Engineering 1880 Jan-Jun: Index: Letters to the Editor

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1880 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1880 Jan-Jun Volume
Letters to the Editor
- "ANTHRACITE," Screw Steamer, The —G1 eo. Deane, 462
- Anthracite," The Yacht—W. W. Harris. 493
- Area of Curved Surfaces, The —Hvan Meerten, 473
- Armour, The Resistance of—W. H. Weightman, 441
- Arrangement, Foundry —Foundry, 305
- Assessment of Machinery, The—Joseph Potts, Jun., 65
- Atalanta and the Eurydice, The —Mark H. Robinson, 367
- Atlantic Steamers—R. C. D., 28
- Boiler Explosions—W. Finlay, 423
- Boiler Explosions, Steam, and Incrustation — Maurice Schwab, 106, 223, 404
- Boiler Incrustation—A Two-Flued Boiler, 168
- Boiler Incrustations and Explosions —J. Twibill, 124, 145
- Boiler Inspection, Compulsory—M. Powis Bale, 9
- Boiler, The Talbot —Killingworth Hedges, C.E., 124
- Bridge Disaster, The Tay—George Blyton, 28
- Bridge Disaster, The Tay—Edmund R. Jones, 28
- Bridge Disaster, The Tay—X., 28
- Bridge, The Forth—Andrew Barclay, F.R.A.S., 168
- Bridge Piers, The Stability of—M. Paul, Jun., 87
- Bridge, The Tay— George Barker, 55
- Bridge, The Tay—Robert H. Bow, 367
- Bridge, The Tay—John Chatto, 367
- Bridge, The Tay—Jules Crollard, 206
- Bridge, The Tay — C.E., 8
- Bridge, The Tay—T. Claxton Fidler, 54
- Bridge, The Tay—Reginald E. Middleton, A.M.I.C.E., 56
- Bridge, The Tay—W. B. Monks, Jun., 56
- Bridge, The Tay—Malcolm M. Paterson, 68
- Bridge, The Tay —G. H. Phipps, M. Inst. C.E., 108, 124, 473
- Bridge, The Tay—F. Target, 184
- Bridge, The Tay—W. C. Unwin, 87
- Bridge, The Tay—T. R. W., 108
- Bridge, The Tay —XX., 223
- Bridge, The Tay, and Wind Pressure—W. J. Millar, 385
- Buenos Ayres Exhibition, The—Carlos Calvo, 145
- Cellular Construction of Merchant Ships, The —Wm. John, 441, 473
- Cellular Construction of Merchant Ships, The—James Lyall, 368, 415, 461
- Chains, Surveying—M. Jas. Adams, 367
- Chains, Surveying—John E. Oram, 285
- Chains, Surveying—B. H. Thwaite, 367
- Circumference of the Circle, The —D. Hajnis, 107
- Civil Engineer, The Present State of the Profession of a--Junius, 69, 168
- Civil Engineer, The Present State of the Profession of a—Reginald E. Middleton, A.I.C.E., 107
- Civil Engineer, The Present State of the Profession of a—D. T., 184
- Clearance in Steam Cylinders—P. Nolet, 493
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, The Steam Fleet of the—John Elder and Company, 461
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, The Steam Fleet of the — A. and J. Inglis, 472
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, The Steam Fleet of the—Scrutator, 441
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, The Steam Fleet of the—Scrutator No. II., 461
- Compulsory Boiler Inspection—M. Powis Bale, 9
- Construction of Merchant Vessels, The—Wm. John, 385
- Continuous Girders -Herbert Barfield, B. Sc., 166
- Continuous Girders-Anto. Sansy Garcia, 223
- Continuous Girders-A. Schluter, 184
- Crank Bearings, Lubricating-C. E., R.N., 417
- Curved Surfaces, The Area of-Hvan Meerten, 473
- Dispersion Photometer, A-John Perry-W. E. Ayrton, 145
- Dispersion Photometer-W. II. S., 106
- Drainage Scheme, Stoke-upon-Trent-M., 145
- Dredger for Kurrachee - W. F. Batho, 385
- Driving by Wire Ropes-V. K , 57
- Dynamo-Electric Machine, The Siemens-John Henry Knight, 124
- Electric Lamps, Paper Carbons for Barnard S. Proctor, 56
- Engine, The Gas-Denny Lane, 26, 68, 90
- Engine, The Perkins-W. Finlay, 9
- Engineers, The Institution of Civil-M.I.C.E., 57
- Engineers, The Institution of Civil-Nicholas Watts, 57
- Engines, GaS -A. O., 90
- Engines, Gas-J. Emerson Dowson, 69
- Engines, Gas-C. H. Openshaw, 57
- Engines, Gas-Francisco de la Viesca, 11.0
- Engines, Gas-Robert Wilson, 68
- Engines, Improved Portable-Davey, Paxman, and Co., 26
- Engines, Improved Portable-Wilson Hartnell, 57
- Engines, Water-Pressure-Ralph H. Tweddell, 360
- Eurydice and the Atalanta, The-Mark H. Robinson, 367
- Examinations, Science and Art- F.R.S.N.A., 493
- Exhibition, The Buenos Ayres-Carlos Calvo, 145
- Explosions, Boiler-W. Finlay, 423
- Explosions and Boiler Incrustation-J. Twibill, 124, 145
- Explosions and Incrustations, Boiler -Maurice Schwab, 106, 223, 404
- Ferry Steamers, Passenger-John R. Ravenhill, 328
- File, Kirkwood's New-William Sisson, 124
- Form of Rivetted Joints, The-David Kirkaldy, 124
- Forth Bridge, The-Andrew Barclay, F.R.A.S.," 168
- Foundry Arrangement- Foundry, 305
- Gas Engine, The-Denny Lane, 2G, 68, 90
- Gas Engines-A. C., 90
- Gas Engines-J. Emerson Dowson, 69
- Gas Engines-C. H. Openshaw, 57
- Gas Engines-Francisco do la Viesca, 110
- Gas Engines-Robert Wilson, 68
- Gas, Water-Geo. S. Dwight, 8
- Gauge, Wire-A. A., 415
- Gauge, Wire-Drahtmesser, 493
- Gauge, Wire-T. A. G., 461
- Gauge, Wire-Thomas Hughes, 404, 461
- Girders, Continuous-Herbert Barfield, B. Sc., 166
- Girders, Continuous-Anto. Sansy Garcia, 223
- Girders, Continuous-A. Schluter, 184
- Governors, Varying the Speed of-T. B. Ewen, 385
- Gun, The Palliser-W. H. Weightman, 206
- Hardening Steel-The Steel-Heart Tool Company, 90
- "Hydraulic Novelty, A"—Ado, 184, 22:3
- "Hydraulic Novelty, A"—Y!, 124, 167, 206, 285 2p
- "Hydraulic Novelty, A"— Warning, 145
- Hydraulic Sugar-Cane Mill—A. G. Berry, 405
- Hydraulic Sugar-Cane Mill—Toujours Pret, 386
- Incrustation, Boiler—A Two-Flued Boiler, 168
- Indicator, Kenyon's --Practical, 405, 472
- Indicator, Kenyon's Pistonless —J. M. C , 472
- Indicator, Kenyon's Pistonless— J. W. C., 414
- Indicator, Kenyon's Pistonless—Fair Play, 414
- Indicator, Kenyon's Pistonless—J. W. Kenyon, 415, 441, 492
- Indicator, Kenyon's Pistonless—B. T. McKay, 441, 492
- Indicator, Kenyon's Pistonless —J. Richardson, 472
- Indicator, Kenyon's Pistonless—Isaac Storey and Sons, 415
- Indicator, Kenyon's Pistonless—W. Walker, 472
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The —M.I.C.E 57
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The—Nicholas Watts, 57
- Iron Structures, The Strength of—M. am Endo, 286, 304, 341
- Iron Structures, The Strength of—William H. Gates, 387
- Iron Structures, The Strength of—C. Holste, 328
- Iron Structures, The Strength of —Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 286, 328
- Iron Structures, The Strength of—J. A. Long-ridge, 304, 341
- Iron Structures, The Strength of—Ewing Matheson, 328
- Iron Structures, The Strength of—Robert H. Smith, 327, 386
- Kenyon's Indicator—Practical, 405, 472
- Kenyon's Pistonless Indicator—J. M. O.. 472
- Kenyon's Pistonless Indicator—J. W. C., 414
- Kenyon's Pistonless Indicator—Fair Play, 414
- Kenyon’s Pistonless Indicator—J. W. Kenyon, 415, 441, 492 .
- Kenyon's Pistonless Indicator—B. T. McKay, 441, 492
- Kenyon's Pistonless Indicator—J. Richardson, 472
- Kenyon's Pistonless Indicator —Isaac Storey and Sons, 415
- Kenyon's Pistonless Indicator—W. Walker, 472
- Kirkwood's New File—William Sisson, 124
- Kurrachee, Dredger for—W. F. Batho, 385
- Law Reform, Patent—J. Angelo Fahie, 493
- Law Reform, Patent—Uriah Scott, 28
- Law Reform, Patent—Alfred Wm. Turner, 462
- Leaks in Water Mains—F. Target, 9
- Locomotives, Slipping of —C., 405
- Lubricating Crank Bearings —C. E., R.N., 417
- Machinery, The Assessment of—Joseph Potts, Jun., 65
- Merchant Ships, the Cellular Construction of — Wm. John, 441, 473
- Merchant Ships, The Cellular Construction of—James Lyall, 368, 415 461
- Merchant Steamers, Unseaworthiness—F. J. T., 367
- Merchant Vessels, The Construction of —Wm. John, 385
- Metric System of Measurement—An Old Subscriber, 473
- Mill, Rolling, at Borisoglebsk—Thomas Urquhart, 107
- "Novelty, A Hydraulic"— Ado, 184, 223
- "Novelty, A Hydraulic"— 2 v_1, 124, 167, 206, 285
- "Novelty, A Hydraulic"—Warning, 145
- Palliser Gun, The—W. H. Weightman, 206
- Paper Carbons for Electric Lamps—Barnard S. Proctor, 56
- Passenger Ferry Steamers —John R. Ravenhill, 328
- Passenger River Steamers—W. H. Martin, 286
- Patent Law Reform—J. Angelo Fahie, C.E., 493
- Patent Law Reform—Uric' Scott, 28
- Patent Law Reform—Alfred Wm. Turner, 462
- Perkins Engine, The—W. Finlay, 9
- Permanent Way, Tramway—Spielmann and Co., :360, 405
- Permanent Way for Street Tramways—J. D. Larsen, 385
- Photometer, A Dispersion—John Perry—W. E. Ayrton, 145
- Photometer, Dispersion—W. H. S., 106
- Piers of the Tay Bridge, The—Robert H. Smith, 493
- Portable Engines, Improved—Davey, Paxman, and Co.' '26
- Portable Engines, Improved—Wilson Hartsell, 57
- Power and Speed in Steamships, The Relation of—C., 185 •
- Power and Speed in Steamships, The Relation of —F. B. Edmonds, 39, 57, 145
- Power and Speed in Steamships, The Relation of —Robert Mansel, 105, 165
- Pressures, Wind—Civil Engineer, 28
- Pressures, Wind—W. Hartnell, 8
- Pressures, Wind—X., 263
- Prevention of Smoke, The—J. C. Ambler, 107
- Prevention of Smoke—Carbon, 124
- Profession of a Civil Engineer, The Present State of the—Junius, 69, 168
- Profession of a Civil Engineer, The Present State of the—Reginald E. Middleton, A.I.C.E., 107
- Profession of a Civil Engineer, The Present State of the —D. T., 184
- Propulsion, Screw—H. S. M., 69
- Propulsion, Screw—Andrew Young, 223
- Rail Sections, Standard—C. P. Sandberg, 386
- Railway Bridges, The Strength of—M. tam Ende, 222, 26'2
- Railway Bridges, The Strength of—Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 206, 246
- Railway Bridges, The Strength of—Robert H. Smith, 262
- Railway Tyre Fastenings—Henry Simon, 28
- Railways in South Africa—P. France, 284
- Resistance of Armour, The —W . H. Weightman, 441
- River Steamers, Passenger—W. H. Martin, 286
- Rivetted Joints, The Form of—David Kirkaldy, 124
- Roadways, Spreading Sand on —Richard Garrett and Sons, 385
- Rolling Mill at Borisoglebsk—Thomas Urquhart, 107
- Science and Art Examinations—F. R. S. N. A., 493
- Screw Propulsion—H. S. bl., 69
- Screw Propulsion—Andrew Young, 223
- Screw Steamer " Anthracite," The—Geo. Deane, 462
- Siemens Dynamo-Electric Machine, The— John Henry Knight, 124
- Slipping of Locomotives—C., 405
- Smoke, The Prevention of—J. C. Ambler, 107
- Smoke Prevention—Carbon, 124
- South Africa, Railways in—P. France, 284
- Spreading Sand on Roadways—Richard Garrett and Sons, 385
- Stability of Bridge Piers, The—M. Paul, Jun., 87
- Standard Rail Sections—C. P. Sandberg, 386
- Steam Cylinders, Clearance in—P. Nolet, 493
- Steam Fleet of the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, The—John Eider and Co., 461
- Steam Fleet of the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, The —A. and J. Inglis, 472
- Steam Fleet of the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, The—Scrutator, 441
- Steam Fleet of the Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, The—Scrutator No. II., 461
- Steamers, Atlantic—R. C. D., 28
- Steamers, Water Ballast— M. W. Aisbitt, 8, 69
- Steamers, Water Ballast— G. B. Hunter, 57, 107, 168
- Steamers, Water Ballast—J. A. Westerman, 69
- Steamships, The Relation of Power and Speed in—C., 185
- Steamships, The Relation of Power and Speed in—F. B. Edmonds, 39, 57, 145
- Steamships, The Relation of Power and Speed in Robert Mansel, 105, 165
- Steel, Hardening—The Steel-Heart Tool Company, 90
- Stoke-upon-Trent Drainage Scheme—M., 145
- Strength of Iron Structures, The—M. am Ende, 286, 304, 341
- Strength of Iron Structures, The—William H. Gates, 387
- Strength of Iron Structures, The—C. Holste 328
- Strength of Iron Structures, The—Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 286, 328
- Strength of Iron Structures, The—J. A. Long-ridge, 304, 341
- Strength of Iron Structures, The—Ewing Matheson, 328
- Strength of Iron Structures, The—Robert H. Smith, 327. 386
- Strength of Railway Bridges, The—M. am Ende, 222, 262
- Strength of Railway Bridges, The—Alex. B. W. Kennedy, 206, 246
- Strength of Railway Bridges, The—Robert H. Smith, 262
- Sugar-Cane Mill, Hydraulic—A. G. Berry, 405
- Sugar-Cane Mill, Hydraulic — Toujours Pret, 386
- Surveying Chains—M. Jas. Adams, 367
- Surveying Chains—John E. Oram, 285
- Surveying Chains—B. H. Thwaite, 367
- System of Measurement, Metric—An Old Subscriber, 473
- Talbot Boiler, The— IC illingworth Hedges, C.E., 124
- Tay Bridge, The—George Barker. 55
- Tay Bridge, The—Robert H. Bow, 367
- Tay Bridge, The—John Chatto, 367
- Tay Bridge, The—Jules Crollard, 206
- Tay Bridge, The—C.E., 8
- Tay Bridge, The—T. Claxton Fidler, 54
- Tay Bridge, The — Reginald E. Middleton, 5G
- Tay Bridge, The—W. B. Monks, Jun., 56
- Tay Bridge, The—Malcolm M. Paterson, 68
- Tay Bridge, The—G. H. Phipps, M. Inst.C.E., 108, 124, 473
- Tay Bridge, The—F. Target, 184
- Tay Bridge, The—W. C. Unwin, 87
- Tay Bridge, The—T. R. W., 108
- Tay Bridge, The—XX., 223
- Tay Bridge Disaster, The—George Blyton, 28
- Tay Bridge Disaster, The—Edmund R. Jones, 28
- Tay Bridge Disaster, The—X., 28
- Tay Bridge, The Piers of the—Robert H. Smith, 493
- Tay Bridge and Wind Pressure, The—W. J. Millar, 385
- Tramway Permanent Way—Spielmann and Co., 360, 405
- Tramways, Permanent Way for Street—J. D. Larsen, 385
- Tyre Fastenings, Railway—Henry Simon, 28
- Unseaworthiness in Merchant Steamers—F. J. T., 367
- Varying the Speed of Governors—T. B. Ewen, 385
- Water Ballast Steamers—M. W. Aisbitt, 8, 69
- Water Ballast Steamers—G. B. Hunter, 57, 107, 168
- Water Ballast Steamers —J. A. Westerman, 69
- Water Gas—Geo. S. Dwight, 8
- Water Mains, Leaks in—F. Target. 9
- Water-Pressure Engines—Ralph H. Tweddell, 360
- Wind Pressures—Civil Engineer, 28
- Wind Pressures--W. Hartnell, S
- Wind Pressures— X., 263
- Wire Gauge—A. A., 415
- Wire Gauge—Drahtmesser, 493
- Wire Gauge—T. A. G., 461
- Wire Gauge—Thomas Hughes, 404, 461
- Wire Ropes, Driving by—V. IC., 57
- Yacht "Anthracite," The—W. W. Harris, 493
See Also
Sources of Information