Conversazione, 529
- Society, Royal, of Arts:
- - Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Sir F. Heath, 184
- - Still Engine, W. J. Still, 540
- - Wage Problem in Industry, W. L. Richens, 231
- AUTOCRAT of Transport, 279
- Automatic Doors for Colliery Haulage Ways. 378
- Automatic Tools—see Machine Tools
- Automatic Valve for Motor-driven Air Compressors, British Thomson-Houston Company, Limited, 464
- Aviation—see Aeronautics
- Awards to Inventors, 614
- BAGHDAD, Bridge over the Tigris at, 55
- Bagiev, C. H. F., on Modern Steel Metallurgy, 503
- Barclay, S. F., and S. P. Smith, on the Determination of the Efficiency of the Turboalternator, 290
- Barclay, W. R., on the Relationship between the Laboratory and the Workshop, 322
- Barges—see Ships
- Bascule Bridge at La Seyne, Toulon, 502, 508 (Two-page Supplement, May 23rd, 1919)
- Basingstoke—see Works
- Belgian Industries, Reconstruction of, 204, 216, 243, 250, 280, 304, 306, 332, 382, 393, 425, 431 ; (Letter), 399 (Two-page Supplement, March 14th, 1919)
- Belgian Iron and Steel Industry during the War, Leon Greiner, 474, 476
- Belgian Works, Demolition—see Belgian Industries
- Belgium, Our Special Commissioner in, 203— see Belgian Industries
- Belgium. The Needs of, 431
- Bengough, G. D., and O. F. Hudson, Report to Corrosion Committee of Institute of Metals, 300, 301
- Benzol Rectification Plant, Wilton, 196
- Bibby, J., on Developments in Electric Iron and Steel Furnaces, 475, 513
- Biplanes- see Aeronautics
- Blast-furnace Plant at Park Gate Iron and Steel Works, Rotherham, 564 (Four-page Supplement, June 6th, 1919)
- Blast-furnace Slags, Effect of Chilling, 606
- Blue Nile Irrigation Scheme, 497
- Board of Trade, Appointment of Marine Surveyors to, 417
- Board of Trade Rules for Boilers, 146
- Boiler, Coil, Explosion, 625
- Boiler Failures, Two Curious, 136
- Boiler Heat Losses Recorder, Electrical, Monsieur Chopin, 213
- Boilers, Board of Trade Rules for, 146
- Boilers, Coal Meter for, Lea Recorder Company, 261
- Boilers, Marine, Rules for, 381
- Boilers, Marine, Standardisation of, Committee’s Report, 276
- Boilers of Merchant Ships, 84
- Boilers, Unusual Method of Transporting, 639
- Boilers, Water-tube, for Cargo Ships, Stirling
- Boiler Company, Limited, 476 (Two-page Supplement, May 16th, 1919)
- Books of Reference, 10, 165, 464, 489, 501
- Boy Artificers in the Royal Navy, 639
- Bragg, Professor, on the Elementary Principles of Radiometallography, 432
- Bridge, Bascule, at La Seyne, Toulon, 502, 508 (Two-page Supplement, May 23rd, 1919)
- Bridge Repair in America, 615
- Bridge, over Tigris, at Baghdad, 55
- Britain's Air Effort—see Aeronautics
- British Airship—sec Aeronautics
- British Engineering Standards Association, Conference on Limit Gauges, 511
- British Industrial "Safety First" Association, 263
- British Marine Engineering Design—see Ships British Motor—see Engines and Motors
- British Railway Workshops in Wartime, 576, 577, 604, 605, 630
- British Railways—see also Railways
- CALENDER, Tnree Bowl Universal, Motor Driven, D. Bridge and Co., Limited, 460, 461
- Cambridgeshire, Fen Drainage and River Improvement, 174
- Campbell, C. I. R., on the Development of Airship Construction, 384, 397, 420
- Canada, Coal, Iron and Steel Industries of, 124
- Canada’s Mining and Metallurgical Industries, 391
- Canadian Train Ferry Can ora, 184
- Carbon and Tungsten Filament Lamps, 532
- Carburetter Jets, Flow of Petrol through, 521
- Carburetter and Vaporiser for Oil Engine, Crossley Brothers, Limited, 629
- Catalogues, 46, 92, 116. 142, 164, 238, 340, 417, 442, 546, 571, 591, 644
- Caterpillar—sec Tractor
- Cave, Henry, on Development of the Oxy- Acetylene Welding and Cutting Industrv in U.S.A., 109, 133, 193
- Centrifugal Pumps for Chicago Waterworks, 595
- Channel Tunnel, 280 ; (Letters), 354, 532
- Chemical Engineering, 306
- Chemical Industry, International Competition in, 318
- Chilling Blast-furnace Slags, Effect of, 606
- China, Age-long Engineering Works of, Professor Middleton Smith, 72
- Chronology of Locomotion, A Short, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 603, 624 ; (Letter), 635
- Clifton, Charles, on the Engineering Schools of Liege, 497
- Clutch-—see Electrical Matters
- - See also Annual Articles
- - Automatic Doors for Colliery Haulage Ways, 378
- - Canada, Coal, Iron and Steel Industries of, 124
- - Coal Economies, 609
- - Coal Meter for Boilers, Lea Recorder Company, 261
- - Deterioration in the Heating Value of Coal during Storage, 284
- - Draper Coal Washing Machine, 180
- - Oil from Cannel Coal and Colliery Refuse, 310
- - Oil Fuel v. Coal, 183
- - Pulverised Coal Systems in America, Special Report by L. C. Harvey, 494
- - Use of Powdered Coal, L. C. Harvey, 474
- COIL Boiler Explosion, 625
- Cold Rolling—see Influence of, andc.
- Colloidal Fuel, 390, 446, 457
- Commercial Helium, 279
- Compressed Air, Concreting a Tunnel by, 594
- Compressed Air Engine—see Engines
- Compressing Plant for Hydrogen Barges, Brotherhood, 219, 226
- Compressor—see Air Compressor
- Concrete Oil Tanker, 1000-Ton Sea-going, Launch, 80
- Concrete, Proportioning of, L. N. Edwards, 141
- Concrete, Reinforced, Dock Gates at Tilbury, Christiani and Nielsen, 289, 290 ; (Letter), 354
- Concrete Ships—see also Ships
- Concreting a Tunnel by Compressed Air, 594
- Conservation of Labour, Law of, 228
- Contracts, 65, 236, 314, 440, 470, 644
- Cooling Towers, Natural Draught, Harald Nielsen, 526
- Copper Alloys, Properties of Some, Dr. Rosenhain and D. Hanson, 322
- Copper, Oxygen-free. Influence of Cold Rolling on the Mechanical Properties of, F. Johnson, 322
- Corrosion or Erosion of Propellers, Investigations into Causes of, Hon. Sir C. A. Parsons and Mr. Stanley S. Cook, 427
- Corrosion of Non-ferrous Metals, Report to Corrosion Committee of Institute of Metals, G. D. Bengough and O. F. Hudson, 300, 301
- Cotton Seed Defibrating Machine, E. C. De Segundo, 516
- Cotton Warehouses with Fireproof Safes, 98
- Crane Equipment, Electric Luffing, and Transporter, at Richborongh, Ransomes and Rapier, Limited, 76, 77
- Crane. 20-Ton Locomotive Breakdown, John H. Wilson and Co., Limited, 134
- Crompton, Colonel R. E. B., on What the War has Done for Engineers, andc., 41
- Cross-Channel Transportation^-see Train Ferry
- Cutters—see Machine Tools
- DAVIES, J. H., on Oxy-acetylene Welding, 109, 133, 193
- Defibrating Machine for Cotton Seed, E. C. De Segundo, 516
- Depth Charge Throwers, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Limited, 86
- Deterioration in Coal—see Coal
- Development of Airship Construction—see Aeronautics
- Development of Locomotives—see Railway Locomotives
- Developments in Electric Iron and Steel Furnaces, J. Bibby, 475, 513
- d’Eyncourt, Sir E. II. T., and Mr. T. Graham on Developments towards Simplification of Merchant Ship Construction, 396
- d’Eyncourt, Sir E. H. Tennyson, on Naval Construction during the War, 351, 358 (Four-page Supplement, April 11th, 1919)
- Dickie, R. S., on Purifying Paraffin Wax, 165
- Divisional Engineers of the Royal Naval Division, 341
- Dock, Fish, Extension at Fleetwood, 55
- Dock Gates, Reinforced Concrete, at Tilbury, Christiani and Nielsen, 289, 290 ; (Letter), 354
- Dock Improvements, Middlesbrough and Tyne, 140
- Doors, Automatic, for Colliery Haulage Ways, 378
- Drainage, Fen, and River Improvement m Cambridgeshire, 174
- Draper Coal Washing Machine, 180
- Dredger, Lubecker Land, Orkney, 76, 79, 82 ; (Letter), 152
- Dredgers Used for Drainage Works in Egypt, 556
- Dredging Tin Ore, 69
- Duckham’s Gas-fired Annealing Furnace, 218 (Supplement, March 7th, 1919)
- ECONOMICS and the Workman, 156 ; (Letter), 176
- Education, Emergency Technical, 37 ; (Letter), 56
- Education in the Royal Air Force, 128
- Educational Intelligence, 92, 436, 494
- Edwards, L. N., on the Proportioning of Concrete, 141
- Effect of Work on Metals and Alloys, O. W. Ellis, 322
- Egypt and the Sudan, Irrigation Schemes, 497, 536, 556
- - American Electric Steel by the Triplex Process, 126, 127 (Two-page Supplement, February 7th, 1919)
- - Benardos Carbon Arc Process, 172
- - Boiler Heat Losses Recorder, Monsieur Chopin, 213
- - Constant-energy Balancer Set, P. O. Noble, 353
- - Cranes, Electric—see Cranes
- - Davis-Soames Electromagnetic Clutch, 352
- - Determination of the Efficiency of the Turbo- alternator, S. F. Barclay and S. P. Smith, 290
- - Developments in Electric Iron and Steel Furnaces, J. Bibby, 475, 513
- - Electric Furnaces in Iron and Steel Works ; Six Papers Discussed at Joint Meeting of Iron and Steel Institute and Institution of Electrical Engineers, 475, 484, 490, 513— for Titles of Papers see Institute, Iron and Steel
- - Electric Furnaces in the United Kingdom, 1918, R. G. Mercer, 475, 490
- - Electric Power Supply, Committee’s Recommendation’s, 92
- - Electric Power Supply, S. L. Pearce, 104
- - Electric Power Transmission Considerations, S. L. Pearce, 624
- - Electric Welding Problems, 203
- - Electric Welding, Thomas T. Heaton, 101, 108, 127, 133, 193, 203
- - Electric Welding and Welding Appliances, 145, 172, 197, 220, 241, 267, 296, 319, 352, 375, 394, 421, 444, 471 ; (Letter), 436
- - Electrical Energy from the River Dee, 524
- - Electrical Engineers’ War Memorial, 101
- - Electrically Driven Ships’ Auxiliaries, Laurence, Scott and Co., Limited, 478, 482
- - Electricity and the Layman, 509 : (Letter), 532
- - Electricity Supply Bill, 477
- - Experiments with Electric Welding in Warships, W. H. Gard, 420
- - Harnessing the Rhone, 458
- - Helmet for Arc Welding, 146
- - Hydro-electric Development in Tasmania, 263
- - International Electrotechnical Commission, 256, 619
- - Magneto Industry, Thomson-Bennett Magnetos, Limited, 26
- - Pontelec Methods and Machines, 241
- - Pontelec Spot Welding Machine, 588
- - Power Station Efficiencies, 134
- - Power from Tidal Waters, J. Smith, 590; (Letter), 635
- - Quasi-arc Welding Process, A. P. Stroh- menger, 267
- - Railways—see Railways
- - Richborough Electric Power Station, 102, 104, 106
- - Rolling Mill, 19,000 H.P. Electric Reversing, Equipment, Siemens Brothers’ Dynamo Works, Limited, 334
- - Rotary Transformer, Equipment and Engineering Company, 353
- - Spot Welding Machine, Large, Pontelec Welding Patents, Limited, 588
- - Submersible Electric Salvage Pumps and Engines, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., 274, 278
- - Switzerland, Electrification Work in, 273; (Letter) 354
- - Transformer Oils, Testing, Arnold Philip, 47
- - Turbo-generator, 70,000-Kilowatt, 589
- - Valuation of Electrical Undertakings, andc., Bailie W. B. Smith, 624
- - Vertical 24-Kilowatt Electric Lighting Set, Crossley Brothers, Limited, 627
- - Water Powers in Great Britain, 288
- - Water Turbine Generators, The Largest, for Queenstown, Canada, 575
- - Welding Problems, Electric, 203
- - Welding and Welding Appliances, Electric, 145, 172, 197, 220, 241, 267, 296, 319, 352, 375, 394, 421, 444, 47L; (Letter), 436
- ELEVATORS, Pneumatic Grain, Floating, 206, 207
- Ellis, O. W., on the Effect of Work on Metals and Alloys, 322
- Emergency Technical Education, 37 ; (Letter), 56
- - Aero-engine Component—see Jigs, Tools, andc.
- - Basse-Selve Aero-engine, 270 H.P., 246
- - British Two-stroke Motor, Mitcham Motor Company, 182
- - Compressed Air Hoisting Engine for Mine in India, Sandycroft, Limited, 356, 363
- - Crude Oil Engine, 220 B.H.P., Petters, Limited, 206, 207
- - Diesel Marine Engine, 1100 B.H.P., Two- cycle, Ansaldo San Giorgio Company, 586
- - Fiat 12-Cylinder 400 H.P. Aero-engine, 411
- - Fixed Radial Aero-engines, Cosmos Engineering Company (Brazil, Straker and Co.), 530
- - Gas Blowing Engine at Park Gate Iron and Steel Works, 564
- - Gas and Oil Engines at the Cardiff Show, Crossley Brothers, Limited, 627 ; National Gas Engine Company, 629 ; Ruston and Hornsby, Limited, 630
- - Heat Treatment of Steel for Small Petrol Marine Engines, 159
- - J.A.P. Motor Cycle Engine Testing Arrangements, 515
- - Jupiter and Mercury Aero-engines, Cosmos Engineering Company, 530
- - Mine Ventilating Engine, Bu mated and Chandler, Limited, 110
- - Multiple-engined Aeroplanes, 305
- - Newcomen Engines, Two, 621, 632
- - Oil Engines, Submersible, for Driving Electrical Salvage Pumps, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., 274, 278
- - Petrol Engines, Device for Running, on Paraffin or Heavy Oils, 110
- - Portable Semi-Diesel Engine, Marshall, Sons and Co., Limited, 630
- - Steam Engines at Cardiff Show, Marshall, Sons and Co., Limited, Robey and Co., Limited, 630
- - Steam Wagon, 5-Ton, Robey and Co., Limited, 630
- - Still Engine, W. J. Still, 540 ; (Letter), 558
- - Traction Engine, Single-cylinder, Marshall, Sons and Co., Limited, 630
- - Vertical Engine for Electric Lighting Set, Crossley Brothers, Limited, 627, 628, 629
- - Vertical High-speed Steam Engines at Uxbridge, 222
- - Zeitlin Aero-engine, 408
- ENGINEERING and Allied Trades in 1918, 2— for Details see Annual Article
- Engineering Equipment in a New Zealand Hospital, 40
- Engineering, Links in the History of, Rhys Jenkins, 47], 536
- Engineering Opportunities in Latin-America, 441
- Engineering Schools of Liege, Charles Clifton, 497
- Engineering, The Sense of Art in, 406, 443
- Engineering Trades (New Industries) Committee’s Report, 93 ; Branch Committee— Machine Tools and Small Tools, 111
- Engineers, Divisional, of the Royal Naval Division, 341
- Engineers, Volunteer, London Army Troops Companies, 24, 47, 65, 94, 117, 137
- Engineers, What the War has Done for, andc., Colonel R. E. B. Crompton, 41
- Etching—see Macro-etching
- Exhibition of British Science Products, 19
- Explosion, Coil Boiler, 625
- FACTORY, Aeroplane—see Aeronautics
- Failure in Slag Concrete, Causes of, 603
- Fair, Holland’s Third Industries, 244, 272, 295, 323
- Falls, The Yguazu, 506
- Federated Malay States, Tin Industry in, 454
- Ferry—see Train Ferry
- Files, Some Points in the Manufacture of, G. Taylor, 503, 604, 606, 626
- Fireproof Safes for Cotton, 98
- Fish Dock at Fleetwood, 55
- Fleet—see Ships
- Fleetwood Fish Dock Extension, 55
- Floating Pneumatic Grain Elevators, 206, 207 Flow of Petrol—see Petrol
- Flue Gases, Measuring the Temperature of, 262
- Fly-cutter—see Machine Tools
- Flying Boat—see Aeronautics
- Forthcoming Engagements, 24, 48, 70, 94, 118, 142, 166, 190, 214, 238, 264, 292, 316, 344, 368, 392, 418, 442, 470, 496, 522, 548, 572, 596, 620, 646
- Forty-seven Hour Week, 38
- Forward, E. A., on the Measurement of Gauges, 282, 294
- France, Agricultural Engineering in, 457
- France, Labour Unrest in, 585
- France, Public Works in, 464
- France, Shipbuilding in—see Ships
- Franco-British Trade, 561
- French Iron, andc.—see Iron and Steel
- Fresh-water Harbours and Shipping of the United States, 575
- Fuel, Colloidal, 390, 446, 457
- Fuel, Pulverised, Instructions for Safe Use of 398
- Fuels, Powdered and Colloidal, 446, 457
- Fullerphone, Major A. C. Fuller, 435
- Furnace, Gas-fired Annealing Furnace, Sir A. Duckham, 218 (Supplement, March 7th, 1919)
- Furnace, Induction, Dr. E. F. Northrup, 529
- Furnaces, Blast—see Blast-furnaces
- Furnaces for Burning Lignite, 639
- Furnaces, Electric—see Electrical Matteis
- GARD, W. H., on Some Experiments with Electric Welding in Warships, 420
- Gas Engines—see Engines
- Gas-fired Annealing Furnace, Sir A. Duckham, 218 (Supplement, March 7th, 1919)
- Gas Producer, 30 H.P., National Gas Engine Company, 627, 629
- Gas by the Thermal Unit, 509
- Gasworks and the Supply of Motor Spirit, 196
- Gauge Making, Examples of. A. G. Robson, 499
- Gauges, Adjustable, M. Woldgaard, 529
- Gauges, Limit, Conference by the British Engineering Standards Association, 511
- Gauges, Measurement of, E. A. Forward, 282, 294
- Gear, Speed Reduction, for Marine Turbines, D. Brown and Sons, Limited, 371 (Two-page Supplement, April 18th, 1919)
- Gear, Speed Reduction, for Marine Turbines, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., 135
- German Aeroplanes—see Aeronautics
- German Industries, A Grand Federation of, 535
- German Sources of Energy, State Control of, 180
- Germany, Trade with the Allies, 108
- Goodall, Constructor-Commander S. V., on the Naval Construction Corps of the United States Navy, 374
- Government and Overseas Trade, 358
- Government Rolling Mill, Southampton, 191, 202, 217 ; (Letter), 378 (Four-page Supplement, March 7th, 1919)
- Grain Elevators—see Elevators
- Greiner, Leon, on the Belgian Iron and Steel Industry During the War, 474, 476
- Gun Mounting Shop—see Works
- HANDLING Material at an American Factory, 341
- Hanson, D., and S. L. Archbutt on the Micrography of Aluminium and its Alloys, 322
- Hanson, D., and J. E. Hurst, on Improvements in the Case Hardening Process, 503
- Harvey, L. C., Special Report on Pulverised Coal Systems in America, 494
- Harvey, L. C., on the Use of Powdered Coal, 474
- Hatfield, Dr., on the Mechanical Properties of Steel, 447, 458, 484, 552, 561
- Hazeldine, F., on Oxy-acetvlene Welding, 109, 133, 193
- Heat Treatment of Steel—see Iron and Steel
- Heath, Sir Frank, on the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 184
- Heating and Ventilation of Workshops, Austin Motor Company’s Works, 599, 608
- Heating and Ventilation of Workshops, Daimler Company, Limited, 504
- Heaton, Thomas T., on Electric Welding, 101, 108, 127, 133, 193, 203
- Helium, Commercial, 279
- Helmet for Arc Welding, 146
- Herbert, Sir Alfred, Machine Tools, 254, 283
- Herdner, Monsieur, on Progress of the Express Passenger Locomotive in Fiance, 270
- Hichens, W. L., on Wage Problem in Industry, 231
- "Historicus," on Patent Law and the Legal Standard of Novelty, 346
- History of Engineering, Links in the, Rhys Jenkins, 471, 536
- Hoisting Engine— see Engines
- Holcroft, H., on Three-cylinder Locomotives, 485
- Holidays, Earlier, 417
- Holland’s Third Industries Fair. 244, 272, 295, 323
- Hospital, New Zealand, Engineering Equipment in a, 40
- Howe, Professor H. M., on Research Work in America, 502
- Humphrey, J. C. W., on Macro-etching and Macro-printing, 503
- Hydro-electric Development in Tasmania, 263
- Hydrogen Barges Built at Richborough for Royal Air Force, 219, 226
- ILLINOIS Steel Company—see Works
- Induction Furnace, American, 529
- Industrial Building Construction in Trafford Park, 98
- Industrial League, 60, 566
- Industrial Peace, 302
- Industries, The Segregation of, 431
- Industry and Ignorance, 179
- Industry, Science of, 107
- Inertia of the Standard, 535—see also Passing of Ingenuity
- Influence of Cold Rolling on the Mechanical Properties of Oxygen-free Copper, F. Johnson, 322
- Ingenuity, The Passing of, 405, 466, 535
- Inspection Cars, Railway—-see Railways
- Institutes and Institutions—see Associations
- Instructions for Safe Use of Pulverised Fuel, 398
- International Competition in the Chemical Industry, 318
- International Electrotechnical Commission, 256, 619
- Inventors, Awards to, 614
- Irish Channel, Train Ferries for, 60
- - (See also Annual Articles)
- - Acid Hearth and Slag, J. H. Whiteley, 503
- - American Electric Steel by the Triplex Process, 126, 127 (Two-page Supplement, February 7th, 1919)
- - Belgian Iron and Steel Industiy during the War, Leon Greiner, 474, 476
- - Blast-furnace Plant at Park Gate Iron and Steel Works, Rotherham, 564 (Four-page Supplement, June 6th, 1919)
- - Canada, Coal, Iron and Steel Industries of, 124
- - Corrosion or Erosion of Propellers, Causes of, Hon. C. A. Parsons and Mr. Stanley S. Cook, 427
- - Developments in Electric lion and Steel Furnaces, J. Bibby, 475, 513
- - Electric Furnaces in Iron and Steel Woiks ; Six Papers Discussed at Joint Meeting of Iron and Steel Institute and Institution of Electrical Engineers—for Titles of Papers, see Institute, Iron and Steel, 475, 484, 490, 513
- - Electric Furnaces in the United Kingdom, 1918, R. G. Mercer, 475, 490
- - Future of the French Iron and Steel Industries, 204
- - Future of the Steel Trade, 155
- - Heat Treatment of Steel for Small Petrol Marine Engines, 159
- - Improvements in the Case Hardening Process, D. Hanson and J. E. Hurst, 503
- - Iron Oxide Pigment from Spain. 603
- - Manufacture of Files, Some Points in, G. Taylor, 503, 604, 606
- - Manufacture and Working of Hieh-speed Steel, J. H. Andrew and G. W. Green, 503, 553
- - Mechanical Properties of Steel, andc., Dr. Hatfield, 447, 458, 484, 552, 561
- - Modern Steel Metallurgy, C. H. F. Bagley, 503
- - Output of Iron and Steel, 566—see also Ministry of Munitions
- - Production of Steel Ingots and Castings in 1918, 490
- - Regrouping of Iron and Steel Producticri' in Europe, 37
- - Shell Steel and Mild Steel, 619
- - Steel Production in Germany, 331
- - United States Steel Trade, 251
- IRRIGATION, Egyptian and Sudan, Committee to Investigate, 224
- Irrigation Schemes in Egypt and the Sudan, 497, 536, 556
- Italian Steamers—nee Ships
- JAMES Watt Centenary, 433, 480, 614, 634
- J.A.P. Motor Cycle Engine Testing Arrangements, 515
- Jenkin, Lieut.-Col. C. F.. on the Metallurgical Information Required by Engineers, 322, 325, 331
- Jenkins, Rhys, on Links in the History of Engineering, 471, 536
- Jigs, Tools, andc., for Production of Standardised Parts, H. C. Armitage, 299, 309, 324
- Johnson, F., on the Influence of Cold Rolling on the Mechanical Properties of Oxygen-free Copper, 322
- Jones, Sir William, on Work in Refractory Materials during the War, 510
- KENT, J. L., Effect of Beam on Resistance of Mercantile Ship Forms, 421
- Kershaw, J. B. C., on the Utilisation of Peat for Power Generation, 239, 265 : (Letter), 327
- LABORATORY and the Workshop, Relationship between, W. R. Barclay, 322
- Laboratory, Works, "Scope of the, F. C. Lants- berry, 322
- - (See also Annual Articles)
- - British Industrial “Safety First” Association, 263
- - Demands of Labour, 59
- - Economics and the Workman, 156 ; (Letter), 176
- - Forty-seven Hour Week, 38, 84, 88
- - Industrial League, 60, 566
- - Industrial Peace, 302
- - Labour Unrest, 132
- - Labour Unrest in France, 585
- - Law of Conservation of Labour, 228
- - No Railway Policy Yet, 132
- - Railway Strike, 155
- - The Strikes, 131
- -Wage Problem in Industry, W. L. Hichens, 231
- LAMPS, Carbon and Tungsten Filament, 532
- Land Drainage in Cambridgeshire, 174
- Land Dredger—see Dredger
- Landau, D., and P. H. Parr, on a New Theory of Plate Springs, 397 ; (Letter), 489
- Lantsberry, F. C. A. H., on the Scope of the Works Laboratory, 322
- Launches and Trial Trips, 314, 343, 367, 416, 436, 470, 490, 515, 570, 594, 619, 646
- - 1918—A Retrospect, 13
- - Admiral Jellicoe on Naval Material, 381
- - Agricultural Engineering in France, 457
- - Atlantic Flight, 610
- - Autocrat of Transport, 279
- - Boilers of Merchant Ships, 84
- - British Naval Design—An American Tribute, 131
- - Channel Tunnel, 280
- - Chemical Engineering, 306
- - Coal Economies, 609
- - Commercial Airships, 84
- - Commercial Aviation, 38
- - Commercial Helium, 279
- - Demands of Labour, 59
- - Economics and the Workman, 156
- - Electric Furnaces, 484
- - Electric Railways, 306
- - Electric Welding Problems, 203
- - Electricity and the Layman, 509
- - Emergency Technical Education, 37
- - Fleet That Was, 634
- - Forty-seven Hour Week, 38, 84
- - Franco-British Trade, 561
- - Future of British Railways, 83
- - Future of the French Iron and Steel Industries, 204
- - Future of the Steel 3'rade, 155
- - Future of the Submarine, 179
- - Gas by the Thermal Unit, 509
- - Government and Overseas Trade, 358
- - Grand Federation of German Industries, 535
- - Industrial League, 60
- - Industry and Ignorance, 179
- - Inertia of the Standard, 535
- - Labour Unrest in France, 585
- - Law of the Conservation of Labour, 228
- - Merchant Shipbuilding in France, 59
- - Military and Commercial Aircraft, 610
- - Multiple-engined Aeroplanes, 305
- - Needs of Belgium, 431
- - No Railway Policy Yet, 132
- - Oil Fuel in Merchant Ships, 107
- - Passing of Ingenuity, 405
- - Powdered and Colloidal Fuels, 457
- - Purchasers’ Tests, 331
- - Railway Deficit, 633
- - Railway Fares, 483
- - Railway Strike, 155
- - Regrouping of Iron and Steel Production in Europe, 37
- - Renovation of the Navy, 483
- - Resilient Tires for Road Vehicles, 405
- - Rolling Stock Problem in France, 306
- - Rules for Marine Boilers, 381
- - Science of Industry, 107
- - Segregation of Industries, 431
- - State Railway Working Results in Germany, 585
- - Status of the Inspector, 633
- - Steel Production in Germany, 331
- - Strength of Metals; 251
- - The Strikes, 131
LEADERS (continued):
- - Tests of Metal, 561
- - Trade Between the Allies and Germany, 108
- - Traders and Railway Nationalisation, 38
- - United States Steel Trade Expectations, 251
- - Ways and Communications, 204
- - Ways and Communications Bill, 227
- - Wirelessly Directed Aircraft, 357
- - England, North of, 21, 44, 64, 91, 114, 139, 162, 187, 211, 235, 259, 287, 313, 339, 365, 388,415, 438, 440, 466, 492, 494,518,520, 545, 568, 570, 593, 594, 617, 642
- - Lancashire, 20, 43, 62, 89, 113, 137, 162, 186, 209, 233, 257, 285, 311, 337, 363, 387, 414, 437, 440, 465, 468, 491, 494, 517, 520, 543, 567, 591, 616, 641 ; (Letter), 532
- - Midlands and Staffordshire, 19, 43, 62, 89, 112, 137, 161, 185, 209, 233, 257, 285, 311, 337, 363, 388, 413, 437, 440, 465, 468, 491, 494, 517, 543, 546, 567, 591, 594, 615, 641
- - Scotland, 22, 45, 64, 91, 115, 139, 163, 187, 211, 236, 259, 287, 313, 340, 365, 389, 415, 439, 440, 467, 493, 519, 545, 569, 593, 618, 643, 644
- - Sheffield, 20, 44, 63, 90, 114, 138, 161, 185, 210, 234, 258, 286, 312, 338, 364, 387, 414, 438, 466, 468, 492, 494. 518, 544, 568, 570, 592, 594, 616, 619, 642, 644
- - Wales and Adjoining Counties, 22, 46, 65, 91, 115, 139, 163, 188, 212, 236, 260, 288, 314, 339, 366, 389, 416, 4 39, 440, 467, 468, 493, 494, 519, 520, 545, 546, 570, 594, 618, 619, 643, 644
- - Aerial Transport, Henry Davey, 232
- - Air Waves, A. R. Liddell, 276
- - Belt Driving, F. R. Parsons, 613 ; Geo. T. Pardoe, 635 ; E. W. Sargeant, 635
- - Caterpillar Tractors, C. W. Kay, 125
- - Central Heating, M. "Fitzgerald, 532
- - Channel Tunnel, A. Oates, 354 : A. Lee, 532
- - Chemical Standards, J. H. Wragg, 152 ; C. H. Ridsdale, 200
- - Coal Conservation, D. Milne Watson, 436— see also Letter on Super Gasworks, andc., M. B. L., 399
- - Combustion Capacity of Atmospheric Air, Jas. Dunlop, 80, 125, 200, 276, 378 ; Lubricator, 256, 354, 378
- - Cost of Electric Light, E. C. S., 152 ; Geo. T. Pardoe, 176 ; F. E. H.. 176
- - Council of the Civils, D., 463 ; An Old Subscriber, 489
- - Economics and the Workman, H. C. Armitage, 176
- - Electric Welding and Welding Appliances, J. E. Weyman, 436
- - Electrically Operated Valves for Internal Combustion Engines, W. P. Durtnall, 614
- - Electricity and the Layman, M. C. C. G., 532 Electrification Work in Switzerland, A. Duruz, 354
- - Emergency Technical Education, H. G. Taylor, 56
- - Engineers and Demobilisation, H. C. H. Shenton, 125
- - Engineers in India, H. M. Heathcote, 354
- - Fletcher, Mr. William, J. T. Marshall, 34
- - Geometrical Trisection of an Angle, H. R. Kempe. 489, 582 ; A. Flindle, 558, 635 ; Guy B. Petter, 582 ; P. D. Forrester, 614
- - German Warships, R. G. Lindsay, 232
- - Germans and Hoboken Shipyard, Leon Greiner, 399
- - Government Rolling Mill, Southampton, J. M. Kennedy, 378
- - Indian Society of Engineers, E. M. Hugh man, 436
- - Institution of Civil Engineers—see Council
- - Labour Exchanges and Unemployment Donation, A. W. Kemp, 489
- - Labour Problem, E. T. Good, 558 ; Smilax, 614 ,
- - Land Dredgers at Richborough, Taylor and Hubbard, 152
- - Locomotive Valve Gear, J. W., 399
- - Marine Engineering Design and Construction, Cochran and Co., 463
- - Meikle’s Thrashing Machine, Arthur Lee, 200
- - Moratorium for Patents, Briggs and Son, 463
- - New “Drylock’’ on the Neckar-Danube Canal, N. J. Peddie, 109
- - Niagara, J. Shelley, 109
- - Nile Projects Committee, W. Willcocks, 354
- - Old Age Pensions, Works Manager, 125
- - Patent-office Searching System, James Keith, 232
- - Patents, H. G. G., 34 ; James Keith, 56
- - Patents Bill, The New, S. H. Adams, 399
- - Peat Gas Plant, Crossley Brothers, Limited, 327
- - Railways and Labour, E. W. Stoney, 56
- - Railways, State Control of, R. G. Lindsay, 34
- - Recent American Express Locomotives, F. W. Brewer, 614
- - Reform of Public School Education, Charles Bright, 256
- - Reinforced Concrete Dock Gates at Tilbury, Christiani and Nielsen, 354
- - Reverse Stress or “ Wiggle Test,” Loco., South Indian Railway, 436
- - Richborough Transportation Depot and Train Ferry Terminus, Capt. H. E. Girdle- stone and Others, 109 : F. O. Stanford, 125
- - Royal Engineers, Common Sense, 276
- - Screw Thread, Proposed Shape of, G. Doorak- kers, 80
- - Short Chronology of Locomotion, W. B. Paley, 635
- - Space versus Economy in the Boiler-house, Economy, 463 ; Efficiency, 532
- - Steam Tenders, James Watt Boulton, 152 ; H. G. King, 200
- - Super Gasworks v. Super Electricity Works, M. B. L., 399—see Letter on Coal Conservation, D. M. Watson, 436
- - Thames Passenger Boats, W. Etfigy, 80
- - “The Ether,” Bertram Blount, 614 : Piscator. 635
- - The Still Engine, F. L. Martineau, 558
- - Theory of Plate Springs, Geo. T. Pardoe, 489
- - Three cylinder Locomotives, A. McBeth, 56 : Loco. M.I.M.E., 109 : Jas. Dunlop, 125, 354 : H. S. Vincent, 326 ; John Riekie, 125
- - Trisection, andc.—see Geometrical
- - Water Power and Tidal Energy, H. J. Peddie, 635
- LIEGE, Engineering Schools of, Charles Clifton, 497
- Lighters—see Ships
- Lighting, Oil Tanks and, 515
- Lignite, Furnaces for Burning, 639
- Limit Gauges, Conference by the British Engineering Standards Association, 511
- Lincoln and the Three Services, 254
- Links in the History of Engineering, Rhys Jenkins, 471, 536
- Reviews:
- - Gyrostatics and Rotational Moiicn, A Treatise on, Andrew Gray, 253
- - High Explosives, Capt. E. de W. S. Colver, 328
- - Hydraulics, Handbook of, H. Williams King, 74
- - Jane’s Fighting Ships, 1918, 133
- Short Notices:
- - Alternating-current Electrical Engineering, Philip Kemp, 228
- - Applied Optics, Dr. A. Steinheil and Dr. E. Voit, Translated, J. W. French, 477, 542
- - Concrete Engineers’ Handbook, G. A. Holl and N. C. Johnson, 133
- - Design of Railway Location, C. C. Williams, 542
- - Mercantile War Loss Book, 61
- - Naval Annual, 1919, Earl Brassey, 610
- - Practical Electricity, Terrell Croft, 133
- - Transmission Gears, E. Butler, 228
- Books Received:
- - Aero-engines, Design and Construction of, C. Sylvester, 477, 587
- - Aeroplane Construction, Sydney Camm, 433
- - Aircraft Identification Book, R. B. Matthews and G. T. Clarkson, 333
- - Air Navigation, Notes and Examples, Instructor-Captain S. F. Card, 634
- - Alternating-current Machinery, Papers on the Design of, C. C. Hawkins and others, 433
- - Aluminium, The Manufacture of, J. T. Pattison, 39
- - America at School and at Work, H. B. Gray, 333
- - American Engineers Behind the Battle Lines in France, R. K. Tomlin, 253
- - Annual Report of the City Engineer of the City Providence for 1917, 39
- - Astronomy, Elements of, for Architects, R W. Chapman, 431
- - “At a Glance” : Twelve Conversion Tables for International Values of British, Metric and Russian Weights, andc., J. E. Slack and A. Dorey, 433
- - Automobile and Aero-engines, Handbook, &c., Rene Devillers, 634
- - Boiler Chemistry and Feed water Supplies, J. H. Paul, 477
- - Books for Mechanical Engineers and Meta) Workers, 253
- - Brassfounding, J. G. Horner, 39
- - Butterworth’s Workmen’s Compensation Cases, Vol. XI., 477
- - Calculus, First Course in the, Part I., W. P. Milne and G. J. B. Westcott, 301
- - Can we Compete ? G. E. Mappin, 301
- - Carburetters, Vaporisers, andc., in Internal Combustion Engines, Edward Butler, 383
- - Cast Iron in the Light of Recent Research, W. H. Hatfield, 61
- - Catalysis in Industrial Chemistry, G. G. Henderson, 281
- - Catalytic Hydrogenation and Reduction, E. B. Maxted, 253
- - Centrifugal Pumps and Suction Dredgers, E. W. Sargeant, 383
- - Cheap Steam, with which is Incorporated Cheap Transport, Vol. II., 333
- - Commercial Russia, W. H. Beable, 228
- - Cycling Manual, 281
- - Dams, Earthen and Masonry,Construction of, Professor E. R. Matthews, 634
- - Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers of the World, 1919, 634
- - Dynamics, Part II., R. C. Fawdry, 301
- - Elastic Stresses in Structures, Translated by Ewart S. Andrews, 333
- - Electric Furnaces in the Iron and Steel Industry, W. Rodenhauser and others, 433
- - Electrician Directory, andc., 459
- - Electricity and Magnetism for Beginners, Part I., Harold Pender, 228
- - Empire Municipal Directory and Year Book 1919-1920, 634
- - English Reference Literature, 587
- - Excess Profit Duty, Spicer and Pegler, 61
- - Factory Administration and Accounts, E. T. Elbourne, 383
- - Federation of British Industries, Bulletin of the, 301
- - Fuel Economy in Boiler-rooms, in Two Parts A. R Maujer and C. H. Bromley, 10
- - George Westinghouse, His Life and Achievements, F. E. Leupp, 634
- - Graphic Dynamics, Elements of, Ewart S. Andrews, 587
- - Heat Engines : Steam, Gas and Oil, Elementary Manual on, Andrew Jamieson, 433
- - Heat and Heat Engines, A Text-book of, Andrew Jamieson, 383
- - High Adventure : Narrative of Air Fighting in France, J. N. Hall. 477
- - How to Form a Company, H. W. Jordan, 301
- - Hydrology, Elements of, A. F. Meyer. 281
- - Income lax : How to Avoid Overcharges andc., A. D. Macmillan, 634
- - Incorporated Swansea Exchange, Report 1917-18, 281
- - Industrial Arts Index, C. G. Noves and L D Teich, 281
- - Industrial Electrical Measuring Instruments, Kenelm Edgcumbe; 39
- - Industrial Situation after the War, 301
- - Institute of Metals, Journal of the, Vol. XX., G. Shaw Scott, 301
- - Institution of Mechanical Engineers “Proceedings,” October-December, 1918, 634
- - Iron and Steel : Pocket Encyloptedia H P Tiemann, 433
- - Italian Dictionary, A Short, Vol. II., A. Hoare, 542
- - Italian Sea Power in the Great War Archibald Hurd, 61
LITERATURE (continued):
- Books Received (continued):
- - Jane’s Pocket Aeronautical Dictionary, with English and French Technical Terms, 587
- - Juvenile Employment during the War and After, Ministry of Reconstruction, 228
- - La Formation des Ingenieurs a 1’Etranger et en France, 39
- - Manual of Machine Design, F. Castle, 477
- - Marine Boiler Management and Construction, C. E. Stromeyer, 433
- - Marine Engineering, A Manual of, A. E. Seaton, 433
- - Mechanics’ and Draughtsmen’s Pocket-book, W. E. Dommett, 281
- - Mica. Miner’s and Prospector’s Guide, A. A. C. Dickson, 433
- - Mnemonic Notation for Engineering Formulae, E. F. Etchells, 61
- - Modern Optical Instruments, Theory of, Dr. Alexander Gleichen, 301
- - Moving Loads by Influence Lines and Other Methods, E. H. Sprague, 301
- - Natural Organic Colouring Matters, A. G. Perkin and A. E. Everest, 61
- - Naval Architects’ Data, J. Mitchell, 634
- - New Town, W. R. Hughes, 433
- - Oils, Fats and Waxes, Vol. IT., P. J. Fryer and F. E. Weston, 228
- - Oxy-acetylene Welding of Copper, Brasses and Bronzes, M. R. Amadeo, 228
- - Payment of Wages, G. D. H. Cole, 39
- - Permanent Way Handbook, Capt. S. C. Clayton, 587
- - Petrol and Petroleum Spirits, Capt. W. E. Guttentag, R.A.F., 39
- - Petroleum, Albert Lidgett, 459
- - Physiology of Industrial Organisation and Re-employment of the Disabled, Professor Jules Amar, 253
- - Power Plant, Installation, Upkeep and Economical Operation, T. R. Wollaston. 301
- - Practical Shell Forging and Plastic Deformation of Steel and its Heat Treatment, O. O. Bower, 333
- - Practical Ship Production, A. W. Carmichael, 433
- - Principles Underlying Radio Communication, Radio Pamphlet No. 40, 477
- - Production and Treatment of Vegetable Oils, T. W. Chalmers, 61
- - Quelques Guides de l’Opinion en France pendant la Grande Guerre, 1914-1918, 228
- - Radio-telegraphy, Standard Tables and Equations in, Bertram Hoyle, 301
- - Railroad Structures and Estimates, J. W. Urrock, 301
- - Railway Reorganisation, 383
- - Railway Stores, Methods and Problems, W. H. Jarvis, 301
- - Railway Year-book for 1919, 459
- - Rangoon, Administration Report of the Commissioners, 39
- - Reconstruction Problems : Guide to Work and Benefits for Soldiers and Civil War Workers, 281
- - Reinforced Concrete Works, Recommendations, andc., concerning Execution of, Published by Concrete Institute, 333
- - Roads and Pavements, A Treatise on, Ira O. Baker, 333
- - Rudiments of Handicraft, W. A. S. Benson, 281
- - Safety of the Nation, Ian D. Colvin, 634
- - Sell’s Directory of Registered Telegraphic Addresses, andc., 1919, 634
- - Shipbuilding Industry, R. W. Kelly and F. J. Allen, 333
- - Simple Problems in Marine Engineering Design, andc., R. M. Sothern 477
- - Sister of a Certain Soldier, S. J. Maher, 39
- - Slide Valves and Valve Gearing, Peter Youngson, 459
- - Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, 61
- - South and East African Year-book and Guido for 1919, 459
- - Strowger Automatic Telephone Exchange, R. Mordin, 431
- - Tables of Chemical and Physical Constants, P. E. Spielman, 281
- - Trade Unionism, An Introduction to, G. D. H. Cole, 39
- - Trigonometry, Practical, H. Adams, 459
- - Tri-lingual Artillery Dictionary (English, French, and Italian), Vol. I., E. S. Hodgson,
- - T.N.T.: Trinitrotoluenes and Mono and Dinitrotoluenes, andc., G. Carlton Smith, 433
- - Triplane and the Stable Biplane, T. C. Hunsaker, D.Sc., 39
- - Bulletins :
- -- 123, Analysis of Mine and Car Samples of Coal Collected, 1913-1916, A. C. Fieldner and Others, 39
- -- 129, Fusibility of Coal Ash and the Determination of the Softening Temperature, A. C. Fieldner and Others, 301
- -- 127, Gold Dredging in the United States, Chas. Jamin, 61
- -- 145, Measuring the Temperature of Gases in Boiler Settings, H. Kreisinger, 61
- -- 171 (Mineral Technology, 23), Melting Brass in a Rocking Electric Furnace, H. W. Gillett and A. E. Rhoads, 301
- -- 160 (Mineral Technology, 22), Rock Quarrying for Cement Manufacture, V. Bowles, 301
- -- 156, Petroleum Technology, 44 ; Diesel Engine : Its Fuels and its Uses, Herbert Haas ; Efficiency in the Use of Oil Fuel, J. M. Wadsurrtu, 61
- - List of Permissible Explosives, Lamps, and Motors, Tested Prior to May 31st, 1918, Albert H. Fay, 10
- - Monthly Statement of Coal Mine Fatalities in the United States, Compiled by A. H. Fay, April, 1918, 10; May, 1918, 39; June, 1918, 61 ; July, August, and September, 1918, 301
- - Technical Papers :
- -- 206, Coke Oven Accidents in the United States, Albert H. Fay, 61
- -- 200, Colloids and Flotation, Fred G. Moses 301
LITERATURE continued):
- Books Received (continued):
- -- 91, Convenient Multiple-unit Calorimeter Installation, J. D. Davis and E. L. Wallace, 39
- -- 170, Diffusion of Oxygen Through Stored Coal, S. H. Katz, 10
- -- 204, Economic Operation of Steam Turbo - electric Stations, C. T. Hirshfeld and C. L. Karr, 301
- -- 208, How to Improve the Hot Air Furnace, C. W. Baker, 301
- -- 139, Low Rate Combustion in Fuel Beds of Hand-fired Furnaces, H. Kreisinger and Others, 61
- -- 190, Methane Accumulations from Interrupted Ventilations, H. J. Smith and R. J. Hamon, 39
- -- 192, Production of Explosives in the United States, Albert H. Fay, 61
- -- 186, Routine Work in Explosive Physical Laboratory of the Bureau of Mines, S. P. Howell and J. E. Tiffany, 61
- -- 205, Saving Coal in Boiler Plants, H. Kreisinger, 61
- -- 187, Slag Viscosity Tables for Blast-furnace Work, A. L. Field and P. H. Royster, 10
- -- 154, Suggestions for Improved Methods of Mining Coal on Indian Lands in Oklahoma, J. J. Rutledge and D. Harrington, 61
- -- 195, Tars Distilled from Bituminous Coal in Hand-fired Furnaces, S. H. Katz, 39
- - University of Illinois Bulletin, Economical Use of Coal in Railway Locomotives, 61
- - Bulletins :
- -- 67, Analysis of Western Australian Rocks, Meteorites and Natural Waters, E. S. Simpson, 542
- -- 71, Geology and Mineral Resources of the Yilgarn Goldfield, Part III., Gold Belt North of Southern Cross, T. Blatchford and C. S. Honman ; Minerals of West- onia, E. S. Simpson ; Petrological Notes, R. A. Farquharson, 542
- -- 73, Geology of North Coolgardie Goldfield, C. S. Honman, andc., 542
- -- 69, Geology and Ore Deposits of Kal- goorlie, Part III., F. R. Feldtmann, 542
- -- 68, Geology and Ore Deposits of Meek- atharra, Murchison Goldfield, E. de C. Clarke ; Petrology. R. A. Farquharson ; Mineralogy and Underground Waters, E. S. Simpson, 542
- -- 75, Geological Reconnaissance of Country between La verton and South Australian Border, H. W. B. Talbot and E. de C. Clarke ; Petrology, R. A. Farquharson, 542
- -- 76, Graphite Deposits at Munglinup, T. Blatchford, 542
- -- 74, Miscellaneous Reports, 542
- -- 72, Palaeontological Contributions to Geology of Western Australia, F. Chapman and R. Etheridge, 542
- - Woman’s Motor Manual, G. de Hamilland, 281
- - Wooden Ship Construction, W. H. Curtis, 433
- - Year-book of Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, 1918, 333
- - Zooms and Spins, Rathird, 587
- LLOYD’S Register—see Ships
- Locomotion, A Short Chronology of, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 603, 624 ; (Letter), 635
- Lodge, Sir Oliver, on Protection ol Oil Tanks Against Lightning, 515
- Lorry, Motor, Works, J. I. Thornycrolt and Co.’s, at Basingstoke, 54, 58
- Loughborough Technical College, 183
- Lubecker Land Dredger Orkney, 76, 79, 82 ; (Letter), 152
- - Backing-off Taps and an Improved Form of Fly-cutter, D. McPherson, 256
- - Bar Automatic Tools, H. E. Thomas, 426
- - Cycloid Thread Milling Cutter, Ward and Gent, 159
- - Fly-cutter, Improved Form of, D. McPherson, 256
- - Francis Inserted Tooth Cutter, 6, 9
- - Inserted Tooth Facing and Bossing Cutter, H. Francis and Vickers Limited, 613
- - Machine Tool Adaptations for the Manufacture of Tank Links, Pulsometer Engineering Company, Limited, 120, 130
- - Machine Tool Committee of the Ministry of Munitions, 424
- - Machine Tool Industry and the War, Sir Alfred Herbert, 254
- - Machine Tools and Small Tools, 111
- - Machine Tools and Workshop Methods of a Former Period, Sir A. Herbert, 283
- - Milling Applications and Adaptations, 6, 9
- - Power Presses, Automatic Arresting Motion for, M. Glover and Co., 135
- MACRO-ETCHING and Macro-printing, J. C. W. Humphrey, 503
- Magnesium and its Alloys : Its Use for Aeroengines and Motor Cars, 402
- Magneto Industry, Thomson-Bennett Magnetos, Limited, 26
- Malay Peninsula, Mineral Deposits in, 571
- Manchester, Discussions at Engineers’ Club— see Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- Manchester Steam Users’ Association, Mr. Stromeyer’s Memorandum, 136
- Marine Auxiliaries, Turbine-driven, Franco Tosi Company, 636, 640
- Marine Boilers—see Boilers
- Marine Engineering Design—see Ships
- Marine Engines—see Engines
- Marine Surveyors, Appointment of, to the Board of Trade, 417
- Marine Turbine—see Turbine
- Marshall, C. F. Dendy, A Short Chronology of Locomotion, 603, 624; (Letter), 635
- Marshall, C. F. Dendy, on Wind Resistance, on a Train, 473
- Materials and Prices, 88
- Measuring the Temperature of Flue Gases, 262
- Measurement of Gauges, E. A. Forward, 282, 294
- Mechanical Properties of Steel—see Iron and Steel
- Mercer, R. G., on Electric Furnaces in the United Kingdom, 1918, 475, 490
- Merchant Shipbuilding—see Ships
- Metal, Tests of, 561
- Metals and Alloys, Effect of Work on, O. W. Ellis, 322
- Metals, Institute of—see Associations
- Metals, Non-ferrous, Science and Industry in Relation to, Dr. W. Rosenhain, 322, 527
- Metals, Strength of, 251
- Metals—see also Corrosion
- Metallurgical Information Required by Engineers, Lieut.-Col. C. F. Jenkin, 322, 325, 331
- Meters, Steam, George Kent, Limited, 580, 581
- Micrography of Aluminium and its Alloys, D. Hanson and S. L. Archbutt, 322
- Micrometer, M. Woldgaard, 529
- Military Aircraft—see Aeronautics
- Military Train Ferry—see Train Ferry
- Milling Machines—see Machine Tools
- Mine Ventilating Plant, Bi misted and Chandler, Limited, 110
- Mineral Deposits in the Malay Peninsula, 571
- Mineral Productions of the United States, 276
- Mineral Statistics, 156
- Mines, Protection of Ships Against, 222
- Minesand Quarries Report, 1917, 156
- Mining and Metallurgical Industries, Canada’s, 391
- Ministry of Munitions, Machine Tool Committee of, 424
- Ministry of Munitions Orders, 23, 42, 43, 56, 93, 116, 137, 212, 231, 256, 273, 336, 366, 386, 436, 490, 546, 594
- - Aluminium, 93
- - Ammonia and Ammoniacal Products, 256
- - Announcement re Iron and Steel Stock, 42
- - Ball Bearings, 43
- - Bismuth Ores, Bismuth Metal and Products Therefrom, 273
- - Building Bricks, 231
- - Calcium Carbide, 93, 256
- - Coal Tar and Coke Oven By-products Returns, 366
- - Cold Blast Pig Iron, 336
- - Converter Plant, 256
- - Electricity Supply, 56
- - Gasworks Retort Carbon, 436
- - High-speed Tool Steel and Scrap Therefrom, 336
- - Home Prices, 137
- - Iron Prices, 93, 256
- - Iron and Steel, 366
- - Iron and Steel Prices, Home and Export, 23 ; Corrected Notices, 212
- - Iron and Steel Stocks, 93, 386
- - Machine Tools, Woodworking Machinery and Treadle Lathes, 546
- - Magnesite, 231
- - Marked Bars, 93
- - Metallurgical Coke, Iron, Steel and Ironstone, 436
- - Non-ferrous Materials. 256, 366, 490, 594
- - Output and Stocks of Iron and Steel, 336, 366, 386, 436, 566
- - Potassium Compounds— Kelp, 273 Rosin and Rosin Oil, 256
- - Scrap, 336
- - Second-hand Railway Wagons. 273
- - Small Tools, 231
- - Steel Exports, 137
- - Steel Prices, 231
- - Steel Slabs, andc., 117
- - Tin-plate Prices, 256
- - Tin-plate Prices, Extras for Charcoal Coating, 273
- - Tin-plates and Terne Plates, 116
- - Waste Paper, 273
- MORGAN Continuous Wire-rod Rolling Mill, 597 (Four-page Supplement, June 20th, 1919)
- Morland, Sir Samoa], Pumps, 537
- Motor Cycle Engine Testing Arrangements, J. A. Prestwich and Co., 515
- Motor Lorry Works at Basingstoke, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., 54, 58
- Motor Railways and Cars—see Railways
- Motor Spirit, Gasworks and the Supply of. 196
- Munitions Output in Ipswich. Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Limited, 160
- NATURAL Draught Cooling Towers, Harald Nielsen, 526
- Naval Design, Naval Material—see Ships, Naval Matters
- - 42, 513, 511, 638
- - British Battle-cruisers, New, 42
- - China Flagship, 638
- - “Composite” Destroyer, 42
- - Destroyer Speeds, 638
- - Destroyer Turquoise, 638
- - Destroyers, New, 511
- - Distribution of the Fleet, 638
- - Flotilla Leaders, 638
- - German Copies of the Renown, 638
- - German Naval Construction, 42
- - Portsmouth, Vessels at, 511
- - Post-war Construction, 510
- - Pre-Dreadnoughts Useless, 42
- - Repulse, Features of the, 511
- - Submarine Tonnage Figures, 42
- - Successfid Design. 511
- NEEDS of Belgium, 431
- Newcomen Engines—sec Engines
- New Zealand Hospital, Engineering Equipment in a, 40
- Nielsen, Harald, on Natural Draught Cooling Towers, 526
- Nile Projects Committee, 224
- Non-ferrous Metals, Science and Industry in relation to, Dr. W. Rosenhain, 322, 527
- Norris, Captain W., Optical Method of Shaft Alignment, 451
- North-East Coast Dock Improvements, 140
- - Boyd, William, 537
- - Callaway, Hugh, 586
- - Calthrop, Sir Guy, 199
- - Canning, Thomas, 253
- - Crookes, Sir William, 348
- - Eyles, Sir George L., 281
- - Fletcher, William, 10 ; (Letter), 34
- - Gobert, Edward G. A., 586
- - Hill, George Heniy, 253
- - Ingleby, Edward Ceci), 124
- - Lineham, Wilfrid James, 424
- - Lockwood, George Francis, 302
- - Mitchell, Sir Thomas, 333
- - Mort, G. F., 10
- - Pauling, George, 185
- - Redwood, Sir Bo verton, 566
- - Rodgers, John, 88
- - Royle, John James, 228
- - Southern, R. W. A., 253
- - Watson, James, 348
- - Weatherburn, Robert, 109
- - Westwood, Charles John, 302
- - Wilde, Henry, 333
- - Wortley, Henry Bell, 185
- - Wright, The mas, 124
- - Wurl, Max O., 228
- OCEAN-GOING Rafts of Logs, 541
- Oil from Cannel Coal and Colliery Refuse, 310
- Oil Engines—see Engines
- Oil Fuel v. Coal, 183
- Oil Fuel in Merchant Ships, 107
- Oil Fuel Reservoir at Rosy th, 324
- Oil Tanker—see Ships
- Oil Tanks and Lightning, 515
- Oil Tractors— see Tractors
- Oils, Transformer, Testing, Arnold Philip, 47
- Optical Method of Shaft Alignment, Captain W. Norris, 451
- Orlando, Signor G., on Italian Two-floodable Compartment Steamers, 396
- Overseas Trade, 260
- Overseas Trade, Government and, 358
- Oxy-acetylene Welding, Papers at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 108, 133, 193
- PAPER Yarn, Manufacture and Use of, 495
- Paraffin electric Salvage Set-—see Submersible
- Paraffin Wax, Purifying, R. S. Dickie, 165
- Paravanes—see Ships
- Parsons, Hon. Sir C. A., and Mr. Stanley S. Cook on the Causes of Corrosion or Erosion of Propellers, 427
- Passing of Ingenuity, 405, 466, 535
- Patent Law and the Legal Standard of Novelty, by “Historicus,” 346
- Patent-office Searching Svstem, 199 ; (Letter), 232
- British:
- - Aeronautics, 24, 94, 237, 392, 547
- - Agricultural, 142
- - Air Compressors, 118
- - Batteries and Accumulators, 367, 441
- - Condensers and Feed-water Heaters, 70, 165, 190
- - Dynamos and Motors, 23, 47, 70, 94, 117, 141, 165, 213, 264, 292, 469, 495, 521, 571, 595
- - Electrical, 117, 141, 166
- - Engines, Internal Combustion, 23, 47, 69, 93, 117, 165, 189, 237, 263, 291, 315, 343, 441, 469, 495, 571, 595, 619
- - Engines, Steam, 23, 93, 189, 521
- - Gas Producers, 291
- - Heating and Lighting, 47, 264, 315, 3-4-4, 419, 469, 496, 548, 620
- - Heating£and Ventilating, 620
- - Lighting—see Heating, andc.
- - Locomotives, 646
- - Machine Tools and Shop Appliances, 24, 48, 70, 141, 238, 316, 367, 417, 442, 470, 496, 547, 620, 646
- - Measuring and Testing Instruments, 316, 368, 470, 522, 572
- - Mines and Metals, 24, 142, 213, 316, 368, 392, 646
- - Mining and Metallurgy - see Mines and Metals
- - Miscellaneous, 48, 70, 118, 166, 190, 214, 238, 292, 344, 368, 392, 418, 442, 470, 496, 522, 548, 572, 596
- - Motor Cars and Road Traffic, 48, 94, 166, 190, 213, 291, 496
- - Ordnance and Armour, 315
- - Pumping and Blowing Machinery, 47, 213, 367, 417, 596
- - Ships and Boats, 237, 292, 441, 522, 620
- - Steam Generators, 263, 495, 521
- - Switchgear, 23, 47, 189, 291, 391, 417, 469, 521, 547, 571, 595, 619, 645
- - Tramways and Railways, 263
- - Transformers, 391, 417
- - Transmission of Power, 213, 264, 343, 391, 441, 469, 572
- - Turbine Machinery, 343, 367, 39], 645
- - Turbines, Steam, 93, 141, 189, 237
- - Water Purification, 547, 646
- - Workshop Tools, andc.—see Machine Tools
- PATENTS and Litigation, 133
- Patents, United States Annual Report, 516
- Patents and the War (Applications for), 68
- Patents and the War (Extension of Time Limit), 630
- Pavement Temperatures, 411
- Peace, Industrial, 302
- Pearce, S. L., on Electric Power Supply, 104
- Peat for Power Generation, Utilisation of, J. B. C. Kershaw, 239, 265 ; (Letter), 327
- Personal and Business Announcements, 22, 47, 65, 92, 117, 140, 164, 190, 214, 238, 260, 288, 316, 344, 367, 392, 440, 470, 496, 520, 546, 572, 596, 620, 646
- Petrol Engines—see Engines
- Petrol, Flow of, through Carburetter Jots, 521
- Petrol Railway Cars—see Railways
- Petter, Mr. E. W., on Restriction of Output, 630
- Philip, Arnold, on Testing Transformer Oils, 47
- Photography, Aerial, 367
- Plate Springs, New Theory of, D. Landau and P. H. Parr, 397 ; (Letter), 489
- Plough, Snow, Rapid Street Channel, 159
- Pneumatic Grain Elevators, Floating, 206, 207
- Pontoons for Grain Elevators, Edwards and Co., Limited, 207
- Portable Engines—see Engines
- Poultney, E. C., on Recent American Express Locomotives, 523, 550, 574 ; (Letter, 614)
- Powdered Fuels—see Fuels
- Power Presses—see Machine Tools
- Power Station Efficiencies, 134
- Power from Tidal Waters, J. Smith, 590 ; (Letter), 635
- Producer—see Gas Producer
- Propellers—see Ships
- Properties of Some Copper Alloys, Dr. Rosenhain and D. Hanson, 322
- Proportioning of Concrete, L. N. Edwards, 141
- Public Works in France, 464
- Pulverised Coal Systems in America, Special Report by L. C. Harvey, 494
- Pulverised Fuel, Instructions for Safe Use of, 398
- Pulverised Fuel Locomotive—see Railway Locomotives
- Pump, Centrifugal, Crossley Brothers, Limited, 628, 629
- Pumps, Centrifugal, for Chicago Waterworks, 595
- Pumps, Sir Samuel Morland’s, 537
- Pumps, Submersible Electric, Driven by Oil Engines, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., 274, 278
- Purchasers’ Tests, 331—see also Metallurgical Information
- Purifying Paraffin Wax, R. S. Dickie, 165
- Rafts of Logs, Ocean-going, 541
- Rafwires—see Aeronautics
- - (See also Annual Article)
- General:
- - Accident Reports, Five Railway, 373
- - Accidents in 1918, Railway, 566
- - Armoured Train for Coast Defence, 150
- - Electric Railways, Sir E. Geddes’ Views, 306
- - Holidays, Earlier, 417
- - No Railway Policy Yet, 132
- - Petrol Railway Inspection Car, Motor Rail and Tramcar Company, Limited, 434
- - Railway Deficit, 633
- - Railway Fares, 483
- - Railway Wagons for War Traffic, North- Eastern Railway, 404, 410
- - Railway Working during the War, White Paper, 511
- - Railway Year, 198
- - Signalling, Improvement in, McKenzie, Holland and Westinghouse Power Signal Company, Limited, 262
- - Strikes and Labour Questions—see Labour
- - Three-position Light Signalling, McKenzie, Holland and Westinghouse Power Signal Company, Limited, 262
- - Traders and Railway Nationalisation, 38
- British, Colonial and Indian :
- - Ambulance Trains, Rolling Stock Converted by British Railways, 73, 75
- - British Railway Workshops in War Time, 576, 577, 604, 605, 630
- - British Railways under War Conditions, 38, 73, 75
- - Future of British Railways, 83
- - Great Northern Railway ; Sturrock’s Steam Tender, 66, 67 ; (Paragraph), 81; (Letters), 152, 200
- - High Capacity Goods Wagons for Indian Railways, 110
- - Indian Railways in 1917-18, 341
- - Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Fish Dock at Fleetwood, 55
- - New South Wales Railways, 284
- - North-Eastern Railway Improvements, Middlesbrough and Tyne Dock, 140
- - North-Eastern Railway Wagons for War Traffic, 404, 410
- - North-Eastern Railway War Products, 576, 577, 604, 605, 630
- - Train Ferry and Transportation Depot at- Richborough, 31, 36, 49, 76, 82, 102, 106, 147, 154 ; (Letters), 109, 125, 152 (Two- page Supplement, January 10th, 1919) (Two Two-page Supplements, January 17th, 1919)
- Foreign:
- - Alaskan Government Railway, 347, 349
- - American Railway Work in 1918, 232
- - Belgian State Railways, Proposed Electrification of, 428
- - Rolling Stock Problem in France, 306
- - State Railway Working Results in Germany, 585
- - Switzerland, Electrification Work in, 273 ; (Letter), 354
- - (See also Annual Article)
- General:
- - Pulverised Fuel Locomotive, 400, 457 (Two- page Supplement, April 25th, 1919)
- - Three-cylinder Locomotives, H. Holcroft, 485
- British, Colonial, and Indian :
- - Great Central Railway Pulverised Fuel Locomotive, 400, 457 (Two-page Supplement, April 25th, 1919)
- - Locomotives of 1918, 9, 12
- Foreign:
- - Express Locomotives in France, Development, Monsieur Herdner, 270
- - Recent American Express Locomotives, E. C Poultney, 523, 550, 574 ; (Letter), 614
- RAPID Steel Channel Snow Plough, 159
- Receiver, Air, Frank Richards, 562, 573
- Reconstruction of Belgian Industries, 204, 216, 243, 250, 280, 304, 306, 332, 382, 393, 425, 431 ; (Letter), 399 (Two-page Supplement, March 14th, 1919)
- Reconstruction, The Part Engineers have to Play, andc., Colonel R. E. B. Crompton, 41
- Recorder, Electrical Boiler Heat Losses, Monsieur Chopin, 213
- Recording Coal Meter for Boilers, Lea Recorder Company, 261
- Refractory Materials during the War, 510
- Reinforced Concrete—see also Concrete Reinforced Concrete Dock Gates at Tilbury, Christian! and Nielsen, 289, 290 ; (Letter), 354
- Relationship between the Laboratory and the Workshop, W. R. Barclay, 322
- Renovation of the Navy, 483
- Research, Scientific and Industrial, Government Scheme for, 237
- Research, Scientific and Industrial, Sir F. Heath on the Department of, 184
- Research Work in America, Professor H. M. Howe, 502
- Reservoir, Oil Fuel, at Rosyth, 324
- Resilient Tires for Road Vehicles, 405
- Restriction of Output, Mr. E. W. Petter, 630
- Rhone, Harnessing the, 458
- Richards, Frank, on the Air Receiver, 562, 573
- Richborough Transportation Depot and Train Ferry Terminus, 31, 36, 49, 76, 82, 102, 106, 147, 154, 169, 219, 226 ; (Letters), 109, 125, 152 (Two-page Supplement, January 10th, 1919) (Two Two-page Supplements, January 17th, 1919)
- Road Destruction by Heavy Vehicles, 189
- Road Scarifier, Marshall, Sons and Co., Limited, 254
- Road Scarifier, The Allen, Oxford Steam Plough Company, Limited, 589
- Road Vehicles, Resilient Tires for, 405
- Robson, A. G., Examples of Gauge-making, 499
- Rolling Mill, Continuous Wire Rod, at Templeborough, Morgan Construction Company, 597 (Four-page Supplement, June 20th, 1919)
- Rolling Mill Equipment, 19,000 H.P. Electric Reversing, Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works, Limited, 334
- Rolling Mill, Government, at Southampton, 191, 202, 217; (Letter), 378 (Four-page Supplement, March 7th, 1919)
- Rolling Stock Problem in France, 306
- Rosenhain, Dr., and D. Hanson, on Properties of Some Copper Alloys, 322
- Rosenhain, Dr. W., on Science and Industry in relation to Non-ferrous Metals, 322, 527
- Rosyth, Oil Fuel Reservoir at, 324
- Royal Agricultural Society’s Show at Cardiff, 627
- Royal Society—see Associations, andc.
- Rules for Boilers—see Boilers
- Ruston and Hornsby’s War Work, 254
- “SAFETY First” Association, British Industrial, 263
- Scarifier, Road, The Allen, Oxford Steam Plough Company, Limited, 589
- Science of Industry, 107
- Science and Industry in relation to Non-ferrous Metals, Dr. W. Rosenhain, 322, 527
- Scientific and Industrial Research, Department of, Sir Frank Heath, 184
- Scientific and Industrial Research, Government Scheme for, 237
- Scope of the Works Laboratory, F. C. Lants- berry, 322
- Seaton, A. E., on the Work of the British Marine Engineering Design and Construction Committee, 374, 411 ; (Letter). 463
- Segregation of Industries, 431
- Semple, James, Experiments on Full Cargo Ship Models, 421
- Sense of Art in Engineering, 406, 443
- Serbia, Trade Opportunities in, 268
- Shells, 18in. High-velocity Armour-piercing, Hadfield’s Steel Foundry Company, 231
- - (See also Annual Articles)
- General:
- - Barges Built at Richborough, 147, 154, 219, 226
- - Boilers of Merchant Ships, 84
- - Developments towards Simplification of Merchant Ship Construction, Sir E. d’Eyncourt and Mr. T. Graham, 396
- - Effect of Beam on Resistance of Mercantile Ship Forms, Experiments, J. L. Kent, 421
- - Electrically-driven Ships’ Auxiliaries, Laurence, Scott and Co., Limited, 478, 482
- - Engines—see Engines and Motors
- - Experiments on Full Cargo Ship Models, James Semple, 421
- - Flying Boat—see Aeronautics
- - Hydrogen Barges for Royal Air Force, 219, 226
- - Investigations into Causes of Corrosion or Erosion of Propellers, Hon. Sir C. A. Parsons and Mr. Stanley S. Cook, 427
- - Italian Two-floodable Compartment Cargo Steamers Built during the War, Signor S. Orlando, 396
- - Lloyd's Register Scholarships, 212
- - Lloyd's Register Shipbuilding Returns, 79, 436
- - Mercantile Shipbuilding in 1918, Lloyd s Register, 199
- - Merchant Shipbuilding in France, 59
- - Oil Fuel in Merchant Ships, 107
- - Optical Method of Shaft Alignment, Captain W. Norris, 451
- - Paravane Protection of Ships Against Mines, 222, 293
- - Progress in Turbine Ship Propulsion, Speedreduction Gear, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 135
- - Protection of Ships Against Mines, 222, 293
- - Shipbuilding in Australia, 340
- - Shipping in 1918, 16- for Details, see Annual Article
- - Slips and Slipways at Richborough, 147, 154
- General (continued):
- - Slipway for Ship Repair Work at Esquimault, B. C., Yarrows, Limited, 330, 341
- - Standardisation of Marine Boilers, Committee's Report, 276
- - Standardisation in Shipbuilding, 554
- - Tonnage of Modern Steamships, A. T. Wall, 421
- - Turbine-driven Marine Auxiliaries, Franco Tosi Company, 636, 640
- - Turbine Machinery for Standard Ships, J. Howden and Co. and D. Brown and Sons, Limited, 371 (Two-page Supplement, April 18th, 1919)
- - War and the White Star Line, 208
- - Water-tube Boilers for Cargo Ships, Stirling Boiler Company, Limited, 476 (Two-page Supplement, May 16th, 1919)
- - Work of the British Marine Engineering Design and Construction Committee, A. E. Seaton, 374, 411 ; (Letter), 463
- British Navy:
- - Arethusa, H.M. Light Cruiser, 449 (Supplement, May 9th, 1919)
- - Battle-cruisers Renown and Repulse, 359, 361 (Supplement, April 11th, 1919)
- - Battleships taken over from Foreign Governments, 359, 361 (Supplement, April 11th, 1919)
- - British E Class Submarine, 449, 450
- - British Light Cruisers and Flotilla Leaders, 308
- - British Monitors, H.M.S. Sir Thomas Picton, H.M.S. Abercrombie, H.M.S. Earl of Peterborough. H.M.S. Havelock, H.M.S. Marshal Soult, M.23, 143
- - British Steam-driven Submarines of the “ K ” Class, 173, 178
- - Cambrian, H.M. Light Cruiser, in Dry Dock, 222, 293
- - Coastal Motor Boats for the Navy, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., 369, 380
- - Iron Duke and Queen Elizabeth. H.M. Battleships, 448 (Supplement, May 9th, 1919)
- - Large Light Cruisers Courageous, Glorious and Furious, 359, 361 (Supplement, April 11th, 1919)
- - Lord Clive, H.M. Monitor, 143 (Two-page Supplement, February l4th, 1919)
- - Mine Sweepers, 360, 361, 362
- - Naval Construction during the War, Sir E. H. Tennyson d’Eyncourt, 351, 358 (Four-page Supplement, April 11th, 1919)
- - New British Warships, 71 (Two-page Supplement, January 24th, 1919)—see also Naval Construction during the War
- - “ P ” Boats, J. S. White and Co., 512
- - Patrol Boats, 360, 361
- - “Royal Sovereign” Class, H.M. Battleships 358, 361 (Supplement, April l1th, 1919)
- - Ships of the British Navy on August 4th, 1914, andc., Sir P. Watts, 351, 447 (Two-page Supplement, May 9th, 1919)
- - Stalwart, H.M.A.S., Torpedo-boat Destroyer, Trial Trip, 351
- - Stormcloud, H.M. Destroyer, Launch of, Palmer’s Shipbuilding and Iron Company, Limited, 582
- - Swift, H.M. Flotilla Leader, 448, 450
- - Tiger, H.M. Battle-cruiser, 14, 359, 361, 449 (Two page Supplement, January 3rd, 1919) (Supplement, May 9th, 1919)
- - Trusty, H.M. T.B.D., 490
- - Turquoise, H.M. Destroyer, Speed Trials, Yarrow and Co., Limited, 532
Naval Matters:
- - Admiral Jellicoe on Naval Material, 381
- - Boy Artificers in the Royal Navy, 639
- - British Naval Design : An American Tribute, 131
- - Divisional Engineers of the Royal Naval Division, 341
- - Experiments with Electric Welding in Warships, W. H. Gard, 420
- - Fleet That Was, 634
- - Four Years of Naval Progress, 14—-for Details, see Annual Article
- - Future of the Submarine, 179
- - Naval Construction Corps of the United States Navy, Constructor-Commander S. V. Goodall, 374
- - Naval Gun Mounting—see Works
- - Oil Fuel Reservoir at Rosyth, 324
- - Protection of Warships Against Underwater Attack, 345
- - Towing Lighters, Seaplane, 169
- - United States Navy, Annual Report, 30, 97
Foreign Navies:
- - German Battle-cruiser Derfflinger, 56
- - German Mine-laying Cruisers, 383
- - German Naval Types, 56
- - United States Navy, Annual Report, 30, 97
Mercantile and Miscellaneous Vessels
- - Canadian Train Ferry Canora, 184
- - Concrete 1000-Ton Sea-going Oil Tanker, Launch, 80
- - Cross-Channel Train Ferry Steamer T.F. 1, 49 (Two Two-page Supplements, January 17th, 1919)—see also Richborough Transportation Depot
- - Fresh Water Harbours and Shipping of the United States, 575
- - Glenapp, Motor Ship, Harland and Wolff, Limited, 612
- - Italian Motor Ship Ansaldo San Giorgio, 586
- - Reinforced Concrete Coal Lighters, Construction of, at Tilbury, Christiani and Nielsen, 315 (Two-page Supplement, March 28th, 1919)
- - Sea-going Reinforced Concrete Tug Crete- hawser, Launched near Sunderland, 275
- SHOW, Royal Agricultural Society, at Cardiff, 627
- Signalling, Railway—see Railways
- Slag Concrete, Causes of Failure in, 603
- Slips and Slipways—see Ships
- Smith, J., on Power from Tidal Waters, 590 ; (Letter), 635
- Smith, Professor Middleton, on Age-long Engineering Works of China, 72
- Snow Plough, Rapid Street Channel, 159
- Societies—see Associations
- Southampton, Government Rolling Mill at, 191, 202, 217 ; (Letter), 378 (Four-page Supplement, March 7th, 1919)
- Springs, Plate, New Theory of, D. Landau and P. H. Parr, 397 ; (Letter), 489
- Standard, Inertia, of, 535—see also Passing of Ingenuity
- Standardisation of Aircraft Materials and Parts, 391
- Standardisation of Marine Boilers, Committee's Report, 276
- Standardisation in Shipbuilding, 554
- State Aid for Apprentices, 468
- State Control of German Sources of Energy, 180
- Status of the Inspector, 633
- Steam Engines—see Engines
- Steam Meters, George Kent, Limited, 580, 581
- Steam Tender—see Tenders
- Steam Tractors—see Tractors
- Steel—see Iron and Steel
- Still, Mr. J., Engine, 540
- Storing Air in the Earth, 575
- Strength of Metals, 251
- Strikes—see Labour
- Sturrock’s Steam Tender, Great Northern Railway, 66, 67, 463 ; (Letters), 152, 200 ; (Paragraph), 81
- Submersible Salvage Electric Pumps and Engines, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., 274, 278
- “Surplus,” 566, 631
- Switzerland, Electrification Work in, 273 ; (Letter), 354
- TANK Links, Machine Tool Adaptations for the Manufacture of, Pulsometer Engineering Company, 120, 130
- Tank Links Manufacture, North-Eastern Railway, 578, 579
- Tanker, Oil—see Ships
- Tap, Water, Tonkin, Collins and Co., Limited. 590
- Taps, Backing-off—see Machine Tools
- Tasmania, Hydro-electric Development in, 263
- Taylor, G., on Some Points in the Manufacture of Files, 503, 604, 606, 626
- Technical Education, Emergency, 37 ; (Letter), 56
- Technical Inspection Association Formed, 411
- Technical Training in the Air Force, 110
- Temperature of Flue Gases, Measuring, 262
- Temperatures, Pavement, 411
- Tender, Sturrock’s Steam, Great Northern Railway, 66, 67, 463 ; (Letters), 152, 200 ; (Paragraph), 81
- Testing Transformer Oils, Arnold Philip, 47
- Tests of Metal, 561
- Thomas, H. E., on Bar Automatic Tools, 426
- Thomson, Captain G. P., on the Dynamics of Flight, 252
- Thornycroft Depth Charge Throwers, 86
- Thread Milling—see Machine Tools
- Tidal Waters, Power from, J. Smith, 590 ; (Letter), 635
- Tigris, Bridge at Baghdad, 55
- Tilbury—see Dock Gates
- Tin Industry in the Federated Malay States, 454
- Tin Ore, Dredging, 69
- Tires, Resilient, for Road Vehicles, 405
- Tonnage of Ships—see Ships
- Tools, Machine, and Small Tools, 111
- Towing Lighters—see Ships
- Tractor, Caterpillar, Paraffin Engine, Blackstone’s Limited, 627
- Tractor, Steam Compound, Ruston and Hornsby, Limited, 630
- Tractor, Three-wheel, D. L. Motor Manufacturing Company, Limited, 627
- Tractors at the Cardiff Show, 627, 630
- Trade Between the Allies and Germany, 107
- Trade Opportunities in Serbia, 268
- Trade, Overseas, 260
- Trade, Overseas, Government and, 358
- Traders and Railway Nationalisation, 38
- Trafford Park, Industrial Building Construction 98
- Train Ferries for the Irish Channel, 60
- Train Ferry Canora, Canadian, 184
- Train Ferry and Transportation Depot at Rich- borough, 31, 36, 49, 76, 82, 102, 106, 147, 154 169, 219, 226 ; (Letters), 109, 125, 152 (Two- page Supplement, January 10th, 1919) (Two Two-page Supplements, January 17th, 1919)
- Train, Wind Resistance on a, C. F. Dendv Marshall, 473
- Trains, Armoured, for Coast Defence, 150
- Trains—see also Railways
- Tramways in the City, 183
- Transport, The Autocrat of, 279
- Transport Report, 60, 85, 123
- Transporting Boilers, An Unusual Method of 639
- Triplane—see Aeronautics
- Tugs—see Ships
- Tunnel, The Channel, 280 ; (Letters), 354, 532
- Tunnel, Concreting, by Compressed Air, 594
- Turbine-driven Marine Auxiliaries, Franco Tosi Company, 636, 640
- Turbine Machinery for Standard Ships, J. Howden and Co. and D. Brown and Sons, Limited, 371 (Two-page Supplement, April 18th, 1919)
- Turbine, Marine, Speed Reduction Gear, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 135
- Turbine, Water, The Largest, 575
- Turbo-air Compressors, Reavell and Co., Limited, 534, 538
- Turbo-alternators, Turbo-generators—see Electrical Matters
- Turbo-exhausters for Grain Elevators Fraser and Chalmers, 206, 207
- UNITED States, Mineral Productions of, 276
- United States Patents, Annual Report, 516
- United States Steel Trade, 251
- Use of Coal—see Coal
- Utilisation of Peat for Power Generation, J. B. C. Kershaw, 239, 265 ; (Letter), 327
- VALVE, Automatic, for Motor-driven Air Compressors, British Thomson-Houston Company, Limited, 464
- Valve Gears for Three-cylinder Locomotives, 485
- “Vickers-Vimy” Aeroplanes—see Aeronautics
- Volunteer Engineers, London Army Troops Companies, 24, 47, 65, 94, 117, 137
- WAGES—see Labour
- Wagon, 5-Ton Steam, Robey and Co., Limited, 630
- Wagons, Railway—see Railways
- Wall, A. T., on Tonnage of Modern Steamships, 421
- War Memorial, Electrical Engineers’, 101
- War, Patents and the, 68
- War Products—see also British Railway Workshops
- War and the White Star Line, 208
- War Work in a Gainsborough Factory, 160
- Water Powers in Great Britain, 288
- Water Tap, A New, Tonkin, Collins and Co., Limited, 590
- Water-tube Boilers—see Boilers
- Water Turbine, The Largest, 575
- Waters, Tidal, Power from, J. Smith, 590 ; (Letter), 635
- Waterworks, Chicago, Centrifugal Pump for, 595
- Watt, James, Centenary, 433, 480, 614, 634
- Watts, Sir P., on Ships of the British Navy on August 4th, 1914, &c., 351, 447
- Wax, Paraffin, Purifying, R. S. Dickie, 165
- Ways and Communications Bill, 204, 227, 229, 255
- Welding, Electric, Thomas T. Heaton, 10], 108, 127, 133, 193, 203
- Welding, Oxy-acetylene, Papers at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. H. Cave, J. H. Davies, F. Hazeldine, 109, 133, 193
- Welding Problems, Electric, 203
- Welding at Steel Barrel Company’s Works at Uxbridge, 220, 421
- Welding in Warships, Electric, Experiments with, W. H. Gard, 420
- Welding and Welding Appliances, Electric, 145, 172, 197, 220, 241, 267, 296, 319, 352, 375, 394, 421, 444, 471—see also 588 ; (Letter), 436
- What the War has done for Engineers, andc., Colonel R. E. B. Crompton, 41
- Whiteley, J. H., on Acid Hearth and Slag, 503
- Wilton Benzol Rectification Plant, 196
- Wind Resistance on a Train, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 473
- Wireless Telegraphy and the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 315
- Wireless Telephony and Direction Finding, Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, 563
- Wirelessly Directed Aircraft, 357
- Wire Rod, Continuous, Rolling Mill, Morgan Construction Company, 597 (Four-page Supplement, June 20th, 1919)
- Women Associates of the Institution of Naval Architects, 420
- Woolwich Arsenal, 56
- - Aeroplane Factory—see Aeronautics
- - Austin Motor Company’s Works, Heating and Ventilation of, 599, 608
- - Belgian Works Demolition—see also Belgian Works, Reconstruction
- - Britannia Ironworks, Naval Gun Mounting Shop, Marshall, Sons and Co., Limited, 160
- - Cockerill Works at Seraing, 243 (Two-page Supplement, March 14th, 1919)
- - Daimler Company’s Works, Coventry, Heat ing and Ventilation of Workshops 504
- - Illinois Steel Company's South Chicago Works, Triplex Steel Plants, 126, 127 (Two- page Supplement, February 7th, 1919)
- - Magneto Industry, Thomson-Bennett Magnetos, Limited, 26
- - Munitions Output in Ipswich, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Limited. 160
- - North-Eastern Railway Workshops, War Products, Gateshead Shops, 576, 577, Darlington Shops, 604, 605—see Footnote, 604
- - Ougree-Marihaye Works, German Destruction of, 243, 250
- - Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Motor Lorry Works at Basingstoke, 54, 58
- - Warehouses in Trafford Park, Port of Manchester, Limited, 98
- - York Shops, 630
- WORKSHOPS -see Works
- X-RAYS, Examination of Metals by, 432
- YARN, Paper, Manufacture and Use of, 495
- Yarrow’s Slipway at Victoria, B.C., 330, 341
- Yguazu Falls, 506
See Also
Sources of Information