Engineering 1884 Jul-Dec: Index: Illustrated Patents

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1884 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1884 Jul-Dec Volume
Illustrated Patents - SUBJECT MATTER.
- ALLOYS, Manufacture of, G. A. Dick, 96
- Aluminium, Production of, 11. Niewerth, 74
- Amalgamating- Machine, H. Moon, 398
- Augers, J. Swan, 144
- Barrel Forming Machines, F. Myers, 190
- Bearings, Mica, for Railway Axles, E. W. Taylor, 489
- BELTING : 420, 512
- J. B. Harris, 512; J. K. Tullis, 420; Fasteners for, G. H. Hebblethwaite, 512
- Blowers, Rotary, W. and E. Allday, 190
- BOATS : 23, 47, 168, 216, 281, 422, 489, 601
- Detaching Gear, J. Dixon, M. Waddle, R. Dawson, and D. Marshall, 168; C. J. Fox, 23, 216; W. R. Nisbet, 601 ; J. R. Rixon, 601; Life, &c., F. W. Brewster, 422 ; J. A. Timmis, 281; Rowlocks, C. F. Woosnam, 489 ; Sculls and Oars, J. O. Spong, 47
- BOILERS, STEAM: 22, 118, 190, 259, 282, 329, 462, 489, 556, 557
- R. Abell, 329 ; F. J. Burrell, 259 ; T. Calvcrlcy, 462 ; J. Craddock, 557 ; G. Criner, ; J. W. Gill, 118 ; E. F. Gordon and H. Hobbs, 556 ; W. Hayes, 557 ; C. Knigld, 551 ; D. II. Lowry, 556; IF. II. Mirfin, 329; E. H. Nicholson and
- A. T. Allcock, 462 ; F. D. Rose, 462, 557; L. and C. Steinmziller, 642; G. Stevenson, 190; R. Steward and F. Watts 462 ; G. Stollwerck, 259; W. Workman, 259; and Hot-Air, W. Turn bull, 22 ; Locomotive, J. R. Wootten, 282; Marine, J. F. Belleville, 489; Multitubular, yl. and A. S7nith, 259
- BOILERS, STEAM (FITTINGS FOR) : 23, 259, 329, 462, 463, 557
- Circulating Water of, J. T. Bintley, 329; Clearing Tubes of, C. Allen, 829 ; Condensing Steam and Heating Air Supply of, W. Wilkinson, 557 ; Feed Water Regulator and Alarm, P. Brown and
- C. W. Johnston, 4G3 ; Feeding of, G. Stollwerck, 259, 557; Feeding, Automatically, A. Mayhew, 23, 462; Furnace for(>S’^^ Furnaces); Getting up Steam in, W. Craig, 462 ; Injectors {See Injector); Low Water and High Pressure Alarm for, H. Wilkinson, 557 ; Non-Conducting Composition for, J. Buser, 259 ; Pressure Gauges for, K. Marsden, 329: Preventing Corrosion of, J. Stark, 557 ; Preventing Incrustation in, T. Lowe, 259 ; Producing Circulation, W. Craig, 259 ; Purifying Feed of, II. J. A. Bowers. 462; G. II. Nott, 463 ; Returning Exhaust Steam to, G. Miles, 463 ; Rivetted Joints for, J. A. Rowe, 23; J. H. Truin, 462 ; Tube Stoppers for, J. Buchenheiin, 329 ; Water Gauges for. Safety, V. Agnes, 329; T. Crook, 557; K Schneider, ; Water Heaters and Purifiers for, L.
- Sterne and C. D. Wainwright, 259; E. W. Vanduzen, 259 ; Valves {See Valves)
- Bridges, W. R. Kinipple, 23
- Brush - Making, Bursten and Pinselfabrik Donaueschingen Mez and Co., 48
- Buildings, Shoring up Dangerous, W. E. Heath, 421
- Buoys, Metallic, &c., R. Tindall, 282
- Cabriolets, C. A. Floyd, 74
- Cement, L. Roth, 308 Chains, T. F. Hall, 330
- Coke, Manufacture of, A. B. Cowan, 24 Coke Ovens, J. McCullock and T. Reed, 398 Condensing and Cooling, K Hocking, 512 Cooling Air Mechanically, J. J. Coleman, 512 Cooling Machine, J. J. Coleman, 47
- Corrosive Action, Vessels Exposed to, H. Egells, 74 Cutting Nails and Sprigs, G. Willicb'inson, 73 Cutting Sheets of Metal, W. T. Beesley, 190 Disintegrator, C. Schutze, 308
- Disintegrator, R. SetzandJ. Schweiter, 308 Distillation of Coal, P. Couper and M. Rae, 118 Docks, Floating, J, Stanfield, 421
- Drawing and Compressing Machine for Rods,
- Shafting, &c., C. C. Billings, 24 Dredging Apparatus, J. Welman, 579 Dynamometer {See Meters), R. H. Brandon, 260 DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES : 22, 23, 48, 144,168, 190, 237, 238, 376, 377, 422, 535
- Sir C. T. Bright, 23 ; R. B. Bright, 237; C. J. Van Depole, 238 ; R. E. Dunston, 238 ; >8. Z. de Ferranti, 190; R. N. King, 376 ; T. J. McTighe and J. T. McConnell, 144 ; A. de Meuron and Jl.Cucnod, 48; C. Richter, 238; J. Riley, ; S. P. Thompson, 237 ; ^1. -V, Thorin, 238 ;
- F. C. Warburton and B. J. Crossley, 168 ; P. If. Willans, 144; Armatures of, C. F. Cooper, 535 ; Driving, Bain Electric Qi^rnpCiny^ 2'2; J.
- B. Wayne and J. R. Markle, 238; Motors, E. Haller, 422; L. W. Stockwell, 376
- ELECTRIC BATTERIES : 23, 2i, 48, 95, 96, 190, 238, 535
- Primary, C. Baudot, 535 ; R. H. Courtenay, 238 ; J. Enright, 535 ; H. Fairfax, 238 ; F. H. Gossage, 48; J. C. Hiinmer, 190; E. E. Senet, 535 ; IF. Wenzel, 238; Secondary, N. Basset, 96 ; S. Kalischer, 238; .4. Khotinilcy, 24 ; F. M. Lyte, 23 ; J. L. Moisy, 535 ; J. S. Sellon, 95 Electric Brakes, R. Sutcliffe, 377 Electric Circuits, C. E. Allen, 118 ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS : 24, 48, 189, 377, 535
- H. F. Campbell, 24; C, II, Goebel and G. W. Bratton, 189 ; S. E. Shelbourne, ^11 ; M. Sugar, 377 ; J. W. Tringham, 377 ; B. S. Waring, Zll', for Coils, A. Millar, 535; Insulating, T. S. Leigh, 535 ; J. B. Hyde, 48; W. W. Averell, 535 ; Protecting Underground, W. H. and W.
- A. Slade, 535; for Railway Trains, T. J. Mortin, 535; Submarine, H. G. Baker, 535 ; Supporting Aerial, A. T. Archer, 535
- Distributing, J. S. Beeman, 22; Gordon, 377
- T. A, Edison, 377; W. Hartnell, P. W. Willans, and B. E. B. Crompton, 421 ; A. Ja^niesonand S. Alley, 238; F. A. Pocock, E. George, and R. Cook, 74
- ELECTRIC GENERATORS : 238, 377, 535
- Secondary, L. Bollmann, 238 ; J. Swinburne, 535 ; C. Zipernowski and M. Deri, 377 ELECTRIC LAMPS : 23, 190, 378, 421, 535, 536
- Arc, J. Brockie, 535 ; B. 11. Gould, 378; C.
- Lever, 535, 536; T. J. McTighe and C. T. McConnell, 23 ; II. IF. Pendrcd, 378; S. H.
- Short, 378 ; F. Thornton and 0. Bomanze,^^^', II. Trott and C. F. Fenton, 378 ; Carbons for Arc, W. Hartnell, 378
- Incandescence, W. E. Debenham, 536 ; J. H. Gardner, 536 ; L. Golberg and A. L. Fife, 422 ; O. A. Moses, 536; Siemens and Halske, 378; Arranging in Scries, Siemens and Halske,, 536 ; Carbons for, J. IF. Sivan, 190 ; Filaments for,
- D. Zanni and A. Shippey, 422 ;feafety, T. Coad, 536; N. S. White, 378; Holdc jfor, R. Barlow, 536; C. Dornfeld, 378; E. Weston, 536
- Electric Igniting Apparatus, E. Witte, 24 Electric Motor Engines, F. H. Danchell, 21G Electrical Machines, J. S. Williams, 118 ELECTRIC METERS : 22, 23,95, 21G, 308, 377, 53G, 558
- Current {See also Galvanometers), R. Belfield, 22; R. E. Dunston, 536; J. Ilours-Iluinbert, 23 ; Sir D. Salomons, 377
- ELECTRICAL SWITCHES, Automatic: 238, 378
- J. B. Dyer, 238 ; W. Fitz C. McCarty, 378 ; E. F. II. II. Lanckert, 378 ; J. Neifing, 378
- Electricity, Utilisation of, for Operating Torpedoes, Railways, &c., J. S. Williams, 422
- Electricity, Utilisation of, for Producing Gaseous Fuel, &c., J. S. Wiliams, 422
- Electromagnets, W. Leffler, 535
- ENGINE FITTINGS : 144, 21G, 260, 308, 329, 330, 463, 464, 558
- Condensers, J. Kirkaldy, 330 ; A. Vivien and
- A. D. K. Dujardin, 558; Crank-Pins, A. Burton, 464 ; Cranks, A. E. and II. N. Butter, 558 ; Crankshafts, II. Foster, 330; Governors, M.
- R. Copland, 558; J. M. Hall, 558; IF. Hartnell, 216 ; J. L. Heald, 558; W. Knowles, 144; IF. Murdock, 330, 463; G. Revet, 330; A. Aalui, 260; Operating Chimneys of Engines, J. T. Smith, 329; Operating Valves of Engines, A.
- D. Bryce-Douglas, 260 ; C. J. Galloway and J. //, Beckwith, 463 ; Packing Spring, W. Brickley, 330; Pistons {See Pistons); Superheating and Regulating Steam to, J. P. Garadot, 330 ; Slide Valves of {See Valves); Speed Indicator, B, Toioer, 308; Speed Indicator, Continuous, Schaffer and Budenberg, 558 ; Stuffing-Boxes,
- E. S. Hough, 330 ; J. 11. Smith and R. Marshall, 558 ; B. Rhodes, 558
- ENGINES : 144, 329, 421
- Barring, C. J. Galloioay and J. 11. Beckwith, 329 ; R. Matthews, 329 ; J. M'usgravc and A. Walsh, 329 ; Caloric, M. P. IF. Boulton and
- E. Penett, 421; F. Knoeferl, 329
- ENGINES : Gas, 74, 96, 144, 189, 260, 421, 422, 464, 557, 558
- Benz and Co., 464 ; J. Douyill, 558; G. M. Hopkins, 464; P. Mugnier, 260; P IMurray, 558; E. C. Mills, 74 ; L. 11., 189; R. Skene, 557 C. M. Sombart, 96; L. Sterne, 260 ; IF. IF. Tonkin, 422 ; E. G. Wastjield, 422 ; E. J. C. Welch and R. C. Rapier, 421; H. W,
- Whitehead and K. Steel, 464 ; S. L. Wiegand^ 558 : Regulating Flow of Gas in Mains Supply’- ing, T. Bradbear, 464 ; Hot Air, J, Hargreaves, 557 ; >8. inicox, 144 ; and Steam, W. Turnbull, 189 I
- ENGINES, Rotarj^: 47, 421, 464, 557
- H. L. Bcnnison, 464; D. McColgan, 464; W. Paddock, 421; A.. A. W. Van Reede, ; B. Todd,557
- ENGINES, Steam : 23, 24, 74,189, 216, 260, 421, 463, 464, 557, 602
- A. B. Prorvn, II. II. Westinglionse^ A. G. £ro2vn, a7id II. Tabor^ 464; F. I>. Cumnver, 23; H. Ilowaldt, 216 ; T. Hunt, 23; P. G. Jacomy^ 260 ; L. Mcgy, 260 ; (?. IF. Price, ; Combined Steam and Hot Air, W. Turnbull, 189; Compound, D. A. Cormack, 463; T. IF. Po7'ter, 421; Compound Marine ; W. B. Thompson, 24 ; Duplex, M. W. Hall, 464 ; Locomotive type, W. Wilkinson, 557 : Marine, R. Wyllie, 74 ; Traction, W, Wilkinson, 24 ; W. Box, 602 Engraving, Electrical Apparatus for. The Bain
- Electric Company, 23 Excavators, J. H. McNee, 351 Explosive Compounds, T. Nordenfelt and V. A.
- Meurling, 308
- Eyeletting Machine, Self-Feeding, C. Whitfield, 168
- Filters, IF. L. Parstoiv, 95 FIREARMS : 168, 308, 421, 511
- W. Gardner, 308; J. P. Onderdonk, 308; Breakdown Hammerless, F. Beesley, 511; Breechloading and Repeating, G. V. Fosbery, 421 ; Cartridges for, C. S. Bailey, 308; Locks for, J. Victor, 511 ; Magazine, C. Salvator and G. R. Von Dormus, 511; Repeating, A. Sarson and C. E. Winterros, 168
- Flames, Controlling Illuminating, G. P. Ganster, 144
- Floors, Construction of, D. R. Clymer, 188 Fluids, Heating, H. Defty, 47 Flushing Apparatus, Automatic, W. Ross, 168 Forging Machine (See Rolling Machines) FORMING MACHINES : 352
- Ductile Metal, J. Maxfield, 352 ; Spring, G. Norwood, 352
- Foundations, Sheets for Protecting Sub-Aqueous,
- F. Paponot, 73
- FURNACES : 23, 24, 48, 74, 168, 190, 216, 259, 329, 397, 463, 557
- G. Alexis-Godilott, 397;
- J, Periiee, 397 ; W. 397; Bessemer Converter, 24 ; Blast, L. D. York, 24 ;
- Smoke, J. Cornforth,557 ; Converter, P. David, a7id P. Hanh^s, 397; C. Walrand and A. Delattre, 397; 7’. Williamson, 397 ; Crucible,
- G. Pischer, 397 ; Cupola, W. Glaze, 397 ; Electric, for Treating Alkaline Salts, C. A. Faure, 24 ; Extracting Carbon from, W. Vogel, 259 ; Firebars for, T. E. Caddy, 463 ; J. Mailer, 329 ; IF. Morris and J, Wood, 557 ; J. Stephenson and W. Topham, 557 ; Gas, P. Siemens, 48; for Generating Heat, J. Dempster, 216; for Heating Iron, W. Farnworth and W. Felton, 24; H^’dro - Carbon, A. J. Boult, 23 ; for Ingots, E. W. Richards, 24: Manipulating Converter, A. Trappen, 397; Mechanical Stoker for, F. D. Rose, 463; Petroleum, R. Schulz, 23 ; Puddling, J. Louies, C, Vernon, P. Holden, and R. Bennett, 74 ; Regenerative Coke, Schlesiche Kohlen und Koks Werke, 190 : Regulating the Supply of Air to, IF. P. Gale, 168 ; Revei’beratory Gas, W. L. McNair, 24 ; Smoke and Gas Consuming, M. Krudewig, W. Kloh, and T. Hymes, 557 ; Steam Boiler, L. Bregha, 463; A, C. Engert, 259 ; J. Ferrando, 463 ; J. C. Jones, 259 ; C. A. Kniykt and G. IF. Thode, 463; J. Sawyer, 463 ; M. Schwab, 259 ; Supplying Air and Steam, R. Hepburn, 463; Travelling Grates of, C. J. Brentnail, 557 ; Tuyeres for, C. Thompson, 397 GALVANOMETERS : 238
- J. Blyth, 238 ; E. Boussu, 238
- Gas Burners, F. Siemens, 24
- Gas Governors, Mercurial, T. Redman, 512 Gas, Lighting by Electricity, C. L. Clarke, 168 GAS, MANUFACTURE OF : 23, 397, 398
- T. B. Fogarty, 23; S. C. Salisbury, 397 ; Stet- tiner. Chamotte, Fabrik, &c., 398 ’
- Grain, Cleaning, Lyall, Gray, and Company, 144 Grain, Decorticating, J. H. C. Martin, 47 GRINDING, CRUSHING, SIFTING, «fcc., MACHINES: 48, 189, 216, 308, 351, 420, 442, 579
- Crushing Machines, P. W. Gates, 422; T. N. Robinson, 95 ; A. Sottiaux, 442 ; W, H. Thompson, 95 ; J. Woodward, 48 ; Grinding Machines, D. P, Dowling, 420; G. J. Pritz, 442; Knickerbocker Company, 442 ; T. IF. B. Mumford and R. Moodie', 96, 442 ; C. Schutze, 308 ;
- R. Setz and J. Schweiter, 308 ; Faces for Mills, J. and W. J. Woods, 579; Pulverisers, J. and D. Raymond, 398; Swords, Files, &c., A. Greenwood, 216; Sifting Machines, R. and G. Neal and C. R. Whitmee, 189 ; Stone Breakers, W. H. Baxter, 351; T. A. Blake, 351; G. Dalton, 351
- HAMMERS, STEAM : 24, 421, 441
- J. Cochrane, 24; G. Glossop, 441; P. B. Meatyard, 421
- HAULING AND LIFTING MACHINERY: 23, 96, 168, 351, 442, 580
- Capstans, S. Baxter, 442; Cranes, J. Craveii, 580; W. B. Knapman, 442; G. Russell, 442; W. L. Williams and H. Adams, 442; for Coal, A. R. Large, 580; Hydraulic, L. Richards, 351; Method of Revolving, II. J. Coles, 351 ; Elevators, IF. G, Herbert, 580; Hoisting Apparatus, S. Butler, 580 ; Lifting Machinery, J. M. Day, W. R. Green, H. C. Walker, and R.. Carry, 580; Lifts, J. Clayton, 580; Hydraulic, A. Clark, 442 ; H. M. L. Crouan, 23 ; II. IF. Kerle, 580 ; Staiths, S. Butler, 580 ; Winches, W. Clarke, 168 ; Winding for Mines, A. Lindenberg, 96; Windlasses, IF. Clarke, 96, 442
- Hinges, Spring, J. S. Stevens and C. G. Major, 144
- HOSE : 95, 511 (See also Tubing) O.Blodnerand H. Vierschrodt, 95 ; Couplings, J. B. Harris, 511; C. P. Mark, 511; India- Rubber, J. B. Harris, 511
- Illuminating, 0. Fahnehjelm,
- Ingots, Treating, J, Gjcrs, 398; T. Smith, 393
- INJECTORS : 307, 512
- J. Dcwrance, 512; IK. R. Pdrk, 307 Iron, Reduction of, J. B. O. Thi^blemont, 24 INSULATING MATERIALS : 74, 96, 377
- J. L. Clark, 96; J. Grieves and J. 11. Bleoo, 377 ; A, II. Huth, 377 ; A. Muirhead, 74
- Lamps, Miners’ Safety, E. Evans, 24 ; 7i\ G. RiverSy 512
- Lathes, Chucks for, J. A. B. de Castleburg, 24 Lathes, Tool Holders for, G. S. Jones, 23 Lead, Manufacture of White, E. Schinoll, 422 Light, Producing Intense White, C. Clamond, 23 Lighting, Electrical, G. Trouv^^ 95
- Lighting by Hydro-Carbon Vapour, N. L. Pouschkareff, 190
- LOCK NUTS : 512
- T. K. Mellor, 512; W. Morley, 512; K C. Sinithy 489
- LOCOMOTIVES : 282, 601 {See also Railway Rolling Stock)
- G. T. Dickinson, 601; E. G. Wheeler, 282 Lubricant, J. Batson, 307
- LUBRICATORS : 260, 307, 512, 558
- II. P. J. Kessler^ 512 ; S. Marsland and J. Cush, 260; D. Sugden, 558 ; J. C. Thayer, 307 ; for Engine Cylinders, J. Dewrance and G. H. Wall, 612; Sight Eeed, J. Baguely and W. Eastwood, 512 ; IK. A. Boxjden^ 307; M. S. Cabel, 307
- Magnets, Permanent, S. H. Parkes, 377 Manure, Manufacture of, J. H. Kidd, 24 METALS, CASTING : 144, 398
- E. Shickle, 144; Continuous Lengths of, C. M. Pielsticker and E. C. G. Miller, 398 ; Moulds for, W. Shaw, 398 ; Process of, C. A. Caspersson, 398 ; Sheets of, R. Poensgen, 398 ; for Tubes,
- R. S. Kirkpatrick, 398 ; II. Stephens, 398
- METALS, TREATING: 398, 441 {See also Ores) Extracting, A. J. Rodgers, J. Koebig, and H. Mann, 398 ; Extracting Aluminium, E. J. Seymour and W. H. Brown, 398 ; Nickel and Cobalt,
- A. Krupp, 398 ; Silver and Gold, P. Manhes, 398; Purifying Copper, E. W. Pittuck and J. M. Hucklebridge, 398 ; Shaping Sheet, E. II. Burt, 441
- METERS : 95, 216, 260, 308, 558
- Power, W. Ashton, 558 ; Brandon, 260; A. G. Meeze, 216; Water, L. H. Nash, 308; IK. H. Tooth, 95
- Middlings Purifiers, J. T. Walter, 190 Mills, Sugar Cane, A. Le Blanc, 24 Mining Machinery, B. E. Asper, 144 Motion, Apparatus for Imparting, 0. W. E.
- Hill, 190
- Motive Power for Engines, H. G. Hosmer, 48 Moulding Machine, M. R. Moore, 398 OIL CANS : 352
- J. Heselwood, 352 ; J. and H. Lucas, 352
- Oil and Gas, Obtaining, W. McF. Henderson, 190 Oil, Obtaining, J. MacCulloch and H. Mac Vicar, 216
- ORDNANCE : 308, 511, 522
- B. B. Hotchkiss, 308 ; F. Maitland, 308 ; J. P. Onderdonk, 308; Blocks for, J. B. and S. E. Howell, 511; Working, Loading, &c., J. B. G. A. Cajiet, 511; Cannon, Pneumatic, IK. A. Bart- lett, 511; Guns, Machine, H. S. Maxim, 511, 622
- ORES, TREATING: 74, 189, 398, 420
- C. Cherry, 189 ; Containing Nickel and Cobalt, P. Manhds, 420 ; Zinc, G. V. Kra'insta'sche Erben and R. Wiester, 74; Pulverising Machine, G. and A. Raymond, 398
- PACKING : 260, 330, 463
- A. L. Normandy, 330; Asbestos, A. L. Normandy, 463; for Joints, W. J. Adams, 260; Spring, R. H. Taylor, 330; M. V, Schiltz, 330; for Valves and Joints, E. C. Bell, 463
- Pile Driver, A. G. Kimberley, 578
- PAVING : 73, 512
- J. M. Croft, 512 ; R. Hall and C. C. Woodcock, 73
- PIPES : 308, 511
- Couplings, J. T. Mason, 511; Flanges, La Soci6t6 Olry et Granddemange, 308; Joint, J. A. Ince, 511; J. Thomson, 308
- PISTONS : 260, 330, 464
- G. Dreckmann, 330 ; Packing for, T. II. Taylor, 260; of Rotary Engines, T. H. Thwaites, 464 ; Spring Packing for, IK. Lock' wood, 260
- Plates, Coating with Tin, E. Morewood, 168 Power, Transmission of, P. A. Humbert, 464 PRINTING : 48, 74, 96, 144, 163, 420
- Printers’ Quoins, J. C. W. Featherstonhaugh, 168; Machinery, T. S. Nowell, 96; G. IK. Osborn and Dr. IK. Yates, 168; Lithographic, A. Paton, 168 ; with Metal Engravings, T. Shields, 74; Presses, T. S. Nowell, 168; Types, L. B. Benton, 144 ; Toggle Presses, E. B. Meatyard, 420; Type-Writing Machines, J. H. Hammond, 144 ; J. L. Young, 48
- PULLEYS : 351, 511, 580
- 0. R. Olsen, 511; Bearings for Loose, J. Bond, 511; Blocks, Double Chain Guide for, J., R., A., J. W., and E, F. H. Barnsley, 580; Differential, G. Smith, 351 ; or Drums, J. H. Boddy, 511; Split Driving, W, G. Storey, 511;
- PUMPS : 48, 95, 421, 442, 580
- H. M. L. Babcox, 442; F. P. and E. J. Preston, • and J. T. Prestige, 95 : A. Reis, 48; Chain,
- S. B. Goslin and R. Rackham, 442 ; Hand, J. H. H. Efendi, 442; for Hydraulic Presses, IK. Hutchinson, 442; Rotary, W. Paddock, 421; W. H. Thompson, 580 : Steam, W. Anderson, 442 ; Valves, Suction, J, Weir, 442
- RAILWAY BRAKES : 23, 282, 490, 602
- H. Flad,490; J. J. Lappin, 282; Connections for Fluid Pressure, G. Westinghouse, 23 ; Hose for, P. A. Magowan, 602; Hose Connections of, C. E. Mark, 490; Vacuum and Steam. S, Carlton, 490
- RAILWAY CAR COUPLINGS : 23, 282, 490,602
- E. F. A. Brandt, 490; R. H. Dowling, W. Baker, and C. H. Follett, 602; J. and G. Gaskell, 490; J. Hyde, 282; E. II. Janney, 490 ; P. Masden, 23 ; A. IK. Rendell, 602; E. Richmond, 490; R. C. Sayer, 490
- Railway, Electric, J. C. Henderson, 377
- RAILWAY PERMANENT WAY : 47, 216, 282, 489, 601 J. M. Burke, 601; J. Chater, 489; IK. N. Colam and R. E. Phillips, 601; J. Cooke and
- D. Aitkenson, 489 ; D. Ellis, 282 ; T. G. Hardie,
- S. B. Depree, and M. Willes, 482 ; E. G, Holtham, 21C; G. F. L. Meakin, 489 ; J. Morison and 1<. Armstrong, 601; J. Richardson, 602; li. ]). Sanders, ; P. S. Stevens, 282 ; M. and F. W. Stevens, 282; P. S. and J. Wilson, 601; Buffer Blocks for, A. and M. F. Bon- zano, 489; Crossings of, II. Withy, 11. W. Vieh, a7id C. Salt, 601; Raising Rails of, F. ?VVestmeyer, 489 ; Switches for, Railway Speciality Manufacturing Company, 47; J. O’Keeffe and G. Robson, 601
- C. Adam, 282 ; C. Bailey, 602 ; W. Fox and A. Gladhill, 490 ; Locking, C. Adams, 602 ; 11. 0. Fisher, 602 : H. L. M, Goodridge and T. R. Davies, 602
- RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK : 47, 74,282, 422, 490,602
- S. A. Flower and P. Ross, 282 ; Gesellschaft fUr Verwertbung von Erfendungen im Eisenbahnwesen, 422 ; W. M. Stnith, 282 ; G. W. Steivart, 282; T. R. Summcrson, 282; Air Springs or Buffers, IP. de Waystaffe, 602 ; Axle Boxes of, IP. S. G. Baker, 490; Axle Protector for, H. Parkes, 490; Bearing Springs for, G. and A. Spencer, 602; Berths of, J. and F. H. W. Livesey, 74 ; Buffers for, W. Boucher, 490; J. Tordoff, 490; Drawbars and Buffers, J. Heald, 602; Driving Wheels of Locomotives, T. L. Aveling, 73; Mica Bearings, R. W. Taylor, 489 ; Mounting Wheels, J. E. S. and E. Thornhill and T. Forknail, 47; Shunting of; C. Stiener, 490; Wheels for, W. J. Chadwick, 602: J. A. Hagan, 282; Wheels for Traction Engines, W. Box, 602
- Railways, Ship, J. B. Eads, 24 Refractory Material, E. Brooke, 397 Refrigerators, B. Moebius, 168 Regenerators, Q. Winstaiiley,397 Retaining Walls, A. Hubner, 512 REVERSING GEAR FOR SHAFTS : 308,442
- C. Scholes, 308, 442
- ROCK DRILLS : 48, 351, 442
- T. W. Asquith and R. E. Ornsby, 351; J.
- F. A. Halsey, 351; J. T. Jones and J. H. Wild, 48; Stocks, 442
- ROLLING, FORGING, &C.. MACHINES: 74, 441, 579 Forging, W. Horsfall, 74; for Horseshoe Nails,
- G. J. Capewell, 441; Nails, E. A. Lee, 579; Nails, Manufacture of, H. Campbell and J. S. Follansbee, 579 ; Nuts, F. A. Ilasenclever, 441, Rolling Machines, P. Daelen, 579; G. C. Gardner, 441; W. Garrett, 24 ; G. Legge, 579 ;
- R. Storey, 579 ; for Screws, H. A. Harvey, 579 ; for Bending Angle Iron, C. Wickstead, 579
- ROPES, MANUFACTURING : 48, 422, 512
- A. J. F. G. Telschow, 48 ; Schreiber and Company, 422; Coupling, A. Fngehnaxxn, 512 Rotary Motion, Converting, A. Kaiser, 168 Selenium Cells, C. E. Frittz and D. H. Hopkin- son, 238
- Sewage, F. Herbert, 118
- SHAFTING, 307, 308, 579 :
- S. B. Jerome and A. 0. Jennings, 307 ; Coupling, T. B. Almond, 579; R. C. Parsons, 308
- Shears, W. F. Wickenden, 352 SHIPS : 144,281,421, 489, 601
- Ships, &c., A. S. Hamand, 281; Construction of, A. Baude, 601; J. and J. S. Lees, 489; J. Mitchell, 601 ; M. Sebillot, 601 ; W. P. Thompson, 489; Raising Sunken, R. W. Doherty, 489; R. P. W5'lie, 421; Stern Frame for Screw, C. J. D. Christie, 144 ; Floating Structures, A. S. Hamand, 281
- SHIPS’ FITTINGS : 48, 73, 95,189, 281, 489, 601 Anchors, J. Barton, 48 ; G. Tyzack, 189 ; Bottoms, Cleaning, C. White, 601; Drag Anchors, J. Linkleter and W. P. Mears, 489; Drift Anchors, G. R. King : Davits, P.'P. Bonixefoy, 281; D. Patteson, 281; Deck Seats and Life Raft, J. Linkleter and W. P. Mears, 489 ; Grapnels, H. C. Chester, 485 : Hatch Coamings, J. Smith, 601; Compasses, Mariner’s, R. Meager, 489; Sir IP. Thomsoxx, 48; Protecting Compositions for, G. J. Andrews and J.
- E. Sutton, 281 ; W. Day, 281 ; E. J. Pearse, 281; A. Ryrie, 281; Raft, Life-Saving, O. G. Lambart, 489; Rafts, T. A. F. Hall and H. T. Clanchy, '281; Steering Gear, T. Archer, 601; W. II. Ilarfield and G. T. Burden, 73; J. K. Kilbxxrn and G. Fossick, 95; Ventilating, J. M. J. Barton, 601
- SHIPS, PROPELLING : 24, 281 489, 580, 601
- Paddle Wheels, S. Ballian, 489 ; JE. Bauduixx, 489 ; J. B. Ellison, 601 ; E. S. Hawley, 281; Z. Oram, 281 ; H. C. Pearsons, 281 ; C. L. Petersen, 281 ; T. Phillips, 489 ; J. M. Rosse, 680 ; J. Whiteley, 489 ; and Steering, B. Dick- insoxx, 24
- Sifting Machines {See Grinding, &c.)
- SIGNALLING APPARATUS : 23, 24, 47, 74, 118,168, 190, 378, 421, 536
- Electric, T. R. Brailsford, 536; 5. C. C. Currie and T. A. Pimniis, 118 ; Dreyse and Colleu- bixsch, 74; Equitable Electric Company, 536; W. E. Langdon, 536; H. C. Saunders and A. C. Brown, 378; J. R. Wigham, 24;-Intermittent Action of, F. W. Durham and J. D. Churchill, 168 ; Lamps, J. Rogers, 47 ; Railway Signalling, H. Morris, 23
- Signallingat Sea, Apparatus for, W. Balch, 23 Signalling by Sound at Sea, W. B. Barker, 421 ; Signalling Time by Electricity, L. M. Downs, 190
- Slotting Machine, C. Weitmann, 351 Sounding Apparatus, Sir IP. Thoxnson, 215 Springs, J. G. Dreyfus, 512
- Springs for Carriages, R. Croall, 168 Straightening Machine, L. Brightman, 398 STEAM TRAPS : 352, 557
- G. G. Picking and IP. Hopkins, 352; H. Hyde and W. Eastwood, 557
- STEEL : 95, 398
- Casting Ingots, G. IP. Billings, 95 ; Hardening, C. R. Childs, 398: Manufacture of, J. J. McTighe, 398 ; Treating with Ferro-Manganese, R. Hadfield, 398
- G. M. Morgan, 96; Puissant frdres Merbes le Chateau, 47
- Stone, Dressing, W. and T. Brindle, 190 Tarpaulin Fastener, W. Rockldffe, 282 Thrashing Machines, Feeding, R. R. Ilolben and S. Wilkerson, 74
- TKLKORAPHY : 23, 24, 47, 73, 96, 215, 216, 377, 536 Automatic, J. Absterdam, 377; T. F. Tavlor, 377 ; Lines, J. C. Chambers and N. C. Gridley, 23; Printing Apparatus, II. Van Ilocvenbcrg, 536; F. Van Ryssclherghe, 24 ; D. Sinclair and J. Jj. Corbett, 210; Relays, J. A. Malong and IF. (x. Coo2)cr, 73; System, »S’. UOOH, ; J. S. Domar, 377 ; Transmitters, &c., IF. C. McCarty, 215 ; Transmitters for Printing, S.
- D. Field, 90 ; Wires, G. Gray, 73
- TBLEI’HONIO APPARATUS : 23, 378, 530 1). G. Barnard, 530 ; J. Berliner, ; Receivers,
- T. IL Taylor, 378
- Tin, Obtaining from Metallic Surfaces, A. P. Price, 74
- TOOLS, HAND : 23, 351, 352, 441, 579
- Drill Braces, G. li. J^ostletluvaite, 579; Drilling Apparatus, IL S. Price and M. Belsham, 579; Drilling, Multiple, J. Carver, 23; for Facing Flanges, <fcc., J. Tyson, 441; Gasfitters’ Combination, G. Plumpton, 351, 441; Plane, Iron, A. n. Vaida, 441 ; Ratchet Braces, B. Godfrey and R. Garratt, 352 ; C. Schumacher, 352 ; Saw Sets, IL A. Hansen, 441; Sockets for Shafts of, T. Brown, 352; Stocks and Dies, J. C. Bauer, 351; Tube Expander, R. Barnard and E. Miles, 441
- TOOLS, MACHINE : 351, 441, 579
- Lathes, Screw Cutting, IL Wohlenberg, 441, 579; Metalworkers, E. M. Eckardt, 351; Planing or Shaping, G. Wilkinson, 441; Screwing, W. Jenkins, 351 ; Shaping, J. Craven and' G.
- B. Wood, 679; Slotting, J. Harper, 679
- TOOLS, MINING : 143, 420, 580
- W. F. Hall and W. Lowe, 143 ; for Detaching Coal and Stone, T. W. Asquith, R. E. Ornsby, and T. Nicholson, 420; Wedges, C. Burnett, 580: T. Hudson, E. Rowe, and C. Ileslop, 580 TOOLS, SMALL : 190, 351, 352, 441, 578, 579
- Chuck, Drill, T. J. Foster, 441; Cutting, C. Mather, 352; Drills, Twist, C. Carter, 441;
- A. Soderstrom, 352; Expanding Wrenches, Mandrels, &c., A. E. Lytle, 190; Mandrels, Expanding, J. Timmins, 351; Self-Centring,
- B. IF. Blunt, 579
- TORPEDOES : 96, 189
- C. A. McEvois 96 ; Carriage for the Launching of, J. B. G. A. Canet, 189
- TRAMWAYS {See also Railways): 216, 282, 422, 489, 602
- Cleaning and Sanding, C. D. Norton, 489 ; Endless Cable Traction, C. W. Rasmusen, 422 ; Locomotives for, J. IF. Hartley, 216 ; Permanent way, J. Richardson, 602; Rope, IL R. Taylor, 282; Carrying and Suspending Gear,
- T. A. Appleing, 489 ; Suspended, P. Roc and P. R. Bedlington, 602
- Traps, Seal, A. Edwards, 47
- TUBING : 308, 441, 442, 579 {See also Hose)
- Bending, E. P. Follett, 441; Canvas, J. Jones, 308; Manufacture of, S. Fox, 579; Metallic, G. S. Marshall, 442
- VALVES : 168, 259, 260, 307, 330, 442, 463, 464, 611, 512, 657
- J. Hargreaves, 511; Bill, II. Trott, 512 ; Distributing, B. G. Martin, 330; E. C, Peck, 463;
- C. P. Holst, 330 ; 11. lloivaldt, 168; Reversing, for Steam Engines, IF. Clarke, 442; 'T. 11. Oiven and S. IF. Allen, 260; Safety, T. Poster, 463; IF. A. Nicholson and A. T. Allcock, 259; A. Schmid, 557 ; Seating for, J. Phillips, 307; Slide Stop, L. D. Craig, 511 ; J. II. Blessing, 307 ; J. A. and J. llopkinson, 307 ; B. Rhodes, 511; Suction, J. Weir, 442; Throttle, H. J. Pearson, 464, 512
- TIMBER, 48, 74, 96
- Desiccating, J. A. Koch and W. Herre, 74 ; Impregnation of, J. A. Koch and W. Herre, 96 ; Treating with Fluids, S. B. Bulton, 48
- VENTILATORS : 73, 96,118, 144,190, 512
- W. H. Chapman, 512 ; F. Leslie, 144 ; R. Lofthouse, 190 ; A. Lorrain, 96 ; P. J. Prince, 73; A. J. Robinson, 118
- VICES: 351, 579
- IF. Bevoll, 351; Pipe, J. C. Bauer, 579 Water, Purification of, W. Anderson, 47 Weighing, &c.. Machines, T. H. Ward, 48 WHEELS : 73, 48, 282,489, 602
- Locomotive, T. L. Aveling, 73; Spring, C. and T. Burrell, 282; H. S. Stewart, 282 ; Traction,
- D. M. Osborne, 489 ; W. Box, 602; for Vehicles, J. Hodgkins, 48
- White Lead, Manufacture of, G. Hand-Smith, 190 Wire Fencing, Poles for, W. E. C. M. McCarty, 215
- Wires, Producing Spiral Grooves in, G. Gray, 441 Worm Gearing, J. 11. Abercrombie and J. S.
- Bryce, 308
- Zinc, Manufacture of Oxide of, A. P. Price, 24
- ABELL, R., Steam Boilers, 329
- Abercrombie, J. U., and Bryce, J. S., Worm Gearing, 308
- Absterdam, J., Automatic Telegraphs, 377
- Adams, C., Locking Railway Points, 602
- Adams, C., Railway Points and Signals, 282
- Adams, W. J., Packing for Joints, 260
- Agnes, V., Water Gauge Fittings, 329
- Allday, W. and E., Rotary Blowers, Exhausters, and Pumps, 190
- Allen, C., Tube Cleaner for Boilers, 329
- Allen, C. E., Circuits, 118
- Almond, T. K., Shaft Coupling, 679
- Anderson, W., Purification of Water, 47
- Anderson, W., Steam Pump, 442
- Andrews, G. J., and Sutton, J. E., Protective Composition for Ships, 281
- Applegarth, R., Primary Electric Battery, 377
- Apploing, T. A., Suspended Rope Tramways, 489 Archer, A. T., Supporting Aerial Electric Conductors, 535
- Archer, T., Steering Gear, 601
- Ashton, W., Power Meters, 558
- Asper, B. F., Coal Mining, 144
- Asquith, T. W., Ornsby, R. E., and Nicholson,
- T., Detaching Coal and Stone, 420
- Asquith, T. W., and Ornsby, R. E., Rock Drills, 351
- Aveling, T. J., Driving Wheels, 73
- Averell, W. W., Electric Conductors, 535
- Babcox, H. M. L., Pumps, 442
- Bagueley and Eastwood, W., Lubricators, 512
- Bailey, C., Audible Railway Signals, 602
- Bailey, C. S., Cartridges, 308
- B^n Electric Company, Controlling Engraving' Tools, 23 • ® ®
- Bain Electric Company, Generators, 22
- Submarine Electric Conductors, o35 ’
- Baker^ IK. S. G., Car Axle Boxes, 490
- Balch, W., Signalling, 23
- Ballian, S., Propelling Ships, 489
- Barker, W. B., Signalling by Sound, 421
- Larlow, R., Holder for Electric Lamps, 536
- Barnard, I). G., Telephonic Receivers, 536
- Barnard, R., and Miles, E,, Tube Expander, 441
- Barnsley, J., R., A., J. W., and E. F. H., Pulley Blocks, 580
- Barstow, W. L., Filters, 95
- Bartlett, W. A., Pneumatic Cannon, 511
- Barton, J., Anchors, 48
- Barton, J. M. J., Ventilating Ships, 601
- Bassett, N., Secondary Batteries, 96
- Batson, J., Lubricant, 307
- Baude, A., Construction of Ships, 601
- Baudet, C., Primary Electric Batteries, 535 Bauduin, E,, Driving the Shafts of Twin Screws, 489
- Bauer, J, C., Pipe Vices, 579
- Bauer, J. C., Stocksand Dies, 351
- Baxter, S., Capstans, 442
- Baxter, W. H., Stone Breakers, 351
- Beeman, J. S,, Distribution of Electric Currents, 22
- Beesley, F., Breakdown Hammerless Guns, 511
- Beesley; W. T., Cutting Metals, 190
- Belfield, R., Electric Meters, 22
- Bell, F. C., Packing for Valves and Joints, 463 Belleville, J. F., Marine Steam Boilers, 489 Bennison, H. L., Rotary Engines, 464 i
- Benton, L. B., Printing Types, 144 I
- Benz and Co., Gas Engines, 464
- Berliner, J., Telephones, 23
- Billings, C. C., Compressing Rods, 24
- Billings, G. IF., Ingots, 95
- Bintley, J. T., Circulating Water in Boilers, 329
- Blake, T. A., Stone Breakers, 351
- Blessing, J. H., Stop Valves, 307
- Blodner, 0. and IL Vierschrodt, Hose, 95
- Blunt, B. IF., Self-Centring Chuck, 579
- Blyth, J., Galvanometer, 238
- Boddy, J. H., Pulleys or Drums, 511
- Bollmann, L., Secondary Electric Generator, 238
- Bond, J., Lubricating Loose Pulleys, Sheaves, &c., 511
- Bonnefoy, P. P., Ships’ Davits, 281
- Bonzano, A. and M. F., Buffer Blocks of Railways, 489
- Boucher, W., Buffers for Railway Wagons, 490
- Boult, A. J., Hydro-Carbon Furnaces, 23
- Boulton, M. P. IF., and Perrett, E., Caloric Engines, 421
- Boulton, M. P. W, and Perrett, E., Producing Motive Power, 421
- Boussu, E., Galvanometers, 238
- Bowers, H. J. A., Purifying Feed of Boilers, 462 Box, W., Traction Engine Wheels, 602
- Boyden, IF. A., Sight Feed Lubricator, 307
- Bradbear, T., Regulating Flow of Gas in Mains Supplying Gas-Engines, 464
- Brailsford, T. R., Electric Signalling Apparatus, 536
- Brandon, R. H., Dynamometer, 260
- Brandt, F. F. A., Railway Car Couplings, 490
- Bregha, L., Steam Boiler Furnaces, 463
- Brentnall, J. C., Travelling Grates of Furnaces, 557
- Brewster, F. W., Lifeboats, <&c., 422
- Brickley, W., Packing Spring, 330
- Bright, Sir C. T., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 23 Bright, E. B., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 237 Brightman, L., Straightening Machine, 398 Brindle, W. and T., Preparing Stone, 190
- Brockie, J., Electric Arc Lamps, 535
- Brooke, E., Refractory Material, 397
- Brown, A. B., High-Speed Motors, 260
- Brown, P., and Johnston, C. W., Feed Water Regulator and Low-Water Alarm for Boilers, 463
- Brown, T., Sockets for Shafts of Tools, 352
- Bruce, W. T. C., and Still, A., Poles for Wire Fencing, 215
- Bryce-Douglas, A. D., Link Motion, 260 ^uchenheim, J., Tube Stopper for Boilers, 329 Buckley, W., Spring Packing for Pistons, 330 Budenbergand Schaffer, Continuous Speed Indicators, 558
- Bulton, S. B., Treating Timber, 48
- ^urke, J. M., Permanent Way, 602
- Burnett, C., Mining Wedges, 580 liurrell, C. and T., Spring Wheels, 282 3urrell, E. J., Boilers for Launches, 259 lUrsten and Pinselfabrik Donaueschingen Mez and Company, Brushmaking Machines, 48
- Burt, E. IL, Shaping Sheet Metal, 441
- Burton, A., Crank-Pins, 464
- Buscr, J., Non-Conducting Composition for Boilers, 259
- Butler, A. E., and IL M., Cranked Axles, 558 Butler, S., Staiths, 580
- Cabell, M. S., Sight Feed Lubricators, 307
- Caddy, T. E., Firebars, 463
- Calverley, T., Steam Boilers, 462
- Campbell, IL F., Conductors, 24
- Campbell, IL, and Follansbee, J. S., Wire Nails, 579
- Danet, J. B. G. A., Launching Fish Torpedoes, 189
- Canet, J. B. G. A., Working, Loading, &c.. Guns, 511
- Caperwell, G. J.. Forges, 411
- Carlton, S., Vacuum and Steam Brakes, 490
- Carter, C., Twist Drills, 441
- Carver, J., Drills, 23
- Caspersson, C. A., Casting Metals, 398
- Castelbcrg, .L A. B. de, Lathes, 24
- Chadwick, W. J., Wheels for Vehicles, 602 Chambers, J. C. and Gridley, N. C., Conductors, 23
- Chapman, W. IL, Ventilating Mines, Sewers, &c., I 512 I
- Chalcr, J., Railway Sleeper and Chair, 189
- Cherry, C., Treating Ores, 189
- Chester, H. C., Grapnels, 489
- Childs, C. R., Hardening Steel, 398
- Christie, C. J. D., Stern Frame for Screw Steamers, 144
- Clamond, C., Producing White Light, 23
- Clark, J. L., Materials for Insulating, 96
- Clarke, A., Hydraulic Lifts, 442
- Clarke, C. L., Lighting Gas by Electricity, 1C8
- Clarke, W., Ships’ Windlasses, 96
- Clarke^ IF., Steam Windlasses, 442
- Clarke, W., Winches, 168
- Clayton, J., Hoists, 580
- Clymer, D. R., Exits in Case of Fire, 118
- Coad, T., Safety Electric Incandescent Lamp, 536
- Cochrane, J., Steam Hammers, 24
- CoZa?n, IF. W., and Phillips^ R. Permanent Way, 601
- Coleman, J. J., Cooling Air, 47
- Coleman, J. J,, Mechanically Cooling Air, 512
- CoZes, II. J., Cranes, 351
- Cook^ J.^and Atkiiiaon, E.-, Permanent Way, 489 Cooper, C. F,, Armatures of Dynamo-Electric Machines, 535
- Copland^ M. Governors for Engines, 558, Cormack, D. A., Compound Steam Engines, 463 Cornforth, J., Furnaces for Consuming Smoke, 557
- Courtenay, R. H., Galvanic Battery, 238
- Cowman, A. B., Coke, 24
- Cowper, P., and Rae, M., Distillation of Coal, 118
- Craddock^ T.^ Steam Boiler, 557
- Craig^ L, Stop Valves, 511
- Craig, W., Circulating Water in Boilers, 259
- Craig, W., Getting up Steam in Boilers, 462
- Craven, J., Cranes, 580
- Cravezi, J., and IFood, G. Machinery for Grooving, Slotting, and Shaping, 579
- Criner, (1.^ Steam Boilers, 259
- Croall, R., Springs, 168
- Croft, J. M., Wooden Pavement, 512
- Cro?npZo7i, R. E. B.^ and other6>\ Electric Current Regulator, 421
- Crook, T., Safety Water Gauges, 557
- Crouan, IL M. L., Lifts, 23
- Cwzrt?iver, P. D., Steam Engines, 23
- Currie, S. C. C., and 1. A. Timmis, Working Raihvay Signals, 118
- DaeZe?i F., Rolling Machine, 579
- Dalton, G., Stone Breakers, 351
- Danchell, F. IL, Electro-Motor Engines, 216
- David P.y and Manh^s^ P., Converter Furnaces, 397
- Day, J. M., Green, W. R., Walker, IL C., and Carny, R., Lifts, 680
- Day, W., Protective Compositions for Ships, 281
- Debcnham, W. E., Electric Incandesence Lamps, 536
- Defty, IL, Heating Fluids, 47
- Dempster, J., Furnaces, 216
- Depolpf Ci J. Van^ Dynamo-Electric Machines, 238
- Devolli IF., Tube Vice, 351
- Dewrance, J., Injectors, 512
- Dewrance, J., and Wall, G. IL, Lubricators, 512 Dick, G. A., Metallic Compounds, 96
- Dickinson, B., Propelling Ships, 24
- Dickinson, G. T., Locomotives, 601
- Dixon, J., Waddle, M., Dawson, jR., and Marshall, E., Boat Detaching Gear, 168
- Doherty, R. W., Raising Sunken Vessels, 489
- Domar, J. S., Telegraphy, 377
- Dornfeldi C.^ Electric Incandescence Lamp, 378 Dougilli J.i Gas Engines, 558
- Douglas, A. D. Bryce, Link Motion, 260
- Boivlingi D. E.^ Grinding or Crushing Machine, 420
- Dowlingi D. E.^ Roller Mills, 420
- Dowding, R. H., Baker, W., and Follett, C. IL, Railway Car Couplings, 602
- Dow ns, A. G., Signalling Time, 190
- Dreckmann, G., Piston, 330
- Dreyfus, J. G., Springs, 512
- Dreyse and Collenbuscb, Electric Apparatus for Fog Signals, 73
- Dunston, R. E., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 238
- D«n.$Zo?i, R. E.i Electric Current Meter, 536
- Durham, F. W., and Churchill, J. D., Effecting Intermittent Action of Signals, 168
- Dyer, J. W., Automatic Electrical Switch, 238
- Eads, J. B., Railways, 24
- Eckardt, E. M., Metal Workers’ Machine Tool, 351
- Edison^ T. A., Electric Current Regulator, 377 Edwards, A., Seal Traps, 47
- Efendi, J. H, H., Hand Pump, 442
- Egells, H., Apparatus Exposed to Corrosive Action, 74
- Electric Company, The Equitable, Electric Signal* ling Apparatus, 536
- Ellis, D., Suspension Tramcar and Rail, 282 Ellison, J. B., Paddle Wheels, 601
- E7if/ebnanny X., Couplings for Ropes, 512 Engert, A. C., Steam Boiler, &c.. Furnaces, 259 Enright^ J.^ Primary Electric Batteries, 635 Evans, E., Miners’ Lamps, 24
- Fahnehjelm, 0., Illuminating, 47
- Fairfax, IL, Galvanic Batteries, 238
- Farnw'orth, W., and Felton, W., Furnaces, 24 Faure, C. A., Salts, 24
- Keatherstonhaugh, J. C. W., Quoins, 168
- Ferrando, J., Steam Boiler Furnaces, 463
- Ferranti, S. Z. de., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 190
- Field, S. D., Transmitters for Printing Telegraphs, 96
- Pucher, G., Crucible Furnace, 397
- Fisher, IL O,, Locking Railway Points and Signals, 602
- Flad, IL, Railway Brakes, 490
- Flower, S. A., and Ross, P., Railway Rolling Stock, 282
- Floyd, C. A., Cabriolets, 74
- Fogarty, T. B,, Ammonia and Oases, 23
- Follett, E. P., Bending Tubes or Pipes, 441 Fosbery, G. V., Firearms, 421
- Foster, IL, Crankshafts, 330
- Foster, J. T., Chuck Drill, 44
- Foster, Safety Valves, 463
- Fox, C. J., Lowering Ships’ Boats, 216
- Fox, C. J., Moving Boats, 23
- Fox, S., Metallic Tubes, 579
- Fox, W., and Gladhill, A., Railway Signalling Apparatus, 490
- Fritts, C. E., and Hopkinson, D. H., Selenium Cells, 238
- Fritz^ G. J.y Pulverisers for Clay, &c., 442
- Gale, W. C., Regulating Air to Furnaces, 168
- Galloway^ G. and Beckwith^ J. Barring Engine, 329
- Gallowayy G.J.^ and Beckwith^ J. Operating Slide Valves of Engines, 463
- Ganster, G. P., Controlling Illuminating Flames, 144
- Garadot, J. P., Superheating and Regulating Supply of Steam, 330
- Gardiner, J. H., Electric Incandescent Lamps, 536
- Gardner, G. C., Rolling, 441
- Gardner, W., Firearms, 308
- Garrett, W.. Rolling or Forging Mills, 24
- Gaskell, J. and G., Railway Car Couplings, 490
- Gates, P. W., Stone Crushing Machine, 442
- Gesellschaft fur Veriverthung von Erfendungen in Eisenbahnwesen, Railway Rolling Stock and Wheel Tyres, 422
- Gill, J. W., Generation of Steam, 118
- GJerSy«/., Treating Steel Ingots, 398
- Glaze, W., Cupola Furnace, 397
- Glossop, G., Steam Hammers, 441
- Godfrey, B., and Garratt, R., Ratchet Braces, 352
- Godillot, G. Alexis, Furnaces, 397
- Goebely G. H., and G. IF. Brattonf Electrical Conductors, 189
- Golberg, L.,and Fyfe, A. L., Incandescent Electric Lamps, 422
- Goodridge, H. L. M., and Davies, T. R., Locking Railway Points and Signals, 602
- Gordon, E. F., and Hobbs, IL, Steam Boilers, 556
- Gordon, J. E. H., Distributing Electric Currents, 377
- Goslin, S. B., and Rackham, R., Chain Pump, 442
- Gossage, F. IL, Galvanic Batteries, 48
- Gould, R, H., Electric Arc Lamps, 378
- Gray, G., Producing Spiral Grooves in Wire, 441
- Gray, G., Telegraph Wires, 73
- Greenwood, A., Grinding, 216
- Greives, J., and Bleoo, J. H., Insulating Material, 377
- Hadfield, R., Treating Steel, 398
- Ilayan, J. A., Railway Car Wheels, 282
- Hall, J. M., Governors for Engines, 558
- Hall, H. IF., Duplex Steam Engines, 464
- Hall, R., and C. C. Woodcock, Wood-Paving, 73
- Hall, T, A. F., and Clanchy, IL T., Rafts, 281 Hall, T. F., Drive Chain Links, 330
- Hall, W. F., and Low, W., Getting Coal, 143 Haller, E., Electromotors, 422
- Halsey, F. A., Steam Rock Drills, 351
- Hammond, J. IL, Tj’pe Writing Machines, 144 Hamand, A. S., Ships, Floating Structures, &c., 281
- Hand-Smith, G., White Lead, 190
- Hansen, H. A., Saw Sets, 441
- Hannon, R., and Fernee, J., Furnaces, 397
- Hardie, T. G., Depree, S. B., and Willes, M., Railway Permanent Way, 489
- Harfield, W. IL, and G, T. Burden, Steering Gear, 73
- Hargreaves, J,, Gas and Hot Air Engines, 557 Hargreaves, J., Valves, 511
- Harper, J., Slotting Machine, 579
- Harris, J. B., Hose Couplings, 511
- Harris, J. B., India-Rubber Hose, 511
- Harris, J. B., Machinery Belting, 512
- Hartley, J. W., Locomotives for Tramways, 216 Hartnell, W., Carbons for Electric Arc Lamps, 378
- Hartnell, W., Centrifugal Governors and Expansion Gear, 216
- Hartnell, W., Willans, P. W., and Crompton, R. E. B., Electric Current Regulator, 421
- Harvey, H, A., Wood Screws, 579
- Hasenclever, F. A., Nut Forging Machine, 441 Hawley, E. S., Propelling Ships, 281
- Hayes, W., Steam Boilers, 557
- Heald, J., Cradle for Drawbarsand Buffers, 602
- Heald, J. L., Governors for Engines, 558
- Heath, W. E., Shoring up Dangerous Structures, 421
- Hebblethwaite, G. IL, Fasteners for Belts, 512 Henderson, J. C., Electric Railways, 377 Henderson, N., McF., Obtaining Oil and Gas from Minerals, 190
- Hepburn, R. IL, Supplying Air and Steam to Furnaces, 463
- Herbert,F., Sewage, 118
- Herbert, IF. G., Elevators, 580
- Heselwood, J., Oil Cans, 352
- Hill, 0. W. F., Imparting Motion to Parts of Mechanism, 190
- Himiner,J, G., Electric Batteries, 190
- Hockiny, F., Condensing and Cooling, 512 Hodgkins, J., Metallic Wheels, 48
- Hoevenberg, H. Van, Printing Telegraphs, 536 Holben, R. R., and Wilkerson, S., Feeding Apparatus for Thrashing Machines, 74
- Holst, G. P., Valve Gear, 330
- Holtham, E. G., Sleepers, 216
- Hopkins, G. H., Gas lEngines, 464
- Hopkinson, J. A., and J., Stop Valves, 307 Horsfall, W., Forgings, 74
- Hosmer, H. G., Motive Power Engines, 48 Hotchkiss, B. B., Gun Carriages. 308
- Hough, F. F., Stuffing-Boxes, 330 Hours-Huinbert, J., Electric Meters, 23 Howaldt, IL, Combination Steam Engines, 216 Howaldt, IL, Slide Valve for Steam Engines, 168 Howell, J. B. and S. E., Blocks for Ordnance,
- Armour, 511
- Ilubncr, A., Retaining Walls, 512
- Hudson, T., Rowe, E., and Heslop, C., Mining Wedges, 580 i
- Humbert, P. A., Transmission of Power, 464 Hunt, T., Steam Engines, 23
- Hutchinson, IF., Steam Pumps, 442
- Huth, A. H., Insulating Material, 377
- Hyde, H., and Eastwood, W., Steam Traps, 557
- Hyde, J., Railway Car Couplings, 282
- Hyde, J. B., Insulating Electric Conductors, 48
- IncCt A., Lead Pipe Couplings, 511
- Jacomy, P. (?., Steam Engines, 260
- Jainieisoviy aud Alley^ S.^ Electric Current Regulators, 238
- Janney, E. H., Railway Car Couplings, 490 Jenkins, W., Screwing Machine, 351
- Jerome, S. B., and Jennings, A. O., Shafting, 307
- Jones, J. C., Self-Cleaning Furnace Grates, 259
- Jones, G. S., Tool Holders, 23
- Jones, J., Tubing, 308
- Jones, J. T., and Wild, J. H., Rock-Boring, 48
- Kaiser, A., Converting Continuous Rotary Motion, 168
- Kalischer, S., Secondary Batteries, 238
- Keeffe, J. O., and Robson, G., Permanent Way Switches, 601
- KczZe, II. R., Hydraulic Elevators, 580 H. P. J., Lubricators, 512
- Khotinsky, A., Secondary Voltaic Batteries, 24 Kidd, J. H., Manure, 24
- Kilburn, J. K., and Fossick, G., Steering, 95 Kimberley, A. G., Steam Pile-Driver, 579
- I King, G. R., Drift Anchors, 601
- I King, R. A'., Dynamo-Electric Machines, 376 Kinipple, W. R., Bridges, 23
- Kirkaldy, J., Condensers, 330
- Kirkpatrick, R. S., Casting Tubes, 398 Knapman, W. B., Cranes, 442
- Knickerbocker Company, Purifying Middlings, 442
- Kniqht, C. A., Sectional Steam Boilers, 557
- Knight, C% A., and Thode, G, IF., Steam Boiler
- Furnaces, 463
- Knoeferl, F., Caloric Engines, 329
- Knowles, W., Governing Steam Engines, 144
- Koch, J. A., and Herre, W., Desiccating Wood, 74
- Koch, J. A., and Herre, W., Impregnation of Woods, 96
- KranOita'ache, G. V., cind Wiester, R., Zinc Ores,
- 74
- Krudewig, M., Kloh, W., and Hymes, T., Smoke and Gas Consuming Furnaces, 557
- Krupp, A., Extracting Nickel and Cobalt, 398
- Lamar, J. S., Telegraphy, 877
- Lambart, O. G., Life-Saving Raft, 489
- Lanckert, E. F. H. H., Electrical Switch, 378
- Langdon, W. E., Electric Block-Signalling, 536
- Lappin, J. J., Railway Brakes, 282
- Large, A. R., Shipping and Transferring Coal, 580
- Larsen, A., and C. E. Winterros, Firearms, 168
- Leblanc, A., Sugar Cane Mills, 24
- Lee, E. A., Wrought Nails, 579
- Lees, J. and J. S., Construction of Ships, 489
- Leffler, W., Electro-Magnets, 535
- Legge, G., Rolling Machine, 579
- Leigh, T. S., Insulating Material for Electric Conductors, 535
- Leslie, F., Chimney Cowls and Ventilators, 144
- Lever, C., Electric Arc Lamps, 535, 536
- Lindenberg, A., Winding Apparatus for Mines, 96
- Linkleter, J., and Mears, W. P., Deck Seats and Rafts, 489 . ,
- Linkleter, J., and Mears, W. P., Drag Anchors, 489
- Livesey, J. and F. H. W., Sleeping Berths, /4
- Lockwood, IF., Spring Packing for Pistons, 260
- Lofthouse, R., Currents of Air for Ventilation, 190
- Lones, J., Vernon, C., Holden, E., and Bennett, R., Puddling Furnaces, 74
- Lorrain, A., Producing Currents, 96
- Lowe, T., Preventing Incrustation in Boilers, 259
- Lotoy, D. II., Steam Boilers, 556
- Lucas, J. and IL, Oil Cans, 352
- Lyall, Gray, and Company, Cleaning Seed and Grains, 144
- Lyte, F. M., Secondary Batteries, 23
- Lytle, A. E., Expansion Wrenches, 190
- McCarty, AV. F. C. M., Electrical Switch, 378 McCarty, IF. E. C. M., Telegraphic Transmitters and Electric Controllers, 216
- McColgan, D., Rotary Engines, 464 . .
- McCulloch, J., and H. MacVicar, Obtaining Oil, 216
- McCuUock, J., and Reed, T.,Coke Ovens, 398 McEvoy, C. A., Torpedoes, 96
- McNair, W. L., Reverberatory Gas 1 urnaces, 24 McNee, J. IL, Excavators, 351
- McTighe, J. J., Manufacture of Steel, 398 McTighe, T. J., and McConnell, J. T., Electric Arc Lamps, 23
- McTighe, T. J., and McConnell, J, T,, Dynamo- Electric Machines, 144
- Madsen, P., Railway Couplings, 23
- Magowan, P. A., Hose for Railway Brakes, 602 Mailer, J., Grate Bars, 329
- Maitland, E., Ordnance, 308
- Maloney, J. A., and Cooper, G. Il\, Telegraphic Relays, 73
- Manilas, P., Extracting Silver and Gold, 398 Manh6s,P., Treating Ores, 420
- Manhds, P., Treatment of Ores Containing Metals, 420
- Mark, C. E., Hose Couplings, 511
- Mark, C. E., Railway Brakes, 490
- Marsden, R., Pressure and A acuum Gauge, 329 Marshall, G. S., Metallic Tubes, 442 .
- Marsland, S., and Cush, J., Lubricating Crank- Pins, 260
- Martin, B. G., Distributing Valve, 330
- Martin, J. H. C., Decorticating Gram, 47 Mason, J. T., Pipe and Hose Couplings, 511 Mather, C., Cutting Tool, 352
- R., Barring Engine, 329 .
- Maxfield, J., Ductile Metal Forming Machine, 352 Maxim, H. S., Machine Guns, 511, 522 Mayhew, A., Feeding Boilers, 23, 462 Meager, R., Mariner’s Compasses, 489 Mcakin, G. F. L., Permanent AVay of Railways, McTfyard, K R., Steam Hammers, 420
- Meatyard, E. B., Toggle Presses, 420
- Mecze, A. G., Measuring Physical Power, 216
- Megy, L., High-Speed Engines, 260
- Mellor, T. K., Lock-Nuts, 512
- Meuron, A. de, and Cuenod, H., Dynamo- Electric Machines, 48
- Miles, G., Returning Exhaust Steam to Boiler, 463
- Millar, A., Insulated Electric Conductors for Coils, 535
- Mills, E. C,, Gas Engines, 74
- Hirjin, IF. H., Steam Boiler, «Scc., Furnaces, 329
- Mitchell, J., Shipbuilding, 601
- Moebins, B., Refrigerators, 168
- Moisy, J. L., Secondary Electric Batteries, 535
- Moon, H., Amalgamating Machine, 398
- Moore, M. R., Moulding Machine, 398
- Morewood, E., Coating with Tin, 168
- Morgan, G. M., Working of Stone, 96
- Morison, J., and Armstrong, R., Permanent Way, 601
- Morley, W., Lock-Nuts, 512
- Morris, H., Signalling, 23
- Morris, IF., and IFood, J., Furnaces and Firebars, 557
- Mortin, T. J., Electric Conductors for Railway Trains, 535
- Moses, O. A., Electric Incandescent Lamp, 536 Mugnier, P., Gas Engines, 260
- Muirhead, A., Compounds for Insulating, 74
- Mumford, T. W. B., and Moodie, R., Grinding, 96
- Mumford, T. W. B., and Moodie, R., Grinding Roller Surfaces, 441
- Mumford, T. W. B., and Moodie, R., Roller Mills for Grain, 442
- Murdock, IF., Governors, 330, 463
- Murray, P., Gas Engines, 558
- Musgrave, J., and Walsh, A., Barring Engine, 329 Myers, F., Barrel Forming Machines, 190
- Nash, L. H., Gas Engines, 189
- Nash, L. H., Water Meters, 308
- Neal, R. and G., and Whitmee, Ballast, 189
- Neifing, J., Electrical Switch, 378
- Nicholson, W. N., and Allcock, Valves, 259
- Nicholson, E. H., and Allcock,
- Boilers, 462
- Niewerth, H., Aluminium, 74
- Nisbet, IF. R., Boat Detaching Gear, 601
- Nixon, J. R., Boat Detaching Gear, 601
- Nordenfelt, T., and Meurling, V. A., Explosives, 308
- Normandy, A. L., Asbestos Packing, 330, 463 Norton, C. D., Cleansing and Sanding Tramways, 489
- Norioood, G., Spring-Forming Machine, 352 Nott, G. H., Purifying Feed of Boilers, 463 Nowell, T. S., Printing Machines, 98
- Nowell, T. S., Printing Presses, 168
- Olrv et Granddemange, La Society, Pipe Flanges, 308
- Olsen, 0. R., Pulleys, 511
- Onderdonk, J. P., Firearms and Ordnance, 308 Oram, Z., Propelling Ships, 281
- Orvis, 0. D., Hydro-Carbon Furnaces, 23
- Osborn, D. M., Traction Wheels, 489
- Osborn, G. W., and Yates, Dr. W., Printing Machinery, 168
- Owen, T, H,, and Allen, S. IF., Steam Engine Reversing Valves, 260
- Paddock, W., Rotary Engines, Pumps, and
- Blowers, 421
- Paponot, F., Protecting Foundations, 73 Park, ir. R., Injectors, 307
- Parkes, S. H., Permanent Magnets, 377
- Parks, H., Railway Rolling Stock, 490
- Parsons, R. C., Shaft Coupling, 308
- Paton, A., Lithographic Printing Machines, 168 Pattison, D., Ships’ Davits, 281
- Pearce, E. J., Protective Compositions for Ships, 281
- Pearson, H. J., Throttle Valves, 464, 512 Pearsons, H. C., Screw Propeller, 281 Peck, E. C., Slide Valves of Engines, 463 Pendred, H. IF., Electric Arc Lamps, 378 Petersen, C. L., Feathering Paddle Wheels, 281 Phillips, T., Paddle Wheels, 489 Phillips, J., Valve Seating, 307
- Picking, G. G.,and Hopkins, IF., Steam Traps, 352
- Pielsticker, C. M., and Muller, F. C. G., Casting Continuous Lengths of Metal, 398
- Pittuck, F. W., and Hucklebridge, J. M., Purifying Metallic Copper, 378
- Plumpton, G., Combination Gas Fitters’Tool, 351, 441
- Pochin, II. D., Bessemer Metal, 24
- Pocock, F. A., George, E., and Cook, R,, Con
- trolling the Supply of Fluids, 74
- Poensgen, R., Casting Continuous Lengths of Metal, 398
- Portery T. IF., Compound Steam Engines, 421
- Postlethwaite^ G. R.^ Drill Braces, 579
- Pouschkareff, N. L., Lighting by Hydro-Carbon
- Vapour, 190
- Preston, F. P., Prestige, J’. T., and Preston,
- E. J., Pumps, 95
- Price, A., Obtaining Tin, 74
- Price, A. P., Oxide of Zinc, 24
- PricCy G. W., Steam Engines, 24
- Price, H. S., and Belsham, M., Hand Drills, 579
- Prince, P. J., Ventilators, 73
- Puissant Frdres Merbes le Chateau, Cutting
- Marble, 47
- Railway Speciality Manufacturing Company, The, Railway Switches, 47
- Rasmusen, C. W., Endless Cable Traction Tramways, 422
- Raymond, G. and A., Pulverising Ores, 398 Redman, T., Mercurial Gas Governors, 512 Reede, A. A. W. Van, Rotary Engines, 47 Reid, S., and Thayer, J. C., Sight Feed Lubricators, 307
- BeiSf A.f Pump, 48
- Eendelly A. IP., Railway Car Couplings, 602 iievet^ G., Governors, 330
- Rhodes, B., Stop Valves, 511
- Rhodes, B., Stuffing-Boxes, 558
- Richard, E. W., Ingot Furnaces, 24
- Richards, L., Hydraulic Cranes, 351 Richardson, J., Permanent Way, 602
- Richmond^ A-’., Railway Car Couplings, 490 RichtcVy C.^ Dynamo-Electric Machines, 238 Riley Dynamo-Electric Machines,
- Rivers^ E. Miners* Safety Lamp, 512 Robinson, A. J., Ventilators, 118
- Robinson, L. N., Manufacture of Flour, 95 Rockliffe, W., Tarpaulin Fastener, 282 Roe, P., andBedlington, P, R., Suspended Tramways, 602
- Rogers, A. J., Koebig, J., and Mann, IL, Extracting Metals, 398
- Rogers, J., Signal Lamps, 47
- Roos, S., Electro-Telegraphic System, 47
- Rose, F. D., Mechanical Stokers, 463
- Rose, F. D., Steam Boilers, 462, 557
- Ross, W., Automatic Drain Flushing Apparatus, 168
- Rosse, J. M., Chain Propellers, 580
- Roth, L. Cement, 308
- Rowe, J. A., Joints, 23
- Russell, G., Cranes, 442
- Ryrie, A., Protective Compositions for Ships, 281 Rysselberghe, F. Van, Telephones, 24
- Salisbury S. C., Manufacture of Gas, 397
- Salomons, SirD., Electric Current Meter, 377
- Salvator, C., and Von Dormus, G. R., Magazine Firearms, 511
- Sanders^ R. D.^ Permanent Way of Railways, 489 Sarson, A., and Winterros, C. E., Repeating Firearms, 168
- Saunders, H. A. C., and Brown, A. C., Electric Signalling Apparatus, 378
- Sawyer, J., Steam Boiler Furnaces, 463
- Sayf^r^ R.^ Bailway Car Couplings, 490
- Schaffer and Budenberg, Continuous Speed Indicators, 558
- Schiltz, M. V., Spring Packing, 330
- Scldesiche Eohlen xtnd Eoks IPcrZce, Coke Furnaces, 190
- Schmid, A. Safety Valves, 557
- Scbmoll, F., White Lead, 422
- Schneider E., Safety Water Gauges, 557 Scholes, C,, Reversing Gear for Shafts, 442 Scholes, C., Shaft Reversing Gear, 308 Schreiberand Company, Manufacturing Ropes, 442 Schulz, R., Petroleum Heating Apparatus, 23 Schumacher^ C., Ratchet Braces, 352
- Schutze, C., Disintegrator, 308
- Schwab, M., Steam Boiler Furnaces, 259
- Sebillot, M., Construction of Ships, 601
- Sellon, J. S., Secondary Batteries, 95
- Senet, E. E., Primary Electric Batteries, 535 Setz, R., and Schweiter, J., Disintegrator, 308 Seymour, F. J., and Brown, W. H., Extracting Aluminium, 398
- Shaw, W., Moulds for Casting Metals, 398
- Shelboume^ S. E.^ Electric Conductors, 377 Shickle, F., Metal Pipes, 144
- Shields, T., Printing, 74
- Short, S. H., Electric Arc Lamps, 378
- Siemens, F., Gas Burners, 24
- Siemens, F., Gas Furnaces, 48
- Siemens and Halske^ Arranging Electric Incandescence Lamps in Series, 536
- Siemens and Halske, Electric Incandescence Lamps, 378
- Sinclair, D., and Corbett, J. L., Telegraphic and Telephonic Apparatus, 216
- Skene, R., Gas Engines, 557
- Slade, W. IL and W. A., Protecting Underground Electric Conductors, 535
- Smith, A. and A., Multitubular Steam Boilers, 259
- Smith, F. C., Nut Locks, 489
- Smith, G., Differential Pulleys, 351
- Smith, J., Hatch Coamings, 601
- Smith, J. IL, and Marshall, R., Stuffing Boxes, .558
- Smith, J. T., Operating Engine Chimneys, 329 Smith, T., Treating Steel Ingots, 398
- Smith, IF. JL, Railway Rolling Stock, 282 Soderstrom, A., Twist Drills, 352
- Sombart, C. M., Gas Engines, 96
- Sottiaux, A., Pulverising and Sifting Coal, 442
- Spencer, G. and A., Bearing Springs for Railway Rolling Stock, 602
- Spong, J. 0., Sculls, 47
- Stanfield, J., Floating Docks, Pontoons, &c., 421
- Stanfield, J., Hydraulic Lifts, 421
- Stark, J., Preventing Corrosion of Boilers, 557 Steiner, C., Shunting Railway Rolling Stock, 490 Steinmuller, L. a7id C., Steam Boilers, 462 Stephens, 11., Casting Tubes, 398
- Stephenson, J., and Topham, W., Grate Bars of Furnaces, 557
- Sterne, L., Gas Engines, 260
- Sterne, L., and Wainwright, C. D., Heating and Purifying Water, 259
- Stettiner, Chamotte Fabrick, &c., Manufacture of Gas, 398
- Stevens, F. B., Railway Permanent Way, 282
- Stevens, J. S., and Major, C. G., Spring Hinges, 144
- Stevens, M, and F. W., Railway Permanent Way, 282
- Stevenson, G., Steam Boilers and Furnaces, 190 Steward, R., and Watts, F., Steam Boilers, 462 Stewart, G. IF., Railway Rolling Stock, 282 Stewart, H, S., Spring Wheels, 282
- Stocks, J., Rock Drills, 442
- Stockwell, L. IF., Electric Motors, 376
- Stollwerck, G., Steam Boilers, 259
- Stollwerck, G., Purifying Feed of Steam Boilers, 259, 557
- Storey, R. Bending Rods, Bars, &c., 579
- Storey, W. G., Split Driving Pulleys, 511
- Sugar, M., Electric Conductors, 377
- Sugden, D., Lubricators, 558
- Summerson, T, R., Railway Rolling Stock, 282
- Sutcliffe, R., Electric Brake, 377
- Swan, J., Augers, 144
- Swan, J. W., Carbons for Incandescent Electric Lamps, 190
- Swinburne, J., Secondary Electric Generator, 535
- Taylor, II. R., Rope Tramways, 282
- Taylor, R. H., Spring Packing for Pistons, 330
- Taylor, R. W., Journal Boxes, 489
- Taylor, T. F., Automatic Telegraphy, 377
- Taylor, T. II., Packing for Pistons, 260
- Taylor, T. H., Telephonic Receivers, 378 Telschow, A. J. F. G., Rope, 48
- Thayer, J. C., Lubricators, 307
- Thieblemont, J. B. 0., Reduction of Iron, 24 Thompson, C., Tuyeres for Furnaces, 397
- Thompson, S. P., Electric Motors, 237
- Thompson, W. B., Marine Engines, 24
- Thompson, W. H., Crushing and Grinding Machine, 95
- Thompson, W. IL, Rotary Pump, 580
- Thompson, W. P., Construction of Ships, 489 Thomson, J,, Spherical Joint for Pipes, 308 Thomson, Sir W., Mariner’s Compass, 48 Thomson, Sir VV., Navigational Sounding, 215 Thorin, A. N., Dynamo Electric Machines, 238 Thornhill, J. E. S., and Forknail, E. and T., Mounting Wheels, 47
- Thornton, F., and liomanzc, 0., Electric Arc Lamps, 535
- Thwaites, T. H., Piston for RotaryEngine, 464 Timmis, J., Expanding Mandrel, 351
- Timmis, J. A., Boats, Life, &c., 281
- Tindall, R., Buoys, 282
- ToddjB., Rotary Engines and Meters, 557 Tonkin, IF. IF., Gas Engines, 422
- Tooth, W. H., Measuring Water, 95
- Tordoff J., Buffer-Boxes, 490
- Tower, B., Speed Indicator, 308
- Trappen, A., Converter Furnaces, 397 Tringhara, J. W., Electric Conductors, 377 Trott, 11., Stop Valves, 512
- Trott, II., and Fenton, C. F., Electric Arc Lamps, 378
- Trouv6, G.^ Electric Lighting for Surgical Operations, 95
- Truin, J. IL, Lap-Rivctted Joint for Boilers, 402 Tullis, J. K., Belting, 420
- Turnbull, W., Construction of Engines, 189 Turnbull, W., Steam and Hot Air Generator, 22 Tysoiiy J.y Hand-Tool for Facing Flanges, &c., 441
- I Tyzack, G., Anchors, 189
- Valda, A. II., Plane Irons, 441
- Valon, W. A., McI., Furnaces, 397
- Vanduzen, E. W., Water Purifiers for Boilers, 259 Victor, J., Locks for Firearms, 511
- Vivien, A., and Dujardin, A. D. K., Condensers, 558
- Vogel, W., Extracting Carbon from Furnace Fumes, 259
- Wcbgstaffe^ IF. de^ Air Springs or Buffers, 602
- Walrand, C., and Delattre, A., Converter Furnaces, 397
- Walter, J. T., Middlings-Purifiers, 190
- Warburton, E. C., and Crossley, L. J., Dynamo- Electric Machines, 168
- Ward, T. H., Indicating Strains, 48
- Waring^ li. S., Electric Conductors, 377 Wastfieldy E. G., Gas Engines, 422
- Wayne, J. B., and Markle, J. K., Driving Electrical Generators, 238
- IFcZr,«/., Valves for Feed Pumps, 442
- Weitmann, C., Slotting Machine, 351
- Welch, E. J. C., and Kapier, R. C., Gas Engines, 421
- Welman, J., Dredging Apparatus, 579
- Wenzelf IF., Galvanic Battery, 238
- Westinghoicse, G., Pipes for Brakes, 23 Westinghouse, H. H., Brown, A. G., and Tabor,
- II., steam Engines, 464
- Westmeyer, F., Raising Rails on Permanent Way, 489
- Weston, E,, Holder for Electric Incandescent Lamp, 536
- Wheeler, F. G., Steam Street Cars, 282
- White, C., Cleaning Ships’ Bottoms, 601
- White, N. S., Electric Incandescent Lamp, 378
- Whitehead, H. W., and Steel, R., Gas Engines, 464
- Whiteley, J., Reducing Resistance of Ships and Propellers, 489
- Whitfield, C., Eyeletting Machine, 168
- Wickenden, W. F., Shears, 352
- Wickstead, C., Bending Angle Iron, 579 Wiegand, /S'. L., Gas Engines, 558 Wigham, J, R., Fog Signals, 24 Wilcox, S., Hot Air Engines, 144
- Wilkinson, G., Planing or Shaping Machine, 441
- Wilkinson, H., Indicating Low Water and High Pressure in Boilers, 557
- Wilkinson, W., Condensing Steam and Heating Air Supply, 557
- Wilkinson, W., Steam Engines and Boilers, 557
- Wilkinson, W., Traction Engines, 24
- Willans, P. W., Dynamo - Electric Machines, 144
- Willans, P. W., Hartnell and Crompton, Electric Current Regulator, 421
- Williams, J. S., Electrical Machines, 118
- Williams, J. S., Utilisation, &c., of Electricity, 422
- Williams, W. L., and Adams, H., Cranks, 442
- Williamson, G., Cutting Nails and Sprigs, 73
- Williamson, T., Converter Furnaces, 397
- Wilman, J., Dredging Machinery, 579
- Wilson, P, B. and J., Permanent Way, 601 Witistanleg, G., Regenerators, 397
- II., Vick, B. W., and Salt, C., Crossings of Permanent Way, 601
- Wohlenberg, li., Lathe Headstock, 441
- Wohlenberg, H., Screw-Cutting Lathes, 579
- Witte, E., Electric Igniting Apparatus, 24
- Woods, J. and W. J., Grinding Faces for Mills, 579
- Woodward, J., Breaking Coal, 48
- Woosnam, C. F., Rowlocks, 489
- Wootten, J. E., Locomotive Boilers, 282
- Workman, Steam Boilers, 259
- Wylie, R. P., Raising Sunken Vessels, 421
- Wyllie, R., Marine Engines, 74
- York, L. D., Blast Furnaces, 24
- Young, J. L., Type Writing Machines, 48
- Zalm, A., Governors, 260
- Zanni, D., and A. Shippey, Carbon Filaments, 422
- Zanni, D., and Shippey, A., Electric Incandescent Lamps, 422
- Zipernowski, C., and Deri, M., Secondary Ele> tric Generator, 377