Smith, Barker and Willson

of North Ovenden, Halifax. Machine Tool Manufacturers. Telex: "Lathe, Halifax."
1899 Established
1906 Death of Fred Smith, partner in Smith, Barker and Willson, engineers tool makers, of Ovenden[1]
1912 Edwin Barker left the partnership of Smith, Barker and Wilson, machine tool makers, of Forest Mills, Ovenden, which was continued by George Henry Willson[2]
1922: General purpose lathes. Directors: Geo. H. Willson (Governing), Mrs. L. A. Willson, J. Richardson (also Works Manager).
1944 Company dissolved[3]
1945 'Mr. G. H. Willson
The death has occurred at Walton-on-Thames of Mr. George Henry Willson (71), a former well-known Halifax machine tool maker, of the firm Smith, Barker and Willson. Ovenden. His wife, Mrs. Laura Willson, who died four years ago, was associated with him in the business and took a prominent part in a number of house-building enterprises. Their only son. Mr. George Willson, of Willson Lathes, Ltd., died three years ago.'[4]
Presumably some connection with Willson Machine Tools (Halifax)