G. A. Harvey and Co

as G. A. Harvey and Co (London) Ltd of Greenwich Metal Works, Woolwich Road, London, SE7. Telephone: Greenwich 0020 (20 lines). Telegraphic Address: "Cheaper, Wol, London". (1937)
Ditto all. (1947)
of Margate, Ramsgate and Woolwich (1988)
1874 Company founded by George Alfred Harvey
1913 Private limited company.
1920 Patent - A connecting piece for connecting up the ends of cast iron and wrought steel or iron rain water pipe and the like. [1]
1932 Patent - Improvements in revolving cowls for chimneys and the like. [2]
1937 British Industries Fair Adverts for Perforated, Metal and Woven Wire; Steel Plate Work; Industrial Plant. Perforated Metals of every description. Ornamental Grilles and Ventilating Panels. Woven Wire Gauze in all meshes and gauges. Sheet Metal and Steel Platework of every description. Steel Equipment. Gilled Tubes. (Engineering/Metals/Quarry, Roads and Mining/Transport Section - Stand Nos. B.723 and B.622) [3]
1940 Advert for metal screening. [4]
1945 Advert for metal screening. [5]
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of "Harvey" Steel Equipment for Office and Factory, Comprising Steel Filing Cabinets, Fixed and Adjustable shelving, Storage Racks and Bins, Tool Cupboards and Boxes. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. B.1427) [6]
1954 Company became public.
1960 Advert for Screens. [7]
1960 Advert. Sheet metalwork, light fabrication, heavy fabrication, perforation, steel furniture, wirework etc. [8]
1960 Subsidiary Nuclear Engineering Ltd was acquired by Hawker Siddeley Nuclear Power Co[9]
1961 General engineers, sheet metal and steel plate workers, tank manufacturers, wire weavers, metal perforators, galvanizers and manufacturers of steel office furniture and equipment. 2,200 employees. [10]
1964 Formed Harcostar as a joint venture with W. P. Butterfield [11]
1970 W. P. Butterfield and Co, a publicly quoted engineer and metal fabricator, and G. A. Harvey and Co, a public unquoted company, merged to become Butterfield-Harvey[12]
1988 Gordon Russell acquired G. A. Harvey, maker of office furniture, from Krug International[13]
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ [1] Wikipatents
- ↑ [2] Wikipatents
- ↑ 1937 British Industries Fair Advert pp628 and 629; and p373
- ↑ Mechanical World Year Book 1940. Published by Emmott and Co of Manchester. Advert p87
- ↑ Mechanical World Year Book 1945. Published by Emmott and Co of Manchester. Advert p105
- ↑ 1947 British Industries Fair p131
- ↑ Mechanical World Year Book 1960. Published by Emmott and Co of Manchester. Advert p107
- ↑ Mining Year Book 1960. Published by Walter E. Skinner. Advert p83
- ↑ The Times, September 6, 1960
- ↑ 1961 Dun and Bradstreet KBE
- ↑ The Times, Aug 31, 1964
- ↑ The Times, Jul 21, 1970
- ↑ The Times, June 11, 1988