The Engineer 1920 Jul-Dec: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1920 Jul-Dec: Index
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- ABELL, Professor T. B., on Characteristics of a Marine Propeller in a Non-uniform Stream, 291
- Adamson, Joseph (Portrait), 182
- Adhex Leather Belt, Monsieur Henri Guillou, 590 ; (Letter), 606
- Ahrons, E. L., Locomotives Built by Messrs. B. Hick and Son, Bolton, 102
- Ahrons, E. L., on Messrs. W. and A. Kitching, Hope Town Foundry, Darlington, 419 : (Letters), 448, 478, 528
- Ahrons, E. L., on The Railway Foundry, Leeds (E. B. Wilson and Co.), 369
- Allen, VV. H., Son and Co., Surface Ignition Engine, 32
- Alloy Welding Processes, Limited, Portable A. C. Welding Equipment, 360, 361
- American Beam Trawler Mariner, 612. 616
- American Concrete Mixing Machinery, 193, 197, 275, 343, 354, 382 (for Sub-Headings, see Miscellaneous Index)
- American Mercury Vapour Boiler. W. L. R. Emmet, 516
- American Oil-electric Auxiliary Yachts Elfay and Guinivere, 617
- Archdale, James, and Co., Milling Machines at Olympia, 244, 245, 254
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co., Limited, 12in. Howitzer on Railway Truck Mounting, 204, 209
- Armstrong-Siddeley Six-cylinder Lauda ulet, 476, 478
- Arroi, Sir William, and Co., 120-Ton Overhead Travelling Crane with Telescopic Cage, 66
- Arthur, Captain J. Stanley, on the Sterilisation of Water by Chlorine Gas, 527, 531, 564
- Asquith Radial Drilling Machines, 245, 254
- Avro Five-seater Passenger Triplane, 78
- BADEN, ex-German Battleship, and the Cruiser Niirnberg, 319 (Two-page Supplement, October 1st, 1920)
- Baghdad Railway, Major D. G. Heslop, 469, 480, 523, 551, 560, 601 (Two-page Coloured Supplement, November 26th, 1920)
- Baker, F. E., Limited, Precision Motor Cycle Works, 575, 586
- Bamlett’s Potato Digger, 59
- Barnes Scarfing Machine, 162
- Barnfather Hose Coupling, 590
- Bateman Electrically-driven Planer, 292
- Baumann, K., on Feed Heating for Land Power Stations, 101, 127, 150
- Baush Multi-spindle Drilling Machine, 270, 274
- B. C.B. High-speed Plunger Pump, 539
- Beardmore, W., and Co., Limited, H.M. Light Cruiser Raleigh, 374
- Beardmore’s Locomotive Works, 149 (Two-page Supplement, August 13th, 1920)
- Bell Locomotive Works, High-pressure Geared Locomotives, 461
- B.S.A. Tools, Limited, Sensitive Drilling Machine, 246
- Boving and Co., 8000 H.P. Pelton Turbines, Pipe Line, Valves, andc., for Tasmania. 3, 12, 40 (Two-page Supplement, July 2nd, 1920)
- Brackett, F. W., and Co., Limited, Water screening Plant, 541
- Brampton Brothers, Chain Drive, 248
- Breuil Works, Schneider and Co. (i, vi, vii, x, Sixteen-page Supplement and. Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920); Open- hearth Furnace, 60 Tons, and Shop. Charging Side and Tapping Side (vi, x, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Bristol Aeroplane Company’s Seaplane, 488
- Bristol “Pullman” Triplane, Bristol Aeroplane Company, 52 (Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- British Aerial Transport Company’s Single- seater Monoplane “The Crow,” and Five- seater Commercial Aeroplane, 53 (Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- British Berna Side and End-tipping Wagon, 424, 425
- British Railway Workshops in M ar Time, 27, 36, 77
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Motorswitch Panel, 247, 248
- Broom, Talbot C., on Stresses in Portals and Similar Structures, 368, 393, 417
- Brown, David, and Sons, Limited, Double Helical Gear Generator, 291, 302
- Brown, David, and Sons, Worm, and Worm Wheel Machinery, 228, 234 ; Spur Gear Generator, 234
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Enclosed Motor for Steel Works, 504
- Burmeister and Wain, Motor Ship Theodore Roosevelt, 236
- Burt Single Sleeve Valve Petrol Engine, Wallace Farm Implements, Limited, 154, 155, 158
- CALTHROP Parachutes and Quick-release Device, 79, 80
- Cambridge Building, New York, Underpinning, 26
- Cambridge and Paid Instrument Company, Electrical CO2 Recorder, 333, 334
- Cambridge and Paul Instrument Company, Electrical Distance Thermometer, 335
- Cammell Laird Motor Ship Fullagar, 69
- Carey Oil Transmission System, 284
- Carmichael’s Engine of 1833, 15, 16
- Carmichael’s Locomotive Gear of 1833, 15, 16
- Central Aircraft Company’s “Centaur,” Threeseater Seaplane, 53 (Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- Chalon-sur-Saone Works, Schneider and Co., Movable Shop End at (xi, xiv, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Champagne-sur-Seine Works, Schneider and Co., Dynamo Erecting Shop at (xii, xiii, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Churchill Plain Grinding Machine, 332
- Clark Truck Tractor Company, Three-wheeled Motor Tractor, 92
- Clayton Overtype Tipping Wagon, 400
- Cleworth, Wheal and Co., Air Filter, 504, 505
- Cleworth, Wheal and Co., Water Cooler, 505
- Clifton and Baird’s Cutting-off Machines, 269
- Cockerill Blast-furnace Gas Engines, Professor H. Hubert, 495 : (Letter), 558
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company’s Electric Grinder, Electric’ Drills and Magnetic Tool Post, 360
- Cooke, Charles John Bowen (Portrait), 397
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Company, Manufacture of Hardened Screw Gauges, 310, 311
- Cowans, Sheldon 150-Ton Floating Crane, 18
- Crampton’s Locomotive Gear of 1842, 16
- Creusot and Breuil, Plan of Works at (i, Six- teen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Creusot Works, Messrs. Schneider and Co.:
- - Armour Plate Bending Presses, 8000-Ton and 5000-Ton (viii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-paqe Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Blast-furnace Gas Engine and Electric Generator (ii, Sixteen-paqe Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - No. 3 Blast-furnace under Construction (ii, iii, iv, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Building a 3000 H.P. Blast-furnace Gas Blowing Engme (v, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Cogging Mill, Two-high Reversing (vii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Flanging Press, 1000-Ton (viii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Forging Press, 2000-Ton (viii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Furnace, “Electro-metals,” 3.5-Ton (vii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Heavy Planing Machine (xiii, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Mill Re-heating Furnace (viii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Saint Eugene Garden City (xv, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Creusot Works, Messrs. Schneider and Co. (continued):
- - Tilting Furnace. 12-Ton (ii, Sixteen-page Supplement September 17th, 1920)
- - Tiro-finishing Mill, Tire-roughing Mill (viii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Fcur-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Turbo-alternator, 10,000 K.W., 1260 R.P.M. (v, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- CROSSLEY Brothers, Gas Engines at Darlington, 8, 9
- Crossley’s Magneto, Governor and Cam Gear Mechanism, 9
- Crossley Motors, Limited, 19.6 H.P. Motor Car, 450
- “Crown Magnetic” Car Chassis, 498, 499 ; (Letters), 528, 558, 606
- DAIMLER 2-Ton Tipping Wagon, 400
- Darlington, Royal Agricultural Show at, 8, 32, 58
- Davey, Norman, Studies in Tidal Power, 556, 578, 603, 634, 652 ; (Letters), 606, 644
- Dean, Smith and Grace’s 8|in. Repetition Lathe, 359
- Derwent Goods and Mineral Engine, 1845, 420
- Derwent Valley River Lands, Reclamation of, 470
- Dixon, Walter, on the Electrification of the Ebbw Vale Works and Collieries, 299, 306
- Droitaumont, Workmen’s Dwellings at, Schneider and Co. (xv, xvi, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Drummond 3.5 in. Lathe, 328, 333
- Dublin and Kingstown Locomotive of 1834, 15
- Dunlop, Janies, on the Development of Locomotive Valve Gear, 15, 49
- EALING and Shepherd’s Bush Railway, 118
- Eastleigh Shops, London and South-Western Railway, War Work, 77
- Ebbw Vale Works and Collieries, Electrification of, Walter Dixon, 299, 306
- Electrical Apparatus Company, Relay Motor Starter, 332
- Emmet, W. L. R., Mercury Vapour Boiler, 516
- Ex-German Battleship Baden and the Cruiser Nurnberg, 319 (Two-page Supplement, October 1st, 1920)
- Experiment Locomotive of 1833, 15
- FLEMING, A. P. M., and J. R. Clarke, on Radiological Testing of Materials, 642
- Foster Instrument Company, Radiation Pyrometer and Thermo-couple Recorder, 247
- Foster Millivoltmeter, 247
- Foster, William, and Co.’s Steam Wagon, 58
- Fowler. John, and Co.. Ploughing Machines and Appliances. 428, 434
- Fullagar, Motor Ship, Cammell Laird and Co., Limited, 69
- GALVANISING Equipment Company’s Rustproofing Process, 539, 540
- Garrett, Richard, and Sons, Limited, 3.5-Ton Electric Vehicle, 404, 425
- General Vehicle Company’s 3.5 Ton Electric Tipping Wagon, 402, 404
- German Giant Gun, Sir George Greenhill, 651
- Gilboa Dam and Shandakcn Tunnel for New York Water Supply, 627
- Gilman, F. L., Automatic Current Motor, 308
- Glasgow, Shipbuilding, Engineering and Electrical Exhibition at. 504, 538
- Gray’s Express Engine Built by Shepherd and Todd, 1840, 370
- Great Northern Three-cylinder Fast Goods Engine, 652, 654, 663 (Two-page Supplement, December 31st, 1920)
- Great Western Railway Works at Swindon in War Time, 27, 36
- Greenhill, Sir George, on the German Giant Gun, 651
- Greenwood and Batley s 2-Ton Electric Truck, 246, 247
- Guillou, Monsieur Henri. Adhex Leather Belting, 590 (Letter), 606
- HACKWORTH S Locomotive Gear of 1849, 17
- Hall, J. and E., Hallford 5-Ton Tipping Lorry, 425, 426
- Hallford 5-Ton Tipping Lorry, 425, 426
- Hamworthy Engineering Company’s Oil Engine Winch, 58
- Handley Page Aeroplane Wing, 421
- Handley Page W 8 Type Passenger Biplane, 52 (Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- Hawthorn’s Locomotive Gear of 1840, 16
- Herbert, Alfred, Machine Tools at Olympia :
- - Broaching Machine, 270, 274
- - Cold Sawing Machine with Chip Remover, 270, 274
- - Radial Drilling Machine, 270, 271
- - Vertical Milling Machine, 271, 272
- Herbert, E. G., Limited, Radial Sawing Machine, 246
- Heslop, Major D. G., on the Baghdad Railway, 469, 480 523, 551, 560, 601 (Two-page Coloured Supplement, November 26th, 1920)
- Hick, B., and Son, Bolton, Locomotives Built by, 102
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Limited, Diesel Engines for South America, 210
- Hiroi, I., on The Force and Power of Waves, 184
- Holroyd, J., and Co., Limited, Screw-chasing Machine, Automatic, 357 ; Bar-grinding Machine, 357
- Houston, Sir A. C., on Rapid Filtration of Water, 218
- Hubert, Professor H., on Cockerill Blastfurnace Gas Engines, 495 ; (Letter), 558
- Hudson River Vehicular Tunnel, 394
- Hughes, W. E., on Electro-deposited Iron : Its Value for Engineering Purposes, 350
- Hunt, Herbert, and Sons, Twist Drill Sharpening and Thinning Machine, 237
- Hurst, Charles, on Valves for Steam and Gas Engines, 153
- Hydro, Steel Steamer Hopper Dredger, 176, 177
- IGRANIC Electric Company’s Resistance Charging Unit, 235
- India, Petrol Tramcars for. McEwan, Pratt and Co., 513
- Indian Railways, Electrification of, 530
- Ingersoll Steam Drill and Drilling Barge, 202
- International Aero Exhibition. Olympia, 52, 62, 78, 86 (Two-page Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- Irthlingborough Iron Mine, 177
- Irwin and Jones, Electric Trucks, 234, 235
- Italian Flotilla Leaders, 267, 278
- Italian Torpedo Craft, Aquila, Sparviero, Antonio Mosto, and 42 P.N.. Messrs. C. and T. T. Pattison, 630, 638
- JONES, A. A., and Shipman’s Drilling and Grinding Machines, 270, 274
- KELVIN, Bottomley and Baird, Limited, Pneumercator Tank Gauge, 505, 506
- Kendall and Gent, Limited, Vertical, Plano and Other Milling Machines, 295, 296
- Kitching, W. and A., Hope Town Foundry, Darlington/ E. L. Ahrons, 419: (Letters), 448, 478, 528
- LANG, John, and Sons, Centering Machine, 358
- La Normande Metallurgical Company, Works (Caen) (Schneider and Co.) :
- - (ix, xi, xii, Sfateen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Blast-furnaces (ix, xi, xii, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Cogging Mill (ix, xiv, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Metal Mixer, 700-Ton Gas-fired (xiv, xv, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Open-hearth Ingot Stripper (xiv, xv, Sixteen- page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- LEYLAND Motors, Limited, Eight-cylinder Car and Engine, 476, 477
- Lincolnshire Oil Engines, F. H. Livens, 103, 108, 140
- Linzey, E. A. V., on Casting Pipe Specials in Green Sand, 226
- Livens, F. H., and W. Barnes on Recent Excavator Practice, 82
- Livens, F. H., on Some Lincolnshire Oil Engines, 103, 108, 140
- Locomotion No. 1, Stockton and Darlington Railway Engine, 1825, 49
- London and South-Western Railway Workshops in War Time, 77
- Lostock Junction Railway Collision, 348
- Lovekin, Luther D., on Surface Condensers, 618
- McEWAN, Pratt and Co., Petrol Tramcars for India, 513
- McLaren, J. and H., Motor Tractor and Power Windlass, Cultivator and Reversible Harrow, 582
- McLaren’s Motor Windlass for Cable-haulage Ploughing, 32
- Mammoth 200-Ton Floating Crane, A. F. Smulders, 375, 378
- Mariner, Oil-electric Driven Trawler, 612, 616
- Marshall, Sons and Co., New Power Station, Gainsborough, 106
- Martinsyde Type “A” Freight Carrier, 54 {Supplement, July 10th, 1920)
- Mather, Sir William (Portrait), 305
- Meandros, Cargo Steamship, J. I. Thorny croft and Co., Limited, 534, 542
- Meandros. Steamship, Engines for, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Limited, 152
- Mesta Machine Company’s 25,000 H.P. Geared Steam Mill Engine, 110
- Metropolitan District Railway Cars, 660, 662
- Metropolitan - Vickers Electrical Company, Turbo-alternator Set at Stoke-on-Trent, 151
- Milnes, Henry, 3fin. Lathe, 358, 359
- Mirabello, Italian Flotilla Leader, 267, 278
- Morgan, A. and J., Bolt-hole Widening and Boring Machine, 540, 541
- Mumford, A. G., Limited, Boiler Feed-water Regulator, 352
- Murray River, Australia, Improvement, 171, 180
- NAPIER 450 H.P. “Lion” Engine, 78, 86
- National Gas Engine Company, Paraffin, Petrol or Gas Engine, 8, 9
- National Gas Engine Company, 120 H.P. Three- cylinder Vertical Gas Engine, 567
- Newall Gauge Company, One-millionth Inch Measuring Machine, 474
- Newton 3.5-Ton Electric Tipping Wagon, 424, 425
- New York Water Supply, Gilboa Darn and Shandaken Tunnel, 627
- New Zealand Locomotives, Recent, 142
- Niagara, Hydro-electric Developments at, 608
- Noble and Lund’s Electrically-driven Planing Machine, 619
- North-Eastern Railway Mineral Locomotive, 186 (Two-page Supplement, August 20th, 1920)
- Norton Universal Grinding Machine, 271, 274
- OERLIKON Single-phase Electric Goods Locomotives, 112, 115 (Two page Supplement, July 30th, 1920)
- Olympia, Commercial Motor Vehicle Exhibition, 400, 404, 424, 425
- Olympia, International Aero Exhibition, 52, 62 {Two-page Supplement, July 10th, 1920)
- Olympia, Machine Tool Exhibition at, 228, 232, 233, 244, 254, 269, 274, 291, 302, 328, 331, 357
- Olympia and White Citv Motor Car Show, 450, 476
- Owens, Dr. J. S., on the Removal of Reefs in the Rio Guadiana, 201
- Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton 2-4-0 Engine, 370
- PARKINSON, J., and Son, Improved Sunderland Gear Planer, Universal Milling Machine, 357, 358
- Perry, F. B., on the Uniflow Steam Engine, 104, 113
- Pierremont and Marske Locomotives, 1837, 420
- Plenty and Son, High-compression Marine Oil Engine, 224, 225
- Pletts, J. St. V., Useful Drawing Implements, 670
- Pneumercator Tank Gauge, Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Limited, 505, 506
- Poerio, Italian Flotilla Leader, 267, 278
- Poultney, E. C., London and North-Western Oil-fuel Burning Locomotive, 243; Great Northern Three cylinder Goods Engine, 652, 654, 663 (Two page Supplement, December 31st, 1920)—see also Locomotive Footplate Experiences, 324, 346, 367, 482, 588
- Precision Motor Cycle Works, Birmingham, F. E. Baker, Limited, 575, 586
- Prinses Juliana Cross-Channel Dutch Steamer, 174
- Punshon’s,Locomotive Gear of 1839, 16
- “QUEEN” Class Locomotive, 1837, 420
- “RABY CASTLE” Class Engine, 1839, 420
- Railway Foundry, Leeds (E. B. Wilson and Co.), E. L. Ahrons, 369
- Raleigh, H.M. Light Cruiser, William Beard- more and Co., Limited, 374
- Ramsay Marine Governor, Ramsay Marine Engineering Company, Limited, 538
- Ransome and Maries Bearing Company, Roller and Ball Bearings, 333
- Ransomes,. Sims and Jefferies, Limited, “The Boon ” Motor Plough, 33
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies 34-Ton Electric- Tipping Wagon, with Reducing Gear, 402, 404
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies Steam Wagon, and Boiler, 582, 583
- Rapid Magnetting Machine Company, Magnetic Ore Separator, 361
- Renault 7-Ton Tipping Wagon and Reduction Gear, 424, 425, 426
- Rheograph Water Flow Recorder, United Water Softeners, Limited, 42
- Richards, George, and Co., Keyway Cutting Machine 293
- Richards, George, and Co., Taper-turning Head for Vertical Boring Mills, 485
- Rio Guadiana, Removal of Reefs in, Dr. J. S. Owens, 201
- Robinson, Thomas, and Son, Vertical Band Saw and Rack Bench, 658, 659
- Rolls-Royce 600 H.P. “Condor” Engine. 78, 86
- Rolls-Royce Touring Car, 499
- Roosevelt, Theodore, Motor Ship, 236
- Royal Agricultural Show at Darlington, 8, 32, 58
- Royal George, Stockton and Darlington Railway Engine, 1827, 49
- SCARAB Liquid Fuel Burner, 243
- Schneider and Co., Messrs., Iron, Steel and Engineering Works (Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920) —see also Creusot, andc.
- Selson Engineering Company’s Electric Drill, 359, 360
- Selson Engineering Company, Small Swiss Lathes, 328, 333
- Serck Radiators, Oil Cooler, 540
- Seth Boyden’s Engine of 1837, 15
- Sharp, Roberts and Co.’s Engines, 15
- Sheffield-Simplex Chassis of 50 H.P. Six- Cylinder Car, 477
- Short Brothers’ All-metal Freight Biplane. “Silver Streak,” 52, 53, 62
- Siddeloy 300 H.P. Air-cooled Engine and 500 H.P. “Tiger” Engine, 78, 86
- “Silver Streak,” All-metal Freight Biplane, Short Brothers, Limited, 52, 53, 62
- Singer Tower, New York, 27
- Smith and Coventry, Limited, Sensitive Drilling Machine, 359
- Smith and Coventry, Limited, Spiral Bevel Gear Planer, 232, 233
- Smithfield Club Show, 582
- Smulders, A. F., 200-Ton Floating Crane, for Liverpool, 375, 378
- Spence, Hugh S., on Concentrating Graphite, 258
- “Still” and “Sulzer” Marine Oil Engines Indicator Diagrams, 90
- Stirk, John, and Sons, Limited, Electrically- driven Planing Machine, 245, 246
- Stockton and Darlington Railway Engines, 1825, 1827 and 1833-1860, 49, 419
- Straker-Squire Gully Clearing Wagon, 424, 425
- Sunderland Gear Planer, J. Parkinson and Son, Limited, 357, 358
- Supermarine Aviation Works Flying Boat, 53, 54 (Supplement, July 10th, 1920)
- Swindon Works in War Time, 27, 36
- Swinton, Alan A. C., on Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, 592
- Swiss Federal Railways Single-phase Electric Goods Locomotives, 112, 115 (Two-page Supplement, July 30th, 1920)
- TANGYE, George (Portrait), 381
- Tangyes Limited, Railway Axle Machining Equipment, 508, 512
- Tasmania, Hydro-electric Power Works at the Great Lake, 3, 12, 40 (Two-page Supplement, July 2nd, 1920)
- Taurus Mountains, Baghdad Railway, Overhead Ropeway, 470, 480
- Thomson, Hedley, Fit Testing Apparatus, 474
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Cargo Steamer Meandros Launched at Woolston, Engines, 152, 534, 542
- Thornycroft, 40 H.P. Type J Lorry, 3.5-Ton Tipping Wagon, 400, 401
- Tilling-Stevens Motor Omnibus and Chassis, 424, 425
- Toolmakers and Light Machinery, Limited, 4in. Bench Lathes, 328, 333
- Trinity Vestry Building and Tunnels, 25
- UNIFLOW Air Pump, 104
- “Unit” Experimental Diesel Engine at the Admiralty Laboratory, 93, 94
- United Alkali Company’s New Power Station, 56
- United Water Softeners, Limited, Rheograph Water Flow Recorder, 42
- VAMMA, Norway, Power-house and Dam, 324
- Vernon’s Chip Remover for Circular Saws, 270, 274
- Vickers Limited, Aircraft Works, Weybridge, 444, 454
- Vickers Limited, 54in. Broaching Machine, 294, 295, 302
- Vickers-Vimy Commercial Machine, 445, 454
- Vulcan End-tipping Wagon, 30-Cwt., 400, 401
- Vulcan Motor and Engineering Company’s Labour-saving Devices. 132, 133, 136
- WALKER, Dr. W. J., on Thermodynamic Cycles in Relation to Internal Combustion Engines, 640, 655, 666
- Walker Travelling Gantry Crane, 631
- Wallace Farm Implements, Limited, Burt Single Sleeve-valve Petrol Engine, 154, 155, 158
- Wallace and Tiernan, Chlorinators, 531, 564
- Walschaerts’ Locomotive Gear of 1844, 17
- Ward, Haggas and Smith, Open-sided Planer, 293
- Ward, H. W., and Co., Capstan and Turret Lathes, 293, 295, 302.
- Watkinson, Professor W. H., on Dynamical Method for Raising Gases to a High Temperature, 198
- Watson, Laidlaw and Co., 50-Gallon Cream Separator, 10
- Welch, Professor J. J., on Design and Construe tion of Mercantile Vessels, andc., 34, 39
- Wellman Bibby Company, Flexible Coupling for Shafting, 252
- White, E. T., and Co., 11.9 H.P. Four-cylinder Motor Car Engine, 476, 477
- White, J. S., and Co., H.M. Destroyer Wolverine, 130
- Whitecross Wire Rod Rolling Mill, Electrically- driven, 250, 251
- Wicksteed, Charles, and Co., Limited, Portable Drilling and Grinding Outfits, Electrical. 360, 361 ; Single-purpose Lathe, 293, 302
- Wilson, J. H., and Co., 5-Ton Gantry Crane, 462
- Wilson, W. H., and Miss T. D. Epps, on Construction of Thermo-couples by Electrodeposition, 143
- Wolverine, H.M. Destroyer, J. S. White and Co., Limited, 130
- Wolverton, London and North-Western Railway, Train for the Commander-in-Chief, 163
- ZEELAND Steamship Company’s Steamer Prinses Juliana, 174
- - Aeroplane Engines—see also Engines
- - All-metal Freight Aeroplane, “Silver Streak,” Short Brothers, Limited, 52, 53, 62
- - Avro Five-seater Passenger Triplane, 78
- - Bristol “Pullman” Triplane, Bristol Aeroplane Company, 52 (Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- - Bristol Seaplane, Bristol Aeroplane Company, Limited, 488
- - Flying Boat, Supermarine Aviation Works, 53, 54 (Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- - Handley Page Aeroplane Wing, 421
- - International Aero Exhibition at Olympia, 52, 62, 78, 86 (Two-page Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- - Martinsyde Type “A” Freight Carrier, 54 (Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- - Parachutes and Quick-release Device, E. R. Calthrop’s Aerial Patents, Limited, 79, 80
- - Riveting on to Small Tubes, 460
- - Single-seater Monoplane, “The Crow,” and Five-seater Commercial Aeroplane, British Aerial Transport Company, 53 {Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- - Three-seater Seaplane “Centaur,” Central Aircraft Company, 53 (Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- - W 8 Type Passenger Biplane, Handley Page, 52 (Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- AGRICULTURAL Implements at Smithfield Club Show, 582
- Agricultural Show at Darlington, 8, 32, 58
- Air Filter, Cleworth, Wheal and Co., 504, 505
- Air Pump, The Uniflow, F. B. Perry, 104, 113
- Automatic Current Motor, F. L. Gilman, 308
- Automatic Feed Regulator, A. G. Mumford, Limited, 352
- Axle Machining Equipment, Railway, Tangyes, Limited, 508, 512
- BEARINGS, Roller and Ball, Ransome and Maries Bearing Company, 333
- Belting, Leather, New Type, The Adhex, Monsieur Henri Guillou, 590 ; (Letter) 606
- Blast-furnaces—see Iron and Steel
- Blast-furnace Engines—see also Engines
- Boiler Feed-water Regulator, A. G. Mumford, Limited, 352
- Boiler, Mercury Vapour, W. L. R. Emmet, 516
- Boilers, Exhaust Gas, Cockerill Company, 498
- Bolt-hole Widening and Boring Machine, A. and J. Morgan, Limited, 540, 541
- Boring Mills—see Machine Tools
- Bridges and Viaducts on the Baghdad Railway, 552, 560 {Two-page Coloured Supplement, November 26th, 1920)
- Broaching Machines—see Machine Tools
- Buildings, Heavy, Underpinning and Foundations of, 25
- CARS—see Motor, also Railway
- Casting Pipe Specials in Green Sand, E. A. V, Linzey, 226
- Chains for Power Transmission; Brampton Brothers, Limited, 248
- Characteristics of a Marine Propeller in a Non- Uniform Stream, Professor T. B. Abell, 291
- Chassis—see Motor Car
- Chlorinating Plants on Lorries, Military 564
- Chlorinators, Wallace and Tiernan, 531, 564
- CO2 Recorder, Electrical, Cambridge and Paul Instrument Company, 333, 334
- Cogging Mill, Two-high Reversing, Creusot, Schneider and Co (vii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Concentrating Graphite, Hugh S. Spence, 258
- Concrete Floor Arch at Thatcham, Berks, Test of, 408
- Concrete Mixing Machinery, American, 193, 197, 275, 343, 354, 382
- Condensers, Surface, Luther D. Lovekin, 618
- Coupling, Hose, E. Barnfather, 590
- Crane, 150-Ton Floating, Cowans, Sheldon and Co., Limited, 18
- Crane, 200-Ton Floating, for Liverpool, A. F. Smulders, 375, 378
- Crane, 5-Ton Gantry, J. H. Wilson and Co., Limited, 462
- Crane, Overhead Travelling, with Telescopic Cage, Sir William Arrol and Co., Limited, 66
- Crane, Travelling Gantry, J. H. Walker, 631
- Cream Separator, 50-Gallon, Watson, Laidlaw and Co., 10
- Cultivator and Reversible Harrow, J. and 11. McLaren, 582
- Cultivator—see also Ploughing Machines
- Cutting-off Machines—see Machine Tools
- DRAWING Implements, J. St. V. Fletts, 670
- Dredger. Hopper, Steel Steamer Hydro for Lake Michigan, 176, 177
- Drill, Steam, The Ingersoll, and Drilling Barge, 202
- Drills—see also Machine Tools
- Dynamical Method for Raising Gases to a High Temperature, Professor W. H. Watkinson, 198
- ECONOMISERS—see Feed Heating
- - Blast-furnace Gas Engine and Electric Generator, Creusot Works, Schneider and Co (ii, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - CO2 Recorder, Cambridge and Paul Instrument Company, 335
- - Dynamo Erecting Shop at Champagne-sur- Seine Works, Schneider and Co (xii, xiii, Sixteen.-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Ebbw Vale Works and Collieries, Electrification, Walter Dixon, 299, 306
- - Enclosed Motor for Steel Works, Bruce Peebles and Co., 504
- - Glasgow, Shipbuilding, Engineering and Electrical Exhibition at, 504
- - Hydro-electric Power Works at Great Lake, Tasmania, 3, 12, 40 (Two-page Supplement, July 2nd, 1920)
- - Locomotives—see Locomotives
- - Magnetic Ore Separator, Rapid Magnetting Machine Company, 361
- - Millivoltmeter for Pyrometer Work, Foster Instrument Company, 247
- - Motor Car Chassis, Crown Magnetic, 498 ; (Letters), 528, 558, 606
- - Motor Switch Panel, British Thomson- Houston Company, 247, 248
- - Newton Brothers, Tilling-Stevens Motors, Limited, 424, 425—see also Separate Headings
- - Oil-electric Drive on Shipboard, American Beam Trawler Mariner and Auxiliary Yachts Elfay and Guinivere, 612, 616
- - Oil Switches for Large Electrical Supply Systems, 220
- - Olympia Commercial Motor Exhibition, Electric Vehicles, R. Garrett and Sons, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, General Vehicle Company, 402, 404, 425
- - Portable A.C. Welding Equipment, Alloy Welding Processes, Limited, 360. 361
- - Power Station at Gainsborough, Marshall, Sons and Co., 106
- - Pyrometer, Radiation, and Thermo-couple Recorder, Foster Instrument Company, 247
- - Railways—see Railways
- - Relay Motor Starter, Electrical Apparatus Company, 332
- - Resistance Charging Unit, Igranic Electric Company, 235
- - Split Field Motor Drive for Planer, J. Stirk and Sons, Limited, 245, 246
- - Thermo-couples, Electrolytically-deposited, W. H. Wilson and Miss T. D. Epps, 143
- - Thermometer, Electrical Distance, Cambridge and Paul Instrument Company, 335
- - Trucks, Electric, at Olympia, 234, 235, 246, 247
- - Turbo-alternator, 10,000 K.W., 1260 R.P.M., Creusot Works, Schneider and Co (v, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Turbo-alternators, Set at Stoke-on-Trent, Metropolitan-ATickers Electrical Company, 151
- - United Alkali Company’s New Power Station, 56
- - Vamma Hydro-electric Plant, Power-house and Dam, 324
- ELECTRO-DEPOSITED Iron : Its Value, andc., W. E. Hughes, 350
- - Blast-furnace Gas-blowing Engine, 3000 H.P., Building a, Creusot Works, Schneider and Co. (v, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Blast-furnace Gas Blowing Engines and Turbo Blower at La Normande Works, Schneider and Co (xi, xii, xiii, xiv, Sixteen- page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Blast-furnace Gas Engine and Electric Generator, Creusot Works, Schneider anti Co. (ii, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Burt Single Sleeve Valve Petrol Engine, Wallace Farm Implements, Limited, 154, 155, 158
- - Cockerill Blast-furnace Gas Engines, Valve Gear, andc., Professor H. Hubert, 495; (Letter), 558
- - Diesel Engines for South America, Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Limited, 210
- - Engines at the International Aero Exhibition, 52, 78, 86
- - Experimental 300 H.P. Single - cylinder Marine Diesel Engine, 93, 94
- - Gas Engine, 6 H.P. at Darlington Show, Governor Mechanism, andc., Crossley Brothers, Limited, 8, 9
- - High-compression Marine Oil Engine, Plenty and Son, Limited, 224, 225
- - Italian Coastal Torpedo Boats’ Engines, C. and T. T. Pattison, 630, 638
- - Lincolnshire Oil Engines, Some, F. H. Livens, 103, 108, 140
- - Mariner, Beam Trawler, Engines of the, 612, 616
- - Meandros, ss., Engines for, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Limited, 152, 534, 542
- - Motor Car Engine, Eight-cylinder, Leyland Motors, Limited, 476, 477
- - Motor Car Engine, 11.9 H.P. Four-cylinder. E. T. White and Co., 476, 477
- - Oil Engine Winch, Hamworthy Engineering Company, Limited, 58
- - Paraffin, Petrol or Gas 5 H.P. Engine, National Gas Engine Company, Limited, 8, 9
- - Petrol of Paraffin Motor Windlass for Cable- Haulage Ploughing, J. and H. McLaren, 32
- - Ramsay Marine Engine Governor, 538
- - Rolling Mill Geared Steam Engine, 25,000 H.P., Mesta Machine Company, 110
- - Steam Wagon, William Foster and Co., Limited, 58
- - “Still” and ‘’Sulzer” Oil Engines, Marine, Indicator Diagrams, 90
- - Surface Ignition Engine, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., 32
- - Thermodynamic Cycles in Relation to Internal Combustion Engines, Dr. W. J. 'Walker, 640, 655, 666
- - Uniflow Steam Engine, F. B. Perry, 104, 113
- - Valves for Steam and Gas Engines, Charles Hurst, 153
- - Vertical Gas Engine, 120 H.P., National Gas Engine Company, 567
- EXCAVATOR Practice, Recent, F. H. Livens and W. Barnes, 82
- - Commercial Motor Vehicle, at Olympia, 400. 404, 424, 425
- - International Aero, at Olympia, 52, 62, 78, 86 (Two-page Supplement, July 16th, 1920)
- - Machine Tool and Engineering, at Olympia, 228, 232, 233, 244, 254, 269, 274, 291, 302, 328, 331, 357, 508, 512
- - Motor Car Show, 450, 476, 498
- - Shipbuilding, Engineering and Electrical Exhibition at Glasgow’, 504, 538
- FEED Heating for Land Power Stations, K. Baumann, 101, 127, 150
- Filter, Experimental, Sir A. C. Houston's Report, 218
- Firms, Famous, Short Histories of, 102, 369, 419
- Flexible Coupling for Shafting, Wellman Bibby Company, 252
- Force and Power of Waves, I. Hiroi, 184
- Forging Shells at Swindon Works, 27, 36
- Furnace, Open Hearth, Breuil — see Iron and Steel
- “GALECO” Galvanising Equipment, 539, 540
- Garden City, St. Eugene, Creusot, Schneider and Co. (xv, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Gas Engines—see Engines
- Gases, Raising, to a High Temperature, Dynamical Method for, Professor W. H. Watkinson, 198
- Gauge—see also Tank Gauge
- Gauges, Hardened Screw, Manufacture of, Coventry Gauge and Tool Company, 310, 311
- Graphite, Concentrating, Hugh S. Spence, 258
- Grinding Machines—see Machine Tools Gully-clearing—see Wagon
- Gun, German Giant, Sir George Greenhill, 651
- Guns and Gun Carriages at Swindon in War Time, 27, 36
- HARDENED Screw Gauges—see Gauges
- Histories, Short, of Famous Firms, 102, 369, 419
- Hopper—see Dredger
- Hose Coupling, E. Barnfather, 590
- Howitzer, 12in., on Railway Truck Mounting, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co.. Limited, 204, 209
- Hydro-electric Developments at Niagara, 608
- Hydro-electric Plant at Vamma, Norway, 324
- Hydro-electric Power Works at Great Lake, Tasmania, 3, 12, 40 (Two-page Supplement, July 2nd, 1920)
- - Ebbw Vale Works, Electrification, Walter Dixon, 299, 306
- - Electro-deposited Iron : Its Value, &c., W. E. Hughes, 350
- Iron, Steel, and Engineering Works of Messrs. Schneider and Co. :
- - (Sixteen -page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Blast-furnace, No. 3, Under Construction, Creusot Works, Schneider and Co. (ii, in, iv, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Blast-furnaces at La Normande Works, Caen, Schneider and Co. (ix, xi, xii, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Breuil Steel Works, Schneider and Co. (i, vi, vii, x, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four- page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Cogging Mill at La Normande Works, Schneider and Co. (ix, xiv, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Furnace, “Electro-metals,” 3.5-Tonj Creusot, Schneider and Co. (vii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Furnace, Mill Re-heating, Creusot, Schneider and Co. (viii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Furnace, 12-Ton Tilting, Creusot Works, Schneider and Co. (ii, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - La Normande Steel Works, Caen, Schneider and Co. (ix, xi, xii, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Metal Mixer, 700-Ton Gas-fired, La Normande Works, Schneider and Co. (xiv, xv, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Open-hearth Furnace, 60-Ton, and Shop, Charging Side and Tapping Side, Breuil, Schneider and Co. (vi, x, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Open-hearth Ingot Stripper, La Normande Works, Schneider and Co. (xiv, xv, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- LABOUR-SAVING Devices at the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Company’s Works, 132, 133, 136
- Lathes—see Machine Tools
- Leather Belt, New Type, The Adhex, Monsieur Henri Guillou, 590 ; (Letter), 606
- Lincolnshire Oil Engines, F. H. Livens, 103, 108
- Liquid Fuel Burner, Scarab Oil Burning Company, 243
- Locks on the Murray River, Australia, 171, 180
- Locomotive, Derwent Goods and Mineral, 1845, 420
- Locomotive and Gears of 1833, J. and C. Carmichael, 15, 16
- Locomotive, Great Northern Three-cylinder Fast Goods, 652, 654, 663 (Two-page Supplement, December 31st, 1920)
- Locomotive, London and North-Western Oil Fuel Burning, E. C. Poultney, 243
- Locomotive, North-Eastern Railway Mineral, 186 (Two-page Supplement, August 20th, 1920)
- Locomotive of 1837, Seth Boyden, 15
- Locomotive, 4-6-2 Type Pacific, New Zealand Government Railway, 142
- Locomotive, “Queen” Class, 1837, 420
- Locomotive, “Raby Castle” Class, 1839, 420
- Locomotive, 4-6-4 Type Tank, New Zealand Government Railway, 142
- Locomotive Valve Gear, Development of, James Dunlop, 15, 49
- Locomotive Works, W. Beardmore and Co., 149 (Two-page Supplement, August 13th, 1920)
- Locomotives on the Baghdad Railway, 552, 553, 554
- Locomotives Built at the Railway Foundry, Leeds, 369
- Locomotives of 1833, “Experiment,” and 1834, Dublin and Kingstown Railway, Sharp, Roberts and Co., 15
- Locomotives, High-pressure Geared, Bell Loco motive Works, 461
- Locomotives by Messrs. B. Hick and Son, Bolton, Birmingham and Gloucester Railway, 1840, Midland Railway, 1844, 103
- Locomotives, “Pierrernont” and “Marske,” 1855, 420
- Locomotives, Single-phase Electric Goods, Swiss Federal Railways, 112, 115 (Two-page Supplement, July 30th, 1920)
- Locomotives, Steam and Electric, Diagrams of, 530
- Locomotives for the Stockton and Darlington Railway, 1825, 1827, 49, 419
- Lorry, 5-Ton Tipping, Hallford, 425, 426
- - Automatic Nut Chasing Machine, J. Holroyd and Co., Limited, 357
MACHINE TOOLS (continued) :
- - Axle Facing and Centering Machine, Axle Turning Lathe, Tangyes Limited, 508, 512
- - Bar-grinding Machine, Centreless, J. Holroyd and Co., Limited, 357
- - Bateman High-speed Planing Machine, with Electric Drive, 292
- - Bolt-Hole Widening and Boring Machine, A. and J. Morgan, 540, 541
- - Broaching Machine, 70in., Alfred Herbert, Limited, 270, 274
- - Broaching Machine, 54in., Vickers Limited, 294, 295, 302
- - Centering Machine, John Lang and Sons, 358
- - Cold-sawing Machine with Chip Remover, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 270, 274
- - Cutting-off Machines, Clifton and Baird, 269
- - Double Helical Gear Generator, David Brown and Sons, Limited, 291, 302
- - Drilling and Grinding Machines, A. A. Jones and Shipman, 270, 274
- - Drilling Machine, Ball Bearing, Sensitive and Belt-changing Gear, Smith and Coventry, Limited, 359
- - Drilling Machine, Multi-spindle, the Baush, 270, 274
- - Drilling Machine, Sensitive, B.S.A. Tools, Limited, 246
- - Drilling Machines, Radial, William Asquith, Limited, 245, 254
- - Electric Drill, Selson Engineering Company, 359, 360
- - Electric Drilling and Grinding Outfits, Portable, Charles Wicksteed and Co., Limited, 360, 361
- - Electric Drills and Magnetic Tool Post, Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, 360
- - Exhibition, Machine Tool and Engineering, at Olympia, 228, 232, 233, 244, 254, 269. 274, 291, 302, 328, 331, 357, 508, 512
- - Gear Planer, Improved Sunderland, J. Parkinson and Son, 357, 358
- - Grinder, Electric, Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, 360
- - Grinding Machine, 14in. by 16in. Plain, Churchill and Co., Limited, 332
- - Heavy Planing Machine, Creusot Works, Schneider and Co. (xiii, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- - Keyway Cutting Machine, George Richards and Co., 293
- - Lathe, 7.5in. Capstan, H. W. Ward and Co., Limited, 293, 302
- - Lathe, 13in. Combination Turret, H. W. Ward and Co., Limited, 295
- - Lathe, 3 5/8 in., Henry Milnes, 358, 359
- - Lathe, 8.5in. Repetition, Dean, Smith and Grace, 359
- - Lathe, Single-purpose, Charles Wicksteed and Co., Limited, 293, 302
- - Lathes, Some Small, Exhibited at Olympia, 328, 331
- - Machine Tools at Bcardmore’s Locomotive Works, 119 (Two-page Supplement, August 13th, 1920)
- - Machine Tools at the Works of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Company, 132, 133
- - Milling Machine, Universal, J. Parkinson and Son, 357, 358
- - Milling Machines, Horizontal and Vertical, James Archdale and Co., 244, 245, 254
- - Milling Machines, Vertical, and Plano and Milling Cutter, Kendall and Gent, Limited, 295, 296
- - Open-sided Planing Machine, Ward, Haggas and Smith, 293
- - Planing Machine, Electrically-driven, Noble and Lund, Limited, 619
- - Planing Machine, “Hiloplane,” Electrically- driven, John Stirk and Sons, Limited, 245, 246
- - Radial Drilling Machine, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 270, 271
- - Sawing Machine, Radial, E. G. Herbert, Limited, 246
- - Scarfing and Milling Machine, J. W. Barnes, Limited, 162
- - Spiral Bevel Gear Planing Machine, Smith and Coventry, Limited, 232, 233
- - Spur Gear Generator, D. Brown and Sons, Limited, 233, 234
- - Swiss “Autometric” Lathe, Screw-cutting Lathe, Bench Lathe, Andre Bechler, Selson Engineering Company, 328, 333
- - Taper Turning Head for Vertical Boring Mills, G. Richards and Co., Limited, 485
- - Twist Drill Sharpening and Thinning Machine, Herbert Hunt and Sons, 237
- - Universal Grinding Machine, The Norton, 271, 274
- - Vertical Milling Machine, Alfred Herbert, Limited, 271, 272
- - Worm and Worm Wheel Machinery at Olympia, David Brown and Sons, Limited, 228, 234
- MACHINERY of the American Beam Trawler Mariner, 612, 616
- - Baghdad Railway and Connections, 469, 524
- - Derby and River Derwent, 471, 472
- - New York Water Supply, Topography, 627
- - Severn Estuary, Proposed Barrage, 562
- - Tunnels through the Taurus and Amanns Mountains, Baghdad Railway, 524, 526
- MEASURING Machine, One-Millionth-inch, Newall Qauge Company, 474
- Mercury Vapour Boiler, W. L. R. Emmet, 516
- Milling Machines—see Machine Tools
- Millivoltmeter, Motors, Switches, andc.—see Electrical Matters
- Mine, Iron—see Iron
- Motor, Automatic Current, F. L. Gilman, 308
- Motor Car, 19.6 H.P., Crossley Motors, Limited, 450
- Motor Car, Eight-cylinder, Leyland Motors. Limited, 476, 477
- Motor Car, Touring, Rolls-Royce, Limited, 499
- Motor Car Chassis, “Crown Magnetic,” 498, 499 ; (Letters), 528, 558, 606
- Motor Car, 50 H.P. Six-cylinder, Chassis of, Sheffield-Simplex, 477
- Motor Car Show, 450, 476, 498
- Motor Car Works—see Machine Tools at
- Motor Cycle Works, Birmingham, F. E. Baker, Limited, 575, 586
- Motor Landaulet, Six-cylinder, Armstrong- Siddcley, 476, 478
- Motor Tractor and Ploughing Windlass, J. and H. McLaren, 582
- Motor Vehicle, Commercial, Exhibition, 400, 404, 424, 425
- Movable Shop End at Chalon Works, Schneider and Co. (xi, xiv, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- NAVVY Bucket and Coke Loading Excavator, F. H. Livens and W. Barnes, 82
- OIL Cooler, Serck Radiators, 540
- Oil Engines—see Engines
- Oil Switches for Large Electrical Supply Systems, 220
- Oil Transmission System, R. F. Carey, 284
- Omnibus, Motor, and Chassis, Tilling-Stevens Motors, Limited, 424, 425
- Open-hearth Furnace—see Iron and Steel
- Ore Separator, Magnetic, Rapid Magnetting Machine Company, 361
- PARAFFIN and Petrol Engines—see Engines
- Petrol Tramcars for India, McEwan, Pratt and Co., 513
- Pipe Specials, Casting, in Green Sand, E. A. V. Linzey, 226
- Planing Machines—see Machine Tools
- Plough, “The Boon” Motor, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Limited, 33
- Ploughing, Cable-haulage, Motor Windlass for, J. and H. McLaren, 32, 582
- Ploughing Machines and Appliances, John Fowler and Co., Limited, 428, 434
- Portrait, Joseph Adamson, 182
- Portrait, Charles John Bowen Cooke, 397
- Portrait, Sir William Mather, 305
- Portrait, George Tangye, 381
- Potato Digger, A. C. Bamlett, Limited, 59
- Power Station, Marshall, Sons and Co., Gainsborough, 106
- Power Stations, Land, Feed Heating for, 101, 127, 150
- Press, 1000-Ton Flanging, Creusot, Schneider and Co. (viii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Press, 2000-Ton Forging, Creusot, Schneider and Co. (viii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Presses, 8000-Ton and 5000-Ton Armour Plate Bending, Creusot, Schneider and Co. (viii, Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Propellers, Marine—see Ships
- Pump, High-speed Plunger, B. C. B. Pump Manufacturing Company, Limited, 539
- Pump, Uniflow Air, 104, 113
- Pyrometers, Electrical—see Electrical Matters
- RADIOLOGICAL Testing of Materials, A. P. M. Fleming and J. R. Clarke, 642
- Railway Axle Machining Equipment, Tangyes Limited, 508, 512
- Railway, Baghdad, Major D. G. Heslop, 469, 480, 523, 551, 560, 601 (Two-page Coloured Supplement, November 26th, 1920)
- Railway Cars, Metropolitan District Railway, 660, 662
- Railway Collision, Lowstock Junction, 348
- Railway, Ealing and Shepherd’s Bush, 118
- Railway Workshops in War Time, 27, 36, 77
- Railways, Indian, Electrification of, 530
- Reclamation of Derwent Valley River Lands, 470
- Recorder—see Water Flow
- Removal of Reefs in the Rio Guadiana, Dr. J. S. Owens, 201
- Resistance Units—see Electrical Matters
- River Murray, Australia, Improvement, 171, 180
- Riveting on to Small Tubes, 460
- Rolling Mill Engines—see Engines
- Rolling Mill, Wire Rod, Electrically-driven, Whitecross Company, Limited, 250, 251
- Ropeway, Overhead, Taurus Mountains, 470, 480
- Rust-proofing Process, “Galeco,” 539, 540
- SAW, Vertical Band, and Rack Bench, Thomas Robinson and Son, Limited, 658, 659
- Scarfing Machines—see Machine Tools
- Screw Gauges—see Gauges
- Separator—see Cream
- General:
- - Damage to Ships by Mine and by Torpedo, Paper by Professor J. J. Welch, 34, 39
- - Design and Construction of Mercantile Vessels, Professor J. J. Welch, 34, 39
- - “Pneumercator” Tank Gauge, Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Limited, 505, 506
- - Ramsay Marine Engine Governor, 538
- - Shipbuilding, Engineering and Electrical Exhibition at Glasgow—see Exhibitions
- British Navy:
- - Delhi, H.M. Destroyer, J. S. White and Co., 130
- - Ex-German Battleship Baden and the Cruiser Nurnberg, 319 (Two-page Supplement, October lst, 1920)
- - Raleigh, H.M. Light Cruiser. William Beard- more and Co., Limited, 374
- Foreign Navies:
- - Italian Flotilla Leaders, “Mirabello” and “Poerio” Classes, 267, 278, 630, 638
- - Italian Torpedo Craft, Aquila, Sparviero, Antonio Mosto and 42 P.N.. Messrs. C. and T. T. Pattison, 630, 638
- Miscellaneous Vessels:
- - American Oil-electric Auxiliary Yachts, Elfay and Guinivere, 617
- - Dutch Cross-Channel Steamer Prinses Juliana, 174
- - Fullagar, Motor Ship, Cammell Laird and Co., Limited, 69
- - Hydro, Steel Steamer Hopper Dredger for Lake Michigan, 176, 177
- - Mariner, American Oil electric Driven Beam Trawler, 612, 616
- - Meandros, Cargo Steamship and Engines, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Limited, 152, 534, 542
- - Motor Ship Theodore Roosevelt, Burmeister and Wain, 236
- SHOW, Motor Car—see Exhibitions
- Show, Royal Agricultural, at Darlington, 8, 32, 58
- Show, Smithfield Club, 582
- Signals on the Baghdad Railway, 602
- Spur Gear—see Machine Tools
- Steam Engines—see Engines
- Steam Feed-water Heaters—see Feed Heating
- Steam Wagon and Boiler, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, 582, 583
- Sterilisation of Water by Chlorine Gas, Captain J. S. Arthur, 527, 531, 564
- Stresses in Portals and Similar Structures, Talbot C. Broom, 368, 393, 417
- Surface Condensers, Luther D. Lovekin, 618
- TANK Gauge, Pneumercator, Kelvin, Bottom- ley and Baird, Limited, 505, 506
- Test of a Concrete Floor Arch, 408
- Testing, Fit, Apparatus, Hedley Thomson, 474
- Testing of Materials, Radiological, A. P. M. Fleming and J. R. Clarke, 642
- Thermo-couples—see Electrical Matters
- Thermodynamic Cycles—see Engines
- Thermometer, Electrical Distance, Cambridge and Pau! Instrument Company, 335
- Tidal Power, Studies in, Norman Davey, 556, 578, 603, 634, 652 ; (Letters), 606, 644
- Tire Finishing Mill and Tire Roughing Mill, Creusot, Schneider and Co. (viii,Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Tool, Portable, for Bolt-hole Widening and Boring, A. and J. Morgan, Limited, 540, 541
- Tools for Riveted Joints with Small Tubes in Aeroplane Work, 460
- Tractor Plough, “The Boon” Motor, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Limited, 33
- Train for the Commander-in-Chief, 163
- Tramcars, Petrol, for India, McEwan, Pratt and Co., 513
- Travelling Gantry Steam Crane, 5-Ton, J. H. Wilson and Co., 462
- Trawler—see Ships
- Truck, Motor, Three-wheeled, Clark Truck- tractor Company, 92
- Truck, 2-Ton Electric, Greenwood and Batley, 246, 247
- Trucks, Electric, Irwin and Jones, 234, 235
- Tunnel, Hudson River Vehicular, 394
- Tunnels on the Baghdad Railway, 523 (Two- page Coloured. Supplement, November 26th, 1920)
- Turbine for Vamma Hydro-electric Power Plant, 324, 326
- Turbines, 8000 H.P. Pelton, for Tasmania, Boving and Co., Limited, 3, 12, 40 (Two-page Supplement, July 2nd, 1920)
- Turbo-alternators—see Electrical Matters
- Twist Drills—rsee Machine Tools
- UNDERPINNING and Foundations of Heavy Buildings, 25
- VALVES and Gear, Locomotive—see Locomotives
- Valves, Self-acting Throttle, Sluice and Inlet, for Tasmania, 3, 12 (Two-page Supplement, July 2nd, 1920)
- Valves for Steam and Gas Engines, Charles Hurst, 152
- WAGON, Gully-clearing, Straker-Squire, Limited, 424, 425
- Wagon, Steam, and Boiler, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, 582, 583
- Wagon, Steam, William Foster and Co., Limited, 58
- Wagons, Electric, Tipping, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, General Vehicle Companv, 402, 404 ; Newton, 424, 425
- Wagons, Tipping, at Olympia, Daimler; Clayton, Overtype : Vulcan. End ; J. I. Thornycroft, 400, 401 ; British Berna, Side and End, 424, 425 ; Renault, End, 424, 425, 426
- War Time, British Railway Workshops in, 27, 36, 77
- War Work at Beardmore’s Locomotive Works, 149 (Two-page Supplement, August 13th, 1920)
- Water Cooler, Cleworth, Wheal and Co., 505
- Water Flow Recorder, the “Rheograph,” United Water Softeners, Limited, 42
- Water-screening Plant, F. W. Brackett and Co., Limited, 541
- Water, Sterilisation of, by Chlorine Gas, Captain J. S. Arthur, 527, 531, 564
- Water Supply, New York, Gilboa Dam and Shandaken Tunnel, 627
- Waves, The Force and Power of, I. Hiroi, 184
- Welding Equipment, A.C., Portable, Alloy Welding Processes, Limited, 360, 361
- Winch, Oil Engine, Hamworthy Engineering Company, Limited, 58
- Windlass, Motor, for Cable-haulage Ploughing, J. and H. McLaren, 32, 582
- Wire Rod Electrically Driven Rolling Mill, Whitecross Company, Limited, 250, 251
- Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, Alan A. C. Swinton, 592
- Wood-working Saw, Vertical Band, and Rack Bench, T. Robinson and Son, Ltd., 658, 659
- Workmen’s Dwellings at Droitaumont, Schneider and Co. (xv, xvi, Sixteen-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Works, Aircraft, at Weybridge, Vickers-Vimy, 444, 454
- Works, Iron, Steel and Engineering, of Messrs. Schneider and Co. (Sixteen-page Supplement and Four-page Supplement, September 17th, 1920)
- Works, Locomotive, W. Beardmore and Co., Limited, 149 (Two-page Supplement, August 13th, 1920)
- Works, Precision Motor Cycle, Birmingham, F. E. Baker, Limited, 575, 586
- Workshops, British Railway, in War Time, 27, 36
- Worms and Worm Wheels—see Machine Tools
See Also
Sources of Information