Engineering 1880 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1880 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1880 Jan-Jun Volume
- ACCIDENT, The Tay Bridge, 32, 33, 34, 56. 68, 88, 89, 93, 108, 133
- Adhesion of Metal Contacts, The Electrical, 327
- Air Lock and Dredging Apparatus ; Prague Bridge, 14
- American Iron and Steel Works, 371, 374, 375
- American Pumping Engines, 18, 19
- Analysis, Spectroscopic, of Iron and Steel, 406
- Anthracite Fuel, Experimental Firegrate for ; s.s. " Elephant," 302
- Armour, The Resistance of, 441
- Arrah Road Bridge, The 490, 492
- Artillery Siege Train Traction Engine, Fowler's Eight-Horse Power, 166, 167
- Asquith's Plate-Edge Planing Machine, 186
- Attock's Railway Axle-Box, 280
- Augsburg Water Works, Pumping Machinery at the, 244, 245
- Automatic Expansion Gear, Proell's, 416, 417
- Axle Lathe, Fetu and Deli6go's, 413
- Balance, An Improved Resistance, 15
- Balanced Doors for Bulkheads, Simey's, 303
- Baldwin Locomotive, Tests of a, 503
- Barclay, Curle, and Company's Tank Boat for Storing Grain, 146, 147, 150
- Barrow Shipbuilding Company's Works, Smith's Locomotive Steam Crane at the. 491
- Bars, River, The Removal of, by Induced Tidal Scour, 411
- Bearings, Lubricating Crank, 417
- Berghoff's Valve Gear, 35
- Berry's Hydraulic Sugar-Cane Mill and Megass Steaming Chamber, '204
- Besseges Collieries, France, Coal Washing Machinery at the, 122, 123, 130, 201
- Blake's Gauge Glass Fittings, 186
- Blake's Vertical Boiler, 147
- Blowing Engine, Compound, 170, 175
- Boat, Tank, for Storing Grain,. Barclay, Curle, and Company's, 146, 147, 150
- Bogie Carriage, Smith's Truck for ; Imperial Japanese Railways, 143
- Boiler, Blake's Vertical, 147
- Boiler Drilling and Turning Machine, Butterfield's, 398
- Boiler Explosion, The Walsall, 431, 458
- Boiler Explosions in 1879; E. B. Marten's Annual Report, 187
- Boiler Flues, Corrugated, 477
- Boiler Shell Drilling Machine, Kendall and Gent's, 434
- Boiler, The " Talbot" Vertical, 108
- Boiler Tubes, Apparatus for Fixing; Eastern Railway of France, 7
- Boilers, Gas-Fired Steam, 2, 3
- Boyle's Soil Pipe Ventilator, 127
- Brewing Fountain, Pontifex and Wood's, 34
- Bridge, The Arrah Road, 490, 492
- Bridge, The Forth, 174
- Bridge over the Forth, Barclay's Design for, 168
- Bridge over the Matina River, Costa Rica, 27, 55
- Bridge Piers, The Stability of, 71, 7'2
- Bridge Piers, The Tay, 473, 493
- Bridge, Plate Girder, 50 ft. Span, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railroad,
- Bridge over the St. Nicholas Avenue ; New York Elevated Railroads, 240
- Bridge, Sir Thomas Bouch's Forth Suspension, 132
- Bridge, Temporary, over the Lee, Cork, 450, 451
- Bridges, Railway, The Strength of, 179, 263
- Brown's Horizontal Engine, 70, 75
- Building Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall, The, 308
- Bullivant's Wire Rope Cable Apparatus, 264
- Buoy, Mark, for Telegraph Cables, Johnson and Phillips', 416
- Butterfleld's Boiler Drilling and Turning Machine, 398
- Cable Apparatus, Bullivant's Wire Rope, 264
- Cables, Telegraph, Johnson and Phillips' Mark Buoy for, 416
- Cables, Telegraph, Johnson and Phillips' Steam Hauling Gear for, 205
- Cail's Tank Locomotive ; 2 ft. 7t in. Gauge, 265
- Canadian Railways, Map of, 142
- Cannel Coal and Coke Breaker, Hall's, 135
- Chart of the Action, 74
- Commander's Turret of the " Huascar" looking from Port Side, 183
- Commander's Turret of the "Huascar" looking from Starboard Side, 183
- Forecastle of the " Huascar" as seen from the Turret, 183
- " Huascar" as seen from the Forecastle, The, 182
- Plan of the " Huascar, 182
- Causes of Unseaworthiness in Merchant Steamers, 232
- Chains, Surveying, 285, 367
- Circumference of the Circle, The, 107
- City of New York, Plan of the ; New York Elevated Railroads, 240
- Claridge's Reversing Gear for Rolling Mills, 285
- Cleaning Water Mains, Scraper for, 435
- Clearance in Steam Cylinders, 493
- Coal-Cutting Machine. Lechner's, 78
- Coal and Goods Wagons for the Western Railway of France, 26, 30
- Coal Washing Machine, Evrard's, 42
- Besseges Collieries, France, Coal Washing
- Machinery at the, 122, 123, 130, 201
- Evrard's Coal-Washing Machine, 42
- Moliere's Colliery, France, Coal-Washing Machinery at, 84, 85, 96, 260
- Coke Oven (Carves System) at BessCges, 399
- Collieries, The Bessges, France, Coal Washing Machinery at, 122, 123, 130, 201
- Collieries, The Birchills, Walsall, Boiler Explosion at, 431, 4.58
- Collieries, The Molieres, France, Coal-Washing Machinery at, 84, 85, 96, 260
- Combined Exciting and Dividing Machine, The Gramme, for the Electric Light, 134
- Commander's Turret of the " Huascar looking from Port Side, 183
- Commander's Turret of the " Huascar" looking from Starboard Side, 183
- Compound Blowing Engine, 170, 175
- Compound Engines and Propeller of the s.s, " Grecian," Doxford and Sons', 435, 502
- Compound Engines, Ross and Duncan's, of the s.s. " Macdonnell," 337
- Compound Launch Engine, Kingdon's, 495
- Compound Paddle Engines, Rankin and Blackmore's Disconnecting, for the Tug Mount Etna," 412
- Compound Rolling Mill Engine; Phoenix Iron
- Company's Works, Phoenixville, 105
- Construction of Gasholders, The, 482, 483
- Construction of Merchant Ships, The, 292, 293
- Construction, Steel Ship, 329, 331, 368, 369
- Continuous Girders, 167, 223
- Copper Works, Japanese, View of, 447
- Corrugated Boiler Flues, 477
- Costa Rica, Bridge over the Matins River at, 27, 55
- Couplings for Screw Shafts, Snowden's Flexible, 474
- Crab, Newton's Overhead Steam Travelling, 299
- Crane, Russell's Portable Steam, 63
- Crane, Smith's Locomotive Steam, 491
- Crank Bearings, Lubricating, 417
- Crighton's Insulators, 120
- Crompton's Electric Lamp, 340
- Current, Dynamo-Electric, New Applications of the, 479, 480, 487
- Darke's Indicator, 241, 242
- Debrun's Electro-Capillary Generator, 257
- Delbecque's Express Locomotive for the Northern Railway of France, 303
- Dennert's Water Meter, 126
- Disconnecting Compound Paddle Engines for the Tug " Mount Etna," Rankin and Blackmore's, 412
- Doors for Bulkheads, Simey's Balanced, 303
- Dovetailing Machine, The Tighe Hamilton, 386
- Doxford and Sons' Compound Engines and Propeller of the s.s. " Grecian," 435, 502, 503
- Dredger for Kurrachee Harbour, Hawks, Crawshay, and Company's, 341, 354
- Dredging Apparatus and Air Lock ; Prague Bridge, 14
- Drilling Machine, Kendall and Gent's Boiler Shell, 434
- Drilling and Turning Machine for Boilers, Butterfield's, 398
- Duplex Telegraphy, 448
- Dusseldorf Exhibition, The, 454, 455
- Dynamo-Electric Current, New Applications of the, 479, 480, 487
- Dynamo-Electric Machines, 1, 2, 116, 117, 154, 155
- Dynamo-Electric Machines, The Siemens, 124
- Eastern Railway of France, Tube Fixing Apparatus for the, 7
- Economiser, Fuel, Mason and Alcock's, 261
- Edison Electric Light, The, 38
- Eighth Avenue ; New York Elevated Railroads, 213
- Eighth Avenue, looking North; New York Elevated Railroads, 50
- Eighth Avenue and 100th-Street ; New York Elevated Railroads, 208
- Eighth Avenue and 110th-Street; New York Elevated Railroads, 10 •
- Electric Lamp, Crompton's, 340
- Electric Light, The Edison, 38
- Electric Light, The Gramme Combined Exciting and Dividing Machine for the, 134
- Electric Light, Heinrichs', 163
- Electric Light, The Jablochkoff, at the Palais de l'Industrie, Paris, 62
- Electric Lighting, 424, 425
- Electrical Adhesion of Metal Contacts, The, 327
- Electricity, Lighting b,164
- Electro-Capillary Generator, Debrun's, 257
- Engine, Brown's Horizontal, 70, 75
- Engine, Compound Blowing, 170, 175
- Engine, Compound Rolling Mill ; Phoenix Iron Company's Works, Phoenixville, 105
- Engine, Hydraulic Winding, Hathorn, Davey, and Company's, at the A. D. Lead Mine, 378
- Engine, Kingdon's Compound Launch, 495
- Engine, Siege Train Traction, Fowler's Eight-Horse Power Artillery, 166, 167
- Engine, Sulzer Brothers' Horizontal Winding 109
- Engine, Traction, Wallis and Steevens' Six-Hot so Power, 135
- Engineering Precedents, 42, 43, 162, 163, 237, 298
- Engines, Compound. and Propeller of the s.s. " Grecian," Doxford and Sons', 435, 502
- Engines, Pumping, at the Lawrence Water Works, Mass., 18, 19
- Engines, Rankin and Blackmore's Disconnecting Compound Paddle for the Tug " Mount Etna," 412
- Engines, Ross and Duncan's Compound, of the s.s. " Macdonnell," 337
- Engines, Water-Pressure, for Mining Purposes, Hathorn, Davey, and Company's, 358, 359, 360, 378, 379
- Engines of the Yacht " Wanderer;" Diagrams, 126
- Equatorial Telescope, Vienna, Grubb's, 115, 200, 310, 311, 391, 409, 467, 468
- European Russia, Mineral Wealth of, 257
- Evrard's Coal-Washing Machine, 42
- Exhibition, Building, at the Agricultural Hall, 308
- Exhibition, The Dusseldorf, 454, 455
- Expansion Gear, Proell's Automatic, 416, 417
- Experimental Firegrate for Anthracite Fuel ; s.s. " Elephant," 302
- Explosion of the 38-Ton Gun, The, 138
- Explosion, The Walsall Boiler, 431, 458
- Explosions, Boiler, in 1879 ; E. B. Marten's Annual Report, 187
- Express Locomotive, Delbecque's, for the Northern Railway of France, 303
- Face Lathe, Fetu and Deliege's, 117
- Fallen Girders near Piers Nos. 1 and 2; The Tay Bridge, 89
- Feathering Screw Propeller, Kirk and Hunt's 225
- Ferry Steamers, Passenger, 252
- Fetu and Delidge's•Axle Lathe, 413
- Firegrate, Experimental for :anthracite Fuel ; a.s• " Elephant," 302
- Fittings, Blake's Gauge Glass, 186
- Fixing Tubes, Apparatus for; Eastern Railway of France, 7
- Flexible Couplings for Screw Shafts, Snowden's, 474
- Flues, Corrugated Boiler, 477
- Forecastle of the "Huascar" as seen from the Turret, 183
- Form of Rivetted Joints, The, 128, 149, 350
- Forms of Ships, The, 243
- Forrestt's and Son's Steel Launch for Exploration in Central Africa, 475
- Forth Bridge, The, 174
- Forth Bridge, Barclay's Plan for the, 168
- Forth Suspension Bridge, Sir Thomas Bouch's, 132
- Fountain, Pontifex and Wood's Brewing, 34
- Fowler's Eight-Horse Power Artillery Siege
Train Traction Engine. 166, 167
- Fuel Economiser, Mason and klcock's, 261
- Furnaces, The Pernot, at the Springfield Iron Works, Springfield, Illinois; American Iron and Steel Works, 374, 375
- Gas-Fired Steam Boilers, 2, 3
- Gas Producer, The Tessi6, at the Works of MM. de Wendel, Lorraine, 318
- Gasholders, The Construction of, 4820 483
- Gauge Glass Fittings, Blake's, 186
- Gear, Berghoff's Valve, 35
- Gear, Proell's Automatic Expansion, 416, 417
- Gear for Rolling Mills, Claridge's Reversing, 285
- Gear for Varying Speed of Governors, Wallis and Steevens', 322
- Generator, Debrun's Electro-Capillary, 257
- Gilmore and Clark's Self-Acting Ventilator, 265
- Girder Bridge Plate, 50 ft. Span, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railroad, 306
- Girders, Continuous, 167, 223
- Girders, Fallen, near Piers Nos. 1 and 2 ; The Tay Bridge, 89
- Goods and Coal Wagons for the Western Railway of France, 26, 30
- Goods Locomotive and Tender; Great Eastern Railway, 66, 67
- Governors, Wallis and Steevens' Gear for Varying Speed of. 322
- Grain, Tank Boat for Storing, Barclay, Curie, and Company's, 146, 147, 150
- Gramme Combined Exciting and Dividing Machine for the Electric Light, The, 134
- Great Eastern Railway, Locomotive and Tender for the, 66, 67
- " Grecian," s.s., Doxford and Sons' Compound Engines and Propeller of the, 435, 502, 503
- Grinding Machine, Thomson, Sterne, and Company's Surface and Slide Bar, 319
- Grinding Mill and Pan Mixing Machine, Mather's, 205
- Grubb's Vienna Equatorial Telescope, 115, 200, 310, 311, 391, 409, 467, 468
- Gun, the 38-Ton, Explosion of the, 138
- Hall's Cannel Coal and Coke Breaker, 135
- Hathorn, Davey, and Company's Water-Pressure Engines for Mining Purposes, 358, 359, 860, 378, 379
- Hawks, Crawshay, and Company's Dredger for Kurrachee Harbour, 341, 354
- Hawthorn's Tramway Locomotive (Brown's System), 43, 46, 47
- Hayward Tyler and Company's Pumping Machinery at the Twickenham Sewage Works, 22, 23
- Heinrichs' Electric Light, 163
- H.M.S. " Iris," Steam Trials of, 275
- High Temperatures, Iron and Steel at, 425, 442
- Horizontal Engine, Brown's, 70, 75
- Horizontal Winding Engine, Sulzer Brothers', 109
- Huascar," The Capture of the, 74, 182, 183
- " Huascar," The, as seen from the Forecastle, 182 –
- Hydraulic Novelty, A," 124, 167, 285
- Hydraulic Sugar-Cane Mill and Megass Steaming Chamber, Berry's, 204
- Hydraulic Winding Engine, Hathorn, Davey, and Company's, at the A.D. Lead Mine, 378
- Imperial Japanese Railway, Smith's Truck for Bogie Carriage for the, 143
- Improved Resistance Balance, An, 15
- Improved Thermo-Electric Apparatus, An, 439
- Indicator, Darke's, 241, 242
- Indicator, Kenyon's Pistonless, 323, 414, 492
- Insulators, Crighton's, 120
- Integrator, A Mechanical, 462
- Iris," H.M.S., Steam Trials of, 275
- Iron and Steel at High Temperatures, 425, 442
- Iron and Steel Plates, Mills for Rolling, 97
- Iron and Steel, Spectroscopic Analyses of, 406
- Compound Rolling Mill Engine ; Phoenix Iron
- Company's Works, Phoenixsville, 104
- Pernot Furnaces, The, at the Springfield Iron Works, Springfield, Illinois, 374, 375
- Roof of Rolling Mill; Phoenix Iron Company's Works, Phoenixsville, 104, 112
- Springfield Iron Works, Springfield, Illinois, The, 371, 374, 375
- Iron Structures, The Strength of, 387
- Ironclad "Huascar," The Capture of the, 74,182,, 183
- Jablochkoff Electric Light at the Palais de l'In-dustrie, Paris, The, 62
- Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 217, 277, 315, 447
- Johnson and Phillips' Mark Buoy for Telegraph Cables, 416
- Johnson and Phillips' Steam Hauling Gear for Telegraph Cables, 205
- Johnston's Scrap Shears at the Parkgate Iron Works, 284
- Joint, Painter's Pipe, 147
- Joints, Rivetted, The Form of, 128, 149, 350
- Joints, Rivetted, Mr. Kirkaldy's Experiments on, 194
- Kendall and Gent's Boiler Shell Drilling Machine, 434
- Kenyon's Pistonless Indicator, 323, 414, 492
- Kingdon's Compound Launch Engine, 495
- Kirk and Hunt's Feathering Screw Propeller, 225
- Kirkaldy's Experiments on Rivetted Joints, 194
- Kurrachee Harbour, Hawks, Crawshay, and Company's Dredger for, 341, 354
- Lamp, Crompton's Electric, 340
- Lathe, Axle, Fetu and DeliCge's, 413
- Lathe, Face, Fetu and DeliCge's, 117
- Launch Engine, Kingdon's Compound, 495
- Launch, Steel, for Exploration in Central Africa, Forrestt and Son's, 475
- Lawrence Water Works, Mass., Pumping Engines at the, 18, 19
- Lechner's Coal-Cutting Machine, 78
- Lee, River, Cork, Temporary Bridge over the, 450, 451
- Leonardt's Safety Apparatus, 58
- Light, The Edison Electric, 38
- Light, The Electric. Gramme Combined Exciting and Dividing Machine for the, 134
- Light, Heinrichs' Electric, 163
- Light, The Jablochkoff Electric, at the Palais de l'Industrie, Paris, 62
- Lighting, Electric, 424, 425
- Lighting by Electricity, 164
- Lines, Postal Telegraph, Testing the, 420
- Locomotive, Baldwin, Tests of a, 503
- Locomotive, Cail's Tank; 2 ft. 7i in, Gauge, 265
- Locomotive, Delbecque's Express, for the Northern Railway of France, 303
- Locomotive Details, Tank, for the National Railway of Switzerland, 220, 221, 224
- Locomotive, Goods, and Tender ; Great Eastern Railway, 66, 67
- Locomotive Steam Crane, Smith's, 491
- Locomotive, Tramway (Brown's System), 43, 46, 47
- Lubricating Crank Bearings, 417
- "Macdonnell," s.s., Ross and Duncan's Compound Engines of the, 337
- Machine, Asquith's Plate-Edge Planing, 186
- Machine, Butterfield's Boiler Drilling and Turning, 398
- Machine, Evrard's Coal Washing, 42
- Machine, The Gramme Combined Exciting and Dividing, for the Electric Light, 134
- Machine, Hairs Cannel Coal and Coke Breaking 135
- Machine, Kendall and Gent's Boiler Shell Drilling, 434
- Machine, Lechner's Coal-Cutting, 78,
- Machine, The Siemens Dynamo-Electric, 124
- Machine, Thomson, Sterne, and Company's Surfacing and Slide Bar Grinding, 319
- Machine, The Tighe Hamilton Dovetailing, 386
- Machine, 100-Ton Testing, 494, 495
- Machine, Universal Milling, 155
- Machine, Woolnough and Dehne's Moulding, 355
- Machinery, Coal Washing at the Bessges Collieries, France, 122, 123, 130, 201
- Machinery, Coal Washing, at Molieres Colliery, France, 84, 85, 96, 260
- Machinery, Hayward Tyler and Company's Pumping, at the Twickenham Sewage Works, '22, 23
- Machinery, Pumping, at the Augsburg Water Works, 244, '245
- Machines, Dynamo-Electric, 1, 2, 116, 117, 154, 155
- Map of Canadian Railways, 142
- Mark Buoy for Telegraph Cables, Johnson and Phillips', 416
- Marten's Annual Report of Boiler Explosions in 1879, 187
- Mason and Alcock's Fuel Economiser, 2G1
- Mather's Pan Mixing and Grinding Mill, 205
- Matina River, Costa Rica, Bridge over the, 27, 55
- Mechanical Integrator, A, 462
- Merchant Ships, The Construction of, 292, 293
- Merchant Steamers, Cause of Unseaworthiness in, 232
- Metal Contacts, The Electrical Adhesion of, 327
- Metallurgical Processes, Japanese, 217, 277, 315, 447
- Meter, Dennert's Water, 126
- Mill, Rolling, Roof of; Phccnix Iron Company's Works, Phoenixville, 104, 112
- Mill, Rolling, at the Works of the Grazi-Tsaritsin Railway, Borisoglebsk, 6
- Mill, Sugar-Cane, and Megass Steaming Chamber, Berry's Hydraulic, 204
- Milling Machine, Universal, 155
- Mills, Rolling, 97
- Mills, Rolling, Claridge's Gear for Reversing, 285
- Mine Cages, Leonardt's Safety Apparatus for, 58
- Mineral Wealth of European Russia, 257
- Mining Purposes, Hathorn, Davey, and Company's Water-Pressure Engines for, 358, 359, 360, 378, 379
- Molieres Colliery, France, Coal Washing Machinery at, 84, 85, 96, 260
- Moulding Machine, Woolnough and Dehne's, 355
- Mount Etna," Tug, Rankin and Blackmore's Disconnecting Compound Paddle Engines for the, 412
- National Railway of Switzerland, Details of Tank Locomotive for the, 220, 221, 224
- Bridge over the St. Nicholas Avenue, 240
- Eighth Avenue, 218
- Eighth Avenue and 110th-Street, 10
- Eighth Avenue and 100-Street, 208
- Eighth Avenue, looking North, 50
- Ninth Avenue, looking South, 54
- Plan of the City of New York, showing the Various Railways, 240
- Newton's Overhead Steam Travelling Crab, 299
- Northern Railway of France, Delbecque's Express Locomotive for the, 303
- Novelty, A Hydraulic," 124, 167, 285
- Oven, Coke (Carvbs System), at Bessbges, 399,
- Overhead Steam Travelling Crab, Newton's, 299
- Paddle Engines, Disconnecting Compound, for the Tug " Mount Etna," 412
- Painter's Pipe Joint, 147
- Pan Mixing and Grinding Mill, Mather's, 205
- Parkgate Iron Works, Johnston's Scrap Shears at the, 284
- Passenger Ferry Steamers, 252
- Periods, Wave, 282
- Permanent Way, Tramway, 347, 348, 360
- Pernot Furnaces, The, at the Springfield Iron Works, Springfield, Illinois ; American Iron and Steel Works, 374, 375
- Peruvian Ironclad " Huascar," The Capture of the, 74, 182, 183
- Phoenix Iron Company's Works, Phoenixville, Compound Rolling Mill Engine at the, 105
- Phoenix Iron Company's Works, Phoenixville, Roof of Rolling Mill at the, 104, 112
- Piers, Bridge, The Stability of, 71, 72
- Piers of Large Spans, Terminal ; The Tay Bridge, 88
- Piers Nos. 1 and 2, Fallen Girders near ; The Tay Bridge, 89
- Piers, Nos. 7 and 9, Remains of ; The Tay Bridge, 93
- Piers, The Tay Bridge, 473, 493
- Pipe Joint, Painter's, 147
- Pipe Ventilator, Boyle's Soil, 127
- Pistonless Indicator, Kenyon's, 323, 414, 492
- Plan of the City of New York ; New York Elevated Railroads, 240
- Plan of the " Huascar," 182
- Plate-Edge Planing Machine, Asquith's, 186
- Plate Girder Bridge, 50 ft. Span, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railroad, 306
- Pontifex and Wood's Brewing Fountain, 34
- Portable Steam Crane, Russell's, 63
- Postal Telegraph Lines, 'resting the, 420
- Power and Speed in Steamships, The Relation of, 39, 40
- Prague Bridge, Air Lock and Dredging Apparatus at, 14
- Precedents, Engineering, 42, 43, 162, 163, 237, 298
- Pressure Thermometer, Thomson's Water-Steam, 467
- Pressures, Wind, 263
- Proctor and Wallis's " Talbot" Vertical Boiler, 108
- Proell's Automatic Expansion Gear, 416, 417
- Propeller, Doxford's, of the s.s. " Grecian," 502
- Propeller, Kirk and Hunt's Feathering Screw, 225
- Propeller, The Screw, 158
- Pumping Engines, Hathorn, Davey, and Company's Water-Pressure, 358, 359, 360, 378, 379
- Pumping Engines at the Lawrence Water Works, Mass. 18, 19
- Pumping Machinery at the Augsburg Water Works, 244, 245
- Pumping Machinery, Hayward Tyler and Company's, at the Twickenham Sewage Works, 22, '23
- Railway Axle-Box, Attock's, 280
- Railway Bridge over the Matina River, 27, 55
- Railway Bridges, The Strength of, 179, 263
- Railways, Canadian, Map of, 142
- Rankin and Blackmore's Disconnecting Compound Paddle Engines for the Tug " Mount Etna," 412
- Refracting Equatorial Telescope for Vienna, Grubb's 27 in., 115, 200, 310, 311, 391. 409, 467, 468
- Relation of Power and Speed in Steamships, The, 39, 40
- Remains of Piers Nos. 7 and 9; The Tay Bridge, 93
- Report, Annual, of Mr. E. B. Marten on Boiler Explosions in 1879, 187
- Resistance of Armour, The, 441.
- Resistance Balance, An Improved, 15
- Reversing Gear for Rolling Mills, Claridge's, 285
- River Bars, The Removal of, by Induced Tidal Scour, 411
- River Lee, Cork, Temporary Bridge over the, 450, 451
- River Matina, Costa Rica, Bridge over the, 27, 55
- Rivetted Joints, The Form of, 128, 149, 350
- Rivetted Joints, Mr. Kirkaldy's Experiments on, 194
- Rolling Mill Engine, Compound; Phoenix Iron Company's Works, Phoenixville, 105
- Rolling Mill at the Works of the Grazi-Tsaritsin Railway, Borisoglebsk, 6
- Rolling Mills, 97
- Roof of Rolling Mill ; Phoenix Iron Company's Works, Phoenixville, 104, 112
- Ross and Duncan's Compound Engines of the s.s. " Macdonnell," 337
- Russell's Portable Steam Crane, 63
- Russia, European, Mineral Wealth of, 257
- Safety Apparatus, Leonardt's, 58
- St. Nicholas Avenue, Bridge over the ; New York Elevated Railroads, 240
- Scour, Tidal, The Removal of River Bars by Induced, 411
- Scrap Shears at the Parkgate Iron Works, Johnston's, 284
- Scraper for Cleaning Water Mains, 43.5
- Screw Propeller, The, 158
- Screw Propeller, Kirk and Hunt's Feathering, 225
- Segre Viaduct, The ; Western Railway of France, 280, 281
- Self-Acting Ventilator, Gilmore and Clark's, 265
- Sewage Works, Twickenham, Hayward Tyler and Company's Pumping Machinery at the, 22, 23
- Shipbuilding, Steel for, 468, 464
- Ships, The Forms of, '243
- Ships, Merchant, The Construction of, 292, 293
- Shot, the Resistance of Armour to, 441
- Siege Train Traction Engine, Fowler's Eight-Horse Power Artillery, 166, 167
- Siemens Dynamo-Electric Machine, The, 124
- Simey's Balanced Doors for Bulkheads, 203
- Smith's Locomotive Steam Crane, 491
- Smith's Truck for Bogie Carriage; Imperial Japanese Railways, 143
- Snowden's Flexible Couplings fur Screw Shafts, 474
- Soil Pipe Ventilator, Boyle's, 127
- Spectroscopic Analysis of Iron and Steel, 406
- Speed of Governors, Wallis and Steevens' Gear for Varying, 322
- Spitzberg Tunnel, The, 333,336, 383, 394, 395, 427, 430, 470, 471
- Springfield Iron Works, Springfield, Illinois, The ; American Iron and Steel Works, 371, 374, 375
- Stability of Bridge Piers, The, 71, 72
- Stability of Yachts, The, 272
- Steam Boilers, Gas-Fired, 2, 3
- Steam Crane, Russell's Portable, 63
- Steam Crane, Smith's Locomotive, 491
- Steam Cylinders, Clearance in, 493
- Steam Hauling Gear for Telegraph Cables, Johnson and Phillips', 205
- Steam Hopper Barges for Kurrachee Harbour, Hawks, Crawshay, and Company's, 341, 354
- Steam Travelling Crab, Newton's Overhead, 299
- Steam Trials of H.M.S. 168,1' 275
- Steamers, Merchant, Causes of Unseaworthiness, in, 232
- Steamers, Passenger Ferry, 252
- Steamships, The Relation of Power and Speed in, 39, 40
- Steel and Iron at High Temperatures, 425, 442
- Steel and Iron Plates, Mills for Bolling, 97
- Steel Launch for Exploration in Central Africa, Forrestt and Son's, 475
- Steel Ship Construction, 329, 331, 368, 369
- Steel for Shipbuilding, 463, 464
- Storing Grain, Barclay, Curie, and Company's Tank Boat for, 146, 147, 150
- Street Tramways, Permanent Way for, 347, 848, 360
- Strength of Iron Structures, The, 387
- Strength of Railway Bridges, The, 179, 263
- Sugar-Cane Mill and Megass Steaming Chamber, Berry's Hydraulic, '204
- Sulzer Brothers' Horizontal Winding Engine, 109
- Surfacing and Slide Bar Grinding Machine, Thomson, Sterne, and Company's, 319
- Surveying Chains, 285, 367
- Suspension Bridge, Sir Thomas Bouch's Forth, 132
- " Talbot" Vertical Boiler, The, 108
- Tank Boat for Storing Grain, Barclay, Curie, and Company's, 146, 147,150
- Tank Locomotive, Call's; 2 ft. 7i in. Gauge, 265
- Tank Locomotive Details for the National Railway of Switzerland, 220,221, 224
- 32, 33, 34, 56, 68, 88, 89, 93, 108, 124, 133
- Piers, No. 1 and 2, Fallen Girders near, 89
- Pier No, 7, looking Westward, 93
- Pier No. 9, looking Westward, 93
- Piers, Terminal, of Large Spans, 88
- Tay Bridge Piers, The, 473, 493
- Telegraph Cables, Johnson and Phillips' Mark Buoy for, 416
- Telegraph Cables, Johnson and Steam Hauling Gear for, 205
- Telegraphy, Duplex, 448
- Telescope, Grubb's Equatorial, Vienna, 115, 200, 310, 311, 391, 409, 467, 468
- Tender and Goods Locomotive ; Great Eastern Railway, 66, 67
- Terminal Piers of Large Spans ; The Tay Bridge, 88
- Tessid Gas Producer at the Works of MM. de Wendel, Lorraine, The, 318
- Testing Machine, 100-Ton, 494, 495
- Testing the Postal Telegraph Lines, 420
- Tests of a Baldwin Locomotive, 503
- Thermo-Electric Apparatus, An Improved, 439
- Thirty-Eight-Ton Gun, The Explosion of the, 138
- Thomson, Sterne, and Company's Surfacing and Slide Bar Grinding Machine, 319
- Thomson's Water-Steam Pressure Thermometer, 467
- Tidal Scour, Induced, The Removal of River Bars by, 411
- Tighe Hamilton Dovetailing Machine, The, 386
- Traction Engine, Fowler's Eight-Horse Power Artillery Siege Train, 166, 167
- Traction Engine, Wallis and &covens' Six-Horse Power, 135
- Tramway Locomotive (Brown's System), 43, 46, 47
- Tramway Permanent Way, 347, 348, 360
- Truck for Bogie Carriage, Smith's ; Imperial Japanese Railways, 143
- Tube Fixing Apparatus ; Eastern Railway of France, 7
- Tunnel, The Spitzberg, 333, 336, 383, 394, 395, 427 430, 470, 471
- Turning and Drilling Machine for Boilers, Butter-field's, 398
- Twickenham Sewage Works, Hayward Tyler and Company's Pumping Machinery at the, 22, 23
- Universal Milling Machine, 155
- Unseaworthiness in Merchant Steamers, Causes of, 232
- Urquhart's Rolling Mill at the Works of the Grazi-Tsaritsin Railway, Borisoglebsk, 6
- Valve Gear, Berghoff's, 35
- Varying Speed of Governors, Wallis and Steepens' Gear for, 322
- Ventilator, Boyle's Soil Pipe, 127
- Ventilator, Gilmore and Clark's Self-Acting, 265
- Vertical Boiler, Blake's, 147
- Vertical Boiler, The " Talbot," 108
- Viaduct, The Segrd ; Western Railway of France, 280, 281
- Vienna Telescope, Grubb's Equatorial, 115, 200, 310, 311, 391, 409, 467, 468
- View of Japanese Copper Works, 447
- Wagons, Goods and Coal, for the Western Railway of France, 26, 30
- Wallis and Steevens' Gear for Varying Speed of Governors, 322
- Wallis and Steevens' Six-Horse Power Traction Engine, 135
- Walsall Boiler Explosion, The, 431, 458
- " Wanderer," Yacht, Engines of the ; Diagrams, 126
- Water Mains, Scraper for Cleaning, 435
- Water Meter, Dennert's, 126
- Water-Pressure Engines for Mining Purposes, Hathorn, Davey, and Company's, 318, 359, 360, 378, 379
- Water Steam Pressure Thermometer, 467
- Water Works, Augsburg, Pumping Machinery at the. 244, 245
- Water Works, Pumping Machinery at the Lawrence, Mass., 18, 19
- Wave Periods, 282
- Wealth, Mineral, of European Russia, 257
- Western Railway of France, Goods and Coal Wagons for the, 26, 30
- Wind Pressures, 263
- Winding Engine, Hathorn, Davey, and Company's Hydraulic, at the A. D. Lead Mine, 378
- Winding Engine, Sulzer Brothers' Horizontal 109
- Wire Rope Cable Apparatus, Bullivant's, 264
- Woolnough and Dehne's Moulding Machine 335
- Works of the Grazi-Tsaritsin Railway, Boriso-glebsk, Rolling Mill at the, 6
- Works of MM. de Wendel, Lorraine, The Tessie Gas Producer at the, 318
- Yacht " Wanderer," Engines of the ; Diagrams 126
- Yachts, The Stability of, 272
See Also
Sources of Information