Louis James Kaye
Louis James Kaye (1880-1944)
1922 M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer (Machine Tools), 47, Boulevard de Magenta, Paris. T. A.: " Hexagon, Paris." T. N.: Nord, 37-64; Nord 67-39; Nord 70-14 (3 lines). b. 1880. Ed. Technical School. Apprenticeship, J. Butler and Co., Halifax, England; Draughtsman, Hulse and Co., Manchester; technical posts with Usinet Bonhey, Paris, Coventry Ordnance Works, and Alfred Herbert, Ltd., Coventry; now Managing Director of Soc. Anonyme Alfred Herbert, 47, Boulevard de Magenta, Paris.
1944 Obituary [1]
...of Alfred Herbert...
1946 Obituary [2]
LOUIS JAMES KAYE, whose death occurred on 9th November 1944, was a director of Messrs. Alfred Herbert, Ltd., of Coventry, with whom he had been associated for forty years. He was born in 1880 and after serving his apprenticeship from 1895 to 1901 with Messrs. J. Butler and Company, Ltd., machine tool makers, Halifax, entered the drawing office of Messrs. Hulse and Company, of Manchester.
Subsequently he was chief designer in the plant department of the Coventry Ordnance Works and for a brief period was engaged as engineering draughtsman by the Usines Bouhey in Paris. He joined Messrs. Alfred Herbert in 1904 and eight years later was appointed managing director of the firm's business in France, which he continued to direct with great ability for fifteen years,
He returned to Coventry in 1927 to take up the position of technical director and eventually became a full director, an appointment which afforded him still further scope for his energy and outstanding technical qualifications.
Mr. Kaye had been a Member of the Institution since 1912.