The Engineer 1919 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1919 Jul-Dec: Index
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- A. C. System of Arc Welding, 213
- Acetylene Torch—see Rock Removal
- Acid, Penetration—see Iron and Steel
- Admiralty—see Ships, Naval Matters
- Aerial Bomb Sights, 211
- - AERONAUTICAL NOTES, 89, 142, 176, 230, 287
- -- Air Screw Tip Speeds, 89
- -- Air Service Between London and Paris, 176
- -- Armstrong, Whitworth’s Aero War Work, 230
- -- Beardmore’s War Work, 176
- -- Fokker Wirelessly Controlled Aeroplane, 287
- -- Formation of Clouds by Aeroplanes, 230
- -- Glossary of Aeronautical Terms, 142
- -- High-explosive Bombs, 287
- -- Indicated Air Speed, 142
- -- London-Paris Aerial Service, 287
- -- Metal Construction, 89
- -- Metal Wing Frameworks, 89
- -- Other Nieuport Machines, 142
- -- Smoke Fog and Aviation, 176
- -- Who Built the Cuffiey Aeroplane ? 230
- -- Zeppelin Secret Revealed, 89
- - Air Brakes for Aeroplanes, Lieut. R. Rolles- ton West, 570
- - Aircraft Problems, Papers and Discussion at the British Association Congress, 337
- - Aircraft Production During the War, Lord Weir’s Paper, 53, 62
- - By Air and Sea, 37
- - Civil Aviation Prospects, 615
- - Flying Boat at Glasgow, Jas. Howden and Co., Limited, 530
- - Friction Drive Relay Control for Aircraft, Major A. G. Cooper, 226, 227
- - Government’s “Commercial” Aircraft Competition, 210
- - H.M. Seaplane Carrier Hermes, 274
- - Nieuport “Night Hawk” Single-seater Scout, British Nieuport and General Aircraft Company, Limited, 132, 151, 158
- - Progress of Aviation in the War Period, Leonard Bairstow, 93, 115
- - Voyage of the R 34, 18
- - Westland Limousine Aeroplane, Westland Aircraft Works, 271, 280 ; (Correction), 348 (Two-page Supplement, September \§th, 1919)
- - Wireless Navigation for Aircraft, Captain T. Robinson, 338
- AGRICULTURAL Machinery at Cardiff Show, 8
- Agricultural Tractor Trials at Lincoln, 260, 308, 338, 356, 378, 384
- Agricultural Tractors, French, 401
- Agricultural Tractors and Machinery at Smith- field, 583
- Air Compressor, Petrol-driven, Nicola, Romeo and Co., 507
- Air Diffusion in Activated Sludge Sewage Treatment, 146
- Air Lift Pumping, 141
- Aitchison, Leslie, on Valve Steels for Internal Combustion Engines, 641
- Alcohol Motor Fuel, Report of Government Committee, 17
- Alcohol, Power, 13 ; (Letter), 7, 55
- Algal Growths and Water Filtration, 233
- Alignment of Crank Shafts, G. E. Windeler, 502
- Alloys, New, at Glasgow, 529
- Alloys, Some Copper, The Properties of, D. Rosenhain and D. Hanson, 263
- Almanacs and Diaries, 100, 242
- Aluminium Crank Case for 750 H.P. Engine, Sterling Metals, Limited, 531
- Ambulance Trains at Wolverton Works, 228, 232
- American Coaling Staith, 511
AMERICAN ENGINEERING NEWS : 180, 340, 436, 514
- - American Flood Protection Works, 436
- - American Locomotives of Great Width, 340
- - American Roller Crest Dam, 514
- - Goods Wagons of 110 Tons Capacity, 180
- - Locomotive Fire-box with Water Pocket, 180
- - Ore Staith Holds, 153,600 Tons, 340
- - Plank Mattress for Drainage Canal, 514
- - Sediment in Large Reservoirs, 436
- - Water Supply for a Group of Cities, 514
- - Wood Fuel for Stirling Boilers, 436
- AMERICAN Excavating and Back-filling Machine, Caterpillar, 412, 418
- American Machines for Dressing Railway Sleepers, 392
- American Steam Shovel in England, 366
- Anchadura, 160
- Androuin Series of Feeds and Speeds, 556, 567
- Anglo-Swedish Train Ferry Service, Proposed, 248
- Aqueduct Tunnel, An 18-Mile, 646
- Armstrong, Dr. H. E., Lecture on Coal Conservation, 66, 169
- Asbestos Cement Building Materials, Turner Brothers’ Asbestos Company, Limited, 10
- Asphalt Lake, Boring in, 98
- Association, The British:
- - Air Brakes for Aeroplanes, Lieut. R. R. West, 570
- - Congress at Bournemouth, 247, 259, 260, 272, 281, 282, 298, 310, 337, 357, 570
- - Presidential Address, by Sir C. Parsons, 247, 257, 272
- - CHEMISTRY SECTION, Presidential Address, Sir W. Pope, 259
- Association, The British (continued)
- - ECONOMIC SCIENCE SECTION, Presidential Address, Sir Hugh Bell, 259 ; Women in Engineering, 337
- - ENGINEERING SECTION, Presidential Address- by Professor J. E. Petavel, 260
- -- Aircraft Problems : Airships, Lieut.- Col. Cave-Brown-Cave, 337 ; Papers by Dr. L. Bairstow, Colonel H. T. Tizard, and Professor G. H. Bryan, 337, 338 ; Wireless Navigation for Aircraft, Captain T. Robinson, 338
- -- British Tanks Used in the War, Account of, Sir E. Tennyson d’Eyncourt, 282
- -- Development of Geared Turbines for the Propulsion of Ships, R. J. Walker, 283
- -- Paravane, The, R. F. McKay, 298
- -- Portable Military Bridges, Professor C. E. Inglis, 283, 310
- -- Submarine Mining in Warfare, Commander A. L. Gwynne, 298
- -- Thermionic Tubes, Dr. Eccles, 357
- -- Wireless Telegraphy : Various Kinds of Tubes, Professor Fortescue, 357
- - Work of the Association, 281
- Association of Engineers, Manchester:
- - High-speed Turbine Gears, Professor G. Stoney, 534
- - Presidential Address by Mr. Harold F. Massey, 396
- - Prices and Conditions for Supply of Electric Power, 473
- Institute, Iron and Steel:
- - Autumn Meeting, 154, 299, 316, 327
- - Bessemer Medal Presentation, 299
- - Defects in Tensile Test Pieces, A. M. Portevin, 327
- - Fluxing Action of Iron Oxides on Acid Furnace Structures, J. H. Whiteley and A. F. Hallimond, 327
- - Fuel Economy Committee Papers :
- -- Fuel Control in Metallurgical Furnaces, Sir R. Hadfield and Mr. R. J. Sargent, 299
- -- Fuel Economy and Consumptions in the Manufacture of Iron and Steel, Professor W. A. Bone, Sir R. Hadfield, and Mr. A. Hutchinson, 299, 316, 341
- -- Fuel Economy in Cupola Practice, H. James Yates, 299
- -- Pre ent Status of Fuel Economy in German Iron and Steel Industry of Occupied Territory on the Rhine, Cosmo Johns and Laurence Ennis, 299 Nickel Chrome Forgings, J. H. Andrew and Others, 328
- - Nickel Chrome and Other Steels, Brittleness in, F. Rogers, 328
- - Nickel Chrome Steel,- Temper Brittleness of, R. H. Greaves, 328
- - Programme, 154
- - Synthetic Cast Iron, C. A. Keller, 327
- - Woody Structure of Transverse Test Pieces, andc., J. J. Cohade, 327
- Institute of Marine Engineers :
- - Presidential Address, Lord Weir, 582
- Institute of Metals:
- - Aero-engine Presentation by Mr. W. H. Allen, 330
- - Autumn Meeting, 139, 313, 330, 351
- - Bearing Metal, Observations at the National Physical Laboratory, Miss Hilda Fry and Dr. Rosenhain, 330
- - Constitution and Metallurgy of Britannia Metal, F. C. Thompson and Captain F. Orme, 313
- - Early History of Electro-Silver Plating, R. E. Leader, 331
- - Graphite and Oxide Inclusions in Nickel Silver, F. C. Thompson, 313
- - Micro-mechanism of the Agency of Aluminium, Dr. Jefferies, 331
- - Moulding Sands for Non-ferrous Foundry Work, Professor P. G. H. Boswell, 330
- - New Industries at Sheffield, 351
- - Programme, 139
- - Properties of Standard Silver with Notes on its Manufacture, E. A. Smith and H. Turner, 313
- - Season Cracking, Dr. W. H. Hatfield and Captain G. L. Thirkell, 313
- - Solidification of Metals from the Liquid State, Dr. Cecil H. Desch, 330
- - Ternary Alloys of Tin-antimony Arsenic, Dr. J. E. Stead and Notes by J. Spencer, 313
- - Visits to Works, 330, 351
- Institution of Automobile Engineers:
- - Possibilities of Further Economies in Road Transport, T. Clarkson, 445
- - Valve Steels for Internal Combustion Engines, Leslie Aitchison, 641
- Institution of Civil Engineers :
- - Metropolitan Road and Rail Transit, Some Aspects of, H. H. Gordon, 537
- - Presidential Address, Sir J. Purser Griffith, 457
- Institution of Electrical Engineers:
- - Committee’s Report on Patent Law Amendment, 189
- - Conversazione and Dinner, 24
- - Development and Storage of- Water for Electrical Purposes, J. W. Meares, 186
- Institution of Electrical Engineers (con.)
- - Presidential Address, Roger T. Smith, 510, 533
- - Scientific Management : A Solution of the Capital and Labour Problem, Captain J. M. Scott Maxwell, 632
- - Visit to Holland, 387
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers:
- - Cutting Power of Lathe Turning Tools, G. W. Burley, 640
- - Present Position of Mechanical Road Traction, C. G. Conradi, 546, 573
- - Presidential Address, Dr. Edward Hopkinson, 431
- Institution of Mining Engineers:
- - Annual General Meeting, 216
- - Programme, 216
- Institution, North-East Coast, of Engineers and Shipbuilders:
- - Dazzle Painting of Ships, Lieut.-Commander N. Wilkinson, 54
- - Le Rhone Aeroplane Engine, Presentation to Mr. E. L. Orde, 54
- - Limits of Thermal Efficiency in Internal Combustion Engines, Sir Dugald Clerk, 40, 54 ; (Letters), 55, 84
- - Lord Weir’s Paper on Aircraft Design and Application During the War Period, Disr cussion by Sir Dugald Clerk and Others, 53
- - North-East Coast Industries During the War, A. H. J. Cochrane, 39
- - Presidential Address, A. E. Doxford, 471
- - Scientific Methods, Application of, to Marine Problems, Professor J. C. McLennan, 54, 67, 92
- - Ship Repairing on the North-East Coast During the War, M. C. James and L. E. Smith, 54
- - Victory Meeting, 39, 53
- - Women’s Work in Engineering and Shipbuilding, Lady Parsons, 39
- Institution of Petroleum Technologists :
- - Oil and the Navy, Rear-Admiral Philip Dumas, 595
- Institution of Water Engineers:
- - Madras Water Supply, J. W. Madeley, 594
- - Professor A. H. Jamieson on the Theory of Flow of Water in Uniform Channels, andc., 594
- - Repair of a Service Reservoir Damaged by Mining, D. M. Straughen, 594
- - Winter General Meeting, 594
- Society, Chemical :
- - Pencil Graphite, C. H. Mitchell, 612
- Society of Chemical Industry :
- - Annual Meeting, Programme, 48
- Society, Faraday:
- - Electrolytic Iron Deposition, Lieut. W. A. Macfadyen, 634
- Society, Illuminating Engineering:
- - Lamps, “Pointolite,” 564
- - Meeting, Papers and Exhibits, 564
- - Metal Filament Lamp and Fittings Industry, Committee’s Report, 564
- - Sheringham Daylight Reflector, 564
- Society, Physical:
- - Cheap and Simple Micro-Balance, Captain J. H. Shaxby, 619
- ATMOSPHERIC Pollution from the Engineer’s Standpoint, J. B. C. Kershaw, 197
- Australia, Briti-h Engineering Prospects in, 335
- Automatic Grain Net Weighers, Avery, 365
- Automatic Starter—see Electrical Matters
- Automobile Design, Current Tendencies in, Captain E. de Normanville, 406
- BAIRSTOW, Leonard, on the Progress of Aviation in the War Period, 93, 115
- Band Saw, Horizontal Log, John Pickles and Son, 498
- Beardmore-Farquhar Light Machine Gun, 494, 495
- Beatty, Lord—see Ships, Naval Matters
- Belfast, New Shipyard of Harland and Wolff, 563
- Belgium, Water Communications in, 210
- Belluzzo Turbine for Ships of War, 603
- Benzine Motors—see Engines
- Bignell-Jones Self-sinking Concrete Pile, 498
- Boats—see Ships
- Boiler Feed Regulator, Automatic, R. Warner and Co., 380, 381 ; (Correction), 406
- Boiler Manhole Compensating Ring and Door, R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Limited, 594
- Boiler Tube Cleaner, Parry Steam Blower, 381
- Bomb Sights, Aerial, 211
- Bone, Professor W. A., and Others on Fuel Economy and Consumptions in the Manufacture of Iron and Steel, 299, 307, 316, 341
- Books of Reference, 23, 264
- Boring in an Asphalt Lake, 98
- Boring Machines—see Machine Tools
- Brackenbury Screw Gauge, 508
- Brazil, Hardware for, 264
- Bridge, A Large, Strengthening, 358
- Bridge, Hell Gate, 125
- Bridge, Temporary Swing, Over the Suez Canal, near El Kantara, 174
- Bridges on the Gowdall to Braithwell Railway, 171 182
- Bridges, Portable Military, Professor C. E. Inglis, 283, 310
- Brinell Hardness Tester, W. and T. Avery, Limited, 400
- British Empire Patent Law, Suggested, 189
- British Engineering Prospects in Australia, 335
- British Engineering Standards Association, 131, 444, 445, 459, 485, 509
- B.E.S. Association and Electric Cable Standards, 445
- B.E.S. Association and Limits of Gauges for Holes, 444, 485, 569
- - Standard Specifications for :
- - Indicating Ammeters, Voltmeters, Wattmeters, Frequency and Power Factor Meters, 459
- - Instrument Transformers, 459
- - Recording (Graphic) Ammeters, Volt, meters, and Wattmeters, 459
- - Rolled Sections for Magnet Steel, 459
- British Engines—see Engines
- British Industries Fair (Birmingham), 1920, 526
- British Light Car, Enfield-Allday Motors, Limited, 40, 41
- British Milling Machines—see Machine Tools
- British Railway Workshops in War Time, 164, 178, 200, 208, 228, 232, 326, 334, 374, 375, 402, 484, 490, 581, 590 ; (Letter), 230 (Two- page Supplement, October 24th, 1919)
- British Railways—see Railways
- British Science and Ivey Industries Exhibition, 529
- British Scientific Products Exhibition, Programme of Lectures, 38, 65
- British Tanks—see Tanks
- Broaching and Broaching Machinery, 108, 112
- Broaching Press, Thwaites Brothers, Limited, 5
- Brown, Sir Hanbury, on the Regeneration of Mesopotamia, 373
- Burley, G. W., on the Cutting Power of Lathe Turning Tools, 637, 640
- Burners for Pulverised Coal. Bergman, Fuller, Lopiilco, Quigley, andc., 26, 50
- CABLE Standards—see Electrical Matters
- Cables, Chain, 538
- Calculating Diagrams for Reinforced Concrete, James Williamson, 149 (Two-page Supplement, August 15th, 1919)
- Campbell Strike—see Labour
- Canals, Problem of the, 607
- Car—see Motor Car
- Cards, Engine—see Engines
- Careers for Ex-Service Men, 264
- Cartridge Case Renovation in the Derby Shops of the Midland Railway, 402 (Two-page Supplement, October 24th, 1919)
- Cast Steel Wheels—see Wheels
- Catalogues, 24, 100, 124, 194, 268, 346, 370, 471, 597, 648
- Caterpillar Tractors at Lincoln, Trials, 339, 356
- Centrifugal Pump, Electric, High Efficiency of, 459
- Centrifugal Rain and Spray Guard, A. de Normanville, 315
- Chadwyck-Healey, Sir Charles Edward Heley, 361
- Chain Cables, 538
- Champlain Dry Dock at Quebec, 82, 86
- Charges for Water—see Water Supply
- Chemical Standards for Iron and Steel Analysis, 491
- Chemists in Chemical Works, 147
- China, Remuneration of Engineers in, 184
- China, Transport and the Machinery Market in, Professor Middleton Smith, 604
- Chutes—see Concrete, also Tower Chute
- Circle Dividing Machine, E. R. Watts and Son, 10
- Civil Aviation Prospects, 615
- Civil Engineers, Registration of, 526 ; (Letter), 596
- Clarkson, T., on the Possibilities of Further Economies in Road Transport, 445
- Clerk, Sir Dugald, on the Limits of Thermal Efficiency in Internal Combustion Engines, 40, 54 ; (Letters), 55, 84
- Clifford, E. H., on High Temperatures in Deep Mines, 214
- Clyde, River, Salving the, 47
- - American Coaling Staith, 511
- - Coal Conservation, Professor Armstrong, 66, 169
- - Coal-and Treasury Notes, 61
- - Concrete Coal Wagon for Illinois Central Railway, 107
- - Output and Price of Coal ; Curves ; Sir Auckland Geddes on the Situation, 66
- - Proposed Nationalisation of Mines, Resolution by Birmingham Exchange Committee, 39
- - Pulverised Coal : Some National Considerations, L. C. Harvey, 173 ; (Letter), 314
- - Spitzbergen, Coal Mining in, 214
- - Strikes—see Labour
- - Use of Pulverised Coal, L. C. Harvey, 15, 26, 50
- COCHRANE, A. H. J., on Work of North-East Coast Industries during the War, 39
- Cogging Mill—see Rolling Mills at Templeborough
- Compressor—-see Air Compressor
- Concrete Block-making Machine, Winget, Limited, 10
- Concrete Buildings, Equipment for Constructing, H. C. Johnson, 614, 621
- Concrete, Distribution of, by Inclined Chutes, 245, 256, 284, 300, 306
- Concrete Goods Wagons in America, 107
- Concrete Pile, Self-sinking, Bignell-Jones, 498
- Concrete Ships—see Ships.
- Concrete and Tar-macadam Mixers, 559
- Concrete—see also Reinforced Concrete
- Condenser Cleaning by Chemicals, Mirrlees- Watson Company, 142
- Conden-er Tubes, Bemal Brass, at Olympia, Yorkshire Copper Works, 406
- Condensers, Big Surface and Jet, Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Limited, 190
- Conradi, C. G., on Present Position of Mechanical Road Traction, 546, 573
- Contracts, 194, 268, 348, 450, 504, 548, 625
- Converter, The Walrand, 46
- Coolidge Tube, British Thomson-Houston Company, 80
- Cooper, Major A. Q., Friction Drive Relay Control for Aircraft, 226, 227
- Copper Alloys, Some, The Properties of, W. Rosenhain and D. Hanson, 263
- Cord Tire-making Machine, Palmer Tyre, Limited, 529
- Crane Lighter No. 4, 250-Ton Self-propelling, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. and Cowans, Sheldon and Co., 225 (Four-page Supplement, September 5th, 1919)
- Crane Works, Thomas Broadbent and Sons, Limited, at Huddersfield, 27, 29, 36 (Two- page Supplement, July 11th, 1919)
- Cranes at Crewe Works, 202, 208
- Cranes, Large, Electrical Equipment of, 282
- Crank Shafts, Alignment of, G. E. Windeler, 502
- Creosoting Plants, Portable, 511
- Current Regulator—see Electrical Matters
- Current Tendencies in Automobile Design, Captain E. de Normanville, 406
- Cutting Tools—see Machine Tools
- DAVEY, Norman, Notes on a Tour in Italy and France, 456, 506, 603 (Two-page Supplement, November 7th, 1919)
- Dazzle Painting—see Ships, Naval Matters
- d’Eyncourt, Sir E. Tennyson, on British Tanks Used in the War, 282
- Demobilised Men and the Trades Unions, 47
- de Normanville, A., Clear View Screen, 315
- de Normanville, Captain E., on Current Tendencies in Automobile Design, 406
- Derrick Car—see Railways
- Desch, Dr. Cecil H., on the Solidification of Metals from the Liquid State, 330
- Diesel Engines—see Engines
- Direction Finding by Wireless Telegraphy, Captain Riall Sankey, 388
- Distribution of Concrete—see Concrete
- Dock, Dry, at Quebec, The Champlain, 82, 86
- Dockyards, The Royal, 517
- Drafting Machine, The Thompson-Mavitta, 238
- Drawing Instruments, Nickel Alloy, Henry Hughes and Son, 434
- Dredger, Bucket, for Winning Platinum Soil, Lobnitz and Co., 90
- Drills, Hand v. Air, for Stoping, 315
- Drop Hammer at Crewe Works, 200
- Drop Valves for Steam Engines, H. W. Morley, 25 ; (Letter), 84
- Dumas, Rear-Admiral Philip, on Oil and the Navy, 595
- Duralumin, Vickers, Limited, 529
- ECCLES, Dr. on Thermionic Tubes, 357
- Economical Design of Water Conduits, Captain W. T. Taylor, 293
- Educational Intelligence, 22, 48, 124, 268
- - A.C. System of Arc Welding, 213
- - Alloy Welding Processes at Olympia, 355
- - Arc Lamp for Studio Photography, B. J. Hall and Co., Limited, 534
- - Automatic Current Limiting Regulator for Alternating Circuits, Davis and Soames, 470
- - Automatic Starter, Watford Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, 65
- - Cable Standards, New, British Engineering Standards Association, 445
- - Centrifugal Pump, High Efficiency of, 459
- - Cranes, Large, Electrical Equipment of, 282
- - Development and Storage of Water for Electrical Purposes, J. W. Meares, 186
- - Devon, Electricity Supply in, 543
- - Electric v. Hydraulic Drives in Steel Works, 180
- - Electrical Ship Work at Olympia, 354
- - Electric Standard Specifications—see British Engineering Standards
- - Electrically Propelled Ships—see Ships
- - Electricity (Supply) Bill, 1919, 89
- - General Electric Company’s Purchase of Fraser and Chalmers’ Erith Works, 462
- - Generating Sets for Marine Motors, 354
- - Hydro-electric Developments at Niagara, New, 427, 454, 464
- - Improvement of Power Factor in Electrical Supply Systems, 486
- - Lifting Block, Vaughan Crane Company, Limited, 261
- - Lighting Set-J at the Shipping, andc., Exhibition, 331
- - Motor Car Electrical Equipment at Olympia, 460, 479
- - Motor Starters, New Development in, Bray, Markham and Reiss, Limited, 32
- - Novel Electric Vehicle Motor, The “Dey,” 619
- - Optophone, for Blind Readers, Fournier d’Albe, Barr and Stroud, Limited, 39, 65
- - Panama Canal, Gatun Power Station and Power Plant, 562, 566
- - Plastic-Arc Welding System, Wilson Welder and Metals Company, 56, 60
- - Prices and Conditions for Supply of Electric Power, 473
- - Radiometallography: The Coolidge Tube, 80
- - Railways—see Railways
- - Rock Removal by the Electric Arc and the Acetylene Torch, Southern California Edison Company, 57
- - Separator, Electro-magnetic, at Glasgow, Rapid Magnetting Machine Company, 529
- - Shipbuilding, Electric Welding and its Application to, Oscar Kjellberg, 442, 472 ; (Letters), 511, 535, 561, 620
- - Small Generating Sets, A. Lyon and Wrench, Limited, 8
- - Submersible Motors at Olympia, 354
- - Switchgear, Allen West Lifting Magnet, 354
- - Switchgear, Various, at Olympia, 354
- - Switzerland, Electrification Work in, 63
- - Valve Transmitting Sets, 357
- - Victoria Falls Power Scheme, 185
- - Ward-Leonard-Ilgner Set for Cogging Mill at Templeborough, 444, 586
- - Welded Test Pieces at Glasgow, British Arc Welding Company, 529
- ELECTROLYTIC Iron Deposition, Lieut. W. A. Macfadyen, 634
- Electro-silver Plating, Early History of, R. E. Leader, 331
- Elevating and Conveying Equipment at Hull Dock Grain Silo, Henry Simon, Limited, 360, 364 (Two-page Supplement, October 10th, 1919)
- End and the Beginning, 13
- Internal Combustion Engines:
- - Aster Motor Car Engine at Olympia, 530
- - Benzine Motor and Petrol Engine for Driving Compressor, Nicola, Romeo and Co., 507
- - British Stationary Diesel Engines of To-day, 349
- - Cards from a Diesel Engine, G. Ure-Reid, 497
- - Cosmos Motor Car Engine, 10 H.P. Three- cylinder Radial Air-cooled, 513, 572
- - Crossley Cold-starting Heavy Oil Engine, 252
- - Diesel Engines in Monitors, 184
- - Doxford Oil Engine, 64 ; (Letter), 131
- - Four-cycle Paraffin Engine, Atlantic Engine Company, 352
- - Internal Combustion Engines, Valve Steels for, Leslie Aitchison, 641
- - Limits of Thermal Efficiency in Internal Combustion Engines, Sir Dugald Clerk, 40, 54 ; (Letters), 55, 84
- - Marine Diesel Engine, 492—see Working Results, andc.
- - Marine Engine Governors at Olympia, 404
- - Motor Car Engines at Olympia—see also Motor Car Show
- - Napier Motor Car Engine, 407, 409
- - Neptune Marine Diesel Engine, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, 520, 521
- - Oil Engine Tractor, Alldays and Onions, Limited, 10
- - Oil Engine Tractor, Austin Company, 9
- - Petrol Engines, Motor Car, at Olympia, W. H. Dorman and Co., Limited, 530
- - Petrol Shunting Engine, Motor Rail and Tramcar Company, 16
- - Semi-Diesel Crude Oil Engine, Robey and Co., 583
- - Semi-Diesel Marine Engines, The First- Made in New Zealand, Anderson’s, Limited, 81
- - Two-stroke 5 H.P. Oil Engine, Hamworthy Engineering Company, Limited, 10
- - Tylor Engine for Angus Sanderson Motor Car, 406, 407
- - Vickers Diesel Engine, Some Notes on, 198
- - Vickers-Petters Semi-Diesel Engine Improvements, 352
- - Working Results from the Motor Ship Selene, 639
- Steam Engines:
- - Drop Valves for Steam Engines, H. W. Morley, 25 ; (Letter), 84
- - Early Engines of James Watt, 264
- - Rolling Mill Engine, Three-crank, Reversing, Galloways, Limited, 77
- - Rolling Mill Engines, 2500 I.H.P., at the Mannesmann Works, Cole, Marchent and Morley, Limited, 136, 140, 141
- - Steam Ploughing Cable Engine, J. Fowler and Co., Limited, 8
- - Watts’ Engines near Birmingham, Visit to, 277, 309 ; (Letters), 230, 341, 391, 409, 436
- ENGINEERING in Ireland, Sir J. Purser Griffith, 457
- Engineering, Links in the History of, Rhys Jenkins, 506
- Engineering Opportunities in Greece, 30
- Engineering and Shipbuilding, Women’s Work in, Lady Parsons, 39
- Engineering Standards—see British, andc.
- Engineering Training for Ex-Service Men, 588
- Engineers, Certified, in Queensland, 526
- Engineers in China, Remuneration of, 184
- Engineers, Civil, Registration of, 526 ; (Letter), 596
- Engineer’s Vocabulary, 439 ; (Letters), 488, 535
- Excavating and Back-filling Machine, American, 412, 418
- Exhibition, British Science and Key Industries, 529
- Exhibition, British Scientific Products, Programme of Lectures, 38, 65 ; Coal Conservation, Lecture by Professor Armstrong, 66
- Exhibition, Roads and Transport, 532, 559— For Congress Papers see Roads
- Exhibition, Shipping, Engineering and Machinery, 331, 352, 380, 403
- Exhibits, Various, at the British Scientific Products Exhibition, 38, 65
- Ex-Service Men, Careers for, 264
- Ex-Service Men in Engineering Works, 610, 616
- Extinguishing a Huge Flame, 493
- Extinguishing Oil Fires with Foam, Mac- andrews and Forbes, Limited, 109
- FAIR, British Industries (Birmingham), 1920, 526
- Feed-water Heater, Pump and Spring-loaded Valve, G. and J. Weir, 405
- Ferries—see Train Ferry
- Finney Hand Pump, 191 ; (Letter), 314
- Fire, Open, Professor Leonard Hill, 191
- Fires, Oil, Extinguishing, with Foam, 109
- Fish-plates, Standard, 176
- Fisher, Lord, on the Fleet, 258
- Fleet—see Ships
- Floating Crane—see Crane Lighter
- Flooding-Relief Works, Proposed, for London, 78
- Flour Milling Machinery at Cardiff, Thos. Robinson and Son, Limited, E. R. and F. Turner, Limited, 10
- Fortescue, Professor, on Wireless Telegraphy, 357
- Forthcoming Engagements, 170, 222, 244, 270, 292, 322, 348, 372, 398, 426, 452, 478, 504, 528, 554, 580, 602, 626, 648
- French Agricultural Tractors, 401
- - 73, 99, 123, 195, 221, 243, 269, 291, 321, 347, 371, 397, 425, 451, 477, 503, 527, 553, 579, 601, 625, 647
- - African Aviation, 243
- - American Coal, 123
- - American Proposals, 195
- - Automatic Couplings, 503
- - Bridge Building, 647
- - Buyers’ Syndicate, 347
- - Calais and Antwerp, 123
- - Claims for Free Imports, 99
- - Closing of Foundries, 477
- - Coal, 73
- - Coal Crisis, 503
- - Coal and Railways, 291
- - Coal Shortage, 243
- - Coal Supply, 625
- - Cold Storage, 647
- - Commercial Arrangements, 64 7
- - Commercial Reforms, 553
- - Commercial Vehicles, 425
- - Composite Bridge, 291
- - Constructional Features, 425
- - Dredgers, 123
- - Economic Position, 73
- - Eight Hours’ Day, 195, 647
- - Electrical Distribution, 347, 477
- - Electrification of Railways, 221
- - Encouraging Outlook, 553
- - Engineering Activity, 527
- - Exchange and Trade, 321
- - Facilitating Exports, 601
- - Ferro-concrete, 99
- - Foreign Trade, 123, 371, 601
- - Franco-Belgian Trade, 221
- - Fuel Scarcity, 451
- - Harbour Works, 503
- - Heavy Oil Locomotives, 579
- - Hydro-electric Scheme, Another, 503
- - Industrial Adjustments, 347
- - Industrial Congress, 269
- - Industrial Federation, An, 451
- - Industrial Future, 371
- - Industrial Syndicate, 477
- - Inland Waterways, 269
- - International Commercial Institute, 397
- - International Transport, 397
- - Irrigation in Africa, 195
- - Labour, 451, 625
- - Lille Exhibition, 601
- - Locomotives, 269, 291, 553
- - Loire, The, 347
- - Machinery Prices, 73
- - Mercantile Fleet, 397
- - Merchant Fleet, 371
- - Merchant Shipping, 123
- - Motor Car Combination, 527
- - Motor Engineering, 425
- - National Trade Mark, 195
- - New Coal Deposits, 243
- - New Import Tariffs, 99
- - Oil Pipe Line, 625
- - Paris-Dieppe Canal, 269
- - Paris Electric Supply, 221
- - Paris Works, 195
- - Patent Extensions, 99
- - Production Syndicate, 477
- - Productive Costs, 397
- - Promised Reforms, 579
- - Railway Accident, 503
- - Railway Signals, 579
- - Reconstruction, 291, 321
- - Reconstruction Contracts, 269
- - Reconstruction Work, 243, 579
- - Renovating Railway Rails, 451
- - Restricted Production, 243
- - River Traffic, 527
- - Rolling Stock, 321
- - Seine Steamers, 73
- - Shipbuilding, 451, 647
- - Slackness at Havre, 123
- - Strikes, 553
- - Sugar-making Machinery, 99
- - Tanks, A Use for, 291
- - The Seine, 601
- - Tidal Power, 451
- - Trade with Germany, 397
- - Traffic Regulations, 527
- - U.S. and European Trade, 371
- - Units of Measure, 221
- - Wagon Building, 221
- - Wagon Repairs, 243
- - Wagons, 553
- FRENCH Trade, Reopening of, 14
- Friction Drive Relay Control for Aircraft, Major A. Q. Cooper, 226, 227
- Fuel, Alcohol Motor, Report of Government Committee, 17
- Fuel Economy in Iron .and Steel Works, 307
- Fuel Economy : Papers Presented by Committee of Iron and Steel Institute at Autumn Meeting, 299, 307, 316, 341
- - Fuel Control in Metallurgical Furnaces, Sir R. Hadfield and Mr. R. J. Sargent, 299
- - Fuel Economy and Consumptions in the Manufacture of Iron and Steel, Professor W. A. Bone and Others, 299, 307, 316, 341
- - Fuel Economy in Cupola Practice, H. James Yates, 299
- - Fuel Economy in German Iron and Steel Industry of Occupied Territory on the Rhine, Cosmo Johns and Laurence Ennis, 299, 307
- Fuel, Oil, for Ships, 568, 569
- Furnaces for Cast Steel Wheel Manufacture, 5, 12
- Furnaces for Use with Pulverised Coal, 50
- Furnaces, Various -Types, at Glengarnock Works, 75 (Supplement, July 25th, 1919)
- Future of Road Transport, 385
- Future, The, 257
- GAS Flame, Huge, Extinguishing, 493
- Gauge, Screw, H. I. Brackenbury, 508
- Gauges for Holes, Limits for, 444
- Gauges—see also Screw Gauges
- Gauging, Limit, B.E.S. Association, 485, 569
- Geared Turbines—see Turbines
- German Industries, Nationalisation of, 137
- Germany, Occupied, Iron and Steel Industry in, 262
- Glasgow Corporation Tramways, 220
- Glazebrook, Sir Richard, Retirement of, 238
- Glengarnock—see Works
- Gold from Clay, 160
- Gold Recovery from Old Mill Sites, 485
- Gordon, H. H., on Some Aspects of Metropolitan Road and Rail Transit, 537
- Government’s Aircraft Competition—see Aeronautics
- Grain Silo, 40,000-Ton, at King George Dock, Hull, 360, 364 (Two-page Supplement, October 10th, 1919).
- Graphite, Pencil, C. H. Mitchell, 612
- Greater Winnipeg-—see Water Supply
- Greece, Engineering Opportunities in, 30
- Guildford, Screw Gauge Making at, Drummond Brothers, 375
- Gun Carrying by Railway, 581, 590
- Gun, Light Machine, Beardmore-Farquhar, 494, 495
- Gwynne, Commander A. L., on Submarine Mining in Warfare, 298
- HADFIELD, Sir R., and R. J. Sargent, on Fuel Control in Metallurgical Furnaces, 299
- Hadfield’s Exhibits at Olympia, 405
- Hainault Optical Works, 434
- Hammer Drills for Rock Boring, H. S. Potter, 315
- Hammers, Mechanical, Blacker, Limited, 10
- Hand v. Air Drills for Stoping, 315
- Hand Pump, J. W. Finney, 191
- Hardware for Brazil, 264
- Harvey, L. C., Pulverised Coal : Some National Considerations, 173 ; (Letter), 314
- Harvey, Leonard C., on the Use of Pulverised Coal, 15, 26, 50 ; (Letter), 314
- Hell Gate Bridge, 125
- Herbert, Alfred, Limited, on Standardisation of Spindle Noses for Milling Machines, 358 ; (Letters), 410, 436, 488, 511
- Hill, Professor Leonard, on the Open Fire, 191
- History of Engineering, Links in the, Rhys Jenkins, 506
- Holcroft, H., on the Metamorphosis of the Locomotive, 78, 103, 126, 153 ; (Letters), 164, 176, 206, 230, 254
- Holland, Trade with : Visit of Electrical Engineers, 387
- Huddersfield—see Works
- Hull Construction—see Ships
- Hull, 40,000-Ton Grain Silo at the King George Dock, 360, 364 (Two-page Supplement, October 10th, 1919)
- Hydraulic Power, 230
- Hydro-electric Developments at Niagara, 427, 454, 464
- Hydro-electric Power Plant at the Panama Canal, 562, 566
- India, Dr. Edward Hopkinson on, 432
- India, Jute and its Manufacture in, 505, 516 (Two-page Supplement, November 21st, 1919)
- India, Mineral Production of, in 1918, 569
- Indian Central Provinces, Water Power in, 418 Industrial Alcohol—see Alcohol
- Industrial Conditions, Lord Weir’s Address, 582
- Industrial Court, 593
- Industrial and Economic Reconstruction, Professor J. E. Petavel, 260
- Industrial League, 159, 160, 177
- Industrial League and Council, 419
- Industrial Peace, 159
- Influence of the Modulus Ratio on Reinforced Concrete Stresses, W. C. Popplewell, 628
- Inglis, Professor C. E., on Portable Military Bridges, 283, 310
- Inland Waterways Conference, 301
- Institutes and Institutions—see Associations, andc.
- Institutions, Our, 281
- Internal Combustion Engines—see Engines Invention and Industry, 137; (Letter), 164 Ireland, Engineering in, Sir J. Purser Griffith, 457
- - Cast Steel Ships—see Ships
- - Chemical Standards for Iron and Steel Analysis, 491
- - Electric v. Hydraulic Drives in Steel Works, 180
- - Electro-magnetic Separator, Rapid Magnetting Machine Company, Limited, 529
- - Fluxing Action of Iron Oxides on Acid Furnace Structures, J. H. Whiteley and A. F. Hallimond, 327
- - Fuel Economy and Consumptions in the Manufacture of Iron and Steel, Professor W. A. Bone, Sir R. Hadfield, and Mr. A. Hutchinson, 299, 307, 316, 341
- - Fuel Economy in Iron and Steel Works, 307
- - Glengarnock Steel Works—see Works
- - Iron and Steel Industry in Occupied Germany, 262, 299
- - Iron and Steel Institute—see Associations, andc.
- - Iron and Steel Statistics, 488
- - New Tool Steel of Unusual Properties, 194
- - Nickel Chrome Steel : Three Papers Read at Iron and Steel Institute, 328
- - Penetration of Acid into Cast Iron, 89
- - Permanent Moulds, 33
IRON AND STEEL (continued):
- - Radiographic Examination of Steel Casting 80
- - Rolled Section-? for Magnet Steel, British Standard Specification, 459
- - Steel Industry Changes in Lorraine and Luxemburg, 541
- - Synthetic Cast Iron, C. A. Keller, 327
- - Valve Steels for Internal Combustion Engines, Leslie Aitchison, 641
- - Walrand Converter, 46
- ITALY and France, Notes on a Tour in, Norman Davey, 456, 506, 603 (Two-page Supplement, November 7th, 1919)
- Italy, Water Power in, 417
- JAMES, M. C., and L. E. Smith, on Ship Repairing on the North-East Coast During the War, 54
- James Watt Centenary, 118, 209, 226, 277, 308 ; (Letter), 230
- James Watt, Early Engines of, 264
- Jenkins, Rhys, on Links in the History of Engineering, 506
- Johns, Cosmo, and Laurence Ennis on Fuel Economy in German Iron and Steel Industry of Occupied Territory on the Rhine, 299, 307
- Journal Bearing and Thrust Block, Michell, 202
- Jute and its Manufacture in India, 505, 516 (Two-page Supplement, November 21st, 1919)
- KELLER, C. A., on Synthetic Cast Iron, 327
- Kershaw, J. B. C., on Atmospheric Pollution from the Engineers’ Standpoint, 197
- Key-seating Machine—see Machine Tools
- Kjellberg, Oscar, Electric Welding and its Applications to Shipbuilding, 442, 472 ; (Letters), 511, 535, 561, 620
- LABORATORIES, Research, Brown-Firth Sheffield, 331, 351, 353
- - Campbell Strike, 610, 616
- - Coal Strike, 87
- - Coal and Treasury Notes, 61
- - Demobilised Men and the Trades Unions, 47
- - Engineering Training for Ex-Service Men, 588
- - Industrial Conditions, Lord Weir, 582
- - Industrial Court, 593
- - Industrial League, 159, 160, 177
- - Industrial League and Council, 419
- - Industrial Peace, 159
- - Labour and Economic Conditions, 183
- - Moulders’ Strike, 307, 331
- - Railwaymen’s Wages, 328
- - Railway Strike, 335, 361, 465
- - Scientific Management : A Solution of the Capital and Labour Problem, Captain J. Al. Scott Maxwell, 632, 638
- - Shipbuilding Position, 87
- LAMP, Arc, for Studio Photography, B. J. Hall and Co., Limited, 534
- Lamps, “Pointolite,” 564
- Laryngaphone, Telephone Manufacturing Company, 529
- Lathes—see Alachine Tools
- Launches and Trial Trips, 24, 46, 74, 98, 147, 196, 220, 242, 290, 393, 419, 471, 528, 548, 597, 625, 646
- - Aircraft Production During the War, 62
- - Algal Growths and Water Filtration, 233
- - British Association, Work of the, 281
- - British Engineering Prospects in Australia, 335
- - By Air and Sea, 37
- - Campbell Strike, 616
- - Charges for London Water, 37
- - Chemical Standards for Iron and Steel Analysis, 491
- - Civil Aviation Prospects, 615
- - Coal Strike, 87
- - Coal and Treasury Notes, 61
- - Control of British Railways, 386
- - Development of the Alotor Car, 517
- - Electrical Equipment of Large Cranes, 282
- - End and the Beginning, 13
- - Engineer’s Vocabulary, 439; (Letters), 4 88
- - Fuel Economy in Iron and Steel Works, 307
- - Future of Road Transport, 385
- - Government’s “Commercial” Aircraft Competition, 210
- - Great French Shipbuilding Scheme, 183
- - Industrial Peace, 159
- - Institutions, Our, 281
- - Invention and Industry, 137
- - Italian Shipbuilding Programme, 362
- - James Watt, 209
- - Labour and Economic Conditions, 183
- - Lathe Tools, 637
- - Legacy of the War, 491
- - Lord Beatty at the Admiralty, 413
- - Lord Fisher on the Fleet, 258
- - Management of Men and Alachines, 638
- - Marine Diesel Engine, 492
- - Mother of Invention, 159
- - Moulders’ Strike, 307
- - Nationalisation of German Industries, 137
- - Naval Shipbuilding Polio; 113
- - Oil Fuel for Ships, 568
- - Our Largest Man-of-War, 465
- - Our Post-War Naval Policy, 233
- - Port Congestion, J13
- - Power Alcohol, 13
- - Proposed New L.C.C. Tramways, 439
- - Railway Administration, 592
- - Railway Deficit, 138
- - Railway Electrification, 541
- - Railway Finance, 518
- - Railway Policy, A New, 465
- - Railway Strike, 335, 361
- - Reopening of French Trade, 14
LEADERS (continued):
- - Royal Arsenal, 61
- - Royal Dockyards, 517
- - Shipbuilding Position, 87
- - Shipbuilding Statistics, 413
- - Shortage of Railway Wagons, 591
- - Standardised Feeds and Speeds for Machine Tools, 567
- - Steel Industry Changes in Lorraine and Luxemburg, 541
- - The Future, 257
- - War-time Specifications and Peace-time Uses, 591
- LEGACY of the War, 491
- Leparmentier System—see Ships
- - England, North of, 21, 45, 71, 72, 97, 98, 121, 122, 144, 167, 193, 218, 240, 267, 289, 319, 344, 369, 370, 395, 423, 449, 475, 501, 525, 551, 577, 578, 599, 623, 625, 645
- - Lancashire, 19, 22, 43, 69, 96, 119, 122, 143, 166, 192, 217, 220, 239, 242, 265, 288, 318, 320, 345, 367, 394, 396, 42], 424, 448, 450, 474, 499, 523, 549, 575, 578, 597, 600, 622, 644
- - Midlands and Staffordshire, 19, 43, 46, 69, 72, 95, 98, 119, 143, 165, 191, 217, 239, 265, 287, 317, 320, 343, 367, 393, 421, 447, 473, 499, 502, 523, 526, 549, 575, 598, 621, 643
- - Scotland, 21, 45, 71, 97, 121, 145, 167, 193, 219, 241, 267, 289, 319, 345, 369, 395, 423, 449, 475, 501, 525, 552, 577, 599, 624, 646
- - Sheffield, 20, 22, 44, 46, 70, 72, 96, 98, 120, 122, 144, 146, 166, 168, 192, 194, 218, 220, 240, 266, 288, 290, 318, 320, 343, 346, 368, 394, 396, 422, 424, 448, 474, 500, 502, 524, 526, 650, 552, 576, 598, 623, 624, 644
- - Wales and Adjoining Counties, 21, 45, 46, 72, 97, 98, 121, 122, 145, 146, 168, 193, 194, 219, 241, 242, 267, 268, 290, 320, 345, 370, 396, 424, 449, 450, 476, 501, 502, 525, 526, 552, 578, 600, 624, 625, 645
- - Accurate Pitch of Long Screws, J. Kershaw, 661
- - Belt Driving, Geo. T. Pardoe, 6, 55, 110, 164, 176, 314 ; E. W. Sargeant, 31, 131 ; Phillip, 84 ; J. R. Hopper, 164, 176, 254
- - Boy in Industries, F. E. Johnson, 341
- - Boyd, William, J. R. Oldham, 84, 254, 341
- - British Chamber of Commerce in Germany, E. Jordan, 110
- - British Engineers in Competition for the World’s Markets, A. P. Bale, 410 ; Greenly, Limited, 436
- - British and Foreign Machinery, H. Hamel Smith, 254
- - British Railway Workshops in War Time, X. Y. Z., 230
- - Change-speed Linkage Gear, Henry Davey, 436 ; E. Lonsley, 488 ; E. A. Forward, 511 ; J. Whitcher, 620
- - Chronology of Steam Locomotion, C. R. King, 7 ; C. F. Dendy Marshall, 7
- - Coal Mining and Refinement, N. H. Lake, 535
- - Coal and Tidal Power, Power User, 206
- - Cost of Electric Light, E. C. S., 176
- - Cure and Training of Ex-Soldiers, Captain J. M. Hollis, 392
- - Deepest Aline in the World, D. Lamont, 409
- - “Doxford” Oil Engine, Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Company, 131
- - Electric Welding and its Application to Shipbuilding, Quasi-Arc Company, 511, 561 ; British Arc Welding Company, 535, 620
- - Engineers’ Vocabulary, E. C. Barton, 488 ; Robert True, 488 ; W. H. Booth, 535
- - Finney Hand Pump, Pump Draughtsman, .314
- - Floating Power of Ships, R. M. Steele, 110
- - Hours of Labour Question in True Focus, E. T. Good, 313
- - Industrial Property : Patents, Designs, Trade Marks, andc., H. Thompson, 131
- - Institution of Civil Engineers and the Engineering Profession, Virus, 110 ; G. Af., 131 ; Ivor E. Afercer, 165 ; J. L. O. F., 165
- - Invention and Industry and Patent Law Reform, J. Keith, 164, 176
- - Is there Sufficient Wealth to Go Round ? J. H. Ferguson, 206, 254, 391, 436 ; E. P. Ward, 230, 314 ; A. C. Garwood, 314, 410 #
- - Links, andc.—see Two Missing Links
- - Locomotive Building Trade with China, Hexagon, 436
- - Metamorphosis of the Locomotive, F. AV. Brewer, 164, 176, 206, 230, 254 ; H. Holcroft, 206 ; W. H. Booth, 230
- - Murdock’s Locomotive—see Two Missing Links
- - “Natural Law” of Steam Boiler Performance, Jas. Dunlop, 313
- - Notes on Drop Valves, andc., Ivor E. Afercer, 84
- - Oil Engine Nomenclature or So-called “ Semi-Die el ” Cycle, H. Akroyd Stuart, 31
- - Old Locomotive Firms, A. Af. Bushell, 488 ; AV. H. Booth, 535 ; AV. J. Barker, 620
- - Patent-office Library, 391
- - Patents and Designs Bill—see Peace Treaty, also Invention and Industry
- - Peace Treaty and Patents, G. C. Marks, 31 ; Chartered Patent Agent, 55
- - Power Alcohol on Air Routes, Horace AVyatt, 7
- - Principles of Aeroplane Engine, J. R. Gould, 535 ; S. C. Butler, 561
- - Production/ of Industrial Alcohol, H. I. Peddie, 55
- - Pulverised Fuel, AV. Sisson, 314
- - Rainfall and Horse-power, H. R. Kempe, 7
- - Re “Ether,” Bertram Blount, 31
- - Salaries of Engineers, Af. W. Salmon, 7
- - Spiral Pump, Henry Davey, 392 ; E. W. Sargeant, 409
- - Standard Spindle Noses for Milling Machines, F. Archdale, 410 ; G. W. Brown, 410 ; Alfred Herbert, Limited, 436, 511 ; Associated British Alachine Tool Afakers, 488
- - Standardisation of Small Tools, G. W. Brown, 410
- - Technical Nomenclature—see. Engineer’s Vocabulary
- - The (Civil Engineers) Registration Bill, Geo. T. Pardoe, 596
- - Thermal Efficiencies of Boilers, andc., T. R. Wollaston, 84
- - Tri-compound Engines ; Triple-expansion Engines—see Boyd
- - Trisection of an Angle, L. B. AV. Jolley, 7 ; E. AV. Norton, 341 ; H. R. Kempe, 358, 391 ; C. V. Boys, 358 ; E. G. Barton, 358 ; Albert Flindle, 596
- - Two Missing Links in the History of the Locomotive, Jas. Dunlop, 341, 409, 561 ; E. A. Forward, 391 ; Rhys Jenkins, 535
- - Vertical Gas Engines, Win. Stead, 55
- - Watt, James, as Monopolist, Recorder, 436— see also Two Aliasing Links and Wat nd the Steam Engine
- - Watt and the Steam Engine, AV. II. Booth, 230
- - Welfare Work, Robert H. Hyde, 254
- LIDDELL, Arthur B., on Power and Speed of Steamers, 430
- Lifting Block, Electric, Vaughan Crane Company, Limited, 261
- Lighter, Crane—see Crane
- Lighting Sets—see Electrical Matters
- Limit Gauging, 485, 569
- Limits for Gauges for Holes, 444
- Lining Up Crank Shafts, G. E. Windeler, 502
- Links in the History of Engineering, Rhys Jenkins, 506
- Reviews:
- - British Fleet in the Great War, A. Hurd, 114, 459
- - British Afineral Oil, A Treatise on, J. A. Greene, 258
- - Electric Alining Afachinery, Sidney F. Walker, 337
- - Magnetism and Electricity for Home Study, H. E. Penrose, 138
- - Manual of Marine Engineering, A. G. Seaton, 114
- - Modern Electrical Engineering, 363
- - Railway Reorganisation, A Railway Officer, 138
- - Petroleum Refining, Andrew Campbell, 363
- - Westinghouse, George, His Life and Achievements, F. E. Leupp, 336
- Short Notices:
- - Principles Underlying Radio Comrpunication, Radio Pamphlet No. 40, Signal Corps, U.S. Army, 15
- - Slide Valves and Valve Gearing, Peter Youngson, 15
- Books Received:
- - Aeroplane Structures, A. J. S. Pippard and J. L. Pritchard, 593
- - Aeroplane Timbers, G. R. Keen, 278
- - Analysis of Minerals and Ores of the Rarer Elements for Analytical Chemists, andc., W. R. Schoeller and A. A. Powell, 114
- - Annales des Travaux Publics de Belgique, 309
- - British Association of Trade and Technical Journals, Handbook, 259
- - British Mineral Oil, Treatise on, J. A. Greene, 309
- - Cheap Cottage and Small House, Gordon Allen, 278
- - Chemistry and Alanufacture of Hydrogen, P. L. Teed, 114
- - City of Bradford Technical College Calendar, 1919-20, 593
- - Cork : Its Trade and Commerce, 210, 264
- - Electrical Equipment of Ships, Regulations for, 634
- - Electric Alains and Distributing Systems, J. R. Dick and F. Fernie, 593
- - Electric Mining Machinery, Sydney F. Walker, 278
- - Electric Power Transmission Principles and Calculations, Alfred Still, 593
- - Electric Spark Ignition, J. D. Morgan, 593
- - Gassand Oil Engine Operation, J. Okill, 634
- - Hydro-electric Power Stations, D. B. Rushmore and E. A. Lof, 593
- - Hydrogenation of Oils, Catalyzers and Catalysis, andc., C. Ellis, 593
- - Indicator Diagrams, Steam and Oil Marine Engines, AV. C. AfcGibbon, 593
- - Ionic Valve and Application to Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, W. D. Owen, 593
- - Irrigation Engineering, A. P. Davis and H. M. Wilson, 114
- - Journal of the Institute of Afetals, 259
- - Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, 259
- - Machine Drawing and Sketching, A Course in, J. H. Dale, 259
- - Magnetos : Theory and Practice of Alagneto Ignition for Internal Combustion Engines, A. P. Young, 309
- - Marconi International Code, Vol. I., 309
- - Mechanical Engineer’s Pocket-book, D. K. Clarke, 259
- - Mercantile Year Book and Directory of Exporters, 1919, AV. Lindley-Jones, 309
- - Metals of the Rarer Earths, J. F. Spencer, 114
- - Model Making, andc., R. T. Yates, 259
- - Modern Aeronautics, Handbook of, A. W. Judge, 593
- - Modern Engineering Workshop Practice, H. Thompson, 593
- - Modern Machine Shop Construction, Equipment, Afanagement, Oscar E. Perrigo, 634
- - Natural Knowledge, Inquiry Concerning the Principles of, Dr. A. N. Whitehead, 593
- - Occlusion of Gases by Metals : A General Discussion, 210
- - Palestine Restored, &c., Albert Hiorth, 278
- - Piece Rate, Premium and Bonus, J. E. Prosser, 593
- - Practical Pyrometry, E. S. Ferry and Others, 593
- - Printing for Business, J. Thorp, 114
- - Royal Automobile Club Year Book, 1919, 114
- - Storage Battery Practice, R. Rankin, 593
- - Thermionic Valve and its Developments in Radio-telegraphy and Telephony, Dr. J. A. Fleming, 593
- - Turret Lathe Tools, How to Lay Out, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 278
- - Universal Directory of Railway Officials. 309
- - Wake Up England, Granville C. Cuningham, 114
- - Water, Conveyance and Distribution of, for Water Supply, E. Wegmann, 634
LITERATURE (continued):
- Books Received (continued):
- - Willing’s Press Guide, 1919, 114
- - Wireless Telegraphy, The Book on, Rupert Stanley, 593
- LLOYD’S Register—see Ships
- Locomotive, Compound Road, J. Fowler and Co., Limited, 8
- Locomotive, Metamorphosis of the, H. Holcroft, 78, 103, 126, 153; (Letters), 164, 176, 206, 230, 254
- Locomotive, Road, Chain-driven, AV. Tasker and Sons, 583
- Locomotives, Regulations Regarding Petroleum Spirit for, 31
- Locomotives—see also Railway Locomotives
- Lodge, Sir Oliver, on Sources of Energy, 308
- Log Band Saw, J. Pickles and Son, 498
- London County Council Tramways, 22
- London County Council, Proposed New Tramways, 439, 441
- London, Proposed Flooding-Relief Works for, 78
- London Transport, Report on, 106, 129, 459
- London Water—see Water Supply
- Lord Weir on Industrial Conditions, 582
- Lord Weir’s Paper on Aircraft Design, andc., and Discussion, 53, 62
- - British Thread Milling Afachines, 249, 274 302, 324
- - Broaching and Broaching Afachinery, 108, 112
- - Cutting Power of Lathe Turning Tools, G. W. Burley, 637, 640
- - Horizontal Boring and Afilling Machine, T. Shanks and Co., 162
- - Key-seating and Mortising Machine, Smith and Coventry, Limited, 416
- - Lathe for Re-machining Cartridge Cases, 403
- - Motor-driven Portable Shaping Machine, Hulse and Co., Limited, 118
- - Standardisation of Spindle Noses for Afilling Machines, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 358; (Letters), 410, 436, 488, 511
- - Standardised Feeds and Speeds for Afachine Tools, 556, 567
- - Tool Steel—see Iron and Steel
- - Vertical Metal Hack Saw, Edward G. Herbert, Limited, 162
- - Wheels, Tools for Manufacture of, 5, 12
- McKAY, R. F., on the Paravane, 298
- McLennan, Professor J. C., on the Application of Scientific Methods to Marine Problems, 54, 67, 92
- Madeley, J. W., on the Madras Water Supply, 594
- Madras Water—.see Water Supply
- Magnesite, 467
- Management of Afen and Afachines, 638
- Marine Engines—see Engines
- Marine Problems—see Ships
- Mass Afotor Car Works, 627
- Mavitta—see Thompson
- Maxwell, Captain J. M. Scott, on Scientific Management, andc., 632
- Meares, J. W., on Development and Storage of Water for Electrical Purposes, 186
- Measurement, Stress, 117, 125
- Mechanical Road Traction, Present Position of, C. G. Conradi, 546, 573
- Mechanical Stokers on American Locomotives, 355
- Merchandise Marks Committee, Board of Trade, 450
- Mesopotamia, Regeneration of, Sir Hanbury Brown, 373
- Metals, Institute of, and Papers—see also Associations, andc.
- Metals, Solidification of, from the Liquid State, Dr. Cecil H. Desch, 330
- Metamorphosis of the Locomotive, H. Holcroft, 78, 103, 126, 153; (Letters), 164. 176, 206, 230, 254
- Metropolitan Road and Rail Transit, H. H. Gordon, 537
- Michell Journal Bearing and Thrust Block, 202
- Micro-balance, A Cheap and Simple, Captain J. H. Shaxby, 619
- Milling Machines-—see Machine Tools
- Mineral Production of India in 1918, 569
- Mines, Deep, High Temperatures in, 214
- Mining, Submarine, in Warfare, Commander A. L. Gwynne, 298
- Minister of Transport—see Transport
- Ministry of Munitions : Stocks of Non-ferrous Materials, 39, 163, 511
- Morley, H. W., Notes bn Drop Valves for Steam Engines, 25 ; (Letter), 84
- Mortising Machines—see Machine Tools
- Mother of Invention, 159
- Motor Car with Air-cooled Engine, Cosmos Engineering Company, 513, 572
- Motor Car Engines—see also Engines
- Motor Car, Light, Enfield-Allday ATotors, Limited, 40, 41
- Motor Car Show at Olympia, 460, 479, 512, 513, 517, 530, 572
- Motor Car Works, The Alass, 627
- Motor Cars, Angus Sanderson and Napier, 406 M
- Motor Cars at Olympia, Wolseley Motors, Limited,460, 479 ; Crossley Motors, Limited, 460 ; Ruston-Hornsby, 481 ; Armstrong, Siddeley, 482; Napier, 406, 512, 514; Lanchester, 513; Rover, 513; Cosmos, 513, 572 ; Bean, 513 ; Sunbeam, 513 ; Rolls- Royce, 513 ; Straker-Squire, 514 ; A.B.C., 531 ; Beardmore, 531 ; Graham-White, 531 ; Talbot - Darracq, 531
- Motor Vehicles, Heavy, in Relation to Roads, W. D. Williamson, 560, 574, 608
- Motor Vehicles, Railway—see Railways Motors, Electric—see Electrical Matters Motors, Fuel for—see Fuel
- Moulders—see Labour
- Moulds, Permanent, 33
- Murray River Storage Reservoir, 49
- NATIONAL Experiment Tank, The William Fronde, 618
- National Industrial Council for Waterworks Undertakings, A. B. Pilling, 28, 30
- National Physical Laboratory, Change of Director, 238
- Nationalisation of German Industries, 137
- Nationalisation of Mines—see Coal
- Naval Matters—see Ships
- Naval Notes, 355, 548
- - Australian and Indian Appointments, 548
- - Casualties at Jutland, 548
- - Engineer Officers at Keyham, 355
- - First Steel-built Cruiser, 355
- - Passing of the Impregnable, 355
- - Reducing the Fleet, 548
- - Retrenchment in Full Swing, 355
- NIAGARA, New Hydro-electric Developments at, 427, 454, 464
- Nomenclature—see Engineer’s Vocabulary
- Non-ferrous Materials, Stock of, 39, 163, 511
- Non-ferrous Metals, Research in, 179
- - Bradley, Lieutenant S. B., R.A.F., 617
- - Browne, W. Lyon, 617
- - Brunner, Sir J. T., 15
- - Carnegie, Andrew (Portrait), 156
- - Chadwyck - Healey, K.C.B., Sir Charles
- - Edward Heley, 361
- - Dunlop, Nathaniel, 519
- - Howard, Robert Luke, 538
- - Inglis, Dr. John (Portrait), 63
- - Inverclyde, Lord, 185
- - Ironside, W. A., 15
- - Jackson, Sir John, 617
- - Joyner, Robert Batson, 185
- - Lynde, James Henry, 15
- - Newton, Thomas Chambers, 538
- - Powles, Henry H. P., 114
- - Raworth, Benjamin Alfred, 332
- - Rayleigh, Lord, 14
- - Vickers, Albert, 62
- - Wellman, Samuel, 156
- - White, J. M., 617
- - Wicksteed, J. Hartley, 617
- OIL Engines—see Engines
- Oil Fires, Extinguishing, with Foam, 109
- Oil Fuel for Ships, 568, 569
- Oil Fuel Transference between Ships at Sea, Captain T. Fairfield, 66
- Oil and the Navy, Rear-Admiral Philip Dumas, 595
- Oil Tankers—see Ships
- Olympia, Motor Car Show at, 460, 479, 512, 513, 517
- Olympia, Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition at, 331, 352, 380, 403
- Optical Pyrometer, The “ Wedge,” Cochrane and Co., Limited, 229
- Optical Works, The Hainault, Henry Hughes and Son, 434
- Optophone, for Blind Readers, Fournier d’Albe, Barr and Stroud, Limited, 39, 65, 529
- PAINTING American Railway Carriages, 138
- Paraffin Engines—see Engines
- Paravane, The, R. F. McKay, 298
- Parsons, Lady, on Women’s Work in Engineering and Shipbuilding, 39
- Parsons, Sir C., Presidential Address to the British Association, 247, 272
- Patent Law, British Empire, Suggested, 189
- Patents and Designs Bill, 139 ; (Letters), 164, 176
- British:
- - Aeronautics, 47, 124, 222, 626
- - Batteries and Accumulators, 99, 195, 371, 553, 579
- - Building, 74, 100, 648
- - Condensers and Feed-water Heaters, 243
- - Cranes and Conveyors, 504, 647
- - Dynamos and Motors, 23, 47, 147, 196, 221, 371, 425, 451, 503, 625, 647
- - Electric Furnaces, 291
- - Electrodes, 292
- - Engines, Internal, Combustion, 47, 73, 123, 147, 195, 221, 269, 291. 347, 371, 425, 503, 527, 553, 601, 625, 647
- - Engines, Steam, 347
- - Heating—see Lighting
- - Lighting and Heating, 222, 269, 426, 528, 602, 626, 647
- - Locomotives, 99, 452
- - Machine Tools and Shop Appliances, 23, 74, 99, 148, 169, 244, 321, 347, 452, 478, 527, 554, 601
- - Measuring and Testing Instruments, 23, 47, 169, 196, 222, 244, 269, 292, 398, 554, 580, 602
- - Mines and Metals, 24, 148, 170, 347, 478, 528
- - Miscellaneous, 24, 48, 74, 100, 124, 148, 170, 244, 270, 292, 322, 348, 372, 398, 426, 452, 478, 504, 528, 580, 626, 648
- - Motor Cars and Road Traffic,, 99, 170, 372, 478
- - Ordnance and Armour, 74, 624
- - Pumping and Blowing Machinery, 147, 398, 426, 452
- - Railways—see Tramways
- - Ships and Boats 170, 270, 554, 626, 648
- - Steam Generators, 221, 243, 269, 579, 601, 625
- - Storage Batteries, 291
- - Switchgear, 48, 99, 123, 170, 221, 321, 347, 371, 397, 425, 451, 477, 503. 553. 579, 626
- - Telegraphs and Telephones, 23, 73, 124, 147, 195, 269, 292, 348, 372, 397, 425, 527, 579, 602
- - Tramways and Railways, 24, 48, 244, 321, 372
- - Transformers, 196
- - Transmission of Power, 73, 124, 169, 196, 243, 321, 398, 477, 504, 553, 580
- - Turbine Machinery, 47, 123, 169, 243, 321, 647
- PEACE-TIME and War-time Exhibits at Glasgow, 529
- Pelton Wheel—see Water Turbines
- Pencil Graphite, C. H. Mitchell, 612
- Permanent Moulds, 33
- Personal and Business Announcements, 24, 48, 74, 100, 124, 148, 170, 196, 222, 242, 292, 346, 372, 393, 421, 450, 478, 502, 528, 548, 601, 626, 646
- Petavel, Professor J. E., Address to the Engineering Section, The British Association, 260
- Petrol Engines—see Engines
- Petroleum Spirit for Locomotives, Regulations Regarding, 31
- Photography, Studio, Arc Lamp for, B. J. Hall and Co., Limited, 534
- Pile—see Concrete Pile
- Pilling, A. B., National Industrial Council for Waterworks Undertakings, 28, 30
- Pipe Joint, The Victory, 381
- Plastic-Arc Welding—see Electrical Matters
- Platinum from Canada, 156
- Platinum Dredger, Lobnitz and Co., Limited, 90
- Plough, Anti-balance, J. Fowler and Co., Limited, 8
- Plough, Self-contained Motor Caterpillar Tractor, Martin’s Cultivator Company, Limited, 11
- Plough Tractor, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Limited, 8
- Ploughs, Anti-balance, Regulating Gear for, J. and H. McLaren, Limited, 8
- Ploughing Engines—see Engines
- Polariscope, Professor Coker, 66
- Pollution, Atmospheric, from the Engineer’s Standpoint, J. B. C. Kershaw, 197
- Popplewell, W. C., Influence of the Modulus Ratio on Reinforced Concrete Stresses, 628
- Port Congestion, 113
- Portable Military Bridges, Professor C. E. Inglis, 283, 310
- Post-offices, Travelling, for Great Southern and Western Railway, 610, 611
- Poulton, Captain Faville C., on Wind Motors and the Possibilities of their Application to Industrial Purposes, 194
- Power Alcohol, 13 ; (Letters), 7, 55
- Powers of the Minister of Transport, 215, 237
- Progress of Aviation—see Aeronautics
- Properties of Some Copper Alloys, W. Rosen- hain and D. Hanson, 263
- Pulverised Coal—see Coal
- Pump, Electric Centrifugal, High Efficiency of, 459
- Pump, Feuerheerd’s Rotary, 8, 66
- Pump, Hand, J. W. Finney, 191 ; (Letter), 314
- Pump, Locomotive Feed, G. and J. Weir, 405
- Pump and Reducing Gear, Avonmore Engineering Company, 382
- Pump, Rotary, Fielding and Platt, Limited, 8
- Pump, Submersible, at Olympia, 354
- Pumps, Rotary, at Olympia, 382
- Pumps, Submersible, Merryweather and’ Sons, 595
- Pumping, Air Lift, 141
- Pyrometer, Optical, The “Wedge,” Cochrane and Co., Limited, 229
- QUEBEC, Champlain Dry Dock at, 82, 86
- Queensland, Certified Engineers in, 526
- General:
- - American Machines for Dressing Railway Sleepers, 392
- - American Railway Derrick Car, 190
- - Cost of Railway Working, 5.18, 522
- - Detention of Rolling Stock, 612
- - Four Railway Accidents, 522
- - Hours, Strikes, Wages, andc.—-see Labour
- - Metropolitan Road and Rail Transit, H. H. Gordon, 537
- - New Railway Policy, 465
- - Railway Administration, 592
- - Railway Deficit, 138
- - Railway Electrification, 510, 533, 541
- - Railway Executive Committee, 631
- - Railway Finance, 518, 522
- - South Africa, Railway Electrification in, 462
- - Transport, Powers of the Minister of, 215, 237
- - Turbines for Power for Railways—see Water Turbines
- - Wagons, Concrete Goods, in America, 107
- - Wagons for Overseas Work, Tank Transportation. andc., 484, 490
- - Wagons, Railway, Shortage of, 591
- - Ways and Communications Bill, 91—see also Transport
- British, Colonial and Indian :
- - British Railway Workshops in War Time, 104, 178, 200, 208, 228, 232, 326, 334, 374, 375, 402, 484, 490, 581, 590 ; (Letter). 230 (Two-page Supplement, October 24th, 1919)
- - Control of British Railways, 386
- - East Indian Railway and the War, 612
- - Great Central Railway War Work in the Gorton and Du kinfield Shops, 581, 590
- - Great Northern Railway War Work at Doncaster, 374, 375
- - Groat Southern and Western Railway (Ireland) Travelling Post-offices, 610, 611
- - Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway War Products, 104, 178
- - London and North-Western Railway War Products, at Crewe, 200, 208 ; at Wolverton, 228, 232
- - Midland Railway War Work at Derby, 326, 334, 402, 484, 4 90 (Two-page Supplement, October 24th, 19.19)
- - South Yorkshire, Gowdall to Braith well Railway, 171, 182
- Foreign:
- - American Railway Motor Carriage, 139
- - Illinois Central Railway Concrete Coal Wagons, 107
- - Illinois Central, Railway Derrick Car, 190
- - Painting American Railway Carriages, 138
- General:
- - Locomotive Building at Scotswood, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., 536, 540 (Two-page Supplement, November 28th, 1919)
- - Mechanical Stokers on American Locomotives, 355
- - Metamorphosis of the Locomotive, H. Holcroft, 78, 103, 126, 153 ; (Letters), 164, 176, 206, 230, 254
- - Petrol Shunting Engine, Motor Rail and Tramcar Company, 16
- - Steam Tenders on American Locomotives, 558, 559
- - Valve Gears, 103—see also Metamorphosis of the Locomotive
- - Weir Locomotive Feed-water Heater and Pump, 405
- British, Colonial, and Indian :
- - Australian and New Zealand Locomotives Recent, 180
- - Canadian Pacific Railway Passenger Loco¬motives, 641
- Foreign:
- - American Locomotives for the Far East, 216 American Locomotives, Mechanical Stokers on, 355
- - Federated Malay States Railways, Pacific Locomotives, 216 ; (Correction), 383
- - Pennsylvania Railroad, Mallet Simple Locomotive, 467
- - Shantung Railway, Consolidation Locomo¬tives, 216
- - Standardisation of American Locomotives, 415
- - Ten-coupled Locomotives for the Pennsylvania Railway, 163
- - Virginian Railway, Mallet Compound Locomotives, 618
- RAIN and Spray Guard, Centrifugal, A. de Normanville, 315
- Random Reflections, 362, 386, 414, 440, 466, 492, 518, 542, 568, 616, 638—see Separate Index
- Regeneration of Mesopotamia, Sir Hanbury Brown, 373
- Registration of Civil Engineers, 526 ; (Letter), 596
- Reinforced Concrete, Calculating Diagrams for, James Williamson, 149 (Two-page Supplement, August 15th, 1919)
- Reinforced Concrete, A Recent Development in, J. H. Walker, 114
- Reinforced Concrete Stresses, Influence of the Modulus Ratio on, W. C. Popplewell, 628
- Reinforced Concrete—see also Concrete and Ships
- Relay Control—see Friction
- Remuneration of Engineers in China, 184
- Research in Non-ferrous Metals, 179
- Research, Scientific and Industrial, 236, 419, 612
- Reservoir, Regulating Storage, on the Upper Murray River, 49
- Reservoirs—see also Water Supply
- River Clyde—see Ships
- Road Construction and Maintenance, Machines and Materials at the Agricultural Hall, 559
- Road Locomotive, Chain-driven, W. Tasker and Sons, 583
- Road and Rail Transit, Metropolitan, H. H. Gordon, 537
- Road Rollers, Tractors, and Sweepers at Agricultural Hall, 532
- Road Traction, Mechanical, Present Position of, C. G. Conradi, 546, 573
- Road Transport, Future of, 385
- Road Transport, Possibilities of Further Economies in, T. Clarkson, 445
- Road Wheels—see Wheels
- Roads and Transport Congress Papers:
- - Asphaltic Macadam (Bituminous) Roads, H. T. Wakelam, 561
- - Cement Concrete Pavements in New Zealand, United States, and Canada, W. E. Bush, 560
- - Conditions under which the Heavier Type of Vehicles may Use the Roads, &c„ Sydney G. Turner, 561
- - Consolidation and Amendment of Highway Law, H. H. Copnail, 561
- - Future Traffic Developments, W. Rees Jeffreys, 561
- - Heavy Motor Vehicles in Relation to Roads, W. D. Williamson, 561, 574, 608
- - Reinforced Concrete Roads, andc., W. M. Jones, 560
- - Relative Advantages of Single and Double- coat Road Surfacing Work in Bitumen, andc., Francis Wood, 561
- - Weight, Construction, and Speed of Mechanically Propelled Vehicles, andc., (1) A. E. Brookes, (2) W. D. Williamson, (3) George Hoare, 561
- ROADS and Transport Exhibition, 532, 559
- Robinson, Captain T., on Wireless Navigation for Aircraft, 338
- Rock Removal by the Electric Arc and the Acetylene Torch, Southern California Edison Company, 57
- Rolled Sections—see Iron and Steel
- Rolling Mill Engines—see Engines
- Rolling Mills, Electrical, at Templeborough, Davy Brothers, Limited, and British Thom¬son-Houston Company, 444, 586 (Two-page Supplement, December 12th, 1919)
- Rolling Stock—see Railways
- Rosenhain, W., and D. Hanson, on the Properties of Some Copper Alloys, 263
- Rotary Pump, Fielding and Platt, Limited, 8
- Royal Agricultural Show at Cardiff, 8
- Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, 58, 61
- Royal Dockyards, 517
- Rubber Production Exhibits at Glasgow, Harrisons and Crosfield, 529
- SALVAGE Pump and Oil Engine, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., 332
- Salving Worn or Damaged Machinery, 634
- Sankey, Captain Riall, on Direction Finding by Wireless Telegraphy, 388
- Sanni Sulphur Mine, India, 358
- Saw, Vertical Metal, Edward G. Herbert, Limited, 162
- Science and its Application to Marine Problems, Professor J. C. McLennan, 54, 67, 92
- - Advisory Council’s Report, 419
- - Committee’s Report, 236
- - Conference, Mr. Balfour, 612
- - Use of Pulverised Coal, Leonard C. Harvey, 15, 26, 50 ; (Letter), 314
- SCIENTIFIC Management : A Solution of the Capital and Labour Problem, Captain J. M. Scott Maxwell, 632, 638
- Scientific Products Exhibition, British, 38, 65
- Scouts, Aeroplane—see Aeronautics
- Screw Gauge, H. I. Brackenbury, 508
- Screw Gauge Making at Guildford, Drummond Brothers, 375
- Screw Gauge Measuring Machines, G. Cussons, Limited, 66
- Screw Gauges—see also Gauges
- Seaplanes—see Aeronautics
- Self-sinking Concrete Pile, Bignell-Jones, 498
- Semi-Diesel Engines—see Engines
- Sewage Treatment, Activated Sludge, Air Diffusion in, 146
- Shaping Machines—see Machine Tools
- Shaxby, Captain J. H., on a Cheap and Simple Micro-balance, 619
- Shears, Up-cutting, for Cogging Mill—see Rolling Mills at Templeborough
- Sheffield University Research Work, Nonferrous Metals, 331, 351
- General:
- - American Shipbuilding, 432
- - Belfast, New Shipyard, Harland and Wolff, 563
- - Boat Lowering Gear at Olympia Exhibition, 403
- - Cast Steel Ships for the United States, 156
- - Crane Lighter No. 4, 250-Ton Self-propelling, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., and Cowans, Sheldon and Co., 225 (Four- page Supplement, September 5th, 1919)
- - Dazzle Painting of Ships, Lieut.-Commander N. Wilkinson, 54
- - Development of Geared Turbines for the Propulsion of Ships, R. J. Walker, 283
- - Electric Welding and its Application to Shipbuilding, Oscar Kjellberg, 442, 472 ; (Letters), 511, 535, 561, 620
- - Engines, Marine—see Engines
- - Exhibition at Olympia, Shipping, Engineering, and Machinery, 331, 352, 380, 403
- - Flying Boat at Glasgow, Jas. Howden and Co., Limited, 530
- - French Shipbuilding Scheme, 183
- - German Liners Machinery Repaired by Plastic-arc Welding, 56, 60
- - Italian Shipbuilding Programme, A. Large. 362
- - Leparmentier System of Hull Construction, 94 ; (Letter), 110
- - Lloyd’s Register Annual Report, 433
- - Lloyd’s Register Shipbuilding Returns, 94, 418
- - Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 1919-20 Edition, 134
- - Marine Problems, Application of Scientific Methods to, Professor J. C. McLennan, 54, 67, 92
- - Models at Glasgow, Yarrow and Co., Limited, 529
- - Models of Ships, Boilers, Steering Gear, andc., at Glasgow, 530
- - Power and Speed of Steamers, Arthur B. Liddell, 430
- - Ship Repairing on the North-East Coast during the War, M. C. James and L. E. Smith, 54
- - Shipbuilding Position, 87
- - Shipbuilding Statistics, 413
- - Spars and Marine Engine Governors at Olympia Exhibition, 404
- - Taking the Sag Out of a Buckled Ship, 202
- - Tyneside, Big Job for, 569
- - White Star Line Jubilee, 261
- - William Fronde National Experiment Tank, 618
- British Navy:
- - Australian-built Fleet Auxiliary Biloela, 154, 155
- - Capetown, H.M. Cruiser, 18
- - “D” Class, Light Cruisers of the, 429, 438
- - Delhi, H.M. Light Cruiser, 429, 438
- - Dragon, H.M.S., Showing Aeroplane Shelter, 429
- - Fleet at Southend, 88
- - Hawkins, H.M. Light Cruiser, 296
- - Hermes, H.M. Seaplane Carrier, 274
- - Hood, H.M. Largest Battleship. 465, 468
- - Mackay, H.M. Destroyer, Michell Journal Bearing Fitted to, 202
- - Renown, H.M. Battle-cruiser, An American Appreciation of, 643
- - Trefoil, Diesel Motor Ship, Vickers Engines, 198
- - Wild Swan, H.M, Torpedo-boat Destroyer, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, 532
- - Witherington, H.M. Torpedo-boat Destroyer, J. S. White and Co., Limited, 417
- - Wolverine, H.M. Destroyer, J. S. White and Co., Limited, 84
- Naval Matters:
- - Diesel Engines in Monitors, 184
- - Lord Beattv at the Admiralty, 413
- - Naval Models and Exhibits at Olympia, 352
- - Naval Shipbuilding Policy, 113
- - Navy Estimates, 1919-1920, 592
- - “Navy” Type Motor Starter, Bray, Markham and Reiss, Limited 32
- - Oil and the Navy, Rear-Admiral Philip Dumas, 595
- - Our Post-War Naval Policy, 233
- - Paravane, The, R. F. McKay, 298
- - Royal Dockyards, 517
- - Submarine Mining in Warfare, Commander A. L. Gwynne, 298
- Naval Matters (continued)
- - Turbine for Ships of War, Belluzzo, 603
- - Yarrow Destroyers, New, 3 (Two-page Supplement, July 4th, 1919)
- Foreign Navies :
- - Electrical Equipment of the U.S.S. New Mexico, 204, 234
- - German Submarine Construction, The Facts About, 584
- - Italian Destroyer Audace, Yarrow and Co., Limited, 3 (Two-page Supplement, July 4th, 1919)
- - Japanese Destroyer Urakase, Yarrow and Co., Limited, 3 (Two-page Supplement, July 4th, 1919)
Mercantile and Miscellaneous Vessels.
- - Aquitania, Cunard Liner, Refitting and Equipment for Oil Fuel, 569
- - Cretemast, Reinforced Concrete Tug, John verMehr, 544, 545
- - Icebreakers for Archangel, Sviatogor and Alexander, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Limited, 632, 633, 636
- - Marine, 6550-Ton Standard Ship, Harland and Wolff, Limited, 563, 564
- - Salving the River Clyde, 47
- - San Fernando, Oil Tank Steamer, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., 605
- - Selene, Motor Ship, Working Results from, 639
- SHORTAGE of Railway Wagons, 591
- Shovel, Steam, American, in England, 366
- Show, Motor Car, at Olympia, 460, 479, 512, 513, 517, 530, 572
- Show, Royal Agricultural, at Cardiff, 8
- Show, Smithfield Club, 583
- Silo, 40,000-Ton Grain, at the King George Dock, Hull, 360, 364 (Two-page Supplement, October 10th, 1919)
- Sleepers, Railway—see Railways
- Smith, Professor Middleton, on Transport and the Machinery Market in China, 604
- Smith, Roger T., on Railway Electrification, 510, 533, 541
- Smithfield Club Show, 583
- Societies—see Associations, andc.
- Sources of Energy, Sir Oliver Lodge, 308
- Spindle Noses—see Machine Tools
- Standard Fish-plates, 176
- Standardised Feeds, andc.—see Machine Tools
- Standardisation, Locomotives—see Railway Locomotives
- Standards—see British Engineering Standards Association
- Starter—see Electrical Matters
- Steam Engines—see Engines
- Steam Locomotives and Tractors at Cardiff Show, 8
- Steam Meter, Sanders, Rehders and Co., 38
- Steam Purifier, Tracy, Power Specialty Company, 404
- Steam Shovel, American, in England, 366
- Steam Tenders—see Railway Locomotives
- Steam Wagon—see Wagon
- Steamers—see Ships
- Steel—see Iron and Steel
- Stoney, Professor G., on High-speed Tu.bine Gears, 534
- Straughen, D. M., on the Repair of a Service Reservoir Damaged by Mining, 594
- Strengthening a Large Bridge, U.S.A., 358
- Stress Measurement, 117, 125
- Strikes, Wages and Hours Questions—see Labour
- Submarine Mining in Warfare, Commander A. L. Gwynne, 298
- Submersible Pump and Motor at Olympia, 354
- Submersible Pumps, Electrical, Merry weather and Sons, 595
- Suggested British Empire Patent Law, 189
- Sulphur Mine, Sanni, India, 358
- Swing Bridge—see Bridge
- Switchgear—see Electrical Matters
- Switzerland, Electrification Work in, 63
- TAKING the Sag out of a Buckled Ship, 202
- Tank, William Froude National Experiment, 618
- Tanks, British, Used in the War, Sir E. Tennyson d’Eyncourt, 282
- Taylor, Captain W. T., on the Economical Design of Water Conduits, 293
- Telegraph Poles, Preservation of, 89
- Temperatures, High, in Deep Mines, E. H. Clifford, 214
- Templeborough Rolling Mill, 444
- Testing Machine, Brinell, W. and T. Avery, Limited, 406
- Testing Machines, Foster Instrument Company, 66
- Thermal Efficiency—see Engines and Motors Thompson-Mavitta Drafting Machine, 238
- Thread Milling Machines—see Machine Tools Thrust Block, Michell, 202
- Tour in Italy and France, Notes on, Norman Davey, 456, 506, 603 (Two-page Supplement, November 7th, 1919)
- Tower Chute, for Constructing Concrete Buildings, H. C. Johnson, 614, 621
- Tractor, Compound Steam, with Spring Mounting, W. Foster and Co., Limited, 9
- Tractor, Oil Engine, Alldays and Onions, Limited, 10
- Tractor, Oil Engine, Austin Company, 9
- Tractor Trials at Lincoln, 260, 308, 338, 356, 378, 384
- Tractors, French Agricultural, 401
- Tractors, Steam and Oil, at Cardiff Show, 8
- Traffic, London—see Transport
- Train Ferry Service, Proposed Anglo-Swedish, 248
- Training, Engineering, for Ex-Service Men, 588
- Trains, Ambulance, at Wolverton Works, 228, 232
- Trains and Rolling Stock—see also Railways
- Tramways, Glasgow Corporation, 220
- Tramways, London County Council, 22
- Tramways, Proposed New L.C.C., 439, 441
- Transport and the Machinery Market in China, Professor Middleton Smith, 604
- Transport, London, Report on, 106, 129, 459
- Transport, Powers of the Minister of, 215, 286
- Transport, Road, Future of, 385
- Transport, Road, Possibilities of Further Economies in, T. Clarkson, 445
- Transport Vehicles at the Agricultural Hall Exhibition, 532
- Transport—see also Road
- Travelling Post-offices for Great Southern and Western Railway, 610, 611
- Tugs—see Ships
- Tunnel, An 18-Mile Aqueduct, 646
- Turbine Gears, High-speed, Professor G.. Stoney, 534
- Turbine for Ships of War, Professor Belluzzo, 603
- Turbines, Geared, for the Propulsion of Ships, R. J. Walker, 283
- Turbines, Water, Costruzioni Meccaniche Riva, 456 (Two-page Supplement, November 7th, 1919)
- URE-REID, G., Cards from a Diesel Engine, 497
- Use of Pulverised Coal, L. C. Harvey, 15, 26, 50 ; (Letter), 314
- VALVE Steels—see Iron and Steel
- Valve Transmitting Sets, 357
- Valves—see Drop Valves—also Locomotives
- Vauxhall Ordnance Factory of King Charles I., 506
- Vehicles, Electric—see Electrical Matters
- Vickers Engine—see Engines
- Victoria Falls Power Scheme, 185
- WAGES—see Labour
- Wagon, Compound Steam, W. Foster and Co., 584
- Wagon, Compound Steam, Robey and Co., Limited, 9
- Wagons, Concrete Goods, in America, 107
- Wagons for Overseas Work, Tank Transportation, andc., 484, 490
- Wagons, Self-propelling Tipping, at Agricultural Hall, 532
- Walker, R. J., on the Development of Geared Turbines for the Propulsion of Ships, 283
- Walrand Converter, 46
- War, Legacy of the, 491
- War-time Specifications and Peace-time Uses, 591
- War Work in the Derby Shops of the Midland Railway, 326, 334, 402, 484, 490 (Two-page Supplement, October 24th, 1919)
- War Work of the Great Central Railway, 581, 590
- War Work of the Great Northern Railway, 374, 375
- War Work of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 104, 178
- War Work of the London and North-Western Railway, 200, 208, 228, 232
- War Work of Ruston and Hornsby, Limited, 110
- Warping Winch of Bucket Dredger, 90
- Water Communications in Belgium, 210
- Water Conduits, Economical Design of, Captain W. T. Taylor, 293
- Water for Electrical Purposes—see Electrical Matters
- Water Power in the Indian Central Provinces, 418
- Water Power in Italy, 417
- - Algal Growths and Water Filtration, 233
- - Charges for London Water, 37
- - Greater Winnipeg New Water Supply, 399
- - London Water, Report on, 4
- - Madras Water Supply, J. W. Madeley, 594
- - National Industrial Council for Waterworks Undertakings, A. B. Pilling, 28, 30
- - Repair of Service Reservoir, andc., D. M. Straughen, 594
- WATER Turbines, Francis and Pelton, Costruzioni Meccaniche Riva, 456 (Two-page Supplement, November 7th, 1919)
- Watt, James, Centenary, 118, 209, 226, 277, 308 ; (Letters), 230, 341, 391, 409, 436
- Watt, James, Early Engines of, 264
- Ways and Communications Bill, 91—see also Transport
- “Wedge” Optical Pyrometer, Cochrane and Co., Limited, 229
- Weighbridge, 15-Ton, W. and T. Avery, 583
- Weighing and Testing Machines, W. and T. Avery, Limited, 10
- Weir—see Lord Weir’s Paper, andc.
- Welding, Arc, The A.C. System, 213
- Welding, Electric, and its Application to Shipbuilding, Oscar Kjellberg, 442, 472 ; (Letters), 511, 535, 561, 620
- Welding, Electric—see also Electrical Matters
- Welding Exhibits at Glasgow, British Arc
- Welding Company, 529
- Welding System, Plastic-Arc, Wilson Welder and Metals Company, 56, 60
- West, Lieut. R. R., on Air Brakes for Aeroplanes, 570
- Westland—see Aeronautics
- Wheels, Road, Cast Steel, Manufacture of, Thwaites Brothers, Limited, 5, 12
- White, Mr. Sydney, Retirement of, 18
- White Star Line Jubilee, 261
- Whiteley, J. H., and A. F. Halhmond on the Fluxing Action of Iron Oxides on Acid Furnace Structures, 327
- Wilkinson, Lieut.-Commander N., on the Dazzle Painting of Ships, 54
- William Froude National Experiment Tank, 618
- Williamson, James, on Calculation Diagrams for Reinforced Concrete, 149 (Two-page Supplement, August 15th, 1919) .
- Williamson, W. D., on Heavy Motor Vehicles in Relation to Roads, 560, 574, 608
- Winch, Ayrolin Engineering Company, 381
- Winch with Steam Waste Prevention Device, J. Wigham and Sons, 380, 381
- Wind Motors and the Possibilities of their Application to Industrial Purposes, Captain F. C. Poulton, 194
- Windeler, G. E., on Alignment of Crank Shafts, 502
- Wire Rod Rolling Mill, Templeborough, 444
- Wire Ropes, George Cradoek and Co., Limited, 10
- Wireless Navigation—see Aeronautics
- Wireless Telegraphy, Direction Finding by, Captain Riall Sankey, 388
- Wireless Telegraphy and Thermionic Tubes, 357
- Women’s Work in Engineering and Shipbuilding, Lady Parsons, 39
- Woolwich, Royal Arsenal, 58, 61
- Work of the British Association, 281-—see also Associations
- - Amalgamation of Fraser and Chalmers and General Electric Company, 462
- - Armstrong Locomotive Works at Scotswood, 536, 540 (Two-page Supplement, November 28th, 1919)
- - Cricklewood Works of the Nieuport Aircraft Company, 132, 151, 158
- - Derby Shops of the Midland Railway, 326, 334, 402, 484, 490 (Two-page Supplement, October 24th, 1919)
- - Doncaster Shops of the Great Northern Railway, 374, 375
- - Electric v. Hydraulic Drives in Steel Works, 180
- - Engineering Works, Ex-Service Men in, 610, 616
- - Glengarnock Works of David Colville and Sons, Limited, 75 (Four-page Supplement, July 25th, 1919)
- - Great Central Railway War Work in the Gorton and Dukinfield Shops, 581, 590
- -Harland and Wolfi’s New Shipyard at Belfast, 563
- - Huddersfield Crane Works, Thomas Broadbent and Sons, Limited, 27, 29, 36 (Two- page Supplement July 11th, 1919)
- - Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Loco motive Shops at Horwich ; Carriage and Wagon Shops at Newton Heath. 104, 178
- - London and North-Western Railway, War Work at Crewe Shops, 200, 208 ; War Work at Wolverton, 228, 232
- - Mass Motor Car Works, 627
- WORM Gearing, D. Brown and Sons, 643
- X-RAYS, the Coolidge Tube, 80
- YATES, H. James, on Fuel Economy in Cupola Practice, 299
See Also
Sources of Information