Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1930 British Industries Fair: Company G

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'Note: This is a sub-section of the 1930 British Industries Fair

Pdf50.jpg Full A-Z index to exhibitor companies PDF

Companies - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

GAMBIA (Official Exhibit), Organised by the Gold Coast Government, Commercial Intelligence Byrean, Abbey House, Victoria Street, London, W.l.—Ground Nuts, Cereals, Rice and Beeswax. Empire Marketing Board, Hall A-

“ GAMES and TOYS,” Vernon House, Sicilian Avenue, Southampton Rov/, London, W.C. Teleph. : Holborn 7526. Cables : Appressol, Wescent, London/— Publishers of Games and Toys. Monthly. Edited by H. Richard Simmons. Circulates amongst Toy Dealers, Shippers, Wholesalers and Stores. Subscription IO5. p.a., including annual Trade Directory and Diary. Stand No. E.85t

(WELLS), GARDNER, DARTON and CO., Ltd., 3, Paternoster Buildings, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 2713. Cables : " Publishers, London." Publishers of books of all kinds and on all subjects, e.g.. Popular Engineering, Archaeology, Nature Craft, Model Making, Amateur Acting, Biography, Sport, Religion, Adult Fiction, Children's Literature, Belles-Lettres, Annuals, etc., etc. Stand No. F.13.

GARNAR, JAMES, and SONS, The Grange, Bernidndsey, London, S.E.l. Teleph.: Bermondsey 1181-4. Cables: Skivagarna, London."—Manufacturers of Skiver Leathers for fancy leather goods and bookbinding purposes, and Crust Skivers for hat leather work; also Pickled Fleshes and Degreasing for the Trade. Stand Nos. G.28 and G.42.

GARRARD ENGINEERING and MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd., THE, Newcastle Street, Swindon, Wilts. Teleph. : Swindon 534 and 535. Cables : Garrard, Swindon."—Manufacturers of Spring Motors for Gramophones and other purposes. Precision Tools and Parts. Stand No. D.58.

GARSTIN, A., and CO., Ltd., 158 and 159, Aldersgate Street, London, E.C.l. Factories : Leathervilie, Hendon. Teleph.: National 2202 (4 lines). Cables : " Garstin, Cent, London."— Manufacturers of Fitted Dressing Cases, Ladies' Handbags, Purses, etc. ; Wardrobe, Motor and Steamer Trunks; Suitcases and Travelling Goods, Wireless Cases, Dog Collars, Satchels, etc. See Advt page 68. Stand Nos. G.83 and G.86.

GAS LIGHT and COKE CO., THE, Dauntsey House, Frederick’s Place, Old Jewry, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Central 9362-4. Cables : Blangus."—Manufacturers of Pitch, Road Tar, Tar-Bitumen Compounds, Tar Emulsions, Creosote, Naphthaline, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Cresylic Acid, Naphthas, Xylole, • Toluole,Benzole, Pyridine, Anthracene, Sulphate of Ammonia, Liquid Ammonia, Green Copperas, Spent Oxide. See Advt. page xv. Stand Nos. B.92. and B.93.

GATES OF LONDON,” Ltd., 53, 55 and 161, Curtain Road, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Bishopsgate 1331. Cables : Biogates, Finsquare, London."—Manufacturers of Bedroom Furniture, Bedsteads (wood). Bookcases, Bureaux and Cabinets, Dining and Drawing-room, Office and Kitchen Furniture, Mirrors and Overmantels, Upholstered Furniture, Wire Mattresses and Bedding, Gramophones.

GAUNT, J. RM and SON, Ltd., Warstone Parade Works, Birmingham, Teleph. : Birmingham, Central 7734/5. Cables : Clasps.” —Manufacturers of Advertising Novelties, Enamelled and Metal Badges and Badge Jewellery. Buttons, Medals, Whistles, Military Equipment, Stamped Sheet Metal and Erinoid Novelties. Stand No. D.112. Also showing with Birmingham Jewellers' and Silversmiths' Association. Stand Nos. D.98 and D.99.

GAYMER, WM., and SON, Ltd., Attleborough, Norfolk. England. Teleph. : Attleboro’ 4 and Bishopsgate 7221-2. Cables : Gaymer’s, Attleboro’, England.”—Purveyors by Royal Appointment to His Majesty King George V, of Cyder “ Champagne of England.” Specialising in Export and Ships Stores. Supplied H.M.S. Renown ” and ** Repulse ” for H.R.H. the Prince of Wales’tours. Stand No. A.115.

GENERAL CHEMICAL and PHARMACEUTICAL CO., Ltd., THE, Willesden, London, N.W.IO. Teleph. : Willesden 3781. Cables : Chemipharm, London.”—Manufacturers of ‘‘ Judex ” Analytical Reagents, conforming to recognised A.R. standards ; Laboratory Chemicals for industry and research ; Vulcan ” Plating Chemicals, of constant composition and purity; Oasis " Accumulator Acid for storage batteries. Stand No. B.77e

GEORGE’S NOVELTIES, Ltd., Pagoda Hall, 28, Hill Rise, Richmond, Surrey. Teleph. : Richmond 3295.—Manufacturers of Lavender Novelties, consisting of Sachets, Horseshoes, Nightdress Cases, Handkerchief Cases, etc., in floral and heather designs, and in various colours. Stand No. F.51.

GESTETNER, D., Ltd., 37, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C.4. Teleph. ; Holbom 0142. Cables: “ Cyclostyle, Estrand, London.”-—Manufacturers of Gestetner ” Duplicators and Supplies; Electrically and Hand-operated Ream Models. Latest “ Gestetner ” Models accommodate ream of paper on feed-board, count copies, automatically stop feeding when required numbers are printed. See Advt. page 114. Stand No. G.102,

GIBAUD and HEGLEY, Ltd., 147-155, New North Road, London, N.I. Teleph. : Clerkenwell 3661. Cables : Gibaud, Nords, London.”—Manufacturers of Leather Goods for the wholesale and export trade. Fitted Suit Cases, Dressing Cases, Motoring Companions, Writing Folios, Work Boxes, Jewel Boxes, Attache Writing Cases, etc. See Advt. page 69. Stand Nos. G.11 and G.16.

GIBBONS BROS., ROTARY CO., Ltd., Rotary Works, Edward Street, Birmingham. Teleph. : Birmingham, Central 41. Cables : ** Phone, Cent. 41.”—Manufacturers of Rotary ” Knife Sharpeners for Plousehold and Restaurants use, made in 20 different Models. Only way ” Safety Razor Stropper for stropping Safety Razor Blades. Rotary ” Orange Knives in Stainless Nickel. Stand No. D.74.

GIBSON, H. P., and SONS, Ltd., 101, Aldersgate Street, London, E.C.l. Teleph.: National 5652. Cables: Gibsons, National 5652, London."—Manufacturers of the " International Series" of Indoor Games, Puzzles, Dover Patrol and Aviation Games, Travelhng Chess, Chess and Draught Boards, Loto, Tiddley Winks, Ludo, Halma, Snakes and Ladders, Table Tennis, Playing Card Accessories, Compendiums. Stand No. E.1.

GIEVE, PERCY, Gordon Works, Hornsey Vale, London, N.8. Teleph. : Mountview 1788. Cables : " Gieve, Hornsey."— Manufacturer of Wooden Trays with cellulose lacquer finish. Durable, stainless, heat-resisting and non-fading. Made in several shapes and various sizes. Illustrated list on application. Embroidery Hoops in great variety. Stand No. F.43.

GILBERT, C., and CO., Ltd., 73, 75, 77, 79 and 81, Arundel Street, Sheffield. Teleph. : Sheffield 21244. Cables: Gilrad, Sheffield."—Manufacturers of Gramophones and Accessories. See Advt. page 84. Stand No. D.33.

GILCHRIST and FISHER (G. C. and L. BISHOP), 9, Waterbeer Street, Exeter. Teleph. : Exeter 2185.—Specialising in the manufacture of Crazy Patch work Shopping Bags," both in plain and coloured leathers. Also manufacturers of Leather Tea Cosies, Lounge and Motor Travelling Cushions. Stand No. G.63.

GILL, EDWARD, 54, Hylton Street, Birmingham. Teleph. : Birmingham, Northern 2311.—Manufacturers of Blazer and Uniform Buttons; Trimmings and Fancy Buckles for millinery and clothing trade ; Studs and Links, Toy Bells, etc. General Gilt and Metal Smallwares. Birmingham Jewellers' and Silversmiths' Association, Stand Nos. D.98 and D.99.

GILLETT and EWER, 9/10, Monkwell Street, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : National 4336. T.A. : Gilletize, Cent, London." —Manufacturers of Gentlemen's Neckwear; Specialists in Printed Morocains and Noncrease Ties. Stand No. A.99.

GILL0TT, JOSEPH, and SONS., Ltd., Graham Street, Birmingham. Teleph. : Birmingham—Central 5569.—Manufacturers of Steel Pens, Super Series of Rustless and Stainless Steel Pens, Gold Plate Pens for Fountain Pens and Penholders. Pen Makers to His Majesty the King. Stand NO- F.8.

GLASMAN, J. and H, 40, West India Dock Road, Limehouse, London, E.14. Teleph. : East 1822.—Manufacturers of Toy Conductor Sets, Indian Sets, Scout Sets, Railway Sets, Soldier Sets, Children's Tool Sets, Boxed and Unboxed, Fretwork Sets, Quoit Boards, Dart Boards, Table Tennis, Xmas Stockings, Snowballs, Snowmen, etc.

GLOSTER, JOSEPH, Ltd,, Lion Silver Works, Hockley Hill, Birmingham. Teleph. : Birmingham, Northern 1745. Cables : Matchboxes, Birmingham.'"—Manufacturers of General Silver Goods : Tea Sets, Bowls, Sports Trophies, etc. Speciality : Cigarette Cases in silver and other metals. Birmingham Jewellers' and Silversmiths' Association. Stand Nos. 0.98 and 0.99.

GODDARD HAMMOCK BED CO. (Proprietors, F. Goddard and Co., Ltd.,) 146-8, Borough High Street, London Bridge, London, S.E.l. Teleph.: Hop 5269. Cables: Twydall Sedist, London.""—Manufacturers of Camp and Garden Comforts, Couch Hammocks, Portable Beds, Hammock De-Luxe Garden Umbrellas, Awnings, Folding Chairs, Tables, Garden Shelters, Folding Cots, Children"s Rests for Schools, Nurseries, etc., also Dog Beds. Stand No. A.12-

GOLD COAST (Official Exhibit), Organised by the Government Commercial Intelligence Bureau, Abbey House, Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. Teleph.: Victoria 0761. Cables: Golcos Bur, Sowest.""—Producers of Cocoa Beans, Palm Oil, Palm Kernels, Mahogany, Native Cloths, Minerals. Empire Marketing Board, Hall A.

GOODE, JOHN, and SONS (BIRMINGHAM), Ltd., Quality Works, Gt. Hampton Street, Birmingham. London Office :— 101, Hatton Garden, E.C.l. Teleph. : Birmingham-—Central 2594. Cables : Quality, Birmingham.""—Manufacturers of Alberts, Dress Chains, Necklets, Fob Chains, Key Chains, Milanese Wristlets and Bracelets. 9, 15 and 18 ct. Gold, and various colours of Gold, also Platinum. Stand No. DJ37. Also showing with the Birmingham Jewellers' Silversmiths' Association. Stand Nos. D.98 and D.99«

GOODEARL BROS., Ltd., Mendy Street, High Wycombe. Teleph.: High Wycombe 116. Cables: Goodearl Bros., High Wycombe.""—Alanufacturers of Furniture, Easy Occasional Chairs, Fireside Chairs, Camber style Oak Furniture, Chairs. Stand No. A.53. GOORD, C. G„ a SONS, 320/322, City Road, London, E.C.l. Teleph. : Clerkenwell 2128 and 2129.~Manufacturers of Fancy and Solid Leather Goods, Ladies" Handbags, Attache, Jewel and Dressing Cases, Suit Cases and Blouse Cases, Fitted Work Baskets and Cases, Work Tables, Stand No. G.121.

GORDON, MCDONALD, and co., Ltd., Northumberland Alley, London, E.C.3. See Canadian Section. Hall A.

GOWLLAND, WILLIAM, (1916), Ltd., Morland Road, Croydon. Teleph.: Addiscombe 1463 and 1464 (2 lines). Cables: Gowlland, London.""—Manufacturers of Mirrors and Lenses for Cameras, Cinematograph, Ophthalmic Uncut Lenses; Surgical and Sight-testing Instruments; boilable Dental and Laryngeal Mirrors ; Spec. Light; Combined Sets; the New Instrument for Detection of Nystagmus. Stand No. A J 91.

GRADIDGE, H., and SONS, Ltd., 36, Artillery Place, Woolwich, London, S.E. 18. Teleph. : Woolwich 1641 and 1642. Cables: “ Gradidge, Wol, London.—Manufacturers of Cricket Bats, Tennis Rackets, Squash Rackets, Racquet Rackets, Badminton Rackets, Hockey Sticks, Fives Balls, Squash Balls, Cricket Balls, Hockey Balls, etc. Stand No. E.56.

GRAESSER-MONSANTO CHEMICAL WORKS, Ltd., King William Street House, Arthur Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Mansion House 8048-9, 8040 (3 lines). Cables : Graesanto."—Manufacturers of Phenol (Carbolic Acid) Cresylics, Cresols, Disinfectants, Acrosyl (Lysol) Chlornaphthalenes, Chlor Phenols, Aurine, Allantoin, Cresotinic Acids, Salicylic Acids (B.P. and Tech.), Acetyl Salicylic Acid (Aspirin and Aspirgran), Methyl Salicylate (synthetic Oil of Wintergreen), Saccharin, Vanillin, etc. Stand No. A.134.

GRAHAM, R. A., B.Sc. (Engineering), 49, Cambridge Road, Kingston-on-Thames. Teleph. : Kingston 2824.—Manufacturers of " Grayum" Folding Chairs, Tables, Crazy Trellis, etc. Graham Sidecars, Toboggans, Fire Extinguishers, etc. Stand No. B.5.

GRAY, A. E., and CO., Ltd., Glebe Works, Mayer Street, Hanley, Staffs. Teleph. : Hanley 2420. Cables : Gray, Hanley, England."—Manufacturers of Gray's Pottery. Hand-painted Decorative China and Earthenware in all Services. Table Sundries, Electric Lamps, Vases, Toy Tea Sets, etc.. Cafe Pottery; modern in design, gay in colour, suit all markets. See Advt. page 91. Stand No. C.18.

GRAY, H. J., AND SONS, Ltd., Playfair Works (P.O. Box 7), Cambridge. Teleph. : Cambridge 406. Cables : Sports, Cambridge."—Manufacturers of Lawn Tennis Rackets, Real Tennis Rackets, Badminton Rackets, Squash Rackets, Racquets Rackets, Hockey Sticks and Cricket Stumps. Makers of the famous " Max Woosnam" and “ Light Blue " Lawn Tennis Rackets. Obtainable everywhere. Stand No. E.74.

GRAY-STAN ART GLASS, THE, Exhibition Galleries, 183A, Brompton Road, London, S.W.3. Teleph. : Sloane 8767. —Manufacturers of Gray-stan Art Glass (Reg.). Every piece signed. Entirely New Hand-made Glass, Embodying the Colours in Precious ~ — — • Competitive Prices, Battersea. (Proprietors of Ernest E. Thompson and Sons), 77, Villa Street, Hockley, Birmingham. Teleph.: Birmingham, Northern 0934. Cables: Instanter."— Manufacturers of Mounted Oak Goods for Jewellery and Tobacco Trades, Solid Oak Clock Cases, General Electroplate Ware ; Multidish and Automatic Cigarette Boxes. Birmingham Jewellers' and Silversmiths' Association.

GREAT BRITAIN SECTION (Empire Marketing Board)—Official Exhibits of Home Produce organised by the Departments of Agriculture with the assistance of the National Farmers’ Union, Food Manufacturers Federation, National Food Canning Council, National Association of Cyder Makers, British Glasshouse Produce Marketing Association. Empire Marketing Board, Hail A.

GREAVES and THOMAS, Northwold Road, Clapton, London, E.5. Teleph. : Clissoid 9521. Cables : Orthaircra, Phone, London.”—Manufacturers of Put-u-up ” Bed Settees, Duofold ” Roller Cupboard Beds, ” Ee-zi-way ” Extending Tables in oval and refectory styles. Automatic Reclining Chairs and ” Box-Otto-Robes.” See Advt. pages 50-51. Stand Nos. A.21 and A.47.

GREEN, H. J., and CO., Ltd., Aidrington Works, Brighton, Sussex. Teleph. : Hove 4051 and 4052. Cables : ” Custard, Brighton.”—Manufacturers of Green’s The Original Brighton Sponge Mixture, Green’s Chocolate Mould (Chocolate Blanc Mange), Green’s Jellies (crystals and squares), Jinjaleena, Custard Powder, Chutney Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Soups, Brytona Confectionery, etc., etc. Stand No. A.111.

GREGORY and McBEATH, 19/20, Rupert Street, Leman Street, London, E.l. Teleph. : Royal 5207 and 5208. Cables : “ Cigboxith, Aid, London.'"—Manufacturers of the Springo Boomerang,"’ being a miniature model of the Boomerang used by the Australian Aborigines. This novelty is effectively used for advertising. Stand No. E.70©

GREIG, 0. J., and CO., Ltd., Wellington Works, Vittoria Street, Birmingham. Teleph. : Birmingham, Central 7173.—Manufacturers of Fancy Leather Goods, including Ladies’ Hand, bags, Shopping Bags. Letter Wallets, Pocket Books, Purses, Manicure Cases, Dressing Cases, Music Cases and Note Cases. Stand No. G.W9.

GREY, HENRY M., The Manor House, Tudor Road, South Hackney, London, E.9. Teleph. : Clissoid 9268.—Manufacturer of British Hand-made Laces and Embroideries, Honiton, Buckingham, Limerick Laces, Needlework Pictures, Samplers, Chair Backs and Seats, Screens ; Laces for Church use and for the House Beautiful.” Stand No. F.45.

GRIFFITH, WILLIAM, and SONS (BIRMINGHAM), Ltd., 15, 16 and 17, Northampton Street, Birmingham. Teleph.: Birmingham, Central 1772 and 1773. Cables : Established.” •—Manufacturers of Gem Set Rings, Brooches, Pendants, Ear-rings, Bracelets, Pins, etc. Ail classes of Gold Goods, including Brooches, Bracelets, Links, Safety Pins, Medals, Signets, Alberts, Necklets, Wedding Rings, etc. Birmingham Jewellers' and Silversmiths' Association^ Stand Nos. 0.98 and 0.99.

GRIMSHAW, BAXTER, and J. J. ELLIOTT, Ltd., 29 to 37, Goswell Road, London, E.C.l. Teleph.: Clerkenwell 7936 (2 lines). Cables : “ Grimbax, Phone, London."—Manufacturers of Clocks complete in Wood and Metal cases. Grandfather, Grandmother, and all types of Bracket ancl 1^'ancy Cases ; Dial Clocks for Office and Railway ; all types Clockwork Mechanism and Meter work. Stand Nos. D.106 and D.128.

GRIMWADES, Ltd., Winton Potteries, Stoke-on-Trent. Teleph.: Hanley 4141. Cables : Grimwades, Stoke-on-Trent/'— Manufacturers of Earthenware and China Tea and Breakfast Sets, Morning and Coffee Sets, Dinner Ware, Toilet Ware, Hygienic Domestic Kitchen Ware, Hospital Ware, Fancy Table Ware, Teapots, Jugs, Fruit Sets, Supper Sets, Vases, etc. Stand Nos. C.60 and C.73.

GRINDLEY, W. H., and CO., Ltd., Woodland Pottery, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent. Teleph. : Hanley 7177 and 7178. Cables: “ Grindley, Tunstall."—Manufacturers of High-class Earthenware, white and decorated ; also Vitrified Hotel Ware. Stand No. C.15.

GROSSMITH, J., and SON, Ltd., Newgate Street, London, and 2-4, Dukes Head Passage, 19-21, Ivy Lane and 24-27, IMternoster Square, London, E.C.l. Teleph. : City 3226- 3227. Cables : Grossmith, London."—Manufacturers of Perfumes, Fine Soaps and Toilet Requisites of Every Description. Stand Nos. B.29 and B.42.

GUELPH PATENT CASK CO., Ltd., West Ferry Road, Millwall, London, E.14. Teleph.: East 0279. Cables: “Cask, Mill- (‘ast, London."— Manufacturers of Cylindrical Casks for all Ivinds of dry goods ; practically dust-proof, light and strong, for export; made from Empire-grown materials in a range of over 400 sizes. Stand No. D.164.

See Also


Sources of Information